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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1913)
ArtJkvtfVk4 4 4'VM',V - trwvl --!. UH f 1 - V - M r . I S . f- K - " V V V "? 8 A , 1 T '. - 'V A' ' PA'GE SIX, angpFOKD matt; tribune. Mrcpirom), cmrcnoy. "Monday, .tunv. 10, ioi:k MAMMOTH ANCHORS and CHAINS OF SS. IMrERATOR REBELS DEFEAT TO AT STOP GROWTH ELITE OF ARMY LAW VIOLATIONS OF h &V . ' r ROYALTY REVIEWS GRAN1S PA H OPERATION HOUSEHOLDGUARDS POACHERS LD HUERTA m UBS YOUTH " tf t i 11- l-ar. i VIND80K, England, Jupq 1C In tho boniitltul Great Park, adjoining (ho ground of Windsor Castle, King George today rovicwed tho houeo- hold cavalry, or mounted ncctlon of tho royal bodyguard. The three rcg Intents, first llfo guards, second life guards and royal horse guards blue, arc reckoned tho ollto of tho llrlt ith army, and In thotr glittering cutraBcs and helmets thoy made a gallant show as they trotted and galloped past tho saluting point. Excluding tho gorgeous band, whoso scarlet tunics ro smothered In gold loco, tharo wore Just over 1600 guardsmen on parade. Many of tho spectators irero hoping that tho king would don- a culms and hoi met for tho first time In his lire, but ho did not risk It. Not & man present was loss than li feet, and tho arcrago was prob ably nearer six feet three inches, so his majosty contented himself with aflcld marshals uniform rather than ho tho only "midget" on the flold. Tho duke of Tcck, brother of Queen Mary, was in command of tho first llfo guards, whllo his brother. Prtnco Alexander of Tcck, is a ma jor In tho second llfo guards. The regiments -vera first of all led past tho king by their honorary colonels. Field Marshal Lord Grcnfell, Gen eral Earl of Dundonald and Field Marshal Sir Evelyn Wood, who, how ever, took up positions beside his majesty before tho steel-clad squad rons thundered past at tho gallop, and tho younger princess, witnessed tho review from a carriage, and great crowds of appreciative spec tators thronged tho parade ground to watch tho brilliant spectacle. Queen Mary, with Princess Mary stringency, and that general mone tary conditions aro critical. Gllt edged first mortgages, oven on an appraisement of 40 per cent, aro go ing begging. A great industrial crisis is feared, owing to tho long credit on which business is done, and Inability to make collections promptly. It Is estimated there arc moro than S0.000 vacant flats In Berlin nlone. Many buildings are left unfinished because owners aro unablo to get money to complete them. Two of tho commercial fishermen nt Grants Pass were arrested last night by Game Warden Sniulry for fishing in tho restricted urea below tho Anient dam. Poth parties when taken had In their bantu. Mr. Sundry states that the unlawful fishing has been going on for sev eral nights, but this was tho first time ho has been ablo to catch tho poachers. District Attorney Kelly wired .1 N JohnFon, deputy district attorney nt Grants Pass, to push the prosecu tion vigorously against tho nqnch ore and to notify all the commercial fishermen on tho river that If tho violations contlnuo his office will tnko steps to test the legality of the law which opens tho river to com mercial fishing In Josephine county. Among the fishermen aro some of tho most notorious lawbreakers from tho Oregon City fishermen, who hnvo given endless trouble to tho authorities. A GREAT SUCCESS The anchors of the largest ship In tho world and tho chains which secure them establish now records for site and strength. Although a transatlantic liner may not use her anchors for years at a time, they aro always kept In po sition and In t-erfect working order. Tho SS. 1MPKHATOH. of tho Hamburg-American Line, tho Inrgent ship In commission, carries no less than five great anchors. Her main anchor I weighs 2G.453 pounds and Is the largest In the world. There are two additional bow-anchors, weighing 17.C3C peunds: a fourth of 11.430 pounds nnd a warp anchor of 4,960 pounds. nchor chains are provided largo and strong enough to hold tho great -'lip. Every link of the chains Is of .lardened sleet and Is designed with a Tossbar that they may not tangle. Tho -omhlncd length of thoo chains Is 1.2S0 yards, or about three-nuarters of n mile. Tho combined weight of tho five anchors and tho chains Is 4S5.0S2 pounus, which alone would mako an Important Item of cargo for an ordi nary vessel. The anchors aro designed with long of course, be enormous. The IM PKItATOIl has n length of 019 feet, n beam of 98 feet and a tonnago of 60. 000. Her great site has been utilised to equip her with largo public cabins and statomoms, which do away with nny suggestion of crowding. She Is llli I'ASO. Texas., .tunu 1(1. In n lull lie wild I'JOO Mexican federals, near .SiiuhIIIo May 121), leheU under OeueriilH Vllln, ('linn and Hernandez, tlel'cntcil Hie lluerlii troopu willi i Iiihs if hIx hundred In killed mill frouuded, according to dispatched re. celvod here today from Southern Chi huahua. The rebel Iom Im not given. Alter tho battle the rebel renamed their iniueli noitliunid on Chihuahua City. The federal gitriixnii of five hun dred nt Junrcx, aerons the Hie (Iraude from here is threatened liv n force of eoiiHtilutioimlNtH from Ojiiitifa. rockIrelo" A MEDFORD Tho Southern Pacific ran a well patronized excursion to Shasta Springs yesterday. Weather condi tions in California were Ideal and tho excursion thoroughly enjoyed by all. At Weed tho baseball team left tho train, the train going on to Sis- son, whoro somo fifty excursionists visited tho Slsson fish hatchery and enjoyed tho attractions of that place. Tho train then continued on to Shasta Springs, whero two hours wcro spent. Tho excursionists en Joyed tho mineral water and beau ties of that resort. Returning, tho ball team was picked up at Weed and fast tlmo was mndo to Medford, the special reaching hero at 10 p. in. A largo crowd took advantago of tho Pacific & Eastern's excursion to Dutto Falls and spent Sunday wan dering in tho forests along that nat ural picnic ground. Excursions will bo run every Sunday. The Moost picnic to Roguo River was participated In by a large crowd and a most enjoyablo day spent. sharpened flukes ,to prevent them from constructed with nn Inner hull rising dragging. Should they ever bo used. 'high abovo tho waterllne, which makes tho pull exerted against them would, I her n ship within a ship. SUNDAY BIG DAY WITH Iff BAPTISTS Westonloy was n hijj day with the UoptiMs of Medford. In the morn ing the pnbtnr preached u streiis: ser mon before nu appreciative audience on the subject: ''Tho Annua of Life." In the afternoon nt three o'clock over two hundred men gathered nt tho IJnptit-t church to henr Dr. II. W. MncCulloiiglt deliver the firat of Ids scries of lectures on "Tho While Life Among Men." The men's orchestra of the church furnished n splendid musical program. Dr. J. W. J. Mar ion presided nnd made a Miort ad dress in which he ntnted that the root of the social evil was tho double standard of morality nnd mndo nn earnest plea for the single standard of morality for both men nnd 'women. Dr. MacCullough (minted out what a tremendous problem was confronting the American nation ns well as other nations of the world in the social evil. lie told how if was sapping the life blood of the nation and of tho terrible results to the individual ami the home. Dr. MacCullough made n stirring appeal for "Tho White I.if-j Among Men." Dr. W. W. Howard r-nng "Hook of Ages" with splendid effect. In the evening Dr. MacCullough painted n word picture of Peter leav ing the boat nud going to .lesus. As Peter wns sinking heuentli tho waves ho cried eut: "Iird, save me; or I perish." Tho pastor showed how this was the prayer of every earnest Juan nudhow Jesus alone could snvo. The henico closed with UnpliMii. Cotcstlu Excursion. The Southern l'ncifio will run nn excursion to Cofcstni Sunday. June 22. Particulars by hand bills and uewspnper advertisements Inter. 'S WASHINGTON', June l(l.Maiin ger Jimmy Callahan, of the Chicago White Sox, will tndnv nsk 1'rcMdcnt Wilson to sanction Ihu issuance of letters by the stale department to American Ambassadors abroad, nuk ing them to do what thev can to help the Giants and White Sox on their world tour, which is planned for tho end of the present season. V The president who is himself, some "fan" is expected to accede. Senator James Hamilton Lewis, of Illinois, is expected to introduce, it resolution in the staid United States senate wishing tho louring baseball ers Godspeed. Legal blanks toi sale at the Mall Trlhiino officii. tf Tim game nl Weed yesterday lie Iwccii Medford and (ho lumbermen was won by Weed (1 to fi. Medfoid was robbed of the game by u rock in tho field, ugalast which a ball bouncul mid shot over the fence nmking the only lioinernn of (he game. Medford was ahead until seventh inning was reached nud with out (lie accidental homcruii by Weed, tl.e home town hoys would have been returned winners. MiKeddei' from tho Applrgute pitched lor Medford and was declared by i he .Medford rooters who made the trip So be "some twlrler," Hunt relieved him in the fifth, It being Me Fid leu i first game and with some p-tUiico MeFndden will be able to go the iiLo lounds in tiptop style. Weed will probably come to Med ford for the Fourth of July series nud these gnmos should he the best baseball Medford has had nn oppor tunity of witnessing tu tunny years. Tho major league clubs liavo start ed to gather tho 1913 crop of minor lenguu wonders. Detroit was one of tho first of the big league club to get on tho Job, having signed Pitcher Grltnen and First llaintmiu Hums of tho Ottumwn (la.) team. PHILADELPHIA, June 111. Heroic meuMunm were decided upon today by surgeons ut thu Medico Chlrurgleal himpltal hero to stop tho growth of John Michael, n fifteen-) cur-old boy, who Is now six feet seven Inches lull. So far ih known, this will ho tho first uport Hon for "glgautlclsm," A portion of the pltunry glnud, which Is be lieved to control tho menhiinUm of life, will bo removed from thu biuo of the youth's brain. Mentally the boy Is ns yet normal, but tho surn eons say that if tho operation Is not performed tho overgrowth of (ho body will of fret his mind. Helen tints nro hopeful that tho operation will bo micccHxfiil, Names taken from tho lineup of thn Chicago I'edernl league team, im printed In a Chicago tiotrHpaper: O'l.r'y, Htan'y, K'nugli. KMIug. O'rlch, M'Dou and M u Ire. r.m..Mi.ii:i piiysicianh reeognlie tho value of Lydla K. Pink hum's Vegetable Compound and do not hesitate to prescribe It. A wo man from St. Cloud, Minn., sas nho was led to lake It neenuso she learn ed (hat her doctor's daughter had been taking It with most ouelleul remits. This Ja another link In tho long chain of evidence to prove tho reliability of Lydla K. Plnkham a Vegetable Compound for women. i Luxury Without Extravagance Hotel Von Dorn 242 Turk Strcot Finest popular priced Hotel in San Frouciaco Modern Central WTn JTTiT.-.'TinTiTffi o YTl?nTi7iVrTlTl ti?i Yi H $m$m$$m$m$$mJm$ w JAMMED! PACKED!! CROWDED EVERY NOOK AND CORNER IN OUR LARGE STORE FILLED FROM THE STROKE OF TEN WHEN OUR DOORS WERE OPENED, UNTIL AWAY PAST CLOS ING TIME. IT WAS A SPONTANEOUS OUTBURST OF ENTHUSIASM OF EAGER BUYERS DETERMINED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE Unequaled Saving Opportunity THEY CAME SINGLY, IN PAIRS, BY THE SCORE, BY HUNDREDS, BY HORSEBACK, BUGGY, AUTO, MOTOR CAR AND BY TRAIN FROM EVERY POINT IN JACKSON AS WELL AS SISKreOU AND JOSEPHINE COUNTIES. i i TOO BUSY TO WRITE ADVERTISEMENTS THE THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS ARE AS AN ARMY OF BOOSTE RS AND HAVE TOLD ALL THEIR FRIEND S MAKING TODAY A CLOSE SECOND TO THE PHENOMENAL BUSINESS OF SATU RDAY. Sale Will Continue From Day To Day WATCH THIS SPACE FOR SPECIAL DAILY ATTRACTIONS UNTIL THE END WHICH IS IN SIGHT, IF POSSIBLE DO YO UR TRADING IN THE FORENOON, AS WE CAN GIVE YOU BETTER SERVICE. T T t T T t t T T I t w I zi &tt&2fTtt?&tt? ' ... . -. t ,. I . i.J. ! , . .U.. . -! ..&. F. K. Deuel & Co. Clo. Dept. &M&N& t y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y T y