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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1913)
PXGEPOUK. REEPffOttD' MAUI TRTBUm OTDFOTCD, OlttOClON, WttnNTCRDAY, uwavwv 20, mm. A, ,m .' i i K it lv7' 1 r V Bedford mail tribune AN INnUL'BNDKNT NKWBPAl'Kll FUDMHI!KI ICVKllT AKTHUNOON HXCfclT SUNDAV X TUB MKUFOJID PUINTINO CO. Offlclnl lnpr.r of the City of Medford. Otficlnt Paper of Jackson County. OEOItOU l'UTNAM, Editor nnd Manager SWORN CIRCTJtATXOW. Dally nveraRA Tor elevnn month tail ing November 30, 1011 J781 The Democratic Times. Tho Medford Mall. Tlio Mtdford Tribune The South m OrrRonkin, The Ashland Trlbunr-. uruce aian xriDiinn miliums, xa-xi-x North Kir atroot; telephone 75. X-RAYS CURE FOR II JBERGULOS SSAYS DENVER OR Entered . second-class matter at Medford. Oregon, under the aot of Unrch X, 1STB. UBBCRIPTIOW KATEK. One year, by mall. - -..U.00 One month, by niill -,.- ,60 Per month, delivered by carrier In Mriirot-vL jacKsonvm ana v.n trnl lint Pnturday only, by mall, per yr . 5.00 Weekly, per year, .. - - t.Bfl .80 1WEN1Y MILLIONS EN EOF ANILS EVANSVIM.E, Ind.. A?. fl.-Fr the relief nnd enre oF dumb animals .OX)00.000; Bift to Hid eity of W nnsville, Intl., $20,00(1,000. TJii'mj two j;ift, innile liy Atlolph, wealthy Iiuliniiinu, will ho available in the yonr 21211 A. I). Thoy arc tin strongest gifts ever mniln to tin liulinnn city. The f'JO, f)00,000 for the care ami relief of ilumli nnimnls will ho the principle nu dncenicd rwixmn! interest on a Ptun r $.'000 which luw licon lqos ilcil in n local bank by Melxcr, ami which will have grown to that amount in 210 years from today. The $20, 000,000 which Evansville will get, will bo the principle and accrued nPinponnil interest on $1,000,000 de posited by Mekcr and available in 2.0 years. Melzcr'n sehemo in both eases I that the funds will be allowed to ulny in otic bank for eighteen year" or until the original deposit doubles itself. The total then will bo divided into two equnl units and rcdcpoiitcd in different banks until they in turn are doubled, ami o oh. lly the time the "dumb animal" fund is taken out finally it will be debited in 2,048 bnuks. Itenlizing. possible future changes in monetary conditions mny occur,'n contract makes it ixismIiIj for the bank, stato or city to with draw from the agreement on fcixty dnys notice, in which ease the money is to be rcdepoitcd in any banking institution with $100,000 or more capital at the bc.-L rate of interest 'obtainable. DKNVBIt. Colo.. Aug, 20.--"U will b possible lu ten years to elim inate tuberculosis ot the. lungs." This Etnteutont, made by Dr. Jef ferson D. Gibson, pulmonary tuber culosis specialist ot Denver, ami ori ginator of a plan by which the dread dlsenso which kills moro persons than atiy other malady, can bo stayed, has resulted In appeals from thousands all over tho country for moro details of his proposed treat ment. Dr. Gibson's statement was mado before the convention ot Home opathic physicians held hero reccutly. Many physicians havo commended and approved Dr. Gibson's treatment, hut there Jiavo been others to criti cise It adversely. Dr. Gibson proposes to eliminate tuberculosis ot tho lungs by an X ray trcatmont, augmented by Injec tion of a serum, Biiullght and fresh air. His somowhat technical ex planation of tho treatment beforo tho physicians convention has not been fully understood by laymen and to answer his critics bo today gavo n practical explanation through the United l'res3. "Tho first part of Infection In a vast majority of cases of lung tub erculosis," said Dr. Gibson, "origi nates in tho bronchial glands and radiates from there to tho top of tho lungs. It then spreads fan-llko over tho remainder of tho lung tissues. "Splendid results havo been ob tained by treating the glands of tho neck, abdomen and other parts with tho X-ray. Tho X-ray will produce equally good results If applied to the bronchial glands. It thus cuts short, or prevents pulmonary tuber culosis entirely. "Aided by tuberculin or Von Ituck's new vaccine, tho X-ray should glvo perfect results In theso cases. By this means, I claim that It Is pos sible In ten years to wlep out lung tuberculosis. 1 predict that ten years from now It will bo a dlsgraco for a physician to allow a caso to de velop among his clients." SunllgM and fresh air, according to Dr. Gibson, aro Important, but they alono will never effect a com plete cure. They will glvo roller and In somo cases strengthen tho lungs and the system sufficient to fight off tho ravages of tho disease for years, but they do not euro and prevent par ents afflicted from passing the dis ease on to futuro generations. BARTLETTS EASTERN SALES BRN !!2.99 CHICAGO, Aug. 20. Through auction on the markets here, one car of r.ogue river valley ll.irtlett sold for $2.9!) tho box for consumption In this city. , It was, tho highest price for the product this Kont-ou. FOR THE NECK AND SHOULDERS NKW YOHIC, Aug. 20. ltoguo Itlvor llartletts sold through miction today lit S2.G4 tho box. IMIltiADni.l'IUA, Aug. 20. Through auction, ono car of Orcgun Itartlotts sold for $t.S3 and $1.00 tho box. 2 DEAD. 2 INJRED N AUTO SMASH-UP SAX FBAXChsCO, Aug. 20. Oeorge L. Alexander, l'licific const manager of the American Type Foun ders company, is dead here today; J. S. Andrews, a merchant, is be lieved to be dying, nud two women who gavo the mimes of Mrs. ,1. Spauldiug and Mrs. S. J. Smith, of Oakland, tiro slightly injured ns lht rcMilt of an automobile nei'iui'iit which occurred Iiit night near Sun Mateo. Alexander was killled al most instantly. Mr. Smith told the police that Andrews in trying to pais another machine out the ilUlnucc ton sharp ly and the enr skidded, fiunllv turn ing turtle. The wives of Alexander mid An drews nre prostrated over tho nf fnir. Neither could loll anything of .Mrs. Smith or Mr. Spaulding. BARTLETTS SOLD $2.10 F. 0. B. MEDF0RD Tho best prlco received this year for Dartlett pears sold at Medford has been reported by tho Ptoncor Fruit company who sold a car for $2.10 f. o. b. Mr. MoICoany says that noth ing less than this will bo considered by him henceforth becauso ho says It Is foolish to sell pears on a rising market. Ho will consign most ot tho remainder ot his fruit and expects to receive a higher prlco f. o. b. than $2.10. A Free Viescilptlon That Instantly Obliterate lllcniliheit Tan, tYoi'Klos and tlio Marks Left by High Collars Tho Dutch nock and the evening gown too often oapoxo the discolora tion ami blemishes of high collurs or the effects of tan nud freckles. It In easy to oveicomo theso conditions nud nmko tho neck beautiful nud white and soft and smooth to overcome Ir other words, uvery blemish and make tho low neck us attractive its It Is comfortable. ,Thl preparation ran nlsu bu used on tho shoulder and face, and It Is niarvoloiiHly effectlvo to beautify tho hands nud arms. If you want to try It. go to your druggist nud got a one-ouueu bottle of Kuliix Compound. Four tho en tiro contents Into a two-ouneo bottle, add quarter ounce witch lintel, then fill with water. Froparo this at your own home. Ono application will delight yon. It Is doltoloimly cool and soothing and It Is not af fected by perspiration. It will not rub off. If you put It on one hand only, or on ono idilo of tho neck and noto tho difference, you will co tho wonderful chango It makes Instantly. Tito re sults nre Jmmedliito find continued uso of this preparation will keep your skin as soft and smooth as a ehlld's. ISIS THEATRE "llmv did the lllnl know that' Popular attention Is always paid our special prlco features there Is true value behind every ono. rhntbphtvN of Oimllty Hpeelnl Program t'or TUKSI1AY AND WKDXKHDAY A Wild! ittni: Two Heel Sellg Special Foaturo Featuring MIrs Devslu lOytou and her rlilo for help on nu pHtrlch Till: MODIdllNO Featuring Anita Htownrt A SKA DOG'S I.OVK lUogniph Farco THK.NOI.SVSMTOUS Comedy Coining Tin: FoimiDDK.v way i Two Heels PAGE THEATRE wi:dnm:si).y, aug. 2oth Siskiyou Heights tynv is tlio (imo to nmko kpIopUoii of lots and tniuls in Ihis lnngiiiCiconl, rositlontm (ItoU'lot. SEE JOHN A. TORNEY ROOM 1, PALM BLOCK l'ANTAGKS POPlUiAIt VAllDKVII.1,1: x HAMIlUItO, Aug. 20. Disregard ing tho German government's refusal to participate lu tho Panama Pacific exposition, Manager Ballln of the Hamburg-American steamship lino declared hero today that ho would do his utmost to promoto Gorman representation at San Francisco In 191C. llnllln thinks tho government mndo a grave mistake In refusing to lnrtlclpnto In the exposition. Crater Lake Travel The Hull nxi company hcnt three rnrs to Crater lake this morning, conwhting of hcventecn people, uud will send nnother car of five people tomorrow morning. Ifedford is cer tainly getting its filmrc of the tour ist trado this season, nnd too much credit cannot be uiven to the Hall Taxi company for their efficient wrvico nnd the amount or ndver Using they havo dono to bring the people here. Tho next four weeks will bo Crater hike's busiest season. Ah many people who have already visited the lake this season have re turned home nnd induced their friends to make tho trip to bco one of tho world's ttrontcst natural won ders. Next year's travel will be grimier than ever, nnd Medford should prepare to necoinmodale the s I AI PAGE TONIGHT Tho Pantago vaudeville at tho Page tonight is up to Its customary high standard according to tho manages. Lopez and Lopez, with their sensa tional musical novelty Is tho bead liner ot tho bill and Is certain to plcaro. Jack Taylor Is a clover mon ologulst and Courtney nnd Jcanctto aro comedy Jugglers of raro skill, Tho Weldo trio, novelty acrobats, will In troduce Into their net their loop tho loop dogs, a splendid and sensational feature No' afternoon matlneo will bo held. STATE TO APPRAISE HOME ELEPH0NE tourist nt Sim trade during Francisco. tho 1015 fair $100,000 Fire at San Jose. SAN JOS'. CnJ., Aug. 2Q.-I'rop-erty dipnugo of $100,000 is caused hero today by n fire which razed n block of business buildings, destroy ed t)iu ChnsQ f,iinbcr rminpnpy yards, tho Alameda grocery, tho West San Jose postoffico nnd several dwell ings. Two firempn woro overcome by smoke but will recover. Names Filipino Qcvernor General. UlASUINOtON, Aug. 20. 1'resi denj. WiJsop today appointed Fruiud? Jim ton Jfarrisqii or New Vo'ik7 to be governor general of tlio Philippine islands. In order to determined whether tho desired Increaso In telcphon) rates by the Home Tolephono com pany Is warranted tho state railroad poramlsslon havo sent a representa tive to Medford to appraise tho plant and go over tho figures representing tho Income from Mcdfosd and Jack sonvllle whero tho increases are dc Hired. E, T. Urussclle, tho Inbpector and appraiser of tho commission will havo tho work In charge and will ho In Medford for sometime, securing Information and seeing that tho In terests of tho pcoplo as well as those of tho company aro properly at tended to. XOTICK. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned will apply to the city coun cil or tho city of Medford, Oregon, at its next regular meeting, Septem ber 2nd, 1913, for a licence to sell malt, vinous and splrltouo liquors at bis place of business, No. 3C N. Front street, Medford, Oregon, for a period of six months. Dated August 20, 1013. 139 11. S. RADCLIFF. St. Helens Hall I'OUTUiJH, OHVIOK Resident nnd Day School for Girlt In HUttaof rilrfrra f H.Jnkn IUHut I'ilri,t4li Mt.u. Art, imll, Srxrlll 4rl. DvotlUi (!, UruLAituft. i'ur'iWtloftiHrife- . Tin: sisTirp t;i'!:iiimt,(mnst M. itrli-n Hull After a good thing? Thou get In here after somo of these "Bpeclala" Saturday! 10c Tablets, 2 for lac. 10c So:u, i cukes for -Tie, "Tho sweetness of low prlco sel dom equals tho bitterness ot poor quality." HASKINS' FOll IIKAIril I.OIM: AND i.ot'i:, 1 11 a spectacular musical novelty JACK TAVMIU A tricky mouologuUt cofhtnkv'axd ji:anni:tti: Comedy Jugulars TDK U'HLDKTItlO Novelty ncrobats, Introducing "loop tho loop" dogs. PAGIISCOPi: Matinees have been dlirniitfnucd only two shown nt night, 7.30 and 9.13. AiIuiUhIou 2ic nud 3Cc. STAR THEATRE NOW IS THE TIME To build u lioino K'llior, building material ami choice biiildingsites will nover be as cheap again. You can buy a largo lot with BEAUTIFUL VIEW of VALLEY on the Mast Side in best residence district with build hit; restriction, good roads, close to city water, low texes for small payment down, easy terms on balance. This is one of tho best building sites in tho valley. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 207 MEDFORD, OREGON. e India Royalty to Wed. LONDON, Aug. 20. Despatches received today quote the (Jnckwnr of llaioda, who is spending tlio sum mer with tho Mnhnrauco ut SI. Mor ilz, with n declanrtion that his daughter, tho Friiicess Iiidiru, is cu route to Loudon where sho is to wed Vi'iiifo iK (jidja, son of the Mu Iinrajnh of JCiieh Jk'luir, mint Iter powerful Indian ruler. Tho fnther pud mother, it is said, will not at tend the wedding. John A. Perl Undertaker' Lady Assistant. ' ' SH 8. IJAKTJiNTT Phones I. 47 aud 47-J-3 Ainbulitnce Service Deputy Coroner Draperies JVe carry a very complete Una of drup-rlei, lci curlalnM, IxiurcM, tc anil do all cUtiix-n of unholaterlni;. A special man tu look artsr tills work exclusively ami will kIvu as kooA rrvlco an l noKBlble o ct la uvea tho largest cities. Weeks & McGowan Co. Granted Insannce After Consumption Tlicro are 10 many easra of Coniump. Hon reported wlieru tliu details uliour tbo (llaensn started wlih n told or a courIi, tlint It I really surprising tint people nre not mors anxious to Iintuv illatrly stop llimo apparently minor Iron lilt-s. Our ailvice Is "stop tlm eouwli or cold, It pomlWe, wllliout delay," Other wUo moru serious troubles aru likely to follow. If (bo medicines you ure noiir taklnir do not brlnir reller. try Kckman's Alttrjtlrc, as tliU man did; 237 Hean t.. llrooklyn, K. Y. "Oentlemen; I am kItIijj; joii cIqw a brief blstory of my inse, wlUU I trust you will ma for tlio bent fit of llioio tuf ferlim from ny similar troubles, "About a year aud a halt ago I noticed that ay health vru Mplijly tulllnir. until nt tbo end or six months my welnlit bad fallen to V.V pounds. I was troubled with nlffbt sireats, a severe couuh aud a Tery ueak, haylni; lu fict ubsojutelr no ambition whatever. About this tlma I consulted a physician, uho told in tny Iuhks nuro affuted, Not satlslled 1 neat to another doctor, who after vxnm lnlntf mo said that I was In (ho first stnftei pf ronsuniiitlon. At this point 1 started to take Kckinan's AUcrathr. U'lie nlitht sweats stopped olmost Immcdlatelr, my coukIi beemiio looser and irrudualfr disappeared. My weltcht Is now 112 pounds and my phjrslrbin has pronounced me perfectly sonnd which, together with the fact that I hate been seecptel by two different Insurance companies for insur ance, inakeit me sure of my entire recov cry by tfekman's Alterative. I should be very clad to communicate with any ono Who would le Interested In rny rnso. (Kivorn Affidavit) i W. K. (IlIH. Kekuan's Alterative Is effective In Jlron chills, Asthma, May I'ever; Throqt and J.iiiiK Troubles, ami lu upbulldluk' the system. Dock not roiitalu poisons, opiates or habit' forinlnjr drui;s. Ask for booklet telllni; of recover lei, and write fo Kckrnnn laboratory, riilludelphla, I'.i , for more evl. deuce, ii'or sale by all leading drufgUts E. D. Weston Official Photographer of the Medford Commercial Club Amateur Finishing Post Card Panoramic Work Plash lights Portraits Interior and exterior vjewa Negatives made anv time and any place by uppoinl ment, 208 E. Main Phone 147J TODAY On Picket Guard Tiro reel IOI IIN'ou A Ileal Thriller. :i cu' ruoToriavs Always 10c To Cure Salt Rheum and Scaly Skin A most Effective Treatment and Quick in Results. SSI Bait rheum. caly akin and other Itch iny l(l n ullllctlons nmy bu Hootlivd by ficfiucnt applicatloiiN of witch harvl. Jiut tho cuiu must como from tlio ac tivity ot tho flno nutworlc of blood vessels that imiko up tho ukln forma tion. You nhould uso ft. 8. H. for tho Mood. This eplendld romody Is a' mar vel for Halt rheum, oczenm, lupus, pso rlnsla nnd scrofula. Ask ut any drutf iitore for a bottle of H. H. 8, and you (ire then on tho road to health. Tho iictlon of this reinarkablu remedy la direct, positive, certain In ltd Influenco. Jt Is ono of those rare modlcal forces which act In tho blood with tlio aula dcKrco of certainty that la found In ull nuturul tendencies. Out through every akin pore acids, yprms and other blood Impurities nro forced In tbo form pf Jnvlt)Io vapor, There Is acnrcoly a community uny wliero but what hau Its living oxatnplo of the wonderful curative effects of B, . H. Uet a bottlo of thin fttmouu remody to-day, ami If your case I stubborn or peculiar, wrlto to Tho Kwlft Hpeclflo Co., IKS wlft labora tory, Atlanta, On. Dowuro or till BiiliHtltutca for H. H. H, the remedy you cnu depend upon fur vufbty und effcctlvciic-BB, i IT Theater TONIGHT "Tilt: TltAI'lMMIS' .MIKTAKIl" A I'nthu Hnoclnl In Two ltcolu "PATIIi: WKIlKIiY" Tin: iiinin:.v hank itou' Lubln "vii:.v siAitv .MAititinn'' Hlo ONIA' And nvory tenth ticket n lucky ilnn hlo to iiho ncnln, lucky ticket niinibrr unbeknown to thoxo oiitHltIn( will bo poHtcil np liiHhlo, every nli;ht. Aro you IiitkyV Try It. (.'oiiiliiK 'A II KltO AMO.Ntl MM.V." KliUAKDH IIHOM. Comedy AcrobutH VAUDKVIMii: when yoxi tire of rough, strong high proof whiskey Cyras Noble bottled at drinking strength V. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents Portland, Oregon Hl!! SEND F0K THIS CATALOG to? J psKHR-i . , In JW Jl.M hi I I '. I fvfv'i. I sHIBf'rte GilaVf n-. ".Mtfittu r "Ml- I 1.,, ?t. I bbbbbbbbbbbbbbT frt.VlJsl "n I'"! ll' t 'v i t I I ! VV-r Z vV B - rkt IJ" , il. nt. m wlm t'ri. .1 rjAiOlxB sUTrfri PUCK m ii U. ' v i ..i vAV TP.J P ?'.Ort' i Uiiuauitly i . .i 'l ! . it ,i, , ,ii vCril iMl i SiUVMS.Sf h on nisi ili l ly it ,i ill lib r wlm t r ii m (1 i ' v I '. ..II liliisuitly J . ii 't n'l'i Hi" .ud nuAUAirrut: BATrnrAcrrow. f-Crgss V(D1 Di.vri, IS slits at . . , . 81XO Craftsman Tror.t Deorv, to iitfiirns , o.oo up Crfiftuia i4tnor Poors, O slits ..170 O-Vly rt Viktor Daors. Oa.75 tnstde Window Trim. . , .no lluEitulow Uastmcut Ussli, to assigns ,..,., . .03 up Mellclu CtilRt, built-in stylt V Ati, )ro btvalsri minor .... , O.CO WV b vn our own mill a l nclt lilUIJvT tu nnyjii mi vi. i- Af k for Calnfjo H. fs,pf riir,,,i; r'VtTai;l-l'iJffl'rtij;g::T:t';.tfi sstJBlffiillh?lTasiVffi 1 WW ! H 'i Mil iffl Jii-I WOOD lly tho Tier, Cord nnd Car Under nit; Shod VAIiMlV l-'UKIi CO., TKfi. 7 W. I'. Quiiylo, Iroi. HurroHHor to IloJchatolii. I'ir anil cNt Neroiitl HU, LotH NU HONK Wear the Nu Done Guaranteed Cor aot, For Bnlo lly je.sKt'jitNi: r. ermine 111(1 Went Ifh ptroet WHY NOT SPEND AUGUST AT NEWPORT? 9 Get nwny from tho hiint mid dimt of tint vnlley. Newjiort In now nt IIh bout, uud Iho bench uonHon In In full hwiiic;. itucrentlon nnd iiport fur nil. l)oiii:i)cii flHhlnK, Hiirf bnthluK. drlveu to Otter Ilnck, the I'liuchhowl, I,IkIiI1iijiihi, i-tc, with bout Inu nnd flHhlnc on Ymiulmi liny, LOW SEASON, WEEK-END AND SUNDAY ROUND TRIP EXCURSION FARES ANI DOUBLE DAILY TRAIN SERVICE Linvii Albany 7!S , nt. niui 1:00 i, in,, mnnoc- tlonu with north niul iiotitlt bound 11, l, tinlim. Ittk ' I - KSL.l IWfl SUNStT 11 I lOODtHftSHASTAl I Gull on our UKent for copy nt "Newport" booklet, or "Vncntlon nayB,'' they nrp froo for (ho lulling. Jflll.V M. HCOTT f'nernl I'iisniuikci1 AKent