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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1913)
'.' t t'i t i t I -tin,') . r i i i i ' ;, 1XGMIX. srEDFonD matt; trtbunr mtcdfort, 'OTmioN, ttttttxStmy. .TTTTiY 17. inirr. m TWO BEAUTIFUL DOLLS IN CONTEST PELKEY AROUSES INTEREST AMONG BAY CITY SPORTS .v OF AT ELKS' P v. r. rr GENERAL VIEW OF GETTYSBURG REUNION CAMP ' SENATOR WORKS OPPOSES U NIC HETCH-HETCHY I Y 1 1 & A' sharp contest is on between the two beautiful dolls, Judgo Kelly nnd Attorney Newbury, ns to which .will bo tho most beautiful doll ftt. the Klks iilcnle excursion to Colestln Buiidny. Mr. Newbury writes ns fol fel fol eow: "ttdltor Tribune: "I noted what you said In your article of yesterday respecting the beauty contest nt tho Klks picnic at Coluxtln on Sunday next, and that 1 had mndo n fruitless endeavor to hrlbo Judge Kelly not to enter the contest. This is certainly tho prod uct o.f someone's prolific Imagina tion. I do not regard Kelly as be ing; In my class of bounty. I have held tho chromo for this In every beauty contest In southern Oregon for more than twenty-five years, nnd you need not think that I shall yield It to nn Interloper from Idaho of Judgo Kelly's pretensions. Tho only real competitor that I have ever had Blnco they offered prizes In this cli mate for rotund figures and comely countenances Is Judge William M. Colvlg, and by the unanimous vote of a beauty committee constating of the most expert Judges of the beau tiful in man (the committee consist ed of several distinguished ladles whoso names I do not now care to publish), I was awarded the prize, and Colvlg was second best. This nward was mado since Kelly moved Into this country with tho avowed Intention of carrying off the 'ba con.' I'll bo at Colestln Sunday and If Kelly is tho beat they baTo In tho contest I shall return with tho cut glass bowl. Very respectfully, "GU3 NEWBURY." GERMANY MAKES RERUN, July 17. Germany hna mndo no demands uon the United States in regard lo'Me.xico, necord ing to n statement issued today nt llio wnr office here. 4HJMfr;: 7' , . r r f . - JV f. ,. V I t 4 fyfyfyfytyfytyfytyfyty4fyttty SAN FRANCISCO. Cnl., July 17. Not since tho dnys of Peter Jack- flon,' Jim Corbett, Hob Fltsslmmons and Jim Jeffries .has San Francisco taken such nn Interest In tho heavy weights of pugdom as Is manifested hero today. All sorts of matches are discussed with Arthur Pelkey and (lunboat Smith, tho most likely can didates for a collision In tho beef trust class. Pelkey, who lays claim to the heavyweight title by virtue of his win over Luther McCarty at Calgary last Emptro day, already la on tho ground, haviug arrived today from Portland with hU manager, former Heavyweight Champion Tommy Hums. Sam Lnngford, after a long campaign In Australia, Is due to night on the steamer Sonoma, and Is expected to cast a dark cloud over the situation. Jess Wlllard of Kan sas nnd Charley Miller are also clamoring for action. When ho arrives tonight, Lnng ford will bo offered a four-round bout with Miller by Louis Pnrente. the latter's manager and matchmak er for the National club's tdiow Aug ust 21. Parento nlso declares he has posted I2GO0 to go ns a side bet for n match with Pelkey. Miller Is witling-to box on a wlnncr-take-all basis, but It Is probable that Pel key will demand a guaranteed purse. If Pelkey refuses to meet Miller, Promoter Coffroth, who holds tho September permit, probably will match Pelkey and Gunboat Smith. Smith, who Is In New York, has au thorized Coffroth to make the match. In any event, it is probably that tho heavyweight supremacy will bo de cided on tho coast within the next few months. With this object In view, Coffroth Is planning an elim ination contest to decide who Is en titled to tho laurels laid down by McCarty. THREE NATIONS UNITE. (Continued from pan 1.) Roumanian troops continue to advance without opposition from Bulgaria. The king or Roumanla Is In personal command of his troops. FRUIT LABELS ALL ROGUE RIVER FRUIT SHOULD BE SHIPPED UNDEP LABELS PRINTED WE have received a large order to print the new tri Kr remnant Accrniatirkr AAnr f KpnaucA iAr Jh JIVVAUVV J. JkikJVAIAJLVrAJI TV KAY JUVVUUIV TTV CUUIUJLIVVV kllV lyiVVAUVl) kllV TT V lilllMll ship, the quality and the price is right, (ft We can print your labels also. Keep the money at home by patronizing home industry. The rapid strides in the art of printing in the past few years are fast making lithography a lost art. The finest color work in the world today is done by printing. MEDFORD PRINTING COMPANY A:.- .: ' - -p.WP-. 1 &i';jr.miv'iP'WStfiiv ?rv'vBuB.i iiw ui i uMmwm . i . aSstsen mBS apple ISiiiieF liso Ilo CAMP MEETING VME R0PE ON NEW CHARGE Tho nmuml eainp mooting of the Southern Oregon conference of tlu Seventh Day Adventists opened Thursday nt Reatty nnd Kdwnnl streets with many in utteiidaut'e from nil parts? of Southern Oregon. Tin encampment will Inst for ten days with the following daily pregram: Forenoon Rising Roll 5:1. "i General nnd Young People's de votional meeting-' fi:00 Hrenkfast 7:00 District Meeting S:00 Children's .Meetings 8:00 Conference Business Meetings. .0:30 Missionary Meetings, sifter Business is Completed .0 :.10 Preaching 11 :00 Afternoon nml Ktciilug Dinner 12 tfO Preaching 2:00 Children's Meetings 4 :0() Joung People's Meetings ":09 upper ( :0) Song Service 7:13 Preaching 8 :0rt Retiring Roll l):l.i Silence Hell 10:00 Prominent speakers of the denomi nation will be present, who will tnlk upon timely and important topics. sank two torpedo boaU and two steamers In the Danube to prevent their capture by Roumanla. MAIL TRIBUNE BUILDING ' ' .. IT 11 f. , ...,..i.,...,........iiiliiujiii..lliui.i.Ji...uu.i..i.taJ.,.n.iityi.dM.. .O.'.'lfl"''"' r-T- -.r-.-r-, ..-- (Ily Andrew J. MeCounlco, V. S. Consul. St. John, Quebec.) Reliable reports from all sections of tho district Indicate unfavorable prospects for an apple crop this sea sou. In certain sections tbero will bo no' fruit, as orchards hnvo been completely devastated by the tent caterpillar. Tho damage has been enormous, but definite flgurea can not Ik given. It Is cstlmntid, how ever, that tho total loss to tho fruit growers of this Bcctlou will amount to several hundred thousand dol lar. Tho whole of eastern Canada has been visited by this caterpillar plague, and not only have orchards and gardens hceucrlously damag ed, but whole wooded areas of the countryside have been devastated. The tent caterpillar Is not a stran ger to this section, but never before, It Is snld, have Its ravages assumed such large proportions. In several Instances rcontly they have been so numerous In their migrations across railways as to cover the raits for miles, causing delay to truffle. REALTY AND IMPROVEMENT C0MPANW MOVES OFFICE Mcdford RenHyVniid Improvement company have moved Iheir offices from thu M. F. &4F. building lo the bonded warehouse building on South Front street. IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY '"T m - ., - ...-. . .- ..j... ...... SAX IIKUXAIthlXO. Cnl.. July 17. That Alouro Hornby, millionaire, supposedly deceased, "coffee king" and innnufncturcr of breakfast foods, who disappeared from Kedlnuds in 11)00, is nlive in F.umpc, is indicated here today by I lie filing of nn affi davit in which he seeks lo collect .J.'IO.OUO on n nole signed hy (1. Cown nnd ol hers. The paner was filed by (I. Allen, nn attorney. Hornby disiipiearcil at the amu time Mrs. Mabel YVutsnti dropped from sight here. Mrs. Mur by brought suit against Mrs. W'nlson, charging alienation of her husband's ulTcclioiis nnd secured nn order re straining the couple from sailing for Kurope. Later the suit was dropped. The Honibys lire known socially in many Pacific const cities. 480,000 ROUNDS CARTRIDGES SEIZED ON MEXICAN BORDER KL PASO, July 17. American of ficers aided by Mexican consular agents captured the largest consign moot of contraband ammunition over taken here, when they discovered four Mexicans covering rases contain ing four hundred nnd forty-eight thousand rounds of rifle cartrldgej with coal In n car In tho Santa Fe railroad yards. Tho American be lieved to be the lender of tho smug gllng party escaped but Is being hunt- - color labels ,of the Rogue River Fruit rfnaruntpp rnp r4rrniirf i-rr XArrlrnr5in- 4 . Mt-t - -. -- I'OHTIiAXI). Ore., July 17. Charged under llie laws of the United Slules with conspiracy to oouiiult u cr'nie, W. W. Robinson and K. K. Ojipeithi'lmer, members of the bank rupt linn of W, Robinson, elolh. lor, were arrested today by I)epul l.'iiled States Marshals Fuller and I'.iker. The specific charge is that tl'ev made nn effort lo conceal from iliu referee in liiinkruptoy certain us. sets of the corpoiatiou. (.'.tiled Stilled Commissioner Can- I "ii relciced Oppeiiheimer under 'lllll) eii-h bond. Robinson k bond uus fixed u t 10.000. When the case was finl called to tin' ntletilioii of the federal million- iff the alleged withholding of flH,- dull of the firm's funds appeared to lie I'lcielv u case oT iinbezzlcment un dec thi Oregon stale law, and it wns turna.l over lo District Atlnrne i'.voiis oftMuluomah county. Off I fi".i nrre-ted ltobiusou in Helling li'im hot Satnnlay night, it being al leged that he wns on his way to Cana da, lie was returned to Portland. The federal charge is the outgrow Hi f i meeting of creditors before Referee Chestei .Murphy. d. The ammunition Is believed to hao been a shipment for (leueral Villa destined to n border point near Columbus, Now Mexico, 1 ' w. WAHIIINOTON, July 17,- llepje sentatlvea of Hun Francisco who are hero fighting Mr a permit to use iho waters of tint I letch lletchy valley In Yosotulto National park for a mu nicipal Htipply, were astonished this afternoon to learn that Henntor Works of California Is determined lo oppose any action on tho lletch lletchy bill at this session or con gresji. works pt'DpnicH another Invimllita tlou or tho whole controversy, based on the claim of Han Joaquin Irriga tion Interests, who have been oppos ing the Kan Francisco penult on tho ground that other sources of a wa ler supply for the city may bo hud. It these claims are upheld, Heiia tor Works sa, lie will offer an amendment nt the next session or congress striking out all tho condi tions to tho grant, and giving au thority over thu control of the wat ers on the lletch lletchy watershed exclushely to tho state of California. MRS. 0. P. THEISS IS SERIOUSLY ILL Mrs. II, P, Tliclnt. one of tho lead ing chili women of the city and one of the rounders of tho public library, Is seriously III at the Hacred Heart hospital, whero she was taken after sudden seliure Wednesday evening at her homo on North Central. Mis. ThelsH has been In poor health for the past yuar, having recently re turned from California, wliem she spent tho winter hoping that a change of cllmato would benefit i,.r. Physicians hold out II 1 1 lo hope for her recovery. JOE HERRICK VICTOR OVER JACK CARROLL JAl'RKZ. Mexico, July 17,-Jou Derrick of Chicain knocked out Jack Carroll in sixteen rounds here tn.lnv. Next Sunday afternoon Jrff Clark of Joplin, Mo., will box Kufus Cameron twenty rounds here. On the Sunday following Fniiik flag!, of Los Angeles will box Ymiiir Thorpe of Kansas City for the lighl m eight championship of the south. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t t ? ? t t t ? ? y y t y ? ', S .. i- "I-,, - , " i swr