Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 20, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
I'nli tonight anil Tuesday
Mat. 71; .Mln. 1.1; Pre. .:.
rnrly-fourlli Your.
Dully Nlnlli Vinr
MEDFOttD, OWKCION, MONDAY, AI'RIfy 20, 11)1 1.
NO. 25
i rff
President Details History of Mexican
Crisis nnd Insults From Hucrtn
Administration Declares Friend
ship for People of Mexico.
Conuress Votes Right to Use Armed
Fotccs to Obtain the Recondition
Scuuht Speedy Preparations.
WASHINGTON, Auil 'Jn.-Pri.!.
drill W'IImhII uMlt'd eoilgienMniltll till
thurify Imliiy I" use unity mid unit
ugtihtM (lonenil lltiotlii tif Mexico.
He hihiIk it tiliiiiidiiiilly plum, ls
tlnit hit mount llucrtu ninl imt tlto
people of M cxii'ii. For Mi'xii'ii'm pon
I lc hit xprtMd tlin wuiiuct Irii'inI
Miip. He topudinlcd tin iili'ti tlnit In'
pluiiui-d wnr mi llii'iit. It was lliH'ttu
ninl Mm fnlluwer nlnno against
whom In wild In ini(iHCi in iirl.
Hi rccuniliitatcil Hiiini of tin
wrung mill instills lh United Slates
Ims suffered ft inn tin ilit-tiitur'rt nit -tlerling.
If tint Mopped iinw, In
ouiil In f i'ii ml soine crowning nut
mKi' which would louder "united enn-
llii'l" utiiiiiiiliilili.
Tliii undercurrent run nil thtnugh
ihh miIiiiih no wns iii'iuii; in mi
iuloroM of (ii'iii'i mid mil of wnr,
1 tut fur nil tint!, it vn itr. "win"
Dint iiiiTflytwrf 'lUlfiiiT Interpreted
ItU ii'innrki.
Tin iiiwugc wits brief about mitt
tlintifiiiiil vvotiU.
I.Uteii In Silence
1'ii'Mdcnt Wilson appealed In'fiiri'
tin' tn li'in!" nf cougn', awaiting
IlilH III jllillt einll, Hi I'MII'llv It
1 1. III. Ilia I'M IT Wit e III Kl'illl linos.
lit huh paler llimi tixml. Hi uiri
win im clear ninl In I'litini'tiitiini u
perfect ii when In hu n u'ii ml he
fun tin- lawmaker in tin paM, lint
there wiin no al lability in hi tune
today. Hi miih imt m-grexxivo, Imt
Im win gnivu to tin verge of Mid
ni'M with n Miilni'Hn, however, tlmt
will, nut tender, Imt Met II.
I III legislator listl'lll'l) ill HO llot'l
ii silence Hint lln mtv ticking nf tin
I'lni'k mi lilt wnll Miniiilcil Ininl,
I'locotlenlx Smnxticrl
It wu lln fii"t tiini in Aiiutioiiii
history Hint n pioxidcnt hits pornu
nlly nkci iimgrtiniiul uiifllnii for
n win like ili'iiitiii-tnilinii. Ami it wns
sixteen S I'll IS ilL'it nlinnxt In II liny
Hint war was declined against Spain.
Iinnii'ilintcly iiIIit tlm I'liirt' i'mtii
tiit tin tl rinilii'tl liirt iiiIiIiiki lint
Inmiii I'liinmilti'i' mi fiiri'in iiITiiiih
ilmflril ii ri'xnliitlnii xcxti'il in linn
tin' ptiwiTH hn wiih iihkint;, It wiih
ni-linl HiiiiiikIi Imiiiit uml situito nl
llt hpl'l'll.
Ill IlltCIVxtk llf I'l'HIO
l'lri'i'ilin Hn' ii'iiilint; nf his ml
ilii'M, Hin putkiili'iit ili'iui'i'iitcil Hut
wnr 1'ci'liii hit hitid tic Hnmi'lit ho
hiiw niioiiiiii,' in Hut I'uiti'il SdiloK,
nml ilochiioil Im wiih noliiiK' HKiiiiist
lliii'iln, tint in (ho iiitorohlK nt wnr,
Imt Imtiiiiko hit holiovoil Im wnnld
Hill ho nlilit In ;oi'i ioni'i'.
Tint mlilrcM Imviii); hoou ivnil,
hulli liniixcN tnnk iiiitni'ilinlo hti'n to
i itly wiih Hid cliiof it.ot'iitivnV
.Military .iinl ntiwil proiiiniliiniH
wimiI mi nl tup biciil, with I'iKhtiiij;
(ConMnneil on page 2.)
OAI.YKKTON', 'IVx., April UO. The
rillh hii4iidi will he the I'li'xt lumps
tn touch Moxionn Mill, Order fur
tlui lump In I'uihuili nil IrmixpurlN
luiimrrutv Hitiit ii'i't'iu'il Hiix nllor
iiuun, All lllMip-1 ill Hill klTUIIll ilivixiuii
now nil ii pniolioii hil In lliiilxlnii
huve hoon iioiilloil, Kulhittiuji (In1
ili'puilnre uf Ihe lil'lli lillunilo, iiiim
xoliHOf IiiiiiU it III he linil In Itmixpuil
llnnjM liniii hell'.
WASIIINOTON, April I'll. Tim while Ihhim iiiitlmiin'il tin
plihlii'iitUMl tinliiy nf tint exnt't ln.xt nf tin lollnwin poitinii nf Hit
rriniirl,ntiln ntntinionl whloh I'lonhlont Wilhnn ninili' In tin iicwh
inptr I'liriifpiiiiili'titH lion tndiiy I'diioorniti the Moxionn nil tin -tmii:
"I wnilt tn hitv In ,mi, ("I'liHi'ini'ii, ilnii'l cot (ho iinproHhion Hint
llii'in h iiliniit In Im wnr hot worn (hit l.'nitoil Slnli' mid .Mo.xion.
Tllllt in lint till nllllnnk nt plOhOIll nt nil.
"In tint firxt plni'i', nmlor im oniiooiMihli ciii'tiinslmioi'H wniihl
wit IiIIit tin ponph n Moxion. Wo nin their friomlM nml wiint tn
holp tlioin in oMry wny wi mil tn rccntrr thoir hkIiIk, nvorn
iiioiil nml Iiiwh.
"I mn Ktiintr I" cniiKri'xN tn piohinl lliix ncinl silmit'iiii mid
In mo I; (unrocK' iipprnvnl nf my plimi tn moot tlnit t-pooinl Hit
millnii. It in nnlv mi iMio liotwoou thix cnxoriitnont mid u porxon
I'tillinu hiinxolf priiihiiiiml proniiloni nf Moxion, wIiiinii riht tn on 1 1
himoolf Mich wi him iinvor rooni;iiioil in miv wny.
"Sn Hint I hint n foolinc nf iiiioiiinoi, in I toinl the pnporh thii
inniniiti; tin if the onnntry wen fjottinc nil firv with wnr onlhti
iiihin. I Iiiim tin onlhiixiiihiii fnr war; I Iiiim mi enthiiMtiMii fur
jnxlioi nml fnr AmorionV dignity, hut nut fnr wnr.
"Ami this hitiintimi uocil tint ovontnnto .nlo wnr if we hiintllo
it with linnni'Krt uml prninptnoH."
10 BE GIVEN 10
W'AKIIINtiTON, April 20 -.Sec
rotnry u( Hinto Hr)iiu would nut cum
incut on tlui romrti (tint Mcxtrnu
.iiilmiiilor Algnrn mlfcti t tio ill von
liU puinil, hut It wm iinilenttoml
mi until fnrl wim llkoly nl promnt.
AlKnrn furiilnliod (he ntntu ilopnrt
nieiit with rninpletu roplo nf nit tint
rorroiipnmloiirtt nml nej;otlntlimi yei
tiinlii)' lietwoen timiRn it Atfnlrox
()'rilinui;linoi"t)' nml Movlcnn l'ot
iiw .Minister II()Jh. Thoy did no.
differ from thorn tttrondy lu tlio tie
tuirttiient'it hnmlii.
Hoc rotnry llr)nu wnu nutlmrlty fur
the Hlntitiueul Hint the ruhlnet meet
Iiik dlil not runmtilr nny effort by
1'renldeut lluertn tn ro-opoou iioko
tltitlotiN with the W'nitltliiK ndmlnlK
trntluit, fnr the ronnon Hint no hiicIi
effort hnil hoen mnile. the Hltiiittton
roiiiiilnod ntmolutoly unrhntiKeil.
Neither llrjnn mild, ilhl the moot
liiK dlwum the uilontlon of rltmliii;
Ihe t'nllod HtnteH locution In Mexico
I'lty, thuiiKh Aiuerlnin roimuU hnl
hoon Inntriicteil to notify Amerlraiis
to lenxe Mcdt'o Immediately.
I'OUTI.ANI). Ore.. April 20.--I'ooIIiik
thnt his loyalty ns a cltUeu
or the fulled Stilton innKes It Im
posslhlo for him to eoutluuo longer
In that position, frank A, Spencer,
.Mexican consul for Oregon and Idaho
today telegraphed his resignation to
I'ortllloy ItoJiiH, miniver or foreign
iiffiilrtt nt Mexico City.
The resignation Is to hoconio ef
fective nl the pleasure of tlio Mexi
ran government. Spencer's only
stnteuuiut was that ho did not earn
to diplomatically represent a gov
ernment towanl which his own was
belligerently disposed. Spuucur has
been consul hIiico IKUfi,
WASHINGTON', April 'J". -Ae-enidinj,'
In Hie luli'M eoiixidur lepuilx,
Ihe I'ulluwiii),' Ainerieiiim me in Mex Mex
ieo: .Mexico City, l'-'OOi Vein Ciiik,
8(111; Tiiiiipieo, rttlll', Motiloioy, '.'.'ill;
(liiuihilujiiiiru, 'J0II; Tuireuii, 1,111;
Chlliiiuliuu City, l.'iO; (liimiujiiiiln,
I. 'ill.
I'lilll iiullo ici'cnllv llioie witt n
M'litlcriiit' In iniiiiy kiiiiiIIci' Iowiin,
hill nl Inln the, liue Incn dinwln
I'm' Niiloly Intiunl llio oonti'l u pnp
WASHINGTON. April 20 -The
text of the reinltitlon ilrnrtcd thlt
nflernuon hy the liouiu forvlun r
fairs romniltteo In atipport of I'rosl
ilrnt WlUon'n plen for Authority to
tine the army nml nnvy In the crisis
with Mexico, follows
A Joint resolution Justlfylnc the
employment uf the tinned forces it
the United Stntes In onforrttiR rer
tnln doninnds ngalust Vlcturlnno
"Itesnlveil, hy the rennto nml
Iioiihi) of reproHontHtlvcs of the
t'nltod KtiitoH, In conKrcm nsKomhled.
thnt the president tie nml he Is here
by Justified to employ the untied
forces of tlui United States to en.
force the ilemnmls innilu upon Vic
torlnuo lluertn for unoiiulVocol
nmemlH to the Koternment of tlto
t'nltod States for affronts nml Indls
ultles t-omuiltteil nRtilnst this gov
eminent by Oeueral lluertn nnd his
MKXICO CITY, April 20 No
editorial comment on the Interna
tional sltuntlon was permitted lu to
day's papers. It was stated thnt
1'orelRii Minister Herns' conducted
tlio negotiations with Charge d 'Af
faires O'Shaughnessy, President
lluertn taking no personal part. Ac
cording to the papers, thoro was dill
hope of a settlement. O'Shaug'.no.
sy hud nothing to say.
The campaign of tlto Cutnineii
club for it iviiltir wealhe. hit re, i
Million liere mien on npace. N l
ceiveil hy the telc;ruins of m'lter ,1
lies receivcil fium WnMiiiiKluii, l '!
himply meiin it co-operntive melior
ulugicnl hluliuii, licit Sheldon. ..ho is
iit'tlnn for Ihe club in this inntter, re
uucnteil u dufinito Mutcmeut of tho
lepai'tmciit's pluiis; uml this mornitij?
ter T. I''.
icit hy C.
received, through liirecnster
Drake, the inxlniolioux givi
l .Marvin, chiel nt the wcnlhcr hit-
MED on 0
roiiii, lu I!. A. Ileitis, in charge nf lliu'rccordiuj; lua.x'iintiiu uml minimum
I'nitliind office. 1'otccuNtcr OrnkeV
is us follows!
liiNliuctloux as HcccImmI
"Hcl'oriliiL' lu your ('lull's tcsolii
liniih iccciilly li'uiixinilli'il In Hie chief (
of Hin weather liiiicau tiskiiii; that.
MiUnblo pnniMnn lie iniidit fnr Hie
iiiiiliilciiiiiue in Dili sccluin nf u iiik-!
tt'iiiiiluult'iil Malum luiupeli'iil In rcii-'plt'l.' Hutu iikiiullv uiuihci im
ilor iict'ili'il iikki.liiiicn lu Hie Ituilii'iil' Ihir Miilimis nml twlh i'i'iupiiiii nun
HUM uf tlH' ItnU"" I'''' ii11'') '" " l'l'l"'K" I llMiiilit )i will lime
. .. I?' U. .'".". ' .
.xpru .U -,UlllllUI IIUUKIT WIIB Ul-
flclally Informed by wireleus today of
President Huertn's refusal of l'rest
dent Wlltton'a demands, he smind
ron Increased Its speed.
Wind and weather wero favornbl!
and officers said the flagship chotiM
make Tnmplco by Wednesday night
nl the latest
Admiral llndger was nwnlttng of
flrlnl Instructions as to his course
when he arrives
CHICAGO, Ai'id 'JO. Vice 1'iom- j
dent lmm't SIcm-ux of the Aem t lull.
of Illinois iiniintineeil tmltix that ;
practically everv htui' axintor in ,
America had imod nil tijireeiuent (
four inonthx ago to enter the mtlttar.x ,
hervice in cum uf war. lie meu-i
tinned Lincoln Iteaehey, Jimmy Ward;
mid Do LIumI Ihnmpxou iix ninong
thoxe he Mild had joined the enrpx
nf Jeerxts tonucit bv Albert Lam
I'niteil Sttttcx suineiue court
ll ny
juurnoil toil .tv without deculnij;
important pcmlm; railroad
vt I 5itr'itMP,7V5rBPy T'"4NdMMBI P9B
(jTa o.i'i"'V- H
liiiiiiMtyx, :,-i 1'-,''?t . f&M
Jiiij the frost fcnxoii, I have lo Mali"
(hat Ihe elnef of tho bureau assure
un Hint every ntteinpt will bo mnde
to inaintniti a tliurnughly competent
service here, o the frttitu'ioweis need
have no nn.xiet.v on Hint point.
".My iuxtructioitti are to provide for
two triihtworthy observers who will
bo fully iuMrttctcil in the work befme
I leave Metlfnril, mid who will have in
jehurgo a fully eipupped co-oj Million. The
incuts will cutixixt of u set
uf self
llioiiuiiiiiotoiH ami mi exponcd titer-
imnnelcr with the iieooxxniy mount
ings mill a hiiltnhle sluniluiil itixliu
nieiit hlioliof in which to expose Ihe
on mo 1 it Miimhii'd pn I lorn ciglit-iiieh
i''1'11 K"iu'i ninl if thoitghl iiocoury
"lli'lf px.Neluiiiiicler uml n llioiino
Kli. Thu tiiipiueiil is nunc cum
wiw tK" llif
WASHINGTON, .lri 20,-Mnjor
neneml Leonard Won,! will command
lite i niteii .-.ihio-. jiimhi njr unity in
Mexi oo, if Mich n iimve ordered.
Aumiuiieement tn thi- el feet wax
inuile here today hy Seeretnry nf
Wnr (larrixnn. (ionoml WnodV tenn
J nt ehiif nf xff of Hie anny i.iiro
I tomorrow, ami he had been itxMpied
I to duty nt'tioveniorV Ixlaml, X. Y.
Seorofury (inrrtoii would not mix
whether Ueneral Wood would leave
for the Moxionn holder tomorrow.
"If need urixes (ivncriil Wood will
take hold nt Tomix City." Miitl Oarri
xon. "Diirini; the Ittht four year,
; (Jeneral Wood, us chief nf bluff, ha
r ' xiierinteudel iireiinrution of Hie
r xlratcKixU' Moxionn eampai,,n ami i
-, regarded us lieins Hie ideal man fo
ji--iimiiiir bupreme eommaml ol
army in the lield.
CIIICAOO. April 20. Crowds
stormed the I'nlteiV States nrmy re
cruiting offices hero today, so great
was the anxiety to get Into tho serv
ice. It wns said Spanish war vet
erans would be luxited, at a meeting
to be held tonight to form a volunteer
regiment. Lieutenant Oovcrnor Bar
rett O'Uara and several officers
who served In Cuba wero scheduled
to make speeches.
no caitxe to fompluin of the senieo
Ktvi'ti this valley during- the troxt ceu
soit each year. The district fnrocus
ler at Cortlaml will fiirniMi daily
tveatlter forecasts to the local ob
server iliirin; the eriticnl season tn
,'ellier with such other speeinl fore
easts as weather conditions, may war
rant, Witlt able local observers to
amplify thoxe forecasts when neces
sary mid co-operate with the fruit
B rower in .lixxeniinatin ftot infor
matiuii throughuut Hie valley, it is
holicM'il that liortieiilturists will he
nuiply protected.
"Very respectfully,
"Lncal I'nieciister, I'. S. Wenlher
l,cs TIiiiii llcii'iuroin
A "eii-iipcnilivii iiictcotolouical
Million" menus Hnil, mi fat' u im
uiiinlcil hy the Iiuiciki, Moil foul will
lilt Ml ll'os lllllll llOlt'l'ilolC, llllll Ihnl
(Cniillnuud "II puKU Iwn )
Coast to Be Dominated by American
Ships of War by Night Both
Houses of Conrjrcss Support Presi
dent In Every Mole.
Wilson Authorized to Use Entire Land
and Naval Forces and Call Organ
ized Militia If Necessary.
WASHINGTON. April 20. Mex
ico City will bo Isolated by nightfall
and tho Mexican coast will bo domi
nated by American ships of wnr.
President Wilson was back from
nttc Sulphur Springs early today
and again In personal charge of tho
Mexican situation, ills address and
recommendations to congress wero
submitted to the cabinet. All tho
chief executive's engagements were
cancelled. It was announced ho
would appear before a Joint session
of the senate and house at 2 p. nt.
L'pliolil the I'roxldent
Mem' ers of both houses said ho
would be upheld In cvory way. Ab
sentees were rushing back to tho
As soon as President Wilson
finished reading his ntesiago
house foreign affair committee will
meet, frame a resolution embodying
his suggestions aud submit It at
once to tho house, which will adopt
It and rush It to the senate. There
also Its passage will be expedited In
every possible way. Tho under
standing Is that no republicans will
oppose them, though some of them
have said confidentially that they
would consider n Mexican coast block
ado will amount to a war movement
on a very small excuse.
Itexoliitlou Adopted
Tho resolution empowers the
president to "use the cntlro land anl
naval forces of tho United States to
call tho organized militia into serv
ice and to take such further steps as
may bo necessary as to enforce re
spect of the honor and dignity of the
United States."
The resolution having been
adopted, the program cnllca for a
suspension of the rules of both houses
and tho passing of emergency ap
propriations to meet tho expenses nf
armed Intervention In Mexico.
Tho gravest anxiety was felt for
tho safety of Americans now In the
southern republic. Though there
have been no outrages thus far.
thero have sporadic demonstrations
and It was feared those would be
come more formidable as soon as tho
Mexican people began thoroughly to
understand the sltuntlon,
Armeil Kxodus Hog tin
A I'nlted Press messago from
Mexico City saying trie American
exodus had begun was communi
cated to President Wllbou and to
Secretary of State I)ryan. ltoth ex
pressed satisfaction but at the same
1 1 mo said they wero afraid Huerta
would bo unable to get Americans
from tho Interior.
Instructions wero sent to Admiral
Fletcher to arrange for aiding
Amorlcans In Vera Crttr, where 9S
(Continued on page 3.)
NHW YOUK, April 20 -After
opening lowur all around today, the
stock market boon rallied, and lu al
most every Instance tho initial losses
wero regained. Tho bears used the
tenso Mexican situation to make mi
attack on prices, but strong support
soon checked their efforts. The con
tlnuoncy of hostilities with Mexico,
uml tlto possibility of a now Issue
caused a loss of from '.I tu lu
I'nlted Kliitos uuvuriiinuiit bonds.
Oil slocks wuiti I'spuelitlly heavy bill
no severe declines were louMernd.
Tho nmrkvt sold off shurply at ihu
Wilson's Statement Central Feature
of Situation Preparations Made to
Prevent War, Not lo Bring It On
Blockade to Enforce recognition.
If Tnmplco Situation Ignored, Matter
Must Go From Bad to Worse Until
Armed Conflict Results.
WASHINGTON, April 120.-A re
mnrknhle statement bv President Wil
son lo the Washington correspond
ents was the central feature of tho
Mexican Munition today pemliuj; the
readiu; of the chief executive's more
fonnal nddress to congress, scheduled
for II p. m.
In his talk with the newspnpennen
the president deprecated the feeling
he said he dicenteil that the United
Stntes nml Mexico were on the verjju
of war. This was not true, he de
clared. Americans are the Mexican
people's friend.''. The only issue is
between the ndminiMrutiou nnd n
'M-Tson who calls himself provisional
president of .Mexico."
lluertn Ignores Ultimatum
It was not, he told the audience, to
make, hut prevent wnr that such vast
preparations have been made, and if
handled.! hintyittiitf pimiptfyT' Trar
did not believe it was to war the sit
uation would lead.
It wns authoritatively announced
thnt so far us relations between the
nilmiuixtrntion nml J'rexidcnt lluertn
wns concerned the situation remained
iiuehnnged. lluertn permitted Hie
time named in President WiNon's ul
timatum to elapxu without yielding
nnd there wn no indication that he
intended to yield.
A report wns current that he had
tried to reopen negotiations, Imt Sec
rotary of State Ilryun denied this
Hlockade to 1'nfnrce
The United States, the president re
minded his hearers, has often en
forced it demands hy blockades nml
has even bomhurdcil ami destroyed
towns without formally declaring war.
This encouraged the president to be
lieve Hint, after congress hud author
ized them, ho could lake steps tu
drive lluertn from his position of de
fiance without n declaration of -iios-tilitie.
The events of a day or mi hour, the
president said, mij-lil change Hie situ
ation, nml he was making: his plans
uccnrdiugly, hour by hour.
In effect, he deelared that what ho
wanted from Huerta was full recoi
uitioii of the honor nml dignity uf tho
United States, together with ade
quate guarantees that such things as
the Tampieo incident would not iigaiu
This alone was the spirit in which
the ailminintration was noting.
A I'cucj Advocate
His decision was considered ns ono
of the must lemarkable over made hy
tin American president. It put the
president on record as u peace advo
cate. It also made plain his view Hint
a blockade of the .Mexican coast is
(Contluuea on page 3.)
WASHINGTON', Apnl '.'0.
A hill itppropi inline ',"
011(1,(100 fur Ilia prcMdi'ill to
"iimi at Ills distil iiiim for
naliiiiiut ilofciikc" was Intro
ilutTil in Iliu Hi'ii'ilit today hv
Ncimtur I'hiimlti'i Inln uf Oi-uuii-