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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1913)
-4- fftontfbtns. MEDI?ORT? MATT) TRTRTTNE, MTSPITOITO, OKEdON, TIinTJnAY, ,tunr so, mm. Sf ?! U v It -, Hedford Mail tribune CfSB AM lNOWKNOKNT NBWBPAl'Utt i'tJHMSIIKl) KVKIIT AITKHNOON K.1UBIT HUNDA1 HIT TIIHJ MKUt'Ono 1'IIINTINO CO. Tho numocrnllo Tlmm, Th Mflfortl Mai), The MedrorJ Tribune, Tho South Hn Orogonlan. Tho Anlilntui Trlbunx. Offlcn Malt Tribune HiilMltiK, SS-27-3t North Kir (trcct; telephono 7S. OfNrlnl rnper of the City of Mai ford. Official Paper of Jackson County. UKORQrc I'UTNAM, Kdltor anil MfttiaKor Kntercd ns Medtorrt, Oregon, under Huron I, 18.(. nccond-clac matter M Uio act of BUSscnrPTiOK rates. On. yrrir. by tnnll On month, by mall., -15.00 .DO IVr month, dollverotl by currier In juriiinra, jacksonvina ana ucn trnl Point .SO Paturdny only, by mail, per yenr 3.00 Wvrkiy, por ytar . . - RULE GOVERN r HERRINGTON LET OF OFFICE FOR REFLECTIONS TO E SHOW TO BE HELD JULY 4 The ttvvnrd committee oC tlio civic section of the Greater Med font club, Mr. F.. . Fiokol, chairman, tho Mrs. Y. T. York, J. A. Terry, W. I. Vuvv- ter iind Mi'-' Putitnm, announces the follow in? clarification of roses to compote for liluo ribbons nt the "flower hltow on July 4th. Section A Nest six General Jnciiiteimiul. ltitft mx 1j France, (pink,) Host six Caroline. IV-tottt. Heat six Ulrich Hnituies. Section H Hesl mx White Ln France. Hcst six Fran Karl liritM'hU. Hest iut ICnfocriu Augusta Vie- Rosarian Discusses Official Rose 3. :1. 4. n. o. SAN FUANC1SCO, Juno 2G. Clay ton Horrington, federal ihvcstlgator or whlto slavo cases tor the depart ment ot Justice who gathered evi dence. In tho Dlggs-Camlncttl cases and who called upon President Wil son to oust Attorney General Mc Heynolds for Ills action In tho McNab matter, was suspended from oftlco to day upon orders from Washington. ' Tho order was signed by A. J. Dlclaskl, chief ot tho bureau ot In vestigation ot tho department ot Jus tico and reads: "Your telegram received by tho president reflecting upon tho Intcg rlty ot tho attorney general. You aro hereby suspended from duty without pay pending receipt of explanation." llcforo receiving tho suspension ilcrrington dispatched tho following telegram to tho president: "As a citizen of California, I cbarso tho officials in tho department of Justlco and department ot commerce and labor, with disregard o tho judg ment ot tho courts and in violation of tho law liavo prevented tho doporta tlon of French prostitutes from this state. I demand an investigation. On March 14 th Secretary Wilson was In formed ot these cases." In a public statement tonight Ilcr rington says: "President Wilson npproves in words tho way McReypolda dealt with tho Dlggs-Camlncttl and Western Fuel cases. Ho disapproves in deeds .by ordering tho immedlato trial ot tho defendants McTtcynolds tried to savo. This is not only inconsistent and unjust but humiliating evasion ot the responsibilities ot his high sta tion. "McRcynolda explanation," he continued, "is oven moro pitiable His excuso was that tho facts were not fresh in his memory. McRcynolda needs a better memory as much as President Wilson needs a better at torney general." THE WORLD'S CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE AT PORTLAND Tho occond World's Christian Citl zcnshlp Conference will bo held in Portland, Ore., Juuo 23 to July C, of this year. Soventy-flvo to ono hundred speakers of national and interna tional reputation will discuss pres ent day problems vital to tho wcl furo of all nations, among them President Wilson. Tho principal meetings will bo held in tho spacious Multnomah stadium, bectlonnl conferences In nearby auditoriums. Tho conference will open with a general mass mooting on tho after noon pf Juno 29, with three sessions dally through tho week except tho Fourth of July. On tho morning ot Independence day celebrated men, American and foreign, will spoak, followed by a groat civic parado and demonstra tion. Low fnres on all tho roads, goal for tho whole tlmo of tho conforonre uild speclul rates for special days will bo granted. Special ratcB at hotels and private residences, Mon and women aro cordially In vited to attend all sessions and en Joy tho advantages of this raro op portunity. Registration may ho secured In ad vunco by Bending namo nnd address to Dr. James 8. McfJaw, 212 Com mciclal Club Uldg., Portland, Oro. CHILD'S PRANK ENDANGERS LIFE OF PLAYMATE SIUTTLK,, Juno 20.-Geor-giu Kempt, 8, ilnughtcr of Mr. nnd M.W. W. V. Kempt, ia n danger of looinj,' her life ub tho iomiU of a rhjld's prank. She was htruok over tho head with i picket by her play mate, Nathan Sliindle, 0,'son of Mr. mid Mrs, Itmrinro Hhjudlp. A nnil puTccu uiq fkiiii nnd nrnueiit on i. torin. 8. llest mx Papn Guiltier. 0. IW-t six Mninnn Cochct (pink). 10. Host six Marecbnl Neil. 11. Best mx Undo Hoses. Section U VJ. Host four rod roses, any one variety. 13. Host four pink roses, any one variety. 11. Ucst four white roses, any one variety. 15. lU'nt four yellow nwes, any one variety. Section ! 1G. Be.-t Hybrid Perpetual. named, any color, three bloom each. 17. Nest Hybrid Tea, named, any color, three blooms each. 18. Host Tea. named, nny color, three blooms each. Section i: 10. Best new roc, nny color. 120. Hot fivo blooms any variety. 21. Host collection, nix vnrivliotf, nny color, four blooms each. '22. Best basket of rocs, not lois than twelve nor moro than twenty four. First ami second ribbon. jj. ise&t mx roes, nny climber other than Marcehnl Nicl. 24. Best three clusters, miniature robes, nny color. Section F 2u. Best individual ro-es in the show exhibited iu nny color. tifi. Be-t bouquet of roses, four varieties, four blooms each. "TV ItA-t cinntn Jtvlitliif nf inn n ciaaau viniia v. . more varities, ench variety displayed in bcpnrntc vases. Utile and Ilcxulatlons The following rules nnd regula tions will govern the exhibits: Exhibits mut bo placed on thr tablo not later than 11 oclnck a. m. on tho day designated. They will bo numlutrcd necordhifr to the rei)cct!vc sections, class and number for which they nre entered. Prizes will be awarded by number accordingly Tho names of exhibitors shall not appear on the exhibits until after the prizes have been awarded. Kvery exhibitor shall leave the building at 11 o'clock, when the judges tdiall examine tho ex hibits and award the prizes, and nt 1 o'clock in the afternoon, or us boon as practicable, the show will bo ojiciied to the public. Awards shall be made only to ama teur growers. "Amntcur" is intended to mean one who has never bold and who does not grow for ale nny flow cr or plants. All roes niut have been grown in tho open ground nnd must bo tho bona fide property and grown by the exhibitor. Tho bumo rose or ruses can not ha entered for more than one prize. All ro&es ininro'icrly clashed, named or entered, or which havo added folmgc, or wrich do not conform to the rules and regulations, will bo disqualified and ruled out of (ho contest. When u certain number of roues is designated in nny conijM'titioa there must be neither more nor less than that number entered or exhib ited. Tho judges may decline to award a prizo to any exhibit which they consider unworthy of reward, even when snid uxhlbit is the only one in its olass or section. Srulu of Points for Judging Size 20 Color , 'Jo Form 20 Stem , . , it Kubstuiivu , . , , 10 Foliugo lfl to tno wiiiter: wiuio wo aro hoping and planning tor our Initial rose show on thu Fourth ot July, wo cannot expect to havo tho ex hibit wo will hno not year when with the whole season before ua cur rose lovers will study and plan with such enthusiastic icsutts ttrit Portland's heart will fnliiy acho with envy. Wo must choose on offkinl roso. Which shall It be? Tho glorious "J. 11. Olnrk," with Its great flowers of Intcnso wen riot nnd vigorous upright growth, It leuds Itself particularly to decornthe and exhibition pur poses and Is not so given to mildew as ninny of tho roses In this climate. pinch otf Ingrowing shoots so that tho ventilation through tho follnKo may keep away tho mtldow. When you havo varieties that tend to throw their lilonniH out In duUi'x, pinch out with your finger or lead pencil all hut tho center hud and you will have mm perfect tlower on that stem Instead ot several Inferior ones and as, you lovo your rotes don't leave thu wilted dead flowers on your hushes cut thorn otfalwaj leaving ono outward giowing o)o on tho stum ui)d lit a few dn another lmoly blossom will reward sou for jour labor ot lou It Is a groat pity that our cold itigats ho encourage tuu mluluw x it 'I ey Then wo havo the "Uvon Rose." tho nslto that once In tho garden or bar Only roso grown scoring 100 points der it Is dKUoult to gut rid of hint in perfection. It Is wonderful with Its salmon and chorine yellow Mind lugs, tho buds aro coral red, beauti fully formed and on my own buslms I havo seen a distinct shade of lav ender In thp opening flowers. Tho "Frnu Karl nruskl," our "Whlto American Beauty," is ono of tho best ono could mention. It is a constant bloomer and its bright shining green leaves nro a beautiful contrast to Its splendid buds and tin menso flowers. Among tho pink roses wo have tho popular "Mndamu Carolina Testout", tho "Pink Mnmon Cochct," nnd u lovely rose, "Phar Isaer," with n flno bud and well formed satiny flowers thnt is not aa popular as It deserves to be. It will bo hard to decide, ns ovory ono has his favorite and they nro all so lovely. Personally I favor tho "J. U. Clark," ns Tacomn has tho 'Lyon Rom." nnd Portland tho "Caroline Testout." Roses aro highly hud plants and very exclusive. They cannot shift for themselves and yet maintain all their superlative excellences. Thrust Into the shrubbery they sulk nnd suffer by tho competitor. Rut tho same bushes planted In rows so tint they may bo cultivated flourish sat isfactorily. Rut you must not ex pect to have beautiful blooms and a perfect bush nt the same time. A roso bush must be looked tion as a means to nn end glorious roses nnd tho moro this object Is kept In viow the less you will care how tho bushes look. Pruno jour roses hard, down to the fourth or fifth eye, It you want perfection In blooms, and tho tenth If j ou would rather havo quality nud moro follngo on your bushes. Al ways cut to an outward pointing eye and plan for as attractive a bush as possible Keep tho center opou. through the season. Rut It can ho don?, although tho reini'dlva aro often strenuous. First In lutpoit auce It U necessary to koop the ground around thu husho loosened and (inherited nnd tho hushes thorn selves open In tho center. Sometime this Is all that Is, necessary but If tho mildew has already appeared Bpr.iy tho bushes with atomic, Hiilphur or iiso this fermula: One pound Iron sulphate, one quart llmo nnd uul phur nnd ten .gallons of water. By consulting your spray calendar you will team how q mx It. All roses eltouUI bo sprayed In thu spring with lime and sulphur which lll kill tho aphis eggs nnd also net as a tonic Tobacco, black Jeaf nnd whllo oil soap will also rhl your bushes ot tho aphis but must be applied often. An Intending exhibitor of rose., should visit tho shows nud study tho forms of tho blossauiH In tho w lulling stand. Thu blooms should bo disbudded to otic on tench stem and carotully protected from being broken or torn by thu mud or storm Ono simple nnd effective, shndo Ih tlmsuo paper put over them and tied around thu stem Just before thu bud begins to burst. Mixed .iper Is bent as this will not become wet and beaten ou thu rose. Of couraa plenty ot room must bo left for tho bud to imrtly open without touching tho paper. Tho best tlmo to cut tho flowets is Just after tho dow has dried off of thorn tho day of thu show n;ul jou will havo to Judge for yourself by the appcaranro nnd variety of tho roso which blossoms nro best ex hibited. Make as great distinction us you can between each rote by not bavins two of tho same shndu to gothcr unless at course they nre ot tho tama variety. MRS. P. S. STi:F.NSTRl'P, SACRAMI1NTO, Ca., Jtiliu 2ll.- K,UTnitioutn police today IndlHiiaiillj deny charges that "Chllo" Ravigo, St. I.ouIh bunco man, ,mado that, ton confidence men are working In Hue riimento. At about tho namo tlmo the denial was mado, 11, ( Koucey, of l.omooro, Kings county, was fleeced of ?;10 by two smooth strati era at the Southern I'niiflo station. The old trick of matching dollars was used. Draperies V onrry a vary comnlpln Una of rirniiurlrn, men curali, (Uturfln. etc., nnd do all olimtiea of ujibDlstcrlim. A lii'clul nmti to tooli ntirr tbla work nkoliintvoly nnd will itlvo an mod pnrvlvo UN la imsNtbld III Kt III tivoll th luritvat olllca. Woolca & MoGowun Go. "Milestones" Is to go ou tour next senftnn to he plncd by an Kngllsh company. . WOMAN ESCAPES OPERATION By Timely Uao of Lydia E. Vegetable) Compound. i-t it nnkhama MissVenitallamilton PIANIST Pupil' of 1 1 UK" iMniiHlVltll J Ins Oppiiutl a Studio at G10 North Central WHERE TO GO TONIGHT ISISTJIEAJRE PHOTO PMVH TODAY ONI.V , minium i;i,opi..mi;nt Till WRATH OF OSAKA With .Mr. Cohlullo MO.YIitl'.M.,. Ol HIIIIC, tk'dlllti HALIFAX A.V KXCRHSION IN VAI.I.UY M'VIK Villi- Frisco Florist Praises Our Roses San Francisco, June 2 1, '13. To the Editer: Looking over one of your recent issues of the Mail Tribune, (Juno 18) I uoto your article biiggc-dlug to the ladies of the Greater Mcdford club "Ihc adoption of n Mcdford rose." A recent visitor of your place, I could not keep from noticing the profusion nnd endless variety of roses grow ing in the open and ho uttructiug any visitor to Med ford nnd filling him with admiration, adding ho much to (ho beauty of jour valley and homes. I linpponcil o mention, tho other day, to ono of the largest nursery men on tho Pacific coast, the names of roses, nnd I experienced u bad time in convincing him that tho growth of the roses in open ground was not ex aggeration, but been by myself and in reality. Richmond. Knrl Drusebki, C'nrolm Testout, nnd whatever their name might be, we kuuiv them on the const ns fine roes, raised however with the grente-it cure nud oxpeiihe, in stivint beafed gins. house, commnudiu good prices nil through the vear. I shall refrain from suggesting one or the other rose us u Mcdford rose u they all look good to me, but if there is preference for a particular rose, tho ladies of Mcdford will solve tho question fully. "To encourage your work in a gen eral cultivation of 1 lowers, rones par ticularly" is my motto. Your great vnlluy set to acres and peri's of choice fruit, good roads to come nud roses to glow, you have right now one of the loveliest spots ou the face of Hod's earth. Itl'DOLI'll IIAC'KI.K. , , j , . , Hero Ih her own statement. Cary, Mnlne. "I feel It a duty I own to nil suffering women to tell whnt Ij'dia 11 Plnkham's Voffotttblo Com pound ilkl for mo. One year ago I found myself nterrihtii suf ferer. I had pnla.1 In both shies nnd such a soreness I could scarcely at r nigh ten up nt times. My back nehed, I had no B petite, and was so nervous I could not sleep, then I would be so tired morning'' thnt I could scarcely get around. It seemed almost linxjsl' wo to movo or ao it bit of work nnd I thought I never would bo nny better un til l submitted to an oporntlon. I com menced taking Lydin F.Pinkham'a Veg etable Compound and soon felt like a new woman. I hud no pains, slept well, hnd good apctilu nnd was fat nnd could do almost all my own work for n family of four. I shall always feel that I owe my good health to jour mod. icinc" Mrs. IUywauu Sowutifl, Cury, Maine. If you nro III do not drag along until nn operation is necessary, but nt once take I-ydla F Pinkhair.'s Vegetable Compound. If you hrivo tho slightest ilotilit thnt I.yillu K. lMnlcliiini'.s Vegotn MoCoiiipiiiinitxvill liclp.voti.wrlto toI,yillni:.l'liilcliaitiM,Hllcl!io(.'n. Your letter will ho openeil, reml nnd i nsweml by i. woman, nnd held in strict coiilldunce. , FIRE INSURANCE 1). II. WOOD & CO, Oftlco I'pxtAlrit. Mcdford Mall Trlbuiio Building. Phenes: Office, OU. Residence 131. PARiSiAN SAGE FOR THE HAIR Unjlghtlj' mattnl colorlesa scraggy hair madefluffy soft -abundant and radiant with llfu at oaco. Uso I'arUioa Sajtc It comes In 50c. bottles. The first application removes dandruff, stops Itching icalp, cleanser, tho hair, takes away the dryncsaaud brittlcnrss, incre.iM.-3 the beauty of the hair, making it wavy nnd luitrous. tveryono needs Parisian Sajjc. Charles Strung, DruggM. With JUslford Tiado In .Med foul .Made Phono us your orders for Milk, Cream, Butter, and Buttermilk. Ol'll HTItirriiY I'RIISII RUT- Ti:it i.v pi:it SQt'.uti: Our 111(111 CHAIR. Ire cream will pleaHu jou, Sold In quantities cf 2 gallons mill up. Wo havo our own twlco-n-dny de livery. ROGUE RIVER CREAMERY Phouu U(IH With Mfilfoiil Trade I. .Mtslfoiil .Made AI.H.M.I IKIt'M ,M0THI:RINI.W PefttuiiiiK Augustus Carney Coining Toiiiiiuiiw iiu: iii;hrni,vi;h lu Two Pints. More Socialist Rant Toinl points,... j 100 Kach exhibitor is requested to ar range his or her own display nnd to bring vases necessnry. TAC0MA FIGURES 113,500 DIRECTORY GIVES 102,150 TACOMA, Wash., Juno 20 Rased on tho unusually qw eutliiiate, t;f 24 names of uctual population, tho new city directory Just out, gives Tacomn n population of 102.250. multiplied by tho flguro generally meiiMHs, plio is nt FrovMcimo rffta' the ,I,,e,c,(r' w0"ld sl10 llObpitil), 1C0 1' r. To the Kdiler: A good niipiy of your readers hope that you urc not often beized with kuci a spasm of hysterical iubccjlily lib characterized your tirude ngaiust bocia lists and hocialisin n few days ago. It is a notorious fact that tho Associated Press and other news agencies make a point of publishing the fact if a criminal happens to ho u socialist. When Roo-evelt wns bhot they said hU would-bo assassin was u Hociulibt, and this lie was pub lished all over the country. Let us illustrate your assumption tho other T DESERTMURDERPUZZLE I TO THE AUTHORITIES LOS ANOUL13S, Cal., Juno 2C That tho mystorioiiH murder of n middle-aged woman, found dying last Sunday, In tho Verdugo hills, will go down In tho annals of cromo us another unsolved mystery, Is tho reolliig around police lieadqinirtein hero today, Moro than three hundred persons havo vlowed tho woman's body and twenty-flvo or moro Identifications havo been mado, but not ono of thorn has rosulted In revealing tho Identity ot tho woman. way around. Probably nine-tenths of tho inmates of our prisons aro or have been republicans or demo era Is. Therefore these parties bleed ciiniiiinls. Lincoln was killed by u domoeiat and McKiuley by a repub lican. The teachings of (licsu par tii. eoiisuqueutly lead to Criminal anarciiism. Idiotic yes, hut it is the same kind of stuff, I will not rail it reasoning- that you gave us the oilier day when von asseifcd that all socialists sympathized with crime. I don't imagine, that you will pub lish this for it is a liltie too true. .LJI I,VMAI.I. LOVETT TO APPEAR AT WASHINGTON', Juno 25. A spe. clul session or tho "Insidious lobby" Investigating committee will bo hold tonight to hear testimony ot Rohct 8. Lovett, head of tho Union Pacific oxecutlvo board. Tlmo works quick ctiangeH lu tho growing girl, l'lg-tall.t and short skirts aro soon forgotten In tho ma- Hirer charm ot tho debutante. .Sometimes though you will ucho for n picture ot lier Just as she romped In from scliool or piny. Think how sho would llko ono tor-, In after yoars to show her friends nnd possibly her children. Alako tho appointment whllo thu thought fresh hi your iiilnd. I nm tho photographer lu your town II. .MACKIIV Iv. .Mil I li and, Mcdforil, Or., IT ALL DEPENDS On what jou uau lu nil mi the dough. You May Gain u Reputation) for rich, moist, but fciithcrly-llgnt broad, muffins, cakus and pimtry, If you uso Crescent Baking Powder Jf'vs'x '"0 wo power IF0itj unit In It matiu Its good work cer tain -ono boglnn to leaven wiuui jou mix tho dough, tho other when jou put It lu thu oven. 25c Full Lb. Ask Your (Irocer Crescent .Manufacturing Company Keatlle, WiiNlihigtou B? rra THEATRE TODAY The Black Conspiracy Spoctaculftr Two.Rool Kay-Boo :t Ollici' I'iiH I'lioloplnys Coming Friday, Saturday "TIGRIS" Foni'-lvit'l Im'rIihv No raise in admission John A. Perl Undertaker Lady Assistant. 2H fi. IlAUTf.KTT Phones M. 17 and l7-.T-i Ambulunco riorvico Deputy Coroner A Flour You Can Bank On When you purchase a sack ot Drifted Snow Flour from your grocer jou can rest as tuned that jou havo au good a flour as It la possible to mill, A floir that Is us clean uh modern scouring machines can make and as vtholc- hoiiio and pure uh tho fluent wheat will produce, Drifted Snow Flour Is sold with a guarantee. If you aro not satis fied with tho baking iohiiUh you on talu from this flour, your grocer will pay you back tho full piico for tho whole sack nud thu four you havo UHcd will cost you nothing. It Initial good flour to llvo up to uuch a guurantco--aiid Drifted Snow has nlvvnys mado good. Thoro Is satisfaction In ovory sack, Sperry Flour Co, IIAVE YOUR' WATQI! . CLEANED OCCASIONALLY! A .WATCH will ntn trittibul oil or cleaning longer than any other plcqc of machin ery & it. needs both occojioin ally, 4rmE-M w If you will consider thaf the rim of the balance wheel travels over fifteen miles a day, you will not grudge youn watch a ipcck of oil and a cleaning; onco a year. It will increase tho life and accuracy of your watch. Lmys your, wattu with us te&Uji I CARRY the WaUham, Elgin, Howard, Hamilton, Illinois, South Bend, and Rockford movements in all the sizes. Also the new Gent's Thin Model Full Dress Watch. Martin J. Reddy thu ,ii:wi'.r,rcii IS'ciir I'ostoffUu PLUMBING Btcam nnd Hot Wator Heating All Work rviiKrnt4 l'rlcea ItcaxiiinUla COFFEEN & PRICE IS Buwtrd ntock. rntrane un lb SH. Uouit l'tioii 4t. E.D.Weston 01'finial Photographor of the Mcdford Commercial Club lAnmtoiir Fini.sliing Pu.stCnr(ls 1'anonnnic Work Portraits , ' Interior and exterior viowa JTIaHh lilits NcativeH made anv tinio and any plaeo by a)point-tnent. 208 E. Main Phono 1471 FI fl 1-H :LC(l.i.lil I VI MH M !ffl?iWfe Beift located !B H nnd moat ?SilllMi6i M3l popular iaW8SJftitUClinthc City. Running distilled ice water in each room. European Plan, a In Carle Cafe. , Tariff on Rooms 12 room 00 rooms 60 room (10 room wilb pilvtle bilh 60 roomi ttilh priult bath $1.00 ouch 1,60 eneb 2.00 ench 2.00 ouch Z.DU CttCIl 30 tultoi, bedroom, par lor and bath 3.00 ench For morp than one aueit add $1.00 extra to the above rntei for each additional uueit. Reduction by week or month. Managtmtnt Ciffr IV. KtlUy F.G.ANDREWS .. I.ccboo or Qrlll and DIiiIiik Itouro. -. i,' t '...- .. .".7 . -