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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1913)
iWdfnwi, w. 'MDDFORH MA7TJ TTCTBT7NE, MTJDFOTID. OKFJON, TUESDAY. DEC'EMBETT fl, TO'ft P3TJ15 THR17R RITCHIE PICKED II 10 ONE BET mmm HAN KltANCIW'O. Oil , )m. II Until Wllllii Itltclile, IlKhtwolr.lit tliiiiiipluii of tlio mii hi mill Murium 'I'limiuy .Muriiby went Inmy Imlity put tlnu (in the fliilnlilnr, totii'licii fur thi'lr twenty iiiiuiil cIiihIi limn toiiuir row I'MinliiK in Cnrrrolli'ii KIkIiOi ntrmit nriiliil. Itlti hlo'it weight wiih iiiuiiiiiiki'iI nt ClHi iiimiimIh mill Mur ihy'N it liirin over i:t:i. Tlio urllcliH lunvble Mr tint Ni'riiiiiiri In wnlttli In ut Hfi ihiiiiiiIii an Imiir liiifuiii tint flKllt. Kltrliln put In n kiiihI iliiy'H wink In tint Kyxiiiimliiiii nHtiirility lint ho took no ciIiiiiii-ch with IiIm IiiiiiiIh. Ho IiiixciI nix rniiiiilH, two null ultli KM Kxin hlto, (luy mill Jimmy MuVuIkIi. In liln workout sltli Mi'VcIkIi, Hid limiiilnii put lilm ilnwn with a ilcht I'lUM to till) Juw, "Jimt mil my rrliMiilH," nalil Willie toiliiy, "that 1 tinviir foil belter In my life. I Iiiimi rotiui iIomii to tint weight nicely unit nm mi nlroiiK u aii)ouu toiilil Uwlro." Promoter ('(iffrotli proinlin'il today Unit tlio nmlii nM'iit would lut MiiKix) lint loter t hull U.'.'U o'clock, Tliiirn Iiiim been no t'hmiKu In tin ImttliiK Itllililn I10I1U at imIiIh or '.' to 1 with practically no Murphy nioimy In ulr.hl. IhiltltiK rumiuUiiloiier bcllmeil I ho linttliiK iiKnlimt .Murphy will IciiKtlien to 10 to I. "Let thn licttliiK K) to 10 to 4," unld Jim lluchliy, ,Murpli'N inniuiKor "Vi an not worrying about that. Murphy Ik rlnbt and Hint mennn Hint do I K"liiK I" put up lho initio Kurt of flKht Hint ho Hindu aKiilnut Ail Vo. Kant and Aim Attell. everybody who Kiiw tliom fight will hello o mo when I nay Hint Kltrliln will Imv.i to K MOiiin to imcatio ilefout Murphy will Hi ii ml too to ton with tlio champion and fight until nnture k1m' out Juxt watch hln BtnoKi' " SEATTLE WRAPED BLANKET SKArru:, Vuli., Dec 0.- Henlllo In nlmrurml In a ilcutu blanket or (ok which Iiuk already raiiheil thn com. plain dcntriictlon or ono lemiel on thn hay, an accldmit on a Mreet inr llm and Mvoral minor mlnhapN In tin downtown dUtrlct. Tlio trenrhtirouit mint cloud In ono of tho innnt nerloim neaiuen and owner of laud trniuipor tntlon MdilclnH hnu encountered tttir ItiK tho pennon. Trnfflc on tho liny n followed with tho KrontoM caro am) truck mid Hiiiallor vehicle iiHhoro round tho KoIiik ilirrioutt. A freight car cm tho WnlltiKford car lino jumped tho tracloi early thin inoriiliiK when an olmtaclo wan ittrnek in tho fog, Tho Kiimllnn ttiR I.n 1'aliua, liullt at a com of $10,000, by tho Stlmion Mill company, ran anlioro yesterday afternoon and ntovo a hole In her how, Throo men Hunt to ropalr tho boat went painfully burned when an ox plimlon and flro occurred an tho rexult or a kiinoIIiio leak and a IlKhted lan tern curried Into tho hold, Tim iIuiiho fog prevented (ho fire boat DuwamlHh rrom reaching tho hiiriiliiK veHHel. I SHUTS OUT HINDUS OTTAWA, Out., ),.. II. Kmiher iiuiuigruliuii of uiiIkiiuh or Inlioicr to lliilihli Columbia fioui tlio houtli until Muieli I in prohibited heie In day liy.nn order pnnhi'cl liy the fun. iiilimi culiiiiet. Tho otilcr in intend, eil lo fioi llm immiL'inliiiu of I limine. Tlio nviui'iowiled euiulilioii of llrilihli Coluiuliin'ri Inline innrkcl i-Mve tlio mivei nment a eluince to not, Tlio circlor, Iiuwover, iIuoh not prevent ini mirniilH Koine into lliut tcrtitor.v IVoin Kiiropo or laliorers onlerinj; t'mni other piulH of Ciiiiniln, SUE FaMOiciALS B ANDERSON 10 TO G FAVORITE BARRIEAU I.OH ANdKI.KH, Ciil., Hoc !l -VaiicoiiMir, II. (.'., and Vancouver. U'iihIi , will flKlil It out horn IoiiIkIiI In tlio Voriiou aroua wliun I'rauk liar i lean and llud AudnrHun uient In a Hclieiliileil twenty louuil match for thc wtilloi-woU'.ht honorii or tho Pacific CoiimI. Ilarrleau hullii fioui tho Canadlnn Vani'iiiiviir, whero ho lecoiitly lirniinlit uotlco lo lilmmdr by uiIIhIIi ally trlmmliiK l.euuh Ciokh In a twelve touiiil bout. AtiiloiKoii couien from tho Wimlilnr.loii town, via MeiUord, (JreKuu. ami an a nliiKrr already ban a placo In tho IiuiiiIh or fluht faiiM Intro. For both bo) it the match In of tho tit m unt Importance. Tho name Crona that met a Hiirprlno In arrleau put AudoihOii away hero after llud bad beaten .Ion Mitudnt and K. O. Drown In tho Vernon iIiik. Apiiendlcltln, which iieichMltated an opiiiatlou on Audomuii tho followliiK day, pro vided a fair ouotiKh oxcumi for tho Mot'back. ToiiIkIiI'h baitlo uliould xliow ileflnltely whither ho In through an a liipnotclier or Hllll In niKKO'l oIioiikIi in dIiik bin wny to more vlc lorlen. Ilarrleau, If ho wIiim, will dUprout tho claim that bin (.'ronn victory wan a fluke, and at tho nauio tlinti open the wii) to hovcral lucrative matchoi Imro. Tho bon munt wolKbt 135 "4 four bourn before tho Imut. Iloth arc near tho welKht Audernou In a ID to 0 favorite. (leorKo lllnko will refereo Threo prellmlnarlen aro niheduled. BRITISH POSTMASTERS TALK STRIKE AGAIN LONDON, Dec I. I'ont ofrico uin. pliiynn were tnlklni; an Immodlntn ntrllio uniiln today. Tho cholco or thn liolldayH an a kooiI tliint tor n wulkoul wan dlncunnod recently. Thou It wan iiiiiiouuiod no action would he taken lioforo tho flrnt of thn year at any rato. Today tlio prontrllto party Hconicd iiKalu In control. It wnn iinld tho omploycn' natlonol commlttpo would hold a nicotliiK thin weok to ncttlo tho matter, Hhould thero bo n walkout, leader of tho movement an Id, It would bo beforo ClirUtman. Tho ntrlkti would In vulva 100,000 men ntid women. Their dnnmnd In for nliortor bourn and much higher pay Cambridge Defeats Oxford LONDON, Dec. 11. Tlio Oxford Itiityby team wiih defeated todnv by Ciitnhriclcc! bv ncore of l.'l to .'I. BY DENVER STORM bnforo funcraln could ho hold, since It wan ponnlblo neither to reach tho ccmotorlcn nor to dig graven. Htrcct car trnffln wbb nearly re stored, though to noma extent crip pled In tha outnkirtn. The city com mlnnloners called on the clthcnn to dnvoto tomorrow to clearing tho ntrcetn In the outlying unction. DKNVKIt, Colo, Dec !). -Follow ing l"t week'n utiprncnduntcd ntorm, I eondltlonn hero today contlmie.l to, u g lho nponnA ,,,,; of tno Improve but they were ntlll rar from jTrB(lrH nn,, j,abor COngrc or Canada normal, to enter the political arena on a lar- Tlie LodleK or tlilrtv-four DcrBOIil ' tier nenlo and to oreanlzn a labor nar. who recently dl:d await burial, tin-' ty on lines similar to tho Iirltlnh dertokera Raid It would be ten dayn , labor party. GUS tlio Tailor MAKH3 SUITS TO KIT AND FIT TO WKAU LOPEZ HEARD ET MIN UNNEL .SALT LAM', ( ITV, rtnli, Dee. 1). That thev bud heanl Itnlpli Lope, the luiinlerer, moviut; about iiihide the I 'lull Apex mine, wax reported to Shruff Smith twlny bv Deputio! liuirc Miller nml (leorKo, ulu did M'utrv ilutv lull uiulit nt the liulkliead M-nliiii; tho Andy tunnel into tlio working. It wnn about .'I n. in., they said, when they heard him M'tiffliui; abnul, uppareutly moving a bale of liuv from n pile known to lie juxt inide tlio liulkliead, farther in the tunnel. Whether ho wuulcil the liny to nerve ns bin bed or the linle iik n liieu-t-winks they could nut tell. Smith HtrciiKthciictl bin iiiinN on lieiuilltC (Ik 'wit ilepillieM leirl. There were two shuiitiui:M in Him; ham lnt muht, both crowing nut of ilisputeM over the Lopez cae. County Clerk's Semi-Annual Report, for Six Months Ending September 30th, 1913 ITKMIZI- County court and commUnloncM $ CIlCllll COIIIt JiiMtlco'n court Khorlff'n offlto Cloik'M ofrico Troaniuer'n officii L'oroner'n office Hcllool niiMrlutendelit'n office Fruit Itupector'n ofrico Aniti-mior'H orflco MU..M .....I ..!!.. ...I ,i. mm, ut nun ruiiuLiiuii ui in !,,,.,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,. i ax reumo ('iirrviit cxpouiun CourthoiiKe iixiieinion pill expeunen ...,. Caro of poor , Iimano expennen .'........m... Iteforui reboot commitment and lloyn' and Olrln' Aid Koclety of Oregon .... Ilrldgi'n, luuterlnlH, etc ferrlen DIcTlloii oxpeiiKo, reglntrntlon, etc , ,v . Ilolld cdectlon 1!13, oxpeline of Itoadn and hlghwayn, general fund Itecorder'n ofrli'e Hurve)or'H cilflcu County health otflcer Htork ItiHpoctor'R ofrico Widow h' ieunlon Motility ald on wild nnlmalH MlMCIMHMI(ltCfl("'M MCMIMtMMMtKHmrtAtllAMIll ! ! I) HTATi; (b April. 4o5.r,o 301.30 tr,7.aK 31G.U0 124.00 10.00" 307.00 933,40 1,121.90 H2C.I0 CH.'JZ RH1.11 '.MC.53 1G9.3& 8KG.C0 10.00 "iio'.'iJi '"i'i'.o'o ii'o.'fi 'i'i'c.'i'o neral I'utiil May. $ 3:iC.OO $ 83H.80 M0.30 417.33 310.00 142.00 74.00 431.20 1.320.0C 1.387.00 C7C.00 200.02 921.27 221.48 1G2.20 778.01 0.00 10.00 IXIIITl'ltlM June. 377.70 f 09.00 80.90 414.83 310.00 1C7.00 38. CO 461.20 070.31 1.217.00 433.38 100.40 1.017.08 120.70 110.97 1,140.88 July. 000.00 40.00 20.40 488.03 310.00 100.00 6.70 4 CI. 20 1.100.8C 1.047.00 200.00 93.00 1,032.21 270.26 189.10 000.70 Augillt. 226.00 143.20 144.98 044.23 310.00 100.00 Botitembcr. Total 188.70 1.193.79 327.00 411.00 2.87 028.01 330.30 240.80 1,366.78 10.00 3.00 3w a ll t l "icTo'c 20.00 12,00 1C.CC 4,423.01 341.36 00.00 liTob 026.69 291.66 62.00 400.00 291.60 300.81) 110.70 340.00 C9.00 70.40 "L'bTo'b 44.90 1. 281. 2S 291.CC 138.20 342.00 19.00 214.00 18.00 120.00 000.03 310.00 13C.00 47.90 400.00 1,364.36 327.00 1,291.00 23.00 491.00 68.40 306.70 1,298.00 14.90 10.00 I 20.00 169.30 182.70 1,206.02 291.C0 213.10 00.00 490.00 17.00 2.109.20 2,040.80 708. 8 2.807.73 1,890.00 829.00 183.90 2,307.Gr C, 012.78 0,428.10 3,838.73 . 009.49 4,871.83 1.202.77 1.179.28 0,132.19 19.90 100.10 12.00 128.89 217.20 182.70 8,060.47 1,749.90 998.00 221. 40 100.00 1,172 50 028.00 Totaln f 8,843.32 JI3.017.0C $ 7,727.02 I 8,107.20 8.282.27 9,018.00 $00,396.02 Total expenditure) (general fund) for nix iiiouthH ending September 30, 913, an per above Itemized reort $06,390.02 Total warrant Ihitud (general fund) fornix month ending September 30, 1913 00,396.02 i 1- i ! 4r- - I ! E ST. LOI'IS, Mo., Pec. I).- William NiloM of Now York, owner pf (100 hIiiuvh of tlio tlol'iiiuil St. Louirt & Kan 1'Vniii'inco ruilrouil Hloek, today lielllioncil llm Uniteil SIiiIch enuil Intro for piirniission lo sun pivsonl nml i'orniei' officials of tho mud for profitH ho iilli'KUH tliey iiiih'o us mem Iioi-h of u H.ymlicutn promotifio; uud Hulling In tlio mull Kuvurnl bliurt Jccilius in thu mmlhwest, j amiuvmi, pec. tt- Mitunliiy u lueiil hank liouorcil u reiiuixitiou for uii'kclft by fuppl.viiii; f." gold pieces iiiKteiul, the yellow coin to lho ex tent of .f'JlMI heiiiK Immled over in lieu of the fivc-cenleit, which were wanted for miiiiII change in uieiely n iiomiunl amount. Tho Southern Pacific ticket office was the iccipicnl of this shower of gold, uud icmlily c.Nchuugcd it for the baser melul, gientlv lo the iclict of the bunk ol'ficuls from picsidcut down to pnyiui; teller. Halifax harbor lu to have tho Inr gent dry dork lu the Iirltlnh emplio. Dlntrlct No. Labor Material Dlntrlct No. Labor . .-' Material DUtrlct No. Labor Material Dlntrlct No. Uibor Material Dlntrlct No. 0 Labor Material DUtrlct No. C Labor Material . . Dlntrlct No. 7 Utbor Material On contract Dlntrlct Nn. 8. lnltor Material ... . Dlntrlct No. 9 Labor Mnl.if Ini DUtrlct No. 10 unijnr ..., MnL.rLJ """','" " ..i.mmwIwihimi Dlntrlct No. 1 1 Labor Material Dint -let No. 12 Uibctr :... .Material Dlntrlct No. 13 Labor Material . .. Dlntrlct No. 14 Labor Material , llrldgcg Labor , Material On contract (icnoral Itoud Labor Material 1 " HtfWHiltwil' 'ttiMWMtHMMWtMnMWHIIMIMlM"l" 3 ' '" -. ' ! ll,llMIIMHll.WM,l.,l.M.,N"M'W,MH,l,WIW"., 4 - .-a MW,.IMIHW,,MllWW,,'.IMIlll,.MM,l,HIw wsr i M.tfqitM ,.,W... MWWH,lllllllHHWlIM,Hfi,lwiM it' 'V i iilnii iniiniii iiihiimii i iiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiii iin Mi'tf'ttHi rfiiji liiilftftrWMl'l 'rp-ffirW1- JT i"'ivnvltnnll-niTiiiimii i . i April. i.ios.oe 96.90 186.00 22.39 410.70 10.30 163.00 136.80 -.. 48.75 3.97 . j 1.C.12 Vs'tTo. 370.62 70.00 HoaiI Fund ..4.t,.. ttmttf i'J.j ip i ,.i ..,.. .m. ,.,M,. .. ..! i.IIW M.ll, I .,.... ,f,. mimMiiimwmniMiiiHi '( iwimmwiMnniM ! t ff 40.30 14.10 202.10 04.01 C2.01 10.00 349.33 11.40 ! . H HWH lt MMMtWW v May. K10.07 109.04 007.62 0L0O 487.03 31.00 23S.29 4.20 306.04 404.00 98.90 100.70 IS 9. 9 2 i.o'o'o'o'o 090.03 7.10 194.20 20.33 3S2.40 . 00.00 332.76 72.90 140.00 2.40 397.89 31.93 411.11 12.00 0.00 June. 1.120.04 84.00 043.00 31.S0 399.00 July. L.G11.24 409.07 478.77 4.73 August. September. Total. $ 1,198.00 307.18 418.50 78.03 132.70 213.74 .43 200.12 C.30 410.80 10.00 340.13 S7.03 020.00 116.67 033.75 4S0.90 820.35 103.70 479.07 108.75 041.95 70S.25 211.05 381.22 152.30 166.00 20.90 160.86 189.00 1,813.00 C42.00 21.99 132.72 162.40 522.50 C2.00 144.85 337.72 8.39 700.00 359.50 7C9.C8 30.25 406.S0 5S5.37 100.34 214.34 12.00 09.20 10.90 1,508.99 66.00 104.22 22.30 308.20 8.32 245.3S 230.60 701.39 95.75 209.50 OS. 00 SOS. SO 35.SC 64C.15 1.10 $ 1,379.26 - 42.33 111.47 220.00 4.00 33.87 13.45 743.20 55.02 C70.90 0,25 129.75 9.05 CS9.49 265.00 222.40 34.25 303.70 22.60 432.70 38.91 20,000.00 1,045.99 0S.04 431.40 10.38 $ 7,187.77 1,099.73 3,122.00 302.44 1,661.48 45.85 918.39 202.78 2,392.41 536.24 1.C2LC3 125.97 909.S9 112.92 2,487.50 2.516.45 250.40 2.S34.3S 209.33 1,737.75 64.10 2,210.44 499.35 1,046.17 213.20 1,922.37 109.83 2.0S0.96 268.05 E.00 1,81 360 3,611.34 726.79 20,000.00 E F I'ailslaii Sago Slops Falling Hair ami Welling Scalp; Itomovos Danilinff Willi Ono Application. If your hair In too thin, miiko It grow, It It In tan dry and brittle Hoftou It up lubrlcato It. H you havo dandruff It lu henumo tho Hcalp lu too dry uud flnkeu off. Freahon up tho bcalp and dandruff will go, I'iuIhIiui Sago, always Hold by Chan. Ktrong lu 00. cent bottlen, la Junt whnt you nood to innko your Healp healthy and Immediately ro inovo dandruff your liulr wavy, lustrous and abundant. Yoti cannot bo dlnappoluted lu l'a rlulau Sago. It ipilckly ntopn Itching head; eleauuou tho hair of dust and uxcobhIvo oil; takes away tho dryneaH and brlttloneuH; niiikcB It booiu twlco iih abundant and benutlflcu It until It lu uoft uud luutroiiB, On United Staten agricultural contract Totals 4,935. S4 $ S.240.01 $10,204.49 $29,095.59 $6,231.61 $6,241.93 $64,949.47 Total oxpendlluren (road fund) for nix monthn ending September 30, 1913, an per above Itemized report $64,949.47 Total warrants Usued (road fund) for six monthH ending September 30, 1919 $64,949.47 The following figures cover tho period from Juno 1st, 1913 to Sep-' Tho following recapitulation is made up from tho County Treasurer's lumber 30th 1913 .nauio covering such period Instead of tho regualr semi-' semiannual report for the period ending September 30th, 1913: annual period which had been covered to Juno 1, 1913, by another report! Dalance Receipts Disbursements Ilalance which wan published with my lonuer Boml-unnual ntatemant. i April 1st 1913 Oct. 1st, 1913 Collections tor 1907 $ 175.02 Ocnoral fund $ 30.651.72 $113,227.14 $117,605.51 $ 26,223.35 Collections for 1908 219.43 County school fund Collections for 1909 978.47 County high bchool fund Collections for 1910 , 1,048.19 All county school dlsts. Collections ror 1911 M 2,294.b9 County road fund... Collections ror 1912 36.CS6.15 All county road dlsts. . City of Ashland Total , , $41, 402.75 City of Mod ford Penalties ' , City of Jaekbonvllto . .. 1907-11 ...;..A.....1.,......;.......$ 19 12.69 City of Gold Hill.. . . 1912, 4.,.. W.JL......"..;.,. 29S3.03 City of Kaglo Point Total .. Less rebate ,"MMOtmiA,U!,V " kMyit4)ii.tifM4t ' $ 4,896.37 City or llutto Falls.. . City of Hogue Klver .$46,299,12 City of Phoenix 149.71 City of Tulont City of Central Point Paid Troasuror -..,. . $46,149.41 .Special funds i- 'i K 19,086.90 0,619,54 27,463.88 16,051.05 15,537.89 130.44 32.4S 566.37 225.31 1,076.33 2,585.64 5,141.57 46.S50.17 6,215.34 97,054.07 30,216.14 41,194.76 35,742.37 34,660.60 2.478.10 420.01 984.26 1,040.05 921.52 727.59 1,422.22 4,342. S9 12,654.41 34,312.20 4,497.48 119,452.77 26.276.39 44,689.84 35.202.S9 34,214.02 2,262.05 547.63 984.21 1,021. 5S 1,381.79 906.62 2.4S9.47 6.SS6.05 2,913.91 31.624.S7 7,337.40 0,665. IS 19.991.40 12,042.81 039.48 44C.G8 216.05 S.S2 4.05 50.90 106.10 46.28 9.08 42.38 14.SS2.07 Total $124,175.62 $430,751.64 $435,690.41 $119.236. S5 Ilalanco on hand April 1st. 1913 .$124,175.62 I Kecolpta April 1st to September 30th, 1913 430,751.64 Transrors, April 1st to September 30, 1913 J.tzu.yo Total $550,348.21 Dlsburboments April 1st to Septomber 30th. 1913 $433,690.41 Transrors. April ltt to .September 30th, 1913 1,420.95 Ilalanco on hand October 1st, 1913 U9.236.S5 Total $556,348.21 8TATKMKNT OK TIIK FINANCIAL CONDITION OF JACKSON CO UNTY FOU TIIK SIX MONTHS FADING SKPTKMHKK UO, 10UI Debt ot county on April 1, 1913, Including Interest $576,976.39 Warrants Issued (general county fund) since April 1, 1913 06,396.52 Ksttmated Interest on warrants outstanding, Issued since April 1, 1913 (general county fund) 890.24 Warrants IhsuoiI (general road fund) slnco April 1, 1913 64,919.47 Kstlmated InteroBt on warrants outsaudlng (gcnornl county mud) Issued prior to April 1, 1913; Interest from April 1, 1913, to September 30, 1913, both datea Inclusive 13,473.63 Orders drawn on soldiers' relief fund slnco April 1, 1913.v. 135.00 Total .$712,821.20 Warrants redoomed (general county fund) slnco April 1, 1913,...$ 87,074.36 Interest paid on warrants redeemed (general comity fund) slnco April 1, 1913 11,258.50 Funds In hands of county treasurer for redemption ot called warranta general county fund) 8.090.5C Warrants paid (general road fund) since April 1, 1913 64,198.31 Funds In hands ot county treasurer for payment of warranta Ibsued (general road fund) since April 1, 1913 751. 1G Orders paid (soldlors' relief fund) since April 1, 1913 135.00 Total $171,G07.a9 Amount of total Indebtedness Soptombor 30, 1913 $541,313,36 State of Oregon, County of Jackson, bs.: I, (1, Gardner, county clerk of Jackson County, Oregon, do horoby certify that tho foregoing statements and financial condition of Jackson county, Oregon, for thu six iiiouthH ending Septomber 30th, 1913, as sworn by tho records and files of my offlco, with tho exception that tho aherlft'd exhibit excludes tho mouths of April and May, 1913. ' ' In witness whereof, I havo hereunto sot my hand and official soal this 29th day ot Novombor, 1913. ' U. A, ClAUDNUU, County Clorlc of Jackson County, Oregon. HAVE YOU TRIED IT? Tlio now, up-lo-duto C;ifa terin, whore you get the host of everything, got just what you want and pay for what you got and nothing more. And hosides this, everything is Home Cooking By an expert woman cook. We want you to try us oneo and we will take our chances after that t Sanitary Cafateria . Y - 1 20 South Central Winter Is Hero Tho Timo to Take The Wonder ful Chinese Herbs For All Ailments World's Famous Chinese Doctor 295 Second St., Ashland, Or. T. Foo Wah Herb Co. Office Hours, 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Every Day E.D.Weston Official Photographer of tha Medford Commercial Club Amateur Iiniflhiiig . . Post Carda Panoramic Work Flash lights Portraits Interior and exterior views Negatives made anv time and any place by appoint ment. Ii. M. HAIUIO.V, Manager. 208 . Main Phone 1471 SPECIAL "THE FUNERAL OF THE AMERICAN SALOON" By Dr. "R. W. Mac Cullough, Ph. 1)., at tho First Baptist Church TONIGHT, DECEMBER?. -Soniy-Sorvico at-7:30.' Everybody welcomo., . "Catch-My.Pal" ' ' : j Sunday School 500 t r M