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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1913)
fl Ql i PXGEFOTTH. MEDFORTJ MAID TRIBUNE, MEDTTORD, QRlgqON, W ISDN USD AY, AUCUJST 27. 101 a. . K te Medford mail tribune -.AK JNDJJI'BNDKNT NBW8PAFRR ruar.iHiiKb kvkut At-rnuNooN KXCRPT SUNDAY lir TUB MUDFOIID PIUNTINQ CO. IMPROVING ROADS TO THE MARKET PLACE OfflcMl iMper of tho City of Medford. Official Pnpcr of Jackson Countr. OBOnaU PUTNAM, Editor and Manager wonn ontonzjiTzoH. Daily nvcracA for elevsn month! end ing November 30. 1811 mi Th Dmnocrnllo Times, Tlii MiMford Mall, Thn Medford Tribune, Tho South rn OreRonlnn, Tho Ashlnnd Trlbtinn. Offlon Mull Trlbuno Uulldlnir. J5-17-1S North 11 r street; telephone 75. Rntaretl aa ttcondIns matter at Medford, Oregon, under tho act of urcn , jij. umnaxFTion atx! One year, by Jnnll5.00 Ons month, by "" ,to Per month, delivered by carrier tn AitMironi, jacxaonvni and Cen- l-oir tral Int. KO Paturday only, by mall, per yr. S.00 Weekly, er year,... .....j. - tsn WHISLER DESCRIBES VISIT 10 SOCKEYE I RAPANDCANNERY To tho Editer: On Sunday. August 23, tho Press club ot Soattlo gave nn excursion to the salmon traps mid then to tho canneries nt JVnaCoetcs a distance of about 30 miles from Seattle, tho boat left nt 9 o'clock tn tho morning re turning to Seattle at 11:30 at night. Wo wcro off tho boat Just ono hour all day at the canneries. There were on tho boat 1175 people bcsldo lit tle folks and about 400 were pre vented from going as tho capacity or tho boat had been reached. Tho weather was perfect and music added to the gaiety of the occasion The scenery would have .to bo seen to bo appreciated as well as tho num ber of flth. This Is tho periodical run of tho "Sockeyo" salmon which makes n run every four years and tho present is reported to bo tho heaviest run over known. Tho Sockeyo Is tho highest quality of salmon, looking much like a steel head, and weighs from four to eight, pounds. Tho meat is almost blood red and they aro a very pretty fish. When tho run is on, which lasts for but a short time, tbero is some thing doing every minutes, days, nights and Sundays. Wo first saw them rumored from tho traps to tho tub scows, by (ho uso of hugo nota operated by hoisting machinery. which would deliver from ono to three tous at a slnglo hoist. In these tub scows, they aro conveyed by small tug boats to tho cannery, and hero Is where they do things at least equal to a Roguo river fruit packing bouse. The heads, entrails, blood, fins and, tall nro romoied by a machine called an "Iron chink" into which they fed llko grain Into n threshing machine The machine scorned to havo humaa intelligence, only It was Just a llttlo bit smarter. In fact I doubt if tho man who in ado it quite understood It. Much of tho canning work was dona by girls and women for which they, wcro paid by tho piece and somo ot 1..M ...- .a . a ' KTMTMiOVE the roads to tho market place," has long boon tho slogan oC tho Grange, which helievos that roads aro designed wholly for the farmer. On this theory, tho Grange has resisted the construction of trunk lines and effectually retarded tho construction of good roads in Oregon. Good roads benefit the fanner more than any one else. They lessen the cost of transportation, both of his prod ucts and liis supplies, enhance tho valuo of his property and enlarge his markets, thereby increasing his profits. Yet the fanner has frequently been the greatest opponent of good roads, and the greater his own need the stronger his opposition. Yet tho proposed county trunk line, for which tho peo ple arc asked to vote bonds on September 0, not only pro vides a long-Deeded gateway to California, but furnishes a paved Highway irom two directions to nearly every mar ket place in Jackson county. Building the trunk line is literally improving the roads to the market place, not ono market place, but a dozen market places. Ashland. Talent, Phoenix, Medford, Cen tral Point, Tolo, Gold Hill and Rogue River are equally benefited. No favorites ore played, no one community favored at the expense of the others. Of all the market places affected, Ashland will be most benefited, "because it is the "first market place in Oregon and will be made easily accessiblo from California, its tributary territory will uo greatly enlarged, it will reap the greatest profit from the tourist, l'jventualh' its many mountain retreats and mineral springs will be utilized for large resorts, iipon which its future prosperity will depend. Those Ashlanders who oppose the bond issue in Ash land arc blind to .their own interests, arc deaf to the call of opportunity. Those who oppose the bonds hi the other cities would eliminate their own communities from the advantages en joyed by market places. The farmers who oppose the bonds would refuse to the country the advantages enjoyed by the city of paved streets, of cheaper transportation, of time-saving, of per sonal convenience, for every lateral from every section of the county leads to the trunk line, which can be traversed, for at least a portion of the way, by almost every farmer. City and country should unite to make the vote for the bond issue as nearly unanimous as it is possible to havo an election, that the greatest good may result to the great est number. A I AA PROVES GOOD MARKET NORTHWESTAPPLES PORTLAND, Ore, Aug. 27. Ann. trnlln la proUng one ot tho beat buy ers of Pacific northwest nplcH nt this time. W'lillo sumo preliminary or ders for tho fruit lmu boon rccolvud from prndtlcntly all portions ot tho globe, Mill It will bo n weuk or 10 daya before tho market Is really opened. Australia la ono of tho big apple exporting countries ot the world, nml tho trade there Is ncqmilutcd with tho murlta ot fruit from nil centum of the world. That Is tho reason why It purchases so liberally nt Pacific northwest points. Today tho Northwestern Fruit Kx chnngo of this city confirmed an or dcr for 1000 boxes of Hoguo rlor Jonathans with Australian pr.rtles the buyers. While tho prlco was not nindo public, It Is understood to bo fully thrco times uu good as tho snnio variety nnd grade of fruit brought last season. N. Florence Clark VIOMN TKACHMU Studio It IM West Ith Street E. N.NOBLE All Kinds or Wood Haw Inn Phono 70.VX JOrtI North Out ml xu iioNK Wear tho Nu llono Guaranteed Cor sot, For Halo Ily JOSKPlMNi: l CIiAItIC 11 10 Woit -till Street St. Helens Hail Resident and Day School fo O.lrlr In rh.nrwot Hl't.t. of Ht JnMi l Uvl"lll C.M.ILU, A'tri.MU aftt l!llutfrT, Unit. AM. Xlwtlla, Imim.iU At,l.IU, !, riitiHtsii it Miii;iiiii.miii St. IMmi 1111 Owes Life It Tills , CoasuMptltn Kenedy It la ticjrimd hiimim power tii perforin mlrncli, 'llui u,nkrn of Kcktiniii'n AW tcrnthe. a iriwdr fur LViimiiiiiiIIoii, Hi) not i In I m (lint It will rrnlott) eycrjr outt tn iwrfivt lii-iil Hi, tint no innlir limrn volun tarily test I nod It nn ml tlitilr llrm, Unit (ill who Iihyh thin iltiml ill.rnmi hIiimiIiI Iiiti'MIkM nml try It, It should t Urn night mvimiih, mliicu fi'Vvr, iinuiuitit up. IH'ilto nml In irjr ninny wen, nrulontf life. Until what It lu-vumplUtiiMl ii tlili iniei Culliorlno Av, suit Atcot I'litro, DitfOii'a Court, I.. I, "Clcni lenient In ttio xmr ItuVn I vrn tnarii wild a lirnvy roll mul n nntly niutili ami nint to moral ilwtom, In. rlmlliiK a ncliltt. Ilirlr imtillrlnra fall, isl, I tlipii mnt to tint Culnkllli, lint tlitf mil uti Htm krpt lip, I itayiit tlivru a year nml thrn nrnt nn n farm iiiar Jerm'y niy, a -err nick man. "My lirnlliiT ttirn rn'mnininnkil i:k. Itimra Allirntlri' to me rry Malily. At nmt I Mould not oiiiiH'iit to noti it, owlnu tn I lio fuel Hint I hint tnkrn no many inrilleliiM wtlLmit Ix'Iiik lirlprit In any wnr. (tut tlnnlly I rnimvulHi It In tiotir liMrly two yeara aliivo I Drat took It. I am now euml and I ilitro any Hint I v-oulil linvo Ihvii InirM Ioiir hro If It linil not Iktii for Krkntan'a AllriAlU. I wlh to tlinuk you for llio lloiUrml to mo. wlirrrjtfr I I Mwlily riiiiniinil lli AlliTnllio, a I nnn my life to It," (Hworn AttliliiTll) JOS. J, TllflKM'llKIt, Kt'kuian' Allirnllte la rfTrvlho In llron rliltla, Anthion, liny I'orort Tlironl ami I, ii n K Troulili. ami In uplnilliltne tho nyntviii, Piia not loulitlit ixiUona, nphlra or lialilt-fiirmliiK ilruira. Auk for dooklrt trlllnif of rmitrrlra. nml wrlto In Krkman lioralory, I'lillailvlpliln. I'm , for ninrpo. Utile, Vur Ml by all Itujluij itruUKl'ta WHERE TO GO TONIGHT STAR THEATRE ctniiMitrri: ciiani: khay i KimturliiK , IIAliP A CIIANOt: I'roiu tho fuuioiin mivul by I'rndtirlck IhIhuii KNOW now inn tiu: until THAT ' Tho proof of success Is the ability to deliver tho goods. COURSES IN SEX YIENEUOOLS BUFFALO, Au. them wcro nothing less than human un utiles in precision and activity. Ivory ono who wished it was given a fish and a can of salmon and horo, you can let your imagination -work as to conditions and fun on tho boat. Now as fatbor whipped (ho fish stories out or mo when I was young I will not attempt to toll how many fish I saw for 1 don't bollovo it my self. Thoro simply is not room in a short nrtlclo llko this to tell. Sunday was the last day ot tho fishing and tho traps aro closed. Tho reason they closed, is becauso they havo them all caught. C. K. WIIISLDR. Seattlo, August 25. PROGRAM ITilTHEATRE U. J. Dally In comic songs, funny stories, ocarina uud banjo plajjng, "Tho Melon on de Vine," etc.; photo plays as usual (Sellg) special In two parts; "Tho So'or to Roturn Itoad," a drarnn of lutonso heart interest, written by Mrs. Otis Skinner; "Tho Pickpocket" (Vita) .featuring John nunny and Flora Pinch; 'A Gamb ler's Honor" (Bio). N.'IJ, This Is clean vaudeville and funny which you will enjoy, l0o only, ovory 10th ticket a lucky doublo. Hntlro clmngo of vaudovlllo and photoplayu. For tomorrow nighty "Ilroncho nilly." oK MOVING 'PICTURE COWBOYS FIGHTING FOREST FLAMES LOR AJJC1KLE8, (Jul., Aujr. 27. WU tou fequurp niilefi of forest Ininl ulrvudy dovaututed, a luuidred In dinns mid cowmen employed by u upllon picture concern nre fipliliiifj n forest lire lodtty ill Ilio Topniipo rwiivoii, fifteen miles north of Santa Mouica, . r . , , , , , -The crtlnb- lidimcnt of courses in sex h)j;icnc for tenchers in universities, colleges nonnal schools nnd grammar ' schools nnd compilation of text books buitnblu for school use wns urgel by sjieukers nt today's bc piotis of the fourth International Congre on School Ilyicno presid ed over by Dr. Chnrles W. Eliot, president omcritus of Knrvnrd uni versity, nnd president of the cong ress. Dr. Thomns M. Bnlliot, denn of tho School of Tedueoey nt New York univcraity; President William Tru- fant Foster of Heed college, Oregon, nnd Dr. Hush Caliot, of Harvard university, upoko on the Hiibjcct of instruction for tencherrf nnd prepar ation of text books in cx courncH. Attention wnn called eiH-chilly to the report of tho Amcricmi federation for sex hygiene which favors the tihc, of nature study nnd biology ns u me dium for sex instruction nnd which opposes instruction in the hcIhjoIh by sex HccialitH. It wus nrgued that specialists not trained to tench children could not Mttisfnetorily go into the detiiils necessary without possibility of offending sensitive na tures of the children. On the other linnd, it wns pointed out, tenchem specially trained in sex hygiene could, with their knowledge of in struction, bo mnde to be better fit ted for this somewhat doliento tmk. RECORD SMASHED FOR BARTLETT PRI0ES Tho record prlco of tho season for Rogue Illvor Valley Bartlotts was received Tuesday when a car of Bart lotts shlppod by tho Producers Fruit company was sold In Boston for $3.22 a box, or 12.37 In Medford. This Is five cents more per box than was re ceived by P, W. Bingham for a car sold Monday. Tho pears came from the Kden Valley orchard. Mr. Itandolph says that tho pear market will remain where It is for a week and then probably tako a small raise. A fall In prices Is not expected by him. One hundred and forty cars of pears have ueen shlppod already this season by Itogue Itiver valley orch ardists, Almost tho entlro amount represents tho Bartlett crop tho Iar gest in tho history or tho valloy. A few carloads ot Howell pears were shipped. Many cars of tho fruit were, sold In advance tor $2,00 f. o. b. Market prices for Tuesday wero its' follows; Philadelphia, average $2.7G; Now York, $2,85; Boston $2.0C to $3.00; 'Bnltlmoro, $2.70, and Chicago $2.C0. WEST AT ODDS WITH LAND BOARD SALEM. Ore., Aug. 27. A contro orsv brewing since the dexcrt Inutl board, n week ngo, during the ab sence of Governor est, decided to nsk the federal government for nn extension of tho contract between the fcdernl eovernment nnd the state for the Deschutes Lund compnny has today reached u state of ojicii hostilities with the chief executive declaring ho will defeat any stirh intention. Tho governor declares ho wns treated discourteously when the board sanctioned the request with out his being present. The hoard nt n meeting Inst night refused to re consider its nction. The Deschutes Lnnd compnny, of which J. E. Morson is president, has been under firo for mnny months. Stntc Treasurer Kii" declared that tho company wns operating within the law. ffstfi "Whow!" Ono thing's cr's uncertain. tho wenth- certain U "Tho good old summer-tlmo" do mnnds toilet waters and powdors to tnnko It refreshing and cool. A wide variety ot all tho wotl known kinds! They'll Interest you Tight nowl Haskins for, Health DIVERStUNABLE TO .JUNEAU, Alaska, Aug. 27. Tho steamship State of California wrecked In Gambler Bay, lying In thlrty-sovon fathoms of water, will not glvo up Its dead. Thrco submarlno divers sont to tho Bceno of tho wreck wero ablo to descend only to tho pinnacle or tho rock on which tho vessel struck. In tho dopth of tho water in which the California lies, it Is impossible for any diver to work, No further efforts will be mado tp recover tho twenty bodies supposed to be in tho cabin of tho steamer. E.D.Weston Official Photographer of the Medford Commercial Club Ifimateur Fitiishiug Post Cards Panoramic Work Flash lights Portraits Interior and exterior viuwp Negatives niado anv time and any place by appoint ment. 208 E. Main Phone 1471 Blood is Purified Quickly in Summer Here is a Remedy that has Wonderful Action and Promotes Health. FRUIT DISTRICT WILL APPEAR IN MOVIES Manager D. C. Burkhardt of tho Star theatre Is arranging for a mov ing picture man to como horo and tako pictures of tho orchards showing tho fruit on tho trees, picking, sort ing, packing, shipping, etc.; also pic tures ot Iloguo Ilivcr fishing, of Cra ter Lake and scones In and around Medford. Thoso pictures will bo used In Gaumont Weekly, will bo thrown on tho canvass all over the world and will bo a big advertlsomont for tho city and valloy. John A. Perl Undertaker Lady Assistant. 88 B. pARTLT.Tr Phones 1. 47 and '47--a Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner 1 S. B. 0. Makrs Your tllood Corpunrlra 1'nllc (or Mutual 1'roleetlun. JTIriKlInK with your food, arousing Btomath uotlon,aborbod Immodlutaly into your blood, the fumoun romady known as H. 8. H, lias a wonderful ac tion. Its indln jjiirpoiio Is to atlmulato cellular activity or Unit pecullnr proc ess which Instantly thanues tho worn-' out cells (or the new red blood cor puscles. The medicinal valuo of tho compo nents of H. H. H. Is relatively Just us vital to healthy blood as the nutriment obtalmd (roin Rrain, ment, (at, sugars or any other part of our dally food Is to tho natural reconstructive require-1 mciiju of the tlui;a. And there in one component of H. B. H. which serves the active purpose or stlmulatlnK tho col lular tlsiue to a healthy and Judicious olectlon- of its own ossentlul nutri ment. Thu, in ctmti, uf klu dlHuso euch as eczema, acne, herpei, tetter or psoriasis, first purify your blood with H. a a so it will enuble the tissues to rebuild their cellular strength und re gain tholr normal health, a a a U purely a botanical product. and you will make a great mistake to have some enthusiast palm oil a min eral preparation that may do you Jr- rvparuuie Jiurm. a H. B. Is prepared by The Hwlft Bpc cine Co, J91 Swift Dldg, Atlanta, aa., and If you have any dbstlnate skin trouble, wrlto to their MedlealDepart ment (or free advlcv. It will bo worth your while to do so. GOOD SCHOOL SHOES Let us shoo your children to good, solid, servicoablo shoos. Wo know how. dZctaciettZL "Goo Show" "RIGHT PRICES" Opposito PoBtoffico two (;i.i:vi:k fo,Mi:iur.s Coming Prlilny nml Rnturdny "It()lllNS(N OltUSOK" 1F University of Southern Oregon Opens September 17th in Medford Business CoIIcgeBIock Collogo opens Hupt. 17. Ceurses: riillorophy, Mnthuiuntlrs. History, English, (Irruk, l.ntln, French, (lenuaii, Hpnulsh, I'hyslcs, Cliumlttry, Biology and Ueulogy. Norniul opons Sept. 17. (B. 1'. .Mil I key don,) ti-uchos course. Preparatory opons Sopt. 17. IIgleno and nursing opons Sept. 17. Law school opens Oct. 1. Ceurses: Kqulty, Criminal Law", Kvl donco. Sales, Xcgotlnhlu Instrumuuts, I'lcadlng, Contracts, Auoiicy, Ileal I'ropurty, Corporations, etc. lilvlnlty school opens Oct. 1. Itoglstrntlon dujs all this week. N'tixt week, Monday, Wednea day nnd Friday, from t a. in. to 12 noon, at Business College. PAGE THEATRE SDNESDAY, AUCI. 27, J When you tire of rough, strong, high- t proof whiskey try the new Cyrus Noble. pure, mild and mature jy. J. Van Schuyvcr & Co., General Agents Portland, Oregon Y Tho Act lOliie, MLLE. TOJETTI And WALLACE BENNETT Present in; (ho Dnmiit Dunoo ARTHUR E. VINCENT Clarinet Soloist Tn cltiKHic and popiilnr reper toire direct from ikitish em pire CLAYTON and LENNIE The happy Hiappy and the J'Jii'lisii Juhnnie LTJE PALMOR IOiinpcan Novelty ilnliiif; and Danehu Comedians. PAaESOOPE Tho Animated Wookly ( "Without Roward" When Dr. Turner takes hand in the scuffle. Pricos, 25c, 3Cc. Box Scats 50c. a r& Vch, CdaW mm 3, . rur -ouirw" itfi'y )7i ns BUiAMSS II. Wi 1 SEND FOR THIS CATALOG Know lust whnt our Hush, Doors, Mllhvork ouclit to "ut you. Wn (outo one.tJUrd lower prices on ilrkt nuallty irmiorlul thnn dealerx who litiy lliniiutli nildille mnn. 'Wu cany big sIocuh, nmltn umiNUally prompt tihlpiiiDiitn mid OVABANTEn DATItirACTIOW, O-Oruin Pftuol Doors, 18 Us at 91.60 Ornltimnn Xrout Doors, 10 Attlgnn ,. B.OOup Oraftinfttt Interior Doors, O lUxou 1,70 a.ply rjrir Veneer Doors, 93.70 tmldn Window Trim..,.. ,00 Uungalow oionint HbbIi, io dtiitms ............. ,03 up Medietas Cablnst, bullt-lu tyUi 4" daip, Urg hnvelod mirror ,,,i,.., e.CO . .v!',"lve our own mill nml sail UUtUOV to uiiyoiiu auywliuru. Alk fr tUI No. -rrM ISIS THEATRE Photoplays Tuntday mid Wctfueftdsy Till: BTATUI-! Ol' I'ltmilT Hpoclnl ICcllimo Fuaturu In Two 1'urtu 1'ATin: wi:i:kia' no. an Till; i.OHT IIIA.MO.M) Dotectlvu Htory THIS MKUHAII) , , Knrco Comedy Coining Till! VKSMTY OV OIII.MH In Two Ilouls triWiXmBi MEDFORD GREENHOUSE Sensonahlo l'1lowoi,s and Decorations of all kinds for fall weddings. Telephone 37I. 1005 .East Main Street. -- Draperies Wo Idraporlci, carry a. very cOmnleta Una o( lei, laco oiirUliis, flxiures.'tto.. ."r" w......l, ,IA,llV.'flU,. fnu uo an uianaos or unholslnrlnv. A ' PjolHl nmii (o look artur this work, sxoliistviily, and 'Will n!vo a ood 'orvlcn as Is poHHliiio to Bt in oven no tho lurutst flltlcs. "Weeks & Mc'Gowan 'Co, 1 1, it is .... y a