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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1913)
' si ' i B. " . til. R , 'sr ' f KCGBFOUH.1 IOCAL AND L PERSONAL Miss Annto Kollclior will bo con fined nt liomo sovornl days with ft broken arm rocolvcd from a fall Into Friday night. Miss Kcllchor had Just Alighted from licr automobile at licr homo on South Oakdale after scolng "Everywonvan" when sho trlp- iod breaking bcr arm near tho wrist. Dr. Porter waa called and sot tho break Immediately. Ituy Uunch and his family of Jacksonville spent Simclay with rela tives In Mcdford. Hobcrt 1). Dow, who went to Mo doe and Lassen counties, California, n few weoks ago, roturncd Sunday ovonlng. rroduccra Frutt Co. nas Just re ceived a largo shipment of 1 lb. and lb. tin top berry baskets, and can fill orders In any quantity. Wo also havo on hand a largo supply of tho eolobrated "Security" orchard lad ders In all sties. Miss Shlnn of Grants Pass lias been In Mcdford visiting friends. Mrs. May Green, who was tho guest of relatives living at Gold Hill, returned Sunday. Frank Coleman and Guy Harper of Jacksonville were In Mcdford Sat urday on their way homo from n trip to Portland. 93,000 accident and llfo Insurance for $10; IG2G0 for 917.S0. See Holmes, tho Insurance man. Phil Looaloy, who underwent an operation for blood poison at Sacred Heart hospital, Is Improving. Rev. Mr. Dandy of Jacksonville has gono to Evans creek to take charge of tho Hnnna ranch. "Will Hanna of Seattle has been -visiting at Jacksonville his native town. Ho left for liomo Saturday. Burlap sacks wanted at tho Rues Mill. Mrs. "W. E. Finney and Mrs. Fred Owens of Jacksonville visited ,wlth friends In Mcdford Saturday oven ing. Mrs. R. Fako of Portland, who has been visiting Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Golden of Jacksonville, left for home Sunday. Screen doors Mcdford Lbr. Co. E. G. Roberts, foreman of tho Hall & Young orchard. In Dig Sticky district, nnd his family were In Med ford Saturday. Peter O. Applcgato returned from Salem during tho week and Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Apple- gate. Durlap sacks wanted at tho Rues Mill. E. C Do Armond of Grants Pnsa has been visiting his son, Hugh Do Armond, tho. attorney, nnd his fam ily. Albert Smith, G. E. Dowen, E. Calhoun anda his son, Amlrow, were up from Phoenix Saturday. Fruit tree props Mcdford Lbr. Co. Born At Dorrls, Cal., July 2D, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Inlow, former ly of Trail, n daughter. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Stonkaky and E. E. Allen of Grants Pass raado a trip to Mcdford Saturday. Kodak finishing, best In town, At Weston's. . Gcorgo A. nutz, Jr., who has been visiting nt Mcdford and Central Point, returned to Yreka, Cal., to day, where ho U engaged In the ho tel business. Mr. and Mrs. Flrmln Kana of Gold Hill spent Saturday In Mcdford. B. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives made any time or place by appointment. Phone M. 1471. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Caroy of South Phoenix wero guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Shearer Saturday, II. O. Simpson, James Mays, F. D. Amor and W. Decson wero up from Tulont Saturday afternoon. Captain S. M. Nealon of Tablo Rock and Mr, Uecba of Agato dis trict spent several hours In Mcdford Saturday. Tho finest studio In southern Ore gon has been opened by Gcrklng & Harmon nt 228 East Main street, first stairway cast of Star theater. Our work Is always the best, views of all kinds for enlc. Tho best of kodak finishing. Negatives made uny tlmo or place. Phono 3 20-J. tf D. II. Jackson and Mr. Peuchey wero of thoso who went to Ashluud Saturday. R. G. Drown, tho Eaglo Point mer chant, was in Mcdford Saturday on his way to Portland and Urltlsh Co- luinbla on n visit. Dr. KIrcligessner will be at Hotel Nash every Saturday from 10 a. in. to 3 p. m. on and aftor May 24. Dr. It. C. Kolsey, S. W. McCIen don nnd D. H. Horn of Gold Hill camo to Medford Saturday, but did no turry long. Weeks ft McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS UUTX AMIRAin Dy Plume 227 Nisi F. W, Weeks 193-J-2 Fkeaeg A. K. Orr 878-M W. M. Stanley of upper Hullo creek nnd W. J. Scott of Antloch transacted business In Mcdford Sat urday. J. V. Mclntyro of tho Kaglo Point bank and his family nro making Portland and other northern points n visit. Crator Lake pictures ,a book of 12 pictures, hand colored, the finest over inndo of tho lake, for salo nt Gcrklng & Harmon's studio. Call nnd sco them. 22S Hast Main street, phono 320-J. tf H. O. Maury was In from his nl falfa ranch on tho Jncksonvlllo-Con- trnl Point road Saturday. Miss Lucy Shearer arrived from Steamboat Saturday and left for Portland In tho evening. I. F. Williams and E. N. Palmer of Central Point wero business visitors In Medford Saturday. F. W. Klscr of Grants Pass spent several days lately In Mcdford, be ing on a canvassing trip. J. R. Norrls of Mtdvalo orchard and J. Druco Spencer of Wcllen at tended R. 11. Pratt's lecture on handling fruit In Mcdford Saturday. J. F. C Harrington and his fam ily camo over from Jacksonville on Saturday nnd have slnco gono to Portland. W. C. Dcneff and Ren Eaton of Jacksonville wero In Mcdford Sat urday. Tobo Stoen of Forest creek and J. A. Goln ol Ashland tarried In Medford awhllo Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Leo Watklns nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Morrlmnn wero of tho many who went to Colcstln Sunday. W. L. Judklns left for Portlnnd Sunday evening to buy goods for tho holiday season In Medford. Mrs. R. B. Renmo of Central Point wns n Mcdford visitor Sunday afternoon. Charles J. Howard of Josephine county visited his parents Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. Howard, Sunday. Ho wns agent for Wejls Fargo & Co. In Mcd ford for a long time. Tho Misses Gall arrived from Chicago Sunday nfternoon nnd are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gray of North Riverside. William H. Johnson of Salem has been at Jacksonville, his former home, on a business visit, returning homo Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Graffls of North Phoenix were Mcdford visit ors Saturday. W. L. Usshcr, manngcr of tho Pacific Telephono company at Ash land, spent Sunday with his family In Mcdford. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. II. Fnrrnr of Ray Gold made a trip to Mcdford Satur day. Mayor von dcr Hcllcn, Chris Nat wJck and J. F. Drown wero over from Eaglo Point Saturday after noon. Albert S. Dllton returned last night from Springflold, Or., whoro ho has been in chargo of Clark & Hcncry'fl paving work. Miss Ione Flynn returned yester day from Albany, whero sho has been spending tho past six weoks visiting friends. D. T. Van do Car of Salem Is vis iting his family. J. H. Young, president of tho Hill lines, went south on his private car Sunday. D. W. Campbell, general superin tendent of tho Soutborn Pacific com pany, went south In his prlvato car Sunday. Judgo Jewell and family of Grants Pass, who have been camping at tho Uyheo springs, about fifteen miles abovo Rogue River on Evans creek, havo returned to their home. Professor Rolmer of tho experi ment station at Talent, was ono of tho many who heard R. D. Pratt of tho department of ngrtculturo lec ture in Mcdford Saturday. II. II. Taylor, Hollls Parks and Walter Rostwlck of Applcgato trans- acted business In Mcdford Saturday. Thoy stnto that tho lato rains wero even mora copious thoro than in this section. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Smith woro in Mcdford Saturday, accompanying tho former's brother, C. A. Smith, of Los Angeles, who has been visiting them. J. W, Snider, proprietor of tho Medford dairy, who has tho Ish ranch rented, expects to cut 1C00 tons of alfalfa hay this season. Ho will ship much of it. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Borgot, MIsa Grnco Kruso nnd O. Al Watson of Marshfleld tarried In Medford Satur day. Thoy woro on their way to .Crater Lake national park. Dr. and Mrs. Emmons and Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser nre members of a party touring Crater Lake park. Mr. and Mrs. Moo and Dr. and Mrs. Rld dell are also spending a few days on n similar trip, J. F. Kolly of Griffin creek, J. F. Dltsworth of upper Roguo river and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Boyre of Tolo wero of tho many who shopped In Medford Saturday. , Mrs. A. Hicks and daughter, Mrs, B. A. l'Yolland of Seattle, tarrlod a short tlmo In Medford Sunduy whilo en routo to San Francisco. Thoy aro relatives of Harrison KIncald, former secretary of stnto. Mr. and Mrs. AI Turpln of Big MEDFOUB MATT TUTBUNE, Sticky wero In Mcdford Sunday ntt ornoon, nccompnulcd by Mrs. Uuh fclmmormnn of Berkeley, Cal. They camo to meet tho lnttor'a husband, who nrrlved on tho ovuutng train. Mr. and Mrs. J. 'S. Luckoy, Mr. nnd Mrs. Mahlou and Miss llernlce Spencer spent Sunday In Medford. Thoy nro of th6 runny who made tho trip to Crater lako nnd nro loud In Its praise. lloraco I). Jones, who Is engaged In mining on Foots crook, has re turned rrom nu extended trip to Portlnnd. Ho wns In Mcdford Sat urday, ns wero other residents of thnt district. Tho Oregon supremo court will probably render a decision In tho Grants Pass railroad bonds case this wcok. Judgo Calkins has decided that they aro valid nnd It Is hoped that tho higher court will affirm his decision, ns much depends on such nn action. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Brownlco left for their former homo near Encnmp mont., Wyo., Sunday afternoon, whero two sons nro Iboklng after their ranch. They will return In September. Mrs. Argles Fryer Green nrrlved from Scattto during tho week, on routo to Los Angeles, nnd Is visit ing her mother. Mrs. J. J. Fryer, who Is at Sacred Heart hospital, re covering from nn operation. Mrs, Green Is a nntlvo of Kaglo Point, whero sho spent n short tlmo with relatives nnd friends. Miss Anna Keallher tripped while alighting from nn nutomobllo on South Oakdale Saturday night nnd broko hor arm near tho wrist. Dr. Porter was summoned nnd reduced tho fracture, which fortunately Is not n sevcro one. Ono of tho greatest collections of agates, Indlnn curios and sea mosses ever displayed is promised at tho third annual ngnto carnival to bo held at Port Orford, Curry county, the most westerly town In tho United Stntcs, August 15 nnd 1C. Tho dedi cation of tho agato palaco will bo n feature. Ed Doling of Foots creek trans acted business In Medford Sattfrdny afternoon. Ho reports that tho un usually heavy rains during t July havo enabled the placer miners of that and other districts to comploto their spring clean-up, which Is a good one. Mrs. Jacob McDufflo died nt Port land, August 1, aged S"' years. Sho was tho widow or Daniel E. Stearns, whom she married in Ohio In ISH, nnd with whom she crossed tho plains In 1853 nnd sCltlcd first In Roguo River valley near Talent. Be sides her husband, six sons nnd daughters and forty grand nnd great grandchildren survlvo her. BUBO FAILS TO IE E Great excitement wns caused nmong local horsemen Saturday af ternoon when it wns announced thnt a real bucknroo who Imd performed nt the Pendleton Hound-Up, was in town nnd wanted to ride Dr. Helms' blnck liorae, which so far has never allowed n rider to "wtick" more flinn n dozen jumps. Tho rido together with his somewhat impressive cognomen "Hnppy Jack" ecnt n thrill through the lovers of excitement nbout Main street nnd somo .seventy-five motored to the fnir grounds to see tho 'outlaw' conquered. After much telling of his experiences nnd ns how "he allowed lie could ride us long ns tho boss could buck" "Hnppy" mounted tho saddle nnd tea seconds Inter hit tho ground in n very ungraceful position. "Jnck" who seemed to havo some lady ndmircrs in tho crowd, however, claimed, wilh the fair ones that Dee Helms' big mastiff wns responsible for his being thrown, ns tho dog ebnscd tho bucking horse across tho Held. F, Isuac Woolf, who hnd resided in Hoguo river valley for ncnrly 40 years, died nt his farm near Medford Saturday night, of heart disease, from which ho Imd been (tiling for somo time. Ifo wub 70 years of nge and is survived by his widow. Mr. Woolf was a volcrun of the? civil war nnd nn orgnnizcr of Chester A. Arthur Post, Grand Army of tho Hepublic. Ho was nlso a charter member of Medford lodgo of Odd Fellows and Olivo Hebelxah degreo lodgo. Mr. Woolf beenmo interested In Medford nt tho inception of tho city nnd built tho Iwo-story building nt tho corner of Sixth nnd North Central now occupied ns n boarding house nnd millinery store. It wns then known ns Woolf's hall and wns tho scene of (lie enrlv nolitienl mcoHnfm nnd HOR ISAAC WOOL PNEE HAD dunces held hi Mcdford. MEDFORD, OREGON, CALIFORNIA raws SELLING AS HIGH AS $3.50 PER BOX "Good prices, tho best In six years, nro bolug rocolvcd for nil kinds of green fruit," states II. M, Kills of Sacramento, vico-proslilont of tho Pioneer Fruit company, who Is visiting the valley. Hartletts nro bringing from 2.t!0 to t3.R0 I" 'N'w York. Plums havo sold from Jl.fiO to $12.10, and other fruits in pro portion. I look tor good prices In npplcs nlso. "Tho California pear crop U about a CO or i5C per cent crop, and tho eastern pear crop Is n failure. The California mountain districts havo tho shortago this year, and thoy nro tho ones tho Roguo lllvor valley competes with, so thoro Is ovory prospect thnt Roguo river pears will command fancy figures. "I have been looking through tho orchards nnd find tho pears tho fin est of any I havo seen unywhore, but 1 hnvo been unnblo to buy many, n's most of tho growers profor to do tho speculating thomsotvos.'' The Koguo River l'rttil nnd 1'mduee Assoointioii hnvo Bold fifteen ears of Hnrtlettri nt u price rmigiui; from $1.70 lo $l.0 net f. o. Ii. Medford, which moniiH $ . or butter unpacked nt the orchard. Buyers nro offering .fl.'Jo for Hart lelts in picking boxes. SPEECH ON FLAG Tho socialists of Mcdford and Jncktonvlllo held n picnic Sunday near Perrydale. About soveuty-flvu wero present. After partaking of a basket lunch a lecturo wns delivered by J. B, Osborno of Oakland, Cal., on tho Subject, "Socialism and tho American Flag." Mr. Osborno nssortcd that tho principles of socialism wero Identical with tho principles upon which tho Declaration of iudcpcndcnco was based. "Tho flag of tho United States Is emblematic of thoo principles ud bored to by tho founders of this g(v eminent," ho said. "Slnco tho so clallsts nro today tho only real de fenders of thoso principles, thoy llkowlso become tho real defenders of tho flag that represents thoso principles. "Tho capitalist class of tho United States do not bcl.cvo In n single principle represented by tho Atnorl can flag. But on tho other hand, itso It to hide bohlnd while they de stroy every principle for which the flag stands. Dr. Samuel Johnson onco said: 'Patriotism is tho last rcf- ugo of a scoundrel.' Experience In tho United Mates In tho last few years has proven this stateuieut to bo true. "Tho most Intelligent socialist, as well as all other Intelligent men and women, aro not much given to fetich worship. Today It is not tho cm- blom of n thing tho pcoplo want It Is tho thing Itself; not tho tdindow, but tho substance Tho socialists stand for everything represented by tho Stars and Strlies and will not bo satisfied until thoy havo all those things, not In theory, but In real- AMY AGAN INSANE SENT TO STATE ASYLUM Amy Agnn, nged 4(1 who has re sided with her mother on Nortli Hlv ersido for tho past four yenrs wns committed to the Mute insane nsyluin by Judge Ton Velio Saturday nnd loft for Salem Sunday. Miss Ognn Iiub buffered oociiHiuiiiilly ever sinco sho had tho typhoid, tvvclvo yenrs ngo, but during tho ptwl three weeks bus grown rapidly worse, raving und be coming violent, i -i ' NOTICE School District No, 28 wants to borrow $000 uf 8 per cent Interest for two years. Any ono Interested wrlto to W. A. Hlglnbothum, clerk of School District No. 1!H, Prospect, Or. NOTICE TJicro will bo a special meeting of tho Merchants' usKoclntlon Wednes day evening at tho city hall nt 8 o'clock. 11C TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Pickling cucumbers, ull sizes. Phono 8C-J1, 111 WANTED To hlro ubout a 1200 pound horse by tho month. Phono Dl. FOR SALE A dcslrablo lot. In quire at 2CG Bcatty st.( city, 117 SOCIALISTS MONDAY, 'AUOUST !, BUD ANDERSON E "All tho world loves u winner," but Medford loves u lOser, as was shown yesterday when 11 ml Ander son, the viuiqutslied "prldo of Med ford," arrived on No, 10 from the south. Dosplto tlui fact that n largo ma jority of tho people of Medford wero uwny on picnics or fishing trips und others In thu mountains, Bud receiv ed n hearty welcome, whlrh assured him that thu Mcdford people still havo their remarkable confidence In his ability to win tho lightweight championship of tho world. Bud looks good and says ho never felt hotter In his llfo, tho only ro- mludor of thu uppcudlcltlH opera tion being tho scar, which hu showed to many nt his supporters. The scar Is only nbout nu Inch and nu eighth long nnd looks healthy. Bud ex plained tho operation nnd tho palim ho felt before tho fatal twelfth round, ami while ho docs not at tempt to dlsparago his conqueror Leach Cress: his argument U con vincing enough to nmkn ono believe that Cross would not Inst more than fifteen rounds should ho bo unlucky enough to meet Bud In tho ring ugalu. Bud snyn ho would like to moot Cross again, but In case Cross should bo defeated between now und the time when ho Is ready to fight again, ho prefers meeting thn fighter who defeats Cross. Bud does not Intend to drop back Into tho second rata di vision, but will tncklo tho best man ho can secure a mutch with next Thanksgiving day. Anderson will remain hero until Friday, when ho will leave for Van couver, Wash., In company with Manager Donald. AUTO STAGE TO CRATER LAKE PARK Now Is tho tlmo to sco Crater Lake and ono of tho most beautiful scenic routes In tho west. Take ad vantage of tho low rates this season Already fifty-four tourUts hnvo gono to Crator Lake by 'auto stago this season. Ench and ovory ono has exclaimed that Crater Lnko Is the most beautiful natural wonder thoy hnvo over seen. Stops nro mndn go Ing up nt Mill Creek falls and tho natural bridge. Wo 'sent tw'o cars, consisting of ten tourists, to Crator Lake yesterday, Wo havo four moro hooked for Monday. Send In your scat orders In ndvanco, so wo enn tnko caro of you with comfort. Auto stago loaves Mcdford hotol nt 8 n. m, and Nash hotel at 8:05 a. in. Ilemombor, tho auto stugu leaves on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Wo also send special cars whenever necessary to uccommodnto tho pub lic. Wo hnvo experienced mountain chauffeurs. Special trips arranged to Crescent City, a three dayu' trip for 1-0 for each person. HALL TAXI CO. (Advertisement) Fair Weather Predicted. I'OHTLAKI), Ore., Aug. !. Ore gnu nod Washingten: Fair tonight und Tuesday; north westerly winds To Stop Scaling of Psoriasis This Troublesome Skin Dis ease Promptly Checked by a very Simple Attention. uiaaeu wun rrxema. f fttfrirlualM huM liofin con. Ideroit one at Mm moat oliKtltiato of skin ilU canoe, A lady In Lexington, JCy., nyn that litifora she tit'irun uilnif ft H. H, tho ilUeuiio lirokn out nt frcijuont InUrvalu whra ha tliouiflit It cured. Hut by irettlmr her blood umlor con trol ly tho Inlluanca of B. 8. B., piorlanli entirely illiap poured and thoro wua never again tho iillBhtent Iko of It. I.Ike nearly alt nkln disease, pso riasis In primarily due to impaired blood. The skin Is but a network of lino blood vt'xiels. And It lit u perfectly natural comequenco that uny Influence In tho blood that la a condition of III health makes lt Drat uppearunco In the ulclri. Thefo ! ono Ingredient In (J. 8. H. which peculiarly itlmulutoM cellular or Klandular activity to select from the blood or from tills lino not work of blood vcmelu In the akin, those elements which it requires for re generation. Thus pimples, acne, eczema, lupus, or any other blood condition that at tacks the skin or seeks an' outlet throtiKh the skin, Is met with the an tidotal effect of H. H. 8. This Is why skin troubles vanish so readily and why they do not roturn. You can trot B. H. H. In any drutr store, but Insist upon having; It. Tuke no chance by permitting anyone to recommend a substitute. And If your blood condition Is such that you would like to consult a specialist freely, ad dress tho Medtrul Dent., Tho Hwlft Hneclflo Company, 183 tjwlft VldtTi Atlantu, da, i I HOM rA . fi ir-i WW. 1EENSTRUP PUNS RETURN TO VALLEY Tho following Horn nppoain In Mo tor World, Now York, ono of tho piluclpal national nutotuobllu Journ als, dated July :n, uu:t: "muonstrup to return to tho East. "rotor H. HtocuHtrup, nt ono tlmo prominently Identified with tho Hyatt Holler Hearing Co., nnd who also horvod n iioerotnry of tho Mo tor & Acri'HHiiry .Manufacturer!!, In propnrlnit to nimlu tnko up perma nent ruiddcueo In thu omit. Home th roo yearn hIiico ho removed li tho Pacific count, whoro ho Hluro ban uu- guRiul In tho urcoimory trade." Mr. HtcoiiHtrup, when tiluiwn thin Item, mtulo tho following tttntcmout to tho Mall Trillium reprcRoutatlve: "It Ih tr'uo that I expect to loiivo Medford In a few wooIih, but not for i;ood. When I camo to tho Hoguo ltlvor valley It was to become nn or- rhnrdhtt, not a morchnut. But after buying a largo uou.productlvo ranch I decided to eugnuo In n hutduvii until tho ranch rhnuld prodttro n revcuuo. 1 havo maintained for tho auto owners of Medford during tho' pant threo joarn uu exclusive supply house, n couveulenro enjoyed by no other town In tho whole country na small ns Medford. "When east thin Mitumor I wuh of fered an opportunity of going bnrk Into my old business of wiles ouitlu coring upon u binds that will yield mo threo times tho Income 1 ran pos sibly earn hero. "Tho pioneers In thn nutomohlln luminous consider themselves ono Mk family. Tho movements of ono In. toresta nil thn others. Houco thu news Item you refer to. "Let mo say to you, however, that though I shall probably remain uwny until my orchnrd rumen Into beurlui; this valley will always retain n soft siot In my heart and I shall boost for It wherever I may go. I havo made many friends hero, whom I shall miss, but after all n few years will soon pans and thou I shall come homo tmaln to stay," U-i i:ihhii:h Hltiintnl rn tlm Huh or thn Principal Theater nnd Hbopplng District Urgently Itedcrornleil mill lU'ftirnMicd TlirnitKliout, Mill Better Kii!ppcl Tixlny tlmii i:cr Before l-mroiH'nu Plan Jtoonis without lititli, 91.00 per day ami up Itoomn Willi l.u", N. K. CLAUKK. Aa(. Mgr. NOW IS THE TIME To build a homo L:il)or, building material and choice building Biles will never be as cheap again. You can buy a largo lot with BEAUTIFUL VIEW of VALLEY on the East Side in best residence district with build ing restriction, good roads, close to city water, low tt'.xcs for small payment down, easy terms on balance. This is one of the best building sites in thu valley. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 207 MEDFORD, OREGON. Auto Service Station All the necessities for the auto "Wo accommodate our customers. Onco a custo mer always a customer. When in need of supplies' find cannot find it elsewhere, call on mo. If it is to be had I can got it for you. ; Goodrich, United Stales, Mieholin and Leo Ti ros in stock. C.E. GATES 132 SOUTH RIVERSIDE, THE OVERLAND MAN JAPAN "BOYCOTTS FAIR AT FRISCO TOICIO, Aug. I. Horloim doiibtu tin to whether .Inpnu will havo nnv exhibit of any unto nt tho l'niinnia I'nelflii nxnoHltton of I tUfi In HiU ' ,nUirsco nro (nit liuln. Tho nu- Ihnrltlo mid mmiilioni of tho big coinineiclal bnillen tionorally tire In favor or nu itilctioiito exhibit, but (bo people nn n whole nro by no iu"uih outhmtliiHtlf, nod It In Qiillo ptirklblo that lio exhibit will bo inndo. (Iroal illHsntlsfoetlon In felt thiiiiiKhout tho empire hccnitito of tho California nutl-alleii laud law, nnd neither tho uuthorltten nor tho big eominoriial organlratlonn fei that tliuy can nt this tlmo promt too strongly for participation In tho Han Krniiclsco fair with n people who fool that they havo buoii hailly tioated by California. , . M OPEN TROLLEY LINE EUGENE TO MONROE IM'OKN'K, Ote., Aug. I. - Following n (tip of inspection, PrcHldeut Hubert l' Slriilniiii of the Portland, Kui;eiio nnd KiiNteni Klrotiio railroad tin nottiieed loilny Hint the Hue would bo open lo Irnfii'o fnini Kitgeuo lo Mon roe helwteii Atigiml HI nnd Heplrtu her I. The rood In being built by llm Soiilherti Ptieifio. CHICHESTER S PILLS rtEft rlkvMtlM,lhI.AUfktlMM SOIDDY DRUGGISTS CVlRYrMkC Draperies W carry very completa lint of drSMrrs. Urn curislii. fUtliroa. ale, tut On all claai' of iijilintaiorlna; A IM-flnl mill lo look afivr this work irlualvely mid Mill kIv as hh snrvlcn ns Is poaalble In gat In oil Vio Urtfrat cllUa. Woekfl & McGowan Co. Portland'; famous Hotel, I Med for (he Excellence; of s GufcinV. European plan f.lMI per Hay mill up a. J. KAUFMAN.V, Manager. !- inimM "'"'fill iiuistt f I L.L. ! P7 4r At 4tin&jt"i4rwlVvl'!