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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1913)
1 rKD7ronn MATT, TIUBUNU, TUPinKQltn. OKWION', AIONDAY, .JULY M, 101D. WTOH THKn test. Vf. 'Ml i ,. : J f '' - Uf - r ti' 0 WEATHER IS RAISING BABES BY iJMJ&mfes. 1 ! J to WAHIIINUTON. July II. II. H weather IiIiiIh (in iihtii; bullion woro kIviui tmltt)' for Aiuiuleun inollieiit In Mil HXt'llllllVtl lutlllWllW III till) UllltCu Iihh II)' l)i', V, (. Ilurknr, iimtUtiuit HiirKMin iiciioriil of inn United tltiilon pulillo lumllli Miirvlrn, I, link of iiiuiIkmh' inllli mill dirt n to tint iliDif (HiitKix, Dr. Iturker die elurtnl, fur Hid itiiiillii)i Infniit iiwr tullty In iniiiiniitr. Tim iuhllu health we iv Ico lit hIvIiik uilvlro dm Ink tlin prt'tioiit hot fin'll lo thuiumiiilit ii( inotliiirn .i iitl itiirtnrH, Ion -upon I ho euro of Iho "woo wlulty wuult Ioh." An a milonlltflr rjiniiminonl export -mid ii I ho iih n pun I UmI oxpiuli'iuoil pupil -Dr. Iturknr luiliiy diliii"d that kuowlt'clKo of liilunt IikIoiio !h niriitly reilurlm: thu nuiiitiicr dciilli lull of ehlhtreii. Horn l Dr. Iturkor'n lint weather formula fur rulidiiK tint tiny oih-h: "Muy tlm liont milk fur tlm luiliy, ruol It nit minii ii k It Ik ii'culvo'l; inoitlfy It iirrorillUK In tlln illlecttoU of it pli)hlflnu. Hen Hint milk mid nl iiIoIihIIm iikoiI In IIh preparation mo ulmutiitidy clean. IW only whlo inuutliod hottloK for fi'odliiK pur pone. Ktrlllo tlm hotth'H hofoio imltm. Modify tlm milk, fill the hot tin, put It oil loo. WiikIi Hid nipple rarolull); Vr-op them In it diluted liorlr mid notation. NVvor uho a numlm; lulu'. Do mot liunillo iho ulpplo with tlm Miikoi whllo tin cliltd In niirdlnit. Knn flloit uwny from the nlppto, tliu milk mid Hid tinliy, (ilto Hut haliy n drluk of cooil. cloitii water four Union a dny. Kt'n tlm hahy cool, hut don't put It In a draft, mnl don't uiidvrolutlm or ovur rtotlm It. Don't orlto Hut child; try to kntp It roo) In hot weather. Tlm hrinntfd Imliy Ih tlm hope of Iho nation mid mothem who urn utile lo niiriit their liable mid do nut (ouiuill a itn minima their rhlldrei'. Do not plnro tlw hithy on a bottle without Hut nilvlto or a phyriclnn. Ilntho tlm rhlhl onto a day; do not liavo Hip water over 1 02 decrepit, or under ! deitrnm. Dry tlm child rurofully itflor tlm hath, then dimt :t llttlit lalriiiu powder betwiim mir fnceit which ruh together. Keep thn hahy clean at nil 1 1 men. Do not al low any dlriy cIoHiIiik to comu u tontnet with tlm child. Keep Iho ynutiKKtcr In tlm frrnh nlr na luprh an powillilo. l.ot Cm hahy h.ivo nil tlm uleep It rviiuluti, mid when It U nearly imloop cover It with iiioMiultn nutting to lu'op fliut and other limed away from It. When Hut hahy net t, don t wall until IIh condition Ih ,nMorato; end for it pliynliitiu early. YOUTH HOI SHOOTING A OHIU'iON CITY, (I July II. Karl McAlty, IK, of Portland, who wiih nlint by Duputy Hhorlff Mum how or whllo iittoniptlui? tu oiMiipo after hlit arrrHt on tho rhnrKo of lav Iiik killed a iIok. Ih ueitr death today. Miimhuwiir wiih rnkeii Into hy .Sheriff Mauri who nunorlH that hu ttxeeeded hlit iiutliorliy, MeAliy ami n roinpnnlon, I.oMcr Oooimy, mounled on nmtorcyclni, wero imtetlm: tlm fariiiliumu of M. l. ChrlHinau when a iIok heluiiKlui; to ChilMinnn run out at thuiu. McAlty Ih ulhiKcit to havu Hhut tlm iiulmal. Muuihowor notified of tlm Inci dent, phiced tho hoyn under arrent. In an attempt to tmcapo McAlty iiiouultid IiIh motorcKlo mid Htarted to rlilu away when Muuiohwur fired hoveral hIioIh, oiio iiiihhIuk throiidlt Mi'Alt)' left Iok mid iiuothor ttrll(liiK him over tlm loft kliluoy. I CAMIMIIHIH, Mil., .Ittlv M. A.t iuveNtlKiiliiui wiih Btnrli'd today of if colliHiou Imnt lielweeii u llultinioio & Ohio piiKHoiiKor train mid an intorur linn Btroot imr In whloh tlirco por imim woro killed outriht, ono fatally injured and twenty less fioriously hurt. Tho nceident U imiil to wvo lieeu cnttHoil hy lorrific Hlorm, Tlm iiituriirlmii car cniidimlor liml Hlopped IiIh mir nml k"" IhrotiKh Urn cross hit;, U Ih mipporicd ho iniHtook tlm lieiulllplil of Iho uppi-fliiohliiK train for it ItoiitiiliiB fliiHli. mid liinll'd Iho cur In mi nliciid, Tho Hired car wiih drinulUhedi mm ti 'mIMww lA To Every Purdh Im Every smol Artistic Metal Ash Trays FREE (For a' FewDaysjOnly) tserTof "a 5c' PackkgeTofTDIXIElQUEEN T ITi iFi ii r j)lm iJobacco Jj)L JofTthese jf eautifully m 11 si If AT met; rrrr attractive that ladies use them iorlTjmTmysnd ornamental pur poses.' yDiiring'the next few daysleading dealers Vill giveone oft tlicsc Ash Trays, FREE, to every purchaser ot a be package or uljul vjuimun Tobacco. Just go sec these Trays at your dealer's, and youwilljwatit one c. f wwrt,, ll v 1 1 Ata v m . H H H v H H 1 1 1 H B h i i k i mi i i i & i B B K B J b bh v m m m i t jt w Plug Cut Tobacco tfi- W r The Burlcy Tobacco used in DIXIE QUEEN iscarefully selected from thrcc-y car-old finest mellow leaf. This pure, mild, VurUKr nrmA Unr1fr burns nerfectlv and oleases the taste. It is absolutcly'thc best smoking tobacco that money can purchase!, 1 lie rllie: VUU iurm iucIkcs uuia iiv,uu, ont, " tobacco just rignt tor a cool, mua pipe-smoivc.prix nrTrPT N . XI. nnA -ffryrrv1 1 1 1 YTlHr tf IJU1L1L1N COniCS lO yuu j(,n .uiu jfUiji,jmj- afford solid comfort and enjoyment. " Th flrcf ninfiful of DIXIE QUEEN con-, vvinccs a man that he has found the right tobacco at last and he sticks to DIXIE QUEEN thereafter, for this good, pure lUUdtwu ntJ w.vw.w, ft ffi BH. Mmm v-sv " m:ofc i. S T7 Hence this free offer, to get more, men to try UlAllL vjuilillnj Look for a dealer displaying the free offer sign in his window get a 5c package of DIXIE QUEEN,and ask for that free Ash Tray. FREE tKBOK rso" .saE&fc. i aMk. .in i nj;t h - mmmi ir I C01 SS&to&, f NOTICE TO DEALERS Wo want every doalor in Medford to be suppliod with o xtra Dixie Queen Trays, and to take advantage of this spe--cial offer. All dealers who have not already been supplied, may secure a special supply by applying to Gt.'G.- t Hotel Medford, between the hours of six to eight in the afternoon Monday. ' ' v yj'fj - -'vMAVt rv"v-v yV ifM'ri V ,- : - , V