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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1913)
!' VU't'YV.'ir.M'ft'iiT 'ij i i) VMii'i''tVv"oii TV-,' i-rtVr-rnv(i yv I - ' Vt i i' ' I'i'r Ji - ' r t 4 ifr i, ip f I '. n r tt u 1 v r ue m-m1'.!1 : ja Medford Mail tribune tsar AN INMCPKNDMNT NKWRI'APCll WHtAMiKit r.VKiir aftkhnoiw KXPRfT Rim DAT 11V TUB MEUKOni) PJllNTlNQ CO. Tli Ttainocrntto Tlnim, Tli Mcdford Mali. Tim MftHord Trlbtn?l. The South m Ortgnnkiii, Tli Anhland Tribune. Offlcn Mull Trlbuno llulldtmr. 35-ST-2S Sorlh rir street) telephone 76. Official Paper ot tlio City of Mcdford. Offlcjiil Paper ot JHCkron County. nnOIUJK PUTNAM, Rdltor nml Manager nnlnrpil na necond-ctaaa matter nt Medford, OrpRon, under tho act ot ware n s, iaj. BUBSORXFTIOW XATXS. who jruii i.j ii,rn .. On month, by mall.. fMA -. I. HlHll .15.00 .SO Per m mi l!i, delivered by enrrior In jueuroru, jacKnonviu win ton- trai Point .RQ Paliii-ilny only, ly nml, par yr S.flQ Weekly, per year . . - - - t.Srt WEST TO SPEAK SEATTLE, Wnsli., July 5. How lo ameliorate the condition of un- fortunnlea who liy environment or force of circiimslnnccs have become public ehnrge or inmntc? of correo liimal inslitutioj)s, was t)ie chief pubjecl to .bo dHcncd when the forlielh nuniiul sjessinjin of the Xn 'tionnl Conference njf Charities nnl Corrections open hero tonight with 2200 ilelogntcfl from nil over the country in attendance. The first s-csmoii will bo devoted principally to nddresses of welcome by Mnyor Georo F. Cnllerill nipl flovcmor Kmcsl I.iler, nml ro stonso by the delegates. Anion? questions that will come before the eonferenco which will be in session until July l'J, nro the dependency ami delinquency of children: riilrihiitjon .mid assimilation of imiuijriiiits; the rclnlioji of commereinl nrpmizntioiift to social welfare; the relation of heiijljijij. productive power; the pro bation, ninj pnrolini; of prisoners; tho core of, feebleminded children, the cbnrgi nnd social work mid tho standards of living nnd lnl5r. In thU connection (Jovcrnor Oswald Vest of Oregon will deliver an ad dress itj which he will point out the fjucccsR .which linn attended ' the adoption j)f the parole system in the Orison ftato penitentiary. Many prisoners nro now working in the open air outside the prison gates of tho Oregon penitentiary and with no fjnnrds to prevent their cscajw. The prisoners chosen for outside duty !"? tboge yjjiifco records huvo been good dtiriug confinement mid all that is required gf them is thnt they give Ijieir word of hour that they will .make no attempt o escape. Jtomnrk nbly few bnvo vinlnted the governor's confidence, nnd be is expected to recommend the adoption of the parole (system by every penal institution in tho country where it is now in vogue. .h I Tho street contests on tho Fourth were won as follews: - Auto obstacle race, Cornelius. Auto egg rncc, Mrs. Lincoln. dreased pig, Homer Kcynohls. 50-ynrd dash for biind'hoys, Harry l'orter. Tho auto obstacles rnco consisted in y riving an nuto between barrels. TJic nuto egg race consisted in driv 5ng an auto over twenty-four 12x4 planks, tho driver holding nn egg in a hpooi in their mouth. tlio pio eating contest und th'i clmngo scramble, when small boys ulrjiggled Xor $7.50 in nickels and pennies thrown broadcast, funiibbcd J ho' sercams of tho day. I l IN SIGHT SUNDAY TJio baseball t;amo yostordny which was won by Moutacuo as reported In yctitirday's issue of this paper, was umpired by onu ot the most efficient urbturs tho national game has ever known "Dummy" Miller. Mr., Miller although deprived pf lio tsquso of siweeli and' hcarluc has held (ho Indicator In several minor jeuKuqa and only tew weeks ago oft tljo coast lenguo at BucrumcutJ. juiljor's iIocIsIoiih yestorday wero moiiiiit and accurnto without tho slli;htefct favor to cither side, and i'HorJy" Miles doclared today tlmt Mlljpr is outlroly satUfuctory to h'ui furtiymirrow's gnino, which will be tjio; hanlcBt fought of tho series of thrcOilielweeu Mcdford und Montu- KII0 , f 1 at n't mo tomorrow will commence uttl', M. nhurp, and with thu aid ittfn new players thu Mndford ag. 1lwploi aro confident of wliinln. CHARITIES SESSION PRIZE WNNER CTDtT NET arTODFOttT)' GREATEST CROWD IN CIIH HISTORY E From 12,000 to 15,000 people wn nessed tho ' crowning event ot the Fourth of July celebration, the elec tric parade. Many nrttstlc and beau tiful floats made it tho finest event ot tho kind over attempted here. Lodges, schoel: children nnd business houses lcd with each other In mnk lug nn attractive showing. It was tho largest crowd ever fcou on Mod ford streets. The only events to mnr tho occasion worn tho long waits duo to tho floats getting off tho trolloy wires, or to their Intorferlus with trolley guides, tho floats being tpo high or tho wlro tpo low at sev eral points. First enmo tho Medford band, fol lowed by tho mayor and city coun cil nnd tho Oregon National Guard. Then tho ladles riding on horseback, followed by the Hold Hill hand. Then came tho scbool children dressed to represent the colors of tho American flag. Tho llttlo tots innilp ono of tho'hljs of tho evening, cap tained by Lclnnd lleverldgo. With them was ono of tho most attractive floats In the parade, thnt ot tho Oik Park school, representing an Illu minated onk grovo In wblch the smallest children swung on swings, singing songs or giving tho school yclj. Driving horses and decorated au tomobiles followed, among which tho beautifully rose decorated car of Karl Gaddls was most conspicuous. Then came the lodges, tho Pythlans. Hodmen and Woodmen of the World. and Klk, alt In lodge rognlla, mot of them. Including the Women nt Woodcraft, having symbolical floats that added greatly to the occasion. The Ejectrlcal Workers followed with both Illumined float nnd uni form marchers. Then ramo tho many costly floats of tho Mcdford merchants, headed by tho cjty water department, wttli a fountain spray ing water. Tho Medford Ico plant had na American flag frozen In a solid block of transparent Ice. Ad latt's tent works bad a unique float In tho obapo of n street car. Crescent City Paint, handled by Fikcs and dis tributed by thp I.ebo company, was represented with a full rigged ship. Tho Southern Pacific was represent ed by a flag draped float. Tho Ore gon Granite company made monu ments and cut stono In n movjug workshop. Tho California Oregon Power com pany mado electricity and cooked with It along the parade. Tho Host Candy company was represented and tho Hwlng gun storo mado one of tho hits ot tho evening with a float showing a camping and fishing sccno Tho Valley Fuel Co. was represent ed. Tho Garnott-Coroy Co. had an illuminated houso draped with flow- era und shrubbery. The Welnhard Ico company had tho llttlo German baud on tap and tho Mcdford Fur niture nnd Hardwaro Co, had a drawing room scene Then followed several wbangdoo- dlo floats and individual whang doodles. Awards havo not been announced by Jho Judges, but will bo Saturday evening. TRAVELING SALESMAN WEDS WEALTHY MERCHANT I'OHTLAXD, Ore., July ',. A mod est little paragraph in tho records pf jhe PQijuty clerk hns today dis closed the marriage of Holomon Xeu berper, a paint salesman traveling out at' Chicago, nyd )lrs, lolljc Kct clicr," owner of tho linjtoii depart ment storo in tho. pnmo oity. Mr. Neubergor is reputed to be worth in excess of $0,000,000. Page Theater. In addition to tho regular high class plcturp program nt tho Page theater tonight, Mr. Marry Jnmos n baritone singer of prominence, bus been added to tho bill as a special feat tiro Ho will appear In a number of eong selections which promlso to bo very pleasing. Tho usual prices of flvo nnd ten cents will bo chnrged. Curd of 'JbanliH Tolo, Orp Juuu 28, 1913. Wo wish to, exprc.,ptjr heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our friends and neighbors who so wil lingly uuslbtcd us In our luto bereave ment, C. fl. UVBU and Family, MHS O. It. HUKII. Card of Tliauks Wo deslro to thank our many friends for tho many expressions of sympathy und many kindnesses ex tended to us during tho Wimuh end death of our beloved husband and father. TIIOH, J. Wil.MAMH, Mr. TIIOH. J. WH.MAMH. Mr, und Mrs, J'UANIC M'l'UWAW WITNESSES PARAD MATT TRTBUNK I9T35TT5 u( MEDFORD CROWS I PERFECT BABIES BY THE SCORE (Continued from p.uo !) Liggett and Mrs. K. K. (lore. The prltcs can bo obtained at Noddy's Jewelry store. Tho scoro cards will bo mailed the mothers no.t week and a duplicate kept for comparison next 'cftr. ltnblci Attract Crowd Although 1 o'clock was tho hour advertised for tho lleltqr Unbles con test, at the Sparta building, soon af ter 12 o'clock tho babies In their perambulators, accompanied Invari ably by their mothers nnd often by fathers and aunties as an additional escort, began to roll In. Kncli babv fresh nnd dainty from his bath, bud had his morning nap and was pow dered, berlbboned, curled and cud dled to the last degroo of fond per fection. They certainly represented Mcdfard's choicest product. The delicate, sickly, undcrsUe, under-fed, unattractive nnd hqnioly ba bies, If there nro any such In Med ford or the surrounding country, had been left at homo, and .to tho casual observer, entranced by the aggrega tion pf robust, healthy, well-developed, plump, attractive nnd pretty children brought In. tho eutlro baby show, as well as the nntlon-wldo ngl tntlon for better babies was super fluous and somewhat In the uatuio of an affront. lYocccduro, Followed Hut wait, Mr. Casual Observer, leave thnt comfortable rockor near tho entrance where Mrs. W. T, York and Mrs. C. W. Conklln aro register ing tho liable, push your way through the crowds around tho dis play case whoro aro shown the solid stiver cups and spoons to bo awarded as prizes, squcoza yourself through the press around the entrance to the examining room and learn what you can from tho sccno before you. Dimple and curls now mean nothing pxcopt as indications of health nnd under tho scientific Inspection of the nurses and physicians In charge tho height, weight, color, muscular development and general formation of tho bouc3 wero under tho closest scrutiny. The food of the child, the regularity of feedings, tho amount of fresh nlr given, his facial expres sion and ability to give nttcatlou were all mado matters of record. Tho official scoro card of tho Depart ment of Public Health ot tho State University of Iowa was tho basis ot grading, and tho method surely ought to give Intelligent mothers ma terial help In correcting needless Im perfection In tholr children. Hero Is a child scoring high, but when his cars aro reached down goes his gcoro because nttontlon has not boen j,lvui to his sleeping with his ear curlod up which resultod In n bad forma tion. Perhaps Insufficient llmo In tho food has cause tho teeth to come slowly, os possibly tho baby who If fed Irregularly is overfed and heneo top fat. Perhaps his hours of slcqp aro Irregular and ho Is too nervous, ail tneso matters wero judged in an export way nnd aro subjects for elab oration In each individual enso. Who i:nmlncrs Wero A boautlful spirit showing a de slro tojearn and prpflt by tho ex amination prcvnllod among tho moth ers. Hoforo tho physician and nursts had fairly finished their work In quiries began to pour In as to who wero tho high-scoring children, but with 119 babies registering tho work of Humming up tho averages was ono that oxtendod well 'into tho night. Korty-soven babies under ono year, thlrty-hoven under two years, and thlrty-tvo qndpr thrco years mado up tho registry. Tho physicians nnd dentists w!)o assisted Dr. It. W. Sterns, tho.chalr mnn, woro, Dr. T. O. Thayer, Dr. O. W. Deune, Dr. John Hnrt, of Talent; Dr. W. W. Van Scoyoc, Dr. T. W. .1. Marlon, Dr. d'eorgo W. Gregg, Ash land) Dr. It. K. Golden, Jacksonville; Dr. Win. W.'P. IloIL Kaglo Point; Dr. K, II. Plckel and Dr. Courpy. Tho nurses were, Mrs. J. W. Liggett, Mrs. O. 10, Osbourn, and Miss Juno Far hart. Much credit Is duo Mrs. Fred Cum mlngs, Mrs. II. C. Kontnor and Mm. J, If. Liggett for their efforts In making tho contest ono of such far reaching Interest. THIRTY-THREE INJURED " NEW YORK'S CELEBRATION N'KW YORK', July fi. -Thirty- three pcrsoim me injury in Now Vorls iih n direct result of July J t'clebrn tloiiH. .Seven dcatliH by drowning nlso were lepoilcd. John A. Perl Undertaker Lady AusUtunt, S!H H, IIAItTLL"lr I'lioiien M. 17 nml 17-LU Ambiilaiicu Her v Ico. Depnl Coroner MTIDFORT). OKTCCIOy. a-u.u- .'.. At the Churches Catholic Flovonth und Onkdalo, July - Masses, 7:00 nnd t):ttO A. M. Ser mon! 'UrntittuW livening dtivo Hops. "iilO 1 M. l.ectuie: "Ueve lutlon, What nnd why." First Ibiptlst Church Talent Mrs. W. T. I). MnrCulloiiKh, pas tor. Morning worship U:00 A. M. Sermon by tho pastor. Fuming wor ship, soriuou by tho pastor. , lllble school usual hour. Similiters wel come. Flrtt ItaptM Uo llobert William MncCiillmnh I'll. I).. pntor. lllblo school 9; 15 , M. Morning worship 1 1 Ml 0 A. M. Sermon, communion and reception of new members. HvenltiR worship S:00 P. M. U. Y. P. V. 7:00 I M. Struugers Invited to nil services. Flrvt Church of Cbiltt. Scientist. Sunday morning service nt li;0 o'clock. Subject of lesson-semio'i! "Uod." Wednesday evening meet ings nt S:00 o'clock. All nro wel come. Sunday school at 10:00: all under the ugo of twenty nro luvltd. Heading room heurs: 2:00 to r;00 P. M. daily, except Sundays, and hol idays. Church edifice, Nij. Oakdue. Christian Corner Ninth und Oakdale, lllblo school mcolsat q;50 A- M. At 11:00 A. M. 1U hoed from the convention. At 7:00 P. M. C. K. At 8:00 P. Sf. sermon. Prayer meeting on Thurs day evening. Choir practice on Fri day evening. You aro cordially In vited to come mid worship with us. 1). 1). Iloyte, pastor, cor. luth nnd Ivy SU. MclbiMlNt l'pIsroKt! Medford Metbodlm Kplscniwil church, cornT of linrtlott and Fourth streets. IX Ollu Fldrldge, pastor. Services Sunday as follews: Preach ing. 11:00 A. M. ami 8:00 P. M. Subjects: morning. 'Christian ln trtotUm"; evening. "Our City. Mod ford." nt which service the orchestra led by Dr. Marlon will be present and furnish the music. All other services as uspal. excellent niiiitc by n well trained und cnpablo choir under the direction of F. F. Fd meades. Speclsl program for morn ing, ns follews: Solo, "Crossing the liar." by Point, rendered by Mls Dorothy Wlcki. and a quartette, '! Will I-iy Mo Down In Ponco." by Gadsby, rendered by Mrs. Van Scov, Mrs. Danker, Dr. Howard and Mr. FdmcndoB. Music ut Melliodlst Cbiircli The musical portion of tho sorlvro at tho First Methodltt church on Sunday evening, July 0th, will lo under tho auspices of the Men's lll blo class orchestra of tho Haptlst church, consisting of fifteen Imtr.i montallsts. The following Is the order of service: Overture, "Fifteen Sacred Mel odles," ....v Mackoy-Uoyer Apostlos Crosd Hymn, "Let All on Farth Tholr Voices Ilalso" Mason Congregational Prayer v Selection, "Sv tft Spirit Ilonr My Prayer" W.nllaco Orchostrn Scripture Heading .Mycin, "How Sweet Iho Namo of Jesus Sounds" Wado Congregational ., qjorla Selection. "Tho Lot Chord,"... , ,.. SjiDlvnn Orchostra Announromonts Offertory, "Tho Holy City," Adams Vocal solo by Miss Gladys IJIn man, with Orchestral nc rnmpaulmqnt( Sermon ...,..-. Hymn, "Guldo Me, OJ), Great Jidiovah," .... Congregational Thpu ...HastlngH i. Ilonedlctlon Postludo, "Mnrch Ponllflcalo," ." Gounod Orchestra Chijsllaii Mica Annette Newcomer, n na tlomtj reprcsentatlvo of tho Christ Ian Woman's Hoard of MIbhIoiis, will deliver' an address on missionary work, from tho forelsn fields, next Wednesday, July 9, at tho Christian WHY NOT? leiyo-ur K , J 1 A corns come on LIKE MAGIC r-uisi J H cnSScAL w At your druMisW SATURDAY. .1TLY fi, 101 ,! 1 ,. rr :: !-j,ii" "U"i 'j vi - -...-. ii'lumih, loiuur Ninth & Oukdulc, it 2:110 o'clock In the afternoon, nnd nt S0O o'clock In the menlng. Kv erouo la Invited to ntuiid and any one missing these lectures nro them selves very much the losers. t ! - .j. : 0MPO0ATI0N OF WOMAN'S ILLS Yields to Lyciu E. Pinklmm's Vcgclnbla Compound. Athent, Texas.--41 1 had n complica tion of diseases, some of them of long standing. I wroto to. you for lulvieo and look LyiJIu il. J'lnklmm's Veucta bio (Jontiound, nnd somo other tlilug'i thiit you sugges ted. I must coufcui that I nm much hot ter in every way und have been relieved of flomoof the worst troubles. My neigh bors eny I look younger now than I did fifteen yew., uko." Mrs. $AKMl It. Wiiatuty, Atlien, Texas, It. F. 1). No. :i. llox 92. 'o knov of no other medicine which h.ia been so successful hi relieving the suirering of women, or tecoived so many genuine testlmonlnN, ns has I.vdiu K. l'inkluun's Vegetable Coniound. In nearly every community you will Hud women who havu been restored to health by this famous medicine. Almost j'Yery woman you pu-et knows of the fircnt good it has been ilolnji umong sulTering women for tlio past 30 years. In the Pjnkham Lnltorntory nt Lynn, Mass., nro files containing hundrcd.iof thousands of letters from women seek injt health, in which many opvuly state over their own slg natures that they have regained their health by taking Lydln E. rinkham'a Vecetablo Compound, mnny of them state thnt it hits saved them from surgical operations. If you want special aimce wrjto to I.Tdhi K. I'ltikham Medicine Co. (ronll dcutlal) I.tiiii, Jlns. Vour Idler will be opened, wad nnd miiMrrvd by a vromaii and held In strict cuundeticc.i "How did the Itlrtl know that " II) .ilms wc db not mean, poor iual Itv at a cheap pri, but th hst ijuaMt) at a price In which tin. re II a fair profit t "r-v5JCas We've "totulied off" a few speci mens sUzling hot at ihtwo prtcoi; Lnilos' Hand lkigs, 30 por cent off 10c Waiting Tabluls, 'i for I'c ,10c Soap, I for '-'5c "Thu sWetnvss of low print seldom eiiimls thu lilUerneux of poor (iinllt" Haskins for Health MFDI OKI), OFF Hen Welcome .Mother's Friend A. Duty that'Every an On' toThoyo who I'trpatunte thu iUco. It Is Jii't n tmiiorunt Hint nrn liould know nf prr-lvi' inrtliMU In ndranre ! ijiiithtrlioiMl. Tlir mini rinir. ain nan in' Iriuii Inrlilcnt It (lilld lK'rlriK (.nil lw railli iiNiiv bY Unrlne at baud a Wtlo ut I n wi,nilfrful. iirnrlrstlnir, rltn nal 8i)llculli lhat kIImm all trtuton tlirmiiUili'iuuilnmlilvii l.iu liifii.lnd vllliMit tlir painful tlralJt Un I lie f' inenK. Tbu llr .t.J-l all llin mr voiia x IU ; the tmiti-nry l nauwa or morn Inn alrLnna I cimnierailnd. ond a tirlclil, iinny, liappr dlapoallln la prM rl ttial ri'lth-ta wi.nitorfully tipn tlin rharurler and Irtpih-raminr of itic till!" one aoon lo oprn tl rjr In litwllitoini-iit Sj ''' J"lr t Ida arrlral. Ybit run obtain a txitllit of rijiillirt'i IVIrnrt" at anr ilma tri it VJP, and It nlll tp t)i"Ut dvltar's W'flh jdi cor (.litalnnl. It pr.Tt )lif umlli rr'a liiallli, cnalilP4 tier In make a ipdrk mu) minplrtr rwovrjr, aad lima wllh rir rifwul ilrfnth aim will tairerly devoto'l In lliu rnr nnd atli-atlon wliich nmn to uiurli (7 Urn Mflfare of lio clilld. Wfl h H llmilllvld llcji'dajur l'i.,, ') Lniuar illdit AtJtntn. !a , (r Ihilr valu clilf 'fciiil linlnitilv lim.fc of gilldaiira for eiporlniit tur, irvru, (let a bulllo ot Moth er 1'rJvnd today. That's What Wo'd llavo Von Do, by f iJVJJich You'll Find Our (i'ikmIh ibo llchl Fver Of find Von Our llroad, Our Jf hum. Our IMes, Our (Uko; Our Ilollu mid All tho Ittwt, Wo Itely upon, Good Frluudu to Mnko 'TIs Iho Dost that Htiuida Iho T0.1t. MEDPOltD BAKERY & DELICATESSEN U HufUli Cciiiial. Iff s? s If Slav - tt fr v I I a. i'i;n:i t Grace Josephine Brown The Ait or Singing AMilhible foe Conceit nod Church IIchIiIcuco SIiiiIIii IUI17 Weft Main St. Phono IH;l 'lite itet (line joti need lloiii', Just xity to jiiiii' grocer when ho cnlNi "Send nn u rmck of Drifted Snow Flour Oltco you use Drifted Snow fiif'yntir baking and yon nre on tho ro:ul to tho best baking huccpssos that ever attended your efforts. Us hard to do good linking with muiio flours. It's natty with l)rl(lud Snow. This pure nnw-wh)t flour repro vents the best ot tlio chojvnst wheat, blended and milled with ojtntmn care. ICvery grain of wheal that, goes Into Drifted Snow Flour bat first been thoroughly scoured nnd cleaned thnt'a why you never find speukH of dirt In a txiak of Drifted Snow. Kvery huiisowlfi) who purchases n sack of Drilled Snow Flour has an asstiriiui'o of perfect baking results. Tho flour Is KUiirsiitiMHl to product Just such rosulls. If you nro not satisfied with It. Just tell our ro rer and ho will tako It bark und return to you tint full pti't-ht.o prbf, lie doe-n't hut wo pit) him At All (illHVK Sperry Flour Co. Wliat'5, Wrong? -oor c)cT - or jour ulnc? -dojmi Know? - wnut I" know? - It's a ptrllneitl ? - the mtiuIMc courfc nwrrlnln (lie cniiK'' Wc can tcllyeu. ? My methodi of testing nro corrob orative and accurate. You tako 110 chances here, A trial will convince you. DK. RICKERT Hullo 1-2. Over Duel & Co. Willi Medford Trade In .Medfutd .Made Phono us your orders for Milk, Cream, Butter, and Buttermilk. 01m HTitifrn.y i-tti-sn iitrr- TKIt HfJc I'FIt HfJtlAIti: Our llKlirtlltADK len cream will pliiano you. Hold In itiautllles. of 2 gallons and up. Wo have our own twlceu-dny de livery. ROGUE RIVER CREAMERY I'lptpo iltlH Willi Medford Trade I Medford Made 1S located rMiyii popular x.jAitVfir-- j10tei m the City. Running ditttillcd ice water in cncli room. European Plan, a la Carlo Cafe. Tariff on Rooms 12 room 00 rooina 50 room (JO rooms wiik piirtU Uih 60 room ulib pri"' bath $1.00 each 1,50 each 2.00 each 2.00 each 2.50 each 30 aultei. bedroom. Dar lor and bath 3.00 each For more than one uunit add $1.00 eulra to the above rate fur each additional uit. Reduction by weak or month. ManugtmtM Chultr IV, Ktllty Brrvi-mmrxmnzrwryt: F.G.ANDREWS Loseiiu of drill uud i)nnjf Jtyuin. , WHERE TO GO TONIGHT s3 Jf VIS- THEATRE ti.VTHIK FI..V0F OF I'lCTMHIW ttl.MliltltllW Cuiiiliig .Miniility "In the Claws of the Vulture" 'I luee-lterl Si-oniIImiiuI I'eiiluro PAGE THEATRE TONIGHT A hiijh cliiss picdiro )iro' Ki'.'ini. Many iiilcidKliiif; icnf iiros. A special feature tonight. MR. HARRY JAMES Bnritono Singoi , In Special Select ioiiH No Change in 1 'rices 5 iiul 10 Conta ISIS THEATRE PHOTO PLAYS TOH.W Tine M'i cru HloKraph Special In Two Heels Hcji siitlnual liidhtfi llattlo Scones .... HV .Ml'Tl'AI. .UlltHlt.MK.Vr IMIhoii Comedy A WOMA.V SCOHNHD I'athu Drama ComliiK Sunday; A LADV AND IICIl .MAID No. I of tho llellnda Sorleti Mnlliieo Dally Draperies Wriirry vrry comptolo tin ot ,i -.,. ricA. inco curiAiutt. rutur. oio. and (In ull cIhnnin of iijiliulNti'rtiiK. A yinin'i en, ii. 11 IH'CIIll IIIIWI III IUIIK HIIIT HUM VOtS rxcinaiv i'y nnd will ulvn UN koikI iti In txixnl bio to ut In own wrrvlrii IilO lUIHI'St Ollll'H, Wook3 & McGowan Co. The Medford Warehouse gi:m:u,l htouaoio Orecou's MitHt iiilodiito I'lro.proof Wurehoiiso with Uiirtiliir-pioof Vitiilt. I For rates Miply ' MEDFORD REALTY (S. IMPROVEMENT 00.,; MufiBjtr j ( 'W mth 'Mrs -