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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1915)
if t: i - - JJM' Srtr knibi' lam LiflW trf tt?r- WE i IT. M. "If ' .foil" Ci-" ,W ,jr. fci- AftM " f- - Km fc- 0nt r. hsr IK? r tfl f V , 'V I & : n l EAQE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDF.QJiP,,t..OKFiON, .TIIFRSDAY, SKPTflMBKR. 30, . 1915 MEDFORDWAIE TRIBUNE AN lNHRPMNDKNT NKWBPAI'KIt PUUMHIIKD KVKflY AKTErtNOON EXCEPT HUNIM.Y BY TUB, MEDFORU 1'ltlNTlNO CO. Offlcn Mall Trlbuni Htlltdln, H 21-20 North Kir strectj tclcpliono 75. Th Dtmocrntlo Times, THn Med ford Ainu, 'rue Aiturora Truune, tub nout crn Orcponan, Tlio Ashland Trbun. DBBCRXPTIOIT BATES Onh yiar. uy Unal ..,,.... $5.00 .Omi month, by mull ..,-.......... ,(0 Tr month, dnllVfird by cnrrlor In ' Mcilfor.l. Prtaonlx. JaekHOnvllln nnd. Central Point .. .E0 Saturday only, Ly mall, pr year... 2.0U Weekly, per year ., 1.60 Official Paper of tho City of Mdrord. Official Paper of Jackson County. Entered an Bocond-claxt matter at Meilford, Oregon, under thd act of March 2, 1879. flworn Circulation for 1014, 2588. Full leaned wlfo Asnuclatod Pleas dispatches. fr Subscribers fnlllng to rrcelvo ! ' papers promptly, phono Clrcu- latlon Manager nt 2G0-K. -P HONG KONG KOLUM THAT ARTIFICIAL BLIGHT Chlorus teddy nltnsatnca attend undrossrchoarsnln on'. CHAROUM & CMASKK, Collodion Agents, IMillndolphlii, l'n. 4 t f tlin chlorine Ran In ready, And tho vltrol, too, udvaucot (Jnllnnt poisoners, o steady Oh! for wur'B romnncol What n thrill of high emotion When a focman follB nnd BimlnuB Dylng from a poisoned potion Forward, typhoid gcrniBl Gallant chemists nnd romantic, Onward, onward, poison troop! l)oio tho woIIb and drlVo thorn fran tic Heroes, glvo thoy croup! What In nil tho world bo thrilling Aa tho clash of warrior halo! Chemists, forward to tho hilling! Domino, Inoculnto! Now York Sun. lrfxmjr IJntorlrkit A yachting girl, Kinlly Hobs, Who wasiqiiltn a tileo girl, I contest), Woro n hwoII evening gown To tho offlco, downtown; Bald tho hoBft, "You may go homo nnd drcflB!" Mx for Hint Algy I,aurn, whero thoro'a llfo thcro'H hopo may I hopo " Laura Truo, Alpy. hut you'ro u dead ono tltoro'ti no hopo for you. From Vmulcvlllo (I'MwIu (Iporgo, commllnuJugglcr) When I wan bom 1 was twins, hut 1 coiiNoldtated Into ono iiiihh of cluv ornotiN. You couldn't expect to hear mo sing for fin or 7B centB. Thnt wouldn't oven pay tho Interest on ono of my high notes. 1 did a mtiRlrnl Htunt once, hut Homebody ntolo tho handlt). Kveu an net llko mlnn c.iIIh for a llttlo applaiiKn boiiio tlmo. Of loiirHO tliero'H no hurry about It. I don't boo how any ono can tdeop with all theno llghtn burning. Karly to bed nnd early to rlito nnd you never moot any of tho piomluont poopK I used to work In a shoo uloro. Iloxn told mo to tako Htook. I took ocr half of It boforo thoy ilUeov ered It. I'd llko to havo an uet golu' through tho audience I had to laugh whon I hhw my nnmo out In front. 1 didn't know anybody could print ho small. I don't want any itppltuiso for that, let la eumu lato. I did this thin afternoon tho find tlmo. You nughta boon here. There, was room. 1 don't protend to bo nnv good, but 1 might an well bo doing this iih out gadding around tho Htreets doing tlmo. I'm tho only Jugglor doing thlx trick. OthorH havo tried It, but not ub often aB 1 havo. I had a duo ihIu (liitlon. I went through llarvtutl ul losy ' h(iT, COArMBNTINQ upon tlio fact that, despite thirty-six feet of water at the Columbia bar and a thirty-fool channel to the sea, and a water grade to Portland, Puget Sound ports, though handicapped by a mountain haul, con tinue to handle the bulk of (he shipping, the Portlaiid Journal says: Thero Ih a vast artificial, unnatural forco thnt la blighting Portland nnd building 'Pugct Sound. Tho vast force thai is blighting Portland and building Puget Sound is principally Portland's lack of enterprise and near-sighted vision. Because nature spilled the physical and geographical requisites for a city upon Portland, the Oregon metropolis is quite content to let nature do the rest.' Portland uxpects business to seek it, instead of going after business. Seattle and the Pugct Sound cities seek and create it. Business responds t cjiltivation and co operation. It naturally goes where financial assistance is forthcoming. Portland's efforts to develop its territory sire confined to an occasional junket trip a glad-hand joy ride through its tributary country. When it comes to' material aid in upbuilding the country Portland is not at home to the country visitor. Portland spends 80,000,000 in skyscrapers and nothing in developing the resources that will create the business to fill these skyscrapers. Consequently many are empty. Oregon towns receive little or no aid from Portland. They must seek elsewhere for capital to build railroads and de velop Jhe natural resources that spell the slate's pros perity. Portland lost the Alaska trade with its vast potential ities through lack of enterprise. J I; holds the trade of Ore gon simply through its geographical situation that handi caps competition. Instead of assisting the small cities. Portland openly opposes their efforts to develop. Portland seeks to main tain a jobbing monopoly in the state, and every effort of interior towns to secure more equitable freight rales finds the metropolis an intervener in behalf of the railroad, lest 'some other town profit. Let an industry, no matter how small, start anywlierc except Portland, and concerted effort is-made to kill it by underselling it in its territory and i'oroiiig it into bank ruptcy. Mcdford offers a specific example, at the present time, when Portland jobbers have combined to ruin a local candy factory by selling below cost. Is it any wonder that the outcome of such a policy is blighting Portland through blighting -Oregon for the, only way Portland can hope to grow and prosper is through tho'upbuilding and development o Qw'iLi L, 600.000 SERBIANS READY TO RESIST T ETONIC NVASION BERN IEWS LOAN JO ALLIES SQUIRREL FOOD .BY AHERN "DREAM DOPE"' CofAG NOW (?oY PONT QUARREL. J THAT 0MLVWA5 OF AN 'INCH Too Wide to be called f stride! MY EYE SIGHT JS. SO PAP I COULDNTl ( ffeLL THE DIFFERENCE, BETWEEN fy BEER CHECK vANG A FRieGHT CAR! LET'S TALK'-nlTsToiERpeACEFlJLLY ANP 5EJF WEKAMr COME R SOME KINP OF, AN .AGREEMENT IEPHI NTINEN ACROSS THROUGH WIRELESS PONE i i C, 3 i 1 w mf? msi a ww a s iK; b'A V J ir I BONO SYNDICATE'S PRESIDENT ASKS . Lin. LllflllCU IU CALUUIIUIIO Oil MARKETING ISSUE FOR I. W. W. ffiT ii I tllu R W. JIhoii Knry WASmXOTOX, Sept. :i(l. -Xim.v epnrtnient offipinls wcic ontliUHinn- o today over, (he G.xporiinuntii result- ! for the fiiyt time in Irnniconti- Pcntul win'I(L()3 telephony. ,y this !.. ii... i..''' ....... iiiriuin uiu nuiiifiii voice wnst)ueees- ullv tniiiinitlt'tl vcitunlny from Ar- linttlon wirolusM iiliint to Uio JInre JhIiiiiiI, Oul., iiiiV!iltiition, n distnnee of 2.ri()0 miles. Tliis iiehioviineiil, liKutliur with the hiiecimiffll (ipurution of u device for autoinnlieiilly IniiMfuniiuf lo the indio loluphoni- fonvewntiotm origin ntiiifr on nigtullio ('intuits wiin ticcom plislied. i'rcHiiloul 'riieoilun N. Vui' und other officials of !h Aincricnn Telc pliunu C Tcle:nipli comimiiy nt N'cw Yori; convcrxeil lor sevcinl iniuule in ii lenr, ilMinct lone with the Mine Island station, Hiu convcrsatiim IteiiiK ; transmitled ovnr an oidiimrv inetalli.' mc from New York lo Arlinaton and tlieneo by radio ncrosH the continent. Iii announcing tlio vchhH, .Socrotnry DnniuU )ro))iesicd futtlier develop ment in loii' distance communication, both for military and naval sen ice in commercial tinae;e. BRITISH PROTEST TERMS OF LOAN AS HUMILIATING LONDON, Sept. .11). Asserting Hint Atnericnii banker naturally pre fer a lomi with some $10,000,000 profit to die importation of gold which brings no profit, the Miuiulius- tcr Oupidinn declares cditeriully: "Tliere i1 Ho reason, however, wliy the government should indulgv in what has every appearance of being a blunder as cosily politically as fin ancially." Insisting that the loan would be in valid unless approved by parlinmuiit, the Guardian adds: "Seldom law a liuaucinl traiMicliou been imposed upon the HiiliMi people which ci'icd (nit ho hnitl for juxtili culioii.' It iiihv be that Mr. Jlonr.ui and bin iin-iIMmiiIk have done the al lies a good .rvico and earned a re- iward, bill if ho it would bo cheaper to preterit them with their 12,000,000 pounds- and forego a loan ao ilmung ini: to our credit." NKW YOltK, Sept. 110. S.-ibia has an army of about (100,000 men in tho field to resist invasion of that coun try by tho Teutonic allies, according to information received from Profes sor I.OUH Losnniteh of tho University of llelgrade. The profo-sbor ostimatos that Serbia Iiiin lost about I'JO.OOO men since the war began and that about one in every tivo who were v ot'.uded died. The army includes, he Kaid, practically ail the able-bodied iiipii between tho ugc of IS and till years. The money sent to Serbia by the relief committee, the profotftor wrote, was axed to purchase farming imple ments and material, and these were distributed in the war districts, with the lexult that pint of them i now under cultivation. Sanitations in the aiiuy, he wrote, arc now normal ami and French mission have inoculated the whole rtrmv nirniuM t 1 1 i I mid chol-eni. WITH INTEES T BERLIN SERIOUS UHlU.liV, Sept. 30. lly wlrolcHB to Snyvlllo. Tho AtiKlo-Krcnch lonn, which Is being raised. in tho United Stnteti, Iiiik aroiiHed great Interest In Germany. "Leading fliinuclcrti of llorliu," unyB tho OvorflenH Nowh AKcncy, "iiKree that, nlthough Drltlsh din pntchefl loavo hoiiio features of tho loan In doubt, tho eondltloiiH nro very uufnvornblo for KiiKland nnd Franco A few youth iiko no ono In cither rou n try would hino thoiiKit It jiohhI blo that hucIi a loan would bo Issued In tho United States at !)f, and io deomiiblo In flvo years. Thnt means that KiiKlaud and Krauco-ure paying about (5 per cent Interest. "It Is probable thnt the sharo ac corded to Itiuttlu will bo small, If any port of tho loan koch to that nntlou "In hoiiio quarters it In remarked that If tho loan Is offorod for nubile uhkcilptIou It will ho a traiiKO(klnd of neutrality on tho part of a country Hilch also finances sales of war ma terial to Oeiiiiany'H oncmlos. 'The Keneral impression Is that tho financial situation of HiiRlnnd and Iraiico Is such as to loavo them no choice." NKW YOIMC, Sept. at). The com mission in charge of the sale of tho OO.OOO.OOO Anglo-French bonds hits cleared away n number of details concerning the method of marketing the issue and expected to announce the entire program Into today. Cliidf of tho details alnMidy settled nro that tho life of the underwriting Byudicato is to be sixty days, the sums subscribed by banks will be left on des)sit with the subscriberM until needed nnd then withdrawn propor tionately, anil the profit of the nyn dicato members' will be 1"J.' per cent, the remaining quarter of 1 per cent being used for expenses. Tho syudi- WASHINGTON, Sept. :o. request of tho Swedish mini A. F. Kkengicn, President today telegraphed to Qoverr of Utah asking u stay of oxcHm to ndmit new evidence for .losgllill strom, n Swedish subject, ifnecd lo be shot in Utah statu peffltmry yesterday. Hillstrom was jrictcd of murder. The president received jjrgram from the Swedish he was cotniuccd Ilillstrom b't had a fair trial and that his gumciil had imtriictcd him to makflrcscn- tations in behalf of the j Tho Swedish minister said thatM'heved cntc members may participate without insolent behavior of Ilillskfdiiring OVER WAR EW roPKNIIAOKN Sept ::o 'News of 1tfro.flfniilvc ou the western front Mi lakttn sorlotikb h-i o.' siih the ller- lfu,rorros)ondent of tho Colltlkuu "The TaKloblutt ruarU Unit noth liiK wptlld he more toollsh than to overlook tho torrlble kerloumest of tho recent battles In the west, and thnt t would he equally wrong for On i mniu nut to have tho fullest con fidence In their troops and loaders." TO itNl I'ltANTISl'ii. Sept .to - SlHinOb Kulpli, Ji , issued a fiiuioii loifay omIIui uhii all ipto uf San I'raiK is n in p n Itvotliunl U petit ioii l'i -nit ii 'U JlOnU) to llu Pmiiuuh I'u- frfttjijiji. Thi cull wus miule 1MM pditHMts HtiM Im ii. . .i KMi kciiuwt t'btltlrvu AT1IKNS, Sept. 30 -The Orcok chainher In a special session today rnttfled tho action of tho Kovernmunt In decreeing a general mobilization of tho army and authorized a loan of ?30,000.0l)0. restriction as to the amount of their subscriptions. A memorandum containing nine points agreed upon by the committee in Chicago for tho sale of the bonds was made public today by .1. P. Mor gan & Co. Following are the chief fcatuics on which an agreement has been reached: "The situation in to have a life of sixty days. Syndicate iiieinbors will purchurfc at UK the price to the in vestor -and at the expiration of the sixty days will be refunded l per cent. The difference between the price to the investor and the price to the syndicate is 'J per cent. Tho ie maiiiiug one-fourth of I percent will be used to cover opcnow. Participation is to be giwu to till classes of institutions, iiivetor and dealers without restriction. Tliesvn- ilicuto will hnxe the rutm In icpur his trial had prejudiced jt and jury iiainht him. He Miitf lrendy had taken tho matter iiig'i tho state deimitment. but wAlnl that anv evidence ho had to hIJ would be forwarded to the UBiwi" of Utah. Tlio minister told tjpcsidcut there was no time to MiUfvidciico before the ilnte of UilH's elo cution. Williuin Lewis, John Mnidon, lone Norris and Kltner lliginhothtim were transuding business in Mud ford on Saturday. Mr. and .Mrs. Ilcnn, who have been residents of this place for some time, have moved to the upper Applegnto, wncrp tlicy will spend tho winter. Mr. Robertson is clearing hn place of underbrush by burning. Mrs. John Mnrdou spent u day re cently i ciold Hill, tho guest of friends. All the forest fiivs nro repot led to bo under control, as tlio cool nights permit of their burning or rapid progress. Weather prophet's ferecast: Cooler weather. Klines creek business visitors to Gold Hill: Mr. and Mis. Olson, Mr. Lewis, John Mardon, Air. Collins, John Knotts, Al Rhoten, Mr. Hobort son, tho Misses ICntio ami Mnnirin rolcy ami Prophet Foster. Mr. Householder of Medford is here for a few days looking after his bus iness interests. Mis. I toff of Hold Hill win a iccent visitor mi Kane's creek. V for a Infants and Invalids HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK The Food-Drink for all Ages Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form. For infant, invalid tai growing children. Pure nutrition, upbuilding tit whole body. Invigorates nursing mother ixl the aged. More healthful than tea or coffee. Unlosa you say "HORUOICW you may gat m substitute WHERE THE CROWDS GO TODAY ONLY May Blossom Hcot Haw! As Obstinate as a- (From tho Morcyvllle, lown, Manner.) Miss Ida Mulo rofusos to nettle with tho school directum. She InslstH up on bringing tho matter Into court. Fill It in yoursolf. Paramount .Military Drama which Is hound to plcaso ovoryono. This Is n splondld subject every body should hoc. "If IPs a Pariimoiiiit IPs O'immI." l :io, to (lo- SALT I.AKK I ITY Prosideiit Vi!son tch ernor Spry had not lieJjSveied nt 1 1 ::ill o'clock. The guW1 id lu had no iiiformutiou ymtf the message except that cjf'd '' ' Associated Press, bnl gio un incdiatc coiisidcrationJny com munication from I be i 'lit SALT LAKK 01Tf,t . chase up to 10 m-r cent l the total Ooernor Spry haa jfinnounccd undcrwulni". t"t ho has giaiitcdgraui a r- prlovc until Octobeifi:'". om of courtesy to Prosldf""". 'HI' slroin has been notlfST''0 text of tho Koveruor's me; iilout Iiiim not linen MOIlt. REINE0REIN1S 1DENB LONDON, S i. .10. viewing the situation, the Petrojjrad corrcsHind eut of the Times sus that according to prowiiliin; opinion in Kus-iau mill tai ciicles, Field Marshal Von lliu deiiburv, rcgurdlc of the meniico to (lenniiny's westeni front, has brought up frv'sh foivcs at Osiniana and is preparing another blow at the Rus sian right wing in order to sweep southeastward in an el'iort to bar the route of retirement fu the Muscovite Hnrouovilch army. LONDON, Sept. 30. An Athens dispatch to tho HxchniiKO Telegraph company, filed yesterday, Miyr : "Hills proclaiming a state ot hIoro In Macedonia, provldliiK for tho fa ni tidis of men called to tho rotors and providing- n credit or 1 .'0,000,000 drachmas ;:to,oon,000i to meet tho expenses of nioMHxutlon were voted at a sitting of the chnmher today. HHICHESTER S PILLS THE IIIAMOin HKA.SD. Jy l4l-t Akrr l'"cii.tA kl kt-Urll(u4br4A I'MUI K.4 ti ;,U Mtt.iikVVy Aw m lka ltr. r .r iHf linuU AkM-M.H.Triia nuvusu HKVNb i'iLlil m? I Ul ulUtl.UUtt AU,.KlUU $100 Reward, $100 Thr rdr rf thla ivirr will b lf.l to Utrn that tbrre It it lfl ov ilrrailnl lint n-ltni-f bit txsn abl l rur la til It tier, aisl thai Ii t'alirrb. Hall Catarrh fur la In onlj isvltlTr run- mw ki)Mi lo tb nits! leal fratfrnllr Catarrh blnc a cMittltutkiual dl.k. rniulrn a inailltutloual Ireatuwot Hall' Catarrh Cur It tatrn Inlrruallx artlaz Jlrrfttr ui"U b I'M ami muiSMt turfarta of h tjilfui tbrrcbr lrittojln- tlio twinjatloa (if Ibr tlltrat. ami cl'iBE Ibr pallrnt atrraeih bj bulldlnc up tb roottltutlon atnt tulilloir na tur In itln lit nark Tb proprlttore hra .i much faith In It ruratl rit that lbT pffr Ou llumlrij IVvJItr. f.r anj that It (alia to our Sim1 far llat or lattlofsiltlt. AMttn V J illi:NEY i. CO, Tvltds. O. Soil br all Ki-ussUti TS Taka lull lamUr TlIU (or wnitlratloo. tho prea- m NOT! Notice Is hereby lerslRiiod will niil; 'II ut Its mooting tb, 101S, for a V.i plrltuous and vt liiantltlos less thfj placo of luslnosn street, city ot X uary 1, 101C. Dated Soptouibc that tho un- city couii- old Octobor ;o soil malt, liquors in illon on Us outti Front until Jan- HST12NS, IB.'M.-Z I " MmmLmSZMSM l'U HKi JivumtMrnvM 'I WHE H; r Wf fllvT n lirll'Iant rIoksv olilne (tiat Hj W m iJhi not ri' c it cr i! ist c:f -I V If ft nrn a! , to the Ircn ti at lasts (our B ;Wf av iiwva na lurtai nnjr uicicr. Bn IL I Black SllkStovo Polish I V U la n (.lata 1y I'. '( Ut iuun Mj rai,tul'yfaSo irdi u , Sift tt m A'ffrrt.- rux . illL j a i . . I'm luiwr tTTT' tlcouri:o.jai jw "rT , i CTT tr pi" 8?a riuiira, fcas till' If ronlon'tllnJIc TTFTjtHSiOv tit' ObcalpollaUyvu mJfulMlSlMjfMfwl rrtTt' ir ua .1. your J UHiJf.Cj Jiif liardarar ar 7aTaTaT TaiL I V iTTI m it x-rr l-3lcf 1 1 (! (v m. A iTifV r J'.n iritnl to re- .VaaaaLaC' V aB I J4 r fund jr u U r . frrmRcSaBaWA 1 IITT iovm, rfMtf7lWil I tiit Uttlnc In S?!ml vf jLYnrJOrep" ZSjKll ill W. Klft.yiw..f.Tll 5l5Jp MANY PICKFOHD Is Comlur; Soon .-. hlM !!!s?4 nip ffWt ;:HHOTEL RIANX oncIISLatOTarrcll Kjifi SAN FRANCISCO Hcadipiattet for Oalifor- r tana line v lining IMC 1-.XK- sition. Otir rnnimmltnii. tnl.1... r. ' .:.,"" .": 'u,v7 iiuc wrvu-c, nnu iiomciike restaurant v III appcat to )ou. No Rabc In Rales 51.50 Per Day Up Management Chester V, Kellcy ," Vtel weal tm Manx" John A. Perl UNDERTAKER I.aay Aistitsnt IH 8. HaHTIiKTT .'horn M. 47 iuiiI 47-Ja &MbtUuc tfrli CVrostf PAGE vm ItTTTTnrmrnTriiAl-fojS Medford's Leading' Theater ,ratiiict"i 2 P. M. Kvoiiiut! 7 P. Ar LAST TIME TONIGHT Oman's Resurrection famous Photo-Drama ol a sinful MngdiiU-neV wrivt soul A TlU-iSTAIi ALL1ANCK NANSEN, EDWARD JOSE AND WILLIAM J. KELLY Ithan a scoiv of Mod ford's best critics uronouiicf tliic ,mn of Uic best photoplays cvor shown in tlio city. Hearst-Selig News Prices: Adults, lower floor 2de. Jmlcony oc, Childion We, iA i j MilDbmivUSISlUKYnHfJt k "T- K v" '"' -?- - .. v- -