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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1913)
3 mrdfort) matt; ttubunf,, arEDFORTv oi.Kcioy, Saturday, may ai, loin. PXOTCFlYK v IOCAL AND L PERSONAL Mrs, i: MnlltMiliork left Hiilurilny fur I'ruspm't to visit Imr tluiiithlitr. Now alfalfa Iihv for mile. V. H. I..rluird, Hiuii W. uih at. I'huno tii!7J. i .Indite CoIvIk will return Monday from Dallas, 'IVxus, where ho Iiiih lll'l'll lltttldlllK till' rilllVI'lltlllll of HIirllHTS. Colonel Frank II. Itny uiul Mr liny sailed Hntunlny lo spend tin.' summer nt linden ntid otlutr l.itrn l'nn wulijrluK places. Tint)' will ro turn to Miwlforil Iji September. Orchard, lumtlnjc, flalilm- and Crater l.akn scones for aalo nt Oar' klin: A llarm'tin's studio. NKiitlves made any place, kudnk HtilshliiK. 12N l.nst Mnln atreet. I'hono 2 1 & It. llnrry Mossier, Will I it Hrolt uud Ituy (luruullo nrilvil hi Mi'iUonl IV iluy evening, having coino from Fort- . land In ii U'liltn steamer unto. Thuy loporl some of tlin muds through the Willamette valley very poor. They linv.i ii rntiuy engine, designed nml patented liy Mr Hi ol r. driving tin rur mill Ii promises to lie u grert sun ess, engineer' 1 1. A. Iluverldge littN turned from a trip to (IrniitH I'wu Tin Ml x I ti minimi district coiii thin of lint Woodmen of Hut Wnrl.l for Ijiiii', Cimim, Curry, Douglas, Jackson. Josephine, Kliiiiiuth nml l.nkii counties mnh hold nt Klamath Fulls this week It. F. Mulkcy of M i'it font, J A. Itiirluiiiiin of Hose burg nml It MrMurphy of Kugeii' were elected delegate to I hii lii'iil camp session to be hold nt ('iitnrni'o Hprluga lii'KlmiliiK July 2K Tim K. I'. A. cliili will r.lui nu entertainment Hiituriliiy flight, Mny 2t, consisting of sunga, uiiikIc, etc. In Hplker'a linll. 54 ,Mm. M It Hire will arrive short ly to tnko ono of I tin telegraph tsisl tloim nt till' Hotiihoru I'urlfln pasnen kit depot. Mrs. Hire In buo of it,. tew women ntlll In tfu railroad sorv Irn nml hits boon tilth Hii- Southern 1'iirlflc iimiiy yoiira. Kodak finishing, best In town, nl Weston's. V. T. MeCray, tho veteran rMI engineer, arrived from Hup Frnnrltro Friday evening, on n business nlt Mm. I'rcil Hlaglel of Oiulllii (iin Mamlo Nicholson) Ik making Med ford relative nml frli'iuU n vlnlt. t). N, HnyiliT of Clniuliilx, who U pri'Mi!llt of Him U'ooiIh I.iiiiiIiit roiu puny, Im lici'ii npi-nillnK n Tow itii In MiMllonl. It. II. McCunly write all klmli of Immrmici'. 401 M. K. ft II. blilR. IMionn 34(i. Hurry Vouuc of llrownnliorn U ;u Mmlfilnl hkrIii. hut will ko hnck o din iomtiiiil mt noon nt C. BMiil-t kiii rot iirnti from tho emit. Mnrllu Johutoit of Wmulvlllii mn! n tnmlut'iHi trip to Mi'ilfont, IiIh lor mnr liuinc. I'rlilny nflcrnoon. (lorkliic A lUrinon. ttuillo or tralt, homo portraltt, flnb llKlitu, kmlnk flullliliiK, pout curd work ud unliirnltm.i 128 leant Main itroet: toloplioiiu 215 It, MIhk I. una Oihoru urrlvi'il from Weed, Cnl., I'rlilny iivimiIiik. Civil llnr.lniiT llnvorlilmi ntiiruil from DrimtH l'nn diirhm tho rvcok, whin u he hint liui'ii on profouMmiiil liimliu'sn. , Mm. V. M. Huiltli or HtnrlliiK nml Mr. nml Mm. Clifton Hmirii of Wlnmr ntli'iiilod Miulford I Mull tu'lnNil'H rem iiii'iiromont. ItiHiiro nml ho iiiro, UUht If we wrltu It. 11. A. llolutcM, Tho Insur nnro nn, " Mrc A. M. Ilofrmmi of Han Fran cUro miidii .Mudford frlimlH a Hliort vldlt tho foro purl of tho woi'k llmiry II. Nutt, who U now lornti'd In .lomphliio county, ttpunt IVIdny lift itrimoii In Mudford. A.,Htrund, thu niluiir, mid hlit vlfi uro ovur from Appli'imto. Tho llolin'nn Whlto Sulphur Ilntlia mid HwluimliiK I'ooIh nl Aiililund. OroRon, will oii)n for ttho huhhoii Hiituriliiy, May lo, ' 04 .1, II, Uiiumiiii or dolrt' Hill ti'.Ufl art ml IiiihIiu'hh in 'MviUukI FiUluy UftlTllOOII. Mr. nml Mm. J. J. Murphy of n.r run prccliirt turrlod n fow ilii)s In Miuiroril 4IiIh wriuk. Kmd Alton HulKht, tonchur of pliiiio uiul liiiiiiiiiiiy, HpecliillHt In cor rod prlnclplim of touch nml tocli- nlipio for hoKlunom or ndvnncod pu pllu, KnultM oorroctiid. Huininor torn). HulKht MiibIh Htudlos, 11U H. I.nurol ntroot. Phono 7SC-H. CD Mm. ltort Htono or Him l'runclaco (two Addlo CoIvIk), who Ih vIbU'ik Imr fonuiT homo nt (InintB 1'iih-i, wnr. In Muilfofil I'VUliiy, on tho way to .lucliBo.nvlllo to Hpoud n fW ilnyi with Imr hrothor, Count)' Ilucordor CdIvIk. nml IiIh wlfii. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS X.AUT AMISTAH Dity IMioiio SD7 Nluht V. W. Wfokn lOiM.U IMiouvs A. IC Orr U7H-M II. l,Mnlkoy. II (I HhinriT, J. V. I.Iiik nml J. H A twul I liuvo rittiiriicil from Klmuiith enmity, wlmrn thn mi iiuitl mi'ittliiK of tin Woodimui o" tho World for thin illMilct vwi hold. Mr. Mulkny, ,1. A. Iluclifliinu of It'on'-hiiii mid It. MrMurphy or Kniti'iin wmo oloi'tml iin ilnli'ttntcH lo Hid hottd i:iiiip wlilnh will lonvnuo nt Cotorudo Hprlimn In July. llmiry Alnyir nml I van Cullinrtiion or l.nkii Crmik wnro milium tho miiny who rmiiii to Mudfiird durliii; Hid wmde K. I),' Wxnton, coinmorctal phntog rnphor, nnnntlvot ninilo nny (lino or plnro by aiipolutmunt. I'hono M, 1471. J. M Krott, Kuuonil iinmirUKiT ukuI or Hm H, I'. IIiioh In Orouon, who him lii'on In Mi'dford on official IiiinIih'hii, 1 . r t for I'nrtlnnd Frliluy i'VoiiIiik. Mm. 0. W. ColvlK or nrnnlii i'.mn nt Jnckmiuvlllti, vUIHiik her now. County lli'rordor CoIvIk- Dr. KlrcliKi'HkiHir will bo ut llnlnl Nimh itvury Hntunlny from 10 n, m. to .1 p. in. on ami nftur Mny 'i I, ' Wlllliim ll)t.i-i. nml John (I Dun iiliiKtnii wont oviT from Jiirkmiuvlli I'rlilny nftiTiioou. Mm. V. (I Aldoiihncmi of Hun rrmirluro Ir vInIHuk frli'inln living nt Yrnkn, Cnl. Vupor hatha nnd clontlflo mi nito ror turn nnd woiiipq. Dr. It. J, Kockwoml, chiropractor, S03 (Jar ii'ttCorny bldK. I'hono MR. tli'orr.o ItoliiTtH, tho nltoruoy, w;i In Jntkhinivllln I'rlilny nrtiTiioon I.. I, Hamuli, who Iiiin Iicimi In Kin inn th I'ounty. riuruid to Mtili'onl I'rldny I'rniik Vllnki I finployrd In thu t)iin;iiKii diipnrtim'iit nt Hm H. I1. llfpOl. WluTO lllHllU'MII Ima tll'llll IIIIU- nunlly hi-iivy ylatuly. J. M. WlllluiiiN or Jiuk-onvllln trmimirti'd biulm-im In Mi'dford I'rl ilny. J. 13. Ilnrkdull ninilo u ImxInuM trlti In Jarknoiivlllo I'rlduy nfturno i. J. C. I'imdiiitou of Tallin Itork wan iiiuoiik thoKo who rmni) to .Mtdfinl I'rldny. AmotiK Hit1 tiipotntinintn mado by lli'nry Tnylor. ilift m-w Krmul mnttiT ot thn I. O. O. P.. wua that o' Low l t'lrlrh of Jnrkiouvlllu un grnnd Knur- dlan. Mr. nnd Mm. 0. M DuukHI cr umniii; tliolr Mr it ford frli'iiiU hv fori part of tho wtk Mr and Mm. J. K. HolUa wv n fr from tho JtonuT-liiKall orchaul lo rn ted mnr i:m:l I'olut. thin wrk. Mr. anil Mm. J. C. DiiKKnu nrrivud In Mid ford I'rldny nftcruodn. W. I Orr. who linn lun npi-nd Iiik anwirnl dnyn In Mi'dfonl, Ima j tiirmnl lo IiIh homo ut Kiiriiiik. Hhorlff HIiikIit wn down" from Jnckaonvlllo Krldny uftiTiinou. Mr. and Mm. JuiiuSi M. Klcntui, who liuvo Iii'ii ri'Nlilciita of MciHiTil duriiiK thu pnt 13 yean, lonro for uiif.Miinatn vnllny. Cut., In a lew dnyn lo locnti. Mr. Klariinu will tiiko rhurxo of Hii' old homo place. which la ono or tho boat In HUxoou county. Vitrnon llopklim of Kan Antonio. W. Van Antwerp mid C. Vun l)onn of I'oroat (Irovo nro lato nrrlvuN In M ml ford. Iko Wright, 8. !'. Potior mid C. It. Itlttor or IliiKim Itlvor Irunii'.cd liiialnoaa In Meilfonl IIiIh wouk. J P. (Iiikiiou Iiiih boon iiiaMitK I'ort Imnl n IiiihIiichu Iwlt. Wllllnm Hnto hiiri rvtiirnod from I'ortlnml, whom lu trudod u fnrm lo rntnd north of Itouno ft Ivor ror nvi Tty In Mnkiir City. Dlslrlrl Altoruuy Kelly upont n fow houm In Jucktonvlllo Krldny. John (Irliivo of Prqipoct wiih In Mi'drod mid Jnckuonvlllo duriiiK tho wook. V. ti. (lomt or North llmul Inn ro- turned fruiii Hun I'ranclKco with n riylliK miichlno, which ban bou trl-i.l out ut I.oh AiikcIoh. It will bo on or tho routiiroM or Hm Conn buy i Mo bullion of July 4. Will WrlKht of Hiiloiu, Ntiito l link iivnmluor, U In Modrurd on offlclnl IiuhIuiimh, Mih, WIIhoii or Coutriil Point din trlct Ih mukliiK tho illy u vIhII nml la roKlatorod nt tho MciUord, VptormiH or tho SpanUli wir will hold tholr miuunl oucimpmout nt Kit pmo Juno ilO nnd Ul, Kxtoualvo i.r rmiKomcutH uro bulin; mndo ror ilio occualon. I). C. lloBiirt or Contrnl point trniiHiictod buulnoss In Mcdford Krl dny. O. N. Nolaon or Juckonvlllii, Hm lumirntu'o iiKoiit, la tn Mod ford mcilu. Twlim woro born ut Bcuttlo rocont ly to Mr, uiul Mih, Androw Oiliivn. rormorly or Hib county. KuKonlra uxmulnntlouH woro mndo nt tho., ItOHuburK Commorclnl cl'ih rooniH nt tho rocont strawberry" (oi tlVnl by Dr. Calvin S. White or Poil lund, Dr. K, II. Plrkol mid ntho" proiulnout pliyRleluna. uiul prlzoi iiwiinlod. Kirtynlno Infanta wor outorod lu tho contont, who woro aa Homblod In throu cIiirhcb nml iIohIk nntml aa ono, two nnd throo yoni olila. Awardn woro bnHod nntlrnly on tho phyalcal structuro of tho out tint, bounty carnitine for iioHiIuk. JtiHao Adams or Tuloiit lillsrlct t.u rind in Moiirord Krlduy. A. V, llrndHhaw and IU 0. ChoU woro ,.nnoii tho rocuut urrlvu'j In ModrdVd Kflilay, Tim roport Hint N. I'. Tbroim nt Aahlnml bud rrrolvod Noviirul phlitla or tho I'rlndiiiunu turtlo niitl-tiitinr ciilur mitiiiii nnd Hint Ida uao or It hud mlli'd lo brliiK nuy iDiufirlil roaillla, la. donlod by tho (ounacl for M. Klnnor of Now York, who hoida Hm aiilo rlKht to tho anrtim In ih t'lilti'd KtutoH, Ho miya the-, mi niTiiin hna koiic out of thu iii"'.t "no il nml It will bo wild and nppMod only In Krludmmin ciifo limtitntoa wlilnh urn to Im tatnhllahod whnn toata or tho euro have boon cm plotod, A. II. Cornell or (Iruuta Pun la liliikltiR Moiirord n biialnoaa vlalt. (1. W. Thrualiitr nnd It. A. Hmltli woro up from I'liooulx Krldny nftor noon. Mntt Hi'lliy or DoiiKlna county, wl.o la atoppltiK In HtorlliiK dlatrlrt, hN for in or homo, wna In Medford Krl dny. Mra. C. Andtmon of Knot a crook nnd Mlaa A lloluia of Jacksonville wore rocont Mcdford rlaltora, AI F I (liniiiiil N boiiic lirokrn for I ho now prrooolint; plunt nt Ilio P. & K. juuclion. 'I'lu- Iiuilillin; will liu 8'ix 111) fict nml I wo HtorioH liiith. It in yot to bo ilotoriulni'il Imw tlcop it will III' pclKhilllll to llil for (IlO llllKCIIIOIlt. Tim pluiit will cunt illMMII) ami work will Murl on Hh ooiiNtritotinn in timo to liuvo it romlv for thin yeur'n crop. It will hloro 100 rum r fruit. ja -. ra-a- RECONCILIATION MARRIAGE (Continued from pr, 1.) lo bo n "family nf fair" nml not u mnltor nf hltito, llioro wiih not near mi Inrjn' n nuuilior. At the rent nil tulilo nt Ilio liridnl couple with tho Crur, Kim; nwinro, the Kmiwror, Uncoil of Kiinlnnil, KmproxH nml othom of tho royal kiiomIh. Aftor return nl of the foup iilntoi, the Kitincr nroo ami priMKcil a touxt to the i'oiiiii couple. Toasts n!o woro ilriiuk to Kiui; (looruo ami the ( Ilrlik-V Cnrtort (SUoii. After the dinner tho entire liriilul parly returned to tlio marlilo lialt, wlioro a "lorch ilanoo" bei;an. Foj; toroho-i thero woro Iweho lout; wax camlloH, held by mniiv Pukox, who led tlio iliiuco, in winch tho yuum: coupte iiImi ciikiikciI. Shortly uftcr l:;m tniiiyhl, onmc tlio final ccreuiiiiiy which Inniiclit tho wcdilinj fohtivitios to un oml tluit of ilividim; mid ilihtrilnitin tlio hrideV "KiirtorM." At tho oonoliiHiou of Ilio torch dunce, Ilio yoiiini couple outdo thoir hiilutiilionH to tho Kiiento and, led liy tweUo iiiiuok with hlited oainllo!, woro conducted to tho bridal chamber in I ho palaco. The princeM orown ami jewel! woro hero delivered to tho keeper of tho crown J'weU, while the hiuls uiiftrct. of tho court carried out the trndftiuunl custom of iliiitrihittiiiK parts of tho bride's jar tem. This now is morelv n ymliol of tho custom in tho old days when tho Initio's km lor woro actually out into miiiiII piece, mid iven us Miuvonirs to. tho weildiuj: Kitcxts. In place of tho "jjartiTH," tho mistrcfs of thu oourt iliKtribuloil ii MMivenirs to u small iiiunlier of the quests, little silk ribbons with tho tho iiamo of thu hrido on them in silver. Acoompniiied by tho emperor, Ihe princess, several ot her lirolhora, the Duchess of Unmswiok nml I.Mueliertr, her husband, woro escorted lo tho Stcttiner railway station, w lie to a spa oiul train was uwaitini; them to take tho oimplo to iluficrtustiick hunting lodj;o, whero they will sieiul their honeymoon. Itocoiiclllntlou MiirrlnKC Tho "uri'ftt reconoiliutlon murrinno" us tho (lermuns eallod tho wcdilinu', hridKos u political iilf fifty yours wide mid cuds happily u Ioiik stiiiul inn family fend between tho (lnelphs nml tho i'oiniui llnlienrollenm. l'riiioo Krnesl is hoir to tho orown of lluuovor, which the Iloheur.olloriis look uway from his rmulfiithor in 1,8(1(1. In plnoo of thu orown tho (luolphs liavo alwiiyn Bworu thoy would hoiuo timo uet hiiol;, tho KiuHer today kivo tho woulilbokin; of Han over his only daubtor. Hy thu nr riuiKi'iiii'iit Prlnco IJrnesl kivcs up his iduiins to tho old Hanoverian king dom, tho KuUor assures himself of freedom from attack front that qunr. lor, hy nttiiohiut; tho claimant to his own family, nml hin ilniiRhtor man-ion u prince who is hoir to .f'J.'i.OOO.OOO. NOTiri:. Tho Guards of Ghryaiintlioimim clr do No. 84, Women of NYoodcrnft, will nlvo nnotlior jino of tholr "fiood oltl-tlitui dancos," on Wodnoadny ov uluK, May U8, JUt U, ut St. MnrU's hall, tor tho purpose or raising t.i'iila to defray tho oxpoiiBoa or tho district convention to bo hold horo .Tuno 3. Tlioso ImvliiK iUcndod tlio ptlior doiicoH glvou by tho. circle mo n vltod to uttbmli also brliu your tr)cnil8, Cot your tickets from Urn Kijmrda or,miyof, tlia nionibprs' At the Churches ai. i;. riiiinii Miniiii. Cornor Oitkilnlii and Muln. Prnnrh Iiik ut 1 1 n. nt. nnd 8 p. m. Ktiudny hcIiooI ut 10 a. m , Kpwortb climu-j 7 p. m, Prnyor nn-etliiK Thurnlio ovoiiIiik nl 8. Count to thuxo Morvlre nml brltiK your friend-, T. (loulili.T, pnator. Inn fiiillicmn. HervlcoH ut VMm l.uthoran, r. 12 Weal I'ourth atroot, will bo conducted In KiikIUIi nt 11 a. m. nml 7:1 ?.) p. m. Sermon toplra, "A Nnmolost lllrh Mini," "A Poor .Mnu'a Wo.illh." Hunday reboot (KukIIhIi) nt 10 n m. Comn nml worabli. ItaplM Ctiurili. Among tho imulcnl iiumbora nl tho mornliiK acrvlcu wilt be tho aolo "CrosaliiK tho liar" by Wllllnm Vaw tor At the ovcnltiK aorvlcc tho trio 'Come Unto Mo" by Coeiien will bo mini: by Mlaa llutclrlKK. Mra. l.oMar nml Mm (Iroanley. I. very one In vited to thoso service. 1'lrst Ibiptlm ('Iiiih Ii, Itov. It. W. McCiiIIoiikIi, Ph. I)., pnator. Illblo achool 'J.4D: inornlnK worahlp, 11 o'clock. MIh l.tnnlo Holbrook of India will jireucb. Hub Ject, "Tho Oero People." levelling aervlco ut 8 i. m. Hormon by tho pastor lo yoiltijC people. Hllbject, "Tho Devil's Post Hoy Converted " II. Y. P. U. aervlco nt 7 o'clock. Kim I Cliurrli or ClirIM, KcleiilM. Hunday mornliiK service nt II o'clock. Hllbject or lesaon-aermon, "Houl nnd llody." Wednesday evo r. I u It teatlmonlal mettlug at 8. All nro welcome. Hunday achool nt 10; nil under tho ago ol 20 are wel come. Rending room houm, 1! to 5 p. in. dally, except Sunil.iya nnd hnll-ilny-. Church edifice. North Oak dnlu. Soionth Day Ad.eiuUt Borvlcca nro conducted at tho Sovonth Day Advontlit church on North Riverside an follew: Sabbath school, 1Q a. in.; preaching. 11 a. m.; Young People's meeting, 12:30 it. m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday evening, 8:00 p. tn. Vlaltom wilt bo uinde welcome at these lervlcea. Kirst lUptUt. At tho Sunday morulng aervlo Mlaa l.tnnlo Holbrook who hna been six yenra In India will apouk on the aub ject of "The Ccro People," at tho evening aorvlcc. Dr. R. W. MocCul lough wl'l apeak to tho young peo ilo, aubject, "The Dovl'a Post Hoy Converted." Thla will bo a special aervlco to young men. All nro wel come. ('Iirlxtlnu Church. Corner Ninth and Onkdale. nible achool meta nt 'J: GO u. in. Com munion and nrmon ut 11 n. in. Chrlstlnn l.udenvor at 7 p. in. Preuchlng ut S p. m. ' Prayer moot ing on Thursday evening, choir prnc tlco on Krlduy evening. You nro cor dially Invited to runic mid worship with us. I). I), lloylc, minister, cor ner Ninth mid Ivy. .Methodist 1'plMiipnl Cliurrli. Medford Mothodtat Episcopal church, corner of Hartleti and Fourth streets. K. Olln Kldrldgo pna tor. Services Sunday un follews: Preaching, 1 1 n. tn. by ltov. Uicoy or Califernia: 8 p. m. preaching by tho pnator, aubject "Transfigured Lives." Sunday school, Including classes for men, women nml young ludlos, 9: 4fi a. in. Junior league 3 p. in. Kpworth league CHTi p. in. Prayer mooting Thursday ovenlug 8 o'clock, Excellent music by choir under tho direction or K. 12. Kdmeuda. Speclnl music ror Sunday. You nro cordially Invited to nil these services. Prosbyterlim Cliurrli. Memorial servico at 11 a. m. All pntriotiu citizens nro invited to join with us in this service. Tho Post of the 0. A. It. mul tho Woman's Ko lief Corps will nit cm! in n body. The service, is in honor of tho bravo men mid women of 00 to 05. Tho church will ho nppropriately decorated with flowers mid fltijis. Tho subject of tho sermon will he, "host Wo Forgot." Tho jinisio is us follows; Quartette: 'ToDeuiu in C" hy Dudley Duck. "Tenting mi Tho Old Camp Ground." "As Punts tho Hoart." y- Hy the ooiigreKiillon nml cherus: "Soldiors of tho Cross." No 17.'i, 1.') "Ood Dless Our Native Laud" No. 300, 3-2. ".My Country "Pis of Thee" No. 308, 1-4. Kvenlnsr Rorvio nt 8 oVloolc. Suh jeet of tho sermon, "Tho Wise Stowtml." ' Miss Hnnco will render, "0 Lord Do Morioiful." Tho ehoriiR nml onnRreunlion, The Chanel Ilniynnl, Nes: 303, 1-1 j 300, 1-4; 311, 15, Sunday school nt 10 n. m., Super iuteudeirf, W. II. Oin-o. Primary Sunday soliool nt 10 n. mi, Huporinlotident, Mni. K. A. Welch. i Junioi-CJ E. nt 3 p. m. Keiilur ('. l!. nl 7 p. m. Prnyor meolliiir ut 8 . m. Tlitira ilny, subject, "Tho Householder." All arc welcome to those services, The church is on the corner of Mnin nml I loll v. DEMOCRATS MAY SPLIT OVER FREE WOOL AND SUGAR NVAHHINOTON, Mny 24, The wool nnd atignr stumbling blocka of tho tariff hold tho attention ot tho senate (Inanco sub-couimlttco and senators In gencrnt today, tho legis lative nlr being filled with rumors or tho contemplated change and tho nnd counter rumors ot fur ther tightening of tho administration rorcea ror freo wool and for free aug ar In three years. (Ireat Interest wna attached to thn statement mndo by F.emitor Walsh condemning the proposition to put wool mid sugar on tho freo list which gave rise to the report that ho might Join with Hcnatorn Ranadell and Thornton and vote against tho bill. In that caso tho aonato'a diimo crude majority being only six would be u He necessitating tho rote ot Vice President Marshall to pass It Khould this develop there are some democrat who bellevo Senator Poln dexter, the only nvowed progressive lu the senate will vote with them on the bill. This would give leeway for another democrat to desert In tho filial vote. Administration lenders declared to day that the situation looked very favorable for the bill, but they look forward to nn Interesting session In thu party caucus when tho southern and western senators will have nn opportunity to make a determined atrugglu against free wool and free sugar. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY KOR KXCIIANOK Hungalow for good team nnd vacant lots. Clark Realty Co. 64 TWO furnished housekeeping room in rear of 220 H. Crape; no chil dren. 53 KOR SALi: One fluu team or homi 1500 pounds, nt n bargain. 0. K. dates. 132 8. Riverside. A atato to to desired, but how can you expect It when with baking you aro tired? Why not solve tho problem now whllo those tired reelings lurk Ifa easy, when you onco know bow. Let the baker do tho work! MEDFORD BAKERY & DELICATESSEN 4 a 8. C-nrl Luxury Without Extravagance Hotel ) I Von Dorn 242 Turk Street S -Inncst popular pncea I Hotel in Sun Francisco i I Modern Central Beit located and most p o pular hotel in the City. Running distilled ice vater in each room. European Plan, a la Carte Cafe. Tariff on Rooms '12 rooms $1.00 each 60 rooms 1.S0 each SO rooms - 2-00 each 60 rooms wita pint Ut 2.00 each 50 rooms will print blk 2.50 each 30 suites, bedroom, par lor and bath - 3.00 each For moro than ono guest add $1.00 extra to the above rates for each additional gueit. Reduction by week or month. Managtmtnt CA-lr IV. Kithy HatJi.'.Uf..:isf.,.fiir:4 F.G.ANDREWS .Le8sVo ot QrWuud'blulug nqam. . Absolute Purity Effectiveness Wholesomeness la nlint you get In Crescent Baking Powder It contains two power units and ennnot rail lo rnlse tho dough. An Interruption In mixing or delay In unking will not destroy Its efficiency Hot your batter at night and bako your cakcftfln tho morn ing. It leaves no un wholesome res I duo In tho food, nnd It la perfectly health ful. for full pound can at all grocer oitfnifiisTJ uijiunKj Crescent Manufacturing Company Seattle, Waahlngton The Medford Warehouse OKNEIUL STORAGE Oregon's Most up-to-dat Fire-proof Warehouse with IJurglar-proof Vault. For rates apply MEDFORD REALTY & IMPROVEMENT CO. Manager i i ' " lrf ffiTn rlWran -rffcaiSaBWMaTri .'-''BBBSlalBlHilBLHaiHiiiilKl CUT DOWN COST OF PRODUCTION, CUT OUT HORSES AND MULES, USE THIS DENNING TRAC TOR, 3500 LBS., 24 H. P., $1200.00. CHAS. TSCHIRGI R. F. D. NO. 3. G32i430M&3 WIZARD FERTILIZER ODOHIil-SS, LASTING, WONI1KKFUL ItESUI.TS Sold only In 25 lb. white cotton bags, $1.75. 2 lb. car ious, 25c. Vse Only One-Fourth the Usual Amount of Commercial Fertilizer. For orchard, garden, fields, lawns and flowers. 3 to 5 lbs. for full bearing orchard treo. S bags for acre of alfalfa. Results lasting luto tho third year. Ono bag will take care ot 30x10 or 1200 reot of lawn for one year. What can bo coutalued on a dlmo la sufflctcut for C Inch potted plant. Ono table spoon full for a hill of potatoes, tomatoes, etc. S ASK FOU 1IOOIH.KT, IT'S F1U-.K. THE RUSS MILL gun. nnowN, prop. Both representative of the whole-. some cordial spirit of tho West and the best in hotel service The IMPERIAL HOTEL Portland, Oregon Both under the METSCHANS UP i JIAVP. YOU I.VKK TIIOUCi.lT How strong a connection tlinro la between Kyoncho anil Headache? Many people suffer unnecessarily from Headaches that could bo entire ly cured by wearing propor Olaaaes to relievo oyo strain nml lessen tho norvous tension. If your Head or Eyes acho try Glasses fitted by Dr. Rickcrt Eyesight Specialist Over Knntnor'a'. AFTER THE FIRE Yott will find it extremely con vnnlent if your insurance has been laced in a company which pays its losses promptly, and in full. I have no other kind. R. H. McCurdy 401 M. F. & H. Bid?. Phone S49 J. H. Mulhollen PAINTINGr. PAPER HANGING. TINTING and GENERAL HOUSE REPAIRING ' 1'liono ttOlt-1 320 West Hecond Street PHONE 67- J-2 A giant In strength A wizard In action. All fertilizer. No filler. YOU QKV ItESUI.TS :J3Xi5Xii2 'Xt (J) Tel. 043. I &zl&v)&& The ! HOTEL - JOSEPHINE '4 Grants Pai $$ Oregon .j management of the CJ i ' A I." 11 'i