Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 21, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    n,nnn H!tl'f W
?.07 Second Street r$
, .
Medtord Mail Tribune
I'mcttled and rPobnbly rain
.Mnv. Ilj .Mlti. UU.
forty.fotirth Yenr,
titllv -Ninth Ywtr.
NO. 209
Pctruurnil Report Announces Ger
man March on Warsaw Ended In
Total Defeat Austro-Gcrman
Forces Near Cracow Also Reported
to Have Been Driven Back.
I'l.TltOdltAl), Nov. 21.- Tho Army
.MiWHiiiiKcr, tliu official organ of the
general staff of tlio It unnliin nriny.
Miiutiilug up recent operation In tlio
OIIHloril liroilll Of hostilities Hn)H!
"Tho Guriunns nru innklng fresh
offorls In ponntrnto our front between
Low It-;, niul Hklornlovlco with tlio ob
ject of iniirrlilug on Warsaw. It
acciiim t lint tlio enemy throw Import
nut fun ok In thin direction. Tin of
foil of tlio Germans to inurch on Wnr
n liy penetrating our front between
KIcImi nml ftnilom resulted In totnl
failure, ninl our trwym forced tho
i nxiii) to retire nil along thin front,
Tlio Ociiiiiiun lout enormous num
ber In dead, wounded nml prisoner
n well ii h provision trains, nrtlllery
nml wnr material.
Hepiilse .Vi'w ('iiirnn
"On November IS liuportniit Ann-Iro-Gcrmiiu
forces, supporting thuiu.
Mihi'M on tlio fortified country bo
twecn Cicutnchown nml Crncow, tin
i!i ttook an energetic offcnslvu move
incut ngnlnst our troopit, Itcpulsed
on nit thin front with heavy losses,
the enemy endeavored n fiesh offen
sive movement hut ngnln our forces,
hy n rountfir nttnek, drovo them
back with henvy losses.
Vo too); it largo number of prla
"It Im nnnouurcil (lint there Ih fur
Inn fighting In tlio region of Cracow,
tlio Oorinnus realizing tlint this ioit.
thin, with Hit strong fortlflcntlouii Im
their limt protected position on thin
Itiisihiii Flanking .Mmoiui'iit
Tho offlrlnl ItUHMlnu report of tlio
nipt n ie of n linttcry nt l.oilz In In
turpreted ii h iilKtilflcnnt, suggesting n
ItiiHtilnn flnnklng movement. Lnrgo
reinforcements, It Ih Mild, linvo heen
llitown In hy tlio HiihmIiiii. Front
lleriln, however, canto no suggestion
of it rotorso. Tlio Germans, It Is
Mild there tiro making steady pro
wess, not only In tlio renter hut In
the north driving hnck tlio Itusslann
fiinii tlio frontlor of Hast Prunsln.
t'nofflclnl ndvlres from tlio wont nro
to the effect Hint Germany' rein
forcements ttt 111 nro being rushed to
tlio eiuiterii bnttlo fields. -
LITTI.M IIOI'K, Ark, Nov. 21.--Forest
fires which nro reported burn
tin: In muiiy counties of tlio Htnto nml
imitlciilnrly north nml northeast of
l.lttlo Hoik toiluy nru mild to ho In
excusing In headway.
Huioko pullri following (ho Aiknii
una river cropt ovor l.lttlo Hock
bringing nu nlmosl ulKht-IIko dnrk
iicsb. Street lights woro vIhIIiIo for
hut a fow foot from their poHtn.
Tlio hut Konornl ruin In ArkuitHnu
occurroil uioro than n month hkd.
J'rovloim to that proclpltntlon rnln
hnd not fnllon for r0 tliiya.
VALPAIIAIHO, Chile, Nov. 21
('upturn of tho ilormuu Hteumurs Lux
or mil Memphis, both belonging to
I ho Kosmim Line, wiih ordered today
by tlm Chilean government bocnuso
I hoy left Chllouu poita yesterday
without rlenrnuco pupets. Thu ni
Ihoillles iilso uunoiiiireil (hut no ves
mils of tlm Kosmos lino will ho pir
inllli'il to tu he coiil or uoKlons In
Chilean poitu, pending nu InvestlKu.
lion of tlm Actions uf the Lunor nml
Ml lllplllH
I'AIIIH. Nov. 21. 2 II p, in. -Tlio
official couimunicntliin h'voii out In
I'nrln (IiIn afternoon remlH nH follow :
"Tlin day of November 20, Knnrrnl
ly npcnkliiK, woh xlmllur to the two
proceeding iIujh.
"In IIoIkIiiiii our nrtlllery nt
Nleiipoit iieciuod tlio nilvnutnKo over
Hint of tlio ononiy. l'roin Dlxiiuulo
III tilt) HOIItll Of till) VpK.'H thero wim
Interinltteii cnnuounilltiK on our purl
nnd thvlm.
"At Ilolloliolu) two nttncIcK of (lor
limn Infantry wvro liniiieilliitcly ro
pultun), "From tlio ltel;lau frontlor to tlio
Oln.) (hero wmt nothing to report,
"In tlio rlou of tlio AUno mid In
ChnmpiiKUo the uilvniitnRo i;nlned by
our hnttoilcM over tlio nrtlllery of
tlio enemy hn become marked, nml
linn pruftited tlm Cermiwis from con
tlutiliiK the coiiHtrucllon of certulu
trenchi'M he Kim by them.
"In tlm ArKonuo wo blow up cer
taln of the Mieiii)'n,treiii'heH.
"In the lilulty of Verdun and In
tlio Vohki'M wo hno mtiiU) proRreHH.
At certain polntH wo have entnbllBheil
our trouclii'N nt Ichh than 30 ynrdn
from the (leriiuui ponltlon."
l.tiNDON. Nov. 'Jl, 7:'J0 u.m.--J.
F. I'. Kiiwlinhon, iinjoiiiht member of
parliament from t'liiiihriilo univer
sity, Iiiih ijiveu notice of Inn intention
In inovn in the house of commons n
resolution providing tlutt the Milurics.
of membcrri of piirliuinent bo iliieou
tinned, while the salaries of miuisteth
nro to be reilueeil to the basis of (Iiomi
Kiven llHMl. The n'solution rceite.
that tlii4 uetioii is taken in view of
the ilriiin upon tlio fiuiiuccx of tlio
Members of piiiliaincnt pet n Mil
nr.v of -111(1 (.il'llOD). Sueli payment
wim proviilci! for in August, 11)11.
I'reviously ineniberH had hcrvcil witli
out pay.
The Milmies uf incmbeiN of the
cabinet illume from i"J0l)O to 10,000.
The latter hiun is paid to the lord
chancellor. The premier nml (lie lord
of the ny henl servo without pay.
LONDON, Nov, 2, 10 n. in. Tlio
uowKpiipor liulepenilencu UuIko, which
linn been published In London ulnco
tlio occupation of l)riifinoln, linn ro
colvod news from Chnrlerol, HoIkIuih,
that the InrRu bliibt furunro thero In
ruunliiK iilttht nml day InclnorntliiK
tlio corpsuH of (loriunu Holdlern killed
iiIoiik the Ynor line. Tlio bodlcH of
the Holdloru nro boliiK brouRht to
Cliiuleiol by mil.
The couUmlnou of Chnrlerol have
been ro-oponcd nml thu mliiorH nro
workliiK two or three dnyK u weok.
I'KTUOflHAD, Nov. -Jl.-Tlio ml
viiiieo of tho HusMims into tlio Mu
ziirinn liiki'H region of custom l'nis
hiu, iiciii .loltnnnisbuig nml Aryu, Imk
ruveiilcil tlio e.Ntent of tlie prepnrit
ttonrt miiilo liy tlio (lermiiHH to resist
inviisioiiH. Tho whole region Ik tie
soribeil uh n giuiiutio fortress, fneiiiK
to tlio cast' nml south in tlm form of
u Kcini-eiri'le, ninety miles in evtent.
Tlio spaces between (lie hikes,
which ruiigu from marshy pomls hy
tlm liumlrcilri to hoilies of water ten
miles long', am entrenched .with wire
fences, At inlorvals there nru eiulli
en reiloiihl's, which nro ivinfoiecil
with smile stonework nml protecleil
liy mine liclils. Wheiever it is prm
lli'iililu ciiiiiiIk have been iluc lie
lilml Hicsii ciinals lie (Iciiiian
At Aiys, vtlieiv ilio Hii1hiis inn
Weather Force Aliantlonmcnt of Mill
tary Activities Along Yser as Tem
pcraturc Is Below Freezing
Comparatively Little Activity In
Beldum and France.
LONDON, Nov. 21, 12 noon. The
wnrrliiK nrmlex of both bnttlu frontu
Neem today to tinve cotno to n pnumr,
nu If nn Internal were neccMHnry for
thorn to uolvo the new dlfflcultlcH of
their ponltlotiK, rnlxod by tlio unox
pected nevorlty of the flrnt onulniiKht
of winter,
A now crop of morion linn nrlmin
thnt the (lermniiN nro fending heavy
KiiiiN mid hiibninrlneM by rait to Mel
kIuiii, detained for tlio cont, while
other reportn declare that lont?
train capable, nil told, of iiiovIiik
200,000 men, nro belnt; picpnrod to
take (Jeriiian relnforceiiieutH to the
enHtern front.
Itiis.ans ( Inlm (liiH'k
Vienna nml Ilvrllti m;rec that noth
liiK dcolnlve linn occurred In I'olnnd,
while 1'etroKrnd claims that the
C.erninn offetulvo between the Wnrln
nnd Vlituln hn boon checked no de
finitely that thu KuiuilniiM have been
'iinblcd to rcMimu thu nm;reiilve, nn
nttltudo which they KlKiinllxed by tlio
capture of n bnttcry of (ierninn nrtll
lery to thu northwoHt of l.odr. Thin,
If true, ludlcatcH the poIUIllty that
tlio (icriuniiH nro In dancer of belnc
outfnnkctU..N'eortlis'Iesi It U np-
purcnt thnt thu two nrinli are fnc-
Ihr ench othor nml watting for the
next iiiovo In whnt may prove to be
ono of thu moHl decUtve hnttlea of
the enHtern campaign.
Allies llnlm Advnntngo
Important ntlvnntngcH, though not
of n iIccIhIvo nnture, nro claimed to
dny by Die 1'roncli war office. Ger
many's now attnek townrd tlio eastern
end of the bnttlo lino across France,
with tho supposed purpose of Isolat
ing the Important fortress of Verdun,
Ih said in tho French official stnte
inonl to linvo been thwarted, nt loast
temporarily. In tlio Arqonne region
whero tho mnln nttnek hns been In
(Continued on page two.)
LONDON, Nov. 21, 10;32 u. in.
Tlm coriospondent In lleriln of tho
Central News hns Rent tho following
dispatch by way of Cepenhagen:
"All of Germany Is In n condition
of extremo tension, nwnltlug tho re
sult of tho great battlo on tho eastern
front. Tho Husslnn forccB nro esti
mated at 900,000 men. Tho Ger
mnns control all tho roads to Novo
Oeorglowsk nnd Warsaw, Tho bnttlo
centers nt Lodz, where tho (tormans
nnd Austrlnns nro In excollont posi
tion, whllo tho new Austrlnn forceB
uro ndvnnclng from tho south. Tho
Russians nro being attacked from
threo sides."
teporlcil to linvo mnile n eonsiileruble
uilvmu'u in the lust few tluys, they
have heen compelled to btorm con
crete block houses, resulting- in sumo
instances in heavy loss of life,
Keports from fiiuciism htnto Hint
the ltussiiiu iiilviiueo into Turkey is
proceeding without serious resist
ance, although tho invading lorccs
uro under fire from Turkish light ar
tillery on the hilltops, practically nil
the lime. There nro almost no roads
in the region of tho Hiihso. Turkish
bonier ami it ta necessary for the
Hussion to move their guns ami sup
ply wagons Ihioiigh tho mountain
passes by liuml.
The Turkish Milages through whVh
(ho llusians hiivo passed mo tlcucit
eil nml fctrippcil of provisions. Only
In the AriMciiluii Milage have any
supplies been fiMiiiil,
IIKItLIN, Nov. 21, (by wireless to
London, ::?,U p. m.)- An official
loniiiiiinlcatlou given out by the Her
man general army headquarters to
day says:
"On tho wholo there Is no change
In tho western war theater. The
enemy Is showing great activity with
his nrtlllery along practically the en
tiro front.
"In the eastern war theater the
operations arc still further develop
lug. Nothing enn yet Is; reported re
garding tho situation In Last Prussia.
"The pursuit of the defeated
enemy, who was driven back through
Mlawa nml Flock continues. Our of
fensive nt Lodz has made progress.
"In the region to the east of
Czciistochown our troop arc fighting
by the success of our allies and have I
gained ground.
UJ-.MINO, Cnl., Now til. --I.u-.-tn
I'ciitt is belching fqrth Mich volumes
of t-rlokc toilny thnt the mountain is
hiililA from view. As nearly as can
bu learn"!. Hie eruption began with
extrenlA violence ut 4 a. in. Iifjf.iv.
The ili'liirbaiiee is the lirt of; any
magnitude since Octpber 'J7, ntfil the
Nixty-first since lh series began on
May 10. $.?"'
Forest Wnngeriibtv."sttitjoneil at
.Mineral, rejMirtei ?iav frmm head
(piarters nfltcil Illuftlxliat last Wcil
ncsilnv he .nW a elmnr of smoke
iiouriiiL' from n 'Cent in the mountain
just at thv timber line ami a tniLc. be
low thc'iiiaiii crater. He did not,,j:et
near enough to determine wlu'thei;ithe
vent was 'merely n fissure or a new
crater. Watchers from Kcilding
thought the smoke came from n for
est, fire.
OAKLAND, Cat., Nov. Ul. At an
exeeutivo meeting of tho citizens'
committee of 100, cidled for loduy, it
is the plan to seek legal advice, and
form a definite' working; program in
n crusade against nn alleged graft
ring in Alameda county politics. The
committee made this announcement
last night after Francis J. Hcney had
told as many citizens as could crowd
into the largest auditorium in tho city
that tho county is "ear-marked" by
corruption. The "earmarks'' of the
Mime sort of gratt that he had found
in San Francisco in lllO.'i were plain
ly evident in Alameda comity, Hcney
1U.U1.1N, Nov. 21. via London,
5:35 n. in. Kmperor William, ln nn
swurhiK n telegram frqm the Society
of German nnvnl architects now
meeting nt Charlottenhurg, tele
graphed tho follewing:
"Vour faithful Inbor In peaco Iiob
contributed to our successes hitherto
In war. I rejoice ln4tho confidence
and Intelligence thnt has dlructcd tho
activity of German Industry, which,
In thobo serious times has shown It
self strong In support for tho Father
"May tho lord God continue to
vouchsafe tho success ot our arms
nnd tho Fntherlnnd."
Football Scores
At Corvnllls, Oregen: Scere:
First quarter 1'nlverslty of Oregon,
0; Oregon AgRl'''.
West Point, N. Y. Army lit,
Springfield (I.
Washington Gcotgelowti (I, Wash
ington ami .lefl'eihon II,
Annapolis Naw X, I'minus 'J.
Ilostmi - Diiilmoiilh 10, Syracuse 0.
Chicago Minnesota li, Cliieutpi 7.
Columbus Ohio Hlale '.'7, North
western 0,
m,v . hi
tijrk :-;
Captain Decker Cables Smyrna Fcrts
Fired at Launch of Uncle Sam's
Wnrihlu as Warning of Closed and
Mined Harbor Act Not an Un
friendly One.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. After
an announcement from the white
house today that word had come from
Cuptniu Decker of tie eruier Ten
iiessoe that the firing of tho Turkish
forts at Smyrna iisn the eniUer's
launch on November 17 was not hos
tile, Secretory Daniels announced
that a iioi t ion of Captain Decker's
first rcMirt had not been made pub-1
lie when received, because it was con-
sidcred contradictory. He announced j
that Captain Decker' dispatch re-
Hrting the filing contained the words
"act not hostile, but unfriendly."
The navy department announce
ment omitted the contradictory
iilirasc, according to .Mr. Daniels, in
order to verify it, and today ,.alnc
word that thu was 'correct
as originally sent. Secretary Daniels
was unable "to explain its meunini; and
sn id that it seeine, to Ii in nn exDro-
sion of opinion by the captain of the
Tennessee without exact knowledge
of what took pluce on shore.
Port Wns Mined
At the white house the s-tnlcntent
issued said Captain. Decke.r had re
ported the firing- as "not a hostile
act," the iew being taken that the f
first part of the phrase meant (hat
the shot-, were not aimed to take ef
fect, but as a warning, because the
port of Smyrna was mined and
After a conference with President
W5lson, Secretary Tumulty gave out
today the following statement:
"Tho Diiblie already knows whnt
happened, namely: A boat from the
Teniusee tried to enter tho harbor,
a harbor which the Turkish govern
ment had declared closed. A shot was
fired across her bow to stop her. The
captain of the Tennessee reports that
it was not intended as a hostilo net.
"A full investigation of the matter
is being made and explanations have
been asked of tho Turkish govern
incut. Preious iittcnipt to com
municate with Ambassador Moi-gen
than in Constantinople have led to the
delays of as much as a week.'
Not a Hostilo Act
Secretary Daniels said he had re
ceived no further messages from
Decker since tho first report and that
ho assumed tho commander wns
awniting investigation by American
Ambassador jrorgenthnu. Mr. Dan
iels Huid the contradictory phrase had
been omitted in his announcement he
cause it seemed only an expression of
opinion which in itself was inexplie
aide. There is no intention of withdraw
ing either vessel, as sumo of tho
American residents are said to bo
concerned over the general conditions
in Turkey.
SANTIAGO, Chile, Nov. 'Jl The
American steamer Sacramento, which
until a few months ago was the Gcr
mun steamer Alexandria, has put into
Valparaiso and the story related by
her captain has resulted in the Chin
eau authorities starting an investiga
tion to determine who is responsible
for tho apparent violation of neutral
ity in which she was involved.
Tlio Sacramento, Captain Jacobsou,
left San Francisco for Valparaiso un
der her now register, and flying the
Stars and Stripes, October 13, Cap
tain JaeoliBUU declares that hU
steamer was seized on the high seas
hy a Geinuin warship ami taken to
Juan Fernandez island, belonging to
Chile. Hem ho was obliged liy the
Gcnnans to turn over hi pioWsions
mid (lOUO Ion uf coiil.
KA.V I'HANCIKCO, fill., Nov- til.- '
The klt'iiiucr Snoiuuienlo, detained at
01im BY
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. Frovis-
J ional President Gutierrez, with thirty
members of the Aguas I'alicntes con
vention, have ur riled in San Luis Po
tosi nnd General Villa's trooH have
taken (jueretaro without resistance,
according to official telegrams to the
I state department.
I American Consul Silliuiau was as
Isurcd by Generals Obrcgon nnd
lllnnro that a sufficient force would
be left in the capital to preserve or-
I der. Nothing was said about plans
I for defense nnd the impression pre
vails in official telegrams that the
Villa forces will be iM'nnittcd to ap
proach the capital without resistance,
the chief movement of the Carrnnza
forces being aimed nt the rear and
flank of the Villa columns.
Ni:V YORK, Nov 21, Agents for
the Hrltlsh and French government
J announced here tdJay that they were
I ln ,ho market for 1,350,000 wool
'sweaters. 000,000 wool stomach bands
1.600,000 wool gloves and 500,000
I I"i oi wool socks, in oruer to ue
tcrmine where such an enormous
qunntlty of woolen goods .might be
purchased quickly, an advertisement
! wns placed In a commercial news
papers. It was said that tho goods
wero required for prompt delivery.
thnt orders would bo given immed
lately and that payment would bo
made In cash for goods delivered in
New York.
Tho wholcsalo value ot tho goods
wanted Is moro than $2,000,000.
DEUL1N, Nov. 20, via London.
Nov. 21, 5:33 n. m. The correspond
ent of the Zeltung Am Mlttago vis
ited Dlxmudo whllo that town still
was under heavy bombardment.
Tho sky was literally covered with
smoke rings from shrapnol, ho wrote.
Tho enemy was commencing to wav
er under the steady succession of as
saults. Fighting is often at such close
rango that hand grenades nro em
ployed most effectively. Tho pros
enco of tlio latest French and English
newspapers In tlio trenches, says tho
correspondent shows that tlio allies'
soldiers nro being kept informed..
NKW YORK. Nov. 21. Tho ftnte
nieut of the average condition of the
clearing house banks mid trust com
panies for the week shows that they
hold .f 170,8110,310 reserve in excess of
legal requirements. This is due to
the new federal reserve bunking law.
present in Valparaiso, met so much
trouble in obtaining a change of rcg
istry from tho German to tho Ameri
can flag- that during the debate she
was nicknamed "tho ship without a
Her new owners nro tho Northern
& Southern Steamship company,
newly organized, and thus far the
Sacramento is their only vessel. Af
ter a transfer finally had been al
lowed, irregularities were discovered
in the signing of thu crew and she
was held up as she was leaving port,
until the formalities had been ful
filled, The cargo of the Sacramento,
which included besides coal, provis.
ions mul ciijjiun room supplies, excited
much comment at the time, but thu
authorities were unable u pick any
fluw in the explanations onVivd
mid llm csrl wim ut last uivvM
Crimson Has Easy Victory Over Blue
Bcfjln Scoring In First Period
and Keep It Up Throe-shout Game
Yale Struggles Desperately for a
Score, Unable to Make Showing.
NKW IIAVKN, Conn., Nov. 21.
Harvard scored today her greatest
triumph of moro than a quarter of a
century over Yale in tho new Uluo
"bowl." Flvo touchdowns brought
the points to 30 to 0 In favor ot tho
Crimson. Tho Harvard offense drovo
Yale back for many yards, whllo tho
dreaded Yale lateral pass was unablo
to bring a Uluo score. Twlco Yalo
stood almost under tho Harvard goal
post, but could not produce a score
The strength of tlio Harvard de
fense was one of the most romnrkablo
shown by a Crimson team In many
years. Ono ot tho sensations was
the appearance of Captain Drtcklcy In
the fourth period. Urlckloy figured
In the scoring by kicking a goal. Tho
usual demonstration followed the end
ot the game and It was singular that
the three latest football edifices of
Harvard, Princeton and Yale should
hare received their dedication by de
feats ot the home team.
In Klmt Period
Harvard won tho toss nnd elected
to defend the south goal. Yalo gavo
tho Crimson the kick-off and lluhan
booted to Legore, who canio back 30
yards from the, seven-yard mark.
Using Dradlee threo times and
Mahan once, tho Crimson made a
first down on tho 25-yard line. Urad
leo hit the lino for flvo and Francko
mado six on a fnko kick, then re
peated for flvo moro and Qradlee on
a delayed pass wont to tho five-yard
line. Talbott threw a wing shift for
n loss, but Hardwlck took a forward
pass from Mahan and scored a touch
down around llrann. Tho Crimson
needed only 11 rushes to scoro from
tho 377-yard lino. Hardwlck missed
a hard goal. Scere: Harvard, C;
Yale O.
Second I'erhxl
Ynle's left was nt onco attacked,
Mahun skirting that end for succes
sive runs ot 19 nnd 22. Then ho
went through tho center for seven.
Hrudleo nnd Francko mado ii first
down on tho Hluo nlno yard line. On
a delayed pass Mahan made six yards.
There was n fumble on tho next play,
tho ball rolling across tho lino.
Francko fell on it for a touch down.
Hardwlck missed goal. Score:
Harvard. 12; Yale, 0.
Yalo tried kicking oft this time.
Harvard tried rushing again but Yuto
forced a punt, Logoro running It
back. Alnsworth mado flvo and
Knowles three yards through tho lino.
Klght rushes had yielded 39 yards,
Knowles went to tho six yard mark.
Then ho wns stopped at center and
on tho next play fumbled. Coolldgu
rocoverod nnd sprinted tho length ot
tho field for tho third Harvard scoro.
Hardwlck kicked this goal. 8core:
Harvard, 19; Yalo, 0.
Wnlden kicked off nnd Mahan camo
back 20 yards to his thirty yard
From tho 40-yard mark Hardwlck
mado seven, then Yalo hold. On' his
third try, this tlmo from tho 25 yard
mark. Mahan drop-kicked a goal,
Scoio; Harvard? 32; Yulo, 0.
Third 1'eilod
Walden kicked off to Mahan on
tho 10-yard lino. Mahan ran back
27 yards. Aftor two short gains Ma
han punted mul Legore's return punt
(Contlnuod on oano two.)
ThoiiMHidi, uf I'liliforwlHHi iwpwl
into Hun IViineUeo today to partici
pate in the dedication of tb CUGr
ilia building tit ike 1'hmm I'A4rl
exposition. The wwwthndm I
I'liMryti C tlHt w' wwi-iary,