Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 20, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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207 itcmi strut
Medford Mail Tribune
Itnln Mnt. no; .Mln. rffi
1'reclp. .13,
rorty. fourth Yr.
Pillv -Ninth Yi.ur
NO. 283
Attendance for First Day Breaks All
Exposition Records President In
Wnslilnijlon Touches Button That
Starts Water In Fountain of En-
crny and Sends Oft Domlis.
! .
gales (if llui Piiiinnm Pacific, interna-
tiounl imposition swiiif nprtl to nil
tin' uiulij today, Foil,V.('itp foreign
nations Hint J'oi ly-t lit i-o ' slates iiiii!
tlneo ti'rj;it'ttkK ir tlm American
Union lire Aiirtlelpiiling.
"This in lite wntld of cpilomc,"
shnl Mr. Ficderick J. V. Hkiff, the
illtcclor ill chief, in 11 brief dedicat
ory addiesH, "Witliln the inclosuio
of those '.Muit iMi itnmuiU there nro
no foioutnew. All iniiv stand nnil
Mop upon this soil as if it wote their
unlive land.1'
Man IiIiik In I'nrmlo
Mitt hitinr in the ptirtiiio wore Sec
iHary I .it tie nl' Hie department of tin
inlet ior, niui'Htiiitr President Wit-'
son; Uiiverinir .InhiiMin, lltu senate
nnil iiMketnlilv of California; lite gov.
etnnr mnl itiliii' lcgihiliiii of Ne
miiIii; Mttor K11I11I1 of Sun Frail
eixen; .lnor Hose nf Los Angeles,
mnl the innon of ninny oilier ('nil
fotniii cities.
Salvos of nrtillerv salutes, shiick
ittK wliitli'H mnl hireim. pealing bells,
lulling ilittuiH mnl piercing fifes hud
wakened tlie oily nt dawn. Tin ilny
I1111I liei'ii declared u legal holiday
mnl ni'iirly nil tin lmiiie houes
mnl fnelnrii'M weio elo-ei! to penult
llteir employes to tnnreli in llie giguit
tic pnntdit which early look posses
sion of l ho ground.
Tin rorinul aspect of tlie dedica
lion wn tnmln an short miiiI simple us
puviihlc. Tin protfidcut of the expo
sition, ClimleN ('. Moon, mnl lil
Mil If nf executive of fleet , chiefs of
li ituiiw mnl lii'iiil of bureaus, as
sembled in tin California building mnl
tiiurchcil through tin Avenue o
Palms to 11 stand erected in front of
Hid lower of Jewel, fueiug tin inmti
United Sliilox soldiers mnl mnr
iuos t'MeoitCil Scciclury l.nnt, (lov
ei nor .lolnihiin mnl the other officials
.to their places, where they wen wcl
eoiiu'd hy President Moon mnl hi
rrestiieurs Mguni
President WiUott in llio white
lintiM1. hy Hut touch of 11 linltoti com-
pietist 11 tolcgrnph circuit which mito
tiuitieiilly worked u lelny l;ev in the
wireless station at Tuckerlon, N. .1.
liihtntitly powerful elect,ricu waves
lettpeil out acioss tin euntiiu'iit. .A
fritetiou of n second Inter they wore
lcceiveil on nerinU Mtnu from the
Tower of .lowels in the e,pohition
J4Ioiiiii1h, Attotlter iclnv instruinrnt
trnnsiiiitti'il Ihcm to nppnrntiH which
hwnn open the iloorn of the I'lilueu
of Miiehinery, iitilofionpcl the pent
up witters of the roiinlniii of Kttorfjy
mnl ilclonnteil higmil IioiuIik in token
of leeeipt.
"Toiluv i the iTitituph," unit! (lov
I'lttor JoIiiixoii, hpenhiiiij for Culifor.
tiiu, "of n Situ Francisco Hint nine
enrn nno Iny proitrute In rninn."
(Continued on l.nst I'iiko)
RKATTLB, WaMi., Feb. U0. -Tlto
new heavy artillery with which tlto
ItiiHsiuiiH am hoinbiutliiif,' I'l'ciuysl
with tolling 1-ohiiIIh in nuppnscil to ho
of AtueriuiOi itianiifiictitre, Hhippcil
from I'cnnnylvniiia to Vtiiicoiivor,
I hence by Menmor to VhulivoBtok mid
hy mil ncfosK Siberia mid to l'olaud.
When thu war broke out tlto UtiHhimm
wcru deficient in loiif; lnno ,miiis,
lrcutdi inatiufaclurcrH Inul received
onlurH, hut Milpnu'iil to IttisHiu wiih
iiupoHHihlc. l)ipnlclics from Japan
mpoi'tcd thn Tokio noventiiicnt hud
Hold (uiiH lo lliihsin, Lnio ordet'H
vme placed in Hut United Sltilcn, Two
Hti'innci'H Imvo carried from Vuncoii
voi In VludiviHtnl; mid a third lui'nc
coiiHi(,'iiinciit h on tho wliurf til Van
couver, waiting for a Mcanicr, TIicho
ennnon mo naid lo irulrmi;o must of
thubo tiuw iiacil in Kttrojiu.
Shipment of Submarines Bcinn Built
In United States Aliened a IVola
tlon of Neutrality Laws Alleged
Vessels Built In Sections and Ship
ped to Canada.
WASHINGTON, l-Vli. 'jn.-flor-tunny
mnl AtiMriti, Ihronyh their iiiu
biiksudoi'H hen, eoiuplniiieil to tin'
slnle ilepnrtiiieii't toiluv thnl niihiiui
lini'H weto hciiiK' hnilt in the t'nilcil
Slnti'M for (Ircnt Ilrilniu mnl hhippnl
in pmtH to Cmttiiht.
In n Ktnleiiipiit on the nuhjccl I he
ficriiiau i'iiilinNNv htiy:
"The plitutM of Itethlehi'iii mnl the
ritiiiti iron work tit Sun I'i'iiiicIhco
iiio, neeotilitii; to tclinhle inforiuii
t ion, hi'inlinc l''' eoinpotieiit pnrtx of
stihiiuiiinitM otilcieil hv the lliitihh
.'overittiienl to Ciiiimln. Siihiniiriiies
for ICukIiiiiiI iiImi nte heitiK built "I
lloMoti mnl Seitttle.
"The of the I'mlnl
Stilt'-! ilepnitiiieiit of Mule,'' the
Mitlciiicnt foul iiiite., "litis heeuliiiwn
to thce fuetx by Hut fletuiiiu mnl
AuHtro.IIuui.'iiiimi cinhtthMeH an heiui:
in enulruilietiou with the htwx of
Soine litiie nun the neniinii finhnniv
filed eotiiplniut with the Male ilcpnrl
tueiit uKiiinnt the iniiuufiietun of miiIi
intit tncM in the Culled State-, which
it wiix Mitiil were iiitetnleil for (Ircnt
Itritiiiti, The ntntler wui taken up hy
tho Male ilt'imttiiu'iit with the com
pany, which had had the couttncl ami
after eoiifcteiieert here hetween Sec
it'lnrv llrynii mnl Chailrn M. Schwab,
preMilciit of tint Mitthh'heiu Steel
couipmiy, it wan aniioiineeil that the
Atueiiemi hiiililcrn Inul withdrawn
front their contrucl.
PKTIMUlKAl), Feb. 'JO.-The I!iik
inn uiiiiiMcr to Itiuuauia, M. I'ok-IcvNl.y-Korcll,
in a report to the Kim-
Nimi lotciun uituister, M. Siixauotl,
xays that accordiui; to Mich iiiforuia
lion an he hit been able to outlier,
Itiiiuituiu will continue her piceut
policy of united ami watchful wait-
tii'.'i inning Kiitet neiiiier lor nor
iiK'iluM HuxM'ii and her nlliex.
"Ilttsmit should not rclv upon the
co-operation of Ifummitiij' .ay.i the
SKATTI.H." nHh., Foil.' 20. Tho
United .Stated collier Hortor milled
from tho 1'iiRot Nnvy Ynrd for Mnnlln
toiltiy, rnrolliK on her deck throe.
HuliiunrlncH wclKhlnt; 300 tona and
linnrliiR iiIho rl00 tonn of conl. Tho
HiilnuarlneH aro tho H-t, which wan
taken n lion til liofpro tho Doctor loft
the Atlantic count nnd tho A-3 and
A-B, which woro picked up hy thu IiIr
crane nt tho navy yard anil deposited
In cradloH on tho colllor'n dock.
WASHINGTON, Fob. 20. Charges
that representatives of foreign ship
ping IntorestH control principal roiu-
mltteoa of many chambers of com-
inoiao, poinds or trailo ami tnnruimn
exchanges and have "honoycoinbcd"
tho American lnnrltlmo field, woro
tiiado today by Walluco Downoy, a
Now York ship broker, before tho
special commlttoo InveBtlgnttug tho
alleged lobby against tho administra
tion uhlp bill,
Downey told tho committee, ho was
tho organlxer of tho United Slates
Merchant Marino association, which
restricted Its nioinbortihlp to Atuorl
catiH having no connections with for
eign shipping Interests, Secretary
WiUbIi wanted to know why that dls
urlmliiutlon wuu itindo,
fit' ''' w
Dili' ?&i
Wmm '
Fr.itikliii K I .a nc, Sc(i(t.n of the
LONDON', Foh. 20. fi 20 p. in.
Tliu Mennmlilp Cntnliiink of Cnnllff,
wnB torpodoctl today off Atulwych
liny. W'uIoh, hy a Oertnnn ntiluiinrltic,
without warnltiK.
The llilnl nurJiH-cr ntul two fire
men of tlto t'mntmnk were killed ami
niiotner inotuiior or tlto crew wan
drowned while getting Into n liont
Tlto rentnlntler of tlio crow wnH
Hnved, Tlto C'ainlinnk lind JurI tnken
tihonril n idiot for Liverpool.
NAKSKOV. Denninrk, I-VTi. 20.
'J ho NorweRlnn uteniner Iljarko Mruck
n niltie at S o'clock thin morning and
Hfttik. Her crow wax mived. Thlx
In the M'cond dlnaHtcr to NorwcKlnn
vouhcIh Hltico tho (icrtunn hlookndo
took effect. Tho lljaiko Indon with
coal wuh on Iter way from I.elth to
Tho tank utontuor ItelrldRC, tho
firm XorweRliiit vctmel to meet with
dlmiMtcr In tho wnr zono enlnbllflhcd
hy Uorinnny. after tho German de
cree wont Into effect wan torpedoed
yenterdny hy a Mibinnrluo near Folko
Mtoiiu and was hetielied, badly dam
aged. Tlie UJnrko was a small vcbsoI 12S
feet long and 2 SO ton groKR.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 20. The firM
odnnteiTeit of u federal icmmvo note
bus appeared. It in a $." note of tho
Dallas federal reM'rve bank, printed
from pootly executed etched plates,
tho peeret Hi'rxico snys, on two pieces
of paper, with silk ihread hetween.
The note is a (punier of an inch
shorter than the genulna nolo and
Chief Flynii says is such a poor piece
of work that it should ho readily de
"Tho mnrltlmo field of this na
tion." roplled Downey, "has been lion
oycoinbed with ropresontattvea of tho
foreign Bhtpplug IntorestB, lnnum
urahlo orKanlcntlouB, such as chamb
ers of commorce, boards of trado and
marltlmo oxchnngoB, havo boon
formed In this country. Itopresontn
Uvea of forolgn shipping Interests
have Joined thoso orgaulieatlons, so
cttl'od control of tho principal commit
toes nnd when tho organization takes
n position on a uiarttlm.0 mutter,
whoto tho lino must ho drawn be
tween foreign shipping Interests and
American Interests, thoy dlctato tho
resolutions. Thus you gontlemen In
congress and other legislative bodies
do not got tho real Amorlcan view
point In such mattoiB. For this rea
son wo iinulo tho'lluiltntlon," i
Anglo-French Fleet Bombards Forti
fications, Sllcnclr Forts on Asiatic
Side Then Attackinu. Those on Eu
ropean Side Lonfl Ranue Action
Followed hy Closer Range.
ATHENS, via London, Feb. 2(1.- It
is repotted hero that the Anulo
Ficnch fleet deroycd TurkiMi fort
on the Asiatic side of the Dardan
elles during the bombardment tht
iiioiiiiii. J lie torts on the l-.tirnpcmi
side were snli'.ei'UenUy attacked and
ate still J 1 1 i 1 1
"A powder iiiasazipe mi Hit A-i-alie
side of the Dardpnelles eploded
itiitiii' (he bombardment hy the allied
fleets. The forts replied in a livclv
mantifr to the fire t the war-hip-,
but wihoiit success, f
LONDON. Fi'b. 20. The Hritish
and French llectf, it wn officially
aunomiecil hern toilav.AVunbnnlcd the
Jorts if the Danlmtetles on Friday
it It considerable effect. The bom
bardment of the Dardanelles was re
I'ewcd. the announcement udded, with
sea planes ntul aeroplanes co-opemt-
Story of At lark
The text of the official announce
ment issued this afternoon by the
Hritish admiralty says:
Yesterday niornms at 8 o'clock a
Hritish fleet of battleships and bat
tle ertii'-ers, nccotnnaiiied bv flotillas
mnl aided hy n stron1; Freneh siptad
rott, the whole under tlie command of
Yiee-Admiral Cardeu, beenn ntt at
tack upon tho foits.r ijic entrance
to the Dardanelles,
'Tim forts nt Capo Ilellcs and
ICuni ICnle were hombanled with n
delihenito Jong ratine fire. Consid
erable effect was produced on two of
tho forts. Two others were fro
cpteutly hit, hut being open earth
works, it was difficult to estimate the
damage. The forts being outranged,
were tumble to reply to our fire.
"At 2'ATt o'clock in the afternoon
n portion of tlto battleship force was
ordered to close in nnd engage the
forts at closer rango with their sec
ondary nnnntnent.
At CIom I tango
'The forts on both sides of the en
trance then opened fire and were en
gaged at tnodcnito ranges by the
Yengeanee, Cornwallis, Triumph.
Sufiren and Uoitvet, supported hy the
Inflexible and tho Augetnmon at long
"The fotts on the F.uropcun side
were apparently silenced. One fort
on the Asiatic side was still firing
when tho operations were suspended,
owing to tho failing light. No ships
of the allied fleet were, hit.
''The action was renewed this
morning after an aerial reeonnais
sauce by Hritish aeroplanes. The
ship Ark Hoynt is in attendance with
a number of sen planes and aero
planes of the naval wing."
HOME, Feb. 20. Tho extreme par
ties in (he chamber of deputies vain
ly tried at last night's sitting to force
tho government to discuss tho for
eign policy of Italy. Tho socialists
presented a proposal to discuss tho
budget of foreign affairs, hut the
incusitro was immediately defeated hv
a voto of 2.VI to 27.
Deputy Kgnino Chesa, in the name
of the republicans, presented a
motion in which ho said that as the
army uud navy were now ready, dip
lomatic preparations completed nnd
nil upproprintions asked for granted,
tho government should uuko an ex
plicit declaration whether it was for
or against a oontuumneQ of neutral
ity. Premier Salandra speaking for
himself and also for Foreign Minister
Sonnino, answered Deputy Chiesa.
Tho premier snid ho did not consider
that a dismission of tho polioy of
tho government was opportune at this
present moment and that lie could add
nothing to tho declarations made hy
him on December .'1, when ho advised
that the country maintain an atlitudo
of loyal hut watchful nnd united neu
trality, w .
If; ' cMn
Miss IVin Ilobbs of the industrial
accident coiiiiiiismioii, who agree-, to
ic-in to save cotnpen-ation net.
SALHM, Ore, Feti. 20 With the
proviso that the Scltucbcl hill amend
ing tho workmous' compensation act
ho pafteed in the form In which it
reached the sennte, MIhs Fern llohba
offered to resign today sb a incinlicr
of tho Industrial accident commis
sion. .Miss ltotiha was appointed to
tho poHltlon by former Governor Os
wald West.
Her action was an outgrowth of
the deadlock between tho house and
senato on tho uienauro which has
halted legislation and already has
carried the legislature a day beyond
Its fixed tlmo of adjournment. The
senate recently amended tho Schuebel
bill ng'lt enmo from the hoimo so as
to reduce tho Industrial accident
commission from three mombcrs to
one. House members charged that a
commission of three is essential and
that this nmendinont Is merely for
the purpose of ousting tho West m;
potntees la the commission.
"Please bo advised," says Miss
lloulis In her offering to resign, "that
while holding a public offlco. I am
deeply concerned In tho preservation
of tho worknietiB' compensation law
nnd tho protection of thousands of
widows and orphans, who will become
its beneficiaries, than in keeping my
After tho noto had been read, Son
ator IMwnrd E. Klddlo declnred.that
"this Is a dastardly attempt to put
our conference committee In a false
Miss Hobbs gained national ro
nowii last year whon, as secretary to
Governor West, sho closed tho sa
loons at Copperfleld, Ore.
LOS ANGKLKS, Feb. 20. Harry
Chandler, millionaire land owner
and son-in-law of Genornl Harrison
Gray OHb, ownor of tho Los Angeles
Times, was Indicted Friday by tho fed
oral grand Jury on n charge of hnvlng
conspired to violate tho neutrality of
tho United Stntes.
WASHINGTON', Fob. 20. Official
texts of Germany's roply to tho Amor
lcan noto on tho naval war zono and
Great Urltaln's reply to tho American
notes on tho uso of tho American
flag and tho Wlthelmlnn caso, all
arrived today nt tho atato depart
ment. Tho Gorman roply, delivered by tho
norlln foreign offlco three days ago
to Ambassador Gerard, had been do
layod lu transmission. It was at once
converted from tho diplomatic code
nnd sent to tho white houso to bo
laid boforo tho president, who how-
ovor, had already been Informed of
Its contents ly Mr. Gerard and the un
official text published two days ago.
With tho official text at hand, how.
over- tho president and his advisors
will begin formal consideration of
New Heavy Guns Brought Up hy
Czar's Forces Austrlans Suffer
Heavy Losses Near Dukla Pass
Russians Form Line Alonrj Pruth
River In Bukowina.
LONDON, Feb. 20. A new attack
has been begun hv tho Kiis-inns on
Hie fortified Oalieian city of I'rzcm
ysl, whoJe rcistnnce of the besiegers
month after month has been one of
the strong features of the campaign
in the cast. The Ifus-mms ore re
'ported to have brought up new heavy
'guns for the nsxnult. hlsewhere in
'Oalicin, nccoiding to uuotfieinl ud
vicos the Russians have gained a
measure oi sucees, uotalilv near
Dakla pass, where the AtiMrinns nre
(said to have suffered heavy loscs
in the last few days.
From Knglish sources it is report
ed Hint the Itussians have formed a
line along the Pruth river, in Huko
wiun. and that a new battle is de
veloping. This conflicts with recent
JMntcmcuts that the AuMrians had
j succeeded in clearing all of Huko
jwina of the Iittssinnu. f
' T.. V-..-.I ii I .. ... n
iii .M'liiicru loiaiiii so inr ns tier
man accounts of the fighting show,
the Herman pursuit of the Itu-xinns
continues and has resulted in the
winning of several I'oli-li cities nnd
towns. London believes that the first
rush of the Of nanus into ho-tile ter
ritory after expelling the IIusmuhs
'from east Prussia, has been stayed.
The situation in the west is as de
void of changes asjuis been the case
since the battle of Soi-'-ons.
Fighting in France nnd Hetgium ap
parently is iucron-iug in severity.
Today's official reports fiom Paris
'and Herliti show that the French at-
'....lit i.l lit r
it-iupicu io orvaK inrougu mo uennnu
line at two points toward tho eastern
cud and that tho Ccnunns made nn
nsnult on the trenche-. of the allies
in Uelgiiim without effecting impor
tant re-ul Is in auv ease.
SALF..M, Or., Fib. 20. The Oregon
senate today pa. -ed a compromise
hott-o hill creating a new ti.h nnd
gamo commission to include the gov
ernor. The senate nlo passed a
house bill, introduced hy the Coos,
Curry, Douglas, I.ano and Lincoln
delegations, dividing tho second ju
dicial district and creating the four
teenth and fifteenth judicial dis
tricts, U
SALltti, Feb. 20. Kepreseiitativo
Vnwtor's hill, requiring tho expendi
ture of not to exceed 20 per cent of
thy amount raised by tho road tax
for the completion of tho Sjskiyou
section of tho Pacific highway. Un
der the present law, this means $48,
000 per year and it will take four or
five, years to complete tho paving of
this section of the highway.
Germany's reply to tho warning of
tho United States against destruc
tion of American ships or lives lu the
naval war rone about tho Drlttsh
sl03. Generally, tho tono of tho Gor
man noto has been regarded as
Groat Piltaln's reply to tho repre
sentations on tho uso of tho Amorl
can flag bears upon tho Amorlcan
vlow of tho Gorman roply and the
pext step in thes negotiations with
Horlln, for In expecting Gormany to
notify American ships boforo attack
ing by submarines, tho United Stutes
la anxious thero shall bo no general
uso of tho Amorlcan flag by foreign
vessels, Tho stato department Is
willing to lot tho Wllholmlnu caso bo
adjudicated by a prlzo court and thus
lay tho legal foundations for other
proceedings of a, Uko churacter,
Former Governor West Shows Real
Influence Behind Retirement
Highway Contractors Forced Ac
tion Without Hearlnn Because He
Acted In Behalf of Public Interest.
(Hy Oswald West in tlto Portland
SALV.M, Or., Feb. 10. Jfisa
Towne's conspiracy bill has been kill
ed nnd Stato Highway Kngiheer
Howlby dismissed. I!oa Djjfiiiti
the paving tntst nile fluprcmeTffiTtIt&
ship of stnto Bails merrily owTWK-p
Senator Day accepted villi flp
proval tho statement of Ooveninr
Wilhyeombe, made before the joint
ways and means committee, to tho ef
fect that hereafter no maudlin nonti
mont would prevail in the matter oC
the treatment of prisoners nt the pen
itentiary nnd in the consideration of
applications for paroles nnd pnnlons.
Upon his further statement that tho
adoption of such n policy would, by
reducing the number of releases, nec
essarily increase the prison popula
tion, voted for n larger maintenance
fund in order that fodder might bo
provided for the brutes.
It did not matter to noss Day that
many of these men had committed hut
small offences. It was enough that
they were of the common herd and
behind tho bar. While ho likely
would be prompt lo give bis full sup
port to the passage of n bill to pun
ish such cattle as these when thoy
trespass in the slightest degree upon
the rights of property, he would swell
with seeming- righteous indignation
should he be nsked to support n con
spiracy measure, such ns the Towuo
bill, niming to scud to the peniten
tiary rich crooks who conspire to rob
the public through tho submission of
fixed or doctored bids for paving and
other contracts.
How lloullty Lost Out
The public has been infonncd thnt
State Highway Kngincer Bowlhy has
been retired, but not fully advised as
to tho real influence behind tho re
moval. The boss of the sennte did tho
Certain gentlemen having road
building machinery, steel bridges nnd
paving materials for sale havo been
after Ilnwlby's scalp for somo time,
nnd it Avns left to Senator Day to de
liver the goods.
If nil that has been snid against
Howlby were tnte, his summary dis
missnl, without a reasnnnblo oppor
tunity to bo heard in answer to the
charges, can never bo justified or
successfully explained nwny. Hero
is how it all happened :
Sineo coming to Salem the gover
nor nnd Senntor Day havo had nu
merous conferences and it is state
house gossip that the senator insisted
that Highway Commissioner nowihy
would havo to bo beheaded, and ho
volunteored to prepnre tho block and
ax. ,
Kuglneer Is Xot Notified
Last Monday livening, nccoiding lo
program, there appeared at tho stato
house a recalled county judge, certain
contractors, holding contntots to con
struct portions of tho Columbia high
way, and their attorneys. It was
soon noised about thu lobby that tho
senate ways and means cotnmittco
would hear complaints as to the con
duct of tho offieo of stato highway
This ''phony'' hearing yhfeh waH
held wrthout noth'o to tho highway
engineer, disclosed tho purposo of.
Senator Day's resolution passed
early in tho session empowering his
committee to subpoena witnesses anil
iuvostigntu tho expenditures of dif-
(Continued on Page 2.)
COHONADQ, Cab, Feb. 20. In nn
important battle near llosnrio, about
sixty-seven kilometres south of thu
port of Miuutlun, (leneral CiirrnsoO,
a supporter of General CurmnxM, hurt
been decisively defeated by flenwl
Hitelua, ii Villa partisan, and hi
routed trooiw nro. today tmmiig
iulo .lnr.ntlun, '.
r 2