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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1913)
PXGE SIX. MEDFORT) MATT) TRTBITNE, MFjDFORD, OTJKCION, FRIDAY. MAY 10, IMn. r l.y SCHOO L EXHIBITS DRAW MM WORK UNIFORMLY GOD A largi! number of locnl people in terested Jn school work were tlrnwn to tlio public Bcliools Tlmrndny nf lunioon lo view exhibits of tho cliil drcn'd work thirinjr tho pnst year. All were nprecnbly Runriseil by tho uni form excellence of the work, which Tcflccla' credit on child nnd tenrhcr nliko. A new ilepnrtnro this yenr on tho j)nrt of the nulhoritic.q provided for exhibits in ench of tho school. In this mnnncr parents of school eliildren hud no difficulty in locate injr tho work dono by their children Tho high school exhibit consists principally of work dono by tho clnpRos in domestic science, manual training, Rewinjj nnd drawing. This work reflects much credit on the students, sonic of tho work being very excellent. Furniture is on dis piny which will" surprise visitors, re scinbling more tho finished product of manufacturing plants rather than the work of amateurs. The "goodies'' cooked by tho domestic science classes arc in appearance the equal of tho products of tho best profes- siounl chefs, while in tho sewing room graduating dresses nud other canncntR arc neatly and cleverly done. Other exhibits, especially that of the drawing classes, aro vorv fine. In tho grado schools tho results obtained .by the instructors arc re markable. Littlo tots havo really turned out work which is a credit to children twico their age, a notable exhibit, and ono which stands out remarkably, is tho baskets mado by tho fifth graders in tho Jackson school. Tho Roosovelt school has a remarkable display of sewing by the youncstcrs. It would bo difficult to choose tho exhibits worthy of spccinl mention. Tho exhibits as a whole arc good nud the people who viewed thein were well pleased. Tho exhibits will bo open this af ternoon from 1 to 5 and this evening from 0 to 0. RITCHIE TO DECIDE TOMORROW UPON JULY 4 BATTLE SKATTLK, Wash., Mny 10. "I will mnko a finnl decision tomorrow afternoon from nmong tho several of fers nnd pick the man who is to meet Ritchie July 4 in n championship match," said Hilly Nolan tho Irish manager of Lightweight King Willie Hitehic, this morning. "Six promoters nro bidding, for the championship match, which is the plum of the pugilistic yeah In San Frnncico there is O'Day and Kline, promoters of tho Wolgast-N'eUon match three yenrs np; Jim Cof froth and Ed Oraney. Tom MeCarey and Anicli nnd Grinnl nro bidding for a I.os Angeles match between Hivcrs nnd Iiitehie, nnd in New York there is the Mndion Square Garden's and Mcllnhon trying to arrange a bout between Ritchie and Leach Ctoks, "I am inclined to favor tho Cm-w hont because Cross would draw so CITY EFFICIENCY IS COMMONWEALTH CONFERENCETHEME UNIVERSITY OF OREGON', 1U' ONE, May 1(1. Municipal efficiency and the means of obtaining bettor eit, government in Oregon was the ques tion taken up nnd thoroughly thresh ed out Ibis morning by eily officials and civic workers nud municipal re search experts at the opening sesion of the fifth annual commonwealth conference at tho University of Ore- yy,.ther forecast Oramm nnO. Washington Knlr tonight nnd Sat unlay, l.lclit frost cant portion to night. Warmer Saturday; northerly winds. on tho pint fo tin with A. II. Harris, editor of tho Labor Press, of Port land, who will talk on slate planning. Tomorrow will be n day of vnrlcd activities, with many sectional con ferences, nud excursions from outly ing points which nro expected In bring more than 000 isitors to tho univer sity. R0THCHILDS LORENZO WINS $15,000 CUP RACE MANVIIKSTKR, England, Mny 111. Leopold UoRollHchildV Lorenj.o won the Manchester Cup race horc. to day. It was worth $ir,l)H0 to the winner. Fitzyiiiim was second and Adam Redo third. Fair Tonlflht ntul Salurtlay. POHTLANI). On... May lfi. well in New York with n ten round no decision contest wc would be tak ing no chances. A fisht with Riers in cither Los Angeles or San bVnu cisco would involve thu title. "Of course I have not decided yet and may accept one or the California offers provided an offer is made which would bo worth riikinj; the title for. I will know however definitely tomorrow." Margarot Anglln has Just returned from a trip abroad, during which sho mado efforts to find somo now play suitable for her use. DIED. KlUnbcth. St. Clair Hyatt Mrs. Elizabeth St. Clair Hyan. a member of a welt known Jackson ville family, died at Salem, Thursday evening, at sercn o'clock. Sho Is tho widow of Patrick J. Hynn, and leaves ono son, Luke Hyan, a prominent retired business man of Jacksonville. Sho was born April 17, 1S37, at Lawrcnccburg, Indiana, and camo to Oregon April 17, 1S62. Sho was a much loved and respected woman, and had many friends that will mourn her death. Tho body will bo sent to Jackson ville, and tho funeral will bo held In that city Sunday at 3 p.m. Use Cottolene for cooking TUUE Mrs. Jack Truo, of Ash land, died at her sister's homo In Oakland, Cal Thursday morning. Funeral services will bo hold Sun day at 2 p. m. In Ashland. gtu. Edward E. Gray, mayor of Astoria, opening fire on the municipal prob lem in Oregon and pointed out where co-operation nnd scientific principles nnd methods were needed. Tho re sults of wide expert experience throughout the United tSatcs were Mimninrizcd in n practical way by Herbert It. Sands of the Now York bureau of municipal research, who I ban recently been engaged in research work in rortlnml. A proponl which hn been under consideration at tho University of Orcein!, looking to tho establishment by tho university next September of n bureau of municipal research in conenctiou with the departments of economics nnd sociology, was the top ic behind a p.H'r by Dr. Hcromu E. lira tier, who is at tho head of the Washington Mato bureau of municip al and legislative research, nt the .Alt .!.! i ... !.. I ..til.. mi rnrvi tv nr 11 iiki'iiiifinii in .iriiiiiii . . v, .. j v i i l., , . hnnro frt f Hi iloMprihod Ihn i?rvnt imnnrtunt'e loi . . . ... T. ; ; v , , ' .1 J temperature uian lara or ouuer, which thw work had urown in the j"!." .,:,m,, unf k fnl, state of Washington, nnd the advan- "" ?V" -"V., . tnge to teh bureau that lay in being f """"- ." .3 ,' , located clobo to the facilities sup- loieneisiiiuit.HwiuuuiuiuHiuu, Plied bv the university. Washington and YOU only need to USC tAVO ts on., of the most recent stales to thirds as mUCll as yOU WOUld Of either butter or When you shorten or fry your food with butter it is needless ex travagance. Butter is too expen sive for use anywhere buton your table. If butter were really bet ter, would produce better results in cooking, you would be justified in using it, but it won't Cottolene is fully the equal of butter for shortening; it is better for frying. It makes food rich, but not greasy, higher supply such a bureau as part of the state's apparatus for law-making un der democratic conditions. L. II. Weir, field secretnry of the Playground and Recreational Asoet ntion of America, closed tho morning session with n discussion of meth ods of organizing that branch of mu nicipal work. Tho afternoon is set aside for commonwealth service nnd cooperative production and distribu tion, but a return to municipal prob lems will be mado this evening when Ellis V. Lawrence, architect, of Port land, is to deliver nn illustrated lec- turo on city planning. He nppenrs lard. When you stop to consider I that the price of Cottolene is no more than thepriccoflard you can readily figure out what a saving its use in your kitchen, means. THE N. K. rAlRBANK COMPANY irkattmMM i 300 Manufacturers' Samples Untrimmed Shapes AT REDUCTIONS OF 25, 33J6 AND 50 A fortunate purchnso of a comploto lino of manufacturers' samplos of un trimmed shapos in Milans, Homps, Panamas, Javua, Loghoras, otc, also chil (Iron's nnd littlo tot's trimmocl hats and Ratino midsummor stylos bought at a big discount and markod out at reductions of 25-, IKl'ii''? , and 50. t MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SALE. EXTRA SPECIALS IN Fully IK) to :WW,tt loss, inoluding tliu SHIRT WAISTS famous La Urn-quo Tailored Under- a(K) sllili Wna,H m.llllHnK immtm Jonr . ,. , . 'iy (Htmnod litu'tte.s, lawiiH, ginj,'- Ono lot ol Gowns in muslin, cniulmu hnins and (will Norfolk Middvn, ao- audci'opo, actual values to $l.7.r, spo- iil values to $, Haturdav huo- 1 t 8JV t-itil :...D8 GOLF SKIRTS :i(KJ Shirt Walsla in lawns, iiiuIIh, Of a wood quality muslin, three rows y,,,11(,'s mdnw, many ot'tlieso aru tho t!f Inee around bottom, $1.50 values, IJoynl imiko, actual values to jfjl.fiU, special at OS Saturday Kpecml J?1.7 GOLF SKIRTS NIAGARA MAID SILK GLOVES Of a fine ijilriio. laee, ribbon 0m, ,nt $vjn it Nngnm tr.nuued, a J.OO value, vorv spe- Mid ilk (llovo.s in all colt.i-8, spueial t,,!l l 1W nt .......08c LA GRECQUE COMBINATIONS .,.,. ,.m . ,5,,.. . ,m . .,,,. NIAGARA MAID SILK GLOVES L'.OO to $b.oU values, 120 to lllio less. 1- button Silk (Moves black and wliilo La Oreeque Princess Slips at '20 special at 8ity to 33liV; less- LISLE GLOVES CHAMISETTE GLOVES Long Lisle O loves in while, special In either U button or 1(5 button lengths at 2J special at .?8tf Hand Tailored Coats and Suits Reduced 20 to 40 $m$mxm$":"X ? I T I ? I ! Spring House Gleaning Made Easy The Medford Mail Tribune wishes to announce that on account of the great demand for our National Vacuum Cleaners We will continue to give one with each subscription up to May 17 THESE WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO OUR READERS '' AND NEW ALIKE -OLD A $10 NATIONAL VACUUM CLEANER by agreeing to subscribe to the Daily Mail Tribune for six months at the regular rate. Si TERMS To subscribers where the Mail Tribune is delivered by carrier, $1 at tho time of placing order and $3.00 on delivery of Cleaner, and agreeing to subscribe for The Mail Tribune for six months at the regu lar 'subscription price 50c per month. To Mail Tribune Subscribers One of theso $10 National Vacuum Cleaners and tho Daily Mail Tribune for two months, both for $5.00 cash in advance, as a two months' subscription must accompany each order. In case of old sub scribers, two months will be added to your present subscription and with lie wsubscribcrs will be started at once. With I'utent I'luxililu Nozzle I Mean u Clean, hnttluxty Home NOTICE Those wishing Cleaners please call at office, as we have no men in the field. Don't delay; call now. GUARANTEE "We guaranleo this Cleaner to bo frco from mechanical dufocts and will replace without charge any part proving defective in mater ial and workmanship for a period of ono yoar from date of purchase. THE MAIL TRIBUNE 'V 4hh$mkko: ? ! ? I f T ? ! ? ? ? ? V ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? f I t ? ? T ? T ? y t f r y