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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1913)
OTiDKOiw matt, TiunuNK. Mrwou.), ohkciox. tukkdav, may 20, win, IAai3TV0. r frimtkmiii V II L AND PERSONAL Anions those from Grants Van who attended ' I'ctir 1'nn nt I In 1'ftKO theater Monday j evening wero MesdntiH's Mnry H. Vnh Dyke, George V. Jcsler, . J. 1 Trimx. A. C. Ooettscno F. W. Capp, J ". Morris. F. 1). Btrlekor, and .1. A. 1'onwen: fjoitnellinnii nnil Mrs. A. A. 1'erter: l)r. nml Mrs. C. II. Homnrny. Hon. nnil Mrs. A. C Hough. Mr. nnd Mm. Tlioinna Hnnley. Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. George Maple. Mr. nnil Mrs. Slunlpn Uowell. Mr. .nnd Mr. M. Clemen and Mr nml Mrs. V. 11. Mcminn; tho Mimes Mary Koifer, .losslo MaKtln. Inos Bliqldoiu Louise Hnrvoy. Cour,tMy Hoss, Mario Metschnn, ninncho Wile. )fo Clurdy, Evelyn Qulnlnn, Hnsel N. llarron, Kveljn South, Myrte Rhoro nml Hhota llobblns, lion. K. S. Van Dyke, Colonol I. A. ltoblo, Professors J. A. MacMurrny nml Hugh N Herrlck, nml tho Messrs. Douglas Wood, Harry K. Clarke, J. It. Harvey. W. W. Unrnton. Frank M. South, Lou Kchtuldt, Frank Metschnn ntid J. S. Mallor. Orrhardt hunting, fishing and Crater Lake scenes for sale at Gcr king & Harmon's studio. Negatives made nny place, kodak finishing. 12S Bast Main street Thono 215 It. Mr.- nnd Mrs. It. K. Kruegcr nnTi daughter of Chicago have taken up "their residence nt tho Cokcr Uutto -.orchard, which they recently pur chased. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ferrcn of Ash land wero In Mcdford Sunday to at tend tho NorrU-Forren wedding. . Kodak finishing, best tn tovrn, nt Weston's. Wilt tutor children In all lines of school work. Also teach foreigners- to speak English. Tol. 757-L. 5ft Thomas F. Hanloy. Grants Pass theatrical Impresario and nowspapor man, accompanied by Mrs. Hanloy. visited Mcdford Mondny nml cnjojeil "Peter Pan," by Maudo Ailnms. Frank O. llurgcw. who has been traveling in the oast, Is In Mcdford again. He was accompanied homo by his cousin, J. M. Dunces, or Drookflcld, Mo., nn Inventor. County Hecordor nml Mrs. Frod Coir Ig and Miss Nellie Mclntyro ivcro down from Jacksonville Sunday eve ning. Harry Treat went north tho fou part of tho .week and may return with a big, new nuto. Mr. Joseph. Geppcrl of nig' Uutto trausneted business In Mcdford Mon- day. ; K. H. McCurdy writes all kinds of Insurance. - 401 M. F. & 11. bldg. Phono HO. O. P. ltlcklcy, who conducted; . n ' livery stnblo inMcdrord In company wlt'a 0. B. Tull 13 years ago. Is a delegate to tho grand lodge of the I. O. O. F. llo Is engaged In mer chandising at Harrisburg, Linn coun ty. 1 K. A. Woks and C. F. Kelclistoiti wero recent, business visitors at Jack sonville. Miss Alice Streets. 4who Is a mem bcr of Iho class of 1013 of tho Uni versity of California, has returned to Mcdford. Sho as accompanied homo by hc,r mother. Mrs. F. W. Streets, who .was present at tho graduating exercises. Corking & Harmon, studio por traits, horde, portraits, flash lights, kodak finishing, post card work and enlarging.; 128 East Main street; telephone 215 It. Mrs. L. 0. SIsomorc, who has been (Minting Mr. and Mrs. John S. Orth, . has relumed to her homo at Fort Klamath. JUdgo Calkins has boon holding an adjourned torm of clroult court ul Jacksonville. A. Leonard Jr. has returned from 'Jo'tephlno county for a short stay In' 'Medforil. ' Insuro and bo sure. Right it we - wrlto It. It. A. Holmes, The Insur- , nnce Man. - J I. V. Klliott has returnod from f ljrltlsh Columbia nad Is nt tho Med- 'ford tlsh'mnrt't again. D. S. Youngs, n ploncor rosldeut of SjSdfo'rd, wJio jins been located at NuVport for many years, Is attend ing tho grand lodgo of Odd Fallows. William t'lrlch has rotumeU from Portland, whoro ho npponrwl before the Unllod States grand jury ns u wjnosa. Money to loan onj-eal estate. Bee parkin & Taylor, attorneys at lavs, Mcdford. tors. Frod ftopor of Grants Pawl ' WBa tho guest of Mrs. O. A. Davis Sunday. Senator Von dor Hollou, J. Hruco Bponccr and Jamos Owonw, former county, commissioners, were tovor . from tyellon Monday, m Weeks, & McGowan Co. Day Phono 227 Nlftlit V, W. Weeks 1.'W.2 Phones A. 1J, Orr 07801 A. A. Allen f Tnt'onm, siiiNirliilan Upnt of tho Hlngr Hewing, Machine cohipnny or thls.dlslHd, Is In Med ford, ncranipnnlcd 'jr "l vlfe. Jle Is a former resident of thliyclty. Jnmen T. llurrtK nml his rami I?, who have been stopping In San Fran cisco for time twst. ruturucd to Mcdford Monday. Tho llclman Whllo Sulphur Maths and Swimming Pools nt Ashland, Oregon, will upon for ttho season &ilurdny, May 10. 61 Mr. nml Mr. II. It. Holm?, ItcoKou nml James Garvin are ! from Talent. Fred Knox from Josephine cotm ty tmnsflctcHl busfnoss in '-Medford Mondny. Jmo Fltsglbhon of Foots Crk earn to Mwlford the tor part of xat woek to visit his brother. George M FUsglbbon. of Portland. E. D. Weston, commercial photog raphcr, negntlves mA-o nny time or nlaco bv appointment Phono M. 1471. ' Miss Lenh Walthor has been oi tertalntug Mta Dorothy Churchill of Yrckn, Cal. Mert D.xlly was in front tho Hill crest orchard Mondny. He reports that his brothor, T. W. Dally, has gone to Canada on n nutfness 'it Mr. nml Mrs. lowls Ulrio'i an 1 Mrs. J. O. Dunnlngton of Jacl:mt4- vlllo made a trip to Mcdford Mo J lay ntternoon. Vapor baths and scientific mas sago for men and women. Dr. It. J. Lockwood, chiropractor, 203 Oar-nett-Corcy bldg. Phono HE. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Cantra.' nnd J. F. Crump of Applesato and Mrs. It. 11. Dow of Jacksonville wr !n Bedford n few days since. George F. Dyer was nt Gold Hill Saturday night as member of 'ho orchestra which furnished ramie for tbo Merry Minstrels performance, lie Is leader or the Gold Hill baud. Fred Alton Halght, teacher or piano and harmony, specialist In cor rect principles of touch and tech nique for beginners or advanced pu pils. Faults corrected. Summer term. Halght Music Studios. 116 8. Laurel street. Phono 726-11. CO George A. Hovor or Phoenix dis trict. W. J. Srott of Antloch and W. A. Covordslo of Foola Creek trans acted buttTnuss In Mcdford Muuda). Mr. nnd Mrs. J. O. Isaacson of Cen tral Point epyiit Monuay nigh. In Mcdford. Thomas E. Nichols and hl family motored from ITaglo Point tu MM rord Saturday. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Slsty o.' Willow Springs dUtrlst, cnma to Medfunl Monday.' Mrs. II. T. McClallon nnd her daughter. MIw Maggie, wore guwia of Mr. and Mrs. Jo"hn 8. Orth tho foro part of tho week. They vnro on their way from llosoburg to ".'oed, Cal., whor.e Mr. McClallon I om ptoyed In tho ofHce or the V.'el Lumlcr company. C. E. Ilnde, of tho Dado-',acoltii Construction company of Portlou-I. Mas a businoM visitor lu Meturd this week. Itoy Wllllts nnd A. O. TarbeP. of uppor Itogue river, wero In Mdford a fow daya ago. A. T. Luudgron, the minor, has re turned rrom a trip to Yreka, Cal.. buslnew conneotod with his cxtim've holdings lu tho Siskiyou ootpar lclt. W. D. Chanco, diputy labor an- mlsslonor and ougltio Inspoctor. v,i lu tho vnlloy on official buslnoM re cently, George Collins Is bnck from YroVa. but will probably roturn to Califor nia soon. Chief Justice McDrlde of tho Ore gon supremo court JinB assigned Judge Calkins or the first dln(rlct and Judge Hamilton of Uie ao.oud dibtrict to spend June tn ntsluing to ulunn up tbo court doe':ot of Multnomah county, which Is bidly congosted. Mr. nnd Mrs. Horace. Pulton of Sams Vnlloy wero among tho many who came to Mcdford Monday. K. T. Staples and A. 6. Hubbard of Ashland trammeled bualnosu in Medford Monday. Willie Hhotou, the taj! sycain.o of Kanos creek, was In Miidrord Mon day on Important business. Albert ltowgll, who has been Htudent of thy. University of Callfo ii !u. is in Medford again. This Is the last week of tho sslioni year for Mcdford nnd other l'jitr!cU of tho. county. Mrs. William Shnw (Hoc Jnsephltiu Doiiegun) arrivad from Klamath FhllB Monday and U tho guotfc cf Mrs. W. H. Coloman or Jacksouvllie Mr. Shaw, who Is an attomuy, went on to Eugene. C. E. Larson of Ayacortes, VaMi . Is filling Kili; Jlutlor's place at t)i Western Union office whllo ho is taking u vacation. William Vawter Jr., who ban been attending (wllogu ut Delmout, Cal., lu at homo again. Hohert A. Emniltt, n promlnrnt eltUen of Klamath Falls, Is umong the multitudo In Mcdford this uoiU. Hhcrlff W. II. Slnglor, Johu Hop- nult, F. M. Tunguto and Den Eutou or Jacksonville wero In Medford xc contly. John A. Durst, a member of a bU hop raising firm of California, und W. G. Egglestou of Oakland, a promt. pent single tnxcr, nro ninnng 111 hit" nrrlvnls In MPilford, u Mrs. liny Cryslai, who has l.jn iho guest of bee parents, Mr. ami Mrs. .1. M. Klemnu, has returned to her homo nt Pomltoton. Hhurlff William Hnittlt. of Joro- phluo county, wn mnonn tluwo who wuv Medford nlnughter Urants Paw In the ball gnme on Sunday. M. P. Power of Jhcksonvltio. the pnlntor, ims gono to Chleo, (Jul. II. O. Dot, Professor Harrington. Key Hunch, and his family. i. ml and Mr. Flaler of Jneksouvlllo .wore Medford visitors during the weK. it. 11. llonme. J. S. lUmett. llurry Tuttle, Claudo White nnd J. T. Can- ttir wero ntnnntt the Central Pointers In Medford recently. Mr. nnd Mre. W. K. Andorson. nml Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Griffin of N'orth Phoenix transacted busluoea In Mod ford Saturday. Miss Mnbul Dnrneille of Portland Is tho guest of hor brothor, (trover Dnrnellle. ( Knuuko njenston, who hss b$on a resident of itedrord nnd vicinity for some time, has gono to Portland. I.orU Martin, tho export liunter. nnd Oliver twines were down from Trail tht wcok. Mrs. Osborne, who has b:cu nt tending a meeting of tho trained nurses' association of Oregon, of which sho is president. Is nt home again. Mrs. A. A. Mnglll nnd hor daugh ter, Mlse Lozlnn, passed through Medford Sunday evening on their way home to Holland, Joophlno county, from Ashland. J. W. Hays nnd Charles Tyler or Gold Hill made a trip to Medforl during the week. Missos Helen Ilngsdaln nnd Grace Henry wore recent guests of Mrs. C. K. Wobb of Central Point district. Ijwrenco Cnrdwcll, Mrs. S. W. McClcndon nnd Mrs. L. Jennings or Gold Hill, motored to Medford the foro irt of tho week. A. J. Daley and II. G. Wiener of Eagle Point transacted business In Medford Monday. Mr. nml Mn. Clifton Smith or Wlmor nnd Sir. and Mrs. F. M. Huilta or Sterling visited relatives living near Medford Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. F. Mender and Mrs. J. F. Hart motored to Mcdford rrom Tnlont Sunday. J. F. Kelly. J. K. Wilson. W. Schable, Polk Hull nml E. K. Morri son or Griffin Creek district were re cent business visitors In Medford. Frank Tuttle ir Grants Pass, T. J. Thrift of Coos county, W. C. Iiram lotto of ltosohurg. Mrs. E. Miller nnd F. Johnson of Florcnco nre rccont nrrlvnls In Medford. It. II. Parsons of Hlllcresi orchnid came down from Seattle this wftol. W. H. Mowatt of tho Postal Yclo graph company and W. J. rit-mluy wero up Irom Ashland Mondny. Mrs. F. II. Hopkins of Control Point. E. II. Hanloy or North Jack sonville district and their families wore among those who motored to Medford during tho week. A solid trnlnload of Htrawrerrbw pawed- through Med rord Monday evening uu rnuto to Portland, Foot tie and other northern poln'., tp)i,i California. MIw Kuto Coburu ot Vrslcn. Oal.. who Is visiting Miss Mlln Cki 'iimv. Is spending "n fow dab with fileuds living In Grants IMss. O. H. Tomlln nnd J. F. Hens, prominent officials or tho Wwior-i Union Tolegrnph company, wo-e lu tho city and vnlloy on a tour or In spection. Mayor Von dor Hnllen. J. F Drown and F. J loath of Eaglo Point spent Mondny afternoon In Mvdfotd. Mr. and Mr. Jamos Grlovo of Prospect were among tho throng In Medford Mondny. J. C. Williams. C. M. Warren nml J. 1', Van Diisou of Hnguo ulv.r tar ried a few hours lu Medford tho fore part of tho week. Mrs. 0. W. Conklln and Mrs. Iliivii Elliott nnd. other residents of Med ford went to Jacksonville Sunday lo attond tho fuuerul of the luto Mrs. Itynn. .Miss Hlslo Iteamou wai among thoso who came from Ashland for tho theater Monday evening. W, II. Jenkins, traveling passengor ngout for tho Southern Pacific, and Gus C. Morris, assistant superinten dent, uro lu Medford In couuoctlri' with, (ho handling or tho I. 0. 0. F. oxcilrslon trains. llqlnn Cornult of Itlddlo Is a con vention visitor. Gume W'arilon A. K. Htiblmrd ii hero from Ashland. N.. P. Welder Is among Hie Dend delof atlon to tho convinitlo ;, Minnie F, Ireland is huro from Grants Pass. Vdrva McCluro of Grants Pass .Is among the convention guests. II. A, Suhell of Gruiila Paw ia here on business. Tho roofa of tho Gnriiott-Coroy building nml Hotel Medford wero crowded with convention vlbltors nil day Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. A. S. Pnyno pf Ash land wero In Medford Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. It. Denbroy of Jtoelt land, Me., nro .visitors In Medford. Mrs. James M. Lewis ot Peudlofoii arrived Tuesday lu Medford nnd was met by hor fntlior, A. 0. Ilowlott, of Ittiale Point, nml ,n.c,companlod him home on the nftsrmiOn trnlii,. Mrs. H. iM. .Ionian of . Portland, mothnr of( Allison Jordan, rlerk nt tho Nashjuls, nmong thu i'otnontl."t lsllors,' ' Among Eugene lsltors nt the con vention nfu p. IJ. siuHtgniw nnd u. MeMurph W. tl. Wright or Itostibtiig Is here tor thotronxeiitlou. , III tho - (Jivnmth 'nU hioKrltoii ro II. J Savage Mtn. .Foigtuoii, V II, Nelson iitui Mrs. Jess6 Whlto Mrs, Annt l.lud nnd (tieo MeCntifl of .Korliy niy ImrQ to ulteml (lho riu veiitton, t , u , Mrs. A. d. Smith W hPre from Pllul Dock tu u eouyontlou delegate The lioud itelejmiinn nl ,tho con entlon claim that by tho time tlie gmud lodge inxetR in .Medford ngnln lleml lsltore,.vlll he able to eoiue on the llllllne. Atito lends ot convention visitors wero tnken oer tho vnlloy today. More nntouigblles nro asked lor to morrow. CABINET ACTS. (Continued from page 1,) eollese oCTpJio, nml K. ypjiinmnmto. seeiTlnryMtniic Tokio Y. 51". C. A. Dcflu Talk" of War. "Jnpnit lQjtlmve an rtullei," xniil 1 Tut tori in tlTsru&rtiutr Jnimnej.e immi gration to Oilifortm. "Tlie Hipuln tioii of ilnimti Iiuh iuerMised by iniiuy liumlrcds of thouKiimls within n few "enr nml (lie time Iin4 eome wliun Japan must xcltle the ipiesliotiR pre sented by your niton land Inw. The qurstion of Japnticon elisiliility to eitizeushtp in A in erica nml every other country must nlo e settled. It should lune been settled long np." Tlie Jnpnuese eitov ileridiM nil tnlk of war. "I Jo not believe it in i remote iosiliility," lie wuid. "Such talk ih foolish." Ilattori declared tlmt rnee preju- dice vn nt the bottom of the Cnli- foniin exuluohin movemeiil. "I be- line," lie said, "that in time Cnlifor nin will bo nble to throw off this nieo prt'jmlioo ns Japan has done. Tiiis ulion IrikI law was promoted bv peiiplo of the deseemlniita of people who enino to tlstat country jut iih lite Jiiniiose nro doing. I nm courineeil that the only xolutinti of the problem is n new treaty cmering nil tlie . . . . . MiiniH ill oispiiie. Sliy at DNrritoliuitlon. "I nm not prepared, to Buy whether Japan will iiifixt nw) ownership of ugriculitirnl and but no country can, of court?, view riiicrimiuntioii with philosophy." At the eoiielii.-ioii uf their iit lo California tho parly ir,.Jupnneo eu ov.h will t!it to I-jiKp .Mohonk, N. Y.. to uttend the iiiniiial eoiiferonee ( f tho Christian hIiiiIciiIm feilerntion ilierc. COLLINS TELLS. (Continued from l'ago 1) Collins then doscriliixl how lu "plnntcd" ilynatnlto at plncos Indi cated by IJreeu. adding: "llreon Inquired whoro Joncpli EU tor was Hiienklng. Ho endonvored to plant dynamlto tlioro, but found tho hull dosd. The first I knowof what llreon lind done was wlmu I saw In tho papers that dnamllo had boon found In Lawrence. "llreon pnftT me $fiO lu two lusinl mntits of $25 each, saying: 'Tho Syrians licked mo at thu last olne tlon. but this Joke will teach them n lesson nnd elect me mayor beside.' " Dcnii-M Criminality. Collitw inxuited Hint lie neor kiis (MM'tcd lie wag doing nnyliin crimi nal, lie denied tlmt ho Jim) boon promlscil iniiniiiiily but admitted Unit hi ntloriioy had ndviseil him to It'll the truth nml tlmt the district attor ney probably would help him. 1'i.Iine onvc(or Koouov teslilied that he had been "lippicd" by llreon in .lauimry, 11)1'-, Hint dynamite had been iibiMlcd. Itoouny Hiiiil he lo cated it uml nrostt'd severnl por tions. Colliim lontiicil that while, lie wut onrrying tlie bundle of, 7f ier cent dynamite from the trnlji nt Ijiuvreiiro he Hiiimbloil nml fell, the (lyuumite t.triving' the trayh. Only the fact Hint the explosive wax fmi'ii, lit mid, prrenteil n dialer. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY POIt THADR Dcslrnblo rfhldsnro propetty In Medford for ninull farm In Oregon, Wiishlngtoti or Idaho, Inquire 250 Deatty tt City. 01 WANTED Woinuu rorgonernl house work in small family out or town. Phono f.HT-J-0, . C2 Proud as you are or tho daughter, and proud iih iiho lu or' graduation honors there lunoon but u memory or such nvonts uiilabs a portrait keeps the record or each milestone of youth. Our styles of school pictured are appropriate to tho occasion. Mako the Qpnglntment early. H. C. MACKEY Nludio ,1 L Main ntid Central Medford, Oro 1 W" V i STILL IN 1 The Commercial club has tecehed the rnllottlns Irom the Oregon dele dele gateon: "Unltiid Stales Senate) WnshluKtou, D. (.. Mnv 11. 1018.-. Mr. A. K. Ware, Secretary Commert'lul (Hub. Medford, Ore. My Dear Hlri I beg to aeknowledgo receipt of ur night letter ot tho loth Instant whmlu you rgtt on bnhnlf of the Medford Couijuerelal dub tho appointment of "Mr. AVIH (1. Steolo ns supetlnteutloul of Orator l.uho., National pnrk. "No urtlon has been tnkeii toward filling this npiioltitmout an yet, ami it Is very likely that tho matter will not bo settled fur fiouio little lime yet. In thu meantime, you win r4t nMuivd that I shall give Mr. Steele's Hppllcutlon ami your eiidorrotiinut ot hint till duo consideration. "Thanking you for giving me an ntprttftslou or our opinion In lain mnttur. I nm eiy truly your. "IIAKItY LA NIC" "ItoitRO or Representatives U. S.. Wnshliigtoii, D. 0., liny 14, 1018.- -President A. J. Perry, Secretary ,A. K. Ware, Mcdford Commercial Club. My Dear Slrn: I have receUcd your telegram relative to the appoint ment of Mr. Will (I. Steele ns aiipor intotident ot tho Crater Uko Nn tlounl park. I know Mr. Stsole nnd think most highly of him nml h. ttoutd make nn eAoelleut uuper!tit' dent, but repiibllcniis nro not lint In-, n voice In appointment now. Ho -over, i will investigate and see w' can bo done. With, best wMi.-r, am truly yours. ' V. C IIAWI.m Auti'iuebile-. i carry tl. eciii tioii M-itnn. over the taUi-v ai needed Wciloerdrty' tifternonu oi o'clock. Mcdford uiitnmuhilc ouurr linve been very geuuruus with tit ir ears nnd timo nml tlie committee i wry uppreeintiV. A "iiei-uil tour of Hccnie iutcrtitit lias been nr raaged for tomorrow. Born. WOOnrOW) To Mr. m..r Mr- .1 It. Wondtonl, n dauehler Suiii!,i, M JH . .. ii.wi: vol i;i:it tiioi-ciit How tr()ng n cotin'-rtlou thero-la between E) cache nad Headache? Many pcoptu suffer uiiueeessHrlly from Headnehea that could ho entire ly rurod by miring proper (tlnsee to relieve o)o strain and leeseu lift nurvous tension. It your Head or Eyes nelm try Glasss fitted by ' Dr. Rickcrt Ecidgjit Sieclallst Over Kentuer's. For the M'lcctloii of (iratlimllou Glfln mi ooitliy in their lntllil. kc merit na well as In refined designs nnd fluo workmanship, our displays ot gold Jewel ry hold every posslblo ndrautago gift buyers could look for. For Girls Dracolet WntuliQS; Klngii, Dsr Pins, LaVolIurfi Tidlot Sots. For UoyH Watches, ltlngs, . Sonrf Plus, Fobs, Chains, Cuff IluttotiH. MAItTlN' .1. HEDDV Tlio ilutveler Por Jlntpltifl get a Lneky Iiluu Illrd 5S?.-5 CRATER LIE AUTOMOBILES NEEDED FORCONVENTIONVISITORS , ( t Xwenty- Five Hundred " 1 1 SI Stoves a Day! HcJgedR Oil Cook-5tovc Einlnn n enoii of innny tumult ltn ttovss s nvjniifstlioed nt llio mie ef twMitsure lmimil n, iUy, 'IliU b(e-AI )HlMton indlrnliw how lmt)Mty pepHbtf iliU dove lias tcitni vlit it civivMiwoce of ilia Lomilty, ikI hiII ba to you. Fr Hut tttlstlt r It.rMrl PEARL or EOCENE MfafiuU OIL Out nramt agent; b'lll iy,;,'rvggi3J3rp'.i is PORTl VM) PA(?E THEATER, PRICES 60 Page Tkeatre Tonight HIGH-CLASS Moving Pictures ' First Run Servjcc Best Obtainable Prices 5c and 10c lwBB!7iWaHsllMfBCjrl!wvisaMBBMWT!WMei aHiHBHUsiH9BBBHiMHymvBBHBsMM!raS CUT DOWN COST OF PRODUqTION, CUT OUT HORSES AND MULES, USE THIS DENNINGf TRAC TOR, 3500 LBS., 24 H. P $1200,00, OHAS. TSOIIIRGH R, 3?. D. NO. 3. PHONE 07- J-2 WV,M1 'JUf,sfir. ' wh.' i i. ,. I m liVVs" 'v; ' e nml sontlvrt n M te lit nemrmres 11k NEW PEIirHCTIOM tiers nllkindi of reeking, h Inn nt oil llin rltfepiwt furl ll ! ml iilel tummor Mwv ihjii' ua It nil the yrsr toend. JeUI by dsaUrt erryvhre. gkc you further hfoifiiilhn .-jur. tmvf,tift.wesaaMBng-S3 i ii m i i f A 9kl I I, A J, I ill 'It an i mrivijwu in h7,i,m,iiih tiiuw jimi MONDAY, IVIAY 2G. CENTS TO $2.00. . i ,M&).11 i i -'..t-j '"nr dsTssTi iw -Ti ffrr-Tii V WV b.