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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1913)
iftxi- t . f , H'lni ' f i If 'fAtitifom. mmonr) mail tiupuke. otpford. cmrcaoN. Thursday, aprit. 21. imii. flEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE M,4W INJMJl'KNDttNT NBWRIUI'KU ttHMHMKI KVKIir AITKUNOON KXCKIT HUNDAY IIV TUH MHUrOIlD rillNTlNO CO. Th Dwiioornilc Tlmm, Th? Mcdford Tn Houih mru. i ne Aictirnra TTlbuna. An riMMnuLa.. nl. .-..l-.f M-l. t OfUc Mali Tritium Itullillnc. i.J7-S North Kir street; telophono TS. QEOnOK TUTNAM, Editor and Mnnncer MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. , RnUrcd an uncond-claas matlnr at Medfnnl, Oregon, under the act of March S, 1879. Official Taper of tho City ol Mtdford. Official Vnper ot Jackson. County. BtTBBORZPTZOJr KATES. One year, by nnii , fynn Ona month, by moti , , (jo rer mnnin, niivcri ny currier In Meilford, Jacksonville and Cen tral 1'lnt .SO ttaturriay only, by malt, per year 1.00 Weekly, per yer. . .to BLIND PIG AT PROSPECT HOTEL "Jim Grieve, who owns the hotel at Prospect, has n Mind pig," stntcs County Commissioner J. N. Smith. who hns returned from an Inspection trip over Itoguo river roads. When County Assessor William Grieve heard the newn ho wroto lila brother a hot letter, calling him down for being nit kinds of a fool to tako a chnnco by violating the law, nnd expressing his sentiments In strong nnd vigorous language. In short, ho commanded thnt the pig be closed. After tho reprimand hnd been mailed Commissioner Smith was pledged to secrecy by tho ntse&soi, who promised that law violation would censo at onco and staked hla reputation on It. Meanwhile ho was anxious to maintain secrecy lest Dis trict Attorney Kelly heard tho news and Martcd prosecution. When Mr. Smith reached Mcdford on his homeward trip, ho added somo moro Information regarding the Grclvo blind pig at Prospect, which ho strangely forgot to tell tho asses sor. Tho pig was born blind and deaf, in a black one 'and is three months old. Notwithstanding Its afflictions it seems to be thriving. JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown -I Last year when we miM good-bye i l n tear drop in, my eye I made clear Through thu winter I'd be true In the iriiij I'd turn to you Never fear. I nin't been you for n yenr And you're looking mighty queer Sorlu flat. Seems you ain't nohow so trim And you're ragged on the brim Old straw lint. These Xniiim Can't We. Doc Loofbourrotv, Korbci, Ore. Ihuhcllu Tardy, ,Jnno Scarce, Ve- vay, Intl. Otto Hott, Hloomingtou, Iud. Tim firM straw lint has appeared, people have long , bat in tho park benches, Gold lull lias pulled off it annual spring rumpus and oro long Judge Witliiiigtou wilt blossom forth in his ice cream trouncr. A NKW grnfl, 1ms boon dovolbpod and is boin worked a I J n pixifil by it limited number. It is that oC "iminiri pal export. " These "muneipal experts" eoiuo From tho eastern centers oPraft, niismanageniont and oornipt.ion, anil lor fabulous salaries, pretend in a few davs to analy.W loeal condition in western eities and prescribe cure-allsthus neglect ini? their home eitios. Lhe disgust of the people in nearly every eonunnnitv """ " ivi-ni jsvstiMti in locat government, tlie agitation for a commission form instead of existing systems, tho grow nig (itseomem witn a government bv politicians, and for politicians, have given a wide field for tho "municipal expert1' who has never governed a eitv. to look- tn .!.-. . . .. " . . . ' ' boir-apparent trutlis, repeat business axioms and collect a big fee. San Francisco recently had one of these celebrated ex perts diagnose her case. His fee was $L"0 a dav while there, with expenses, including double salaries for steno graphers nnd other assistant nnd $123 a dav with rail road fare and traveling expenses, coining and going. He told them what evorvhodr know mul limn .i.u.m-.itu... the newspapers, slipped in a joker to aid the United Kail roads. Just how the city benefited, is difficult to under stand. Portland has had some of these experts. Thev told only -vhnt everyone knew before hand. The Portland newspapers are today filled with "sweeping indictments" against the existing order by "New York experts." Ap parently nothing is done right, as it should be, according to these New Yorkers. There are wide-open opportunit ies for graft at every hand and it is evident that these ne glected opportunities arouse fierce resentment in their breasts. There is no such neglect in New York. It is amusing to read the rcnorts of these lrentlmiiiMi from the rotten boroughs of the east, from boss ridden Tammany slum districts, where graft is an organized and recognized vocation and permeates nearly everv branch of the public service, from corrupt and contented Philadel phia and other vice centers. No matter how bad condi tions are in the Oregon metropolis, thev tire a great deal better than in the great cities of the castthere is in fact, no comparison. As long as politics rule .municipal af fairs, as loinr as popularity or partisanship is the test for public office, .just so long will we Have unbusinesslike administration. Chang ing the form will not change the system. Thy commis sion is likely to be just as inefficient and corrupt as the council. Though it makes the placing ot' responsibility easier, it does not increase the rapacity or character of the officials. Government is just as good or bad as the intellectual average of the electorate. AVhen the electorate wants business methods to govern munci:d affairs, we will fol low the German system and train men for the business as we (to in private auairs. Aicnt wi t ion govern ap pointments. But the people for the present, prefer the I Ui! ... 1 X ' x . .1 . II 1 i .... poutieai system instead oi inc ousiness system. Tiiey like, to vote, to exercise suffrage, to be consulted on public affairs and to feel that they are participating in govern ment, and had rather pay a little more for the privilege. Audit is not at all certain that the extra cost is not money 'cll spent in that it makes for better citizenship. As for "municipal experts" reports any ordinary business man, who understands systematizing, economiz ing and efficiency can make a report on municipal methods of equal or greater practical value and the fancy prices paid is money thrown away. ImortiMl pyramid, hud Is a twriHituul inetmru to wealth no nuu Is oxiMtiht hut thu manipulators In control of gold supply rich nnd pour uro In ronstaiit Jeopardy of doprcHlntlnu nnd imsslblo bankruptcy. A (lcd and uuchuuKcahU eland urd of value I a perfect remedy 'for all defects In money. It will remove all financial doubt and uncertainty. credit will be as constant as gravity and prosperity perpetual, it rousiini. matlon as certain n being, and It would bo easier to shut out sunshine from tho fnco of tho earth than to crento n panic or disturb the happy smllo of confidence- In ftuiuirlnl sta bility that would pervade tho coun tenance of every normal being. Tho deslrv for wealth to satisfy necessities nnd desires Is liuiato In every normal adult. All wealth Is created by labor. Tho demand for wealth Is unlimited, because tho pos sible Improvements to satisfy human necessities nnd desires are unlimited. The supply of labor Is limited to population. What Is the natural law of supply and demand In relation to value? The demand for labor unlim ited, the supply of labor limited. Kvery laborer would b released from tho strain and menace of Idle ness and poverty to certain employ ment, and wages of tabor would tie limited only by the product of labor Tho vast Increase of wealth thnt would ensue from Ideal conditions of labor nnd production Is Inconceiv able, but It Is perfectly evident that sustenance would be In reach of all with lots exertion than oxygen and poverty would bo as preposterous nnd ridiculous as nakedness. 10 RESUME W ORK ON IHE OPP MI Work is to liu leHiiiued xlioillv on I lie Opp mine. Au ujtrcuiucul Iuih been teuehed whoiehy u party of repon Nihlo and practical mining men will work the tailing from tho mill, whieli carry it ipiaiility of jold. As tho old eyuuido prooosx of etraelili; the pild from these lulllup lias mil proven entirely ttutisfuelory in the pat, it i propoxed to institute u new method which it is believed simplify the procc and iold great er tvturiw. To this end new ma i'ltiiior. Iiiih been ordered and will nr iiu nnd bo installed at the mine in the near future. The Opp mine, which U Known nt one of the ricluwt propositions in Southern Oregon, Imx boon i'loed down for soma Unix, but it confident Iv believed thnt it hott time will co it i nulling "lib it full crew of men. Mother idiould ho plmlournpht'd, hut -.Mother tlilnkH only of (ho chll dion when tdin thliilpior pholouraphs. I'erhnpH she'll need persuading perhaps will call It vanity, hut her plctunm will provo idio Is tit 1 1 1 a beauty -will bo In Kicator demand than those quaint plcluiu of younr.ot days. Make ait iipHilutmcul foe her. Ii. C. MACKEY I vast .Main ami iVntral Metlfoiil, Hie. The Satisfied Smile The deputy who ;ut Outlaw Tor now is doubly u licro. He has re fused a vuudcvillc contract. The Principles of Money ON NEW GAME CODE UrownMillo, Ornsoii, Apr. "J I, 'Kl. I)wr Sir: At a ineetiu of tttu llrownsil(o (tun tliili held April 17, the tiroio sition of thu referendum to be placoil mi the aiue oode. was brought up and thoroughly dleu.,ed and a vote was taken mi the matter, by it targe majority ugniuxt tho referendum so the matter will be .dropped, for two rca4mi, namely, find, laek of iu toret and financial support, second, thin eluli lias received moro than 100 letters csresiii;; threats agaiut our luovmntHit Hud we hud tho united siipisirt of the .MHtrtsincii thrntiuhout thu statu it would have hcei? mi easy matter to go ahead with the matter and place the matter before the people for a vote. Thatikinx you for thu intercd that that you have shown in the matter, 1 remain, yours,. respectfully, V. J. MOOItK, Sue. Ilruivnsvillc Hod and (lun Club. A (Jreat I'tiln Killer. Merltol White l.lnlmout reduces ludnmmatloii and soreness wherever found In about ouo-thlrd thu tlmo rnpitred by tho usual treatment. It has no erptal as a Kuucral hoiisohold remedy. Hasklus DriiR Store. wins, BE TO 0 0 TONIGHT Mvni'i:. Notlco Is hereby Riven that the uudorslitncd will apply at tho regu lar meeting of tho city council May (, llt:i. for a license to sell limit, spirituous and vinous liquors at il'i North Front street, for a peilod ot six mouths. M. AND K. J. ADAMS. Dated April 2.1, II'IH. Mvnui:. Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned will apply at tho regu lar meeting of tho city council May I. ID 13, for a llconso to sell malt, spirituous and vinous llipiorn at "2 North Trout streot, for a period of six mouths-. SKI-SHY & KKNNKDY. Dated April It, 111.1. wh't( wmmt Is generally to bo found on tho lips of thu man who has perfect tuoth, nnd the smllo becomes him under such conditions. I.ul us huvo chargu of your teeth and caru for Ilium, and wo will guarantee thnt they will never pain you mid never shamo you In public. Wo nro familiar with all branches of the profession and our charges nro roasouablo, l.ady Attendant. DR. BARBER Till: DltNTIST Over Daniels for Duds. Comer Main and Central. I'hono l!5.s-lt. l-fMM' ISIS THEATRE I Vaudeville t Tilt: MI'HK'AI, HTA.NI.UVS Novelty Musical Act I'liolu I'Iiijh Today Duly A Olltl.'S MTItATIUaCM It's a lllogiaph DIViatOIMl I'AtllH Drama pi r vot'itsia.t-' in riiiint i'i.aci: Comedy tin. Drill by New York Clio DcKiitlucut AdiuHiloii, I Or mid I So KANE'S CREEK N'oriri:. Notleo Is hereby given that the undersigned will apply at tho regu lar meeting of tho city conn nil May C, 1913, tor a license to sell malt. spirituous and vlnoua Ibpiors nt thslr quarters ovur 2 N. Kir H. for a porlod ot six mouths. IIOOI'I-J itIVKIt VAI.i.KY t'NIVKIt SITY CI.UH. N. L. Townscnd l'AINTHIt AND DIU'OltATOIt llnvo Your r.tliitlng, Tinting and Paper Hanging Dono by a Practical Meuhautc. I'rlcim Itlght. Satisfac tion (luaraiilced. 1'liono liM-lt 7111 Itenuclt Ave. bTAR THEATRE Wo lAiyl Others I'ullovv 1(100 IVet of ".Mutual" I'llio 11)110 TODAY TODAY tiik i.titi: or Tun i.oitia.i:v" A brilliant tun-reel hltturlcal special "HIS IIKKOINK' I'tuasliiH Thanhauser NOW SOLD IN AMERICA la Ia-sn Than l-'ie Years, I'arUbin Sage, tho Splendid llulr Tonle, Is Sold nil Over Ainerlra. (ByE. L. McClure.) Money Is the root of all evil, from tho fact that no dependence can be placed on tbo standard ot value; but money would bo synonymous with good If tbo standard of value vvusFp0r0j 0f yeara If thin hen rivalry keeps up some one will hu trying to slip over nn ostrich eg;,' on us. l'rrliai 'Ttvna Cracked Ice. Several from lieru liavo been in Dayton the past week to view thu riiiim of tho high water. Eaton (Ohio) Herald. A ltlot of Colors. John liliick Is iiuvinir his iuuiso painted a haiidsomu yellow witli pink triiumiiigti. Jimicrf Hrovvn and Qiuut (Jruy are tliu artisln. Afler ruiisli-iiig- horo thoy will o to Whitewater nnd paint a bam for iota (Jieen. Kntun (Ohio) Herald. Iloiilblo Cruelly. Hill Schooling in treating his liorsu to a new eoat of pitiiil. Ilurrisbtiri; Notes in Kujjeue Hegister. Ir- GOMMUNICATION. That Drop Cut lain. To thu Keiller: Is It posslblo tliat tho op'ry Iioiibu drop curtain with ads. for Cutout tho butcher, Plllu tio druggist, tho Imperial Hash House, oC., etc, et 11 1 exists, und that wc uro to haye u siicclmuu in. our midst? And when Ciitem, Pills and others liavo died, or fulled, their uionii tuoiits will romutn. What could bo more approprlatoLmentB, tbnu u picture of ono of our orchards In bloom? What moro typical of town, valley and state? Why not a rip'taln to add to the attractiveness of our theater? HHADRU. fixed and unchangeable there Is no ovil In a yardstick or pound weight. When monoy was reduced to the sole function of a medium of exchange, money would have no earning power und would have no other function but service. Tho circulation of money is as vital to tho body politic as blood to thu Individual, and if money disap pears from circulation it creates bankruptcy, starvation nnd death throughout tho body politic us Inev itably a severing tbo jugular vein kills tho individual. riuctuatlnn In tho valuo of money Is admitted to bo an unmitigated ovil, but tbo defect Is Inevitable by tho uuanlmuuK decision of economists, bct-uiiM; tho law of uupply und de mand applies to niouoy as positively as to weulth. It Is considered as ub- surd for an economist to discuss tho Uiiostloii of p. fixed and unchangeable standard of value as purputual mo tion, but ull eiouoiulbtu admit that equilibrium butween supply and de maud for money would remedy tho ovil. Scientific money provides this do Hldoratiim, automatically maintaining equilibrium between supply and de mand by utilising tho nation's credit based en total wealth, under u per fect system of accounting und Inter change of bonds and money. Valuo Is such a subtle thing that language Is Incapable of expressing what value Is without first fixing a standard of value for tho purpose of muting prlco and fixing amount of deferred pay- Tho dollar never chaugos lu size and mihstanco, therefore all changes In value appear to take place In other things, and without lutrl cato deductions It Is luiposslhlo to concolvo that tho dollar ever fluc tuates In value. Thoro Is only one way to distinguish tbo fluctuation In tbo valuo of money Itself, and that Is accomplished by n comparison of succeeding lists of prices of the sumo standard articles extending over a Tlicro Is no such thing an Intrinsic value, air has no valuo becauso It Is 'superabundant, yet no ono can live without air. Gold or diamonds would uuvu no valuo If tnoy wero mior abundant. Valuo Is created by hu man necessities nnd desires and fluc tuates with tho Intensity of und tho difficulty In satisfying human neces sities and desires. What Is fictitious valuo to ono Is real value to another and vlco versa. Tho total world's supply of goli Is but a mlnuto fraction of thu total demand obligations payable In gold. A panic causes monoy (o disappear from circulation, prices full, and all debtors uro doomed to bankruptcy without monoy ruuppoars In circula tion. "Uufctoring coufldoiico" Is ull that Is necessary to make monoy sup ply abundant, became anything that la current with tho banks will pass for money when confidence lit inuuuv supply lu undoubted. Tho quuiitlly theory of monoy Is graphically portrayed by tho follow ing suppositien: A pair of shoos worth 6 when tho total world's gold supply was JG.Ouu.OOO.OliO. if money disappeared from circulation tiutll it was tho total gold supply, thu pair of shoes would bu worth but ono six-bllllonth of six dollars and all wealth would dcprccluto In valuo proportionately, if It wore possible to complete tho exchange tho owner of tho dollar would possess tho total wealth of tho world. Changes lu tho slzo of tho stundurd bushel only ef fect tho uxchango of commodities Bold by tho bushel, but changes lu money valuo fluctuate tho valuo of ull wealth lu Inverse rutin, and In jures every ono on tho wrong side of exchnngo. The gold standard Is like it vast Mr. Ilyrley and Mr. Lewis motored to Medford Tuosdny. Mlsa Mary lloggls luft on Tuesday for Uuneoni, Ore., at which place sho will visit her grandmother. Mrs. Ithoten, and other relatives. Professor Sweet of the Willow Springs school paid, a visit to the Dardanclls school Tuesday. John Opp of Mcdford was n busi ness visitor at the ilradeu mine tho foro part of tho week. Hoy Oslo of Crania Pass came up on Monday s train for a few days vlalt with friends living on Kanw creek. Miss Cardu Olson of Cold lllll was tho guest of Pearl iiiglubotliuiu on Sunday, Mr. und Mrs. Ilotisoholdor wero Sunday visitors at Klmor lllgiii bothaiu's. KanoH creek luminous visitors to Gold Hill this weuk: Mr. ami Mrs. Lowls, Mr. ami Mrs. Mardon, Mrs. Illglnbotham, Mr. Martin, George Hhump, Casti Hlgliibotlium, Mr. I'oloy, John Drown and wlfo, MrH, Itoggh, Ilesslo Kiick and Woather Prophot Foster. Prophet Foster forerusla frost and warm days for soma tlmo. Several from this pluco uro plan ning on attending the hchool pica li nt Willow Springs Krlduy, April US, which will no doubt bo u suet-own, as noiiitt good speakers will bu present that day. There Is n rnnon for tho phenom enal sale of Parisian Sage lu tho United Slates during tho pant threo years. And tho reason Is plain to nil: Parisian Sago does Just what It Is advertised to do. Ask Charlos Strang about It. Ho will tell you that ho rigidly guaran tees It to euro dandruff, stop falling hair or Itching scalp lu two wvoks or monoy back. Thoro Is no reason whatever why any man or woman should fall to tako advantage of tho abovu gener ous offur. Hut one thing that has made Par isian Sago so famous Is Its peculiar power to turn tho harsh, unattrac tive hair that many women possess Into luxuriant and radiant hair In n short tlmo. Women of refinement tho country over aro using It and It never dUappolnts. Sold by driiKKlsts everywhere, mid by Chas. Strang fro Go cents a largu bottlu. E.D.Weston Official Photographer of the Mcdford Commercial Club Amateur Finishing Post Curds Panoramic Work Portraits Interior and oxtcrior views Flash lights Nogativcs inadu nnv time nnd any place by appoint ment. 208 E. Main Phono 1471 Ko)Mooe .t'oiucdlr Koyntonc Two of TIichi Tint of Them "Till; Itl UK AND Till. IIAItON" and "A WII'U WANTI'.D" They can't ho bnt. KUNC -MIMIC HhTHUrM AfO'llicmn i! to .1 Kv cuing 7 to lllillll ADMISSION ,V AND le COMING "I.AKAI.O.MI:'' April ?:-2l IT ciiif.Ditc.v who aiii: hickia- Mothers who valuo their own com fort and tho wolfaro of their children should nuver ho without a box or Mother Gray's Hvynct PowdorH for children, for uso throughout tho scu son, 'ihoy brenl; tin colds, relievo novansnncus, ouiBtipatlon, teething disorders, headucho and stomach troubles, Used by motliorH for 22 yours, powdoro novor fall. Sold by all drug stores, 2 tic. Don't accopt any Hiibstltuto. Kamplo mailed FJtKi:. Address, Allop S. Olmsted, 1,0 Hoy, N, Y. John A. Perl Undertaker l.ady Assistant, 'M H. HAltTLIiTT Phonen M, 17 and l7-.r.'.J Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner When You Are 111 It doesn't tako a good doctor to tell that. Most any ono can do iih much. To toll what makoH you III sometimes calhi for tho utmost skill of tho best physician. Any one, by a few simple toHtH, can toll (hat jour eycM uro defective--that you pcod glasses of gome kind--but to know tho exact imuho and fit tho right glasses culls for moro than ordinary skill, I huvo uiailo tho fitting of glasses a special study nnd I am In business to bring wron oycH and right ghuseu to Kother. Dr. Rickert Kyo-tdght Specialist Over Kontnor's I Luxury Without Extravagauco I Hotel I Von Dorn I I 212 Turk Streot v j ft : T.I! i. 1 .. 1 iT, 0 .uiitcHL popular pricuu ,? $ llotel in Situ Francisco I Modorn Central THEATRE THE BEST PICTURES IN TOWN TONIGHT Mlt. G. M. ANDIlltSON "ItltONCHO llll.l.V" In Ilroueho Hilly and tho Stop MUtorn" Jwalously tho ureal homo wrcokur ot tho ago plays a prominent part In this masterful photoplay. Knlum "AHSHNT-MINDCD AUK" A screaming comedy featurlug thu fun makers John llrennan ami Until ltolaud. Kdlsun "JAN VHDDKIl'S DArGIITKH" A splendid comedy drama beliiK stury of old New York. Draperies Wo oarry a very cnninluts llu of drniirliH. lucu cuifulux, fixtures, ttto., unit do ull claimun of uptmlslerluK. A special mini to ioolc uftur this work exclusively, und will kIvii us iiood sorvli'u as In posslblg to Kt In ovso the larucst titles. Weeks & McOrowan Co. Bcjft located and moat popular hotel in the City. Running dUlilled ice water in each room. European Plan, a la Gtrte Cafe. Tariff on Rooms Vltngrnph "Tin: Di:auvi:its" Comedy drama. They hldo thulr Idoutlly from each other. When thoy finally git nciualutod thoy are both mad, Kalom "Till: Ol'HN .SWITCH" A sensational railroad drama, iB 12 room . 00 room 60 rooms - (10 rooms trllb print lith SO rooms vriib pririle Ulb $1.00 oach 1.50 cadi 2.00 each 2.00 each z.bu eacn 30 aultca. bedroom, par lor and bath 3.00 each For more than one ituett add $1.00 extra to the above rates for each additional guett. Reduction by week or month. l Manawntnt Chtttr W. KilUy F.G.ANDREWS , I,u8noo of (lllll mid Dlnliib' llootn, .. NIJXT riltDAV AND KATUIIDAY "A Will ami a Vaj" No, S or tho "WHAT llAITi:.i:i TO MAHY" Scries 111 CH.NTK n Never Moro, Never l.esit PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Wator Hoating All Work riinrnl,wl t-nvtis ucaifoaiilJln COFPEEN & PRICE 3S Howard niook, JJutruo on Ut Nt. Horn l'lioun ail. Clark ft Wright LAWYER3 WAHlllNarON, 1). o. Public Land Muttem: Final Proor. Dosort Lnnils, Contost nnd Mining Cnoou. Berlp. i L C -1L.