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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1913)
m SHOTS SIX " RrEBFORTJ MATTJ TTtrniTNR MEDFOTIT), ORKCION, fUTHRMY, JTINTJ 2fl, 'MM. iXJUSL! MANY FLOATS 10 BE IN BIG PARADE FOURTH OF JULY Tho commltteo having In charge tlio details ot tho big street pngonnt nnd parado on the night of tho Fourth of July, havo completed the details ot tho hilt undertaking nud mnko tho nnnouncontont that tho big gest thing over seen In southern Ore gon ot tho kind will bo produced. Tho responso from tho merchants, lodges, school)!, Indies nnd others has been most encouraging nnd tho com mitten states thoro wilt nppear not lcffl than twonty-tlvo handsome floats gorgeously electric lighted nnd em hlcmatlc of tho Interests represented while practically all tho lodges will ho represented In various ways In competition for tho many cash and special prizes offered. Tho ladles riding club and tho Greater Medford club u ro vlolng with each other In tho excellence of their appearance and tho commltteo states thnt these two organisations nlono will occupy several blocks In tho parade. Tho pride ot Medford, tho O. N. G. boys, will be given tho place of honor In tho parado and tho full company will appear in heavy marching order, equipped for actlvo war duty. This will bo tho first time tho company has mado Its appcaranco In full war trappings, with knapsacks, tonts, canteens, rations and all tho other things that niako up tho outfit ot tho 17. 3. soldier. Tho buglo corps will herald tho way In the march of tho soldier boys and aftor tho parado tho O. N. G. will form tho guard along tho street used for tho Mardl Graa festivities. Tho parado commltteo havo been advised thnt Gold Hill will be repre sented In tho paradp by not less than fifty men, carrying dinner palls, fol lowing a hugo load ot coment nnd float representing tho big cement In dustry that is now assured for that energetic town. Tho boosters will also bring, their tlno band and from all indications Gold Hill will bo tho big hit in tho parade, unloss soma ot tho other neighboring towns wako up Not tho least Important feature ot tho parado will be the floats entered by tho outsldo schools. Tho cash prizes of, $7G.OO offered by the com mittee, havo awakened a great deal of Interest among tho country and outsldo town schools and a big rep resentation Is promised. Many beautifully decorated single and doublo driving horses and bug glos havo entered tho competition for tho prizes and tho auto section promises to mako a showing large enough to mako a parado In Itself, It now appears that tho committee should havo arranged for a longer courso on Main street to proporly display tho many features that will appear, and It may yet bo found nec essary to extond the wires for light ing tho floats a number of blocks further. Tho lino of march as now arranged Is on Mnln street from tho Washing ton school to Riverside avenue, and the order In which tho various sec tions will appear Is as follews: Marshall, Col. H. II. Sargent. Medford band. Oregon National Guard. Mayor and City Council In nutos. City flro department. Ladles Hiding club. Single driving horses. Double teams. Decorated automobiles. Gold Hill band. Gold Hill float and marchers. Outsldo towns with floats. School floats. Dorfdera section. Lodges, headed by Elks, Gazabo hand. Merchants floats. Whandoodlo Individual makeups. Whandoodlo floats. Tho commltteo will later announce through tho papers tho plnco of con gregating for tho various sections of tho parado. which will be formed on tho streets ntnrsectlng Main street west of tho Washington pchool. Tho cash prizes offered by tho commlt teo nro us follows, and will bo paid promptly upon proper certificate ,of tho Judges: Merchants fleat: 1st S2G.00, 2d J1G.00, 3d J10.00, 4th $C,00. Ladles riding: 1st $10.00, 2d IC.00, 3d special. Slnglo liorso nnd buggy: 1st $5.00, 2d special. Team nnd buggy: 1st $5.00, 2d special. Ledges: 1st 3d special. Whandoodlo 2d $10.00. Whandoodlo individual makeup: 1st $10.00, 2d $10.00, 3d $5.00, and tnreo special prizes MONEY UP FOR CRACK SPORTING $25.00, 2d $1C00. fleat: 1st $2G,00, outsldo school fleat: 1st $50.00, 2d $20,00. Docoratod uutomebllo: 1st 25.00, 2d $10.00, Raymond Hitchcock expects to ap pear In, a now mimical play next sea EVENT OF YEAR Tho Fat-Lean contest scheduled for next Wednesday Is attracting moro attention than any sporting event pulled off In Medford In recent years, Thoro has been considerable bet ting on tho uutcomc ot the game with the Futa a decided favorite. According to the conditions agreed upon Whistler Is to play thd victori ous team of last Monday's contest with five men. The game Is for fifty dollars n side, tho money hav ing nlrcady been posted. Tho pro ceeds gu to tho Fourth ot July com mittee. Whistler's Leans, as made up at present are: Leland Uevcrago, pitch; Whistler, catch; Mate Hyden, 1 b.; A. C. Rurgess, 2 li.; Summer vllle. 3 b. Tho Fats will probably lino up with Kelly and Hicham pitching, and at shert: Fabrlck, catch; C. K. Gate.-, 3 b.; II. C. Kentner, 1 b.; John Sher idan, 2 b.; City Attorney McCabc. I. f.; John Westerlund, c. f., nnd Mayor Eltert In right field. Tho Leans under Whistler, who Is an old-tlmo Chicago Whlto Sox, are working out every evening and get ting in tho best possible trim for the encounter, which is scheduled to go the full nlno Inning marathon rotite. Tho Fnts are taking things easy, on the old raco horso theory that It doesn't pay to score a grass horse too often, nnd they nlso rely on their heavyweight pitching staff to can them through without much work In the field. They argue that the Whis tler lineup should eschew baseball practice for relay foot raco training and declare that before tho mate has gono five Innings it will tnko flvo water boys to appease the lolling tongucd thirst of the Whlstlcrltcs. Kelly, who has been limbering up his casting arm for tho first period on tho mound for tho Fats, recom mends that a full hospital corps bo in attendance, as his smoko ball is not under very good control and thoro Itj a largo possibility of bcanlng n majority ot tho thin "men. Tho prospect Is for fair weather: fast ground" and the largest attend ance of the season. Owney Patton and Rudy Schulz will umpire. PICKS BUD AS LIKELY WINNER O'ERLEACHCROSS lly Court Hull. On July tho -HI' nt 3:00 p. m. Hud Anderson will meet Lmcli Oros nl (he Vernon nreun. Cross i one of the foremott lightweights Known to pugdom nt the present time. There nro now four WihtvMi;hts that the finis ore particularly interested in: It it chic vs. Joe Rivers nud Hud An dctou vs. Lenoh Cross. The win ner of thee two bouts will no doubt meet on I.nhor Day. Here in Medford tho Anderson Cross fight will tuke precedent over the Riicliio-Kivers affair, elowhere the championship fight will suhtrnct interest from tho Anderson-Cross fight, excepting possibly in Portland ami Vancouver. Hud is up ngniust n hoy this time who is both clover nnd tough. Cross is nlso some 'nfighter, nud knows the .mime from A to Z. Hut for nil that Hud will briiiR home the bacon, nnd there mmi he n nwou why I think so. In t'.io first place I cannot get over tho thought thnt K. O. Hrown was a tough customer to 'tent. One who fights nil the way, nnd nlwnys milking it mighty interesting for his oxiueut. Second Mnndot is one of the cleverest boys, in the lightweight devfcinn, yet he wns the easiest kind of game for Hud. Mnndot simply could not stand Hud's terrific in fighting. Hud in meeting Hrown nud Mnndot went against two direct op Myites in the fistic game, nud proved to the "world thnt he wns there either against n tough or n clever fighter. Cross is n combination of the two, but Hud is n lnrger combination. As he jx)ssesses n sleep producing punch in either hand. Cross is n good infighlcr, but Hud is better. In fact, no lightweight in the world compares with Hud nt that style of fighting. Hud's enormous strength nud jvowerful short nrm punches soon weaken his oponents. Hud can fight the full twenty rounds nt n fast clip while Cross will begin to tire in twelve rounds, if the puce is warm. I think Hud will win in six teen rounds nt the longest, with a good chnuei! to win before the tenth. From Hud's first fight in Medford up to the present time flOO pnr liiyrd on each of Ills fight would hnvn amounted to . 122,100.01). Not n bad investment for 1100.00. Jay Davidson of Ihn I.os Angeles llcrnhl couldn't uuderslnnd why Nolan for the first time in his career ns mnnnger, conceded weight to nny one. The reason is cnily explained. If N'olnu had not matched Ritchie with Rivers, Hilchlo -ould have been forced to meet Anderson, which No Inn wished lo nvnid. Dick Donald wns assured Hint Hud would he Rit chie's opponent July the -llli, if Rit chie nud Rivers failed lo agree on terms. Nolan knowing Ritchie's weakness ns nu in fighter, did not want nny of Hud's game, for Hud would have torn Ritchie to pieces in six rounds nt infighting. As to the ehumpioimhlp nffair lie tween Rivers nnd Ritchie it is a hnrd thing to pick the winner. Ritchie is a hard hoy to get n line on, owing to tun few twenty-round fights ho hns been in. There niy funs who think Ritchie is in u class by himself, while many others think any good light weight cun whip him. Ritchie hns not knocked nuyniie out in his fights, nnd wns n badly punished hoy when he won the championship from Wo gnst on a foul. Rivers has meet nil the toughest ones mid is known to have n good punch, and glur- u good account of himself In nil of his fights. I look for tho fight lo go the full twenty rounds, nnd lake jour choice, hut put your money on Anderson when he meets the winner. prMMg"r jm i IV-LjWB I HlMVHIP'VwVsyH FOR SALE Choit-o building site with bountiful view of Mod ford nnd vnlloy. .Just oust of Mod ford city limits in bost rosidonoo soot ion of Mod ford. This sito onn bo pmvhnsod for $1100 down. Long tituo nnd easy (onus on hnlatico. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 207 Medford, Oregon. ISIS THEATRE Special Programmo for Friday and Saturday THE, DEERvSLAYER Vitagraph Special Feature in Two Parts The thrilling tnlo of tho Pioneers nnd tho 'Indians in tho nowlmd unsettled days of Ainorioa. PAT THE COWBOY FOOD INSPECTION A WRECKED LIFE MUSIC Matinee Daily EFFECTS Admission 5-10 Cents M$M$JMy$M$M$M Eleqtriq (Booking Is True Economy NO FLAME, NO SMOKE, NO GAS, NO ODOR, LITTLE HEAT, NO WOOD TO BRING IN, OR ASHES TO CARRY OUT, NO MATCHES NEEDED, READY AT A TURN OF THE SWITCH. V TW f t t t t T ? t t T T T t; t T T T T f ELECTRIC RANGE, price $00.00 ensh, (J.'.OO on installments. This range has new typo broiler in top of oven, the best broiling device up to duto for any stylo stove. "Will bake, roast, broil or fry; is better, oloannr, safer than any other cooking appliance. Ask vour neighbor who uses one. Flat rato for family use, $5.00 per month. Ask about our special installment terms on this range. r EL BACO OVEN, price $12.00, will roast a chicken or bake two loaves of bread. Can be connected on any lamp socket. No special wiring required. Costs 5 cents per hour or less to operate, depend ing on quantity of current used. l.f i iiVrl in' c .i ... to M ?. "fc SAMPLES ON DISPLAY AT OUR OFFICE California-Oregon Power Company 216 WEST MAIN STREET. PHONE 1681. ? ? V ? ? Y ? t f ? ? ? ? t ? f t ? ? ? T ? ? ? ? ? T t T t f r T t ? T ? T t T t t T &&&&&$& tr JwSk jyr I'T .ITi V Jm K l r J HURRAH for Medford Glorious Fourth funic Unto n (loud Time I N. II. If there nro nny Foot In thin locality thnt need cool, comfortnldo Kootwenr Imforo tho Koiirth, wo nro hero to fur Inh It tho IniHt Hint's mndo iiul nt tho right price, Kverythlng In good t'ootwnnr for ovoryhody, Bchling's Wo like to I'll flood Fit Shoo Htoro Tho Kurd to Kit Protect Yourself Ak for ORIGINAL GENUINE ..v -i W& 1 'j'!4EfllHiHrKlnMiflRK?fliHEif w-w-r The Food Drink For All Ages Higkly Nutritious and CoiTRlcBt Htcli milk, with malted irrnin extract, lit powder form-iltmwlvo In water moro healtliful than tea or colfce. UhlhI In training athletes. Tho lnwt diet for Inftintn, (5n)vinR Children, Invnlldn, nnd tho Atretl. It ngreoH with tho wotikont UlnoHtloiu Amkfof ttHOIUfOK'S"-at Hotolm. Rtf.tam-mntm, romttakutm Don't trnvul wltlmut IL AIo keep It nt home. A lunch In u minute. In I.uncli Tablet form, uImi, romly to tint. Convenient nutritious. SUMMER VACATIONS SEASHORE OR MOUNTAINS VIA TIIH Simson Tickets on Sulo Dally Until September 30. l(Ol SUN51T v XiW. r McrfX TO 3-l)ny Tickets on Snln Knturdny nud Siiuduy. TII.UVMOOK AND MAVI'OItT IIUACIir.S. Season fares from tho principal Mntlnus to Newport or THUmook llctichci nro us follews: I'llOM l'nrthind On-Kou City Sitleiu Alluiny ('orvnIIU MllKI'IH) ItoncliurR Medford Ashtnud TO Newport TO Tlllmuook llenches FA III J ft.UO " I.VO r..uo . 7.10 U..I0 " 12.00 17.J0 17.71 Week end tickets on FAIti: Jtl.21 fi.SJ f..lft 4.U0 3.7r, .7r. 12.00 " Corrospnndliu; low fares from other points. unto from vnrloim point. Sl'XDAV KXCI'ltSlll.V TltAIN ON Till: ?. .t K. It. It. leaves Alluiny nl 7:20 n, in., nnd connects with tho S. I'. Imlns 1C nnd 14 Northbound and No. 13 Southbound. EXCURSION FARES EAST Tickets Mill bo sold from nil mnln nud branch linn points In Oro (nu lo Kanlcrn destination ono uny tlirnur.h California or via Portland. Stop-overs within limit. TICKIiTH ON nam: DAII.V H SUIT. !. I'liiul Keliirn l.lmlt lll. Jll.l. For bpniitlfully llliiHtrntfil booklet "Vacation Days," nnd hook lets describing Tillamook County llenches, Newport nud other points, as well ns information about Kasturn Fares, ronton, stop overs, etc, rnll on nearest AkoiiI or wrllo to John M. Kcott, (icnciiil liiiiKp AkciiI, I'ortlnud, Orcnoii. ROUND TRIP FARES to the Second World's Christian Conference via tho SUNStT sl I ICCOtHtlHASTAl I to Portland, Oregon June 30 to July 6 FAJIFH FIIOM Albany (round trip) SII.10 Kni;mm (round trip) I1.KA Corvnllln " " Jet. City " " 4.30 Salem " " 2.00 llnrrlshurK " " 4.15 nil otlior polutH. (INK AND ONF-TimiD FAIII3 Tlckots will bo uold from nil polutH Houth of IlosehurK Juno 2U-30, July lHt to 5th From Itouohiiu; and nil polntii north In cludliiK brnncheu, points on tho U. & K. F. It. & N. and H. F, O. & W. Juno 30, July 1st to Uth. Final return limit July 7th. THE GLORIOUS FOURTH will bo colobrutod In various towns In Oregon nud u ono and ono third faro for round trip will bo In offect hutwuuii all stations whom tho ono wuy furo Is $0,00 or leuu. For dotullod Information, train service, etc,, call on uoarest niiont, or nddross. JOHN fit, KCOn', fleueral FaNseuuer AKOiit, Forllnml, Ore. J O M ,?r..