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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1913)
'' f . I PXG.T3K0UTI. mkhfort) matti TuimTNTs, amPFOttn, qrkcion. Monday;, avwl hb, two., W' ' 4 M ! I I' . i Medford Mail tribunb .an iNnKrKNnKNT i'UHt,ii5iiKn Kvnnr AFTniiNooN HXRRIT J;iT HUnilAT 111 1II1S OKOIID PlUNTINd CO. MHL The Dsmneratlo Timed, Tria Medford nail. th wmroru xriDunp, tub Bourn rn Orronlnh, TMs Aslilnml Trlnnno. -Office MaII Trlbun lltilliltnr, JS-ST-IP NOrth Kir atreots telephone 75. QEOrtQB PUTNAM, alitor ahd Manaer Entered m ircond-ctnui mutter at Mulfopl. Orrjon, under tha act or March 1, 1S7. Official Pancr of the Cltr of .MMfc-M Official Paper of Jackion County. BUBsoAtrrxotr katxs. Ono rear, by mall Dn mnnih. lir "" JJ.OO Per month, aollverea br carrier In . Mrdford, JncXaonrlll and Cen . tral Point .SO 1.00 Paturrtay only, by mall, per year- WCeKiy, per -cnr SWORN CIBCUXJkTXOH. Dntly avcrajri for eleven montha end ing November SO, 1911, ST51. Tho Mall Tribune li on eale at the Ferry Newn Stand, San Francisco. Portland Ilbtel New Stand, Pottlahd. Portland Now Co Portland. Ore W. O. Whitney, Bealtliy Wh. FOLK B ' The movement Tor folk-dancing in .America is fnr mofe significant and complex than appears nt first sight. lf simple and obvious reasons lie in the licnllliful exercise, which the folk-danca afford, particularly for girls under tho restricted conditions of city school yards; nntl tho fact that girls like their dances and do the inwith enthusiasm, thus deriving from thcr more xigoroiw cxercie tli'an they would through less enjoy able movement. "There ! connected with Hid folk- dance a love of tho open, of the vigor and joy of activity for its own sake, of co-operation with others in exer cise of rhlyhmicnl beauty. .The fnlk-danres that are to be given on the floor of the skating rink ni tho Nnt Friday night. May 2d, by tlie pupils of tho Medford schools niVd high school are those which can be dono by tho largest number in the most limited space, those in which most of the individuals are active most of the time. In connection with these the little girU of the Washing ton school will be seen in n singing gamo entitled "I See Yon." The other numbers on the program arc Jmlinn club, dumb bells nnd wand drills. The Medford Orchestral club will furnish the mutic for tho even ing and the program will end with a relay race by the girh of the high school. The prize offered is a fivc Kund box of candy. "General admission, 23c; reserved seats, 33c; school children, 13c. PAVINToTilDGE E The work of preparing for tho pav ing of the Hear creek bridgo js un der way. Men are now engaged in grading tho approaches and bringing them to crude nnd as soon us the plant reaches this city, the actual laying of the pavement will be fcthrtcd. The- work of paving West Kleventh will follow immediately af terward. 'Scbell brothers have started work nrTCottngo street ami will rush the improvement work to bo done there. THREATENEDBYFLOODS NEW ORLEANS, La., April J8. Tensas, Coucordlu find Catahoula parishes aro threatened today by floods as tho result of tho breaking of a portion or the main Mississippi river loveo at Waterproof, La. d'r. elioi offered hie slave job J10STON-, April 28. Appointment tujho chairmanship of the state com. mihiou to investigate tho white hlnve traffic in MussnohuscttH is tendered hero toduy to Dr. Charles Kliot, 1'orjncr president of Hurvnrd Univer sity by Governor Fobs. Ho in con sidering tho. offer, WARMER WEATHER IS PREDICTED FOR TONIGHT 1'OUTLAND, Ore., April 28. VJuther ferecast: Oregon fair to night nnd Tuosdny, except dioWors Mithwcst poition, Warmer west po'tiou. Wanner west poition to night. Light frost east poition. KttKtcrly. winds. . . . . . DANCING SCHOOL CHILDREN IS NOW UND RWAY 10 OF SACRAMENTO, Cat., April 2S. Tho concern of Japanese parents that the citizenship ot their American born children shall not bo subject to attack lu the future is uvUIenccd tn tho fact that they o not delay a day In filing their birth certificates with the proper authorities, according to Dr. W. K. Lindsay, city health offi cer of Sacramento. "Other foreigners are more or less lax In this regard," said Dr. Lindsay today, "but not tho Japanese. They do not have to ho encouraged or re mtnded of this safeguard, but appear at this offtco within a few hours after the birth of children." Dr. Lindsay further declared that tho birthrate of Japanese was great ly Increasing and materially outnum bers that of any other alien race In this district. CAM STEADIER E PORTLAND, April 2S.-Keoeipts for the week hnvo been: tattle, 1322; calves, 'M', hog, 1CS0; .-beep, Sl'i; 'hordes, 07. A steadier cattle market due to a large projxirtion of well finished steer?. Top load during the six days old at Jf8.13. others at $9.00 nnd :?SJ0. Hulk top is just sternly at jfS.bO Hntcher stock has been com paratively scarce and all linos firmer. Hccf liquidation was liberal and the outlet is none to broad. Medium and poor stuff is difficult to sell nt any price. Steers nt $8.00. cows $7.00, llulls, $6,110 tuld calves $9.00 are ex treme levels ill tho cattle market. sjjuino trade suffered further looses this week which would have been more severe bud not receipts been hmnn. ss.i.j is considered a iiiicr.u top with nn occasional sale at $8.83. Tendency is downward and top with an occasional sale at $8.33. Tend ency is downward and market circles Se5imNtic. Another hlow week in the ishcep honVe featured only by nn $3.75 Iamb transaction. All mutton classes arc strong. Demand is good nnd prices on firm basis. LOS ANGELES, Cal., April 2S- A sacred Indian bull valued at $3000 Is dead hero today and keepers aro searching for several camols and monkeys which escanod when van dals raided tho wild animal farm of a motion picture company noar Los Angeles, maltreating tho animals and leaving tho doors ot scores ot cages open. Tho bull was found dead In his pen, his bead crushed and bis throat gashed. Many ot tho camels boro knife cuts. Seventy-three, lions wero caged on tho arm, and nearly all their pons wero left open, but nono escaped. Detectives wero detailed today to find tho slayers of tho bull and u To ward was offered for their capture SELF AND CHILDREN PORTLAND, Ore., April 28. Mrs. Lillian Strang nnd Jilt three small children are in the Good.Suinaritim hospital today, two of the children and herself suffering from bichloride of mercury poisoning and wounds in fliotcd with a small rifle, and tho third child from poisoning alone. The mother administered tho poison and shot the children and hereclf while temporarily insane Tho poisoned children probably owe their lives to tho fuel that when the woman sent u bullet cnihhiug into her head the shock restored her mind and sho ud miiu'htercd emetics, REFUSES TO ADD TO LIST OF UNHAPPY COUPLES NORTH DRRfJEN, N. .7., April 28. Declaring that there wero enough nn (inppy couples in tho woild, and that Iiq did not want to rim tho cluiiKTo of being rc'Mnsiblo for unolhcr, Aftiyor Asmus refused to lnuvry Alexander 1 Mooro nud Miss, ilabel Nnpo horc. I APS ANXIOUS E BIRTH AMERICAN BORN SVVIN SUFFERS VANDALS SLASH CAGED ANIMALS Parkinson's Referendum Election (Prom the Portland Spectator) It looks us though we would have a special referendum election In No vember. The election will cost about $100,000. It is to bo called by Harry .1. Parkinson of Portland, an nttor-liey-at-hwv and some other things. Tho purjx'se of the referendum which will bring nbout this special election is to deprive tho I'niversity of Ore gon of it building appropriation of $173,000, made by the legislature. Since the, dilference $100,000 nnd $173,000 is $73,000, the amount which Mr. Parkinson hopes to save the tax-payer Is clear. It is six years since the university has had n new building, though tho student attendance has increased from nbout 300 to inoro than 700. Such condition of congestion docs not exist in anv other state univer sity in this country. Although the state carries no insurance nnd bus much valuable property thnt money could not replace, yet there is not n fireproof building on the campus. There are other conditions of neglect and deprivation ot the slate univer Country Versus City Life In tho North Atlautlc states In l$10. 4S per cent of tho people lived In small towns and country districts comprising 95 per con I of the land, and GS per cent lived In cities of 300,000 and over comprising tho re maining area of t per cent, Tho luro of tho great city, u theme sat urated with tragedy, has been writ ten of many times; Frederick L. Hoffman, actuary of the Prudential Llfo Insuranco company, In a recent pamphlet, points out that longevity nnd diminished liability to disease aro decidedly favored lu the country. Tho typhoid fever mortality rat" Is higher In the country than In tho city, but tho difference Is much less than has often been assumed. Al though tho mortality from malaria has been higher, and In many plaivs no doubt stilt is so, mosquito elim ination has greatly reduced tho num ber of cases of malaria In rural dis tricts. While Influenza, dysentery, apo plexy, paralysis, heart disease and Livestock News The Portland Uniou Stock Yards company hnvo just issued n very' it tractive leather bound booklet con taining articles as follews: Account sales, bonds, buyers, buy ing nnd selling hours, cash settle ments, commission firms, dairy cows, distribution, feed nnd feeding, feed en route, feeder stock, freight, hor-e barn, hotel facilities, improvements in 1012, insurance "in transit" ship ments, loans on livestock, market re ports, market, order buyers, prices, scales, selling livestock, small ship pers, switching charges, Portland of fice buildings, public buildings, thea ter, bunks, etc. Tins book contains the freight rates to North Portland from nil the principal shipping points in Orepm, Washington, California, Idaho, Montnuu, Nevadu, Colorado nnd Utuh. This booklet is free for the asking. The Principles of Money (McCIuro's Answer to Whislcr.) (By E. L. McClurc.) Sound credit rests on ability to pay. Credit means obligation to pay in money. The only real money is gold coin 23.8 grains .0 fino for u htnndurd dollur. Tho value of a dol lar fluctuates with the supply nud dc mund for money. Financiers in con trol of gold supply can regulate tho ipmntity of money in circulation nt will to suit their interests ns positive ly as diomniid kings regulate tho sup ply of diamonds by locking up tho surplus production of diamonds. Tho oredit of tho state depends on its ability to meet its obligations to pay in money tho sumo as individual credit. When gold disuppenrH from circulation all debtors including tho stuto become bankrupts. There is only one way to measure tho value of money to mensuro tho stundnrd measure that is by a jinco list of commodities. Acoinpnnson of urico lists extending over a period of years shows the iluctuution in tho value of tho dollar, after allowance is mndo for tho fluctuation in supply and demund for each commodity. Tho totnl world's gold supply is ubout eleven billion dollars. Tho total supply of tho United States about ono nnd ono-half billion dol lars. The demand obligations of tho (milks of tho United States is nbout twenty billion dollars, n financial con dition that is n perpetual meniico of nniioual bankruptcy. Under the gold standard unything passes for money that is current for gold, thus bunk checks aro used for over ninety per cent of money circu lation, but nil paper monoy substi tutos bcfomo worthless when gold dis- njurB frota civculutiou, sity for which wo are Indebted In Mr. I'lirkiicon, who has elected hluuelf to undo what tho lcgMuturc. lias done. lint wo must give this spokesman for tho people otedlt for both indus try nnd consistency. Having u small practice in law he finds petition making both easy and remunerative. He secured, vouched for. nnd filed over 3000 names that were proved forged or fictitious, most of which wore admitted as such by his own counsel in the famous university ref erendum case. Put for many of these forged or fictitious names he received from 7 to 10 cents each, be sides other fees collected from hi backers. Put in all this work he was consistent, for when ho failed to or ganize u labor union in Kugene three years ago he promNcd to "get even" through attacks on the unlorsity. He has been keeping his promise, and so the Parkinson special election of 1013 is to be called in November. It will cost $100,000, but It is a lrivi lege which will not bo denied those who have the motives nnd inonov to buy tho signatures for the petitions. peritonitis also scorn more common In tho country, souto of these aro dis eases of old age, and tho difference Is undoubtedly duo In great meusute by reason of n Inrger proportion of old persons In tho country, the young halug migrated to the city. On the other hand, thb causes of death more common tn tho city aro venereal dis eases, cancer, alcoholism, meningitis, enteritis, bronchitis, tho pneumonias, tuberculosis, cirrhosis of tho liver, uppendlcitts. llrtght's dtsciio and death from violence. It Is hardly to bo hoped, says tho Journal of tho American Medical association, that emphasis on the greater hcaltbtutncss ot tho country will Influence any ono who Is deter mined to enter city life. No appeal ot this or any other kind has hith erto proved effective In the history of civilization. Uut It Is encouraging to tho dwoller In 'the country to know that his chances for low; sn.l healthy llfo nro better than thusu of his brother tn tho city. and Hog Cholera Hog Cholera There is no specific treatment for this.Umlady, but it van be prevented. If it breaks out in u herd, kill mid bury or bum the di eacd animals, thoroughly disinfect everything they have come In con tact with, using one-half ounce cor rosive sublimate in four gnllous of water. ,Puni nil straw and litter. Give the healthy clean, dry, nunrters. Tho following uulnre is recom mended by the lturcau of Animal In dustry ns n tonle and preventive: Wood charcoal, 1 lb.; sulphur. 1 lb.; suit, 2 lbs.; (Haulier's Salt, 1 lb.; baking soda, 2 lbs.; sodium hyiHiMil fite, 2 lbs.; nutimony sulfid, 1 lb. This shoujd b' given in soft wood id proiwriloti or n tehsrtyunful dully to a two-hundred pAund hog. .Write to your state clcrfnnrian lir further information, especially about hog cholera serum. Scicntific money defines what is money and prohibits tlio use of any thing else for monoy under tho pen alty of committing treason. (1) Unmatured tjmo notes of tho United States. (2) Checks of individual or cor porations payable at United States depositaries. (M) Issuing a check on dcosi tarios exceeding nmount of deposit or tho nso of any other check, note or coin for money i prohibited under tho penalty of committing treason. Scientific money will issue a super abundant supply of tnonuy inter cliniigeiiblb with bonds 16 maintain equilibrium in the supply and demand of monoy in circulation, rendering it impossible for any combination or manipulation of financiers to plnco monoy out of reach of nnyono with wealth o oxchahge. Tho stalo will nrovido for tho piiy- incut of every nolo nj(. unturily by taxes on nil wcnllli, J-ixuct accminis being kept with each liple mid l'ol. sinking funds. rci'tTitls, disburse ments, iissols nnd liabilities, com pletely segregated and exhibited daily, monthly atid yearly with every llcm and particular recorded and audited. All tuxcH will bo punl in nioiloy, which monoyvill represent Jhc wealth produced by Tho people libd exchanged for tho money in which tuxes arc paid. Tho dny gold is demonetized nnd scleutifjo money is ndoptcd pvoryono who knows the prices oT things will know thti Vnluo of 'the dollar, lilid if scientific 'monoy maintains criuili brjum between tho supply nnd demand frij- monoy, Iho value of tho dollar will femnln fixed nbd unchiingciiblc, wliilo tho vuliio of all wcnllli will POLIE PROTECTED AMBLER'S SLAYER FO BLOOD MONEY SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., April 28. That his puituor, a gambler, known only lis "Danny", was shut nud killed in it saloon In Portland, Ore, by another gambler named Croiuln, and that Croiuln later ceaped to Sun Francisco nnd was protected by the San Francisco police, nro charges mndo to the Hums Detective Agency hero today by Michael (lallo, who is serving u frtuttcon-your's sentence In San Qitontiu for bunco operations. Hallo nso charges thnt Detective Frank Ksoht of the San Francisco police department threatened to have him killed lr he turned lufoimot against the iolicc. The admissions were made by Hal lo while under examination at San Qurntiu lu connection with tho police graft scandal In San Frnneioo. lie declared he could put his bauds on "Danny V" murderer nt any tune. BURGLAR STEALS SIX REVOLVERS A burglar or burglars broke Into Wooll's second bund .tnro Soturdav night and stole six ieolvcr". The only clue left wns u railroad guide which was dropped nud which Indi cates that tho thief was a trump. En trance wtis gained through n rear window. The burglar paused up several dol lurs in change and nlso Winchester rifles nnd other valuables, tnkiuic Only tho half dozen revolvers. Word has been sent out in officers to be on tho look out for a trump with rexohcrs. Dlrtl. W. S. REESE Died nt Tpble Rock Oregon, April 3, nt li0 p. in. of cancer of stomnch. .Mr. Kccm' was born in Ocorgin in Febrimry, 1830. lie married Alice Whitrnnek nt Orccnwood, lud., in 1S7II, she died in 1888. To this uniou wejo bom six children, Mrs. Vintle Nesbll. of Hrccnvlltc. 111., Trod V. Reese, of .Memphis, Trim.. Mrs. Minnie Rolfc, of Weed. Cal., Hurry, who died in 11102. .lninc A. of Table Rock nud Charles C. who died at Table Rock in lllll. lie was mar ried tn Agnes Flakier nt Clurksdnlo. Miss in 100:i. Will bo buried under the nmpioos of tho M. . A. in the cemelury at Central Point, Ore, on Sunday morning. huctuale in value with changes in the supply and demand or each commod ity, but Iho monsuro of vnluo will bo ns stable as tho measures of ipmnl- R.v. I have mode all Ihc-e arguments so man ylimes that it is easy to con vict me of tautology; but without critics opisise with nrgumeuis in stead of questions discussion Is im possible, and 1 inItc Mr. WhWer to get busy with specific facts and ar guments to rcrulc the punciples of scientific money. 'Tape's l)luK-psln" Itcllcvcs Yonr ! gcstloa lu Five Mlnutex. Sour, gassy, upset stomtich, Indi gestion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when tho food you cat ferments Into Bases and stubborn lumps; your head aches anil you feel sick unci miserable, that's when you roallzo tho magic lu I'apo's Dlnpopsln. 11 makes such mis ery vanish In flvo minutes. If your stomnch Is In continuous mvolt If you cunt got It regulated, plouso, for your sake, try Dlnpopsln It's so needless to hnvo a bad stom ach mako your next meal a favorlto food meal, then tako a llttlo Din pepsin. Thoro will not bo any dis tress oat without fear. U'h bo canso I'apo'K Dlapopsln "really does" regulate weak, out of ordor stomachs that gives It Its millions of sales annually, (let a largo fifty coat caso or I'apo's Dlapopsln from any drug store. It la tho quickest, surest stomach relief and euro known. It acts almost lko mnglc It Is a scion tc, harmless and pleasant propnrn yon which truly belongs lu every homo. John A. Perl Undertaker , Lady Assistant, H 8. uAitTLirrr 1 Phones M. 17 and -1T-A-S5 Ainbiilnhco Service Dcini'l)' Coroner CERTANLY STOMACH MISERY .-.It..... ..I...4.I I !.. I.tll.l .....ll llll.llt tint Mother thinks only of thb rlill. droit when sho thinks of photographs, rerhnps she'll need porsunilliut perhaps will call It vanity, but her pictures will prove she In still n bbititly will bo In greater demand than thoso quaint pictures of younger days. Make an appoint incut for her, H. C. MACKEY Knit Main unit Central Medford, Ore. Clark & Wright LAWYERS WABIUNOTON, 1). O. Public Laud Matters: Final Proof, Desert Lauds, Contest nnd Mining Cases. Hcrlp. PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Boating Alt Work Cfitarnlnd Triers Itraaoiiaula COFFEEN & PRICE sa Howard Block. .Entrant oa (lb t Kama Ttinna 041. BILL OFFUtt Automobile Expert Now Located nt thn Outer l.nko tiarngn 33 H. Il.trtlctl Street Itcasoitnlilo Price. Work Cuiihintcrd Itcst of Deferences Csro Washed and Tires Hxchauged Oarage liiunu SD-It. sivr.v.Y. i Y. i i rt i (itt (-1 iii m i inj) 8 Luxury Without Extravagance Hotel I Von Dorn-8 1M2 Turk Strcot S! Finest popular priced ! ll Hotel in San Francisco ; i Modern Central rY3?wy?i?MtW7,yTrr The Bonded Warehouse OlINKIt'Aij HTOHAOi: Oregon's Most up-to-date Klro-proof Wnrchouso with Hurglar-proot Vault. For ratoa apply MEDFORD REALTY & IMPROVEMENT CO. Manngorn Beit located and most p o nu 1 nr hotel in the City. Running dunilled ice water in each room. European Plan, n la Carte Cafe. Tariff on Rooma 12 rooma - L00 each 00 rooms . 1,80 rach 50 rooms - 2.00 each 00 rooma villi prirate Uth 2.00 each 50 rooma itb prinU bilk 2.50 each 30 tultei, bedroom, par lor and bath 3.00 each For more than one aueit add $1.00 extra to the above rates for each additional gueit. Reduction by week or month. 9 Managtmint Chitlir W. Kilhy F.G.ANDREWS LcHfioo of fliill and Dlulug Uoum, .. WHERE TO OO TONIGHT STAR THEATRE Wo Lend Other follow MciiroMr (.cndliiK I'hoto liny Theater tttlio 1'ivt of I'licu'ollrd Mini Itliio ceMi'Livri: ni,Nji; or PIIOIllt.V.M TOIbW HONO Mimic IWKVrrt Afternoon S-r., Kvonlug 7ilB.l0s.10 COMlNMt OAIIMK.V May 'i and a A tlergvous Production iii'n ANtn:itNo.v will Uo before Medford fans at the Htar Monday and Tuesday, Mny fi a ml 0, I Afternoon Q to ft Lvcnliitf 7 to tojlli) ADMISSION no AND 10c IT THEATRE THE DEST PICTURES IN TOWN MONIIAV AXI TI'IWIJ.W HI.MW AND XI MX (Mnii'dy Tho cbniDilllK of auto numburs caus es tunny a heart throb. .IO.MW WATLItl.OO Crtmedy ' Juno I'Mre and her womau'n rights liUits fall to laud a hitbtly. .SIKTi:it.S ALM f. i tiii: HANDS 01' ti.mi: InlerostliiK Dnitniitln. I'llk'il With Heart Interest TIII? LANi: THAT TIMtXIlll Mexican Kevolutlon Dnimn 111 (TINTS " Never More, Never Loss ISIS THEATRE I Vaudcvllln T a I'niplc. Till! LKI4S. a IVopIo T HAWAIIAN TIIIO A Novelty Musical Act I Mioto l'ln)s Today I OI,H OOltMAN'H OAL A YOUTHIUL KNK1IIT Till: SI'IIINO OK i.iii: TK.IITWAH'S PltniHOAMIiNT X Ceming: HHYI.OCK "VM--t-l-t-H-r-H--m ! N. L. Townsend IMINTKIt AND DIX'OUATOH Hnvo Your I'nlntlng, Tinting and Paper llanlng nono by a 1'ractlcal Mecbniilc. Trices Itlght. Batlatac tlon aunrautoed. I'liono liJil-K 710 Ilcnuelt Ave. E.D.Weston Official Photogi'aphor of tho Medford Commorcial Club 'Ainatour Finishing Post Cards Panoramic Work Portraits Interior and exterior views Flash lights Negatives made a'nv timo and any placo hy appoint ment. 208 E, Main Phono 1471 f M ''"'( ,4,ViMVJMtVMHrtKAAMl Jt-'V'!''!?rt?ii?ri?2l WWl'M4Jt SO M -m JA.4tktl.trmJi'???tu