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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1913)
V !' :l 1 ,f c i- r P3BB SIX. MEDFORD MATT! TRTT3UNI-. MWDFORP. ORKCION, WWPNTftTOAY. 'ATTfUlST 0. MM. PARSONS FAVORS PEARS AS BIGGEST PAYING FRUII CROP I'ORTIjAND, Or., Ans. 0. Wlmt Is the befit jmyinjr crop in tlio l'neifio liorlliwcstt Home pay nppU.", while olliors Blroiiftlv assert that tlio penr is tlio peer of nil po fnr ns profits per ncro nrc concerned. Itrpnnhl II. Parsons, owner of tlio famous llillcrcsi orchnrilt near Mpdfonl, nnil by tlio way, directing bend of tbe Northwestern Fruit Kx pliano or this oily, HlrotiRly nsserls that pears nro tlio thing or, in fact, tlio profit. His orchard con sists of ICO ncrea of about ns fine fruit an is crown in the country, and bo has received the returns to provo One. ITU holdings of pears inelndo eighty-five acres, the re maining nrca being planted to ap ples nml other fntits. While the lingua River country, of which tho milcrosl orchards is n part, has received the highest awards in the world for the cscel lcnco of its Yellow Ncwtowns and Spitxcnbcrgs, still it is partial to the penr-in fact, its greatest glory as n fruit center hns been received by tho latter crop. Tho enliro Rogue River country is destined to become two huge penr orchnrd in the fu ture, and it is already counting its profits. Mr. Parsons, owner of tho Hill crcst orchards returned to Port land todny after an insjeclion of h's orchard. "Tho crop of pears in tlio lingua River country will thw yenr show nn increnso of 25 to GO ptr cent over n year ago," Fcays Mr. Parsons, "whilo tho incrensc in tho output of apples will bo from 20 to 40 per cent. "Thero is nn increnso of probab ly HO per cent in tho benring area of pears this season and about 10 par cent over n year ago," says into penr raising in tho Rogue River country for two reasons the soil is particularly adapted to its growth nnd there is n greater profit in it. YVio plant about seventy-five pear trees to the acre and only about sixty npplo trees, because the for mer docs not grow so big. While it is true that tho average apple tree will produce more fruit than a ,var tree, the greater number of tho lat ter nlnntcd to tbe acre more than makes up for thw loss. "Then the production of cnr js much moro certain than apples. Whilo the apple tree sometime pro duces n bigger crop tbnn docs (he pear, still tho average is far beilcr in tho latter. Then again the pear brings more money in tho market, is easier gathered and is moro free from diKcnsc than the apple. "Rogue River is today tho most famous penr section in the countr' nnd its merits will increase fnun year to year. Wo have had excel lent growing weather recently over two nnd one-half inches of rain fall ing during July. The outlook is cot only for a good crop of pears, bat largo nires and most excellent quality." DESTROYING SEALS UN DYNAMITE I TILLAMOOK", Or., Aug. fi. Fili erinen along Tillnmook bay aro to day jubilant at tho bticccss of the firet experiment miido by the mas tcr fibh warden of Oregon in blow ing up the marauding seals thut for years have been gobbling up the choicest salmon before they could get to tho wailing nets. W. J. Still well, under instructions from Mnster nh Wurden R. K. Clauton, hns just pulled off tho first explosion, blow ing at least 160 seals into eternity. filillwell put 150 pounds of pow der in glasH fruit jars und connected these by wires, Tlio jars were bur ied in the sand where tho seals weru accustomed to sun themselves. When n grcnt number of the seals gath ered over tho inino Stillwcll pushed the button. "Hardly half n dozen escaped," uaid Stillwell today. "If uny did, thoy nro abreast of Alaska by this timo and btill going. You couldn't get ono buck unless you blindfolded him and dragged him in backwards.'' WAN CARS MED RD PEARS T12 F NETGR0WERS1.75 Tho Pioneer Fruit company today received an order for twelve cars of Roguo River Hnrtlelts nt $1.75 net to the grower, f. o. h. Jledford, which, ns no commissions are in cluded, is equivalent to still more. Pears are bringing high figures in tho cast and tho prospects nro bright for new records for Medford fruit. Tho following nro representative of sales mndo yesterday: Huston, -'.."O to :U0. Philadelphia, $2.00 to $:.0". New York. $-.3 to $3.-5. Chicago, average $-.50. PitUhurg. average $.(0. Buffalo, average $-.05. I F PALO ALTO, Cnl., Aug. 0. After terrorizing the Stanford uuivimitv community for several hours yester day Fred llorkey, member of a wealthy San Diego family and a for mer student of the University of California, is again eon fined today iu the insane ward of Agncw State hospital, from which he e.cnKd on Monday night. llorkey was at tempting to gain entrance to fra ternity and sorority houM's. here when raptured. llorkey told the officers that he made the trip .from Agncw to Stan ford in his nigth clnthes, but was fully drcs-ed when arrested, lie seems to be rational on even frub ject except that of fraternities ind says he has obtained ii sis-rial dis letisatioii from the Supreme Hcing to organize a secret society n Agncw. AS LAZY HUSBANDS SKATTLK. Wash., Aug. ''..- L. II. Hedford, 31, secretary treasurer of the Young Men's Slate IVno erotic k-nctic and cuudjdatc fot the RiMtion of warden at McNeil's pen itentiary, is today under arrest un der the "lazy husband" act. The complaint was sworn to by his wife. Mrs. Ivn Hedford, mid her mother, Mrs. Dorothy Icc. Hedford former ly a resident of Tncomn, is ch.ii-g-cd with deserting his wife on Aug ust 2 mid contributing no more than $15 iu the past two months f- the supiMirt of his family, which in cludes four children, the oldest of whom is 10. 10 ALICE EIS MADE BLASE BROADWAY BLINK OFTEN i . j$N v p GARRISON S T OF HONOR; SEATTLE SKATTLK, Wuuh., Aug. (1. -Following a review of tho troops nl Fort Lawton this morning, Pi-ore-tnrv f War (larrisou nnd (leneinl Leoimnl YWil were tho honor guests at noon at tho Scnttlo Com mercial club luncheon. Short ml dresses were mndo by Governor Lis ter, Mayor Cotlcrill and Piisidmit 11. K. doues of tho club, precedhtg tho main speeches by tho no notary and the general. At 3 o'clock this afternoon tho secretary and his party Aro to leiwe for Walla Wnllij, thence going to Spokane on their return to the east. The secretary and lleueral Wood witnessed a record in mortar bomb shooting made by a battery nt Fort Worden yesterday. Seven shots won fired from u twelve-inch but tery at a moving target nine miles away in Discovery bay. Two or the shots struck within fifteen yards. The elevation of tho shells was nearly four miles. Colonel C. J. Hailey's men were complimented by the secretary and by (he general. REBELS L MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Aug. O. John Llnd, President Wijson's envoy to Mexico, wroto to n friend hero that in no circumstances would ho aocept tho pout ns permanent am ImsEiidor u Mexico, ASTORIA, Or., Aug. 0. Two hundred thousand dollars' worth of bonds will bo issued by tho ort of Astoria for the purpose of buying sites for municipal docks nnd im proving (ho local haibor and mouth of the Columbia river. This action is todny decided upon by the commission alter u lengthy discushion. Tho work of selecting tho sites mid starting (ho improvements will now bo expedited. worksTprevTni fox's confirmation WASHINGTON. Aug. 0. United States Senator Workr, of California said today that he had been assured by democratic leaders in the senate iluit tho confirmation of Thomas Fox to be postmaster at Sacra mento, Cal., would bo reconsidered. Works bus opposed Fox's appoint ment and declared today that be would do everything in his power to prevent confirmation. GIRL DROWNS WHEN AUTO TURNS TURTLE FRESNO, Cnl., Aug. 0. Emily Stinson, aged 18, wns drowned in an irrigation ditch early today when sho wns pinned beneath nn automobile which had turned turtle. With Miss Ethel Taylor, Guy Preston and Carl Finuignn, Miss Stinson wns return ing from a dnneo when tho accident occurred. Nor companions escaped with Blight injuries. Hero is Alice Eis, whose sensational dance, "I.e Rouge et Noir," mndo Hrondwny sit up and take notice, and which finally resulted iu the ar rest of herself and partner, and of IWiir Ilammersteiir, nt whoso (bon ier she was appearing. No conviction followed the arrest, however, and Miss his was allowed to continue her dance unmolested. Miss Eis is the jKtssessor of n beautiful back that is said to have caused Kitty Gordon many a pang ol jealousy. Her dance, "Ia Rouge ct Noir," was originated by her partner, Mr. French, several years ago nt Monte Carlo, just after ho had lost heavily at the gambling table. It wns produced nil over Europe, before it was shown here, and has created n furore at every apcnraucc. HISTORIC REVIEW IS BIG SHOW FEATURE "Apacho Kid," tho notorious out law, and other reckless border bail' dita of Ids kind, no longer hold up tho Deadwood coach, command driver and passcuKem to hold up their hands under piyially of being riddled with bullets, and then ride nvny on their fleet footed ponies loaded with plunder. From a dramatic as well ns aa his tarlc standpoint, however, tho Dead wood stage coach holdup holds a tan clnating Interest to tho public of theso more profile days, and the reproduce tlon of one of thoo thrilling events In the performance of the Oklahoma Itanch Wild West, which exhibits In Medford, Wednesday, August 13, Is said to creato a sensation. ' For tho purpoxo of the drama, It hi announced, a genuine old-tlmo Dead wood staco has been secured. Tho driver Is ono of tho original Wells Fargo messengers, who, In the lan guage of his time, would "rather fight than cat." Home of the old scouts and frontiersmen who rldo la the coach have actually had tho exper ience of being hold up by bordor, ban dits. Tho etage, drawn by four army mules, comes dashing down tho arenn. As it turns tho corner, on tho uccond lap, a band of marauders dashes out of ambush, surround the coach, shoot tho driver, and compel tho passengers to alight. It Is nil dono so quickly that there U no chanco for defense. Tho pascengers uro reliovod of their valuables and tho safe, .containing nn express shipment of gold Is thrown out ii)ioii tho ground and blown open. Juvt when It seems that the banditti will escape with their Ill-gotten plun dor, there Is tho sound of many horses feet, und a bund of scouts and cow boys, led by Col. nek Mullmll, tho famous Oklahoma ranchman, In tho rolo of tho sheriff, got Into tho pic ture. There Is a short, sharp ex change of shots; thotso of tho bandits who do not fall nro captured, another driver Is substituted, and escorted by tho sheriff und his posse, with the prisoner hold at tho ends of tho rid ers lariats, the coach starts on U long Journey again. This Is not tho reproduction of a figment of tho Im agination, but It Is declared to bo uu actual representation of a scono en acted hundreds of times In tho old days ou tho plains. IT AT CANTON, CIA I'KKIN. Aug. C. Dispatches from Hong Kong received today report rebel troops nro rioting In Canton. After Governor Chan disappeared, It Is reported, tho soldiers took posses sion of tho city, sacked tho treasury and murdered tunny officers. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY WILSON WASHINGTON, Aug. The fol-!....;.- Humiliations were sent today i., lh,i senate by President Wilsen: To I.e minister to Venezuela- Preston MeGoodwm. Oklahoma. To ho United Sfntes judge of dis triet of Ariioun William N. Saw- HUERTA'S ELECTION SIMPLY A A E SAN FHANOIHCO, Cab, Aug. . That tho election to bo held In Mexico October 110 to elect prerldcnt to sue eecd Huortu will ho nothing nlort than n farco was tho declaration here, today at James G. Tr.worn, n travel, lug Htilcftnnn, who returned fiom MoNleo City on thu l'nclflo Mall steamer Aeapeuleo. "When t lert Mexico two wecki agl," snld Trnvtus, "lluerta wiu credited with saying there would b threo candidates for president at tho coming election, President lluerta, General lluerta and Vlctorlano llucr. tn. Iu other words, lluerta Is going to seo to It that he will bo tho only candidate, and that ho will tio elected." LONDON, Aug. It.-- Parading suf fragettes were barred today nt the entrance to Albert Hall, whore n medienu convention was being held. Many of them bore sandwich boards with placards, "What do tho doctors think of woiiiun torture!'' Tho suffragettes made no nt- tempt to prevent tho physicians from entering the halt. EMERY IS QUIZZED BY LOBBY PROBERS WASHINGTON, Aug. . - Clilof Counsel Eiuerv or the National As sociation of Manufacturers, tesli Hed today before the senate lobby committee, lie was examined bv At torney MeCurter for Ihu nsMicinllon. The hearing (odav was marked by freuuent wrangles, the committee men insisting that McCartcr ask specific and not general question. NOTUV.. Tim L'o-oncrntlve Fruitgrowers' As. miclnllon will start u packing ichool ou August 7. J. A. I'KI'.KV. PrM'deut SAYS TEETH WHETTED TO LOS ANGKLKS, Cal., Aug. 0. Alleging Hint since his ineiueinntloji in jail Ills luelh have heeoiuo whet led to riixor edge nnd Hint he is compelled to protect them with gum when ho enls, Dr. .1. Grant Lyman, It heeiuuo known today, bus tele graphed President Wilson demand ing n speedy trial. Lyman is ncetu ed of fraud in a laud deal. "No Roman emperor posHCSMml greater power than you," Lymnii wired. "Do not Ihe virtues or Per tiunx nppenl to you, or would you oinulnto Commodiis or Caraenllut" Lymnii complained that his tiiul is being delayed nnd thai h is com pelled to live on In oak fast fond. Jailers deny tho hitler allegnlio.i, declaring that heaping platters of solid food sent to Ionian's ce'l al ways return empty. Furthei inure, they say, his molars nro normal. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NOW NUMBER 302,074 HOSTON. Aug. (I. The annual repoit of the supremo secretary of the Knights of Columbus, read at (he convention here today, showed I ho order as having 1102,07-1 mem bers, an increase of 111,000 iu tho year. r CoBSHMptlvei Helped by Tiberculasls Medicine II la folly In lflki that (Yiiaiinillmi illtTrra (rum rtnr ullirr illn In not rniilrii(r Hid iim of any tuntMno for lla trralinriil Tor a limnlx-r nf jr.1 an ninniiuii. maaa of oltiulurr ami Itinnk. fill tr-lliiiiihll from rrma vttio roiialilrr I hut Itirjr IhHr ll'ra In IValtiiOi I AllrrMltr, n itinllrlno fur 'I'uta-miloala, linn lurn mxilimilallntf, Surrl- plriilr of I Imp Id itriinitiatialr lla laalltiK UC Yon rati write In any of llirm llirr la oni-t Ma (llraht Ai, I'Mln, I'a. "Crnlldiirn ti lln. wlnlrr or llawl I hail an atlark of llrliM., follnwril .r I'nrtiiiionla ami later y roiiiiinlloii. 1 ttirw atrtiitlly worar. In llm lnlrr of i:H I liail ronK nlslil annila, fftrr nml ral.ol iuaiitltlra of awful IihiHii alurf ami latrr I lial iiianr tii'tnorrliaMrai at ono (Imp tlirta- In Ititn- anr.'raallr ilaya. Milk anil reir lminii. an illilaalrful I roiilil krrp imllilni; ilnwn 'llirn- litiyal rhna Itrntnl iih I nna onlrrnl In llifl looiinl.itiia. Iiil illit not K dknimi'a ,l. Irmlllf na tmunliif luliil liy a frlrnit. Aflrr Inking n atnall iiuntllr, I liail lh Oral inlr liUlil'a alrrp fur Mrrka Xr Iniprofrmfiil aa iiiarlril from lli drat. t KUtnnl alrrnitlli anil nrlKliI ami nt--lilt. I lirirr timl anolhrr lirinortlia-amt nijf rmiKh urtntiially IraM-mit until an il rr I jr Ktinp. I am rforlr rll Kirry. lUUic I aay lrri ran I trrlDcl liy tny family anil frkinl"" (SHiirn atnilnilll ANNC I" l.(ll'llllll.N. IVkmati'a Allrlatlir la i-rt.Tthr In llfon rhllla, Aalliina, Hay IVvrrt Throat ami I.IIHK TroiiMra, ami III llilmlMlnu lh ayatrni, Dnoa not ronljlu tHilaona, oilal,-4 or forintnu ilrtica ,ak for Inxalrt Irlltnu nf rmnrrlra, ami Htllo In Okinan l.alnranry, l'hllatrlhla, I'a , fortnon l iHnrai. Kur aaU I'y all laaillna; ilriiHiilala DR. SUN FUGITIVE: E TOKIO, Aug. . niiipntehcii io eclved hnru today from Canton nay that Dr. Hun Yat Hon, reeoKiilr.liiK llm fnlluro of tho Olilneso reholllon ngaliiHt tho presidency of Yuan Hhl kal, has fled tho city and Is now on his way to Toklo, expecting to ho al lowed to Hud ii refuge In Knrmoim. GLOBE-TROTTER PROPOSED TO BY WIRE BY MAID CLKVKLAND, (., Aug. II. John Henry MVurs or thu New Yoik Sun left hero lodnv ou the last lap ir his trip mound the woild, which he will liuve circled ill llilrly-fiwt diiv nn his nriivnl iu New York. At Chicago Mi'itm reeetved n ' tele graphic offer oT marriage from a Milwaukee girl admirer. Mourn chuckled nnd showed tho wire In his wire und daughter, who had met hlui I n J'hlcago. "How tlitl tlio Bird know that" Vnratlou days may coinu but n uovcr rent when It comes to serving you. f y J 'V-"",,ai -. r The prohloni of getting rid of tlin files lan'l u "atlekttr." "Hentli to files" bus solved It! Of exception merit. Helbcrt Ply Tin Mill glvo butter results thnii you nn tlrlpnte. King I'ly Hwnt l'e Helherl I'ly Tin ' Kly I'olaou f' Kxpert iihiirmnclats (III )uiir pro kcrlptlouH with parol drug. "The swcolucns tif lor price eldntii 01 pi nl tt thu hltlcrucaa or sior Motil ity." Haskins for Health telle. ; " - - - August Clean -Up Sale I C1 nn I ft9. OH WAISTS fl8c ' I AT AT Manns Central Avenue $2.50 KAHKI GARM'TS $1.69 Tn I'lcaii un r Knhki uarnu'iits orrt-r ilioin for Tliuiwiay. wo valiiPH at .$1 .GO $2.00 WAISTS 08c Ni'v liiimfHo WaistH. wt'll iiuuU' nml uiiinlilv fini.shnl I'or Tlmrs djiv. &2M valtH'.s. HiH'cial ..08 Married Frank C. Iloutlcdgo of Portland, formerly of Ashland, nnd Misi Mu mio C. Hnriies of Grants Pass wore worried t tho latter city August C, Final Cleanup in Wash Goods Zopliyr Ginghams, 27 and JW i. witk', vjilitcs up to 20c 125C Special, yard y2' 1000 vardrt extra tfood washiiif,' amd wenriiiK (liiiKlianiH, special, Q yard ...-'v Silk MullsIn a lull lino ol" colors, values .JOe and :iOc. Special 10 a Tlmiwlav, vard g' Waistings Values up to 'ion yard. Thursday soU'iutf, 1Q vard lVK Cotton Voiles in shades of Alice, Cojeiiliagcn, .an. iinlc, grey and lilac; regular '10c quality. OC Special this sale, yard Kimona Crepes In a good lino of patterns, 2() grade. This JU sale, special, yard ' REMNANTS At way below cost Underwear at Cost 7fc Ladies' Union Suits COr for "'v .tir. Ladies' Vests- 25C ; Ladies' Pants JQg for :i()c Ladies' Vests ICa 00c Misses' Union Suits OQg lOl' ...y.. 2.r)c Misses' laeu triimned JCg I'ants xwv 18c' Hoys' Union Suits O'Jr 2t)c Hoys' L'ants and Vests, iQ each ' All J2'j Vests now jAp All I Ou Vests now 19J for : -ic All 20c, Vests now C- for wl' HOSIERY SPECIALS Woiiicii'm fast black Hose, all Qf sizes, 12'liO gmdo "Women's silk lisle Hose, in C black and white, special l AVonien's Lace Hebo, in nil colors, values to i')5c. Special' C pair 1Ul Ladies' silk IIoso, black only, all sizes, 75c grade, for Thurs- CQn day only "' Manns Near Post Office Special Sale of Domestics :i(i in. Hleached Muslin, gootl -I A weiuhts, I'i'A' urade, yard ... 'v Outing flannels A fine line of new materials; regular .10c O grade. Special, yard Turkish Towels, full size, -I alp 3 fn grade, Thui-sday, eai'h .-'2 Any Parasol in the houso at ONE-HALF PRICE WHAT EVERY WOMAN NEEDS Best Sowing Needles. Jp Special, a paper Wash J3elts, plain and fancy JJp 25c grade, special, each " Women's 5c Handkerchiefs, O Special Thursday, each A' Colgate's Talcum Powder, f Op 25c. can. Special, each &' CLARK'S O. N. T. Cotton, 7 for 25c f AV1- f laJ-'aaj-l- " fi'ilSi'ii :