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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1915)
nww - .! K in it hi r U r 7 pAxjh fotjh MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE "an tNbnt'KNnHNT NBWW'APnn rUUMHHUU KVKItV AITnilNOOM jtxurilT HunuAi i aim ji'UJiu riuniiflu u. I Tribune Ilullillnjr, 25-a7-:9 ei; toiopiiono it. llo Times, Tho Medford ra Twjune, tho souin- io Asnmna inuuno. IOIC KATB Mr, 'BY IOHII -.. SStJi, delivered by t 'rfL Phoenix, J( Central IMlnt . .15.00 .to cnrrler In JneksonxtlU .60 fjHHuntny only, by mnll. per yoar 1.00 weekly, per year , , . 1.80 Offlclnt Pnrer of the City of Mcdford , Offlolnl Vaper of Jackson County. BntiTcd ft nocoml-clnsn matter at Modfnrd. Oregon, under the net of March . 1878. 'Sworn Circulation for 1914, 26S8. .Full leaned wlro Associated Press dis patches. -r Subscribers falling to receive papers promptly, phono Clrcu- latlon Manager at 250R. . Howl by a como and Boxvlbys go, but llllllnRH Is still with us. LAUGHS A Scant "What Is 'brilliant repartee?'" "Hrlllant repartee, my boy. In modern society, Is snappy conversa tion, each word of which has sev enteen meanings, sixteen of which no lady ought to know." Ohio Sun Dial. Money 6aved Mrs. Subbubs Tho Xextdorcs had a lawn mower como today. Subbubs Thank heaven! I was afraid we'd have to buy ono of our own. Donton Transcript. The HlRher-Us "They say Mrs. do Stylo always welcomes her poor relations under her roof." "Yes, I understand sho puts them In tho attic.'' Rocky Mountain News. It Muftt follow Committee Chairman How does tho organization of which you are a director make all its money? Millionaire Witness I havo no ex act khowledge of the details, but It Is an altogether different process from tho one they use at tho mint. Baltlmoro American. fiolng Down Tim I heard Dlggs boasting his descent. Tom So would I if my creditors lot mo down so easily! Judge. Tools of Ills Trade I Fllmor Met Unison clown town today. Ilo'd Just bought a tin horn, a triunglv, sonio blocks, a raitlcbox. norno sleigh bells and a popguri. I didn't know hu hud n baby. KlnniBon He hasn't. He's a vau doxlllo trap drummer. These things aro partof Ills outfit. Puck. ' Under Suspicion "They say that man makes a bun inrss of marrying for money." "Is ho a polygamlst?" "Oh, no a preacher." ' ' Uninformed "Good gracious, Abner, Is tho, walk ing 'bad?" "Illumed if I know; I haven't done ono yet." Two Views Sister When I got big I want to bolong to n moving picturo company. Drother Huh! Whon I get big I wont a moving picturo company to belong to mo. WITHOUT A VISIT K0.MI3, April 2. Surprise 1b ex pressed by the Idea "Nazlonale ho cauBo General Sir Arthur Paget, who lias ben on a special mission for Great Jiritaln to tho capitals of tho llalkan states, left for London without calling on any officials of tho Italian gov ernment. Intact he speut only one night In Rome, ' Tho Idea Nazlonale declares tho 'brief visit hero of Sir Arthur is es pecially difficult to understand be OHueo it Is believed tho information he gathered In tho Balkans, especially at Huoharest and Sofia Indicated thut their intervention was dopendent icWoy W similar notion being tuk- n!IHX .K 'JHSiSeiujra One rr : ntiil i JBWkK sm says PAGET QUITS IfALY A CALIFORNIA CANARD OSLO must go away from homo to -learn tho news. From Oakdale, Stanislaus county, California, comes tho an nouncement thai the Carnegie library at Medford is a fail ure and the city would like to get rid of it. Tho Oakdale Graphic contains the follewing: Tho only difficulty regarding a Carnegie Library that wo havo over heard is that with reference to tho library In Medford, Oregon. Where thero is ono city dlteatlsfled, It Ib safo to say thero nro hundreds that aro morethnn pleased. A city that Is going down hill might object to keeping tip .ch a library as Medford has, but tho cities of California aro not going In that direction. Oakdale certainly Is not, ' Passing the slur upon Medford, which iliio be expected from California towns, the uncalled-for and unjustifiable attack upon the public library is anm'.ing. Jt would be interesting to learn the source and object. The assertions made are false in evory particular. The Carnegie library has given universal satisfaction and proved a great convenience to the city, as Avell as a source of profit and pleasure to thousands. It has bad a very rapid growth, and despite constantly increasing facilities finds it difficult, to keep up with public demands. . . No portion of iho taxation is more cheerfully paid or more wisely expended than that for the library and the only regret is that more funds are not available. Tf a vote were taken today upon the continuance of the library, it is safe to say that thero would not be a vote cast in the citv against it. A NEW USE FOR PARCEL POST CLAIMING that the Southern Pacific is trying to put him out of business by delaj'ing shipments of news print, in order to oblige the local octopus, the Klamath De velopment company, whose collar he refuses to wear, Pub lisher Sam Evans of the Klamath Northwestern lias1 started a novel boycott of the railroad by shipping in his news paper by parcel post. In a signed editorial t)ic publisher declares war to a finish upon the Southern Pacific, cencluding: Meantime tho Southern Pnclfic will get as Utile of my business as Is possible for it to have. Thero is now a little moro than 5000 pounds of paper on tho way to this office. I have directed that Ifbo made Into small packages and shipped by parcels post. Until a now schedulo is put Into effect by tho Postotflco Department, tho railroad loses money on all heavy packages that It carries for Undo Sam. We should worry. None of tho railroad officials have put their automobile in hock yet. Here is a new use for the parcel post. It suggests un limited possibilities for isolated communities where the freight rate is high. It causes a good deal of annoyance to the railroads, if not actual financial loss, but it guaran tees speedy delivery, for railroads dare not delay mail ship ments to suit the whim of employes or satisfy the grudge of big shippers. COLT BORN WITH MURDERER'S FACE ON REDDING FARM REDDING, Cnl., April 2. A colt with tho features of n murderer stumped upon its deformed face was bom early Wednesday morning at the ranch of John Lutz, tho Stillwater fitockmun. Tho animal lincl but one eyo nnd thnt was prominently Hot in tho middle of the forehead. There was no indication of nostrils, tho rolt Inking its breath during- its life of a few hours through a strangely formed mouth, the under jnw of which protruded nearly two inches. Pert-ons nt the Lutz farm way that the colt'n revolting features horo an unmistakable rexcuiblnnco to John II. I,evel, a. cripple of unpleabing coun tenance, who hlew Joe I'arenti on tho Lutz farm hint hummer. Level is now in tho penitentiary. Mother llrutully Choked The btory is thut Lcel wuh driv ing thu deformed colt's mother when bhe wns eaily in foal, lleing a neu rotic, he became wildly enraged at tho umro liecaiiMi bhu did not properly respond l liis control of tho reins, und, it is related, Level attacked tho animal with his fMs. He i then Mtid to have choked her with his gorilla like arms. It is evident that the lca tures of the colt hear uncanny ro fcemblunce to the human, hut distort ed, malevolent and ghastly in their expression. Thus it is believed the i-olt was murked, receiving the fright ened mother's impression of a brutal face, tho remainder of (ho body being exceptionally well formed and devel oped. Lived UttUl Shot In spite of tho malformation, tho animal lived until it wuh shot at Jl o'clock. Dr. 0. C. Taylor, who was called from Kcddirig, cut off tho head and all afternoon the ficak of nature was viewed by sightseers in tlis city who bto interested in anything out of tho ordinary, from a two-headed chicken to a six-legged calf. m Dr. Taylor says the freak is un heal il of. Ho will send the head eubt for mounting. MRS. CARMAN TO BE TRIED SECOND TIME JIINKOLA, N. V April 2. Sirs. Florence Coukliu Carman, wife of Dr. Edwin Carman of Freeport, will go on trinl again, charged with tho mur der of Mrs. Louise Uailey, District Attorney Smith !' Nassau county an nounced today thut tho uuuu ivouhl bo culled "Hoy 10, , , MEDFORD MATE TRTBTTNE. BRITISH CRUISERS OF TO WATCH FOR NEW YORK, April 2. Two Hritih cruisers which have walchcd the en trance to New York harbor for more than a month, stenuitd away to the south during Inst Wcducsdny night, according to incoming pilots today. Tho pilots thought the warships were going to strengthen the srpmdron ly ing in wait fur tho Triuz "Kitcl Fried rich off the Virginia Capes. A report wns current in mnritiine circles todny that ome of the fleet of Gennnn liners tied up nt Hobukctr and Urooklyn dorks would soon put to sen. HI cam was up on all the ships. IInwoer, since the liners first lied up they lituo maintained stenm, so thnt tho vessels could put out from their dork in case of file. Few of the vcsxcls at Hobokcn1 hnvc any considerable amount of coal aboard, it was said. At tho Urooklyn docks two of the liners, tho I'isa ami tho l'lesidcnt Grant, both were amp ly supplied with con!. Customs of ficials have been stationed nt all docks whore tho Gorman ships aro tied up wtih instructions to report any manifestation of a tendency on the part of ships to sail without clearance papers. No application for clonrnnro pa pers had been mndo today at the customs house on behalf of any of the Gentian ships. NOTICE Notice is heroby 'given that the un deratgned will apply to tho city coun cil at Its meeting to bo hold April Cth, 1015, for a license to soli malt, spirituous and vinous liquors In quantities less than a gallon on Itb placo of business at 13 South Front street, city of Medford for a period pf six months. C. J. OAttSTENS, Dated March .24fh,lQ15, t i COUGHS ANP BRONCHITIS rolloved Instantly with two ounces of Schlffman's Concentrated Expecto rant. A wholo pint cost 50 cents. Money refunded If not satisfactory by Medford Pharmacy. Adv. John A. Perl UNDERTAKER Lady Assistant S8 8. KAIITLDTT Phones M. 17 and J7-J9 Ambulance Service Ooro&cr EITELFRIEDERICH AfEDFOTm ORKCION TmAY, AT'KITj 2, 1915 MEXICO'S JOAN OF ARC COMES T SAN FKANCISCO, Cnl., April 1. Colonel Itnmonu tin Florcs, tho onlj woman officer in the Carniiun arm, who at HO itf a eteran or forty-sex en battles, arrived here rccentlv from Topolubnmpo, Jre.., on the steamer Halboa. She is in the United Slates to pur chase supplies for her army, which noxv numbers 'JUDO men, nnd nfter xvard xvill xi-it Iho surviving mem ber of the Madero family in Nw York, later departing for Vera Cruz, where sho xvill in person make a re port to General Cnrrnurn on the progress of libs eaue in the xve-t. Colonel I'lorea i the Jean of Are of .Mexico. Four enn ago hor hus band led an army against llucrta. Ho xvas killed in battle by forces oT General Hoilriqiioz. Unit upon re venge, the xvidow gathered n score of F CIIAKLKSTON, W. Va., April 2. It developed today that ono of the stato officials who has been drawing his salary boeause of failuie of Die late legislature to appropriate funds for tho running expenses of West Virginia is Governor Henry I). Hat field. John S. Dnrst, stato auditor, has asked A. A. hilly, tlorne -general, for mi opinion us to win (her ho can borrow money until such time us Iho legislature can bo called together to miiku the necessary appropriations nnd tho attorney gmenil has come buck with n request for a statement of the mone.xs expended by Darst and for what purpose during the past sev eral years, .Meanwhile I lie unusual condition is being felt in all paits of Iho stale. Country schools are being closed, high schools placed on part timo, and companies ot the national guard aro being mustered out. The effort to haxo tho logi-datuio meet without ex pense to the stale and pus appropri ation bills hcuiis to have failed, and there is no relief in sight. m '""""ff wfelNfcJ 'b . ... j WEST lift RUSSO-fURKISH LEGISLATURE FAILED TO PROVIDE IDS THE PAGE Medford's Leading Theater Matinee 2 P. M. JJLLIAN WALKER and DARWIN KARR In the Broadway Star Feature Lifting the Ban of Coventry Three Parts THE WOOD NYMPH A charmlnn'refnance foaturlnu Ruth Stonehouseln the Danoe oMhe M Wood Nymph Two Parts Comedy THE LADY OF SHALOTT "With Flora Finch, Constance Talnnu'ss ind Others SATURDAY, 8 P. M., THE MAXWELL TOURING CAR AND DIA MONDS GIVEN TO THE WINNERS OF THE CONTEST. ' DON'T MISS IT Musical Program by WURLITZER ORCHESTRA Mr.JClyde Hazelrigg, Organist 5-10-15 CENTS NEXT WEEK "CABIRIA," the World's Greatest Photo Spectacle. 0 AMERICA TO -OUTFIT ARMY va-HH. v- Yaitii Indmiis emploved upon her plantation ami made a march into the enemy's territory. Her folloxvors grew, and within six months sho hall more than I0UI) men. Sho became a factor in xxurfuri) in tho state of Sinaloa, which is her home. She led her troops into one battle lifter another. She has seen hundreds of her soldiers and subor dinate officers fall under the enemy's fire, although she has come off un scathed herself. "Hut xi hat does death matter when one is fighting for freedom?" said Colonel Florcs. "I didn't intend to organize an nnn.y xvlicn 1 began fight ing. I started out for revenge, but the cop1o of Smaloa linked mo to lead them nnd I haxe douo it. I urn fighting for freedom now and my 2000 soldiers won't iput until wo get it ami I xvon'ti (ilher.'. TREATY DENIED BY ENVOYS DF HOME. April 2 Iloth tho Hub- slan and Turkish ambassadors to Italy, Interx-lowod by the Olornalo D'ltnlla, emphatically assorted that thero xvas no foundation to tho re port thnt Djavld Pasha, Turkish min ister of finance, xvho Is now In Oo novn, has been entrusted with tho task of negotiating a subject Uusso Turklsh ponco treaty. Al. KroupcnHkl, tho HtiHslan nm KflHMidor, Is quoted by Iho (llornulo D'ltallu us declaring that Ittissla nev er would conclude jkj.ico sopnratcly from Great Hrltaln and Franco, es pi'dally when sho was on tho oxo of rcalUIng tho oldest Aluscoxltu ambi tion. Naby Hoy. the Turkish ambassador, nssorted that his country would re main faithful to her allies and never would conclude a ponco separately from them, llo added that thero was no reason why Turkoy should seek to end hostilities at this time, for she occupies an excellent posi tion in tho Caucasus, while the Dar danelles havo proved Imprognnblo nnd sho Is preparing surprises In Egypt. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Evening 7 o'clock :- . n BOTH NEUTRALITY PACT ALONG MEN BORDER OBSERVED DOUGLAS, Arir., April 2. Gen eutl Vcmwliniio '(iimimni lufs or deied Colonel V. EIIuh Callos, his cnmmiiiidoi' In Niinunt, to lel'ralu from any activities Xvhieh might en danger lil'o or piopeity on the Amei lean side of Iho border, neoordhig to uiinouiu'eiiieal today by Callos. Callos said Cnrrnnrn forwarded him a copy of the tolegiain sent to tlm state department lit Washington In reply Io the xvarnlng against vio lation or neutrality along Iho border given Callos by Colonel C. Al. O'Coii nor, eonnuaiiilor of the United Stales patrol here. Purely out of rospoot for the United Slates, Can mini said, his follow or- xvould respeot Iho noiitralll.x of Hie Solium louder but xvllhoiit re gard for Iho Naeo agreement nego liated xvith tho Sonora fiietious last December hv Hi igadioi -General llnli I.. Seotl, elnof of staff of the United States tinny. This agrcemunl, Cnnaiira deehueil had been tendered xoid by the nlmosl immeiliiito xiolatioti of its terms bx Governor Ma.xloroua, in oeoiip.xluu Naeo, Stmora. utlor both sides had consented to exaeuato it. I EST Malta Commnuder.x, No. I, ICiiiuhti Templar, has aeeepted the invitation to worship in St. Mink's church, Mod ford, on Haster day, April . The service, especially arranged for the Knights, will bo held at 2. .10 p. m. and Iho public generally is cor dially Invited to attend. All Germs Ordered To Beat it! Git! Searching Influence of Remedy That Work Wonders. Tho Inlrmltictlon of H. 8. H. In nt nncn rv rumnmnit to tilooil Inipurltlca tu Ami n vrny out. Ami what nro blond ImpurltlrR? They may bo tlm hyporx'rretloim founil In tho tnucuun llnliiKu of tlm Imdy, they mny bo nclil nrcumulatlonn known n rhoti mntlim; thoy mny lm linlln, plrnplr. ec xninn, ncno nnil ntutittnrn, Indulrnt Mor Hut rxnoilnnd clom ly, tlioy nro nil gnrmn that hvo Kiilton tho upprr linnil nnd It require llm IIiihIiIiik Inllurnro if K. H. K. to itrlvo llinm out. Ami out I hoy Kit vrtirn H. H. H. hrnlnn to clrriiiulo In tlm tilooil. It only ri'uulriH nva intruit- tu hcKlii thin liiliimiur, fur It U u fart thnt In IIiIh limited timo H. H. H. iniiy lm trnrrd In tho tirlno, la tlm prrnplmtlnn, In tho eniormonco (rum tho liinK" to nlinw thnt II In nt xvorlc lnrm, mlnil you, nro r vwrloun klnil. tmt nil nro fnrelKii to lionltli nntl H. H. H. In no re npecter of dentnietlvo Rcrmi. It driven thorn nil out, of xvhnlnoovtir nnina tlioy KO by. Junt Kt a bottlo of H. H. H. of any dniRKUt ntnl noon you will olmnrvn h iioclilcd chnnK". Ami If yoiirn I n titiltilxirn cone, wrllo to tlm Micrnl Al vlncr. enro of Tho Hwlft Hnoclflo Co., I0T Hwlft Illrtff.. AtlnntH. (In, llo In it rcKUlnr phyilclnli, proud of IiIh nniiio by vlrtuo of hlM itlntliiKulihnl fnmlly nnd In rurnir. nlxpil nn n runiinunl pliynlclnn on hlu own merit. TT Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SATUKDAY MATINIJI'J - KVUNINd $20,000,000 MYSTERY uln thelMad nouse,, Tyvo UcoIh, comjiluto Sir Galihad of Twilight "A" Two Part, feautrliiK Win. Oar--wood and Vivian Rich. A trappor'n utory xvith a Krtp. Mutual Weekly News No. 4 Curses, They Remarked Keystone Comedy C and lOe ANY 8I5AT G and 10c For That New EASTER SUIT " Tailored to Fit KLEIN 128 East MAIN Upstairs SEE GRKAT MUDNKY REMEDY SVVES TWO CHILDREN IN ONE FAMILY About tint) iimr ago two of my chil dren Htifforud badly fiont weak Itld- iuxh. Tlioy would hnvu noxoro hpoIIh of tllMticmi and xxeio all run clown In lirultli. I was Jitut about dlm-our- anod. I tried Movent I roiuedleii and finally a doctor, but tboy did not seem to luipiovo. 1 knew of a fileiul xvho was taking Hwainn-Uoot for kid ney trouble with good rcnnltii nnd I decided to get hoiiio for tho chtldren. 1 had noticed that thero was iiomn linpiovoiuont after tlioy luul lalten two Inrgo bottles and eonllnucil tit glvo It to thorn until they had taken ouodinlf dozen bottles and xxoro well on the road to recovery. 'I think Dr. Kilmer's Hwamp'ltont linn douo moto for my children than any other med icine 1 havo tried and recommend It to any one having children that mif fer an initio did, Vety Truly Yours, It. V. MHNNIIY, Dotlinn, Ala. Perromtlly appeared before me, IIiIh 2nd day of July, ItWiii, l(. W. tilsoiihy, xvho subscribed to tho nhovo statement ami made oath that tho sitnto In true In substance and fact. A. V. I.IHUNIIY, Notary Public. Letter to III. Kilmer .V 'Co., lllo. Iiniiipton, N. Y. Pi oxo Wliut Kwniiip.KiHit Will l for You. Send tn centn to Dr. Kilmer & Co., lllnKhnmpton, N V., for a mimplo nlro bottle It will convince niixnuo. You vx III iiIho recelxo n booklet of xaltmhlo Information, tellhiK about tho klitneyn nnd blndder. Whon xvrlt Iiik. bo Hiiro and nientlon the Medium livening Malt Tribune HoKUlnr r0 rent ami one dollar nto bultlen for nnlo at all driiK r.torcit -Adv. iinniAMiinAU Imported Percheron ntnlllnn oxvned by Walter Kllto, xvill ninltii tho noa lion: Mondnyn and Tunnday nt Anh land llxery nlnblo; Wednondayn and rimr.iltiiv nt it, I! ltnlilnnou'R. Tnl- cut; Krldnvn and Hnturdnyn, Vlncent'H llnrn. Medford. motto z. Jncanon- vllle. Ore. TEB .e EGOJ jMade To Order Our Hpiiclnlty In tunkliiK KiiKter i:KK to order with uauien or any do hIkiih thereon, I.eavo ordorn early, Wo iiIho carry liouio mndo nnd other KitHlor cj;kh In utock. AIho all klrnln of Easter Novelties Ordor your Iro crenm now for tho nnnter feaiit-of tin. McBride's STOP! Your Car Insured Ht. Paul l''Jro & IMuiino Itwurnco Conipany, Ht, Paul, MluneKotu Incorporated 1805 Capital and Net. HuipImn, Jan, 1, 11)15 Over SEE R. H. McCURDY llOHldout AKcnt, Medford, Oregon wJfZ JTOJS&utiL. Jm A W .v;Q MWFTi. x. ..rt. 1 u. 4 I I I 9' hi 'm ( i jjjjfeSaiiwMMWHi mumtMbiii, Mftkullj