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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1913)
if5B'!BP cs PAGE TWO. MEDFORD MATTi' TKTDUNE, MflDFOKD, OHKOON. MONDAY, MAY 19, 101H. MlDrOltD MAIL TRIBUNE yumu.x-xjstsj: runLiuM) LuhfifE are 'hhi?; HHDr MPJHT NKIVHPArKtl . fvEhr AFTRHNUON )RI I'ltlNTlNQ CO. The pewwratto Times, Tho Mwlforit Mfll. Tha Mlfnl Trlmin. Th Pouth trn OroKOnWin, T)i AMhlnnil Tribune. Ofle Mall Trltmnn HiilMlnK. S5-T.8 North Fir street; telephone 75, dttOrUlR I'UTNAM, IMItor ami Manager Hnlertd si wcohJ-ctni matter ft t ford, Ortert, under tha act larch 3; 1879. LE SCpi EXHIBITS GREAT CREDIT TO MEDFORD PUPILS OfflrtM por of tlio City of Mcaford, r, by mult-. OfflHul Paper of Jackson County. tBCKXPTIOK KATSL on fear. tv n On laontli, by mall Far month, itllvril by carrier In U.00 o tral Point i ..50 fatwiU? iMty, if malL- pr jvar 8.00 fVpekty. yet yenr -j . .. 1.80 CHAMBERLAIN TO HELP KEEP ROAD Tl SO N OREGON "Tho Commercial club linn received tho following from Senator Chamber lain pledging his support to retain tho national highway along tho rottto of tho Pacific highway an originally planned: Medford Commercial Club. Med ford, Ore. Oentlemen: I beg to acknowledge tho receipt of your fa vor qt tho 2d. Instant, enclosing a copy of tho resolution passed by tho board of directors of tho Mcdfo1-' Commercial, club, relative w tho routo In tho state of tho proposed national highway system. I noto tho request contained In your letter an. tho purposes or tho rcaoluttet,. .tnd It will afford mo plensuro to do what I can at tho proper tlnio to see. to It that Bouthom Oregon Is not eliminat ed from tho national highway sys tem. With kindest personal regard" 1 am, yours very sincerely, aEOHGI? B. CHAMBHRLAIX. BUD FAVORITE OVER MANO T 1.03 ANOKl.KS. Cal., May 19. Tlrlni full of contldenco Dud Ander son, who meets Joo MandoC in a 20 round bout hero tomorrow night, knocked off his training today. Dud wound up his boxing In his quarters ftt Dayel's yesterday with 3000 fans as spectators. Ho will do light work with tho apparatus today, Just enough to hold down his weight. Mnndot, nt Venice, also coucludcd his Ualnlng. Ho wont 10 rapid rounds with his sparring mutes, whom ho hnndlod in n workmanllko manner. Ho appeared to bo In much better condition than upon tho occa sion of his former nptearances hero, Anderson carried n bit of n grouch yoalorday. After flooring a couplo of IiIb sparring parlnuro, hu displayed sufficient brotherly affection to knock the crowns off a couplo of teeth In tho mouth of his brothor, Trod. Anderson Is a slight favorite In tho betting, although tho wagorlng Is very light. Ho probably will bo a 10 to 8 favorite at tho ringside, it is predicted. TOOAY IAST DAY, OF SCHOOL HE Toduy is tho Inst day of school for nil grndo mid high school students who nro exempt front the final exami nations. Thoso who ore exempt linvo pushed a prndo for the school year of 85, nnd rejirexeut innjiity of the scholars enrolled. Friday will wind up tho uxmniiiutionu and frtnrt the loiur vuentiem off lor one more year. On Friday nijiht -10 seniors will lie graduated with appropriate exer cises nt tho new Page Theutur. Of llicso )(! graduates III intend to con tinue their studies in colleges or nni iversitics. fiuven will nttend tho U. of O., four the 0. A. C, ten nro un decided and ten will attend various utliqr flallcjjqs spattered over the ouunlry iih fur cast an Maryland. LERCH SAYS WIFE TRIED 10 SHOOT (Contributed) Thai the lenohers and pupil) had stirwiped nil provloiw efforts could not fail In ho observed by Ihe vis itors nt the School exhibits Tluir? dny nnd Friday of last week. TnkiiiR for granted thnt n lurjje proportion of the pupil! who nttend solinol here will not ho nblo to enter tho pro fessions, tho outlook for them to tnnke their wny in n world of sornm- Iilinj; for foothold, is much brighter on account of this industrial train- in;:. Tho exhibition of finMicd furni ture was ninnxing. In chairs of till kinds Morris chnirs included, tables, cabinets, jewel caes, de.ks, settees, etc., nil done by hand, the most in tricate, workmanship was shown. The graceful lino nnd curve, mii. sivo effects, nrtistio judgment, the inlaid work of fine mahogany and oak pieces, tho satin surfaces nnd high polish, seemed too perfect to hnve been done, by any but expert cabinet v makers. Ijirge finished pieces were shown' that had been made by hoys in their first year of manual training. Ohplays ltcnlly Kcniarknble. Perhaps somo of those young men might have tho natural ability, but turning their ability in the right chan nels will save misdirected effort. later in life nnd direct them, in the right wny toward success. Tho beau tiful dresses, displayed on forms everj' dress a picture in itself, were reinnrknble for children not matured; hut go to tho beginning of the sew ing lessons, observe the first stiehes on towels, growing step by step into dniutv undergarments, nnd nt last into dresses that deck the girl. Tho conviction is certain thnt the hands that fashioned and finished thco will not he likely tn do the work of housekeeping in an unwo- mnn-like manner, mid if needful, may bo nblo to cam a livelihood in artitio sowing. Drawing and I'alntlng. Alon the lines of drawing and painting beginning nt tho first grade, tho march of improvement under the lessons of every day is 110 less than in the finished endeavor.- The tiny chicks, under umbrellas, butterflies jxtiscd for flight, innumerable birds of every feather, cloth animals pasted on paper mid chasing each other, suubnnnct nnd overall brigades play ing tag nlong the boards, grow nnd expand in every succeeding grade room. They change from pasted to painted work, from crayon to water colors, from the crude effort of bnby hands to finer effects of older children. Hero may a child filial an opening thnt will totdify his ability, and will dcvclopc him, until at least Ins spon sors wilt learn what is really in him; something thnt might never have been discovered, so that nil his lifo would be spent on wrong paths. Ilooni Ib-niitlficd, Many of the drawings tdiow nt a glance of the natural linos, skillful sketchings from nature, nnd amusing pie tu res of the hacks of braided ami hc-rihhoucd heads 0f little girls, so natural that any uiolhcr might claun her daughler, of boys in the straw lints, overalls and mended suspend ers, charaetorihtie of the small 'kid.' The euro and labor of (hu teachers are shown in the heuuly of the rooms. Flower nnd plnuM nnd window gar dens prevail; corners ot growing plants, birds singing in one .of the grade rooms, and long olinins ot col ored puper, mndu by tho children, rndiiitc from tho center to tho side of the long room, in fan fntdiiuo, ninko them very inviting to tho vis itors. In somo of the rooms, refresh men Is nro served; in tho north school, the pupils themselves furnished the treat, and with Ihu help of the teacher, hot chocolate and cuke were served to MAUD E ADAMS TO N E PETER PAN TONIGH T Tho ascending ciirlain il the Page theatre tonight is surp to diclose to Maude Adams and llie member of ier eouivau,v 11 liotisp fillbjl in every part. The fume of Ihe actress to gether with that of Jhirrio's delight ful fairy story,, "Peter Pirn," hnve been rcsponsihlu for the awakening of more interest among theatregoer limit luii been 0ideleod in uuy other offering this sea'oii. The engnge ment has been an event that ha been looked forward to wild considerable pleasure. Harrie's plnv is one of the daintiest nnd most whimsical pieces of imagination that ha ever graced the Kuglish speaking stage. It car ries one buck to childhood and to the f.iiries, tho Indians, the pirates, nnd the udeviilurtK of youth. Sucre Iiiiiih been tdiowored upon Ihe work nnd tivoit Mis Adams orf her por trayal of the boy who wouldn't grow up and who always wanted (o live in tho Xever-Ncver Ijind. Tho pro duction of the play is an elaborate one nnd ehnrmhigly almosphorie. It opens in tho nursery of the Darling's, then tnkes one to tho woods, from which 0110 journeys to the envo un- lerground. Kcxl come the deck of the pirnle ship ' where Peter van quishes tho terrible Captain Hook. Once more tho nursery of tho Dar ling is hown nnd then comes a scene in the forest nnd nt the eloe one sees Peter in hi litllo houo sit uated in the tree top. A very largo and competent company will bo seen in Mis Adams' supiort. ADMEN SHOWN SIGHTS OF VALLEY BY MEDFORDITES CROWDS NT NEWAETHEATE The progronslNo spirit or Medford was again shown Hnitdny when the Admen's excursion nrrtuul from Portland 011 their way to Kai-rnluou-to to attend their mutual couvcutlo)i In that city. Two hundred people were at tho depot to greet theni and after a short hhmlMmkluK nnd a few yells by tha dlfforViul delegations tho excursionists were niMlgnvd to automobiles of which there were ;15. and were taken over the greater part of the city. They wore then taken to the heights cant of Medford, whero they worn afforded an excellent vlow of tho city. Front thence the route traversed a number of tho finest orchards. Ppon arrival at tho Ware orchard, the excursionists were welcomed by tho Ware children, who presented evory adman with yellow Newtown apples. The vlnl(ora were then taken through Phoenix nnd Talent, where a number wcro nut to greet them, Including a pilot car from Ashland. After a drtvo through Ashland's parks and an luspcctlnu of the Ash land high school, tho visitors wor taken to tho depot, where tholr spe cial train awaited them. Hero they were met by tho mayor and a fow Ashland citizens, nnd after giving yells and songs nnd with tho obser vation platform packed and singing "Oh. You Medford," they departed for Sacramento. All expressed themselves, as de lighted with tho country and tho entertainment. MEDFORD H S FASTEST GAME OF SEASON , 5 TO 0 Mill for 1111 error of judgment Pitcher Hind of the Medfoul hall I cum yesterday would huvo been credited with u iin-j'Uii-uothit.gnuio. As it wns Medford bent Omuls Piihs five to nothing, allowed hut' one hit, ainl made hu nun error. It won one of tho rusltt evliiblllmm of pitching ever shown 011 Hie local diamond and the gitme throughout wus of , Iri'g1 league caliber. Urunls Pas' lone hit eame when 11 pop-up fly of the serntliiit variety settled down between Shorty Milon ami Pug Isaacs. Bach thouitht the Banish All Skin Troubles l rUm.iLIL Krmril That WVil.1 Wumtrri Auln,l Cvfit Wtlni L'im, ;!l7 ii!ff'.' V vA.'l a' xwu. 1 V -Jlllllffv.d y- WHERE TO GO TONIGHT -u iltt n tlutltr ut H, S S T-mi. II U ( rrtHlnl) 11 Wimilrr. , If )nu I11V0 been HkIiIIiik mime Muml lnUllc, mililK MHI iIISkiipk, 1'itll It rtpomu, im n. pirtriHfis, in.iliiriM, r Wjflt )u will, tbrfu In tint nun euro, (ufu way to turo It, Auk at any 1I1111T t nro fr n t 00 Imllln nf R tl. H, unit )uii an' tlim mi tlui rinj lo licallh. Tho nill"ii uf tills rriiirlintiM romo.lj- U jimt tut illrwl, Juki bi iuwI IIm, Juil til irrlnln In 111 InllliiMlio as that the tiu ric in llm l-tati. it u ntio if thn rnr inritlcMl font's wlili ll other was going to nub it nnd tight nt in th hlxxi wiih thn nhioo iWcrm t,,.,-,, tl,., nliniiK.M nt' 11 mi. hit miinoi"f 'erlHliit that Is fuiimt in all tint mere tint ulii nees u u uo-liil KHiiiPIrHl trmixn, ns. Ti manr In wlu-li went giimmcnuc, mini iimi tne vis- 56 00T OF 57 Managers Fuson and Gordon ot the new Page theater played hosts Satur day night to about .1000 Kogue Illvcr valley people, who camo to Inspect tho playhouso that will bo opened Monday sight with Maudo Adams, ono of tho foremost of American actresses in J. M. Ilarrlo's great play "Peter Pan." From eight until ten (j'clock a Jam ot pcoplo packed tho Page, strolled through tho aisles and lolled In tho seats and boxes. Among tho visitors wcro many out ot town people. . He fore tho doors of tho theater wcro opened for tho informal Inspec tion, a thousand pcoplo waited in tho threatening weather tor a chance to view tho interior, and by nine the rush was on In full swing. During the evening tho Page theater orches tra, under tho direction of Prof. Ileach gave popular and classic num bers. Through the courtesy of the man agement, ovury detnit of tho amuse ment place was thrown open, and tho crowds even flocking into tho fly galleries. Us bora wero in attendance and the lighting effects wero shown. Tho stage, big enough for tho staging ot any production, was also a Mecca for scores. Tho pictorial curtain, showing n vlow of Crater I.ako, Is a work of art, and Is consldored by many to bo tho best reproduction ot tho great scenic spot over iut on canvas. A EXAMINATION With but one failure out of 57 eighth grade students who took tho examinations Inst week for admit tance to tho high school, tho Medford schools have set up a record whluh will ho hard to bent la the state. Tho examinations uro prepared by tho stuto and of con rue no ono In Med ford know. In advance what tho ques tions would be. It has not been un common In recent years In many places for from one-fourth to one- third of tho students tn fall. Tho fact thnt GO Medford grade students nro eligible for high bcIiooI Indicates thnt next year's high school class will bo a record breaker, for to this number Is always added thom who enter from various parts of tho county ami tho nowcomers to tho city. Tho class Im Hiiro to number close to 70. iters buffaloed from the time the first mini hitched his pants nnd swung hi willow. Thirteen times did Ihe (Irani Puss bnlsmcu emulate the tvighty Casey, in otin liming nil three putnuls going by the whiff mute. Medford hud no difficulty in regis tering single -w hen they were needed. When Ty Cobb Miles ns.iny.ed lo steal homo with two out tho speelueular eliuiux arrived, Shorty wns sipielrhcd however, but tho thrill he furnlnhed was worth the attempt. A slur catch by Anile in left field wus iiIno 0110 of the big typo features. Tho now Medford loom is yet to be scored on. .In the two gjiuies played they have Scored Ion runs and allowed less than a half dozen hit and lime 11 record in error as small as 11 fly'- eyelnh. The crowd o tcrday was larger than a week ago but it Is tune nil the funs realised that the city ha a real team and gnvc it the deserted patronage. It iliuiilimlffl nnd I'tmli-uU tin, mylTl' nun triumlr ik-h uf tih. n.l. pur nrtrrltil IiIikhI for thn ill.uino, wnuit IiIimmI I timrxrliHi. Out HirmiKh pvry akin pur acid. Itoriim Hint ntliir IiIimhI tnurlll nr fnri'ixl In Hi fm in nf liixlnlliln vninr. The lungs lirrnthn It out. llm liver U itlmiilntril In I'liimumit n nrtsil r(iiur llun uf lliiiurllliii, thn ntiiiiirtrli' nlxl III tmtlii rno tn cuiiviy Into tho Mimd itrrout the catarrhal, ituilnrliil ifrnn, llm liownls. I(IiIiim), litmlitrr nnl nil rmuiU'turlnn if th Ixidy nrn nmmrtnlol Into n tUihtlmr feu-f In riel ivry vnntliru f rrutillvn itlinnn Thvrn In mninly u cuiminiiilty any wlirrn Imt what tmii I In IIVIiik ifinli 11 f lh wntiilirfill iiirntlx iMTm-I nt JV K K Uit 11 iHiltln of thin faiimuK rrnmiljr tu-tHy. ami If yinir rn l Htuliliiirn or pnnllar. wrlu In Tim Hwlft Hpnilllr I'n t7 n-lfl 111,1. Atlnnln, (In. Their innitifnl liilxnntory In fnnimn and In ciMilin-tnl liy rn. nuntii'il rxiinrtR In lit , oil Hint kln dliPHn Thflr 11 it tire In rtttlrrly frrs ainl uhvuyn sirlvtly prrnuunl. Y RAISERS P RMORGANIATION j. EDEN PRECINCT BOY SLIGHTLY INJURED IN COLLISION WITH AUTO nil. While riding a bicycle nrouiid the corner of Holly mid Main street .Saturday evening, Clifton Anderson, 1 1, collided with nu uutomoblle driven by Tom Taylor, wns kuoekgd down, picked up unconscious and taken to Dr. Clancy's office, whero his injur ies wero found slight, consisting of hruUotf about face and head. Mr. Taylor, in eudcavorvig to avoid the collision, turned into tho curb and crushed a hicyclu stumling thure. TROLLEY ROTES llonry I.orch swore out a warrant thlli morning charging his wife, Mrs. H. M. Lorch, with threatening to shoot, him. Lurch claims his wife drovo him uwny from homo with two loadod revolvers and threatens to Bhoot him it ho returuu to tho place. VIEWED BY BULLIS Messrs. JJullis spent Mouduy view, ing proposed routes for the proposed trolley lino to Hiskiyott Heights. Koutcs examined included ono past tho hospital mid cemetary mid (iiiolli. or out Queen Anuu addititiou and lligheroft. Tuesday ueltini survey work studs. Application was made to tho coun ty court for a franchiso over county highways; tho franchise requiring- tho hujlding of a milo of trolloy lino with in two years. The mutter was tnkcu uudcv ndvisctucnt, WILSON WAGGLE LATEST THING IN WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, May 10. Tim newest thing in walks, the "WiNon waggle," btruek Washington today. The general effect, outside of the straight back, is ono of miibciilur relaxation, 4, .; tt . .f .....(..). 4. A A rf. iiKAii citcnic iminf.'i: OI'K.V TO AUTOMOIIIMCH Tlio Dear creek bridgo will bo thrown open for automo biles mid pcoplo (not bug gies, wagons or horses) today and during tho Odd Follows convention. This Is douo to accommodate tho pcoplo. W. W.' lCII'tiUT, Mayor. t "5 5 ' $ t 5 ty fy 5 .Mrs. Hffio Tailor nrrived at her sister'a homo from Connllis Wed nosdiiy to be with her fnther, L, A. Rom', who is in u ury I'ritical con ditiou. .Mr. mid Mrs. J. W. Peart of Lait re Hill orchard, enst of Phoenix, wero in Xorlh Tuleut Friday ufter noon. Mrs Klinor of Kern Valley was calling 011 friumU in North Talent Thursday. " Mrs, Then. Kih was calling 011 Mrs. Joe Ruder Friday.- Charles MuClnin of Myrtlu Cicek i vixitiiig friends in Phoenix. .Air. mid Mrs. Pete lliiruuhurg of .Medford were Mailing Mrs, Jlanie burg's mother, .Mrs. "J. T. Jlcll of Talunl, Thtirailay, .Mrs. J. K. Rolicrt pf Norl)i Talent lias liaiiii on tho siuk list this week. Mrs. Li.i Htnucliff is -eiorled us being very much better at this wilt ing. Ocorgo F.lfcrs of Phoenix was in Talent on business Friday. Miss Lulu Itoburls was a Phoenix visitor Friday nflcrnoon. C. Carey was trading in Medford Saturday, Ocorgo Roberts wiih over in Fern Valley Friday visiting his diuixhtcr, Mr. L. K. llughos. Miss Jiiaiiulla Furry gnvo a birth day party to twenty-six of her little friends Saturday in honor of her eleventh birthday. A woods picnic mill dinner wiih very much enjoyed by her little friends. ' " 1 1 ' DIED. Atigiietln W. Clemens, a pioneer of Jackson county, residing at 611 South Itlvorsldo died at 12 o'clock Saturday or complicated ailments. Tho futioral services will bo hold next Monday at two o'clock. Interment in I. O, O, F. cemetery. Services nt Weoka and Mctiuwan chapel. Due-eased wuh born in Linn county, Mis souri In 1830, and crossed tlio plains la 1805, coming to JackBon county Jn 1870. Poultry rail-ers of Jnckoii eouutv organised tho Jackson County Poul try Association Saturday afternoon uml elected It. II. Paxson of Central Point toiu;s)rary chairman. A uncl ing lo to perfect organization will be held llm coining Saturday nt ihu pub lie library ut 'J 1(1 o'clock. Poultry is one of the icrout indus tries of the volley nnd it is the in tention to iiinke this section Oregon's banner poultry region. Kvery pemnii interested in siultry is invited to af filiate. A I'o-openitivn uiurKot plan will he worked out iw well iih itoultry fair and exhibits. Mission nt Catholic Church. A mission eonduutcd by Father Powers of tho Itcdumplorist Mission House of Portland, opens at Ihe 10:910 iiiiihs Sunday, May lb, it t the Catholic church. :i'Jf) South (Jakdale, mid coulinuos for Ihe week, clnHiug. Sunday fiveuiug, May -'. Masses ami hcnuou services every iiiorning at ll o'clock nnd 8:1" n. 111. : evening services mid setmou at 7:110 p. 111. Noit-Catholii! friends cordially united. PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Wator Boating All Work Oiinrnntt-nd rrlcia Itmauiiabl OOFFEEN & PBIOE fS Xowatd Block. Cntrsnr on Slh II Kom riton . -M"h-M"l"l 1 ISIS THEATRE j; I'liolo lias Today t IIIIOMilO tl,l,'H WAV Willi Mr. (1 M Anderson tiii: (hit or tin: htoii.m in;i)i:i,i. iii'.comiw , lanv lioiiin t'opijuly Clt.VIIH Al I.OIIHIiCltH Imliistrlal toiiacco (iiiriritM in ct iia Aliillnee imlly Admlsiilou A 10 (Vntn AMIKHNO.V AMI .MAMIOT I'lHhl Iteturns Tomoriovv by lilnct Wire ...4.4.H.i4.v-fVH"f44-M- Clark & Wright LAWYERS WAHIIINOTON, it. O. Publlu Land Mntters: Final Proof. Dovort I .a 11 da, Contett nnd Mlntnit Cases, Harlu. FOR SALE HiiihII IrriKsied rnmii msir tily ronervolr. Iloiim-. bitru. sliil, uta. Tlvpliotin and rllv water. I'asilly oniiard. berrtm, garduH. Now fnm toll all planted Ideal location fur marliet KardrnliiK. herrtos or sumll orchard, fluy this nincli now unit Kt he henettt or thhi ymir'n crop. ' II. I NOIH.IT, Owner I'hoini tllM-L. Hochambeau KcsUtered. DAI'l'l.i: OIl.W HTAM.ION G Voam Old rn'rilro -0 tn liinurc Kirro IIAII.V Wo nUo train horses and rolls nnd break them of nil noxious habits. Hat Isfuctloii guarantacd. ii. o. van wi:oi:x Main I'J f JnrUnonxlllo FOR SALE I hnve hoiiip of tlio best Imy.s in tht valley, (lood sil I'alfa nuit'lit'.s, ood bottom land, pl.Mily of water. A too L'tmtl nlat'p to I'tMit. Don't fail to. sop mo boforiyou buy. JOHN PEARSON P. O.. Box 30 Ashland, Oro. MRS. HOWARD WAGNER Draperies Wo carry a very eamnlnta Una nf ilMIwrlo. faco curUlim, flituraa, nta.. nnl tin nil rlnnnrH of u plwil t --rliirr A d 111 11 niclimUily Mint imluj limn in look nili'r tills work rill ulvn a bimh! irtlrr kii la ix)albla tu Kl In ovou tlio l.irsi'nl clllM. Wook3 & McGowan Co, Writes Personal Isillcr to Her llrug glit About a Hail Cough Mrs. Mo' ward Wanner ot Milton. I'a., writes her druggist as follews: "I'ue two months 1 suffered from a bad cold, from which I could gut no relief, then I began to cough and would cough until midnight ovury night. I consulted, a doctor (tin! took two kinds uf modlrliio, but without bcnuflt. One day seeing Vlnol, your cod liver und Iron medlcluo adver tised In my paper, I sunt for a bot tle. After taking it tbu second day I did not cough so much mid folt stronger, and at the und of a week I could go to bod und ulcop without coughing onto, l Imvo now taken In all six bottles, and I never felt butler In my lifo. ) Imvo a flnu ap potlto and Imvo gulned twelve pounds. As Vlnol has helped niu so much I want others to know about U." Tho curative and strengthening properties of Vlnol built up Mih. Wugiier's health and her cough dU- appoarud as a natural result. Wo guarantee that Vlnol will do till wo claim and will pay bark your money if Vlnol does 1191 satisfy you. Medford Pharmacy, Mmlford, Oro. E.D.Weston Official Photographor of tha Medford Coramorcial Club 'Amateur finishing Post Cards Panoramic! Work Portraits Interior and exterior views Flash lights Negatives niado any time and any place by appoint incut. 208 E. Main", PHon,e;i471 BILL OFFUTT Automobile Expert Now Located nt tho Crater tuiko (Jitragn 33 H. Ilartlott Hired -Itcasonable Piled. Woik Oiiarautrisl I It I of ltefDrrnirs Care Washoil mid TlrtM JtxotiniiKwl Uarago Phono S'J-K. John A. Perl Undertaker Lady Assistant, m h, iiAitTijirrr Phonos M. 47 mid 47-J.a Ambulanco Servlco Deputy Coroner! The Medford Warehouse nKNiatAlj HTOItAGR Si'ixvi?rti.i.iii.jji.i.'i.(.i'.i.j.iv.Tiiirii'.r.ii.) & "" S !) 10 (3 T.. .-.. TT7JH...I. JJUAUiy YYJbJlUMb !) 'jj Jtixcravaganco ji IJI 5) I Rntpl I Von Dorn 1 !M2 Turk Street (D Finest ponulnr nrieed IS I Ifolel in San Francisco Modo Contral I Oregon's Mont iip-to-duto Flni-proot Wurohouuo with Ilurular-proof Vault. For rates apply MEDFORD REALTY & IMPROVEMENT CO, Maniigors BcdV loented nnd moot ponulnr hotel in the City. Running dUlillcd ice water in each room. European Plan, a la Curtc Cafe. 4 Tariff on Rooms 13 room 00 room . . 60 room - - CO room mid piluli Uih 50 room silk nluli Ulii $1.00 erh 1.80 each 2.00 encli 2.00 each 2.00 each 30 ultt, bedroom, par lor and bath - 3.00 each For mora than one ifiiett add $1.00 extra to tha above rata for ench additional gucit. Reduction by , week or month, (ft Munufmint CAnUr IV. f.Vy I 'I 'Mm twm F. G. ANDREWS ,. Lobhco of drill and Dining ltoom, M V