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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1913)
t r ' !' .a. L --;- Mutt Was All Right Till He ' , ' y,,& w- : s lj L-JtLlii-j I (UUWcUCDuPHec(U!,G -..,.-. ANDVRTMGV.fAORG VtS AMD X CM1 't """ . "S , i ' ., UCKANYGOYiN-rMij I vwwattfj GT ? J ?. $ UNITED STATES J 7,Mr" sio COYJMTHeWOPLr) L J JKNTOO. ZZTZ I T O& (JiCRntvJ L J I TCR.IHYOR.W SSS- J&W .- - . ' (r v pBK tf 1 - CATTLE BRANDS I 1 1 j I. u A new law run H ml ( llui uh log-' ilnlli' nf 0K'lMlll illluivnl llllil til Hirtnii(i Id h Hi'i'liim of the ntnlrt mitl which lii'i'imic efTcclivo .llllllt ;i wiih llio eliiiiiyn iiiiiiln in (In. rwiinU itlg "f III II III! . Till" tllllClltlltli'llI, in neonillillg III (lilt llllil Session lllWH, ll'llll lift fellllUH: .Sec. fi.VJll. Wlirii a brand lm In on irrniili'il in uiiy ciHUily, mi oilier iikhmiii, roniiiiuv or ciiiHrn linn rim irtiinl I ho mime lirituil or brand sltiiilur Ihntoln, except with tlio written eminent of tint nwmr nf tin lininil mi rrriirilcil, which writti'n nmiwiit fliHll ln n fi with the coiiiilv i'IitIj; mill il hIiiiII Ih llio Inly of nil iii'mniiH, firum or curpuriw lioiH now Iiiimmu lirmiil-iiMiii ri'c inl to rt'iii'w llui miino y nrnl or will Ifii ri'ijiicxt nf llui owner of riK'onl of hhIiI hriniil to tliu county i'IpiK Millihi olio Vi'iir froin tlui ihwh ! of t liir-i niiirnilini'tit. 'I'lii' coiintv I'lurl; linll iiuikc n ini'inorniiiliiin of mill roiii'WHl willi tlin ditto tlicn'ol on ilic innruin of t la rri'onl of wind liniiul. All lirmiiN, tint rcronl of uliirli xlinll nut lio ronowcil iih iiIiovo iroiilil. flnill In1 oinicolli'il mill nmy In iiiroirintiil ntnl ri'i'iinlnl liy lliu Ihtmiii tirjut niil.vlni thorofor. MAnKET REPORT t'rln I'ulij tiy llralora WHIS 'J.M'. UDTTKU -('rnmn'rv, :I.m-: .lairy, :nio. rt)TATt)i:S-'J(!?lai'. AI'I'I.KS-L'o. onions-:.!.. t'An.ii'i.owmf 7.'o to .$i.'j;. IIOXKY-aOi. a III. C I (Kit -Wo. rillCKKN'S-lliiiw, lliu lii l.'if iiIIne: iIiohhi'iI, I'Jo to ITn. I'llICK ltt.t to lli, HKKF -in,, to fj.t. l-AIMMo.. 1IACOS-- ltl.t to IHo. KIIMH.DMtS l-lc. IIA.MS-lHi-. I.Uclork HOflS-- nri't-n'il, H'to; alive 7o. siu:i:i' KTofio. KTKKIIS AIIvk. o. COWS-Alive, r.llr. VUAI lr.'HMMl, lie. I'OULTICV Mlxeil -hlokoiw, lOo; hniu-, '2i In Mo, ilrohHoil, 1 12 to Ho. f Hay anil (train (Selllni Price.) wi I hat- -ri. tin a.:i. OATH ifl.tiO. HAY Vetch, $11 ton; ernin, $13. IAlfliKY-J7 ton. COIIN' S'-Ti ton. I T 2AGLE POINT EAGLETS. Hy A. C. Iluwlett. Tlio limt tlnio I wroto I wim at thn liniiin of my frlond nrnl lirotlmr inlu iHlur, Itnv. M. 0. DiivIh or Wolf Creole niul at that tltuii nrnmlHml to tell tlui rcailnrn of tlio Atull Trllnino hiiiiuc tlilii( almiit tlio cok'hrutliui at tlio Rniith lliitto ncIiooI Iioiiho, Known an tlio l.ost Crook hcIiooI lioiifie, After HimmlliiK thn uleht with my friend John Tyrrell niul helni: bIiowii inany of tho attrfctloiiH of tlio olnco, wo went to tlio hcuooI hmmo ami found qnlto a nuinliur of tho cIIUomh hud alrondy arrived mid that ovory thliiK wiih aliont In roadlnoHH for tho oxcndHtm to comniuiu'o, John Mlllor v.'iih aiM'olntod marrtJml of tho day and tho oxorrlMim woro opnned hy bIiikIok Atnn,rlca, which va followed liy prnypr by Ituv. Kenny. Thou they had two moro soiibu tho HturapuiiKlud llanaer and Bhormnn'ii March TIiioiikIi (Ivoririn, nnd tlien tho moil lnteretlni? part or tlio procrnm (Qin-noncod tlio ontortnlnniont liy tho (Clilldron which p'rovyd to Jib ono of tho beat I ovor hoard. Thoy AGAIN hail tlii'lr idi'coii well miinorlr.'.'d ami dellvitrml tliuin with clear ulroiiK viiIcom, from the hmiiiIIohI to (lio KroiilOHl. At thn clout of tho chll Mi'oii'h (iroKrum your I'nKlo Point rorr(iif."tnliiit wan cnllnd on for n hpci't'li but It wan no near dlnmir (lain t lint 1 IIioiikIiI It lioril to cut my uporrli uliort, no only talked about flfloon nilautrt, and tbon tho Inblcn wen' prepared and dinner wan mtvoi!, and mirli n dlnmtrl If I could luivi' about two colunuiH of Hpai-o'ln tho Mull Trlhttnu I inlulit i;lvo, por hapn, a folnt doncrlptloti of that din ner, which rouitlNtud nf all klmU of liicatn, HiilmlH, rakoH, ple, pickle!, nwcotmonU, inmiy klmU of voKntn bloti nlcnnilin mid notloim, and tho quantity! They had como prepared to May mid attend tho datiro at iiIkIU co broiiKbt rnoiiith to Intu all nli;lit. In the afternoon tlmy hnd footrnri'ti amoiiK the children for prlxe. mid varloun kliiiln of Hport and at iiIkIiI a Koauliio olit'fanliloiii'd nodal danco, and thoio who reiiinlncd reported that thoy hud one of tho bel Union of tho mmxnn. On Haturday nlKht tho friend of Mr. and Mm. A. J, Ploroy kovii ilivm a surprise party. Tho reader will ro nii'iiibor that tlmy wen burned out thn Holiday before, but tlmy had tho Old poxtofflco IiuIIiIIiik left and o the friend arraiiKod to bavo Mr. ami Mr. I'olrey ko and tako wuppur with Mr. cilery and whllu they woro out of dIrIii mndo a raid on tho old pott office, biilldliii; and tho remit! wni that when thoy returned they found tho room well filled with tholr nclf-hbom and each ono bad brouuht Noiiintlilni; of value to ohhIhI tliom In KoIiik to lioimekenpluK bodMoadii, bed, heoli(, ipilltM, (IIbIioh, droit Koodit, blankotit, etc- Mr. Flore)' ntoiiil for a moment Hpoochlo and hi wife, womanlike, took; a little cry and then thoy oxproKiied their appro c-latloit of tho act, and (ho donor re adied that It "I moro blonsod to Klvo then to rocelvn." Harry Yoiiiik ami hi nUtor cnllod for tllumir oun day limt week. (I. N. Hinllb, tho iioney man, was In town lint wook. Mm. Wm. Wlnk:o niul tier daUKh tor. worn doing hultictia with our luerehaalii lam wook. Mr. l-'lorey ha moved hi old post office IiuIIiIIiik onto tho apot whero they old Iioiiho Mood and I having an addition put to It for a ronldonco. MUh Nuvnli Taylor, ono of our ok teemed' young ladle, ha koiio to AhIiIuiuI and Ml lttitli Warner of Trail Iiuh r.oui) to tlrant Pat to re main for a whllu. CENTRAL POINT POINTERS .Mr. ami Mih. .1. 0, Ihiiuohoii ami Mni. 1., llairit'M are muouu Hut Con tra! Point pooplu who are enjoying n few ilayn vinit at rolcwtin. , II. X. Alilrioli liiihlur oC tlio M. K. eliureh of thin city Ihih returiieil from a visit at ()ruon'H mutropolU and tho eapilol city. I.illlo Mjmh Holiorlrt of OrautH Pass in tlio pieHt of her mint Mw, 0. It. Panltey uml fnmity in this oily. Miss Mildivil Klliolt left Kutunlay Moriiiiij; for Coniiuj,', Cnl where sho has u position uml whero bhu will ro hldo poriumiontly. Slirt Am'H Duiilnp visited in Med ford Saliirtlay. Kruest JM in til It of Phoenix spout n, fow days horo tlio last of tho week mid utti'iidctl lliu ithaiitmuiuu in Ash land Hitmlny. Kalpli Demi and family of Wfillow Springs woro mnoiii; the opt-of-towti visltorH in this city during tho week. Tho ladies' Aid of thy Al. H. oluiroli will give an ioo orcam sooial ut thu homo of Mm. Perkitm Friday ovup iug, July 18. Como nil and enjoy n Hooinl evening. Frank Hal field and Mlsn Margnvol! OavisHon joitriioyod to (Jolofetin Hun dixy and npont llio day. MUh (lloiison, Mr. and Mra. Jchro lliolianlhon ntlt'Uilccl tlio clinutiuiuu'i at AhIiIiiikI Hinny. Mid. H, Siiiipkiiik), Ms l'Vuuok MEPFORH MATTJ TftTnUKE, MEDFOTtT), OTWJOtf. MCttrrMY, .TTLY H 1.01.1. Crossed the Ocean Shieliiic ami Mr. Herman HtmpkliiH woio' Sunday vUitoH in tlio oily ol Ilcignc l(ier. .Min)i Kiln Stono Micnl Humlay at Twin. A. Harnett ami family who liao Ihtii ri'MiiluntH of this oily (or the past year, It'll Sunilav morning for Halt Lake t'ily wlicro thoy will mako their lioinc. Mrs. .1. . KiihIcv niul Mr. and Mrs. K. Harnett arc hpemliui; tlio Miinmor nt Myrtle Point. MlM Marguvn'to Holmen Hpeiil two tlnys in Aslilmiil the hift of the week, the u'lnl of M(hh Mae llasli. Mis Anna Donu of Aohlaml win the guest of Mrs. I. I.. Fnrra the firt of tlio week. Mr. mid Mrs. K. M. Holmes, Mtv. ('. Clark, Mrs. Kewmau, Mrs. J. Kel lermau, Miss MeDouald, Miss Kosx, Miss SleaniH, K ('. Fabor F, Farra, C. Hatfield, Koy llebb, l.uko Peart ami Mud Adams spent Sunday after noon in Mcdford. Tho Central Point Cabs p1aeil n game with the Modoc Snxnges on the ground,, Sunday afternoon. PHOENIX PHACTLETS lCmnictt Ilcunon and wife wero bi.n lnc cullnrs In town Satunlity. Mr. Jame Miller retunied homo from Oakland, California, Init wo.ik. Mr. WlUon Critzer uml datightor, of Detroit, Mlchlgnn, are tho uuort of Mr. and Mr. W. J. Klmer or North Pboonlx. Mr. T. Mitlmgrrn Is nttendlng Chautauqua In AhIiImiiiI. Mr. Henry Shafcr wa taken qnlto lck Inst Thunuluy but In now much boiler. Allco Hecraft left litHt .Monday for t.os AiikoIoh to atteuil tho Interna tional Christian Kndoavor convention which rouvoneH In Hint cltyils week. Ml Hecraft wa sent as n iloleaato to represent tho Presbytor lau Christian Kmlcavor Society of till place. Mr. and Mr. Horaco II. Flshor of Atlanta, (leorgla, who have been vis iting Mr. and Mrs, John Copo niul fa in My for tho past ten days, loft Saturday afternoon for Vancouver liv Portland and Sbnttlo. Iloforo re turning to tholr ho mo In Atlanta, they will visit Chicago and several places In Michigan. Mr. and Mr. Fisher thought tho Itoguo river val ley tho most beautiful placo thoy had seen In tholr travel. ALONG ROGUE RIVER (leorge l'.ynelt nml dnughter Miss Willi, wero trading in Meilford one day this week. Mrs. Tim Daily was in the valley Wednesday having xomo dental work dune. MUh HIIcii MeCabo spent last week with her sister, Mrs. (1 arret of Mod ford. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin arc selling their household goods and expect to go to tho coast soon. . Mrs. Churles Sherman nnd son oi upper Trail, went to tho valley Fri day, I'd Foster was in Medfonl Friday. District Attorney Kelly and F.di- WORTH WHILE. Twonty-ucro mining claim about six nillea from Mcdford, two ncroa under cultivation, throu' ncroa moro can bo put In cultivation, can cut 100 tier of wood, tdx-room'tplttiitorod liouuo, goqd well, two acrts foncod, fluo-for aarden. nml .poultry; t also six-room Iioiiho and two lotu In town. Tho abovo two houses aro now, rout ing for 111 por month. All for ?7S0 cash, BENNETT . INVESTMENT COMPANY tor Piilnnm were mil interviewing the tiili Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Kircligc&Micr nutocd to Medfonl Wcilnesday. Hprnjlng. For itprayliig, call up 7-F-l. Work guaranteed. 100 All bids iilioultl bit addressed to tho enmity clerk, Jacksonville, Ore gon, and marked "Scaled Hid for Hospital.' Tho county court reserve tho right to reject any or all bids. O. A. lAIH)Ni:it, County Clerk. AI)VKUTIKILMi:.VT TOIt 11UH. Sealed proiiosals will bo received by the undersigned county clerk up to 10 o'clock a. in.. July 21st, lit 1.1, for tho purpose or determining the lowost bid for tho construction of a ono story hospital at tho county poor farm near Talent, Jackson countr, Oregon. Plans and specifications may bo Inspected nt till offlco but samo will not bo mailed or taken away. A certified check of f por cent ot tho bid must accompany tlio bid. Dlils will bo opened by the county court nt thn court homo In Jackson ville in tho offlco of tho county Judg? on dnto abovo mentioned. Notice. Notlco Is hereby glvon that tho un dunilgnod will apply to tho city coun cil at it imttlng to bo hold July 15, 1913, for a licence to soil malt, spir ituous nnd vinous liquors In quanti ties less than a gallon at Its placo of business on lot 10, block -14, city of Mcdford for a period of six months. HOLLAND HOTKL CO. Dated July 3, 1913. ro itBXi nouaEH FOU ItKNT 3-roomcd modern bun galow, never occupied, all con veniences, closo in. 3-roomcd houso, closo In. J. T. Hums. -117 Jay St., phono lCl-lt. Off S. Oak dalc. FOU HUNT A six room all modorn bungalow with screened slcoplug porches, enst front, paved street, II no neighborhood. Phono CCt or seo K. S. Tumy, In Onrnott-Corey IHdg. WHY? If thora Is r. bargain In real cs tato In any district tho real cstato man tboro who has been a llvo agent knows of It. If bo knows values and la experienced In tho business ho can savo his customers tltno and raonoy. To know tho best buy and bavo It optioned at tho bottom prlco Is my stock In trado. Satisfied customors Is my paid-up business policy. What bavo you to exchange? Watch my bulletin board In front ot tho First National Hank and seo mo, J. O. HMtNKS, Kirat National Hank ltldg. NEW TODAY CO ncroa near Grunts Pass, wnll Improved, Irrigation, stock and tools all go with tlio placo, 7500; a good money maker. 0 acres, houso, chicken houses, a lot ot berries, 70 fruit trocs, good soil, Irrigated by Itogtiolnnds ditch; right at a station tttop; will soil for $300 por acre, Including water right; 300 cash, balanco easy terms. 90 acres, a mlla from u town, "0 acres irrigated and Imlnuro la good laud; a fluo placo for any man to muko n homo; $2900. This Is tho tlnio to buy, 1 huvo trado In Soattlo, San Fran cisco and I.oa Augoles, What have you to-trado that la priced right? 1200 In Harney county, n fluo stock much, Jlno opportunity; will trndo fqr an orchard horo,. CD.HOON Hoom 13 JacksonCounty Hatk bldg. Telephone 1037-J i-on ItKNT ruitMHiinu aits. KOIl 7lENT Kiirnisbod npaVtmcnU. Tho Horbcn, 10 Quince- it. KOH ItKNT HOUrfBKUKPINCJ IIOOMH FoTt""?lKNT BulliTTf nicely fur ulshcd housekeeping rooms; bath; gas; lower floor. 729 W. 11th. FOIt ItKNT Itooms for light liouso kccplng. 109 N. Central. A. Frl deger. 9S FOIt HUNT Furntshcd housekeep ing rooms, lights, gas. 231 K. Ninth St. 10.1 FOIt IlKXT 1'UUMMIim HOOM8 FOu'ltHNT FurnUlieti rooms7 The Cottage, C01 W. 10th St. 117 FOIt HKNT Largo sleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping apart ments, prices very reasonable Phono 102C-L. 222 South Holly strcot. for nn.vr onauiw FOR HKNT Large, comfortablo of flco rooms with elevator scrvlco, steam heat, hot and cold wnter. Low rates. Apply Mcdford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. FOH ItKNT MLSCKLUVNKOUS FOIt iiKXT Good tock ranch. 290 acres to Icaso for term of years. Inquire ot Clark Healty Co., Mcd ford, Ore. FOlt HKNfftunche,., largo and small, alfalfa nnd garden lands. Gold Hay Healty Co., 6th uud Fir. 1-OU RENT Only hotnl In town of 1000; 40 rooms furnished. Ad dress C. H., enro Tribune. FOIt SALE HOUSES FOR SALE A flvo room cottago on West 10th street, good neighbor hood, shndo trees on tho lot; to tal prlco only $1260.00. Pay $50,00 cash and $15.00 per month nnd own your own home. Hest bargain ovor offered. Seo E. S. Tumy, Garnctt-Coroy Ulk. 99 FOR SALE $1,000 cash buys mod orn C room houso, cost $1,S00. Address Mall Tribune, "X M." 112 FQR SALE Ideal rottagn of four rooms with upstairs, 4 lots, fruit trees and berries; fenced; good wator, cioio In. W. E. Aloxandor. Central Point. 100 FOR SALE OR RENT Good 7-room modern, No. 510 South Central st. Houso Is on two lots. Also lot and barn across tho alloy. Ad ilretis T. L. Taylor, Mcdford. Phono SC-R4. 102 FOR SALE Heautlful nine-room bungalow on comer Hartlett and Jackson, for $30.00 por month without Interest. For Information call at 43C North Uartlott St. .... FOR SALE U1NDS FOR BALK SO acres nnd liberty; 20-acro farm, lHi acres lu nlfnnfa, U-i acres meadow, rest in tim ber, houso, barn, two fresh springs, excellent soil, 2 '.4 miles from Jacksonville, Or.; $C7G. Seo at onco Thos. II. E. Hnthnway, 217 W. Main st. 99 FOR SALE Homestead Improve ment of 40 acres well underlaid with witter, good cropB, yery cheap John Turrlll, Hoaglo. Ore, 10G FOR 8AI.R MISCKMjAXKOUS FOR SALE Threo A Enstmnn Ko dak nnd developing tank; also new Columbia disk phonograpn. Address Hx IS, caro Mall Tribune. 90 FOR SALE Homestead rollugulsh mont lu Jackson county. Hox S8. Tribune. " 97 FOR SALE Horrlea for canning. Call 1QC0-M, 'or Hooth 7, Public Market. 110 FOR SALE iMy two' record Jersey cows. Just fresh, each oqo produc ing 7 gallons milk por day, test ing G 4-110; ago 4. and 5. years. M. A. Walsh, 11th and Holly. Phono 3 12. 98 FOU SALE Jersey cow nnd cnlf, $70; half'mllo west of Phoenix stntlon. ' John II, Lyons, pboonlx, Or. 99 FOR SALE lllng'ftiul niack Repub lican ebonies, first anl second crop. alfalfa.. Phono 133-H. 97 jr'rr: FOIt HAMS MIRCKfXA.VKOUH FOH 8ALK Ono 10 hontopower gas oline engine, International innko; been used about ono r.Toiith; good as now; for sain nt a bargain. William Ulrlch. Mcdford, Ori. JAPANBSB PHES81NO PAHLOHS Steam and dry cleaning and dye work. Satisfaction guaranteed pn nil work. Gents' suits pressed. Special ntteutlon to ladtci' silks, laces nnd gloves. Goods called for and delivered. 114 N. Front Ht. Phono 125. 114 I FOR SALE Lcttor head and rsney ststlonory, printed, engraved or 1 embossed, as you wish at tho ! Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Good 4-passcnger auto, $150.00 takes It; 22 )). p.. climb any bill, will guarantee Its con dition fairly good. Hox R. G.. Tribune. 99 FOR SALE Loose leaf ledger in terns, any stylo oi mado to ordor by tho Mall Trlbtino bindery. FOR SALE Span mules, harness and wagon. Ono hundred dollars. Phono 1CF11. Address C. Carey, Talent. FOR SALE Oa stove; new 2' h. p. Stover gasollno engine. S22 So. Oakdalc. 99 WAXTKD-MLSCEMiANEOUS wacteTT'to" EXC H ANG E $ 05 0 0 clear residenco property, A-l, heart of city, S10 a. ground, fruit, flower and garden, pavod street, for equal price 1 residence Mcdford; also have somo Income business bldgs to trado for good land. Staples Realty Agcy., Ash land, Ore. 97 WANTED Clean rags nt Mall Trtb uno office. WANTED Team, of strong horse. Particulars. Address Hox 9, caro Mall Tribune. 97 WANTED 1,000 tons grain hay, baled; glvo tonnago nnd specifica tions by letter. Address Hox 35?. Mcdford. FOR KXCIIAMJIS FOR TRADE--40 acres of good land m miles west of Talent; 10 acres In cultivation, 5 In alfalfa nnd 5 gardon land, rest In timber. Will trndo for houso and lot In Mcdford Call Medfonl Hakery, 42 So. Cen tral. 90 iW Mi MONEY TO IJOAS MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 308. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Experienced Japanese farm hand wants position. Phone 5S7-R. 227 So. Ivy St. 102 HELP WANTEIi FEMALE WANTED Girl for gonerat house work. Mrs. Wm. Budgo, Cll West Teuth St. HUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AB STRACT CO.. No. 0 South Contral. Attorneys PORTER J. NBFF. WM. P. MBALEY Attprnoys-at-Law, Rooms "& and 9. Mcdford National Rank bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Coroy bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Mau street, Mcdford, Oro. Wm. M. Cotvlg George M. Roberta COLV1G & ROBERTS. LAWYERS Medford Xatlonal Rank Building. Auctioneers WILLIAM ULRICH Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City ot Medford, Oregon. Tonus reasonable Resi dence phono 1C1-J. Office Jack boh County Bank building. Auto Blipplira. LAHEir'AUTOSPmN big secret In junking springs is tho tempering, Wo are oporatlng (ho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Paclflp northwest. Use our Bpr(nga when others fntl. Sold uudor guarantee. 20 North Fif teenth St., Portland, Ore. y ... P7HH2 FTVU, By "Bud" Fisher ', ' t lUJNlNKS.S DIHKCTOUY Accotintantn D. H. WOOD Ooncral Accountant Your books audited and kept for a rciisonablo flguro; your business solicited. Offlco, Medford Mali Tribune bldg.: phono CC1; resl denco phono 03 I. Clilroprnctomr DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, norvo specialist. Boom 203-204-205 Garnctt-Corcy bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; advlco In dietetics, medical gym nastics, bydroptherapy, Lady at tendant. Phono, office 945, resi denco 571-It. ill. A. R. HEDOKS. Dr. Louise B. Hedges Mcchano-Tlioraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylotberaplsts. These system, Including dietetics, cunt tlvo gymnastics, hydro-tborapbr, etc.. produco results In both acuta nnd chronic diseases. Consulta tion free, 230 North Hartlett St., next door to M. E. church. Hour 9 n. m. to 5 p. m. Other bears by appointment. Pbnna I7-J. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Bring your work to me at the sign ot tho Mall Tribune. Garbage GARHAGE Get your nremUes ------- cleaned up for tho winter. Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phono C25-L. F. Y. Allen. Dentist DR. W. M. VAN 8COYOO DR C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnctt-Coroy bldg., suite 310, Mcdford. Oro. Phono 856. Printers ami Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has this best equipped printing offlco la southern Oregon; book binding, looso leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Physicians ant! Burgeons DR. F. G. OARLOW, DR, EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia physicians, 410-417 Gnrnett-Corey bldg.. phono 103C-L. Residence 420 South Laurel st. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE 8. LOCKWOOD. M. D Practlco limited to diseases ot women. Offices 232 E Main. Phones, offlco S14-J-2; res., 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practlco limited to oye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested ami glasses supplied Otrico 228 East Main St., Hours 8:30 n. m. to 8 p. m. Phone. E. H. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank bldg. Offlco phono 43-R; rcsldonco phone 68-R. DR. MARION Physician nnd sur geou. Stewart bldg.. corner Main and Bartlett sts.; office phone 27, residence phone 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN O. BARUER Phyt clan and surgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposlto Nash HotoL Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phouo 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phoues, offlco 36, real douco 724-J. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to C. DR. W. W. HOWARD Ostoopatblo physician, 303 Oarnott-Corey, building. Phono 904-M, R. J. CONROY. M. D. Physician and Surgoon. Ovor Hutchison & Lu ma den, 21D E. Main St. Phoue 77. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work douo quickly and well. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offlco 10 South Fir St. Phono 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. . J j Veterinary Burgeon ,DR. MURRAY. VETERINARY HJt ueun, graduate ot tho Awe -.' V Veterinary College. - N. YV ,mf , Offlco Nash Livery Stable, tfHitHM ' ," 173 " "" i '! I? ,' " ? J v c I . a .s i- l IA.2 v( ': K