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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1913)
AflUDKOlM) MATfi'lMiriHINH. MISPFOnq , OUKfJON, HATWHMV, MAY 3, 1018. PAOT1 STCVKIf And the Cat xajk Tcii d oi roH thu i inn FiHM ' '' Uvr-ii.uiivr yjaVr iM f -3!il Kefliif'rcViMditi uou'.n . KHrI vu: mT AT HitHt. MW CM Y KifA in : ttfH J S v4-H f"c VAibud cwss M-Miour J (1 HH1 B to3fift ? ' i Mi , 1 hot r L . . .. . f v - "U - - '. z'-x-viin -:j m .v f'1 iyj.'yj -i '-"J- ; , - , ' ".''"W- t i i rt - .,' iIihhiiiiHMcmi' iiirywili myil PMBKTi , sii m. ig si S 11 I IHfcC r i i I . i 1 EAGLE POINT EAGLETS, f lly A. C. HowMl. I i . Kri'd I'oIiiIikc, oiiu l our proroH' ivi orrlinnliht", mu ilninic liiiftlueHH iiinir town liiNt .Moiuliiv mill while lu;ro lilci our xi'liool, ho onn of ilia illirniom. Ilu took .dinner with yijir i'nrr.cH!inf(;ut ipiil vlillo hum Cie mi) IiIh iiUii tin I" I10.W to con. ilurl the IniaiiiMM of the dUlrint. I lu iy in favor of lovyin; 11 homy lux and IihUiik nvHi-ythliiK ui 11 liiiili I1I1411U. J leiiriu'il tliiit Tliiirailny nioniiiijr I luit Ihoro l talk of trying In IhohI thu Hjdiool illntriet, pay fjff the in iloMi'lno, unit itomii nro tnlkuiK of liimitju niiollier mdiool Iioiic, lint from ,ulinl I rnii learn li.v liMtemii on til) ulnit to what in miiil, u major ity ofj I lie tux nii'ri nji oppovvtl t hojli niio. ' t i I'Vtt llrnjim linii movril lo Port' liunl villi liin'fniuily iim Mr. Dimuuml mIio Iiiih been in piulimrMilp with Mr. Ilivnlll in the niHK'iuitilo Iminjiiomh, Iiiih iiuyi'd to Mcdfonl. .Tplui Kmler mill hi daughter Mix liiaj Im-oiikIiI in 11 lot of Imtter uinl 'JiK fr Mr. Ileutli WeiluoMilny. Mr, i:. I'ni'Kiinl unit mid who luio been iiliiiK Miri, Henry Mc.m'ih oil l,n lilt iMi'dk crtiue out WVilnekiliiy it ml 1 ciQii ituil lo their homo in Meilfonl. Mr. Ilciliiton of l,uko cicuk wiik in cir(i Ylnrhiliiv iloiui; Iiiihiikikh with 0111; liiinlunro iiioicIuiiiIk ninl Hmny L'llilrulh, one of our lilncl.HinilliN. Umiiiiii O. O1I011 wIioowiih the old Ihjrlif phiou JiiNt iirli Jf out' tuwii uulji'd ut the Sunny Side for Biippor Wi'dntindiiv liiuht nyd Ilnrolil l Iliiri u'liuV, 11 truvelini; buoiiim fur tint I'mjifltt liirdiviire uinl Kteel ooiiipiiiiv of J'orlliiiid, wiik here doinu luudiiex ullli mil- new liiirdwure mini ,ltoy AhCiiiIi WediiDsduv mid Npent tho nlht ut I ho Sunny Side. Ftcil lleulli npoiil Wednesday in Mvdl'oul, li. (I, DonexNo uinl hU hrotlier J. 1 1. ' DiiwiH'he, who 1110 M'tlled on n met of iiiilroiiil I11111I near the wite (if llui old Jiieolui hiiwtnill Oil tho Oliyneliniii load weio In town WuJnoHiluy liuviiif,' huiiio repair work l(iuj in their wuoii, (leoiKO KIhIioi "lie f utir lduek (.inlUiH, Iiiih been Hpondiuu' n low iiyn with (lie "old l'olkn nt homo" 011 liidlnn eieek, t? ! . CENTRAL POINT POINTERS. ' Many peopln of WIIIowh HprliiKH ilttOjiidml tho hall gamo horo Kilday afternoon. fhoro will bo nn Kpworth longuo uilly fHuiduy ovonlun t IU M.'w. Came Back r church. 1'our of th dUtrlci.offlcurn ut leutt u 111 bu prutunl and will tako purt In tho incxtiliiK, All aro ror dlally linlttd to ottvud thin incut I11H. Mm Hmlth and daughter Rraro aro vliltliiK relative at I.dgQwood, Cal. . Tho ball Kauio between tho Uuh Ur men of tho north ami thu bukl noH mou of the xoulti wan the great out event of tho Heaion. Wo will predict that theru In 110 rlty on tho count that has an good bull playora an our bun(ipM iiiqii, Tho ncoro wnn 2S to 10 In favor of tho couth lde. It wan n regular holiday for Central l'nlut, an iiiont everybody wan at tho game. Mm. II. I'rlco upenl Krldny morn Inn In MedTord. Mm. Stout nod child, MIm 'Jmi'-.i, Mm. , HowoJI, Mrn.M. II. 1'arkor, uud Mil" UliickforU worn aiuong tho Contraf rolij(er In MmUord Trlday uftoriioou. W. J. Albert of Anlit.iud opuitt PrN day afternoon horo. Juiinn Olimou of Portland In vUlt lug III imrmits, M"r.. and Mrs. PiiuIur OIhboii, In thin city thin weok, PHOENIX Mi-h, 1411(0 rluicj(f U oi yio vl; lint Mill week, MlK4 Poii tell wan a caller In town Pildny. II. H, Drown and family have been buffering fioni la grip thlH.wci'k. Ucv- A, Vhiduu and wife weru callem In Talent Tuuriuluy ufturnoon. M1m Murlou II, Towuo atteudujl tho M(ch(;uji" iiulvvmlty uluuinl luncheoii given In Medford Monday ovoiiIiib. , Mm. o. K. 1 In tin wood uud Mra. S, Ut Duciia woro cullera In town on Wuduunduy afternoon. Mm, (loorgu A. Moibo upent Prlday wltlj hr, l. Fullur. , , , Mm, John A. u.immlll jefoYero.l Hiiffleleutly to bu able to be removed homo Tuemluy. Hho waa accoinpa iled by. liar iuotlnr, Mr. Umory, or Alijiuedii, Cal., who waa called huio whuu Mrs. (laiumlll wim takou to tho lonUil, two weolu iiKo. Voik Ih prosreaIng qulto rapidly on tho digging of tho trenches for thu laying of tho rlty water malnn, J. (1. Miller or tho Aahland Miller Hroom .Manufactory ,wu In town Prl day, hqIIcIMiik, oidurn for his brooma. lie lopnitH a bright outlook for hla factory thla ypqr. AT JACKSONVlMiP, Call for Mall Tilliuno vacuum cloanora at Mr, AhliotPBlinrdwar0 ntoro, By NOTION TO I0Vi:it WOOD WAI.KK All property ownora affected aro hereby notified that tho atreot nnd road commltlco of ttiu city council lui ordorud tho louorlug to proper grade of all wood walk on tho went aldo of Nortn Holly between Second and Third streets and on tho south ldo of Wcit Second, between North Ifolly and Olnon Btrcct. If this In not done at once, tho city council will order tho construc tion of concreto ldowalk on thene ntrooU. KI.MKU POSH, llvcordur of tho City of Medford, Or. 30 CITV TltKASUJtr.H'S NOTICE Notice In hereby glen that tho cl(y of Medford, Jackson county, Oregou, Will take up and canrol Iho follow ing Improvement bendu: No. 471 to 4 r 0 (nclun)ve. dtcd DecuiuVcr 1, 1910. No, 501 to r.53 Incluive, dated December l, 1910. lutereat on tho above named bonds will ceano ut tho next lutcroit pay ing period, Juno 1, 19 III. l)at.od. Mqy 1, ID 13. QU8 H. SAMUHI.3, 3C City Treusurer, w. t. Norici:. Tho W. O. V. will glvo n box nodal ami dnuco at thu Odd Follows' hall Saturday evening, May 3. All Wood men, their wives and friends, and prospoctlvo iiiumberrt aru roqucntod and expected to bo prctout. A gon urul toyd tlmo It antlcjpatodt ItOY STKPHUNS, J. II. ATWHM-, 11. 11. U'AHMQND, OIIA8. HOOVKlt, HOllT, TAYl.Olt,, K. W. WAPf, RC Commltteo. SUMMONS. n tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oie'gon for tho County of Jackson. Noltlo Stiles. Plaintiff, vs. I.awrenco Stiles, Defendant. To Lawrenea Stiles, tho abovo-namod uotemuuu: In tho iinmo of tlio Stato or Ore Hon, you nro horohy rommnuded to appear and answer plaintiff's com plaint on (Ho In tho qhova entitled court, on or boforo six weeks from tho dato of tho first publication hero of, tho dato or said flrat publication being March 22, 1913, and tho ditto or tho lant publication being May 3, 1913, and It you full so to appear and ' uiiRwor, platnttft will douuuul tho relief 'prnyod for In tho com plaint, to-ylt: For a decree or this coi(rt (llnaolvliiK tho niurrliiBO con tract ov cxtatlns; betweon plutUt and defendant, nnd for eucli oilier and further rollof as to oqulty uhall sco in moot. Tuts summons is published by nu tlforlty of tn ordor or tho abovo onutlvd 59uvl4 i"trt9 w entorca on "BmcP Fisher.. tho 21t day of March. 1913, by Hon, P. M. Calkina, Judgo the roof. Plmt nubltcAtlon March 22. 1913, Lant publication May 3, 1913. HOM1IIOOK W1TIHNOTON, Attorney for Plaintiff. SOIMONK. In tho Circuit Court or tho Stato or OroKon, in and for tho County of jacKiion. Fred" H C.ookr plaintiff. . O. C Uogga as administrator of tho estate or Lucrottn Woolvorton, deceased. Al H. Woolvorton and Castle Woolver- ton. minor child or Al K. Woolvorton and I.ucrotla Woolvorton, and nig Plnos Lumber Conipan)', n corpora- nun, ucii'tiiimuri. To Castle Woolvorton, ono or the abovo named defendants. In tho name or tho Stato of Ore gen, you aro hereby required to ap pear ami answer me plaintiffs com plaint against jou, now on file In tho abovo entitled court nnd cause, on or before tho last day of tho tlmo pre scribed in tho order for publication Qf summons hcrqlu, to-wlt, on or uo- roro tno r.'tn nay or May, 1913, said dato being tho expiration of nU wpoks. from tho dato or the rirst pub llcatlon of thla summons, and If you fall to appear nnd auswer, for want thereof tho plaintiff will apply to tho court (or mo roller ucmundod In said complaint, succinctly stated as fol fel fol eows: ' That tho mortgago montlonod in said complaint bo foreclosed and that tho real property therein do- scribed, vis,: Lot numbered Threo (3) In lllock Number Two (2) 01 Crescent Subdllson,,to tlio City of pit'iiioru, 111 ,iiicki;oi vouiuy. uro gon, as numbered arpj described In ho recorded plat ihorvof, bo sold under tho order and decree or said court, as by law provided, and that tho proceeds or sufficient thereof bo applied In thu dtSlAifsurnent or tho Judgment prayed nforiiv said com NEW TODAY 3G0 acres, host or soil, This Is an Ideal stock ranch, well watered, with 0 acres In hay, clover, timothy and aHulfa, hay getting heavier each year. Can put n hundred acres nioro to liny, and tho edgp of tho ranch 911 two sides I scovered with a Hno growth or naw timber, cruised utiovor (ho million feet. Plvo room housa With .water plpod Into It. Tho placo lies on a main rona 14 liilloa out of Ashland, nnd telephone and electric lines aro available Largo barn, holds 150 tons or hay, and, Btanchjpus for n lot of cows. Threo homos, 1 1 cattle, 14 hogs, sonio chickens nnd a full equipment or tools and vehicles go with tho placo. This Is an ideal hay and stock ranch, on a main road, ipl well worth consideration. Prleo 10,000, half cash. Lot us shqw Itto 1011, G. D. HOON Room 13 Jackson Coipity jc lq T?(djiiqiio. 1037-J, plaint. In tlio sum of Mrrim Hiinilrml Fifty noiinra (i7no.poi together Willi Interest lliron al trio raw or trn per cent (10 per cent) per an num from tho ttli 1ny pf February, IIM.1, and tho fnrtW fitirn of Ono Hundred Dollar ($100.00) reason, it lit o aiturnoy's fro', ami tlio costs nnd disbursements of this mill to bo tnxed Thnt tin defendants and nil per ion claiming or to claim under ttictn bn barred ami forocluscd or nil right, tlllo and equity In or to said do scribed promises, anil of any and nil equity of redemption tlioroln, except as by statute provided. Thin summons In published In the Medford Mall Tribune, a newspaper printed In and of s0nnr.1l circulation in said county and state, by ordor of tho lonrallo V. M. Catkin, Judgv of tho above ontltfcd court, .whlcli artld order wm inad and entered ol rcord on tho 28th day of March, liil.1, and hi obodlqiice thoroto tho first publication hereof Is tho 20th day of March, 11) in W. K. Pffll'PS. Attornoy for I'lnlntlff. publication Saturday May 10. 1013. i on hi;nt UOO.MH FOIt IIBNT Housekeeping rooms with bath and gas. 345 North Hartlott. FPU HUNT honsekecp Ing room. Kent $7 nnd $9., 322 f. Ccntrtil. , 38 FOK ItKNl HOUSES POIl HK.NT -4 room noune. $3.00 pur inonm. uoiu uuy Keaiiy uo.- POIt KENT 10 room house renr ot Pannero & Fruitgrowers bank, sultablo for business, real estate, boardlnn or rooming houto. Gold Ray Ityalty Co., Cth and Kir sts. FOR RUNT Five room modern apartment, sleeping porch, $15; seven room bouse, sleeping porch. Cal H. II. Sargent, 810 Oakdale South. 61 FOR RENT Modern bungatow; built-in furniture; beautiful lawn. 309 8. NowIomw. FOR RENT Seven room housp, sleeping porch, IIS; also & room apartment, tlooplng porch, $18. Water paid In both. Inquire of Col. Sar&cnt. 30 FOR RENT Strictly modern C room houso with sleeping porch. Also seven room bungalow fur nished If desired. Also throo room bouse. W. II. Evcrhard, 1013 W. 9 th st. FOIt RENT C room modern fur nished housq. 730 West Jlth st. FOR RENT Furnished C-room houso, water rent paid, $25. 018 King st. FOR RENT Furnished house, closo in. ai. A. Itador, at M. F. & H Co. POIl RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Well furnished" rooms with all conveniences In modern home, gcutlotnan and wfo or la dles only. Call mornings. 122 South Laurel. FOR RENT Largo sleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping apart ments, nrlccs vcrv reasonable. Phono 102C-L, 222 South Holly street. FOR HEN1 Q1T1CK8 FOR RENT Large, comfortablo or flco rooms with elevator sorvlce, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. .yM "jT MlBCl:l,li.NEOUS FOR RENT Ranches. largo and small, alfalfa and garden lands. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth nnd Fir FOR RENT 30 room furnished hotol on percentage. Gold Ray Realty Co. r . FOR RENT FURNISHED AITS, " - FOR RENT Completely furnished npartmonts. Tho Dorben, 10 Qiiluco at. FOI B.VLK LANDS FOR SALE lly Luman N. Judd of latent, Jackson Co.. Orogon. 4 small rarms about 3 ml. from Tal- unii uouacs nuii inprpventcns; among tho roothllls, soil very fer tile, water plentiful; prices from sou to 1100 nn acre. General altulfa farm?, level, pneq irom s;uo to J3Q0 an aero Timber liuid from $3( up, UoJd mining property, assaying from $S to $300 v.tpu: also R. R. lands In Cal., Utah and Nevada: also fine stock farms, and commorclal or chards and 200 acres of heavy saw timber, plno and fir (nevor boon cut on) ut $30 an aero. Will soil In 40-acro tracts If desired: road not far from t.uwtnlll; must huyo cash down. Write, encloslug stamp. FOR SALE Who wuuta 8 crc or rich, Tree soil or which 20 nercs hao been cultivated und balance easily clearablor litis a 4 room log house, m(lk hoi3e.. sjood v.-pll and smal) orchard:' tlio loct(on. Total prlco only $2u00 on terms of $7S0 cash and a lou,g tlnw on tho balance. Como and soo, E. S. Tinny, 201 UaruetCoroy blk. SO FOR SALE Rauchos, "aero tracts, town property, from $$ per ncro, upwards on 5 and 10 years time. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and ut. von sALir-AumaqK FOlPsALE Choice 1 C "Xcro Tiomoi easy terms. East, 14th st. Phono luuo-ai. , i j FOIt SAE Ouo qcr'o. Uttlo farm, new 5 room bungalow, Jinrn; all lirlgatod; In bearing b'erriea; u rino h.omo with tv llvlus x& UP, Adjoins city limits Medford. Snmli iuymont, easy tonus. W. II, Hunu'UWi S1& BastVAlalu, et, 37 FOH HAf.L OirKNT Now f. roon? modern homo, full bnnmnnt; a I no room lionso, (12S Went I'alrn t. 1 Mock wait of North Oak dnlo, 38 I'Olt 8AI.I: A four room furnlihed rotlnuo very rloxo In and on tho pnvliiK- All nimcxarnentR paid to date. Tolal price 87C on cay tcrnm. A real bargain. 12. H. Tumy, 201 Onrnctt-Corey blk. I'OU 8ALB 1 room houno and lot $700, $100 each and $15.00 pet month, (lold Hay llcnlty Qo. FOR HALIV-MWCKLIANKOUB FOR HAl.lRicyole." doiibm riSn forced frame, stool rims, extension handles, extra tire, $8. Phone 000-X. 3C FOR SALE Furniture of 2 room cottage, cheap. Phono C71-J. 36 FOlPHALE Jlousohold furniture. Call Latfirop Perkins, CJJC. FOR SALE llciln. dresicrs. tables, chairs, rerrlgcralor, range, heator. rugs, tubs, tools, fruit Jars and many other things. J, C, Schmidt, 30 Ilono avo. I'hoap 92f-J. FOR SALE 1 Holt traction cnglno nnd plows, nearly now, for one third price. Gold Kay Realty Co. FOR BALE Onfl road roller, gaso line, for one-third price, nearly now. Cold Ray Realty Co. FOR SALE Ollrer typewriter, Web ster dictionary and blcyclo. Apply Mukal. care I', W. llain.HI, 37 FOR SALE Good work team, wag on and harness. Will soil any part or will tako good dellvqry bono lu pn team. Jas. Ruwllqg, 20 S. Peach st. 3!) FOR SALE 50.000 feet good lum ber suitable for barns, packing houses; also 75 squares good Rub bcrold roofing. G. Alldcr & Sons. Phono 1027-J or 9C1-M. 3fc FOR SALE Work team. 907 South Central. 37 FOR SALE First class cull pota toes $5 per ton. Scott V. Davis. Phone 808-R. 40 FOR SALE A good walnut organ fpr sale. Inqulru at 229 S. Front st. 38 FOR SALE Gasollno engine, 'gHo range, porch swing, fruit Jan. fur niture. 822 South Oakdale. Phono 24-J. 3C FOR SALE Finest selected pota toes, for cltiTor seed or table use, G06 per 100 lbs., delivered. Janos Dros., Capital Hill. 37 FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow; gen tlo, easy milker. Phono 500-R-2. 3C FOR SALE Vegetable plants, 'cab- bage c. tomato lc. C. Carey's, Talent, R. F. D. No. 1, Ore. Phono 1C-F-11. ' FOR SALE Italian bees and queens Jas. Stewart. Phono C40-R., Med ford, Ore 46 FOR SALE Eloctro plating outfit. So. Ore. Electric Co. 37 FOR SALE Fruit box labels In one two or threo colors, printed u you order at tho Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Loose leaf ledger sys tems, any style, or aaada to "order by the Mall Tribune bindery, FOR SALE Letter heads and fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as 709 wish at tlhe Mall Tribune. . FOR SALE Legal blauvs, tresspass notices, for sale or rent sings at the Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Eight fine puro bred Poland China sows, or will ex change for oats. Dcrkclcy Or chards. Tol. l-F-21. FOR SALE Purebred Poland China boars, at a bargain. Phone 241-J-4. f WAXTEU SITUATIONS WANTED Plain sowing, patching auu quilting, uau any uay uui Saturday. Phono, SJ02-X. 4? WANTED Work To? threo heavy teams. R. K. Puolnn, 3C Portland Avo., Medford. 39 VlLI' )VA,?rrJlr:-I-ALB, WANTED Flmt class waitress and pantry girl. Oregon Hotel, Ash- laud. 3G :;: j j-.; ; mw, tr, -. : HELP WANTF.I 5IAUJ WANTED A reliable pud onorjjotlc agent to soil now and attractlvo Income protecting policies for the best and oldest company In tho business. Liberal agoucy contracts Experience unnecessary, our frco sctiool or instruction win teach you tuo business. Don 1 aoiay, write to day, R. L. Aldrlch. mauaKer West eru Dopt. 1'nltod States Health and Accident Insurance, Company, 419 Lumbermens uuig., rortlnnd, uro MC AVANTEI MISCEIiUIMCOUS WAITED Ttitorlng", children or all nges. Will tvU'i Instruct rorulgners In English. 1127 E. Mnlu. Tol. 75T-L. '40 U'AVTRn Sni-liitr " tnnlh linprnw WJU excuauso ooil for work nurse, niso iv ucres pears iin liqiiso for Medford bungalow. C. U. A., MaU Trlhtme, WANTED TO RUY Deer cattle, stock cattle, calvcB, all kinds, sheep, hides, wool, etc. Bob Crowdor, phono 10S9-W. 54 MONEY TO-LOAN MONEY'1" TO lSvnOh "city" tfnd closo In ranoh property, O. A, McArthur. room 3, P. O, block, phono 3QS1, MONEY TO LOAN .$1000 to $5000 to loan on improved farm proper ty, uuuuott investment eg. .. . ..m? ; ;.. LOST MoMrcycIo' !.hnt tAf 'efc Jacksonvltlo-Applegnle rood. Flutt er plcaso, notiry R. .f. Thwart, Modfonl. Plionrf an-J-2f .19 ITHTTR ITTfT1 T! -iy 9Wl FOR EXCIJAMK FOJ HALIPOH TttADB Tt VhhM, wigbp, linrpcsn, olio buitpyMrnes arid home. 33.1 Norjlf Ceiitral, 37 FOR EXCHANGE- Clear Incomo nnd ticmngo up to $30,000, for woll lmprpvod rnnoh. Clark Realty Qo TO EXCHANGE I havo 20 nero year-old orange grovo at River side, Cal., to Qxchaugo for nppto or pear orchard near Medford.' 'W..' II. Illimphroy, 8 IS E.1st Mnln nt. IIUHINEHS litllEOTOUY AbstrnctH , ROOUS RIVER VALLEY ARi STRACT CO., No. 0 South Central: a.nt r Attomeys PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attorncys-at-Iiw. Rooma 1 and 2, Postofflco bldg. A. B. REAME9, LAWYER Garnott Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorny nnd Coun sellor at Law. 12.1 East Malt) street, Medford, Ore. Wm, M. Colvlg Gcorgo M, Roberta COLVIG & ROBERTS. LAWYERS-i Medford National Rank Untitling. vi i ... v ', !' : i-fi-a Auto Supplies. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our Dig-secret in maxing springs is me tempering. Wo are operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In the Pacific nprthwest. Uso our springs when others rail. Sold under guarantee. 26 North Fif teenth St., Portland, Ore. AcroHBtanu D. R. WOOD General Accountaht-- Your books nudlteq and kept for a reasonablo figure; your business solicited. Office, Medford Mall Tribune bldg.; phono Cll-R-2; res lencc phone 37. Cli(ropructors DR. It. J. LOCKWP.pD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist. Rooms, 203-204-205 Garnett-Cprcy bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massago given; advlco In dlotctlcx, medical gym nastics, hydroptherapy. Lady at tendant. Phpnc, otflqe 945, rosl denco t71-R. DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Loulso B. Hedges JIcchjno-Thcraplsts, Chiro practors, Bpondylothcraptsts. These systems. Including dlototlcs, cura tlvo gymnastics, hydrc-therapby, etc., produco results In both acuto and chronic diseases. Consulta tion frco. 230 North Bartlctt St., next door to M. E. church. Hour 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Other isurs by appointment. Phono fl?-J, . Dcntlsj? DR. W. M. VAX SCOYOO DR C. C. VAN SCOYOC Dentists Garnett - Corey bldg., Bulte C10, Medford, Ore. Phono SC6. Garbage GARBAGE Get your promises cleaned up for tho wlntor. Call on the city garbage wagons for good service, Phono C25-L "F. Y. Allen. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKBY Notary pub lic. Bring your work to mo at tho Elgn ot tho Mall Tribune. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTINa" Confab "to best equipped printing oKico n southern" Oregon; hook bidding,. lootQ leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland price's. 27 North FlrSt. Physicians and, Surgeons DILIGTCARmV, DR.BYA MAINS OARLOW Ostcopathlo physicians, 410-417 Garuott-Corey bldg.. phono 103C-L. Rcstdeuco 420 South Laurel st. DR. S. A. 1.0C1CWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. 1). Practice llmltod to diseases ot women. Offices 232 E. Malu. Phones, of flco 8C7; residence' qf4. DR. J, J, EM5IENS Physician uud surgoo. Practice limited to oyo, car, noso and throat. Eyea scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Office 228 East Main St.. Hours S.:3Q a. in. to 8 p. m. Phone. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Orrice Jack son County llrnk bldg. Offlca phono 43-R; residence phono CS-R. DR. MARION. Physician and sur geon, Stowart bldg., corner Main and Qrtlett sts.; offlco phone 27, rosldcnc phono 27-J-2. DR. MARTJN C, BARBER PhyBl cUu and surgeou. Office Palm block, opposite NnBh Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, l to 4. Phono 110-J. ' DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician! and surgeon. Phones, offlco 30, res! donco 724-J. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 6. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physician, 303 Garnett -Corey hulldlug. Phono 904-M. f R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Lunw den. 215 E. Main St. Phone 77. Stenographers ELLA M. (1AUNYAW Palm bloek. Stonogrnphlo work done,, quickly, und well. Transfer -r EADS TRANSFER & 8TOUAUMOO, .orfco m Houtji Fir St. pkm 315. Prices right. Service guar aulcd. -,J"J -i j f ii r i i i V -1 " t V ir f t - tf r t" ''