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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1913)
'Vtf1 "- i ri, o -WJ - ' I. k W)P ' J -I," fi-t f 1 l t PA 013 TWO. lOCAL AND I- PERSONAL Austin, Gflrbln, ot New York, la down from liln rnnch In llrownnboro dstrct, 1ml will return noon. Tho oenlh company of tho Ore gon Btnlo Tiillltla Ib being recruited nnd will Boon havo 1U full quota. Tim nnnual encampment III bo hold nt Tort ainvom during tlio lnltcr part ot August ami tho Medford ra'tntiany will Ix ntnlloiiPil nt tlio 10 Inrli" cuns tlio largest nt that fortlfl catloti. Producer! Frull Co. has Just re ceived a large nhlmicilt ot 1 Ib. nnd li. tin top berry bankets, and enn fill orders In nny (innntlty. Wo nko bnvo on ltnnd n Inrgo supply of the celebrated "Security" orchard lad ders In nil nixes. Olivia Uobckah LoiIro N'o. 2S. will bold Installation Tuesday evening, Juy 15. All members to bo Installed please bo present. Mrs. G. C. Cuby. of Ashland, Is nt Oranta Pass visiting her son, Ned Cuby, nnd is accompanied by three of her daughters. A"S. Ilosentiaunt was nt Ashland Friday personally conducting tho special train run from Med ford. Brooms Ask your dealer for tho product ot tho Ashland factory. Fred Mclntyro, of Granls Pass, la making Tdcdord n business visit. Charles E. Tcrrlll, of Inko Creek district, transacted business in MciK ford Friday afternoon. $3,000 accident and Ufo Insurance ror $10; $5250 for $17.50. See. Holmes, tho Insuranco man. Mrs. Ii. J. Sears Is visiting friends living nt Ashlnnd. " Tho U. S. government will havo a typographical survey of tho Dia mond Inko quadrangle, near Crater Lake park, mado during tho present season. Orchard, taunting, rtshtnc and Crater Lake scenes for sale at Ger king & Harmon's studio. Negatives mado any place, kodak finishing. 12S East Main street. Phone 215 R. Mrs. W. C. Dcncff and Mrs. A. Iloso were of tho many over from Jacksonville during tho week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis, of Wei len, tarried at Medford Friday. Kodak finishing, nest In town, at Weston's. v U.'b. Hutchinson of Tolo, nnd A. D. Klllott, of rhocnlx, wcro recent business visitors In Medford. Mrs. Wilson Critlsor, of Detroit, Midi., wbos husband owns a fine "orchard In Roguo River valley, and their daughter, aro visiting with friends living near Phoenix. B. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives made any time or place by appointment. Phont M. 1471. F. D. Darnhlll mado a, business trip to Medford Friday. D.'T. Lawlon has returned from a visit at Grants Pass. Dr. Klrchgcssncr will be at Hotel Nash every Saturday from 10 a. in. to 3 p. m. on and after May 24. William White, who has been In Klamath county in tho Interest of tho U. S. forestry service, is In Med ford again. Rev. nnd Mrs. W. T. D. MacCul lough nnd tbolr son were guests of Roy. W. N. D.' MacCullough, of -Ashland, this 'week. Vapor baths and scientific mas sage for men and women. Dr. R. J. Lockwood, chiropractor, 203 Oar-nett-Coroy bldg. Phono 145. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gcorgo B. Uoos were nt Ashland nnd Kuglo Point this week. ft. W. Glcason and F. K. Gordon wcio recent visitors at Ashland. For best quality homo grown moats, go to Stall 12, Public Mar ket, J. R. Tyrrell. Mrs. M. Clemens .and her daugh ter, Gertrude, of Grunts Pass, have been visiting friends In Medford. H. . King, L. Drown and A. P. Rhoades, of Talent district, transact ed business In Medford tho foru part of tho week. Hummor slab wood $2.00 a tlor. Vnlloy Fuel Co., TeJ 70. airs. Frank Dodge, or Klamath Falls, Ih visiting In Medford after u short stay nt Ashland. Clarence Ilorllla, of Ashluud, Is in Medford on a visit with his moth er. lTho finest studio In Southern Ore gon 'has beon op'onod by Corking & Harmon, ut 228 Dust Main St., first stairway oast of Stur thoatro. Our work Is aiwuys tho best. Views of nil kinds for sale. Tho best of Ko dak finishing. Negatives uiudu any tiino or place. Phono 3 20-J. Dr. JUnd, or Sauk Rapids, Minn., Is upending a part or his mention with Mr. nnd Mm. Peter Vnudorsluls ot Talent, who nrp relatives. WeeKs & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS LAST AMHTAVT Day Phone 27 Nlkt V, W, Weeks 1D3-J.2 ltioae A. K. Orr 87M-M MEDFORD MATTJ I). It. Jackson has beon at AbIi land, his former homo, this week. Mr. and Mrs.' G. T. Daniels nro nt Portland on n visit with friends. C. C. Moon, n young mhn promi nent nt Coqullle, Coos counly, is Is Itlng nt Medford. Strayed from Sterling Sunday night, 2 horses, mm bay mnro 1000, ono bay linrso 1200: mare branded FS on left shoulder. Notify I. R Hamilton, Central Point, Ore., Tor re' ward. Stewart Patterson nnd bis family who recently returned from nn eact ertn trip, spent Friday In Medford. Charles II. Rowley, manager of tho Annex hotel nt Portland, was nt Medford .and other points In tho val ley during tho week, In tho Interest of his raravnnsnry. Pictorial Review patterns now In stock at Moo & Co. IOC- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones, ot Ross Lane, wcro of the many who mo tored to Ashland Friday. It. II. Kesslcr nnd bis family, ot San Francisco, nro paying Medford n visit. Charles II. Ray was n recent visit or nt Ray Gold. Private music lessons from CO cenlR upward to Three dollars per lesson, according to subject snd teacher chosen. Medford Conserva tory; open all summer. College Uldg. Tho camping season nt Colcstln has begun and many nro going thither to spend the boated term. E. N. Warner's family Is of those from Medford who havo already pitched tbolr tents there. J. II. Mooro, ot Gtendalc, Is mak ing Medford n business visit. Oliver S. nrowu, the attorney, made a professional visit to Medford recently. Talk with Tnmy, In tho Gnrnctt Corey Dldg., about tho low cost of accident Insurnnco in the Travelers Insuranco company. 10 ! Tho Grants Pass cannery Is mak ing n big run on loganberries, pay ing 2 cents per pound and return ing crate. R. L. McRrlde transacted business at Roguo River during tho week. Miss Leah Walthcr has returned from a visit at Yrcka, Cal., her for mcr home. Regular monthly meeting ot tho Commercial club Monday evening nt S o'clock. O. II. Tlmmpson, of Lake Creok, spent Friday In Medford. Mr. and Mrs. 'Richard Caldcr nee Pansy Carney) or Los Angeles, nrp visiting In Medferd: their former home. Iiiwrence Clrdwcll. ,nf Gold Hill. was of tho many who caino to Med ford Friday morning. New green pasture with shade and running wnter to let. Isaacs, phonn 691-11-2. Halbert Deuel and snmo of bis friends havo gono to Crescent Clfy on tholr inntorcyclea nnd will bo gono several days. Miss Anna Glaus, of San Francis- I co, who has been at Grants Pass ror somo tlmo, Is visiting In Medford. Joo II. Wilson Is spending n fow days among his Medford friends. Tho warm days of tho past week havo ciiued n slackening or tho run ot salmon up Roguo river nnd the catch ot tho fishermen operating near Grants PassJias been reduced to lit- tio more than a ton dally. Whon tho water becomes warm fish remain nt tho mouth of tho stream, coming up to spawn. Tho CallfornlaOregon Power Mag' azlno Is tho latest aspirant to public favor. Tho first number, which has just come to hand, Is u neat, well edited and crcdltnb)o front every nn glc. H. L. Walthor. nt Medford, Is odltor-ln-chlef; F. J. Mills, Jr., bud ness manager; II, C. Qtoddard, edit or Rogue River division; O. (5. Steele editor Siskiyou division; Geo. J. Walton, editor Klamath division. Articles will also bo contributed each month by employes of the pow er company nnd others. Medford wns very much In evidence- at Ashlnnd Friday, several hundred or our citizens going thither by train art auto to attend tho en- tortulnmonts given at tho Ohnutau qua tabernacle. Tho visitors rocelvud n cordial reception and enjoyed tho trip very much. Tho program In tho afternoon was n purely Medford production, it was splendidly car ried out tho numbers being untliuHt nstlcally received by the multitude In attendance. The lecture of Walt Holcomb, of Nashville, Tonn., In tho ovenlng, was novel nnd entertaining amply sustaining the high national roputallon enjoyed by tho spdnkor. Died. A. V, Anderson died nl Hie Huered Ucnit Ilositnl July 11! from nlcolio limn, having been ill for tho imst month. He wns formerly clerk ut tlio I Intel Moore. A brother is en route hero from Minnesota to tuk'j charge of tlo rciuajns. It Theatre Program Tonight. "A Victim of Heredity." "Itpllglon nnd Gun Practice." "Tho Fugitive-." "Ono Can't Always Tell." "If Dreams Came True." First ten tickets froo, nnd every tenth ticket. 5 and 10c only. fl5iuYor u TRTBtfNE, At the Churches OUhollr. Sunday, July 13. Masses " 0:30. Sermon; "Charity." service 7:30. Evening "Credentials ot Revelation." too mid Evening lecture MethodM Episcopal, South. Corner of Oakdnlo' hud' Ma n" Morning subject: "Tho Optimism or tbi lUble," Evening subject; "Ono Need; One Knowledge.;, 0 10 Effort.'' - 'Ion Lutheran. At 'Ion Lutheran, 612 W. Fourth St.. thoro will bo no morning sor- vleo owing to the pastor's absence at Grants Pass. English service nt 7:30 P. M. Ulblo school ut 10 A. M. Come nnd worship. tVntml Point ItnplNt Cliuirh. Dr. R. W. MacCullough, pastor of tho First Daptlst church. Medford, and Mrs. W. T. 1). MacCullough, pa tor of tho Talent ltnptlst church, wilt conduct worship with sermon at 3:00 P. M. Sabbath afternoon. Tho pttu lie Is Invited In this service. FlrM CIiiiitIi of ClirM, SclcnlM. Sunday morning service at tl;00 o'clock; subject of lesson-sermon "Sacrament." Wednesday evening meeting nt S;00. All nro welcome. Sunday school at 10:00. All under the ago of twenty are Invited. Read ing mom heurs: 2:00 to 5:00 P. M. dally, except Sundays and holldnv:'. Church edifice, North Oakdalc. EvnngrllMtlc. Will bo conductced in tent or cor ner North Central nnd Jackson streets by C. Drigden, W. Corcoran and Miss S. Corcoran, commencing Sunday, July l,at 3:30 p. m. nnd will be continued each night except Saturday nt S p. in. You aro cor dially Invited to attend. ChrMinn. Corner Ninth and Oakdalc. Dlble school meets nt 9:50 A. M. Preach ing nt 11:00 A. M. Christian En deavor at 7:00 P. M. Sermon at 8:00 P. M. Prayer meeting on Thurs day evening. Choir practlcs on Fri day evening. You nre cordially In vited to como and worship with us. I). D. Royle, minister, cor. Ninth and Joy. First ltnptM. Rev. Robert William MacCullough Ph. I)., pastor. Morning worship it A. M. Sermon, subject; "The Talis man of Unity." Illble school 9:-15 A. M. II. Y. P. U. 7 P. M. Evening worship S P. M. Sermen: "Gates to Heaven and Hell from Medford." Ovillannco of Relievers Jlnptlsm. The Dapfnt orchestra will play and the young cople of the church will hnvo chargo of tho service. Mrs. AV. T. D. MacCullough will assist ut both services. McthodM. Medord Episcopal church, corner of Ilartlott nnd Fourth streets. E. Olln Eldrldgo, paHtor. Services Sun day as follews: Preaching 11:00 A. M.; 8:00 P. M. Subjects, morn mern ing: "Hurdeus Mado Light"; ove nlng, "God's Approach and .Man's Response." Sunday school, Includ ing classes for men women nnd young ladles, 9:45 A. M. Epworth League 0:15 P. M. Praer meeting Thurs day evening S:00 o'clock. Uxcello-1 music by well trained choir- uudc. tho direction or F. C. Edmcads, You aro cordially Invited to all these fer- vices; PrOibjlerlnu Communion servico nt 11 n. m. Rcceptlou of mombors. Itccousecrn tloii of all membors to the Lord nnd his church. Loyalty, tho watchword tor all members or tho Presbyterian church, llaptlsm or children. All parents desiring to havo their chil dren baptlzod will pleaso present thorn Sunduy morning. Preaching In the ovenlng at 8p. m. Subject, "Tho Crisis In tho Llto or Joseph." A series or sermons will ba preached In the evenings on Illbllcat charac ters and events, commencing with Sunday evening. Music: Do Vfiur Eyes Tro KusUy? U uoj; let us supply you with the proper glussos to moot your especial need! U Nature has not given you, Pon ied Eyesight, Hclonco can, aud no ono need go about with fniliertectly developed vision whilo I ntund ready to help them. I tun also fully qualiriod to give you tho very best service. No Drops Used Dr. Rickert Eyesight rlpcrlulUt Over Deuel & C'os, BBBWW)Bf JUftsf. fH MEDBSOto. "ORKnC, Qunrtette, "Ho Shall Ccjiuo Down Lllco Rain," by Dudley luuk, Quartette, "Holy Lord Almighty," by Frnnx Llsst, All nro cordially Invited to Join with us lit thesu uurvlcca. Thu Mcdrord Ministerial Associa tion will meet Monday nt 10 n, m, In the study of the t'hrlsllnn chimin, corner Oakilalu and Ninth streets. HaptKt Church. Tho scrxlcog nt the Mnpthtl church on Sunday evening, July III, will lie In chargo or tho I J. V, P. U., Miss Theono CarKIn presiding. The orchestra or the men's, Ulblo class will provide tho instrumental music, beginning promptly ut 8: On o'clock. ) Order of service Overture, "Fifteen S.icred Melo dies," ,.,., Mackle-Heyer Orchestra Praer. Hymn, "My Soul Ho tin Thy Guard" Mason Congregational Scripture Heading Hymn, "When tho Harvest Is Past" Mcllranahan .Congregational Selection, "Slumber Sweetly" . lleaumoul Orchestra Solo (vocal), , "Lend. Kindly Light" Newman Miss Grace Ilralnoy will) Orchestral Accompaniment Offertory, "The Holy City," by ruqucst) . Admits Orchestra Sermon Hymn. "Havo You Any 1 too in for Jesus" ... Wllllama Congregational Postdate, March Pontifjcnlu, Gounod Qrchestrn TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR EXCHANGE -Clear tlmbor tract for acreage. Clark Realty Co. I'OU EXCHANGE Ouc of tho Hn- est country homes close to Seattle, Cheap transportation, good mar ket. 10 acres, house and all con veniences. Tlls property can be exchanged ror property or clone I" acreage, W. J. Hills, Val ley Garage. 90 FOR EXCHANGE The best gnrago business In Medford. Call phono 18. 9C r or SALE By Owner, 30-Acrc Ranch 12.'l lie res n Newtown tipples and Hiirtlett peiim in bearing. I) acres oimg pears ami 3 acres alfalfa. Good fi-ruoin bouse, burn uil out buildings. Pumping l'1"".. n walcr piped in house, haru nml garden Finest rich lilagk soil in vallcj, hub iriigaleil. located in an excellent neighbor hood and eloxe to .Medford. Place will pay a good dividend this year. Address A. H. C, care Mail Tribune. Bittner's Real Estate & Employment Bureau FOR SALK Somo fine alfalfa aud stock ranches lit the valley, also In tho A;- plcgato, with irrigation. liar gains for rash, or terms. 40 acres, nil In cultivation, fenced, fine 0 room bonne, largo burn, other outbuildings, closo to Medford. Prlro 11000, will take somo city property. Somo finn propositions In hay and grain ranches In eastern Oregon to exchange fur It. R. Valley property. Good 1 acre tract, closo In, fluo 8 room bungalow, place wull Im proved. All kinds of bprrlcs. Price 13600; terms. Very nice 6 room, modern house, lot GOxl'JO, 1101110 outbuildings, lawn and garden, fenced. Prlco $1750. 6 room modern bouse, lot 60x100, on pavement, groat bargain, XlOliO, I-ot 50xiG3, nicely loeuted on W 11th St., $!!0Q. Fine pnno for sale cheap or trade for good lot. Covy nnd'cair70. Good cow SCO. ' ' Team, xwagon, ifnriiess, hueki houso furnltiiro, ohjekens, turkeys 1376. " J lyLOYMENT'.' Hay hands. ! Hay press feeder. Ranch bunds. Girl fur general housework. Cook In fluu homo in country. Wood cutters. Men to cut and peel telephone poles. MRS. EMMA BITTKEB lies. Phono KflUI-X PJtopp M3H. OjijxHlto NoU Untl JtOOMM 0 uJ 7, VMM BLOCK, SiW'iiKnAy. muw is. 1.9W, xtt FOR SALE Timber land for siilo by L. N. Judd, Talent, Ore. Mil nercs, about 1,6110,000 feet milling timber, mostly vellow plue. Prlcu )20Q0: $1000 cash down, bat unco time. A few miles from Talent, 10 acies, about four mites from Talent; good mad j ( mostly fir aud pliio. Cash, $0iM) down:' I rude, $1260; want property lit a city. to noes, 6 mljea fiom Uutto FiiIIh, uioMly fir mid pine; good mod, near sawmill. Price- ft two; halt cash down, balance time,., 200 ucies, about 6 miles fiom Talent; never been cut on; saw tim ber, mostly fir and pine $30 mi acre. SO acres, been cut on. $20 an acre. , 210 acres, nl miles south of Lake Creek statien: estimated 1,000,000 feet saw timber; mostly .vellow pllie. $3000; $600 cash down, balance time. 40 acrei fluo limber, 6 miles southwest Talent: 600,000 feel saw timber, 1000 Hers of hart! wind. $1260; halt cash dmvu, balance time. Flue sptlng of water. Who wishes to tntdo for 11 fine cultivated rami near Gold I HUT 00 acres under cultivation, fine 16 aero orchard, K-room houso, porches, otc. Water plenty; cash value $16,000. Would tnko Medford properly, but must hnvo $1600 In cash. A rare opportunity Alfalfa lauds, stock faims, poul try rnnehes and property In Pasa deua, Long Iteach, Los Angeles nml sixteen counties In California, and In Texas, and wheat lauds In Alberta, Canada, and S. P. railroad lauds In California, Nevada, Utah, aud A-l-zona. Write, enclosing stamp, or como to our office hud examine for our selves. M'M.W X. .It'liD, Talent Oregon. Ich wo aro wont mi ho In tlio of- fort wo aro making to KKIili Ollt GOODS IO VOC Wo would not bo too Insistent For that would not ho ulro, Hut wo know If you're a patron on re You'll bt a patron twice MEDFORD BAKERY & DELICATESSEN li: .South Central. "HOW DID Till: lllltll KNOW THAT--" lly making our store worth nioro to vou wo make It worth more to ik' If ou wish to "reduce" your weight take exercise mid Mnrilol ami Hepatic Salts along with It. Wo know It's good, and you'll find It out when you use It. 'JSi AND nile. "Tho sweetness of low prlro sel dom equals tho bitterness of poor luullty." Haskins for Health MKDI'OIID, ORE. vSTRAY HORSES 1.1 , ' Strayed eiiinj;: fiom Sturllug Sunday uvt Ono bay mare, 10U0 pounds. Ono bay horse, 1200 pounds. Mum branded on left shoulder F. H. Notify I, It. 'Hmnlltnn, Point, Oregon, for rownrd. Central 1 Vli - rtrr Foot Joy Ik loniiil in eery pair of DEHLINn'S shoes. The eye nntl imiihu itiul joy in llicin, (on. ItCMCMDCIt BrhlmiVs ,"", m emmgb Wmojj,oin We l.ike T11 I'll Siskiyou Heights Now in Ihi' linic fo ttiiiko si'Iim'I ion of toltt nml lnu;ls in iliiK manirii'ontJVijldonri. diKli-inl. SEE JOHN A. TORNEY ROOM 1, PALM BLOCK one Cyrus Noble riijai-teall will quench your thirst on the hottest day pure mature bottled at drinking strength W. J: Vun Schuyvcr & Co., General Agents Portlnnd, Oregon A Complete Ranch Outfit ORCHARDMEN AND RANCHERS TAKE NOTICE. $:!lT takes a chunky leant ix and hcvcii .veal's oltl, weight 2! U)0, arc well matched in color and size and nice workers siiili! or double anil under the saddle. This price includes their harness and 2 I5-I inch waK"" nil com plete l'or$22r, with a trial allowed. Ask for Mrs. .Martin's team at West Side Feed Stable 29 GRAPE f 1 ; Steclhea Xrout,are Taking the Fly Freely in the Rogue! HtllllltlCM IVI'lUllilltflOltl flllll' to Ittchu JMIIiniN t Ct'tl llllu'll llN,Vf'l(, ' Only tlio llaikiiM Fly will liold I bo klnu of thu Joiiij. ,UU nny fldi. eiuiaii. TIIIIV .Mill SOId) AT Ewings Gun Store The Until To I'M STREET . ii '