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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1913)
lllll I PXfcETWO. IMEOFORD IVrATtJ TRTBTTNfl, MRnFORD. OREOON, MONDAY, 'ATWRT 11, 101H. ii ii in tc ,, J?- .;; 9 3 I4 t! 'I. . ,r. f" Medford mail tribune PMNDRNT NKWHI'Al'RU . SUNDAY nY TUB WWH PWNTIN9 CO. fflft ' Ol fclTi pr or tho City or Medford. Vapwt oft Jackson. Cm'nty. fMua HOKOR PUTNAM, Editor and Mutmnor DJlr aVBrauo tor ievii months end- Inr WoviHtlber 30, 10U S7M Tl DomecMtlc Times, Tim Mrdford MIl, Ih,.Millura Trllmno, Tim South rn OrpronUin. Tho Ashlruiil Trlluino. Uttl Wall Tribune Uulldlnjr. J5.J7-19 North 1'lr street; Uiphon8. TC. ' ' m KtitM-ed As Mend-clsas matter at Medforrt, OrnRim, unilrr tha act of March .1. 1K7. . On ynr, by nmll- --...& 00 Ono month, by mall.-. ,. .- .50 Per month, l?Hvr by carrier la Xfulfnr1 3lutUfcrinVlll Ktwl (Vn Pat unity only, by wall. lor yor J.oo YPfi'klr. nor ycr., ........ - ....... v sn ALONG ROGUE RIVER Mr, nml Mr". Jasper Ilniinn were in (Vnlrnl l'oinl recently. Kiley MorrNon is Inking n loml of fruit to Klnmnth county. Ocorjje Wrihl of Central Point passed on hi way to Klnmnth county. Mr. Meyers, Mr. liuekus nml Mr. IJowc'ra nml fntnily oC Portland nrc ppendinir a week'n vacation on the river. 'They nre camped nt Henry French's. A, very jlennnt dance was held nt Trail Saturday. Minn Vclma Ilnnnn, daughter of Jnspcr Hihinn, returned home from Central Point after n few week' visit wilh Mra. Miller nt Central Toint. Dr. KirohRCSiior was called to Eo Uriscoc's, who lives near the -101, lat week. Mr. and Mrs. fyra Darby, Perry Foster and many more Fent Sunday nt the tippor Hiuilinh ranch. Y. Hoiiilnii and t-nn tartcd for Klamath county last wcok. Mrs. Henry French entertained Mrs. Tctlijjrew and children last Sunday. Ed Foster ntnilc a business trip to Eagle Point lut week. Uitrvey HiehnnKon of Atrale made a tnn to his Trail ranch thw week. A parly consisting of Mr. Tim Daily, Jack Houston nnd family. Mr. and Mrs. X. Liuluncr, Mrs. Middle bushor. nnd part of her family nre on n trip to Crater lake. I CENTRAL POINT POINTERS. I Mn and Mrs. J. W. Myers ,and Riic8ts returned Saturday evening from a week' outing at Prospect. Tyson Dealt and L. L. Ione are among our huntera In Uio bills this .week. George L. Ford, our water super intendent is taking a month's vaca tion and will spend it at Uutto Falls. Ho lott (or that place Saturday morn ing la his car. , Thoa. D. Ross and sons, George B. Iloss and sons and Trlx. Peart aro n Joylug a few days ot hunting In the hJlls. Mrs. K. U. AVlIey and clilldren aro at homo analn after spending (lvo wcoks with Salem relatives and friends. Mrs. D. C, Grim mndo a visit to Grauts. I'ass Saturday afternoon. Mm. M. O. Uroadbcnt gave a birth day post card shower In honor of. her mother, Mrs. M. E. Campbell Friday .afternoon. August S. Tho afternoon was spent In a guessing contest in which Mrs. M. It. England' won the, prize which was a beautiful smylax plant. Thora was also soma excel lout iniiBlc, Mrs. W. 13. Urayton sing ing a very pleasing song and Mrs, I3ugluml and MI.a Urw of Medford rendering some fine Instrumental music ". lee '.cream and lady fingers wero t,sjrvodl alij refreshments. Mrs. Camp bell received many beautiful post cards from her many friends In this city, and a largo numbpr from east ern and California cities also. Those who wero In attendance at . this dollghtful birthday purty were: Mesdames Aldrlch, Sterns, Perkins, Gleason, Cowloy, Green, Wright, Cqchrau, Farm, Drayton, England, also Mrs, Drew, Miss Drew und Mrs. A. J. Hnnly of Medford, J, p. Iscaarsnn spent Sunday with Ills wife at Colestlu, Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Droaduont and children nnd Mr. and Mm. I. O. I.ovo aro camping on upper llvanu creek this. week. A large number of Central Point residents visited In Medford Sunday afternoon. CATHiLIC FEDERATION QISCUSSESJtINE LABOR MILWAUKEE, Wis., Aug. 11. TIiq social son ire department of the .American .Federation, of Catholic Societies jliijciiKscd todny the coudi tiou of laborm in iiiiues nml the limitation of wealth us un ecoiuno reined vl J 9 n A. Perl Uidrtkr lady AMlstnt. Itmm M. 47 ami 47-i-U h ium 'liubiilsi itm Hrvk lepuly Coroner THE MILES OF GRADE FINISHED COAST ROAD (Grants Pass Courier.) Tho (trailer on tho rijjht of way of tho new railroad have been male injr excellent progrc the past week nnd nt niiittuu; timo bntiinlny mem they had reaeJied a jxiinl at station CIO, or 10,000 feet from the city. The frrado is complete a fnr ns Allen creek, with tho exception of putting in the culvert's. Just beyond Allen creek a cut of eleven feel is boittir made ami tho dirt taken out is used for fill nt the creek. This work is being accomplished by wheel scrap er. Albert Anderson, the contractor who has done much of the street work in Grants Paw, is in charge of tho work and has bad twenty-two teams nml thirty-ccn men on the past week. The figures in (he en gineer's office show thai the dirt is being moved nt n most rensonable rate. Mr. Anderson says that be expects to have the grade completed and ready for the ties ns fur as the' bend in the road, or about four miles out. in another week. The public utilities commission met Saturday afternoon nnd nmlited the bills for work tip to dale. The commission nj0 authorized the pur chase of cement tile of the local factory for use in the culverts, the tile to be according to specifications of Engineer Illinium. William Ioftn, president of the Interstate Construction company, which wns organircd to build the road from the end of tho city built nnit to Crescent City, is at Crencent City on his first trip over the line. lint he will return in time to nttend the mns meeting nt the nKrn house Mondav evening. Dr. Itcddy. Frank lin Helm and J. Sage will leturn from the coast with him. I ROGUE RIVER ITEMS. t ; (From the Argus.) Mrs. George Jonei nnd cMldren went to visit her mother near Cottage Grove yesterday n-ooming Thiy will bo gono two or thrco weefcs and stop In a.Mcrnl other pl-veJ lie.'otc returning 1 cu c lnvIiiS.).T out snttiunclug the wedding of M'sa Carroll to Luther Ara.tutrout, thu ceremony to bo por.'ormed at the hor.ui of the brldo on VeCi.e?day 07cnlig, A.iut 20th, iI. Mrs. C n Seamac is In receipt of a letter fiin Xova ocoti.i which stated h'i: Ceorgo G igory dl"d at1 tho horrp of lis Ibii.- In that Prov ince on Jmy 7th, Jut .scve.i weeks afte reachln?; there. John Thresher was tho rccloplent of, a trio of China Pheasants yester day. Tho birds, a cock and two hens, weto shipped hero from Corval l!s and Mr. Tb,oshcr turned thoni leofu on blu J.uid which is a prc Horvo. Rev. and Mrs Sionrer, accompa nied by Charles Collins and wife, startoJ foe the hui-nvaiera of Floldor creek yesterday morning where tho party will spend a couplo of weebs hunting and fishing and enjoying camp Ilfo in jpnoral. Tho main rack across tho river Is now completed so that no mora sal mon can go up stream. This rack Is directly opposite the Poo residence up thu river and tho trap will bo put In a faw rods above tho bridge. It will bo In October beforo tho fish will bo ripo and tho catching begun. Leo Wat kins & Co. will opon their feed Htoro for biibluesH on August 1-tlt. handling flour, rolled barloy, bran, shorts and hay at 307 South Front street, uear corner of Front and 11th. Wo would bo pleased to have you call and sec us and get our prices. Wo dcltu-r free to all parts of city. Phono nt prcyent 10SS-J. Improving the Highway (From tho Grants Pass Courier.) Tho people of Jackson county aro to voto upon thu question of bond ing in tho amount of half a million dollars for tho building of n paved highway from tho California lino to Ltio west lino of Jouephlno county, being tho first county In tho stuto to taku advantage of tho lav; provid ing for tho votlnp of bonds for road bulldlug piipcr-cs. Tho ro-J'o of tho proposed tojd Is along the prebcnt 1,'uclfh HJshwry, and titl'Jzrs tho paved r-f Af.'ilriid, Medford nml Cen trul 1'oliit In It Is 02 mlhj course. Tho bonds tie to boar flvo per cent Interest und nro to bo retired In blocks of f 140,000 cucb flvo years, coiiimeiiclng In ten years. Tho elec tion will bo held September 9lh. No county should be afraid of bondrii that uro voted for tho purposo Of butlurlju; tho road nywtO'M, for It Is (hu id', !iivetment, thu', a cjjm FAMOUS IENTIS1S TO The excursion program of the In ternational Pltytogoogmphm iwcuis ion to Crater laku has been received. In the p.uty are some of the world's most famous botanists. Tho ouurs ionidta will number twenty heie and eight curst nro wanted by the Com mercial club to convey llm p.irtv to the lake. At thtt Tnwday ovenbig meeting of the club tho matter nt entertainment will be illsemed ami tho committee report upon prelimin aries. The scientists left JCcw York on duly 30. isiting Niagara vlK Chi cago, Yiconsin, Colorado, Yellow stone nml Tflcoma before reaching Mmlford on September II. !u tile parly are: Dr. H. Drookmann-.Torosob, Ulir jcb; Fran Dr. llroekniunn-.leroM'h, Zurich; Professor Menrv C. Cowles, Chicage: Dr. C. H. Craiuptoii, Edin burgh; Dr. George K. NiehoU, Nev lliiM'tt; Dr.Ove PnuNen, Copeidia gen; Dr. IMuard Kiihel, Zurich: Pro fessor Cnrl Sehroter, Zurich: Dr. T J. Stomps. Amsterdam: Mrs. A. (1. Tniisltiy. Cambridge: Professor C. Von Tubenf, Munisli; Dr. Alfrvd Daeb'iowski. Columbus. O.; Georgi D. filler, Chicage: A. O. Tanslev, Cambridge; Mrs. Alfred Dachnowski, Columbus, O.: Mr. Stomps, Amster dam; Profes.sor C. E. Dessev, Lin coln; Professor F. E. Clements. Min neapolis; Mrs. F. E. Clements, Mm neajHilis; Professor Adolf Eauler, Berlin. AT The Star theater offers for today and tomorrow King Rene's D.iutfh- ter, nil exceptionally strong pro dliction in three parts, filmed b the Thnnhoiiser company. The lead was assigned to a Miss Maud Fealy, n newcomer in pie hi nil drama, of charming personality, rare intelligence und keen apprecia tion of what is required of her in the part she plays. She i a per petual delight to ' the ecs, moves with grace nnd she seems imbued with the sweetness and purity of her role. During her stage cu'ci she has supported Sir Henrv Ining. William Gillette, Nat Goodwin nml sexcrnl other famous actors. She is most nbly supported in this pro duction by til.- entire Thaiilnm-jor company of players. Most remarkable nro thu ftt)i$iii nting ami impropstvo scenic dffoli. uotdbly the- exquisitely choseu ex- lienors. That feature nlonc, provid ing ns it does n series of lovely pic tures that hold attention, in unoiigh to civo the prodiiutinu high rank, hut it is mi well balanced in other r.espeols that its almost buwildeim beauty is not iutrtmisc. I.itll'i or nothing mars the illusion that w are watching human imturo und hu man action in nil itmnphure of ro mance, where sentiment and ad ventures nre unfolded to our vinioil on enchanted ground. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTI3D An nutomobllo to rent from August 15 to September 15. Must bo In good running condition with good llres. Adlvse S. V. Ilvckwlth, at Fruit Growers Asso ciation. 121 WANTED TO ItKNT From 10 to 1 r. acres of alfalfa or which can bo seeded to ulfajtu, near .Medord or at Talent. Olvo full particulars by lottor. Address box 150, euro of. Tribune. 127 LOHT-k-.Suiiday evening between Gold Hill and Medford, ladles hat, gontelemnu's hat und duster coat. Phouo i02::-x. ,122 miuilty can mako. Every county from Jackson i.erth to tho Washing ton )no should follow tho 'cud, and Jackson should rumuinhor 'bat tho way sho votes will have a powerful Influence upj.i tho action of tho other counties, H !iq dofcutH tha muul Is sue, there will bo little Incntlvo for tho counilei to 'ho north to pave the highway but !' tho bpndn voted and tho road constructed every other county will havu tq do llknwiso as u matter of self protection, Josephine's roads aro now claused mi gopjl, and for thu grouUir part of tho ;'oar they aro good. 'I lie expense of building across tho county will bo iiiutli lens than tho cost to which Jncuuon will be put, and the work should be done as soon us It can bo convulinGy got ten m. To retain tho Puglttc High way on Its prevent (oiirso through Southern OruKolii thu liiiprovoineiit of all, thu remdu it; iieiensary, VIT CRATER LAKE SEPTEMBER 6 CRAWFORD . W. W. DEPARTMENT SAT,EM, Or., Aug. U.Attprnoy General Crawford has today nn tiouuced his intention of going to Hamlou, Or, this week to investigata the alleged deporttition recently of Dr. Huilcy Loach, tlia soeiitticj tdt tor, bv eituens of that iowh. Gov ernor West remintcd that the nt toincv general tuk tlii. notion. KILLED WHEN AUTO COLLIDES WITH TRAIN SOCTIl nifNh, Wash., Aug. 11. Junies Koekel, aged iill, member of n pioneer family, died hero lodav as n l-esult of injuries iceeivtd when his automobile eolluled with a fivight train. The niitoinobile was smashed to bits ami the hn's hodv turriblv tnanglrd. WOOD Hy tho Tier, Cord m Car Lots Under lllg Shed VAM.KY l't'KIi tt)., 7(1 W. I. Vwi) le, Prop. Siiccofsor to llolehritelu. Fir and Wot Scrouil Sis. STAR THEATRE TODAY MISS MAUD FEALY LN "KING RENE'S DAUGHTER" 3 REELS A Sumptuous Production .With a Notablo Cast CLEVKK COM 131) V. dJOOD MUSIO COOL 110 US 13 Always 10c 1 WOOD I For Sale In any size and quantity that you may want it I Frank Yard nt Sth nnd Fir Hts. Siskiyou Heights Now is the timo to make'solec'tion of lots and traets in this magnificent rcHideneo district. SEE JOHN A. TORNEY ROOM 1, PALM BLOCK SAN FRANCISCO CALL i SAUIt,'MENTO, Cnl Aug. 0,- aV Holes of liieurnorntlun with PocrotuijC ot State Jotdnii today by the ('all Publishing company which was oi gnulred to take over (lie holdlngl of tho Snn Francisco Call, a iiDWHpiipoi'. There are five, directors, ns foliuwiu John I). Hproene'i W. I). IC.Vllc son ami Edwin Prkwnli of K'Ui Frsii elseo, F. W. ICollog of Altnduiiii and A. U Whlltlo of Mill .'alloy. Tho cffpltiil atotik I nlven as f 100 000. Kellogg Is a rn!nl'o of K. W. ScrlpiH, the well Ittunvn iulillhor mid has boon tutuiektcd III uowsp'ipei work nml publltatlon In the mM.IU west. Draperies XV rnrry vrry eeninlnin Una of itrnprlvM. Iirn curluliiii, riliirH, ite., mul do ail ilitniim of uiiliUtrliiit. A l'i'Mtl iiiiui to lnoK ntlrr Dili) work nliislviily aiul Mill tilvn it ft mihmI nKrvlcn an In lninllile to i.'"t In Won Uio lnrgvst Mltleu. Wooka & McQowiin Co. E. D. Weston Official Fhotographor of the Medford Commercial Club 'Amateur l'Mnishing Post Cunlrt Panoramic Work Portraits Interior and oxtorior view Flash lights Negatives made anv timt and any niont. platte by appoint. 20S E. Main Phono 147) N. Florence Clark MOI.IV Ti:tCIIIll Slmllo J 11(1 West ltd Street CHICHESTER S PILLS iMiiuMI IIIIAAlt rl inlwtMPit.&Alt.AlwflHfluJ4 SOlDBYDfiUGGlSTSEVfimilE GIM CHUNG I'lllVA m.ltll HTOItl) These herbs nrc n ldood tonic. A nonltlvo rure for Mvcr, Lung, Henri, Kidney. Stomach and Uowel troubles. UuroH Malaria, Chills and I'uver und Ithqumullsiu, A gunratiliMHl euro for ,1'IUs. No surgical operation re quired. TESTIMONIALS I bail sloumtli liiutblo for jcurs, cunning ileojislrol oiiilllliins. After tahiiig clgbliloM-s of Dr. (t'liii Cliuug'ri inetlleliio I vvas relieved of all linn blc. mils. it. m. iu:itiiii:it. Thin h to certify that Glm Chung oared mo of the pllos after IK yenrs' standing and mil rocouimoud him to anyone afflicted with thnm. - (I. M. Dalrymplo, Chlcoj Cat, 1111 8. 1'iout .iiniuoiti), oiti:. H. Rav 1 PIIONI3 750-It tfj I.4lr4 M.irllriil,ui ktln.r H,.J Ilra4V I'lll. It. J ! U14 m.t,UM.ySJ I . MII vl I It f lfc. V Tlft Krfv Hh tMr v lh..r.1.l. A.kNM'II.eiriH.TKHH w a c SEALER OF WEIGHTS " ; 4 t rinU lliiiifson, who has n raiidli on la'HIo Uiille tieuT the doMtiii, wAh iliinlntrd county winter of weights ami measures by the county com I Sntuidny, The office wns utealed bv the liiit leglsluliiN innl oniric Villi H n wilutv ot .ttl day. It Is the senior's duly to tiuipcol und tost all weighls nnd measures, ami eer scales used In I tie eniiuh must have Ids seal on us inoof of eoii'eeluess. NOW IS THE TIME To build a home Labor, building material and ehoicobiiildingBiloH will novel' be as cheap again. You can buy a large lot with BEAUTIFUL VIEW of VALLEY on the blast Ride in best residence district with build ing restriction, good roads, close to city water, low t-'.ves ror small payment down, easy terms on balance. This is one of the bust building sites in the valley. ADDRESS P. 0. EOX 207 MEDFOP.D, OREGON. The Colonial Flats I'ormnll) Smith A par lux nlu Iliiniilng Tinier Now Mumneiueut Slrtct IIimIii" Crluelpabi UOOMS Idll MOOT UOl'SWKHia'INO I'ltO.M HH.IID.TO 9I.1.0JI Cl'lt MOVlll With Until Itoom Aecomiiiodatlons (In and l'leoirle Lights In llulldlix' Hot und Ciitd Wiilnr nt nil llin-s. I.Hiiudr for Tenant h ime. ' Uviirytlilng Puriiliheil Hxri i Kntu " Cull nnd Iiuprct Single I'hoihh ."Vie Per Un). uit so. niviMtsiHK piieni: miiMi University of Southern Oregon ' Those who register their names between the fourth and twenty-fifth of August as prospective students in the College of Liberal Arts can have the course for twenty-five dollars per school year. Nine months course in law forty dollars. Hygiene with special in struction in nursing, twenty-live dollars. MorlitMtl litre, twenty-five dollars. Musical course in Conser vatory of Music, twenty-five dollars per school term. Commercial ivmrse in IJushiess College sixty dollars. Now is the time to register your name and receive the great advantage of a high-class college training at the smallest cost. This opportunity is yours only uutill August twenty-fifth. Prospective students iii these departments will write to the Kev. I. YV. .Mac Ciillough Ph. I)., President, Medford, Oregon. Prospective students for tho College of Music and Fine Arts will write to Professor Gerard Tnillandier, )ean of the Conservatory of Music, Medford, Oregon. Klt'dcnts out of the city can secure board and room at low rates in Christ ian homes. One large furnished bouse of ten rooms can be occupied by young men for twenty dollars per month. Kor information write to W. T. D. MACCULLOTJGH. A. B. REGISTRAR. ONE DAY ONLY MEDFORD, WEDNESDAY Alil.lNO'lOtf AMI lll.VUMW.N KLAH0MA RANG REAL WILD WEST SHOW 0 THIS MOST HHNSATIO.VAI. OIJATII DUFVI.VO SCOUT FU. !..- mtjm.z ., ,.- Ti ?. II i mBKjtUhi r- Trrii.t5if,: ?,nftifr' x JUT: T 'Z'rv -a ''j ViolB' "' 5L'.Kvl'! tokm W klH SffSL; ' . NSSBfc J ' mifi tr i t'Hs . . r wm && Till,' FAMOIH Ml FA.MII.V :or. zacii LUCILLE fiiwHWiw I'lOSIIIJIIS OF Twici: ii,)ii.v, a axh s i;, .n, iiai.v ouhiiixh I 10 MEET PELKEY HAN FUANUIMJO, C-il., Aug. lit Chat ley Mlllor, tlm flult't v niiilor iimn nl'umly lmn ruiutiioiii'od tiulnliig for IiIh twenty rnuiul contest with Arthur Pdiy" In l.os Aug.iloi Hoptoni ber Ua, nccordlnit nuiuiuncomtint by hU itiiHinpir LoulK I'areiiUwtmliiy. Hob Armiiti'ong Is niipeiiutumlliig Mlllei'' work, und thu pair uro lo ciited In tbo mountatiiM of Ihiiioiun i utility. Mlllir plans to go to l.os iik Is about Soptemhci I and fin Ish hU training thr A no- 1 -TVUg 1 O AUTO POLO MV if nowSim fa w t4'tmtUwnmi0i.44. OKLAHOMA ' f , , i t 'i uio FitoyniothTitKin caiiadi; himio a. m. ! 1 I W . v . ' I' 'J