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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1915)
PAGE FIVE OLD NICODEMUS NIMBLE AT THE FRONT BY WELLS arRDFORD MATL TI?1U"WTC, arTCPFORD, ORTCC10N, MONTOAY, NWPTEMUyK. 1H, 1915 ASHLAND UND VICINITY . 1 V T From tla coliwiil proportions unit instil- effects which the springs wu (ur pavilion at tho depot is itsMimintr, ono might ho led to inl'cr Hint the ylrueture is to he u replica of tin; Or egon huihlipg at tho lair ground in San Fmneinco. Soiao big logn tin? entering into tho construction. Attorney Ed Van I).vki ami bride, of Grant Pass," were lie re Saturday on their return from a honeymoon trip to San Fntnei-eo. Mr. Van Dyko was fonnejly Mi-) Quintan, ystor of W. 1. (jitinliin, .seerelary of tho GrnntH Pass Commeroiiil club. The remains of Professor Karl Eugene Gntlic, who died hero last Friday, will l)e taken to Hioluno'ud, Va., for burial where relatives on tho paternal side of liis family loside.. I he body, itccompnniod by the widow and two ehildreu, loft here Sunday, and lltcy will he met at Chicago by an elder hon of the deceased. Floyd Cadillae and Chi Ford got into an altereation on tho Plaza last Friday afternoon over eoneession privileges in transporting sightseeiH to the Medford fair.. The i'inaer is a duly registered chauffeur. Tho lat ter refolded the imputation of being a 1(seah" and iut a muffler on Cad illac's anatomy at a vulaerable point bounded by the X 15 V, X W '2 S ,j of the solar plexus. Ashland teachers now employed at Gold Hill report great preparation un der way for tho industrial fair to bo bold in that town next Friday ami Saturday, September 17 and 18. SehobU will he "Jet tint" on Friday in order that all pupils may parliui pate in the festivities. Attorney A.'Kvnu Keanu's of Sled ford is scheduled to deliver the nd dres before the annual gathering of dachsoa enmity pioneers in this city Thursday, September 10. A diieet descendant of tho early sottlot s and being well (nullified to deal with the subject, be cannot fail to be inter ested ok well as to interest others in the theme. Sirs. Mamie Dox of .Jaeksouu'llc is secretary of the as sociation. Tho coronet's jury at Yreka, in- estimating responsibility lor the re cent automobile wreck at Granada, absolved local railway employes from blame, hut recommended that addi tional safeguards bo placed at rail road oro-siags in general. Exactly twelve individuals, includ ing three women, nltended thu laud grant "mass" meidiug at tho Coin meicial club rooms Friday evening. A resolution was adopted as present ed, setting I'oi Hi that action sought in tho premises was conformable to recent siiptoino court decisions as enunciated by tho hiulie-t judicial body in the I'nitod States. K. K. Phipps whs chairman and W. 0. Diek cison secretary. C. Y. Huntu, S. S. Slitchell, F. G. SleWilliains, F. W. Sloore and (.'. It. Lumkiii were ap pointed a committee to further a pe tiliou movement in behall of the ob ject, which is to place the status of the lauds in question so that they will bo subject to taxation and also lie available for purchase by actual settlors at lljo minimum of $'2.!W per aeie, iiMead of reverting to the na tional forest domain. In this con nection it might he added that .Marion county hits gone ahead and assessed the land grant aiea within its bound aries at a full valuation of over 1(10,(1110. Keiuuins of the four victims, of the i count automobile ncViiL'iit near Gra nada, Cul., piused through here last Friday afternoon on tho way to As toria. The name were Sirs. Slar gnret Anderson, Allan Anderson and wile and Aaron Anderxom The Congregational society wan host nt a reception tendered the school bourd and teacher nt the church )( Fiiday eoaing. Guest weio felieitoHsly greeted by the pas tor, Itu. It. W. Funpihnr, and the iesMine by Superintendent Hricoi? win. in a eluiruotoriti", happy vein, A projcrHiu of readmit and mueicul "election wan piticiNited in by th" Slis(M Calkins, Fugle, SlcConaick, Creek)Mtum, Ilurris, Mm. Slubel Cun ningham and her daughter, Helen, th Siskiyou qiMitot and I'mfoMor Fail Kasor. JlisK Alice Vamluislais of Talent furniclied violin aoeoinMini iiicuts ami Prot'OMor I lino (' Oil mrv leproduei'd ripo orgrtn otfeet on the standard nud instrument. The literary and musical treat wh fol lowed l. the wrviiw: of light refresh iiieuts. Th currant term of m-IiooI Iihb been inaugurated under mot hhs picious citvimi-tHuoe. Two-year graduates from the Tnl cut high M-bool will be credited that time jh continuing a four-year court hi I bo itthlatid high hool. The laoal iiistitutiou will recoup Hlf for tite expenditure involved out of the roan tv nigh school fund. A dosen "lu ll. nU from Talent have already nvnil tsi titeui4v of thw privilege, their ikmun for trnsiMftotiaii itu'lai i -ii goncruulv provided fur b m i' prising roidimU of uutluig dee fl.rU. Stwye sltutifi. und ortiaiurniiilMui in !.'ii-rnl ! in ! ne ii lm rlnir t i l.l-t il tin- link ,il lin ililliu. t . ,,.i.iH. .1 nt i ti..i- ... III.- TI4E GREAT ROUT IN THE CACTUP GROVE! NICK FLOGP BANDIT! - y";'f -s "-V- r -'&- ' . ----r -Ti vm mwjr r J 's playhoiisu at any jieriod in its his tory. Opportunely the oueusion of the fine display was in connection with the appearance of the playlet, "The llelle of Japan," decotntionn bciitjr in lino with eusloiiH nud tradi tions of the land of the Slikado. Sir. and Sirs. F. T. Staple, nceoin iianied by Sir. nud Sirs. Charron Sla- jilw, newleywedri front alorenci, Arix., started tor Crater lake last rnday. Otto Winter m directing uffairs at the State bank during the absence of Citshier George Kiiluinks absent at San Francisco on his vacation. Dr. A. V. Swedenlnirj; leturned Sunday from alteiulanee on the meet ings of the Sledieal association at Poitlaild. SIrx. George KaMbiiry, residing on Grant street, has aouo to Berkeley, Cnl., accompanied by her daughter, niauehe. Her son, KalpH, in a stu dent at the Fniversity of California. The family have rented their home here indefinitely. Sir. Salsbuiv is identilied with the Hound Lake mines, near Ulairsden, in the Sierrnn. Following the exnmple set by Ash laud ami other southern Oropm lo calities, Yreka is installing udequute camp (.'round facilities. Sir. and Sirs. George Slillner of Riverside, Cnl., arrived tho last of the week for a visit with Sir. and Sirs. I. Slillner, residing near tho Nor mal. The men are brothels. Later on the Ashland representatives of the I family will iifcoulpuiiy the visitor to southern California, the party slop ping nt the San Francisco exposition on the way. Dr. G. V. Giv- and daughter, Mir iam, have returned from a visit to the fanner's old home in the vicinity of Loudon, 0. Sirs. William Slyer is homo from her visit to Sacramento nud San Frifiieisco. By invading this territory for the purchase of livestock, Sliller & Lux, the extensive feeders and shipper of Oregon and California, are adding ex tensively to their shipments both north and south. As an instance of their big lam) holdings in the latter state, it is said that tbev could start a baud of sheep on the .Mexican bor der and herd them every stopping place on the way at a point within their own borders. Nils and H. 0. Benson, now of Gil- more City, la., were in town Friday, accompanied by their brother-in-law, A. .1. Applegute, renewing the au- ipiaiutaiicu of Geo rue Anderson ami recounting hem' stories in which nil the men figured u long time ago. Henry Hansen of Slodfoid nUn met the party here. C. B. French, who resided here from 11)02 to 11)10, and who since then has been living near Cadillac, SJieh., re turned to this vicinity hut week nud is looking around with tho view of locating pennnnujitly. In kmo of Michigan's reputation for raising hoice fruit, he soys he liusn't tasted ti prime apple or cuch since he left this section. The cIihh)1 cur, "St. Peter," oper ated by thu CtttlioJin Church ISxteu siou society of the I'nil'vl States, whh here Friday atteniunu, southbound, to till eugHgeuieuU in Houthtmi Oregon and -tioi them Culifornin turritory Among its occupant wna Aiehbishop Clirwtie of Portland, mid Father DhI pluu, the local pritwt, was tmong flume who met the dtiuWh&d vis. Uor. The "St. Pter" U oue of lh largest and bast NPituiuicd ou he of it lid touring the country. AsttUud teachers now filling poi Uuhs at Quid lliil imdud 0. W. Mi Uun, superinteooVnl -. MiunUt I'oley. ktjrh Mehool ; ItertliH Klinn, fifth nud siilh gntdt-; Vielur Flint. MunQwr inl d iMirtnwat. Th Um-hI rolony i tm'ma mtfh projHftis ilmr tht tlwf rHtmiBtet0 Moling a iMxtoaijr iueiuM lmnglow. iurmg tw urks4 nnd ke(oux houtt an an "ut buasf" basis. NViir r-idenl l Tnml'.i- Mtl uiri-h Ik.iim' Ii I Kl those m Ik ili(i..ii Ii i - i,u I'll. I . i riling mid 1 1 jut d i 1 1' Jiii- n ' .i i i j In . . I i Mill h';-- ' No 1 Upon my return from fc Europe, Prtsl "1-jfXliIent Wilton No. 2 Leaping Into my Mafllcrlp I nu toon on tho Texas bbnlerl I un the devas. tated country across tho llnel vi3it Mexico. tho advent of thu autummil social season. The rivalry among big peaches con tinues. D. L. Glenn of Factory street e.hiliitn twenty-ounce clings ut Simpson's store, seventeen of which weigh sixteen pounds. In WliiledS buy window the dazzle of diamonds and wrist watches is eclipsed by more big clings raised by Z. A. Sloodv of Slanzanilii street, a doxeu of them weighing thirteen pounds and four teen ounces, the largest individual specimen tipping the beam at twenty two ounces, a record-breaker in these parts. G. SI. Grainger of Slan.anila street has placed in thu snfelv de posit box of the Commercial club n seedling (ding TJ'Ki inches in eircuin fercnee and weighing eighteen ounces. Anticipating official returns from the various fairs, it has been deter mined that .Miss Slam! Itiee of Wag ner creek has won at Salem a first nward on varieties of garden prod ucts; Sliss Helen Duglcy, securing fnvomble comment for canned fruit ami vegetables. Sliss Freda Hanson, 10 years old, u pupil of Valley View seljool, in the Slyer creek district, ami who lives with the Davenhills in that vicinity, won first on jellies ut Tal ent, and at the county fair at Sled--ford was awatded first on bread and second on fruit cake in the children's and ladies' department, respectively. local bucks who have returned lioin the hunting grounds the past .....!. :.,..i...i -I........ u. .... ...i... .... ,v .......... v.. -..-. .,....,-, ,.,. seemed a KlU-ponud deer, dre-pcd, in the Trail district. Chnuucey Cnse heer, it young tuiihtcur, got a three prong animal near the Ashland mine. Rev. W. J. Douglass, iieeoinpauied by his sou nud George Slathes, ulso hit the tall timber. Slathes shot the deer, but divided honors ami steaks with the prcachiiY, whose son got lost in the Siskiyou wilds und wus finally loseued over the California line. I'pon reaching Ashland he struck out for his home in Portland, passing (he buck to hunters more bkilfullv in clined. Kriiorted by Jncksou County Ab trct Co., Sixth and Fir fits. Ileal I'.'slalo Transfers S. D. Steffy ot ux to Kdwnnl 10. Hull, lot 1 bit; 3 Kenwood add. Medford $10.00 .Mm. Heinle Baudall to W. A. Pyliuru, lot 0 idk 55 Central Point 000.00 Buby L. Illtzler et ux to C. Illtzler, lot S und I blk 07 Contral Point 10.00 Kdwln S. Illtzler et ux to C. IlluUr. lot 4 blk 2 Amlomon Toft add. Medford 10.00 Chit. X. IUyio to J. W. Urnuer land In sac. 84, 37, IV7, and In 0, 38. IW lTj.00 C. . Xinlngor ot ux to II. K. Xowton, loin In bly C B. B. add. Ashland 1BO0.O0 Gooiio II. Harvey to I). 1. Jackson at ux, laud on Nut ley St., Ashland 10.00 W. I). Willis et al to Q. F. liill Inga, mining and water dlteh from Aatiland creek 10.00 If. S. Illtzler et ux to C. 11 Hilar land Iti Vol(r !d. McsUjird 10.00 C. Illtalar et ux to Buhy U '. IJItaJor ot vlr. lots 3 and 4 blk. 07 Central Point 10.00 a.HUilur ot ux to ISdwin S. IiUar at ux. land In Woltor add. Madford 14.00 C. llltslar ot ux to Kdwln S, HUtlar at ui. lot 4 blk I Aa darMn Toft add. Madford.... 10.00 XOTICK Notice U hrely ilvan that ths M- daralgnad will aoil to tba ottjr aonn II at Its meeting to li li-ld 8.iam- kftr 2 tut, I til'.. :or a license to sell, malt. ilrltiiou. - 4 lnous ilipiora In i qaaatitute lea tUau iia on iii laea of bualataa ou Waal Mu .. '?, ' COURT HOUSE NEWS rIM of !dfor.. until Jaauarv iri ll IIOTKI. MliKOKD Pad a'tuil;rr 4 lb, 1115. No. 31 te&rcned out one ot the noronovv bandits holding tho fountry In bondiRo nnO teltlng tno cictiu plants, set out In purtultl INTKIIUIMAX AUTO CAIt CO." Tlmo TnMo Lcnvo Mcdford daily except Sun dny for Ashlund, Talent and Thocnlx at S n. in., 1:15. 3:U0 and 5:15 and 10:15 p. m. (Saturday nt 11:15 p. m.) Sunday leave at 8:00 and 11:00 a. in., 1:00, 5:00 and 0:30 p. m. Lcnvo Aslilnud dally excopt Sunday nt 0:00 a. m., 12:50, 2:30. 4:30 and 7:00 p. in. and Sunday nt 10:00 a. in.. 12 nnon. 4:00. G and 10:30 p. in. IIKMNQI'KNT SAIjH XOT1CK CAIiH'OltXIX.OKKGO.V l'OWKIt CO. Location of Principal 1'lnco otlius Ineen, San Krancluco, California. NOTICK There are dollniiuont up on tho following described ntock, on account of AsHuoHincnt No. 1, levied on tho 20th day or June, 1015, tho tiovoral nmouiitH not opposlto tho iiunios of the reHpectlvo shurohoIderH as foltewc: Clara C. lloequoraj:, Cort. Xo CO RlmroH. flS. 00. Chester L. Hovoy, Cort. Xo. 200 shares, JfiO.00. Lllllo B. Hollirook, Cort. Xo. 234, 252. 313, 40 shares, $12.00. Montgomery . T. S Cert. No. 311, 40 shares, $12.00. .Mercantile Trust Company of San Francisco, Trustee, Cert. Xo. US, 100 oharep, $30.00. Mercantile Trust Company of San KrandHco, Trustee, Cort. Xo. 3 10, 210 tdinrcs, $72.00. Mercantile Trust Compnny of Sim Kranclseo, Trustee, Cort. Xo. 342, 400 sltnrort, 1120.00.. Morcnnillo Truet Company of San PrnnelHCo, Trtlstco, Cort. Xo. 3 13, 2i0 suuros, $00.00. Mercantile Trust Company of San i Francisco, Trustoe, Cort. Xo. 3 15, 400 B,mr0Bi iU0t Moroantllo Trust Conipnny of San Francisco Trustee, Cort. Xo. 340, 200 chares, $00.00. Mercantile Trust Company of San Francisco, Trustee, Cert. Xo, 301, 2000 shares, $000.00. Mercantile Trust Company of Snn Francisco, Trustee, Cort. Xo. 302, 2000 eharos, $000.00. Mercnntllo Trust Company ot San Francisco, Trustee Cert. Xo, 3G3, 2000 Hharos, $000,000. Morcantllo Trust Company of San Francisco, Trustee, Cort. Xo. 3G4, 2000 Hlmros, $000.00. John Van Oonhurgh, Cort. Xo. 213, 40 shares. $12.00. P, WllllaniH, Cort. Xo. 330, 2000 shares, $000.00. And In accordnneo with law and nit order of tho Hoard of Directors nuido on the 10th day of August, 1015, so many alures of each parcel of audi stock as may bo necessary will bo sold at public auction at the office of tho company, number 131 Leldesdorff Street, San Franolsco. California, on Monday, September 27th, 1915, nt tho hour of 12 o'clock noon of said day, to pay mild delinquent assessment thoronii, (another with costs of ad vettlslng and expenses of milo. ALKX BOSHOBOUGH, Secrolnry of California-Oregon Power Company. Offlce: Xumbor 131 Leldosdorff Struct, San Francisco, California. 155 fob ui:.vr iiouhhs FOu'TuAvinoiooTiio'd liotiieT? sleoiilng porches, good eoudlllon, $!t; water paid. .1, W. Wakefield. 107 Rust 1st. 154 FOB BKXT Woll furnished, 7 room houio, with sleeping porch, mm West lOtti St., Phone s(u-J or n, ino FOB BUNT Ton room house, full attic, full cement basement, fur nace, garage. Mrs. J. 12. Watt, 215 li. Jackson St. 151 FOB BliNT Six room modern bun galow, oast front, .signing porrh, fine aliadg; garage. Phono 1SS-X. FOR HKNT g.rooui furnished houso rant $1& oloie In: no elilldrou. luqulre Pa I hi Hoomlng lloub, I3u W. Main. 150 IjX)K ItBXT Modern 0-room bunga low, cueap; close in. Phone 13-X. 1(0 FOB KKXT 8-roow farnlsiiMi bouse at 431 Woodstock si.; rent reas onable Stag j. w. Horrlan or Dr. Stttloy. FOR RENT A-l SIT. bungalow Phono KOlt It K N'T Mo.larn l-room house, lu.'l V .( 1 ut li st, $H ou, water li.ilil Hvnuutt lutcatmaiit Co. kei: kkT Close la room hovse with slaaidng norrb. modern plumbing, olaetric llabls. ccnient idwsli.. garage, on paved street It.n r.-a.-wmatile. Iiuiulrc of II (' . UIimI, Med ford, Oregon. lf No. i-1 ftretchc of thorns I ru. mt k.u.4.,wtil,i. tfliTf.,mi4l 4. CliASSIl'HCI) ADS. Ono cent per word per lsauo. Six Insertions for prlco of flvo. Fifty conts per lino per month without chnngo. ! 4 on kisnt riiH.-MMiitn hoomh "iV lii-ixTi Funiisheii TroontB, 2 blks from federal building. 215 X. Grape. FOR UI3XT Furnished rooniB, 2.1 South Central. ft l'OK ItlCXT linUHICKKId'INO HOOMH FblilUwfAMottoriihouHVkooldng suites, $G, $8 a mouth, clone in. 23IKast 0th. l'OK SAl.Ii--SIKTCl'.lil.AXnOUH r,Oll"sTLlf--r7yllndVrTco',cnT"lii good condition; good tires: will take part cah. A bargain If taken at once. Phone 020-.I. FOB 8ALH Petlto nnd Silver prunes for butter and preserves. Crnn dell Orchard, Phonu 011-111. 150 FOB SALU Kxtru fnnoy Klhorta poaches. A. W. Stone. FOB SALU AUulfu hay, $10.00 por ton. W. B. tiiiiu, phono 5-F2. FOB SALK Polo mountain buggy, good as new. Palmer Investment Co., Modoo Orchard. FOB SALIC 2-soatcd Vollo hack with polo. Phono 052-J. FOB SALK Wood saw, gusollno on glue, l-horsopowor, ohonp. 128 Almond. 1M rOK H.Tj!V-.-l,H-flVTOi;K FOB SALIC Stock iiogsialso young pigs and brood sows. 10. II, Woh torfluld, Phono 10-F4. 150 FOB SALK Stock hogs, pigs', sows and pigs; sown to farrow. Grunt Allder, Bohh Lane, 153 FOB SALK Cheap, olght oxtra good young work mares, woll broke, two sots of houvy work harnoss. Vln foii's barn, North Blvorsldo nvo- mio. ico FOB BAIJC ItltAl KSTATH FciTrSALK-00 ncros lami,TlnViooii soil, deeded water right, 7 room houso, olcctrlc lighted, inadorn, 4Gx3G barn, fonccd Page wlro, 40 acros In alfalfa, cum, sugar hoots and small gardon truck, 20 acres In pears, Harriott and D'AnJou, small peach orchard, team horses, cow, farm Implements and nil crop goes with placo. For prlco and particulars, address Box 55, B. P. I), No. 2, L. M. C. Central Point, Oro. BKAL K8TATK FOB SALK All kinds of property for Brtlo or ox change. Cold Bay Bealty Co, FOB SALK Farm land, fruit land, timber land, laud from $5,00 per noro upwards on long tlmo. Gold Bay Bealty Co. FOB 8ALK---Wyowa Placo. 80 acres, finely Improved Boguo Blver Vnl loy land, 314 miles north Kaglo Point. Keo or address owners, W. II. Crundall ou thu place, or .1. T. Carpenter, 345 N. Hartlott, Med ford. no agents. 150 WHY? IT IS VOCK HCSIXUSS TO HKH MK Hocauso my stuck in trade Is to have optioned nt tho lowoat cash price tho host buy In this county. 1 havo been on too ground look ing out for you fur tho past flvo years. Nearly ovorydny 1 hava In vestigated some "good thlug." I have ollmlnuted everything except those deals whlsh I am convinced will s tnro me satisfied oustomors. In a few hours time I can give you the benefit of this rwiearoh. It Is my bualuess to show you over tho county und Introduce you to the possibilities and opportunities here. See Mad ford first and J. C. BARNES 1(K Wrt Main Street MELV BRING s. . forcrd him to run through the cactus till he was covered with ii klp m'axti:h--fi:malk SVVXwfD (lirl for" gonoral "offlco work cither whole or part time; state experience, If any, and salary expected. P. O. Box 287, City. 150 WAXTKD Mlddlo-ngod lady for gen eral housework, Call at 330 So. Fir street. 149 WANTICD 6ITUAT10N8 N'TKD reli8"nmVriu;"K"nTgiit ntrcot. 1G0 WANTKI) HIIht.rni.iiftNr:OUH WANTKO List your houses for rout with us. Bennett Investment Co. WAXTKD llavo party to rent fur nished house. Henuett Iuvosttuont Co. WANTED A gentleman roomer In prtvnto family of two; furnaco lieat and all modem conveniences, close in. Box .SO, euro Mull Tribune. WAXTKD A lady teacher to board and room. Addresa 312 South King ntreet. 141) NTKD-HIbIi school boys nnd girls to room and board, closo In. lnqulro 105 South drape. 150 WAXTKD Largo knitting mill In vites correspondence from women desirous of earning ulonoy, part or full time. Good pay. Kxporlonco unnecessary. International Mills, Inc., Norrlstowu, Pa. 200 fob rcvurtAmm fob"salk"ob kxcmangk To acres highly Improved alfalfa ranch In tho celebrated Modesto Irrigation district, ono mile from B. B. sta tion pn fltato highway. Write ownor, L. O. Johnsou, Botito A.. Modosto, Cnllf. 162 I'ODNn TAKKN UP 3 .lersoy cnlvos; 1 stcor snlf, crop oft right oar; I holfer, brand on right hip fig. 2, with boll on; 1 holfer, lope on neck. Ownor otiii havo same by paying ad und food. W. B. Lamb. 152 LOST LOST In .Medford or on road to my residence at Table Bock, a gold watch. Flndor pleasn notify mo nnd receive reward. S. M. Noalon, Central Point. 152 MOXKV -M LOAN MONKY TO LOAN Ou general ranch securltj. Dennett Investment Co. UUHINKta imtr.UTOKX Attormrs I'OKTHB J. NKFF, WM. r. MKALISI Attornoys-nt-Law, Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Hank bldg. A. H. RBAMKB, LAWYKR Oarartt Coroy bldg. Wm. M. Colvlg, George H. Bobertt COLVIO & ROUKBTfi. LAWYISB8 Medford National Hank Building II. F. MULKRY & GKO. W. OIIKRR1 Attorneyu nt Law. Jackson Coun ty Dank Building. Auu niipprtM LAIIKB AUTO 8PBINO CO. Ws are operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pa ctflo northwest. Use our springs when othors fall. Bold under guar autoe, 26 North Fifteenth fit, Portland, Ore. Dentists DlCwT ST VAN "SCO iTOO UK. O. O. VAN BCOYOU Dontlsta Oarnett-Corey HIdg., aulta 111 Uedford Oro. Phono 85R. -I NEW TODAY j.iu nc:os with 150 acre In culti vation, house ami good barn with ba fork, shop and good well, several springs ou the placo. This laud Is in gialti aud corn tits year, and raised good crops. Close o school, and not fai from Medford. It In priced to move. Only $27. 5o per aire, riuI It will surely move nt that price, as a single crop should pay for It. l-ong time may be hud on $4000 at per cent. Home furnished bouses for rent. C. D. HOON Boom ti, IiuLmiu iiiinty Bank Bldg. NO. 5 -THEN I FLOGGED HIM TILL UK ROARLD FOR MERCY. HE PROMISED TO PEACE IN MEXICO! ,.AV'J- i&& KUSIXKSS DIKEOTOKV Collections and Itcportj COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS W collected somo Accounts 14 years old. Wo know bow to got the monoy. Tho Bullock Mercantile Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Hat kins' Bldg., 21G K. Main St. Chiropractor DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise B. Hodges Mechnno-Tlioraplsts, Chiro practors, Bpnndylothoraplats. These systems, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, bydro-theraphy, etc., produce results In both acuta and chronic diseases. Consults tlon free. Over Deuel & Co., cor ner Main and Dartle'.t. Hours a. m. to B p, m. Other hour bf appointment. Phono 170, DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor, nerve specialist Rooms 203-204-205. Garnctt-Oorey bldg. Vapor baths nnd sclcntlflo massage given; noodlo spray, head and shoulder ahowor In connoctlon; advice la dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydropthernpy. Lady attendant Phone, offlco 543, residence 611-K. Engineer and Contractor FRED NCDSUiTnW contractor, 404 M. F. & II. DIdg. Surveys, estimates. Irrigation, dralnngo, orchard and land Im provement Garuhjco UABHAOH Get your premises clcunod up for the summer. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service. Phone 274-L. 1 T. Allon. Instruction Ut Mssie HAICHT MUSIC STUDIO Room 401, Cnrnett-Coroy DIdg. Fred AL ton Halgut Piano, Mrs. Florenes Hnlllday Hulght, voice. Phone 72. Notary ruDiio IliiLEN N."" YOcicEY No'urirulfirJ He. nrlng your work to mo at the slun of the Mull Tribune. l'hyoslcians anft Burgeons DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW OitoopathU physicians, 410-417 Qarnott-Corsy bldg., phono 103G-L. Restdente 20 South Luurol St. DR. W. W. HOWARD OsteopatMt, physicians, 303 Garnett-Corey building. Phono U04-M. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician amO surgeon. Practlco llmltod to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested aud glasses sup plied. Oculist and Aurist for S. P. R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co, DIdg., opposite P. O. Phone 667. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician an aurgoon. Phones, offlco 36, real donee 724-J. Office hours 10 t 12, 2 to 5. DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD Physicians and surgeons. Offle 309-310-311, M. F. & II. Bldg. Phouea residence, S14-J2; office, 814. DR. MARTIN C. HARDER -Physician and surgeon. Otflce Palm block, opposite Nash Hotol. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. T. G. HEINE, M. D., SPECIALIST i Eyo, ear, noso and throat, offloe 228 East Main; resldenco 1131 KaBt Main: office hours 9 a. ut. to 12 m.; 1:30 to 5 p. m. Telephones Olflce, 303; ;rosldoaco, 303-J2. Printers ana PubUstters UEDFORD PBINTINO CO. bas tee beat equipped printing office la southern Oregon; book blndlug, loose loaf ledgorH, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 Nerta rir gt. TrMBfctcrs EAD8 TRANSFER & BTORAOK CO. Office 42 North Front Bt. Phoas 316. Prices right. Service guar anteed. Tjimvv rltcr umT Mtipplie. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES Jjawr Romliigton, Srin Prcmlr and Monarch tyr"i"uss, mldlng and subtrJCtlT muk-tnes, rebutU machtaos nu or easy pay meats. l- hint- for rnl 'tdioas an' . -i-tit; at a i Winds, simple r ta.i f'H t.' i-hargo linger tv IV.nti - o Ilk-OM sl a 8 ll, or f almot PUo PUm. . I t