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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1913)
"ffJJIV ,.1 JhWfc Af-. h- . i jiVi'iei S23 w i,UfoVfrTr--.T t, v tfnTrirt tV-S'W ( . P;VGT3P0TJR. MEDgQRP Mail tribune AN INDEPENDENT NlSWSl'AI'BK . MVKlir aH'MI BL.1 KTKRJIUlirj XXCKPT HUNDAY WYoTIlB MKUrOItD l'JUNTINO CO. The Dwoerntlo Times. Tlifl MeJforil Mall. The McdMrd Trniune, Th South wn Oregon inn. The Ashland Trlbnne. Uf(CA MM1 Trlbuno ltullillnc. ti-37-Is Narth Kir strti telrphono "6. OlCOItafi PUTNAM, Kdltor nnd MsnsRtr ., i KnlerMl nil seeonrt-otns matter at Mnlfonl, Oregon, under tho act of Unroll 3, 1879, f t . . . i timW n .May "30 fupld with hfs I, l)l, ,,-., ,ar how niul arrows has put Mora to rout. Mors is i?cncrally supposed to havo his homo In Germany, but tho tittle Utypjfod has the grim old war god tin tho run, for tho time being. Germany's horoscope now I rn In tho sign of wedding fortuities', royal engagements, rumors ot.en. csgoments, Jubilees, centennials and other celebrations. The ruonoionou tomtom of the so-called war and nr ijiojp plalo press has parity :lvou way to the wcddlnc march, and tho cll worn .standing headlines. "Another International Incident," "Interna tional Situation Darker," "Army In crease." etc., hnvo been crowded ou of tho placo pf honor on tho Iro.t pages for a few days. With tho wedding of Princess Vic toria Lulso to Prlnco Kraut of Cum berland, duko of llrunswlck. liov.n as tho "reconciliation niarri'Ko' just four days off, extensive preparation already havo begun for tho wcddluF Qf cx-KIng Manuel to Auguslo Vic toria of llohenz'ollcrn. The of"''il confirmation of the rumored engage ment of Prlnco Adalbert, tho kaUor's third son, to Princess Olga of Cum berland Is expected soon, and another "American duchess" soon tu he through tho coming mnrrlasa r.f liuko Karl of Cfoy to Nancy j.ili mnn, adds to tho topics of hcA-. l hand which are keeping pu.illc inlad eff wnr topics. Tho fcitUo array which i:crlln is even now beginning to don for the loyal wedding between Hohcnollfrn and Guclph wITI bo bar el taken oft boloio It will don Its ben bib nud tucker to eclobrato tho '.:iusj g-'d-cn jublluc. san rn.vxcisca -May at ntty pounds udrantoo in weight and six inches In height and a reach liko tho arm of a derrick could not win to night for Jess Wlllard, from Gun boat Smith who won the rcfereo's decision In tho last round of a 20 round boutl Tho heavier punch of n moro ex perienced and aggresslvo veteran counted for moro In tho result than reach and tho strength of his tower ing opponent and Inexperienco lost the. fight, Wlllard .had tho strength and cour age but ho was too cood natured and sluggish. In periods when bo might havo won tho fight ho lacked tho determination to push through for victory. In periods when Smith was n difficulty bo always bad tho ring genoralshlp and cool-headed shifty knowlodgo to pull him through. TO ATTEND MEMOHAL Tho memorial sermon to tho poat of tho 0. A. It. at tho Prosbytorlau church Siiulay, May 2G, at 11 n. .m. Tho tiost and Woman's Itollof Corps wjlj nttond In a Jiody. , All patrlodu citizens aro invited to ujttcud, Hpeqlai music for tho occa sion, DENTAL OPERATION CURES BAD CASE OF DEAFNESS KPOKKB, Wnsli., riy l.-y-Af-tec l)pin Ilonf In piiu ear for five yeavif 3Uss A. Comloy in today in f uy ,)0ShDssJQu jf her lienrin, follgw in m tlt'jilnl pporiitjpu Omiil wliich slio'lmil two troubjesomo teeth re jiiovcil. . , y Tliq t jrs't irjtimitf ion . tlm( IVIfgs Co!nley"jii(r Hint tlio decnyeil teeth . efpiijjljnjisiWo for liur ijtt'licjiojj tlieS')ijisr wgiu k!iu was overjoyed official rjwr tr the city or Moroni. 0WUPr, a welched trotll tllO poCKCtS 01 IUO eonuuoii people, ' n7oTZT seeks to boccmo a parasite on organized labor by posing as dneyW, uy man,- .".oo it ,rUi(ic, counsellor and preceptor beoause it wants On inontli, d) niMl - - -.--.- l, , ' ' IVr innnth, diOterl by carrier In I iiiiiV DUlllllUH. .ffl'nfJ,.!.! Tlu.Newsis one of a syndicate., newspaper that WrVa? .m'r:8:fnriMi I dtios whore the standard of intelligonee is low enough among sufficient proportion ro the population to PIIDin QIIDDI AMTQ support such institutions. These syndicated catch-pennies it I I ill irn HI 1 1) i,n Kinnnm imnnrhhi! exoont the desire for pennies. They GERMANY NATO A JOURNALISTIC FRAUD. TJIAT delectable shetiti the Portland 'News, which re cently attracted attention outside tho slums it nircu Intos in by wallowing up to its holly in tho nitre of Port land's vice scandal niul secured passing notice by be smirching tho fair name and good repute of the Y. M. C. A., is now championing tho referendum against tho state uni versity and singing tho praises of Pnrkisou, petition forg er and referendum fraud. Tho News, which serves as a on I eh basin for the pennies of tho poor to swell tho fortuno of its multi-millionaire m . it , i 11 ! 1.. J are lrieimiy 10 nujoruiuy .u mr u mn v.m au ni . . sell cheaper than other papers because they give less than other papers and are produced for less the principle econ omy being in wages paid employes. Those journalistic, -parasites on tho poor-affect a scorn for higher education and higher intelligence. Professing to stand for tho common people they can always bo relied upon to rant against reforms which mean the progress of tho race. But they aro always pandorers to sensational ism because it rakes in tho pennies. This most flagrant example of the mercenary dema gogue in Oregon journalism, which is as much a fraud in its pretended solicitude for the welfare of tho people as Farkison is in referendums, quotes at length from a Mail Tribune editorial which it is dishonest enough to credit to Eugene papers and says ' "Tho News believes thecc articles havo bcon Inspired. If not wrllton. by tho much advertised school of Journalism at the stato university: and the News feels that no moro dangerous doctrine could bo taught In tho state university than this doctrlno of using n department of tho people s school to promulgate attacks on honest men. and to protect appropriations, secured 5y qnesllonable methods, lly their fruits yc sholl know them, and the fruit from the Kugeno troo In rotten. "llcro la what tho sapient Journalists, trained by tho stnto university at YOnit ?xino. hnvo to say about the men who havo released Orogou from lis political bondage-.'' The News is as near truth as it over is misses it com- plciely. . . ... rite universitv "school of journalism" is not writing Mail Tribune editorials, nor inspiring them, never has sought to and is not likely to. It has no connection what ever with the Mail Tribune, and sets the News an excellent example bv minding its own business. The News "lies by dav, lies by night, and lies for the mere lust of lying," provided always there is a penny in sight to pay for the lying. . The News is now having a chance to explain m court some of its lies and a battery of lawyers paid by the slave driving beneficiary of its scaudal-monging, are seeking to shield it from the legitimate result of its falsifying pro pensities. As its contemporary, the Portland Spectator savs "We havo tho News dodging and twisting. ,rra,nj,ln,ndl,b'!!t,1!n: writhing and wriggling to escape tho very thing without which. It told us acain and again, It would perish miserably. ,,.. t, "Now. when tho law beckons It to show cause why t should not bo punished for Its misdeeds. It yelps and cringes liko tho bullying, ruffianly. mtlSti?lli influence In this city. It I. wholly devoid of any sense of decency, or truth, or honor. It Is tho cxpretslon of a narrow, brutalUcd vindlctlvo mind. Itself vicious, malicious and debased. It makes its Appeal to the low mean and depraved. Its outlook Is from Jjtarnri on I laughter pen; Its Inward view Is from a pesthouse to a carrlon-fllled grave It takes as much courage to legally resent an Insult '' .? as the unarmed farmer boy displays when ho seeks to chastise a skunk. Wilson Family WASHINGTON. May 21 Tho con viction is growing on folks nt tho national capital that tho WilbOf family which recently moved Into tho houso at 1600 Peunsylv&n'a aveu '. northwest, aro n pretty gcod sjrt. Mr. Wilson may bo president. Mra. Wilson may bo "tho first lady of tho land," andjtho Misses Wilson may bo social favq'rltes but taken individ ually and as a whole tho Wilson family is astonlshlnglyy lUc any other real United States fUctlly. In tho first place thp Vllcn fam ily Is very "homo folksy." Slnco .March 1, when the family moved !) President Wilson has bem ft J)U own firesldo almost every night that ho nasn't been to tho theater with .Mrs Wilson, or "one of the girls" Mrs. Wilson has dono somo eutcnumiiu In u quiet way. Sho has gi'en mv i:ral llttlo musicals and hair had hev ercl Bmall garden partlej on tho spa clous white houso lawn. 'Urn Mliso V. ltbon have been "doing the s-.ual t !'. for the fumlly, and Mis Jowlo Wilson has continued hu. hubby of ecMuloglcal work and luvcttigsttoo Uit It Is when tho prosldont takes his pxerclso that thp Ppfforspiititii simplicity comoB oukstrongest. W hen Toft was in tho whito house an afi?' noon stroll partook of tho naturo of a ceromonlal. First cahio tho pru dent walking, slowly and' sedutely us becamu ouo. of his porticoes. On either sldo of the president wiro Sec rotary III1 aud Major ihodcs, c.ilcf military aide. Liko as, not IMmdH wus diked out In full drc'f;4 uiilfonn. behind ihaui tlinjo and formliit; n rear rank, were tbrco splqmn facid seccrot stjrylco men plodding slqw along and thlpklne of tl( days wJh- LltnosovoU wus president nnd tl;ure was real stronuoflty lu their Jobs. When president Wllsqn goes walk Ipj; hp gonorilly slips out tlio b.ack door much to tho worry, of tlio scprot Bo'rv'lco 'guards.-' IIo solium takes IiIh pjllltnry jiide wtl h)ni. TIo presi dent recently has ucqulreiJ tho "Jim my" Sloan hiiblt. SqaiV la onq of tljp. 6(;cj:gt sgryjcc1 injm ,ad . thero la OTDFORT) matt; trtbotk 1K.. .iii.i in.i. l.ihmt MMlill' Are Homy Folks no othc'r)lko,i,Jlminy.,';,lf Sloan has any onemles which Is doubfTuI they would ndpit to their closest friends that they liko Sloan. If was first sight friendship botwecn sjopu and President. Wilson, and when tb,c. Jattpr walks, about tho capital now aday Jimmy Hioan, is wun mm aim tho twq, arp cljattlug away and laugn ing liko two cqllcgo boys out on a fark. There nrfl always other secret servlco men bringing tip tho rear, but you'd never know thoy were mom bcrs of tho presidential walking party. Tho president walks with n swlpg Ing "get-thoro" sort of gait. Ho al ways carries a cano nnd ho smiles boyishly over things that Interest hlra. IIo prefers tp walk through tho streets rather than In the many beau tiful public parks of Washington. Tho president inado an Ineffectual effort to abolish tho custom of Hay ing a khaki uniformed motorcyclo pollcetnar? trail along behind tho whlto houso uutomobllo when ho tnkos. motor trips, but ho didn't hayo a chanco. James Sloan explained away uu ins onjecuons. CAltl) OK THANKS. Wo wish to thank our many friends nnd neighbors who assisted us and extended sympathy during tho Illness and death of our htmbund and father. MI18. A, W. CMSMKNS BO AND FAMILY. waxti:i Two men who can furnish horsp nnd harness and good references to act as collectors and salesmen, Mod- ford and Jackson county. Good pay to right parties. Singer Sowing Machine. A. A. Allen, Mgr Hotel Medford. 51 I NOTICU Mombers of the Commercial club and others who will loan tho uso of automobiles for tho cutertaiumcut of tho vlsltjng Oijd FoIIowh will pleaso have thorn at tlio Nat at 5 o'clock thlu afternoon. " . OREGON". i iLLj.iLi-.Ljji COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS lie It remembered, that n rviuilur term of tho Cotpity Court of Jnotyson County, Stntniof Oregon, was liotnm nud hold nt Jncksouvlllu In tho court house In tho said county nnd slitto on Wuduostlny. tho Tth day of May, It) 1 3. tho tlnui flxd by law tor tho huldlim of said court, when worn prwont Hon. I 1.. TouVolle, County Judge! J. 0. Smith, County Commis sioner; 0. A. Onrdnor, County Ololk, nnd W. II. Slnglor. Slurirf, when tint following business vus transacted: lteport of Jus. M. Cronomlllo)-, County Treasurer, showing a tmtnncu of r,i),5?1.3l on hiiud May 1, 1913. Hoporl of Fred I,. CoIvIk. County He cordor. showing the ninnunt of fnos rollectod unil turuud over to tho Treasurer to bo $470. HO tor tlio month of April, lteport nt U, A Oardner, County Clerk, showing tho amount of foa collected and turiol uvi'r to tho Tnuisurttr to bo taiu.o for lint mouth of April, wlicrouiwm nil of tho foregoing tvporta U"6m ac cepted nnd approved. ' lloiul ut W. II. Slngler as Hliurlff approved. Tho following deputies wero np proxed. for W. II Slngler. Sherltr: K. M. Wilson, 1-3. W. Wilson nud J. W'. Wilson. In tho mntlor of tho rcauest for damngi's to estnto of Arthur P. Her bert by tiro from rond ouglnu, In tho amount of StVl.tUi. samo was disal lowed, Soml-nnnunt statement of County Trensurer Jns. M. Crononilller for sit months ending March 31, 191.1, examined nnd approved. Ordered thut J. S. Howard survey a road ncross tho Siskiyou mountains from Harrons to tlio California Hue. Claims agnust the county wuro acted upon as follows, to-wlt: County Cnurt. I). It. Crononilller, agisting export t 01.00 J. C. Smith, rommlsstoncr's salary ...r. 22.00 F. L. TouVello, county Judgo' salary .... ISO. 00 F. U TatiVolla, traveling ox- pensoa .... , 10.00 W. It. Wann, cxperllng books ......... 100.00 Total aac.oo Circuit Court. K. S. Wilson, bailiff .... 3.00 Frank Cusshnfer. bailiff .. C1.00 K. I). Adamsou, witness .. 3.70 II. J. Aydlott. wltuosi . . .. 2.U0 Frank llurgess, Juror 35.00 A. C. Coldwell, witness . . .. 3.20 J. II. Coleman, witness 2,70 Jns. Campbell, Juror .... 32.00 W. 11. Coleman, Juror ..... 13.00 Chas. Coppock, Juror ft 2.00 C. F. Dunford. Juror .. .. 12.00 It. F. Dean. Juror ... . 40.00 J. W. Orovor, Juror 18. SO W. F. Itolbert, Juror C0.0U Ceo. Holcomb, Juror &2.00 M. J. Hall, Juror 12.00 Johu J. Murphy, Juror CO. 80 Joe Martin, Juror 2.00 A. C. Manning, Juror 32.00 Oua Mitchell, Juror .. . . 9.00 Mrs. Aunn McPhersou. wit ness 2.00 J. W. McCoy, witness 3iJ0 II. F. Peart, Juror. .. ..., . 45.00 Robert II. Paxso'n, Juror,... 39.80 Hollls Parks. Juror....:'....:... 13.80 J. U. Itowc. Juror 00.00 J. P. ltlttor, Juror 41.00 J. K. Stowart, Juror 41.00 J. M. Williams, talesman. .. 2.00 J. W. Wilson, Juror... 12.00 O. Wllsey, Juror 44.00 Total . 83S.S0 JuMlro Court. Scott Doyer, constablo fcos 1.S0 W. V. lllnckert. Juror 1.00 Johu Cook, wltnosj. ... .... 10. (A) ItanUIn Kates, constablo fees 2.10 Kankln Kates, constablo fees 3.30 Itanktn Kstcs. comtablo fees 4. 75 llshkln Kte. constable fees 3.00 F. M. Ollmoro, witness ... 1.00 Dr. J. F. Hurt, witness 2.0f M. w. Hlatt. juror l.oo C. K. Hooper, witness 2.30 M. S. Johnson, Jurqr 1.00 J. N. Jacobs, Juror 7.00 Mrs. Ulchard Moo, wltui'ss H35 Kmll Pell, witness 1.00 Henry Provost, witness 1.00 Si A. Parker, witness 1.00 M. Powell, witness 1.00 A. U. Itfiwley, witness 4 1.00 II. F. Itvescr, wllnm 2.30 O O. Taylor, Justlco fees.... 7.35 O. O. Taylor, Justlco fees.... 8.80 Q, O. Taylor, Justice fees.... 8.45 O. O. Taylcr, Justice fees.... 7.45 Hd Thompson, Juror..... 1.00 O. V. Worts, Justlco fees.... 2,45 O. W. Wilcox, Juror.i..... 1.00 J. Q. W&lker, witness 1.00 Total .....!... 80.30 Htwrirrvorrin. D. D. Good, deputy sheriff hire ..'. 9.00 Aug. D. Slngler, sheriff sul- nry - 256.56 W. H. Hlngler, sheriff . sal ary .. .: ;.'.. 77.77 B. W. Wilson, doputy sher iff salary 4 75.0Q Total 417,33 Clerk's Office. F. L. Coleman, doputy cleric hlro 05.00 (1. A. Gardner, clork salury 250,00 Total 3M5.00 TrcasurtT'd Offlc.o Jus. M, Crononilller, treas urer's salary 100,00 Jan. M. Crononilller, deputy hlro 42.00 Total 142,00 Conmei-'N flfflro iiimI IwiucsU. N. II. H rad bury, Juror........ 1.00 M. Illshop, Juror 1.00 II. K. Golden, witness 1.C0 It, K. Golden, Inquest phys ician 6,00 Joo Johnston, wtmus 1.00 A. K. Kcllngg, coronur's fet-M .'13,35 Geo. Lawnspaugh, wltiloss.. 1,80 1). T. Lawtun, Juror 1-00 Nick Mltcholl, witness 1.80 Murtln McDonougli, Juror.... 1i00 J. A. Perl, coroner's oxponso.... 20,50 J. A. Perl, wltnoss 1.00 John A. Perl Undertaker , Lady Assistant. ' 2 H, HAUTMTrT l'hoiies M, 47 niul 47-.T-2 J Arobulauco Servlco Deputy Coroner MEDFOm W10D.NKRT)AY, ; MAY i-it 'Axma.iai-! m-ut-amuvu-i l.uj'"Jn.tnv mmjivtjjL.i.-' K. II. lMekMl, wlliiosH 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 W, II. SluKlor, wltnosH,, O. V. Tngwnld, Jurni... II. J. TrqwbrUlKPi Juror., Total 71,05 School Hupt, I mice, (1. W, Auor, supurvUor sul- Ivry no.OO I). C. Ilonry, HUpprvUor's salary t. 120.00 Mayo II. Wulls, deputy imp- irlntendttit iilro -11,25 J, Peroy Widls, supornten dent's salary .. 150,01) Total n.:A..:... 431. 2W l-'rult liixpoi'torVt Offlns j. c. Akin, deputy fruit in Bpitctor Ashlnnili'-ltcMiid, pilntliiK tpray: notleo Clydn Ilnruum, deputy fruit Inspovlor, April Clvdu llnlnli 111. deputy fruit liispnntor, Mnrcli 1). U. Cole, itprnyliiK trots ... Contral Point llcrnlil, prtnt liii: spruy Notice llouiit.Tl. ft Teh Co., ttl phono hill ..! Hemphill R. Martin, spray ing tree J. W Myers, deputy fruit In spector .'. 188.00 3.00 17S.76 1 ?9 .tl .81) 10 3.Vi 5.45 04.50 172.50 P. J. O'Uiira, fruit Insiiout- or's salary 410.00 P. J. iVOnrn, offlro cxptiuno 51.50 h F. Smith, ilopnty fruit In- spoefnr ' ..- 10U.7B AmIiIuiiiI Tidings,' printing spray millro ,... 1.70 Total . . .. Ahsrsttor'n Offliv. P. II. Dully, deputy A. II. Flshar, deputy . . . . Chaunrey l-'lowy; 'deputy... 1325.0G 20.00 60.00 100,00 100.00 05,00 88.00 30.00 125 00 00.00 104.00 Clint Onllatlu, deputy Kntio M. (Irluve, doputy B. O. (lodtovw, ileputy . .. . W. T. (Irluve, traveling x, iHiuses . . Jxift W. T. (trlprc, ussessor's snl nry . .1 K. A. Illldrotli. deputy (leo. F. Hull, deputy .... . P. M. Jnnuey, doputy 1Q4.00 (leo. luiuil. deputy 104.00 A. W. Moon, deputy 100.00 Kltu l'urkoypllir ditputy ... f! W. W. Truax, deputy Ufi.00 Jay IVrrlll, deputy flti.HO l). Wlulors. deputy- .v. .. lot. (JO Total I3r.00 Tax Collnlltm. W. II. IIo wmi. labor 7S.00 Amy C, Dow, labor 7S.00 K. C. Honsett. Inbor ... 2S.50 Quy Harper, Inbor 7S.00 Alleen Kingsbury, labor 0') Mlunlo Kelly, Inbor 7h 0 l.uko llynn, rent for build lug for uso of collecting 25 00 (Continued on 1'oro Five) Beautiful) Hands and Arms A I'AMOl'K IlHAUl'V (llVr-S lipil stx'itin' to t'h'i: wditi.i) A l'rvo Prescription Von (,iw Pn- pure nt Your Otw Home , Many women tnko perfect enro of their fnqo nnd clotht-s, yet negloct their hands. Hough, n-d hands aro almost as unattractlyo ns Ill-kept teeth. It Is n simple, cas mattqr to keop jour hands smooth nud beautiful. Tho following proscription, which )ou can compound at jour own homo Is famous for the marvelous, Install tuncous rosults It glvos; (let from your druggist one ounce of Kiilux Compound. Put It In a two-ouueo bottle, odd a uuurtcr of au ounce of witch hnzcl, fill with water and shuku well. , , You will bo surprised at tho p suit when upplle'd to your hands, arms, faco, neck or shoulders. Uloiu Ishes of every lntl dtauppvar as f by magic. Fruckles, tan, rough skin, coarse purcs yield Instantly to this application. It Is dcllclously cool and soothing and Is not uffected by perspiration. It will pot rub off. Thin Is tho prevcrjptlon of a famous Parisian boauty. FOR SALE Small Irrigated ranch near city reservoir. Houso, burn, shed, etc, Telephono and city water. Family orchard, bonlcsrgardon. New frio soil nil plantod. Ideal location for mnrket gardening, hurries or small orchard, Jluy this ranch, now and got tho benefit of this your'n crop, II. L. NO 1 1 1,1 T, Owner Phono 1018-L. The Medford Warehouse GRNKIIAT PTOHAGK Oregon's Moat up-.tiwlnto l'jro-prool Wnrohousp wth Ilurglnr-proor , Vnul'f.. .' For ratoB apply MEDFORD REALTY & IMPROVEMENT CO. 4 it h n Managors ...) l' 31, 11)1.'?, um ti s!.jrjiii.""j' .-J-: . Proud ns you 1110 of tlio duughtitr, nnd proud ns sho U of grndiiutlnn houurs thuru Is soon hut n memory of such ovnnln unless purtrnlt Uot'p" lint record of oiicli mlloHtouo of youth, Our stylos of school plcturou nro npproprlato to tho orcuslon, Mnko 11)0 nppqlntmont oiirly, H. C. MACKEY Kjiullo Afnln nnd Conjrni . MOdfqrd. Ore Clark a Wriglit ":-' LAWYER3 'it WASUlJSdTO, D. 0. Puhllo Lsud Mnttorst Final Proof. Drt Lauds, Contest nnd Mlnln Csios. Ilcrlp. PLUMBING ' Stoam and Hot Water lloatuig All Work ChinrsntMd Prices iUoimtil OOFFEEN & PRICE Kowsrd Block. SntrsnM on lb II- atm rtiop so. u AFTER FIRE You will fiml It pxlruiiifly con. vi'tilont if your Iuminiiuio Iiiih Iiuuii plnuuil in i ounipniiy wliloh pny itH loHsc.H promptly, nud in full. 1 luivc no other kind. R. H. McGurdy 401 M. P, 6 II. Bldg. Phono 313 r.-ivr. r f r.Y.i ." 1 nfs uiSMvusXaf !f V tfi ' Luxury WiUiout Extravagance Hotel Von Dorn ' 2J2 Turk gtroot 9 if ITiiicst popular priced Hotel iu Situ Francisco ! if Modern Central $ E.D.Weston Official Photographer of tlio Medford Commercial Club Amateur Finish big Tost Cards Panorninio AVork Portrait.n Interior and exterior viowa Flash lights Negatives made auv time and any place by appoint ment. 208 E. Main Phono 1471 Beift located nnd moat popular hotel in the Citv. Running dhftillcd ice water in each rqom. European Plan, a la Carte Cafe. Tariff on Rooms 12 rooms . 00 rooms $0 rooms r 00 rooms vrith print Mth $1.00 each 1.60 each 2.00 each 2.00 each 2.00 each SO rooms vita wirte ids 30 suites, bedroom, par- lor end bath - - 3.00 earh For more than one cueit add $1.00 ex(r to the above rstes for each additional guest. Reduction by week or month. $ f j'tiMl tjyiTaTJriBtVr!.! 7wl' F.G. ANDREWS .. Lckuoo of drill and Dining iloom. . '. WHERE TO OO TONIGHT Isis Theatre , I irif .' tu()0 root ot Motion Vloliiros. I'lioto rin)N Tui'm. nud Wed Till: TUANHITION imtiikh wi:i:ui(Y NO. II .NnwH ot tho world In motion pictures AN UNCI.U TOM'S OAHIN TIIOUPK A I.USSON' TO ,M,HI!i;ilH llliiRrnph comedy Till) IION'OU SVBTU.M ('oiiiIiik Prldny: Paulino (hiRhiuhn lii ' TIK ITliMltAI SI'V Mntlnuo Dally AiIioIhrIiiu .1IO (VlltM o 1 AK THEATRE A hi ii) In tlm Irf'iid t 111(1 OHM PKI.I.OWH HI'lICtAI TOOAV TOOAV "I'Olt ANOTIIIUl'H HIN" TriunoiidoiiM bli( special, ?.rol Tliiinliiiiiuor. lIlKKnr, Imtlitr, briKhl- or than auythlni; previously prtmunti'd. IIIOII AM) I-OW l'oyorful riylnt; "A" Wnslnrn Keyhtoni ('oiiii,1)' lfi')lonn "A llOMiAll IUO IT" Tho M(;i!tt IkiikIi produror In months. A I, SATIIItll Latest Sony UU It, I). J'orifnt )l. 1 1. Woduorli , Pianist Drums nud effects Afternoon nnd KvhiIiik ADMISSION Re AND 10c IT ' THEATRE THE BEST PICTUflES IN TOWN TONK1IIT lMtKHHNTfl lU.Ditlt IIIIOTIIKU IMUon Drama rillUCWATHD VltaKnipli Comudy-Draum WIIII'IT.i: TltlllK .MOVINO 1'MTIlMtK ALT' I'atho C'ouiKily Ait.MiiA tiii:; eimurnvi: . Muslu by Mrs. Wonlworth, I'lauo. Molt (Iruuuwuy, Mnrliiihapliono and Xylophouu. lo oi:nts n Nover Moro, Nuver Less THEATRE IJutlni ChfuiKO (if Pictures ToiiIkIh mld'ThorNdhy for I'ott nirri'Kii )u voiisi; I'owurful Anuirlcau liatoii t'cuitiiru Twi piu'tu wijv .mux luavi: uontj A llrllit, Wholesome tollcl(tu)( I-'llfCO i . A IMJACKMAIUUt A Drnmatlu Masterptecn i'lrtd Mini riiliil'ci Most I'IM'iikIv" Keivlro Ohtnliiublo I'llirsn nnd 10 (.ViiIh Showed to pyvr 1000 peoplo Tiiouday nlilht. Uu iimonii tliu (trowd tonight. Hochambeau ' ' " HQifUtflroa. t DAVl'LM OltAY STALLION Q YMars Old Scrvkc) 20 to Ins(iro KITTO MAUN Wo nlso train horsos nud colts and break tliiini pt nllnoxluiia hublt'u, Sut lufactlon uiuiranloci), ' , LtO. VAN WKdHN ., Mnlu 11! ' ' JnckNoiivlllo PAGE i. fV A-