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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1913)
o i i w i y pAtofelFritrii MEDFOTTO MATT, TRTTtTJNE. OTDFOKD. ORKflON. TIirRNDAY. MAY 1. mill, HKDFORD mail tribune .AN JNPWPKNPaNT NKWSl'AI' u"Jri""lii izmx Airr ha;.bii iuiidai iv t mmJi'uuu.l'rurSTIIVW CO. Kit HNOOJf 1IH Mall. Th MedrnftJ Tritmnc, Tho Houlh rn OrrRotilnn, Tlis Ashland Trltmn. ui icf jin -rriotin nullum;, 2S-27.JI North rir streoti Ulephona 76. OBOHOH I'UTNAM. Editor nml Msnsirer Kntered a srcoml-olaiM matter at MmUont, OrfBOn, miller the act of March 3, IS. 9. Official l'nper of the City of MrrifnrtL rapr of Jackson Oountv. Official , tntBCrrriow mates. One year, by .n f(1 One month, by m.n g0 Vf month, delivered by cnrrler In mcuiurn. jcionvtii ami ven tral tvilnt l80 PyturJay only, br mall, per year S.09 'Weekly, per year. ...., .. WAR EXPENDITURES WASTED. "i i A PtiAOI'J eongross is in session nl St. houis, IMissouri, whluli lias for its objool, vomploto disanimniiMit lit erally (he turning til the sword into the ploughshare and, tho transformation of battleships into nieivhantmen. At: the same time the jjreat, powers of Hnrope arc bullying little Montenegro with warship blookades and threafs of invasion' to force the tiny mountain kingdom to give up us,u-uiiriiuii apons. The Excursion to Crater Lake by the International Geographers Sept., 1912 Written Tor "Annulex Do MiMKtiipltln'' by Or. Kmtuauucl lo .Miirgeilo, l.nle President d'culoglcul Society nf Prunco. (Translated from Iho I'roiioh by P. J. O'tlnrn.) Austria is sending an juvmling army and mobilizing troops, to satisfy its greed for territory.' Germany is in creasing peace forces to 850,000 men,' and enlarging its navy. France is building warships, increasing its pence army to 700,000, and adding a year's additional service to IWOSU CIHCUI.ATIOW. Dally average, for eleven tnonthl end Inn November JO, 1S11 37S1. The Mall Tribune la on sate at the E'Tr ty" Stand. San Kranclseo. rortjand Hotel News Slan.L Portland. Jortland N'ea Co.. Portland, Ore. W. O. Whitney, Senttl. Wim mil Z.atd wire TJntttd rises Plipatctna. MBDrOKD. OSB90K. ... Metropolla of Houthern Oregon and ! Northern California, and tho fastest Brpwlnc city in Orcon. Population U. K. census 1910 SI0i estimated. lts in.000. Klve hundred thousand dollar Gravity water Byatrm completed. ctvlnR finest .auppiy pure mountain jvntir, and 17,J mllrs of streets paved. ' roatofftco recelpta for year endlnc November JO, 1911. show increase, of 19 .'Per cent. Banner fruit city In Oreiron Ilojrue Itlver inltienberir apples won sireeu. stakes Prite and title of . .. "APPle Xlnjr of the World" "'he National Apple Hhow. Spokane. .-w. mm tr oi qwioht-ik won , ., rtrat Prise Is 1910 nt Canadian International Apple Show. Vancouver, n. c. ,. . rl Prise In 19U At Spokane National Apple Show won by carload of Newtoans. I Jl0KU.a J5'.vcr r brought highest (prices In all markets of the world dur jlng the past six years. EMMON S JIPS - MO OVER Running out of tlio street, upon tho curb nml striking n light jkjIc cauocd a now Ford car driven by J)r. Kmmons on West Mnln Wnlncsdny nttcrnoon to upset, spilling tho doctor 'nd n boy companion onto tho pavc- imont. So Injuries were Rinttalnel, Asldo front a badly bent front aslo and a shattered lamp tbo car was -tnot damaged. A hugo wlndshiuld (escaped Injury. nyatandcrs righted tlm car, whci lwns towed to tho garage. Dr. 'Km ' inons btates tho accident was duo lo 'the fact tliat bo was putting on his Klovcs when tho car got boyond coif 'troll each soldier. Russia's peace footinir will soon be J .(50.000. Italy and Greece and the Balkan States aro a I read v im poverished by the exhaustive war with Turkey, which is bankrupted in honor, money and territory. Great Hritian continues to build two shins for other nations one and is caning on colonies to help her bankrupt, both herself and them. .Japan is head over heels in debt, staggering under war debts to which are added equallv Tieavv pence debts. mi.. L ..!..- L. . i '.I.MI. . , I, a in- vusji ui juitcc ariiKitiK'ius is over two uiiuou uouais a yoav -five times the cost of the Panama canal and constantly mounting higher. This is a direct tax on the productive energies of the nation's affected a handicap that sooner or later must end in bankruptcy. The cost of all these war preparations must be borne' by the pro ducer hence are an indirect tax upon the toiler. Most or the money spent in armaments is thrown away and wasted. A fifteen million dollar battleship has a life of but a few years, and is obsolete almost before completed. .i.t costs thousands ot dollars to tire a great gun costing tens of thousands and its life is but a few shots. And if war should come, the costly armaments would be found as useless as the javelin, catapault and even the flint-lock musket have become. A thousand dollar aeroplane would put the fifteen mil lion dollar dreadnaught and the expensive fortifications out or business m a few seconds. The eomparit ivory in expensive subnmrino would nt the cost of a few minutes of time and a few dollars, without the loss of a life, sink nn entire fleet of bnttleships. Stimulated by necessity, a thousand inventions would simplifv the slaughter of mil lions. The greater the army assembled, the greater the slaughter. tTnseen and unheard even, the grim reaper would tnke such toll that war would forever remain the barbaric nightmare of civilization's infancy. War is an anachronism, and must disappear with the progress of civilization oven as the individunl war has among civilized people. 1 f the money spent on armaments was spent in useful development of resources, the world would be far nearer the minimum. LOCAL PEOPLE OFF TO SEEK CANADIAN LANDS A party consisting of Mr and Mrb. Arthur J. Hose, Sir. and Mrs. II. H. Krnzeo and Harry Mng left Wednes day night for Alberta, Canada. In. 'search or land. Mr. Ling, who has been assistant chief of tho flro department for sev eral years. Is succeeded by Frank jLlndloy, ranking member of tho de- 'liartmcnt. ' - CITY BONDS FOR RAILROAD BUILDING. ft- i JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown i Tho KIiik of tho May. On the morrow, wifie darling . Vmt, may rudely me disturb, fl-'or I wish to jiilo tho Out in front uikui thu curb. -If you wish to, wifie ilnrlitur, You mny fliou bo queen of May, As for uiif, I'll bo too busy t Clcimiiij; up on olvnu-up day. SpcukliiK of i'Icnii-iip day Uud An doranji liiia imd a few 0f them ou his o)vi iiocoiult. In tho nuxt Now Yeura' edition re limy TttvicH tho proKresu Mvdford litis iniiilo iHiclikitktnlly nineu Hie old duy when Chick liowlou iibed to tenr tho Btiiflui out of tho Jilmosjilicrc. mmm " - Auyouo wihhin to send in fund (iiu'nrd urecJitiK " btututo to Our Uud limy hoinl it euro thin 'Volyiun." ,t Numi'8 hiirely meun uotlilnin thoiio cnijog. At( Albiyi J Vn)i Winklo liends tho Ymnmoroitil' olub and 0110 of thu jnttmbutts is named Hummer. SOIE months ago the people, of Grants Pass voted n .,$200,000 bonds to aid in the construction of a railroad fo,tle coast. To legalize the bonds, the legislature passed a validating act. .However, there remains the question whether or not a municipality is empowered to vote bonds for the construction of' a railroad outside its limits. This will probably require a supreme court decision to answer. Tins question lias caused a delay in the promo tion of the railroad. The proposal has been broached in Mcdford as to wuuiiier or not xnis city woum vote ooinis to aiu in iuc construction of a railroad to the coast. There is hardly a doubt of it. If n bond issue would insure the building of another railroad, Medford would vote it quickly enough but the bonds would not be voted unless such assurance was forthcoming. Grants Pass might possibly settle the legality of its bonds if it followed Los Angeles' example and annexed the ricllt-of-wav of the nronosod railroad ns nnrt nf tlm oHv ,Lo,s Angeles annexed a narrow strip I0 or more miles in length and a hundred or so leet jn width, from the city to the senshore, which is used for a trolley line and there is no question but that such a proceeding would settle tho questions involved at Grants Pass. The town of Pogue "River is now considering some such expedient in order to secure the location of the big cement plant near it. Such a proposal would enable the town to finance a trolley line to the plant. Such enter prise deserves reward. It is evident that communities in Southern Oregon must assist themselves in developing the country by utilizing the community credit so it is necessary to bo resourceful enough to meet the emergency. It is a shame that coun ties cannot bond themselves to secure railroads as they do roads, and that the state cannot, bond itself to build the railroads necessary to develope undeveloped ami unsettled sections and utilize latent resources. Some da" when we have learned bettor how to govern ourselves, we will, as a people, trust ourselves for development enterprises, in stead of handing over our resources as a bonus to specula tors. (Coul IniuM from yesteidny) TliU onomutUH tiiilvrii tuny ho favorably eonipnrcd with tint "most itnpoiiiuit fritters of volonuic origin known on tho ttiirfnep of tho pjobo. t'rator l.nko, u vrritiilric ntibitoriul eouutcrpnri of tho rt'nt Clroeiim ol cjinio islnml of Smitoriu, linn tho ml Mint nun out tho Utvomn udennu iu thnt the continuity of thu rim U nh xolutely pcrtVot, its form uud ontlino inuoli nioro rvjaitni' uud Uh propor liont in the verlu'iil seno ro nliiiimt double, nt least no fur n the sub- niorspil ixtrttoii 5h coneernod. Wixnrd Island, wo may upiose, plnvn tho sumo role in the interior of I'm tor Luke ns do tho two islands of ICnn uu'iio iu the yantorin basin, bv com. pmison with the plrciilur ellffn of Thorn and Tltomtn. Tho lava flous and effusive nmscs which had noeumulnted uh nn enormous radiant rone, tho summit of which hnn today disappeared, has been cut nwnv as thouuh by tin enormous planer which destroyed the entire uperstrueluro of the mountain. Later, under the influence of ntiothcr eruption n pus tule (Wizard I-lnndl ulaiost iusij: nificaut iu comparison witli the vol ume of the t'ttvitv from whose depths it nnwe, was formed. Tho phono, nienon which resembles the j;rcnt pitted crater of the moon seem to he of recent date so fresh U the Inva and so sinnictiical is the cinder cone, Tho iriant firs which cover the base nf tho cone hno not ns yd had time to tnke possession of its Mini tint. TliU succession 0f kcoIojcic events is ho indisputably imprinted on the rocks that tho Portland Alpine olub. at n mcctinjr hold on the rim of Cm tor Unko in IHllli. did not hesitate iu cixinp to the iiunt cone, nliich has disappeared, the name of .Mt. Mnxu. ma. ((colonic examination liu.s only confinucd the rnthor instictire im prcsviou ns to thu true nutate of the rrnler. Hut nt what epouh did the cataclysm occur, which caused the ancient cone to disappear J And whnl'force of tinture was employed iu replacing a giant cone by the groat iiliys which w ce tunny It is concertiii);; thin dual iliiMini which Wi. wish to MicnV. Mrst, what ,wcrc the dimoiiMoiiH of Mt. ila.amn nt tho tiufo of its crcnlest splendor? Mr, Dillcr states that rtf an elevation of hbout 2 M0 meters, Ihc nctuul diameter of Crater Lake is nbout the snmo ns Mt. Shastn, California, a volcano whoso lava nre nualoou ns to tho.dcprco of fluidity. HIiiiMtt ri-o- to an cle vation of 1830 meters ahovo this level and has nu altitude of A'.S'. motors. Mt. Mayainu must have Ir-cii at least us hisli. nud tin is shown bv extending the exterior slopes nbout Crntor Iiko to n common origin wliich would bo tho summit of the original cone. One mnv imncino tho primitive magnificence of this mouii tain by noting todav th absence of tho enormous amount of material which once formed il tQs. The enldcra Iiiih a Volume of twelve cubio mile while the cone, which no longer exiMs, had n xtilumo or mo ciidio mile". Hut, how; could. such au imposing innss .Ml. fMimtuia. ono oi iiiu larn est pillar of tjio Cascade llnngc hno ilisappcmvd without leaving any trn outfit' tho motiutaiii wa blown off by n sudden mid tombht nsplu. "ion, where Ihou i nil the tlohilsT Or wore tho burning luvn drawn downward through oino Hiibloiran. enn passage; were tho lava sudden, ly suokoil into tho ohimuev of tho couo thus taking nwnv the Mippott trout the nuporslriicturo and penult ting it to full iu and booomo on. gulfed These two hypotheses, (hat of nu explosion ami that or au cu gulfment, have often boon giM'u lo e.xpmiu mo lormuitnii ot large era tors mid orator lakes (Manic) Doubtless, these h pathoses lime their application, depending upon this or that pailiciilar oaoj however, neither one seems to ho sut'lieieiil to fully explain Cralcr Lake hut there is little doubt a lo the true cause; tho hpolhosi of nu engulf incut nloiio seems to explain, when duo coniderntion is glxou the" oh- soncd facts. If the hxpolhcsls of au explosion wcio accepted, where i nil the vulcanic materia! which would nave nccn I in own out upon ihe sur rounding country by this 'groat American Krakatolif In vain do we search for a trace of it. IJverywhero we see only the normal strain and lava flow, with here mid thoio some bed of pumice which arc of little iuiKiilaucc. The last covering or strata of the cotic. a wo have al ready seen, were formed bv ducito uud lmultH, which have nothing iu common, so far as their mineral na ture is (Hiiicoruod, with the midositcs which represent the principal mass of the volcniHi. A the divergent striae, (which may ho observed nt a number of Miiul around Iho itcrlpherv of the enldcra) indicate, Mt. Mhihihh mtist have been a eeutcr of important kI cinl diMriou during the Hcistoeoae Hriod, nud I lis. is a itiut of groat imMirlauco iu the ehronologv of the volcano. The last eruption of ilai-i-tcs which ntv snperstsed ubovc the ttiorninc. to the northeast of Cruler l.akc, must have bocii contemporary with tho fmul cntHstritphc, for tho-c Invns wen' still sufficiently plastic when the cone vva replaced bv Mm culdern, to ohaugo their angle of in clinuttoii, as one mnv co today in the liffs Of (Jl?otwood Cove. "The wittrr which fill CrntPr l.ako li'iive no visible outlet; perhaps, thc filter or percolate iu imrl througli (he porou Invns to roapiiear nt omo distance to the southeast us '.'rent springs iu the neighborhood of Kla math l.akc USE TIZ- SMALLER FEET Soto I'cct, Tender 1'is't anil Swollen IVct Cnivil Kv ci) Time hy Tl. Hond at ouco for flee trial Packiiuo. WHEHE TO GO TONIGHT Uvervono ,whn In troubled with soro, sweaty, or tender foot swollen foot Hiuelly foot, rorns, ealliiHea or bunloim cun imlekly make their feet well now. TIV5 makos soro fed well ami swollen feet aro quickly reduced to their nntural slxo. TliousauilH of liullon Imvo been nblo to wear shoes a full site smaller with perfect com fort. It. II. Cheney, (iruiulv Center. Iowa. sns- "I put on a now pair of shoe tho first or the week and havo worn tlium every day since I could never do this before using TIZ. ami they tiro a half slzo manlier than I Imvo boon wearing.1' 'VVA Is the only foot remedy over inndo which net on tho principle of drawing out alt tho poisonous exuda tions which causa soro feat. Pow der mid other remedies merely clog up tho iKiro. 'V', cleaniios thorn out anil keep thorn clean. It works rluht off. You will feel bettor tho very first time If used. Ifsu It a wcok and you can foritol vou mnr Imd sore foot. Kveu If ou fthnulil let our self bo fooled Into taking a substitute for TIZ. vou eairt foot )our fet. TIV. U for imlo at nil drug stores, depart mnt ami Kcueral store. 2ft cents per box, or direct If )ou wish. .Money Ijnnk If TV, doesn't do all wo say. For n rreo trtnl pocRnKo vvrlto today to Walter l.ttthor nodae A Co., Uhlcaco, III STAR THEATRE .Mcdford'ri Leading Photoplay 'llicalto iii:n K.V-lli:i lt)l.V--UAV. TWO ItlSKI.S "TIIK IMVOItlTK HON" A sensational mid thrilling war story portrayed only an tho famous K'uy- lluo Co. Knowu how, "nu: lUTim nirri:N" Laughablo comiHly-driima ICUYRTON'U-CO.MKnV-KIJYHTONIC "IIICINU'S ItlNllltltKcriO.N" Nuf-Hod It. O. Torrcst Pianist II. I. Woolwnrtli Drums nud Kffccts Ali HATIIKU la popular Song lilt. ho.n'u Mi'rU-i:ri''i:(;rM CO.MI.NOi :.ii,mi:n May '.' and 3 (loi'iscoii Production IUI ANOKItSO.V will box beforo Mmtfurtl fans at tho Star .Monday and Timidity, Muy ft uud 0. Afternoon ?.:; i.'votug 7:10-10.30 .i'missio no ami m IT ON THE FAOE OP IT s fi.J!, s5?5 ir,;.i.: IUIIU.VIM Jf&js&s. sfmmt ZtiUlPV.j& .-... Rv:;i4- M - W M I M GllOM BILL OFFUTT Automobile Expert Now !.orn(Pil nt Iho Orator Ijiko (Jiirogo 33 S. lUrtlott Street J Itc.isounhlo I'rlres. Work tJiliirnntectl THEATRE THE BEST PICTURES IN TOWN WHDNIWJ.VY ANI) TllUCtHDAV "Tin; ,su Tin: MOlml;, Vliagrtiph Drama "nn: nvi:it op tiik :a.xii:h." UloKraiHi Goiilcily 'DHOIlltlt'H II11IND M.tNTIOt" Pallia Vatbos ' ' Caro Hcst of Itefcrcurcs Washed nml Tire CxohuugJi (larugo Phono 23. It. FASCINATING HAIR Kasy to Stop lUIr Falling Out and Dandruff Also Water and Alfalfa Ranching of I Kliott nud Kweut One. Jlon Jay, Jllauldoy, Oio. Ociio Stoop uud Oort Hydo lIunijihroyH Corner, Itul. llriggs Flacks, Orlaud, Cnl. - llcrl Ilobb, Sautn Clarn, Ore. Willio WiNnir, Alplm, Ore. Dcalio Tinker, Kdna Lenthoiberry, and Llxzio Io, all hail from the neighborhood of Vevuy, Itul. After having ordoiod ccitain vvnro housos on ll right of way in Mcd ford torn down, it will bo noted K, P. Monk went down n nnlcli. It iloosn't 'pay .for tho, big interests, ,li fllpQ'liily to jtgt water for iiriga Mcdford. Ore., April 2D, 1013. Regarding Iho comparative pro duction of alfalfa with water nml without water, pounit mo (o say lliery can bo scarcely any compurison. Wo aro onguged in tho productioij of alfalfa ami lino water in tho' pro duction thereof. Without water wo should get a very limited crop ntJ compared with tho ciop we get by the use of it; and iu addition thu (piality of tho nlfalfu produced by ir. rigntion is very much superior to Hint produced without irrigation. The productive capacity of our ranch, it is safo to say, is increased three fold by the uso of irrigution, and it would scout to any ouu that it is the hoigiith uf folly to i eject nu presents itself; particularly if ouo knows by experience tho iptuutity of alfalfa raised without iriigutioii uud that rained with irrigution. I most unhesitatingly recommend to any person who has (ho opportun ity to get water lor hia premises for irrigation purposes to grasp that op- portuuity. Tho question of js.50.00 per ucro should not bo a deterring consilium tiou, for tho water lidded to Iho laud will, at tho least, make St mine vul uablo hy Unco times ."iO.OO per norc. Very truly yours, GUB NKWIJUUV. JUon '.ui')QSM g-eji'iJiat op.ortuniy. Industrial training has beon inailo a rcqulromcnt iu tho grammar grada of tlio pulillH kchoolK of thn Htoto qt Washington, No ono doubts that It U tho duty of every woman to look a charming as possible. Kvory woman knows why she wants to bo beautiful and attractlro, A woman with scant hair, dull and llfulcsH, has lost half her charm. How many tlmcu havo wo beard tho expresalou "thu crowning fi'ory of a woman la hor hair." Nowadax, thanks to Parisian Sago, almost oYery woman can havo hair ho radiant uud so glorious that It at tracts, faEi'lnateu nud compola ad miration, I'urUlau aSgc, thn scloutlflc and Idtsil hair rojuyonntor and tonic, will causa hair to grow, It will turn harsh, wlthorcd hair Into lustrous and bowltchlugly luxuriant hair In u fow days, It Is a most delightful hnlr dross lug that hills tho danUrurt genua, stops falling hair, und cradlcatM dandruff In two vooks, or your money back. A largo CO cciit bottlo Is sold by Chan Strang nnd,.UnulerHjPYCrs:iyhoro on tho money-back plan. wo have mntln our reputation In tho Dental lino solely by giving porfect and complete satisfaction to our numerous patrons In nil departments. Whether It bo extracting, filling, capping, crown or brldgo work, wo aro experts of tho best class and yet most moderato In charging. Kot us enro for your tooth It will certainly bo to your advantage. Lady Attendant. DR. BARBER Till: DK.NTIHT Over Danlols for Duds. Corner Mnln and Central. I'houo 2rrS-It. E.D.Weston Official Photographer of tho Medford Commercial Olub 'Amateur Finishing Post Cards Panoramic Work Portraits Intorior and oxlorior views Flash lights Negatives niado anv time and any plaeo by appointment. 'Di!i,ivi:uv r.iac.i!i:" IlloKtsph Comcily "Till: I'OltTHAIT" Hdlson Drtiuu WOOIAVOUTII AN'I) U.VOUU Photoplay Interpreter I'UIOAY ANI) HATIIUDAY A fcitiirc of features 'PICKWICK PAIT.IIS" by CIIAlll.KS DICKKNH With JOHN IIUNNY as PICKWICK JO OUNTK .1 Novor More, Ncrur Loss 208 E. Main Phone 1471 John A. Perl Undertaker . Lady, AsiJBtojit., , as s, jJAU'i'.iiUrr ' I'lioucs M, -17 nml 17-.T-1! Anibulniico Sei'VlCQ Deputy "Coroucr Wo prldo ourselves on thu Kulu slvo Dukcry Atiuosplicro vvlibli pre vails hero, Tlio only odors lliut arc odorablo licro aro I hose ailorablo odors arising fioui oiic odoriferous bakery goods duo to their finality anil tlio smiltary conditions pervading out shop, , MEDFORD BAKERY & DELICATESSEN 'i 8, Central Dcift located and most fj o pu 1 nf lotcl in the City. Running dirflillcd ice water in each room. European Plan, a la Carta Cafe. Tariff on Rooms 12 rooms GO rooms 60 rooms 00 rooms nil pml oils 50 rooms wilb prirats tit!) 91.00 each 1,50 each 2.00 each 2,00 each j 2.50 cch 30 fultei, bodroom, par lor and bath - 3.00 each for mora than one hi extra to tbo above rates for ueit add $1.00 " e&rli ailctlllnnal irnr.K Reduction by week or month. Managtmtnl Chfltt Y, Ktlhy f:g.aN0Rews .. Lushoo of drill uud Dining Itimm, ,. UIHHtill IIIIIIHMIU I! ISIS THEATRE VAUDUVILLIJ Strass and Decker American Instrumentalists I'caturltig ItlCllAUD NTKAKS America's Foremost Coruotlst. I'bolo Plays Today Only m:au to kautii PltlSONi:i(S OI-' WAU A Civil War Drama Tin: modkiin iieksi: ludiiHtrliil AI'.NT I'AHA'H VISIT Comudy Coming Tiimorrew: t5 llecls-SIIVMCK-.'J UitIs Adapted fi win Hhakespciiro'K "Mt reliant of Vonlco." M4-HH4--HH-l-H-'-i'HH4'? &&&!&&l&&ilm&& g Luxury witliout Extravagance Hotel Von Dorn g 212 Turk Strcot I Finest popular priced llotol in San Francisco I Modern Central I uvt4'tvfl-jflili9ni.- i&m$mm&mmbw