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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1913)
? V i 4 . r-. PACII3TW0. IOCAL AND L PERSONAL -x- 3 Among tho delegates to tho Ilap tint association nt Grunt Pass from this flection nro Nov .1. M. ''ore, ot Talent, Mrs. W. C. Wilson of Talent Professor Ocorfio Itohcc of the University ot Oretura Is speodlnir a fow, days on his orchard. Mr. and Mrs., C. h. Sleln ot Cin cinnati, Ohlojcnrtt vlsltlnj; tho vnlley. Mr. jS3toln was formerly manager of tho Cincinnati Post and tor many years auditor of tho Scrlpps-Mcltna Icuruo of nowrnpors. For palo, lino family driving or riding horse, bURgy and linrncss. Thta Is a good buy at $200. If In terested wrlto Lothrop Porklns, 10 Itoss Court, Modtord. O. C. Sooysmlth, Major tho Hon orable h. 1. Orton. Kdmund Durko, n. J. Ilrcvard, W. C. Vnwtir, Man nlon Kay and Judge Holbrook Wltu liiRton wcro of n delegation of Med ford visitors yesterday to witness tho performance of "Tho 1'rlnce of To night." Inst night. Tho Medford gentlemen woro thenter party gui'su of J. It. Harvey and othors. Grants Pass Courier. Orchard, bunting, fishing and Crater Lake scenes for salo at Cor king & Harmon's studio. Negatives mado any place, kodak finishing. 12S East Main street Phono 21G K. Miss M. K. Perron of Mldvalo or chard returned April 23 from an ex tended fv'falt with relatives and friends ,fn San KranclBco and Oak land, Cal. i Gus Nichols, n prosperous cattle man ot Dig Uutte, was In Medford Monday. It. It. McCurdy writes all kinds of Insurance 401 M. V. & H. bldg. Phono 349. Mrs. M. S. Centers, who has been quite sick at tho Sacred Heart hos pital, is Improving rapidly and her many friends aro hoping that sho will soon bo strong again. Henry Wendt ot Jacksonville transacted business In Medford on Thursday. Tinting, painting and paper hang ing, reasonable. Phono 907-J. 3C On account ot n typesetters' error It was announced that tho concert ot tho Medford Choral society was to bo given on tho 19th. It should have been Tuesday, tho 13th ot May. George Lyman of Gold Hill dis trict made a tr'p to Medford Wednes day. It you want your lawn mower sharpened or repaired phone 3 60-J. j 36 T. E. Hall of Rogue River tranS acted business In Medford Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Patterson of Tal ent precinct motored to Medford Wednesday afternoon. Gcrklng & Harmon, studio por traits, home portraits, flash lights, kodak finishing, post card work and enlarging.; 128 East Main street; telephone 215 R. Mr. and Mrs. Lesllo Stanscll were among tho many over from Jack?. Vlllo Wednesday. Mrs. Montgomery ot Puyallup, Wash., who has been visiting Mrs H. E. Shearer, her nleco, left for ucr homo Wednesday evening. Tho ladles ot St Marks Guild will servo a dinner Thursday, May 1, from C to 8 p. rn. CO cents. 34 1). H, Jackson and W. E. Debloigij were recent business visitors in Ashland. W. R. Johnson was down from Elk creek during tho week. He re cently sold his stock ranch to Dr. McDonald ot Portlnnd and two broth ers. Insuro and bo sure. Right It wo wrlto It R. A. Holmes, The Insur ance Man. J. S. Kostor of Ilolso arrived Jr. Medford Wednesday on business. George Kolhagen of Roseburg, tho well known stock liujor, Im making Ibis section a business visit Medford Choral Society concert, Prettbyterlun church Tiles., May 13. Mrs, W. A. Jones of Itoss luno and Mrs. Charles Nlckoll of North Rlvor sldo mado Phoenix a visit Wednes day. Waltor La Ito, who has boon filling tho position of cashier at Hotel Hol land, has gone to Grants Pass to accept a like placo nt Hotel Jojo phlne, which is conducted by Mnn rhaii brothers. Money to loan on real estate. Soo Cnrkln & Taylor, attorneys at law, Medford, Representative J. IC. Howard of Dpuglas county Is In Washington on business connected with his plan to nducato Chinese Ho has had an audlenco with Secretary Wilson of tho department ot labor. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS XtADX AI8I8T&BT Day PJiono 227 Night 1'. AV. Wi-eks lOJW.a Phones A. E. Orr 078-M Samuel Ilossnum, Into nt I'vnns creek, linn gon to Portlnnd. who ho mny bo Joljicil Inter by his fau lty, who nro 'stopping In Jackson-vlllo. A number ot samples ot superior mnrble, rough nml unpolished, Is on display nt tho exhibit building' ot tin Medford Commcrclnl club. Tho ma-- bio wns taken nt Cameron & Hicks' quarry on Applcgnte. where nn un limited quantity exists. E. D. Weston, commcrclnl photog rapher, negatives mado any time or placo by appointment. Phono M. 1471. Mr. and Mrs. I Kumlcy of Jack sonville were In tho southern part of tho county Wednesday. Dr. J. K. Rcddy returned from a trip to Portland nnd Grants Pass on Wednesday afternoon. Medford Choral Society concert, Presbyterian church Tues., May 13. Harry Luy and Frauk Knsshnfer of Jacksonville were among thoso who came to Medford Wednesday John Hutlcr, superintendent of the llllheo orchard, was n business vis itor In Medford Wednesday. Miss Mottle Ray ot Applegate, who has been staying In Medford, lei, for Jacksonville Wednesday craning Don't forget the Mny day dinner at St. Marks hall Thursday from C to S p. m. CO cents. 34 Mrs. Helen C. Galo returned on Wednesday from a visit with rola tires living In Foots creek district. Iter. Father Power of Grants Pns.. was tho guest ot Rev. Father O'Ncll during tho week. John Chandler ot Merlin was among tho residents of Josephine county who were in Medford on Wednesday. Vapor baths and scientific mas sage for men and women. Dr. R. J. Lockwood, chiropractor, 203 Gar-nctt-Corey bldg. Phono 145. Dr. C. R. Ray mado a business trip to tho northern part ot the county during the week. L. D. Tromnn, who is keeping ho tel at Eagle Point, was a recent vis itor In Medford. Tho Southern Pacific company, be ginning with May 1, will grant round trip rates of one and a third from Willamette valley points to Medford. Ashland and Intermediate stature during the ensuing six months, guct from Saturday to tho following Mon day night This will prove an ex cellont opportunity :'o como to lh Rogue River valley at reduced rail road faro and spend nearly three days here. Jj.'SMcCrrtght and C. C. Gilchrist of Antloch precinct transacted busi ness la Medford Wednesday. Mrs. U P. Black has gono to Brit ish Columbia on a visit to relatives J. W. Losher of Ashland spent Wednesday afternoon In Medford. , Riley Hammcrsly, who belongs to tho state forestry service, was down from Gold Hill Wednesday evening. James Owens of Antelope district was among those who went to Ash land Wednesday. Frank Schneider of Applegate was In Medford Wednesday, en routo to Portland. Tyson BealJ, F. A. Waters am! T Dolcher of Central Point dlJtrlot transacted business In Medford o Wednesday. lllrs Cora Linn and Mrs. W. F. Kentncr or Jacksonville made Mid ford a visit Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mackoy of Portland, who huvo been sponding several days In Medford and Jack sonville, loft for homo Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Close havo gone to Portland after a rcsldenco of sev eral months In Medford. J. F. Drown nud William Von dcr Hellen, mayor of Eaglo Point, made a business trip to Medford Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Lewis of Ante lopo district were Medford visitors tho foru part of tho week. Rev. and Mrs. Child of Ashland visited relatives living in Medford this week. They woro on their wn to Roseburg. Miss E. Howard of Satom and Miss Hazel Prettynmn of Albany aro late arrivals In Medford. Al Pankey nud E. Conger of Cen tral Point and E. Hlglnhotham of Knnes creek tarried In Medford a while Wednesday. Owen Dunlap of Phoenix motored to Medford Wcdneucay afternoon, Mr, and Mrs. Manning of Central Point woro among Medford frioadr one day this week. A. h. WImcr of Talent precinct and J, C. Pendleton ot Tabla Rock spent a fow hours in Medford Wednesday, James Fltzglbbon of Foots CreoK transacted business In Medford on Wednesday afternoon. Dr. A. C. Caldwell of Ashland wns in Medford Wednesday on his way to Albany. A. Grlssom ot Autolopo district traded with Medford merchants on Wednesday. John R. Wilson was among those down from Griffin creek during tho week, An International transport work ers' congress will tako place In Lon don, England, In Juno of this year. MiWFcmn arAii; trtwot,. KING DECLINES JOB WASHINGTON, May 1.- William H. Kinjr. tho Tortlnnd, Oregon, con servntionM, loilnv declined member ship on the board of npprniers of merehnmlixe for the city of New York, it wns lenrueil here today, lie mny he npjwinted general counsel for the reclamation service. IS LONDON, Mnv l.-l)iplonmt here reimnled today the Munition in tho Balkan as more hopeful today, ex pecting Montenegro soon to submit to the rewvontntioiw of the power. Trailing w reported tenilior on the Paris nml llerliu limine. NEGRO KILLS WHITES AFTER ASSAULTING WOMAN lWlPI0.. Q.x 3foy4 J.-s-flranU Rowers, n planter, ami Mncttrnte T. II. EdeufirM of Allamlnle, S. C, ore dead hero today following n Mtchcil battle between n )wa nnd Hichnnl Austin, n negro, who nj temptcil to n-nuH n whitn woman in Itiimy, near here. The negro es caped. Bloodhounds nro on tho negro's trail nml the governor U considering ia request to send troop out nfler him. Several member of the posses were severely wounded in the fight. Light Frost TonlflhL PORTLAND, Ore., Mny 1. Weath er forecast Orepin: Probably fair tonight nnd Friday. Light frost tonight. Westerly winds. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PAUTNl'ltSllII. Notice I hereby given that tho co-partnership hereioforo existing under tho firm namo and stylo Stephenson & Kennedy, consisting ot R. O. Stephenson and Wesley Ken nedy, has been dissolved and that tho undersigned will not bo responsible for nnvtbllls cr debts Incurred here after. Dated Ut Medford this 30th day ot April, 1913. 34 R. O. STEPHENSON. NOTICE TO LOWER WOOD WALKS All property owners affected aro hereby notified that tho strout and road committee ot ttio city council has ordered the lowering to proper grndo of all wood walks on tho west sldo ot Nortn Holly between Second and Third streets nnd on tho south sldo of West Second, between North Holly and Olson streets. If this Is not done at once, the city council will order tho construc tion of concrete sldowalks on theso streets. ELMER FOSS. Recorder ot tho City of Medford, Or. 3C citv Titi:.suui:it's notici- Notice Is hereby given that the city of Medford, Jackson county, Oregon, will take up and cancel tho follow ing Improvement bends: No. 474 to 1(9 Inclusive dated December 1, 1910. No. CC1 to CS3 Inclusive, dated December 1, 1910. Interest on tho above named bonds will cease at tho next Interest pay ing period, Juno 1, 1913. Dated May 1, 1913. GUS H. SAMUELS, 3C City Treasurer. AV. O. W. NOTICE. Tho W. O. W. will glvo a box social and danca at tho Odd Fellows' hall Saturday ovenlng. May 3. All Wood men, their wives and friends, and prospective members ura requested nnd expected to bo present. A gen eral good tlmo Is anticipated. ROY STEPHENS, J. II. ATWELL, II. II. D'ARMOND, CHAB. HOOVER, ROUT. TAYLOR, F. W. WAIT, 86 Committee. NOTICE. Notlco Is horoby given that the undersigned will apply at tho regu lar meeting of tho city council May C, 1913, for a llcenso to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors at their quarters over 2 N. Fir St. for a period of six months. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY UNIVER SITY CLUII. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST .Motorcycle exhaust plpo an Jack!o'ntille-Applcgnte road. Find er plcauo notify R. J. Toggort, Medford. Phono 25-J-2. 30 FOR SALE 50,000 root good lum ber suitable for hams, packing houses; also 7G squares good Rub horold roofing. G. Allder & Sons, Phono 1027-J or 9C1-M. 39 MORE aroniroKi), onignoyiWRgnAY. mayj jnin. L OF SALEM, Or , Mny 1 School funds do not belong to the Imllvtdunl pupils In a district hut to tho district as ix whole, according to an uplnlon ot Assistant Attorney General Van Winkle todny. , The matter was presented to tho attorney general's office by a eltltou ot Riddle, tn Dunging count), who stated that u rural school district near there wns paying a proportion ate shnre of tho district's funds to certain pupils' who had finished tho grammar school In the district and were attending' 'the high school at Riddle. FINISH TARIFF BILL SATURDAY PROMISE OF UNDERWOOD WASHINGTON. May 1. 'r think wo will' finish tho tnrltf bill In tho houso by Saturday night" declar ed Democratic Leader Underwood to night after nn nil day debate on tho Iron und steel schedule. Tho metal schedulo Is only the third of Dm fourteen schedules which nro followed by the freo list ami Income tax plnn nnd many of tho members of tho house expect to see the debnto stretch Into next week. All day and again tonight tho dem ocrats with their overwhelming ma jority bowled over all nmeudments proposed by tho republicans and pro gressives. Tho ways and means committee, however, had carried a number of Its own amendments all ot minor char acter and designed to perfect the classification. Tho Iron and steel schedulo was tho particular target of attack by tho republicans and progressives and Representntlvo Palmer who Is In charge ot that schedule was fre quently rcmlnden that tho Duthlohem Stool company was In his district. Mann, republican loader and others chearged the duty on ferro manga neso was distinctly In the Interest of tho United States Stool corporation. Personalities woro Indulged In sev eral times particularly In tho discus sion of tho steel corporation and Its holdings tn Minnesota mines and con cerning tho Alabama Iron companies. FOR SALE Small Irrigated ranch noar city reservoir. House, banw shed, etc Tclephono and City water. Family orchard, berries, garden. New freo soil all planted. Ideal location for market gardening, berries or small orchard, lluy this ranch now and get tho benefit of this year's crop. II. Ij. N'OIILIT, Owner Phono 1048-L. Hochambeau Dapple Gray Stallion G .veal's old Service $20 to Insure KITTO BAEN Jacksonville. May Day Dinner St. Mark's Hall Scncd Thursday from O to H 1. M. 50c MENU Young onions Jolly Rndlshca Smothorod chicken and gtblct gravy Illccd potatoes Creamed carrots Fruit and nut salad Hot rolls Ice cream Coffee Cake Running A Home Is sometimes difficult work, and tho housewife spends milch tlnlo solving Its many problems. Crescent Baking Powder Saves time, enorgy and anxiety hocauso IT IS PURE IT'S ACTION IS "DOUR-LB SURE" 1T8 PRICE IS RIGHT IT RAISES THE DOUGH Tho housowlfo can set tho bread or bis cuit nt her convo nlonco at night and bako In tho morn ing. Sho nood not worry for CRES CENT will rnlso tho dough. AH Grocars IWc Per Pound Can CRESCENT MANUFACTURING CO. Seattle BRYAN I JAP SETTLEMENT AT E SACKAMKXTO. C'nl., Mnv 1 Jopauexe women worhiui in the held sehnoli in which the Nipmuet.o ehil drcu outnumber the white, n hme general it ore, owned hv iliieour aged mi live Onllfuiiilnu competing tigniiiMt two flourishing Jitpiiiir-.e e- tuhlishmeiiti ncrois the street, were I lie conditions nt Florin, a little conn try town twelve miles tioin the eapl tnl were tho conditions ni found to day by Seoretitrv of Statu l'nnn nnd (lovernor Johnoti on u tour of iuipeelioit. Aixcmhhmnu Hugh Bradford of Kaemmeiiln nr-cmii'm uied the pnrtv ns guide. The trip wnt taken to give Hrwin first hmul know ledge of condition immi which the demand for eiiti alien land legislation in Cnlifortua Is hif-ed. "I urn ti"ing my eyes nnd ear-., hut not my tongue," Urvan's nulv comment upon his return to the cnejiltol to ho reent when the seuitto considered the Webb bill. "It's a bountiful valley," he added, referring to Florin. Chccrunr Johnson, who did prac tically all the Miiestloniiig, brought out the fnrl that the state readers ti.eil in the Florin schools had been translated into Japanese in TMo and were interlincated, Hue for lino, with the NipjHitieso version. In tho school visited todny llr.nn saw seventeen Japanese children sit ting beside seventeen white children. The nverngo daily enrollment is twenty-two Japanese and twenty whites. Ohio labor organisations havo started a memorial fund to pay off n mortRngo on tho home of the Into soretnry of tho Ohio Federation of Labor, Harry Thomas, and to edu cato his seven children. Mothtr's Friend in Every Home Comfort and Safely Assured Before the Arrival ot tho Stork. In thousand of American Ivnmrs iIkto Is a bottle ot Mother's Friend (list has old- ci many a woman throuch tho trying onlrnl, ared htr nmi sulTcrinf nnd wtln, Utpl htr In liftiltti lit ndranca o f tulry's coming and had a wonderful Itillutneo In dcrrl pin u loin ly dtspuiltion In tlio cniiu. There Is no other remedy no truly n help to nnturr. It rrllttetc I ho pain ami ilncoui fort cauid by tba strain on Hi Ikaiui-iit. sinkrt pliant tbmki flbrcs nud nunclm width nsturo Is rxttniidtns nnd soothes tho In flammation nt bread slaml. Mother's Friend Is nn external remedy, and not only Imnlilics nil dutrnu In ad vance, but natures n speedy recovery f"r tb mother. Tims she Ix-dimf n luiiltby woman with all her Htniuth prreerved In thormiKhly enjoy thn rvurltiif of her child Mother Friend can be had nt uny ilru more nt f UK a bottle. Write to UniilMd Itexulntor Co.. rJS Lnmnr Illdx.. Atbinta, On., for thlr frei book. Wrlle to-day. It l rooKt Inntrticllvo. Some Good Buys A strictly modern C room bunga low, closo In, with fruit and fluo shade. This Is n beautiful placo. Owner will sell at a great sacrifice. 40 acres closo to Talent, 12 acros cleared, b acres alfalfa; small house. A beautiful placo, a snap at 2C00. Somo terms. 200 acros, all In cultivation, only 3 miles from city, all flno soil and a flno tract for subdivision; price only 1125 per acre. Sco us for furnished and unfur nished houses. Wood & Messner R South Central Ave. Eyes seldom grow hotter without help, but how can glasses Improperly adjusted help your oyos? Evory day I sco puoplo woarlng Blueses which by tholr ponltlou ho foro tho tiyefl aro a positive Injury. I havo special skill In adjusting glasses as well as lu testing iho eyes. Como in und havo yours proporly udjustod. Dr. Rickert Over Kentner's ARAM NO "Il 'Z-S7 Zrf" i Wf " Yes Sir! Studbaker wagons arc made to bach up a reputation." ! !...... L.-n,,n inrrmin nt rVrrV lllIIKC como into my shop for repairs, nnd I Imve n I 1 . l.... f... ,,r, Qlfirlr!iilrrril. I Tlint'n tho opinion of tliousnmla of blneksiiiitlitl who know tho quality of SluJebakcr wagons. Ilio owners never icgiettcJ that they bought ShiJebalien. Tested ninteiinls, nccuratowotkmnnship insure n wagon uneminlcil for durnbility, nml this cnrelul scire lion of wood, iron, steel, pnint nnd vniinsh n been n fixed nile with tho StuJcbakrr Company for sixty ye''". That Is why a SluJebaker wagon runo easiest und lastn longest. It Is built on honor. Whether you live in town or country, thcro is n 5ueM;ef vehicle to fill your rcquiicmeitts for business or pleasure and hnmess of eveiy descnptioii mado as carefully as nro Studcbakcr vcliiclcs. S out OotUt vt urtfa ut, STUDEBAKER South Bend, Intl. HSWVOSK HIICACO OAIXAS ! u,?m . il! MiNNiuroUs SAnuAKscrrv san rsAwiwi ivtam,.o, Es. yTii ," -'' - 4 ' 'i 'WjjWeJTk-Sfcf t pffijjBj ' J4f JMsBsssssk'liisssB A. BBBIHBBBBCiTsTsWaffM i T!WsW3T grt ! 3ssJfcsM-W-EirwiiWT in w On K'tMnliiic, ktM'OscMic or distillnic will dovelopi mora hoi-so power per 100 11m. weijrht than mij otl:er (rnctor on ttii- iimrkct - in also from SO to J00 pi r font olit'iipor. Jj'or (U'lnoiistralion see OHARLES TSOHIRGI Adrcss R. F. D. No. 3 Phono G7-J-2. NATATORIUM, 2 Nights Commencing MONDAY, MAY 5 Special School ('hildi'cn'H Matinee Tuesday I P. M. Nights 8:15 Matinoo 4 O'clock THE MOTION PICTURE SENSATION OF THE ENTIRE WORLD PAUL J. RAINEYS AFRICAN HUNT Marvelous Motion Pictures and New Facts About One of the (Irealest Hunting Trips of Modern Times. A Two-Hour Performance, the Like of Which lias Has Never Meen Seen Here. PRODUCED AT A COST OF $250,000 Graphically Described !y an Interesting Lecturer. Prices: Nights, 25c and 50c. Matinoo, School Childron, 15c, Adults, 25c and 50c. 1000 Rooms Wanted In order to nccommodnto tlio poojilo nttomllni tlio Odd I'ollous Oruuil Loilgu anil ltclicluili Asviulily to bo hold lu Medford May 2021-22, Kilt out printed blank bolow ami mull to John A. Toil, Roc. Itooni Coniiiiltti'o, nut Intor tliau April 30, In order that list can bo clussUlcd. Wo will havo rooms avallulilo (rum May 20 to 23 as follews: , Jtooiiia wlti bath S.., nor day for ouo per son; por day (or two persons, Rooms without bath Q par day for ono porson; Q pur day (or two parsons. Strcot nnd Nuiimbor , Namo . J1 .. iwVB