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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1913)
1 vAcm 8TX. rRDFOUD miTi TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OlltiflOX KATriJDAY. APRIL 2(1, IDIH, .' i ini.i i - ' ' ' ' ' : '" ' ' - " .I t IDEAL PRES ENT TIT "-4 00 THE NATIONAL VACUUM CLEANE AT A WONDERFUL REDUCED PRICE 140 READ THE TESTIMONIALS BELOW Absolute Cleanliness IF YOU USE THE NATIONAL I Removes all the disease 'germs from the carpet that arc brought into the house on the shoes. No don't let anybody tell you they have just as good a cleaner as the National. Impossible! "Wc have investigated this machine. The National is a guar anteed machine. "We have the manufacturers' guarantee. You have ours. Every machine has a written guarantee. , Machine weighs only 4 pounds and can be operated with cither right or lefthnnd. ' Has patent flcxibjc nozzle; held at any agle it works satis factorily, i 1 .lias a stronger suction than other cleancre, and not only gets, the surface dirt, but also the dirt that is in and beneath the floor covering or carpet. ,,..,. , It takes only one person to operate this machine and it is eas ier handled than any other cleaner. SOLD The World Over for $10.00 OUR PRICE TO YOUIF YOU ARE A READER OF THE MAIL TRIBUNE IS ONLY $4.00 IT OUR TERMS tt i n M i g I IN THE CITY $1.00 down with order, $3.00 on do livory pfi Machine, and take The Mail Tri bune for 6 months at the regular' price 50. . MAIL ORDERS t l Daily for 2 months and the National Vacuum Cleaner for 5.00. The Week ly for 1 year and the National Vacuum Cleaner for $5.00. The Mall Trlbuno, Mcdford, Ore. Gentlemen; Your National Vacuum Cleaner Is all tint you claim for It it will remove all fine dirt which a broom or carpet sweeper will not do. I recom mend this cleaner to all who wish to ro duco their housework and save many un necessary stops, Mrs. K. H. Kelly, Oil Queen Anno avenue. Tho Mall Tribune. Medford, Ore. Gentlemen: I have mod tho National Vacuum Cleaner with very successful results. I am pleased with it and gladly recommend it. Mury U. Orr, 815 West Main. The Evening Mall Trlbuno. Gentlemen: I received ono of tho National Vacuum Gleaners from Tho Mall Trlbuno and for removing ull tho dust aqd dirt from tho curpojs and rugs It certainly does the uork and I am well pleased. Mrs. W. Street, C21 West 11th. Tho livening Mall Trlbuno, Mcdford, Ore Gentlamen: I have . received ono of your National Vacuum Cleaners which you ore putting out In connection with Tho Mall Trlbuno and am vory much pleased with It; for tufted furnlturo It U a wender: It is all that It Is claimed to ho, and I cheorfully recommend It to my friends. Mrs. Joo Thomas, 222 S. Holly, Tho Msll Tribune, Mcdford, Ore Oentlonmn 1 niu very well pleased with tho National Vacuum Clsunor and I wish to thank TIjh Mall Trlbuno for this uHoful household iirrill). It should bo lu ovcry hoinu. jjr. It. A.MorrUon, 324 Kouth Orange. Tho Mall Tribune, Medford, Oro. Goutlemnn: I uso tho National Vacuum Gloancr which I received from Tho Mall Trlbuno lit m homo every day. I am well pleased nud I anger fully recommend it u nil my frunds. Mrs. P. 8. Stconstrup, 109 Geuon. Tho Moll Trlbuno, Mcdford, Oro Gonllemen: 1 havo imod tho National Vacuum Cleaner v. liluli I received from Tbo f ull Tribune, and cnu sny It duutt ovorything claimed for It, as It tnkos nil til dirt and dust out of tho carpets nud riitfn mid ktoim tho homo In n sanitary condition, and I ohaorfully recnmniuiid It. Mrs. Carl Helthronner, 20 Orange NOTICE All orders for the National Vacuum Cleaner must be given before May 3. On account of the great rush for our Cleaners we will not be able to fill your orders after that date, but will supply every one putting in In order up to that date. By paying $4 you may have your Cleaner at once. GET YOUR ORDER IN NOW, BEFORE TOO LATE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE p : ir li PHONE OR WRITE FOR DEMONSTRATION PHONE 75 Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y f Y Y Y V i i Y f Y Y Y Y Y ! I V X i ! I ! I V i A . t Y t" ! Y Y 1 I x t 4, z Y I I ! I Y Y Z ! T I ! x ! T Y Y Y Y x 5! I J Y Y Y JL 4 '4 t x ir .. UL S4hh$m$X"KX"X L. . h I I i.