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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1913)
PXOKFTVT!. f .1 unoDForm watt; TinrmNR, Mrcnronn, oiiwion. hattihiav. may . mm. IOCAL AND PERSONAL ,l M. inula, win) In develiiplnii a on no of inliilti( fever, waa In Kiinea Ureelt dMHct (lio fore nrt of tint wuhIi, Mia, K. (I t'oleiimu hua been via ItliiK relative IIvIiik Ml Ashland. Juvenile intialo achool, klndeiKiir tell chin fill til ion fi lo 7 euiM of iikii); Jit ii If i r iiIiim t children 7 to I" yra ot iikii). Mimlciil it fipit rit ttn mini III timehlim avalem. Mra. Allen H. Itowoll, Krniliiiitu of Dualiiu flrhoiil Tor I'Mcher Mimic Method. U Peach Htleilt. I'llllMi) H-J. 3N Htrawberrle have been cuiialder- ahly iliiiiiitHiul by tout mill the wipiity will not Iih nearly an Inrite na oiici)li'il. Iditrly vejttilnhlea iiImi auf foi imI. Tim ri'Kiilnr iiioiitlily puplU' re ulliil will I n Id) place lit (lio Medfoid CiiiiHiirviitnry or 'Miialn Hnturday nlr.lil ut H o'ulork. Ailiulaaloii In fno mill tlio piilillc In cordially IiivIIimI, Tint .Mini font Juniors nuil ('mitral I'nliil f'uliH climbed on tin' illmiioiiil at tin' itrntiuda of tin Intter thla week, tin' former mIiiiiIiik Ii a iron of $ to I. Tim pliDnrn with nmirly nil IiIkIi mcIiiioI atiidcnla. Churl on W. Chiiiupllii, iniiiiiiHiT of lliu I'iioIn creek dreiliter, trunancted liimluiHW In Medford I'rlduy. Mr ami Mr. Ilnl lliirrliiKten went to Jlll'kHOIlVllln I'llllliy I'M'lllMK (Ml II aliurl vlali JiiIiii X. Miller of Trail I In .Mini fonl on IhidIihnm ctinncctcil with hi claim nmilimt tin atntu an mi Indian war veteran. For Kiln, J I tin family ilrlvliiK or rldliiK horae. lniMKy ami hunieaa Thla la a kooiI hu at 1200. If In tercatcd write I.oihrop INirklna, 1 a Komi Court. Medford. W II. Uimli larrloil a uhllu In MiHlfonl I'rldny inornliiK. William Wilder of I'l ill. the atriitt berry expert, whm a huatueiHi via Itor In Mi'ilfonl ilurliiK thn week. On Momlay, May f., at JO Itone nve. J. ('. Hchiuldt will mill hi nearly nor hnuaehnld fiirnlliin'. Phone yjtl-J. Oi'orKit (llvan of KbkIk I'nlnt pre clnol mnde a trip to Mi'ilfonl I'rlday A. Onl of ttiteinnii creek ami C. I.. HprliiKor of Appli'Kaln were In Medford tln fori' part of tin week. . Ityan arrhoil from Aahlaud ami wan nmoiiK thn many who trauaarl cil bimliieaa J ii .Medford rrldny. C, II. Walklua' ahoe makliiK ami roHilrliiK ahop linn moi'i from 21 h (.'unlral to 7 X. I'lr. I'lilly equipped wlili rimmt niurlilnitiy. I'nlronarie Kolleltml. 41 Mm. I. Aiken uf KukIk Point 0U trlct waa ainoiiK Medford relative anil friend recently. Coin ral Point hltil a ilaurliiK party Thiirmlay nlKht. l. O (' Moot nml ollmr iiiiiiIi'Ihiih of Mt'ilfonl ftirnUlii'il lint inimli' itii'mfor. Orolianl. hiintlnit, nutilng nml Cratar l.nkn nccnri for imlo at Ocr IdiiK ft llarmon'H ntuillo, Ncirnttvos mailo nny plum, kodak flnUhltiK. 128 ICant Main utront. I'lionn 2 in It. Mh. I', 'mm of Ciihl Hill hint liron In Mi'ilfonl vliltlni; Iht Hlntor, Mm. Katliryn liiKratuim. MM. P. LooHloy of Horiio Hlir illNlrlct waH tho Riii'Ht of hor pari'iitJ, Mr,, ami Mm. I Hrlumlilnr, of North ItlVIThllll'. UllH WCI'k. It. II. McCunly wrliivi nil klmln of liiHiiraiirn. -101 M. l & II. IiMk. Phono .140. t H, P. Doltohonm tiaa noli) IiIh rcul ilonci' proporty In JackHunvlllo to I'. l.'iillKor. who will ttiko ponueimlo'i i-oon. Tim prli'n palil wait IINO0. Mr. Itiiltohomn will ritniovo to AmIiIiuiiI with IiIh family mill comlm't n uiov Iiik pletiiro hIiow. A. 0. Iloli'oinh of (IranlH INikh nuil ('. C. Olli'lirlHl of KmiiH valley tarrlo'l In I'rldliy. TlntliiK. palntlnit ami papor liani: Iiik, rcaKoiiahld, Plionn !M)7-J. Utl If you want your lawn mower uhnrponuil or rnpalnul phono 3C0-J. 3(1 l- l-J. Martin Iium purrliiiBi'il n tract of laml lylnt; hutwiiou itoKiio Itlvor nml Wlinor, or MrH. Ora Joiioh, tlimimli P. IC. Nnlliiy, Tho rmiRliI trillion wiim J-IIOO. William AriaHiiiltli or filorlhiK nml M. I''ry of .IiultKcuivlllo upout u tiny In Mitilforil thin weul:, (lorkliiK & Harmon, ntudlo por trait homo portrnltR, flnah llghtB, hoilak fliilHliliiK, (innt card work nml onlarKltiK.; lS Kaut Main atrooti tolophouu Sin H, P. II, Farrar of Hay Clolil ninilii a trip to Miulford I'rliluy nftnrnooii. Mia. 0. I'll loll or .Inokflouvlllo wan In Mcilfoiil Kililay lUTompanlod liy linr dniiKlitor, MIhh Flunta. 0. l- lllllliiKH am'l W. .1. Htanloy worn up from AhIiIhikI Friday, -virr " " ro' Txwvr- . Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS KABY ABBXSTAKT Day Phono U127 NlKlit T, W. WoekH 1IM.J.U I'lioiil'H A. I). Oit U7H-.M ,Mrn It .1. IIohimmiiii ami hor ihll droii Ml for Port Mini today to Join Mr MoHnoiiiii Thoy tint on roiito liliiho to liionlit. II. II Nye of Hook Point ilimrld Irniiniii'loil IhihIiiim In Mcdfonl I'rl dav nttitriiooii Am you try Iiik for a prln In thn lllar thoator wonl ioiitotr (NititoHt lon May 17 80 Will NorlitM, forinorly omployi'l at tho llotnl Nimli, had koiio to Por' laud ami In ii'tlnn im imhor In a liiovliiK pliitiiin hIiow. .1. .1. Drown of Contral Point wim iiinoiiH tint iiiniiv who worn hi Mod ford Friday. I.adloft, I will ho ploiirod to hao your putioiiiiK" In my hair work if hrnlitn. ooIIh, or traiuforunitlouH Mh daiiin I.. I.. ItoamoH. Stfl N Oakdaln MIhh I.oiiInu llurkn, mIio rornntly rotnntoil from California, linn itono to Now York, proparalory to loa Iiik u a trip to Kuropo. Mm. M. II. Pnrkor or Contral Point wan a roioul victor In Mod ford. Mi'ilfonl (Jhoral Horloty rourorl. Prmhytnrlaii rhurcli Tiior., May 1.1. Mr. ami Mm. It. II. Dow mid Vr and Mm. V. It. Coloiiiau worn ovor from JncktioiiOllo Friday. lnniiru ami bo aura. Itlcht If wn wrlto It. It. A. IIoIiiioh, Thn Iiimir Miirn Man, Mr. and Mm. Uarl Croft of Trail rami! to Medford Friday. Tint hit lor U vInHIiik lolatlvoa llvlui: miulh of tint cilty. M. I). Howie of I .alio Crook linn hoon iiiuUiik Modfonl u IiiihIimmw Mult. Modfonl Choral Kocloty rourorl. Proxhyiiirlau rhurcli Tuoa., May 13. Mr. mid Mm. II. A. Wither of Olomi, N. V., ii ro rocont arrival In Modfonl. P. H Hlttoiifciriip of tho Pacific Motor Hupply loinimny trninmitoit himliiHwi In Aahland Friday. Motiuy to limn on real ntnto. Koo Carklu ft Taylor, iittoriinya nt lav.. Medford. Mm. Thalchor and hor ilunnhtor arrlod from Kan IHoko tliU wook and an cumin of Mr. and Mm. W. It. (llnnKow, who arn rolatlvim. H. J. Wilson mid hla hod Joi wrro nmotiK tint rcaliloniN of Talent din trlit In Mcdfonl diirlm: the wenk. V., I). Woaton, commercial photos rnplior. ncRatlvca inado any tlmo or plaro by appointment. Phono M. H7I. II M. Parka or Corvallla ami J. K. Drunk of Wood. Cal., nrn Into ar rlvala In Modfonl. Mr. nml Mm. Mlloa C'nnlrnllof ApplcKiitn woro nmoriK thn many who ennm to Medford Friday. MUi (llJilyn K((tilioiion la lrlii llto,l hy MIm Donna Itoddlck of Crania Pana. Vapor hatha and aclcntltlc nina ittKo for men and womon. Dr. It. J. I.ockuond, chiropractor, 203 Oar-Iiott-Coroy blilc. Phone US. J C. .Smith of ItoKiio Ithor. coun ty rommlMloiior, apout Friday In Medford. D. (1. Itoy. who nrrlvttd from Mna aanhuhittta laloly. Iian none to tho moiintnliiH to hunt ami rinh. I. Wolili or Con trnl Point dlatrlrt waa nmoiiK tho hortlcultiirUta In Medford Friday. II. F. Mulkoy uiado it profotmlonal trip to Oranta Paaa Friday. Walter Mahoiiy, Knutherii Pacific Matlon aKont at Cranta Pa, waa among Ida Medford frlenda Friday aftoinoou. Itov. J. Mnnlny Sponcor waa In atallod nu pastor of tho Proaliyterlan church at Hogim Itlvor Thiimday ov iiImk. Kov. W. F. Shield or tho Medford Pronli lorlnn church con diictod (ho liiNtnllatlon aoivlco. It. U. JncohH, ciiHhlor of tho Far morH ft FrullKrmuir hapk, wim a IiuhIiichh vlaltor In AhIiIuii.I Friday. MIhhoh Alien lloofH mid Maliol llonry worn iiiiioiik ilnont ovor from Jnckaouvlllo I'rlday. MIhh Julia lloppln ontcrtnlnml thn Pan-Ilollonlcs nt a very plentdni: luuchoon Saturday, April Urt. In thn nftoruonii tho oluli hoard an InloreHi Iiik "Flmt Aid" paper hy Aloth.i Kiunrlek, ami llnznl Itmlnr unvo a hook rovlnw or Mr. Iliitohluaou'a "Tho Happy Warrior." TIiobo enjoy Iiik MIhh lloppln'H hoapltallty wern: MoailmiHMi J. a. Wilson. W. (1. David Hon, O. AniHplKor, MIhhoh Alnlhu Knittrlck, lloas Koutnnr, II1170I Itador, TIuioiio Carlan ami Jauo Know Mr, nml Mru. Iloiidluot Connor havo lotiirnod from n trip to Port laud. REHEARSING FOR THE DOLL SHOP FROLIC Thov lndluri of 8t. Mark'H (liilld mo working hard thoao dasa enrolllnu . ciiHt for "Thu Doll Shop," which l.i about conipleted. Now all nro himy lohoarHliiB their many and varied iiumherH, all of which nro Hiiro to make a "IiIk hit" In Medford. Mrs. T, Hzjvor Htmulu khouhoc for tho coo- duct of tho youiiK poopln. The. youiiKBteiH mout each day nrtuv achool, mid tho yoiiiut IiuIIoh mid geutlomeii each ovuiiIiik. It la to Iiq liopod all will Join tho morry throng nt tho Nat and rnmomhor tho datoH, May H-lfi. Two liouia of fun and rrollu in "Doll liuiil." 1 y II. f i Pairla b' AhSbh ibhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI jHjHiSH sbBBbbbbbbi BUT" v V BfijiaviviH IHhH I " A WvKtaikSli I . V VS" aHaMfEH I HHR " 'f kaBlttHll BBBBaK VJlVJaBBBBBBBBl II ViW B-W aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBll ' i " ' ': -A .w. ihi'WU, mi. & l ii iuh Mum 4ii ' 4ii 'i i c jmur r J mi ney ltli HUrf In HOliif of Uir ntnrit rvrn li. umii nmjfti Hniisn hut it t lutr rhlflnn rlP rvliu. sown Tim luiilc Ii riHrHtri4 In gultl Uiiliii-n" maliln, in :rl tlriprri I fMlnnnwl ovi II lr rtl I'l II ISM t iJirM Mill) (MMir. -Ma Mm ' 'It. The Meiironl Choral roclety will mako lla M'coml pultllc nppoamnre In concert on Tueaday evening. Mny 13, at Hid PrtHtbylorlau ehtireh. It will li remembered that (he Noclnty nnu Ita flml public perform nuce on Docomber 17 In the Nutntor 1 ii ii In "The Itoae Maiden.'' An that performnuio wna wit iiewiod by more than 400 people, It la not at all unlikely that na large a number would like to attend the coming concert, bin na an organ will be required In the production of "The Wreck of tho llcHporiin," one of the number to be given on the 13th, It haa been decided to give the concert In tho Proahytorlau church, which haa a much aumllor Mtatlug capacity than the Natatorlum. Therefor aotuo poopln are like!) to be dlanppolnted Utile they secure their aeata In nil vanre. .. . Itiwened neat a are now on aale nt HuKklua' mid at Flngg'a miialc alorc at r0 loiita. The Medford Choral aeolely niim bera f0 iimmbern nml will be aupport ed hy the Medford Conservatory or client ra under the direction of Pro feaaor Cernrd Talllnmller. The pro gram la a mlacellaneoua one and will appeal lo every lover of lllilalc. being aurricleiilly varied to ault the nle or everybody. The curba nre In for the paving or the Hear creek bridge ami the laying til hot atuff will begin at tho first of tho week, much to thu delight of tho cant nldera. Ily thn end or next week tho bridge ahnnld bo paved. A gang or men tint getting West eleventh atreet in aha'po tor paving. Oucn nt It. thu Clark & llonery Con atructlou company will null paving In thla city. Thoy have aovernl con IrnctR to fulfill. ROGUE RIVER FISH DILL VALID SAYS VAN WINKLE HAl.e.M, Or., May .1. Opponents of the Itogttn river Hah bill, panned by the las legislature for tho pur pose or re-estnbllnhlng commercial flahing In itoguu river, who thought they had found n defect In tho meas ure that would mako It Invalid, no doubt will bo disappointed by mi opinion given today by AHslHtaut At torney (leueral Van Winkle, holdlni; that tho alleged defect la Immaterial. Tho body of tho meanuro waa atip pencil to conflict with the title. ATI IC MEDFORD CURBS ARE IN F PAVING OF BRIDGE Wreck of the Hesperus and selections from Oratorios bv the MEDFORD CHORAL SOCIETY Orehestra and Chorus of 50 G, Taillandier, Director Tuesday, May 13th, at tho Presbytorian Church Tickets now on salo at Tlnskius' and Flagg's Musio Storo At the Churches riirlMlmi ciiiirdi. Corner Ninth ami Onkdale. IIII.Im a'hool moola at 0 UH a. m.; II, II, Klrliy, aiiivrliitoiidoiit. (!ommiinlon and Mtrmoii at II a. in.; aubjort, Dohtom ami Tlndr Dnhta." Chris tian I) nd on vor at 7 p. in.; Howard drovor, prealdeut. Hurmoii at H . m , Hiihjiict. "The l.eaaou from tho Dying Itohbnr" (l.tikn 23-12-43. Prayer meeting on Thiimday ovo iilug Choir iirnotlro on Friday eve ning! Mm. F. O. Iliirgima, cholroatc. You are cordially Itiviled to come and worahlii with na. I). I) Doyte, minlMcr, t IC Hon Hi Ivy. Flral Cliurili of ClirUi, KtlinllM, Kiimlay morulnr. aervlro at II; i object ol leaaon-iorinnn: "Kverlaat lug Piiulahmeiit." Wedneadny eve ning teatlmonlnl iiieotlng at 8. Kun day achool at 10; all under the ago or 20 urn Invited Heading room heiira: 2 to U p in. dally, exiept Htindnya and holiday. Church edl rice, North Oakdale. PiiipleV I'iiIoii (JieiiM'l .MIhuIoii. Corner eighth and Front atreeta. MeetlngH every night, 7:30 p. in. Kpeclal meeting Huuday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Our nlm la to preach the goapol to poor ami outcaat and to atari them on thn road to aurceaa through tho goaV"l of Jeaua Ctirlat. All Chrlallniia Invited lo help ua. Kpeclal Invitation to the unsaved. 11. J. Carter, mlaalouary In charge Npotlal .Miinc nt MetlioilUt l,'.UrijMil tlinuli. The choir will ime tho anthems, "Incline Tlilnu h'ar' by lllmmol, ami "O mt How Uiht; Wilt Thou For got mo?" by Pflucgar. Mr. Clarence Meeker will ilng "O Irving Father" for the ofiertory at the morulne lorv Ice. .Ion Lutheran Servlcea at Zlon Lutheran church. r.12 W. Fourth atreet. will bo conduct ed In Corinnn and Kngllah nt 11 a. in. lllbte achool (Kngllah) nt 10 a. in. No evening aervlce.. Comu and wor Khlp. St. .MnrkV (KpNcoiMl) Cliurcli Worahlplngl In St. Mark'a hall: b a. m., .Holy communion; 10 a. m., Kundny achool; 11 a. in. Holy com munion and aermon. W. II. Hamilton, vlcar. Sroiilli.lny AiUcntM. Servlcea are hedd nt the Seventh Day AdventUt church on North HIv eraldo aa followa; Sabbath achool, 10 a. m.; preaching 11 n. m. Prayer meeting Wedneadny :t! ni. Preaching Sunday evening 7: 45 p. in. M. I. Cliurcli South. Corner Main and Oakdnle. Sun dny achool at 10 a. m. There will b no preaching sen Ice either In tho morning or evening, owing to tho nbaonce of tho paator, Hev. W. T. Couldcr. MctliixtM episcopal Cliurcli. Medford Methodlat L'placopel church, corner of Ilartletl and Fourth streets, K. Olln Kldrldgo paa tor. Servlcea Sunday aa follewa: Preaching, It a. m 8 p. m. Sub Jecta: Morning, "Divine Logic"', Men Welcomt Mother's Friend A Duty that Every Man Ovrea to Those who Perpetuate the Itacc. It Ii Just aa Important that mm ahould know uf prosresaive ucttiotU lu advauce of inoiiu-ruixx!. The aut ferine Incldout t o clilUllioarliie can be Piliit. eually avoided by hav- It M'VttM. '"' at hand a Wile Xi -ifiS "f Mother' Frlcud. Tina la a penetrnt Inc. cxtt-nntt applica tluu tliut rvl lives all trnalen ii)on tho uuin clea nml I'liabtrn thi'tn to expand without jmlnful atraln uiwn tho llgmnenlrt. Tlnm there la avoided uenoti siH'tW; the tendency to ununea or mornluic alclneaa la conuleractiil, mid a bright, Imiv py dltfjHWIllon In preserved that rellecta wonderfully upon Iho charcter and tem perament of (lio Utile one soon to come. You cnu obtain a bottle of "Mother'a Friend" at any Omit atoro at $100. It preserves the motUer'a lu-nltli, eimMes her to mako a ivmpleto ix-covery, and tbua with reiivweil utrengtli hlio will eagerly devote herself to the care and attention which mean no much u lint welfare of the child. Write tn the Itmdlleld lteculntur Co., 2211 Ijuimr llKtg., Atlanta, (in., for their vuhf ublo and InitructUu hook of guidance fut eipcctaut uiotliew. i j-- evening, "A Venture That Turned Out Well' HiiHday arhool B: 16 a. m. j Mlhle rlaanea for men, women and young lad Ion. Junior league .1 p. in : Kpworth leiiKiie 7 p. in. Prayer mooting Thumday evening, 1 o'etock. Hxcelteul mualc under tho direction of F. 0. Kdmcadea. A hourly welcome awnlta you. Come. I'lmt llnpfUt tliiitrli. There will he regular aervlrea it thla church aa initial. At 11 n. rn. will be the "paator'n prayer aervlco" with Itov. McKee In charge. Thla aervlco la held at the reiieat or oil' ptiator and all memberH nro urged to be preaetit. At H p. m. Mlaa lanbel Crnwrord. n mlaakmary to tho Ktoah Indiana, will apeak. MIm Crawford la one of the grcatont platform apeak em In the Culled Htntc and ahouM he greeted with a full home. Dr. It. W. McCullotigh, our new paator, will bo with ua Sunday. May 11. Presbyterian CIiiiitIi, My the City park. Preaching Jt 11 n. m. Hubject, "The New Illrth." Preaching nt H p. in. Subject, "Working With God." Thla acrmon ta for both old ami young. Mimic: QiMrtet. 'Abide With Mo" (Men- THE FEELING OF CON FIDENCE ENJOYED BY THE WEARER of HirsK Wickwirc Clothss rests up on tKc gsnuinehess of their woolens and workmanship as wsll as upon their PERFECTION OF FIT AND STYLE. No matter what price you pay us for one of their Spring ahd Summer ready- for-service suits, it will be the right price ahd not with an extra 25 per csnt to protect us in salss ngt our way of deing businsss bssides you will be correct ly and satisfactorily dresssd ih hand tailored clothes for absut Hdf the Price that high grade custom tail ors would charge you for garments made from the same kind of woolsns. See ing is Lslieving. Wc ars ready to show you. Model Clothing Co. ilelaanliri); iunrlel, "Julilliite deo In C (Dudley Iluck ); aolo, aolected, Mlaa llanre; tho Chapel Hymnal, 10:1, 2, .1, 4; 209: 1, 2, 3, 4; CI: I, 2. 3; 138, 1, 2, 3, 1; 201: I. i. 3, 4. Hunday achool at 10 a. in,, W. II. (lore, atiperlntendcnt. J'rl mary Hunday achool at 10 a, m.; Mra. 12. A. Welch, auporlntcndent. Junior C. K. at 3 p. m.; H. C. B, nt 7 p. m. I'rnyer mooting at 8 p. m. Thuradaya, All nro Invited to theao aorvlcca. Tho atranger la alwnya made welcome at the I'rehaytcrlan church. Watch Monday's Mail Tribune for Big Sale in Old Hussey St - B. & W. Co. Store Closed Monday Both representative of the whole some cordial spirit of the West and the best in hotel service The IMPERIAL HOTEL Portland, Oregon Both under the management of the METSCHANS 1000 Rooms Wanted In order to accommodate the people attending the Odd Fellows Grand Lodge and Kcbekah Assembly to be held In Medford May 20-21-23. Fill out printed blank below end mall to John A. Ferlt See. Room Committee, not later than April 30, In order that list can be classified. We will have rooms available from May 30 to 23 aa follews: ............RoomB with bath ................per day for one per son; ... ............ .per day tor two persona. ...............Rooms without bath .........-.....per day for one person; "..............per day for two persons. Btreot and Nuumber., 1 Name ................ THIRTY THOUSAND LEFT TO SALVATION ABMY DKNVKH, Colo., May II.-lkqurM f ..'IO,000, her Millro ralnle, nTo made In tho rJalvntlwi Army ot Hun PriincUcn by the wilt of Ilia Into Mrfli Mnbel Horn of that city, neeonlllijc to nnuniiiiccnicnt hero today by Hev. M. A. Martin, n CntiKrcKntloiiRl min uter of Donver, nml friend of Mra. Horn, who Ih executor uf tho will. Mra. Horn wan killed in n wtrtct ear neeident in Ban Krnncisco in Jnn unry. She had no near rclatlvea. s ore The HOTEL JOSEPHINE Grants Pass Oregon , i i r u ,'- I i '. i. f n f t 4 I t i i I aiJt; b kk te. a a k wk kk lu m 4 '-4 ikitt.IXHn 1UJaWj' yv-a',,'i'' ( !( - te-lV' mt4w.