Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 10, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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j. -
Hownrd A. Hill, In wIiobo heart no
fear of thn futuro ot Medford hnu
been instilled by posolr.iatic tnlk
about bonds nttd tilings, has just mov
ed his bungalow to tho city from tho
big Hill orchard south of town.
Good dry wood $1.50 per tlor on
ground. It. P. Montgomery, CI 9 8.
nivoraldo. 221
John II. I'nlinor, of Gold Hill, ro
tnrned Inst evening, aftor a bitsltioss
visit in Med ford.
J. O. Corking, tho boot nil nround
photographer in eoiithcm Oregon.
Always reliable Negatives made any
whoro, tlmo or plnco. Studio 22S
Main St. Phono 320-.T.
Ilov. "W. II, Leyhurn, pastor of tho
Ilnptlst church nt Pilot drove, Mo.,
1mb nsliod Chief of I'ollco Hittaon, of
this city, to nsslst him In locating
his son, Aubrey IoyIiurii, who mys
teriously disappeared from Jewell
college, whore he was n student, nt
Liberty, Mo., on October 12. Aubroy
Is K. years old, flvo feet six Inches
In height, weighs l.'IO pounds and has
light brown linlr. Thu father is deep
ly distressed ovor tho nbsoncc of his
Poatago stnmps nt tfe Voo'fl.
.Judgo (Joo. W. Dunn, of the Ash-
i k i
John Summcrvlllu, former council
man, now intornni rovonuo inspector,
is spending two days in Med ford
checking up tho use of war tax
Mrs. Leach, Abdo-Support and
Harcley surgical cprset, nt .120 N.
Tho exhibit of'bonks at llic library
must bo returned to Salem and will
bo on display hero only until fi p. in.
Snturday. Thoso who have not ox
amlnrd tho books Mill find hoiiio
beautiful editions and also attractlvo
titles that cost loss. 'Whllo thoso
copies are not for sale, any one wish
ing to buy thn samo books can se
cure prices mid other Information
from tho librarian.
Sco Dave Wood about that rlr In-
ti ran co policy. Office Mall Tribuno
Frank Owen and Hdgnr left Wed
nesday for a duck hunt In Hutto vul
lov, California, near Dorrls.
Weston Camorn Shop for first class
Kodak finishing and Kodak supplies.
laud district, was a Medford visitor
yesterday, returning homo Into in tho
ICngraved calling cards or business
cards for Xmnn should bo ordered
early. Medford Uook Sloro.
Kdilh pally., tho unfortunnto young
woninn who was hold for carrying
nway her former employer's clothing
with evil Intent, wns takon to the
Good Shepherd Home In Portland Inst
evening, where It Is hoped sho tuny bo
much benefited.
Smoke a King Spit clgnr, Co.
Thoy nro homo-mndo.
A fnrmcr of this district expresses
the opinion that ho will profit by
trying horse beans as a cover crop,
lustend of vetch. Horse beans will
not do wall as a cover crop In this
ellmnta. Thoy will not count In value
of yield any of the bolter legumes
In thin climate, notably winter vetch.
Their value us a feed, except for
sheep, is not equal to that of vetch,
mixed with winter oats. Tho crop
niay not bn as conveniently handled,
and It con Is more money tn treat It
properly for tho market or tho mow.
nfter the horvost.
Miss Sadie Lacy who has had
charge of tho piano department and
musical kindergarten nt tho Medford
Conservatory has transferred her
classes to Miss Jaunnscn Iliitlor who
will nsslimo duties Immediately, and
glvo n pupils' recital In tho near fu
turo. Miss Duller who Is n Oons
pupil, hnu always boon closely identi
fied with musicians and things musl
onl In thri valley,
The Medford high school alumni
will glvo one of its usually Interesting
dance parties Saturday evening In
tlin now Seventh company armory,
where thn guests will have access to
the spacious club rooms. Medford
nnd Ashland high school students
have been Invited, it will follow the
big football Hunio on tlm loonl bat
tlefield on Saturday afternoon.
Auto tops, lights, curtains, such
Inns, rnvsrs, nnd hoods, at Tout Fac
tory. 100 N. Front. 203
Tho fuiinrul services of (leorw 11.
Morrlumu, pioneer resident of this
fllty, and one of the bwd known nnd
loved men In tho Hokum river valley,
worn held from tho ICIUh Temple
Tuesday afternoon, under th aus
pices of tho Itllis, In tho presence of
a largo roiieourso of sorrowing
frlwnds. Thorn wore many flnral
trlttiito. 'Phi bHHUlirul ritual or the
lOIkH was used, and tho lust trtbulo
wns iiald by Attorney ISvsn Umiiim. a
Ufolonn friend of tho deceased. Tho
entire inumborshlp of tho Indue nt
leudwl. After the services, thn last
mil jouriiH) to thn Krava wns begun,
whoru Ihu final rite "ere alvon. Tho
paltbwHiom were J mine V. L. Ton
Vollo, (' K. Oaiw. S. I. Www n. M.
PurUlit. J W Mltthell .1. 1C. Stow
art, and I.. M. I.hiiis.
TlukwUty, ISreetnr. Sandy Andy
null I'aitnma rMlwlrlver ar the good
mdnJuinical, American made ( for
this XliiM. it od ford Itaok Stere.
The HtMUurd Motor ioiupau baa
rtjeelvml anotlur car load of Dodge
nut, IuiIhUIhbT a wlutwr roadatar.
Utat hnu buoM purrlutMtl by V, it
Kswulnr meeting uf ltaaa Cbap
tr tonlKitt at 7 M MtifeiHlo Hall.
Fretf II. Huuklua of tU gnowi
llutte orchard. Central Polwt. baa r-
tuinad friw a ItuMMaa trlu to San
Why DM niartaJti yuur trioads
wtW a wyltjuf wiy. Aimtnl rata
will u mtllB l ativat ptrtlM, el aba
and oiKauliattona at the Hex Mall
alloys. : V tiraM ti
It. U Hunt) aasi family ki visit
llJB aa Han FiauelM vxpoaiUoa
liny Urdfurd wa4 cu4i at lb
""jjdng. V t-..Uj aa Xtaa Jo
(jlgST U" '"''' '"- M Mt4a4 vlaK
"Shoo ropnlrtng eMamatMd at 11V
(Jca'a. !
Dr. Harry II. Hart has returned
from n six week's trip to San Fran
cisco and San Diego expositions.
Plant bulbs now nnd got better
blooms. Wo have a stock of the best
Imported bulbs nnd Invito you to in
spect same. Our prices nro right.
Hyacinths (alt colors) 10c each, 3 for
2i'c; Tulips, strnlght colors and mixed
trie In doz. lots; Nnrelssus, 3c to Gc
each; Crocus, 20c doz.; Cyclamen, 2fic
each; Sacred China Lilies, 10c each;
.'I for 2fic; Kastor Llllos, 20c ooch;
tlladiolloH, r.Oc doz, .Monarch Seed
end Co, .117 K. .Main Street. 201
The Medford Dancing club, of
which tunny prominent pooplo of tho
city nro members, enjoyed n pleasant
dance nt the Xatatorlum last night,
the first of the season for this or
gnnjznjoij, About thirty couplca
wore present.
When better insurance Is sold
Holmes Tho lnsttranco Man will soil
P. J. Hawloy, of Don Moines, Iowa,
who has been touring the valley for
two weeks, will Icavo for bin homo
this evening. Ho Is Immensely pleas
ed with Southern Orogon and par
ticularly wltli ItogUo river valley and
confesses Hint ho would like to hu
enmo substantially Interested here.
Insurn your nuto In tho Alliance
against theft, flro. C. Y. Tongwald.
Henry Patterson, of tho Klamath
country, Is In the city today on bus
iness. Absence of parties whom ho
came to confer with may prolong bin
stay for several days.
Dolled ham and uncoil nt DoVoo's
Ashley Virtue, of Sacramento, Cal
ifornia, arrived this morning to In
spect tho business situation In this
vnlloy for hlmsolf and n number of
others who are desirous of removing
from (he Sacramento valley Into a
bettor climate.
Ilronches, ring, scarf pins, and
cuff links mado from local ngates,
I do not scud this work out of town,
hence can glvo you n lower ptlco.
Johnson tho Jewuler. 100
"Pear Unit Spoclal," a blond of
high grade black Urns. Schleffelln'H
F. L. Durkhalter, Southern Pacific
The local Commercial club Is re-'
colving u good many Inquiries from
residents of outsido districts concern
ing thn promise of success In the
work ofsocuritig nrroago for the beet
sugar mill. These Inqulrlos nonio
from thoso generally who know what
tho Industry moans to nny communi
ty wise enough to secure n beet sugar
Do Voo buy boor bottios.
110 acroa Ilut'.o Creek bottom, all
under Irrigation at u cost of ten cents
nn inch. Will grow nil grains, al
falfa, clovnr, onions, celery, sugar
boots; one fourth mile to depot. This
Is n proposition that will Interest you
If you wsnt something good at almost
tho cost of water. From tho owner
to you. Ilox 1 1 1, Kngle Point.
.Miss Helen Dnhl lort today Tor a
visit to tho oxposltion nt San Fran
cisco. lluttornut broad nt Do Voo's.
The Mlhsos Dye and Myor, popular
tiursos of this city, loft today for a
visit to thn world's groatest exposi
tion nt San Francisco.
Try n King Spitz clgnr nnd op
courngo home Industry.
George Delnney returned to his
homo in this vicinity today from nu
extended visit to the fruit district of
Hood river valley.
For wntch wont mat satisfies,
Johnson the Jowolor. 220
Mr. Van Wogon will go to visit tho
fair nt San Francisco tomorrow.
Hutto Falls Wood Yard, Phono IS
or 223; wood nil kinds. 203
C. W. Itnwnn, it woll known com
merclul mini In this valley, loft toduy,
after n prolonged business sojourn
hero, for Chicago, Illinois, where ho
will have an operation performod to
remove an old trouble.
Fresh roasted pednuts nt Do Voo'o,
bass drum and agreeing to supply
tho band with sheet music.
"The Human Interest Library1," In
two volumes was purchusod by the
board for uso In the schools.
Monthly expense bllln wcro ordered
Chesterfield's Powers
"An" Wonderful" Sayis Win. ,1. Ilrynn
"Ills powers nro wonderful to mo
It Is simply mnrvoloiiB the gifts
this young man has." So said Wil
liam Jennings Drynn In tho Pnxtou
Hotel nt Omnhn not long ago.
Ho has Just hnd an nudleiico with
Grant Chesterfield, tho eminent clairvoyant
oil through Medford on 13 today
Hot Tamnles nt tho Shnstn.
J. .1. Keith, traveling auditor of
tho Southern Pacific, Is a busiueas
visitor in this ally today.
Chocolate creams, caramels, chips,
ponuuts, etc., only 30u a lb. nt Do
W. II. Slinihan and Gem go I).
Ilroiikol, of Clinton, Ohio, are valley
visitors tills week.
Do Voo deliver tho Oregonlan to
ou ever day for 7Se a month.
D. P. Thels will leave tomorrow
for Sun Francisco to see why so
many people mi going to tho big ev
posltlon. Try oiid or thorn big Ice cold fi cent
mllkshnkna nt Do Voo's.
T MrPherMMi will leave on No. li
for Los Angeles. California, this oven
Iuk Drs. A. It. and Louisa Hedges, chi
ropractic physicians, Stowart build
ing, 'in ICast Mala St.
Albort Smith, of tho Midway cigar
stole, will enjoy the exposition at
Sim Francisco, for which city he will
depart tomorrow.
Itlden's hhoo repair shop moved
nomas street from old stand. 201
1larr A. Wjsoug. uf Garfield, Col
orado, writes to til Commercial club
roi information eonwnln the pro
duction of lCngltali wnlnuta and nhlck-
aa In thw vnllo). Me hui be as-
aurwl for both of tNoto products rout li
a state of well-night perfect nuiUit)
her I'oultn ba long twit a po
t'lnli among tltoae up-lo-dait farm
ers who know bow easily tlmy uiay
b made profitable, while the Kng
IUIi waluui ha doar - i woll hro dur
ing the iimsi (ph rar tbut II. tun,
it lMilg a siNwtaily
Hows tauu4a taffy at U Voo's,
Mia lar tttoarlv, ( Ulantlaht. ar-
rhd today la vlall alrti M fKiHlly
of Uliiaai Stwta. DouUhntb Pattftc
baa tautat.
All hala great l ra4lue4 at Lottie
Mtaa Bertha flltaua. al Kurt
Ktataaib. wba hat baaa UIb aa
atwU vlaU wlUi Mw tamUy f Ktra
CMW J. W Ufc'MsB. UH ItMUy tor
Saw lra4aro t miw u r4aM at Umj
rfwwyaua' vjLasa vsTr ai
HgasgsiMiN in lfi.iili,ili li I Hi 1 1 Viy ' - tiT
Seen In Ills parlors nt the Palm
Dooming House, 1 JO c t Main St,
the celebrated enigma was surround
ed 1 u throng of people waiting to
know what was in store for them.
superintendent for this division, pnH-Lsonio wanted to know If they would
soon make changes In their business
conditions; others If their recent dif
ficulties would soon cense; others If
they would ho fortuunto In their love
affairs; some wanted to know what
their sickness was and If they would
bo on rod. It Is said Profoeaor Choa
terfleld will lie obliged to remain In
.Medford several dns longer. Ills
parlors remain open to the public un
til S.30 p. in Adv
ilOMi:, No. to -The Italian llnov
Aiicoiia has been sunk by a largo sub
marine riving the Austrian colors.
She carried l.'J pusseugers and sixty
In the crew. Two hundred and sev
enty survlvois, some of thorn wound
ed, have been lauded at lllzorta.
For several months before Itnb's
entrance In the war tho Ancona was
engaged In earning home Italian re
nonlsU from this lountn and sup
plies fur tbe Kalian government. On
oim of htr trips from Now York to
Nnplsa Into in August lust year the
Ancona u slopped by tho llritish ut
Gibraltar nnd tvwnty-fuur Germans
ami one Austrian wwro takou oft the
ship. I.ato last summer dm Ancona
laft hr for ltaJ with 75,000 bushels
of wheat, 3U0H tons of hay and five
hundred horses for the Italian gov
ernment. On the same voyage sho
rarriod 300 Hallux lu the ateorage
who weut back because tt wns said
at the time they eould not get work
lu the New York subway.
hen the Aucua left New York
ON her laat vog October 17 she
was in rouiiuautl ef Captain Petro
too fc''K IO CUSSU'V.
KJeTATKRaWTraaireliVap If
Ugea at our. Adaraas . C , tare
Mail Tribuue
KOH BALK First of March K I
Red eorberels at clt reservoir J
No siucossor was eect"d to It. F.
Mulkoy, ns member of tho bonrd of
education at tho monthly mooting
Tuosdny night, ns Mr. Mulkoy's" res
ignation bus not been filed.
Tho board ncreptod tJio proposi
tion of tho library board to kocp sup
plementary school books, Tho con
tract was, thnreforo, signed. '
This Is a proposition on which Su
perintendent Hlllls nitd Ml!mkoblii
on, librarian, have boon working
iiHslduously since last fall and they
nro greatly pleased this un)rnihg wltl
tho school board's concluslvo nctlon
last night,'
In tho system proposed, the sup
plementary Heboid books Will bo dis
tributed to the pupils by the heads
of the school depaitment, thus mak
ing It poaslblo to reach tltoni with
moro dltoctuosH and with less loss of
time by the pupils In the matter or
study of the proper books, histories,
nnd ho on, tbnn under the old sys
tem. Tho teacher of onoh depart
ment will know Just what hooks to
solcet for her pupils. Tho books nro
holug classified now and tho new
system of distribution will soon bo
Last year" Die board appropriated
200 for the services of a special
hcIiooI librarian, whoso duty It was
to illstrlbuto tho supplementary
books, but the system wnu not satis
factory, Tho' now system will Incur
no oxtrn expense, but will ndd ninny
Tho principals of tho Ward schools
uoro appointed to begin tho work of
taking tho now school consult nt ouco.
This is nu Innovation Hint nppcnrn to
have sovoral udvniitngen, nlso, Inas
much ns the teachers will hnvn thn
assistance of parents nnd pupils In
their wards nnd will also bo ablo thus
to moot tho parents lu such :i man
ner an to yield benefits In tho more
lutimntn nuoiinlntniico thus formed.
The high school boys havo organ
ized a hand. They have begun tho
work of acquiring proficiency with
iljucli earnostness and are enthuslns
tle ovor the prospect of hnvlng n fine
organization. The hoard voted to on
courage them in tho purchase of a
i i L jd?" " p1 ffl
1 "? Shoe"
Save Vour llnlr! Mnw It Thick, , II k vJllJ
Wnvy, (Jlos;,y and Hcuiitlfiil nt H Wo ,,nvu gcoro(1 iU,other touchdown,
"r' Vv 1 wo linvo the agency for Medford.
Green Trading Stamps at lVflllll f
"CoOtl SilOES" V J
Onnusitc Post Office "
ii "'fnw,i. ' '
Ivlduey Trouble .May be Sapping
Your Life .vny. .Meilfoi I People
Have Leni'iieil This I 'act
When u healthy man or womiui
beglus to run down ulthoiil appar
ent causa, ihecoinos woak, languid,
dopressod, Buffers bnckache. head
ache, dlsxy spoils and urinary ills
orders, weak kidneys may be the
cause. Tho slightest symptom of kid
ney trouhlo Is too serious to neglect.
Doati's Kidney Pills have earned their
fnmo In their effectiveness In
streugllieulng the kiduos and keep
ing them well. Can .Medford renders
demand further proof of their morlt
than the following statement?
Mrs. Jane Waterman, Phoonlv,
Ore., says. "Any exertion or being on
m feet much caused b.ukaclio and
pains acioss my loins. I had bond
aohet, and dizay t. pel In and blurring
bolore ni oyus. All iIiinio showed
Hint ui) kidneys nstnled attention,
noun' Kidney pill lived up to nil
the elaliiH made for them. All tho
ailments iiiai dlstroased mo so much
were removed.-'
Prlie .Hi-, at all dealers. Don't
inpl ,i-i. for a kliluet remedy got
Point's Ki,uoy Pills the samo that
Mrs. Waiiriiian had FoMer-Mllburn
Co , Pro,..- , Duffnlo, Y. Adv.
Tho nu f economical, cleansing nnd
germicidal of all anUscptica la
A solublo Anttsoptlc Powder ta
bo dissolved in water as neoded.
As n treliclnnrnntlaopllc for douches
In treating catarrh, Inllaruinntlon or
ulceration ol noo, throat, and that,
caused by fomlnlno UlsithasnaenuaL
For ton yaars tho Lydln E. Piukhnm
Medlcluo Co has rccomiuonded Paxtlno
In their private corroso!idetico witlt
women, which, proves its superiority.
Woman vho havo been cured Bay
It is 'w.ii-.h its weight In gold." At
druggists ,.t.c lanre 'oot or 1v mulL
INixt-m ruiet to boHtou. Masa
fOlt aVI4E N. 1 JeMa
I. fWr U . Wartaa a.
201 1
Curnrr Gr4ry and JoifS Sit.
U ktlcl ! R(tnifl "
r. . 1NAI.-.I Willi ii in ativ mu
I t -III i- 1.0 kin 1 1,
, i I., li !W..UU!' lUHII.Iitl,
ii ii. (.i tli.' I I1-UUIN-ii
MIM'lliX KIPt.
-i i -i v. nj i. ni ivu" buiuiiuii.
RUfS; ii Id U.50 a iif
i ' rr vr m-it. t
! I l HI lll MtlW W
Hi iiw Ri.iV'1
I in
Try as you will, after an np)llca
tlon of Dandcrlne, you can not find
a single trace of dandruff or fulling
hair and your scalp will notitch, but
what will please you most, will be
after a few week's use, when you
sec now hair, flncund downy nt first
yes but really new hair 'growing
all over the scat)).
A llttlo Dandorlno Immediately
doubles the beauty of your hair. No
difference how dull, fnded, brlttlo and
scraggy, Just moisten a cloth with
Dandorlno and cnrcfullv draw it
!lirilnr1i vmir litilr !nllli, nil., muni! '
strand at a time. Tho effect Is Im
mediate and nnutislng your hair will
bo light, fluffy nnd wavy, and hnvo
an npeparanco of nbundnnce: nn In
comparable lustre, softness nnd lux
uriance, the benuty and shimmer of
true hair health.
Get a 2i"-ceut bottle of Kuowltou
Dnuilorlne from any drug storo or
toilet counter, nnd jirovo Hint your
hair Is ns pretty nnd soft ns nny
that It has bcoit noglcctcd or Injured
by careless treatment. A 25-cent
battle will double tho beauty of your
Walk With Ease
Dr. F. CI. Mann, Chiropodist nnd
Foot Specialist, Is in tho city nnd
loented at tho Palm Dooming Houso,
130 West Mnln St. ltemoves corns,
nnd Ingrowing toc-ualls without pain
or loss of blood, nnd treats bunions
nlso. Examination nnd consultation
free. Office hours 9 n. in. to S.'ltO '
p. in. Special appointments by phono ,
IllS-lt. Adv.
10c Brooin Sale
Also a big lot of
Furniture. at Next to Nothing
1 luivc iiisliillcil tin Klccti'lc I'olisliini'-Motor and an L'lk'c.h'iu Plal-
ins; -Motor. You may have yoiii'.silvci'w.'nv and .lowoli'v (.'loaned,
polished and refiiiishod on short notice.
I have also a .Manul'aetui'ini? Depiii'hnent.
mounted in thu jewelry or njjulo line.
You can have ovory thing iijiidc or
ft' '
TIII'Mi:VMLl:U. 212 M. ,LIX.
The beauty and comfort and dignity you look'.'
for in an enclosed car
The touring ra i' and tin- roadster converted into winter cars hy
means of demountable, electrically lighted, doth upholstered toys.
Designed ;.ud built espei ially for those carsretaining and em
phasizing the grace and beauty for which they are noted. i
The motor is l .." hoisepower.
The piiceol'thc i.itu Toni-iug Car. or ttoadster, vuniplo(u,'ili
eluding regular mohair top. is sjlin, f. (l. b, hetroit.