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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1913)
I. L r L? fr ratm bdi LOCAL JOYRIDERS E Six Joy rldern from Medford were arrested at Ashland Sunday n I gift during the raids by tho ollcc In search of opium and carried to the police court, where they put up a bond of $t0 for their appearance. They wuro Al llcrmlston, Morrll' Kellogg. K. L. Iloth, Waiter llrown. Hniel Wllllnmron and Hazel McCoy. Tho last two nnmos are said to bo fictitious, Hazel McCoy botng Mr. Julia Levonbury, proprietress of the Iloyal rooming house, according to the officers, and Hazct Williamson an lumato of tho placo whoso real uamo is said to bo unknown. Tho party is said to haro been making tho night hideous at the Im perial rooming houso at Ashland. Tho officers when they raided the pluco put A. II. Woodburn, proprie tor of tho place, under arrest, as they found two complete opium outfits In tho place. Tho joy riders were only held for disturbing tho peace. Following this raid Jim Ling's placo was raided, four moro opium outfits being found. Ling and an other Chinaman wero arrested, but only Ling was held. Ling and Wood burn jvlll probably bo given their preliminary hearing soon before Jus tice Hiird of Ashland. Soma effort was mado to transfer tho caso to Ashland, but this has not as yet been done. MEDFORD HEN LAYS Three minutes after & Mall Trlb uno containing an account of a rec ord breaking Washington egg had been thrown into Mrs. E. F. A. Dinner's chicken yard a dlmniutlvc Whtto Leghorn blddie perused tho Item and was stimulated to outdo her Washington cousin. As a result today Mrs. Dlttncr baa on exhibition nn egg measuring CVl inches In tho smaller circumference and 1 Inches in tho larger. Tho hen that laid it weighs but tbreo pounds, so, with growth, n new record may be looked for. Mrs. Uittner will bellcro thai this egg holds tho record for tho val ley until larger measurements are submitted. EIGHTH GRADE EXAMS ABE AUTHORIZED BY WELLS To teachers and applicants for eighth grade diplemas: I am authorized by tht staU su perintendent of public instruction to announce tho following plan for final eighth grade examlnatron In the sub ject of agriculture: 1. Twolvo questions will bs sub mitted from which tho pupils may chooso ten. , 2. It tho pupil has a garden or has done any crcdltablo work In agri culture, the teacher may give 30 per cent for ouch work. In this caso tho pupil need answer only seven ques tions out of tho twelve submitted, 3. If a pupil falls low in this sub ject, tho county superintendent may add not moro than 2C per cent for a creditable exhibit at a local, county, or stato fair. Yours truly, J. PEItCY WELLS, County School Supt. ASHLAND PROUD OF AN INCUBATOR BABY The lincst milo of humanity prob ably ever born in Ashland is tho lit tlo daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. J. rerrjnc, which weighed nt the time of its birth between two nnd two and ono-hnlf pounds. Tho Hltlo ono was horn about two weeks ngo, nnd al though tho mother's life was at ono iimo despaired of, she is now getting nlonjr nicely. Tho little one is also thriving nnd the hospital authorities hnvQ high hopes of its growing to jumnal sizo and weight. At present it is being carefully cured for and nrlificiul heat- maintained with nn clcclrio atovo. Ashland Tidings. HUMpitOUti AXO I'lUOTICAL liKOTUIlK. On Wednesday evening of next week, April 23, at 8 o'clock, Itov. 13. Olin Eldridgo will deliver In tho Mothodlst Episcopal church a humor our and practical lecture. Subject: "Comfort for Ugly People." This lecturo is under the auspices of tho Ladies' Aid society and for the ben efit of willamotto university, llev. Eldrldgo Is a man of wldo oxporlenco and an outertntuing and profitable speaker. p ' Merltol Eczema Itomedy will clear up your skin and remove Hiobb dls disagreeable sores. llaBklns Drug Store, CAUGHTINRAIOON ROOMING HOUS I OLD D OF SEASON PASSES FIRES SAVE FRUIT The first cold night of tho front Beaton passed Monday night without Injury to tho fruit In tho valley. Tho temperature ranged between 2S and 30 degrees and smudging wan resort ed to In a majority of tho orchard. Tho pots were tired about 4:30 a. m. and only burned for about ono hour. Frost ts predicted again for tonight, but tho barometer may drop this af ternoon, which wilt cause a rlso tu temperature Orchardlsts are warned to keep an eye on developments. Tho tempcraturo did not foil low enough Monday night to causa any groat alarm, Howells and IVqsc being In tho greatest aanger. All of tho pears aro set now and consequently In somo degreo of danger. Tho temperatures recorded Mon day night aro as follews: Potter and Gould, 29; Dear Creek, 2S; Mlihalo, 30.5: Holloway, 30; George Carpen ter, 29; Gore. 30; tiarnum. 30. Al len, 2S: Mcdfonl, 30; Snowy llutte, 2S.S; Table Rock, 2S. TO PUT RECALL E KLAMATH PALLS, Ore., April 22. It is expected thnt County Judge W. S. Wordcn will not bo the only Klamath county official who will be forced to face a recall. Tho notion of Prosecuting Attorney John Irwin, in the dismissal of several criminal cases, his conduct in the cncs brought against the county court, nnd in other official nets has incurred a great deal of public criticism and there is strong talk of a recall pro ceeding. It is alleged thnt Invm, without going into the evidence nvnil nble, had the bribery indictments against Conncilmen Gocllcr nnd Snv idgo and tho extortion indictment ngninsl Hunter Rnvidge dismissed. It is nlso charged thnt it is through dilatory methods thnt the criminal charge against J. D. Carroll, of per petual defendant fame, will never be brought to trial, ns the complaining witness has removed to Florida. The petition having for Sts object tho recall of Wordcn is receiving num erous signers and the indications are that tho number of signer required to bring about the election will he secured. BEAR CREEK PAVING TO BEGIN NEXT WEEK The Clark-Henery company, hol ders of the contract for the paving of tho Bear Creek bridge, and tho approaches thereto, will begin actual work on the structuro next week. Ac cording to a telegram received by Mayor Elfert Monday the asphalt plant of tho company was shipped from Stockton, California and should arrlvo in Medford by tho end of tho week. Robert W. Tclfer Is expected to arrive in Medford this week to ar rango tho preliminary details. At the last meeting of the city council, a resolution was passed pro viding that tho paving on tho bridge be completed by May J 5th, and ready for public uso at that time. Tho new Pngo theater will be opened, accord ing to present plans April 19th, and the dedication of the two structures will bo at tho same time. LAXATIVE FOB 0L0 PEOPLE-" ;; What Aro to Weak Eyes, Cawnrets Aro to Weak llowclb u 10-cent Hox Will Truly Amazo You Most old people must givo to the bowels some regular holp, clso they auffor from constipation. Tho con dition Is perfectly natural. It Is Just as natural as It Is for old peoplo to walk slowly. For ago Is never so active as youth. The muscles aro Ices elastic. And tho bowels aro muscles. So all old peoplo need Cascarets. Ono might as woll rofuso to aid weak eyes with glasses as to neglect this gontlo aid to tho bowels. Tho bowels must bo kept active. This Is Im portant nt nil ages, but never so much as at fifty. Ago is not a tlmo for harsh phy slcs. Youth may occasionally whip tho bowels Into activity. Hut a lash can't be used ovory day. What tho bowels of the old need Is n gcntlo and natural tonic. Ono that ccau bo constantly used without harm, Tho only such tonlo Is Cascarets and thoy cost only 10 cents por box at any drug storo. They work whllo yoii sleep, urenironn watt; T-nmnm L DETERMINE SITE F Exlenslvo analysis of th deposits of limestone at Gold Hill which aro now being mado will determine whether tho $0.00.000 cement plant to bo erected by tho llcavcr Portland Cement company will bo located nt Gold I till or on some other property owned by tho company, according to J. C. Uiirch, ono of tho directors of tho company, who la at present In Medford. Mr. Uurch says that In Josenhfne. Douglas and Jacksoti counties tho company owns property and tests will decide where tho plant will be constructed. "It Is truo that wo aro at work near Gold Hill." stated Mr. Uurch, "but It Is only for the purpose of making complete tests Similar test are also being mado on other proper ties. Wc are ready to go ahead ns soon ns we determine on the location of tho plant." ANALYSIS 1 CEMENT ACTORY BHHBM GOLD DUST There's no use in talking to get along without Gold Dust makes hard work of house-work. Euy a package of Gold Dust today learn the way to easy housework. Uie Cold DUSt for waihtnf clotbts sad diihes, scrubbing floors, cleaning' woodwork, oilcloth, silver ware and tinware, poliihlnf brn work, cleaning bathroom pipes, refriferators, etc., softening hard water and making (be (inetl soft toap. : THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, najapva(BBHBHSfHSaSJBaSJBSHBaBBBBasjl SsSLHv'alHHHHLHsVHiHBHnsTnklXSaTaTnim Patronize Home Industries THESE GOODS ARE MADE IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. KEEP THE MONEY AT HOME. Office Furniture Library Furniture Bedroom Furniture Diningroom Furniture "White Enamel Furnitura Built in Buffets, Seats And Bookcases, Ftc. Store Fixtures Porch Swings Cedar Chests Cabinet Work Bono in Oak, Walnut, Fir, or Any Other Wood Desired Cabinet Makers Mission Furniture Works E. O. Trowbridge, Jr., Prop. 113 S. Holly, Medford WKWOim oiu-noy tcksdw. ATun.aa. mm. TRIED AT GRANTS PASS GRANTS PASS, April 23 --Judge Calkin Is hearing In the circuit co'irt tho eo of Mrs. Alice Rogers umiin Rev. W. G. Smith, formerly of Med ford, the cno romlng from Glendale, whero both parties formerly lived. In the complaint Mrs. Rogers charges that Smith made slanderous romurks concerning her morallly, and asks for ptiultlvo damages In the amount of $30,000, tbreo separate counts be ing Included In the complaint, unit $10,000 Is nskoil upon unch. Numer ous wltnusnu are hero to testify lu the case. This ca8t Is being heard before a Jury composed of Herbert Smith, A. II. Noyes, M. T. Ulloy, S S, Shaffer. C. E. Phillips, II. M. Yar bronjti, N'lchols l'rchn, S. S. Moroy, R. A. N Reymors, W. L. Regis, Paul Ruttcncutter, and W. A. Trcfron. Mrs. Alice Rogers, the plaintiff to tho action, Is represented by Attor ney R. G Smith, while Attorney Durham and Richard aro looking af ter tho Interests of the defendant iWhereTwo Heads Are Better Than One Why try to do all your work alone drudge, rub, scrub and scour wear yourself out with work and worry, when you can summon the GOLD DUST TWINS to your aid and cut your, labor in two? Gold Dust will save just half of your cleaning effort. It will do more work and better work than any other cleaning agent. It will make everything about the house cleaner and brighter. It will do its work in half the time consumed by other products. Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. General Foundry and Machine "Works Pacific 401; Home 298L. Res. Pac. 5031; Home 227L. For tho best of EVERYTHING MADE OF WOOD See us. "Wo mako a specialty of OFFICE FURNITURE and FIXTURES, MANTLES, SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS, Etc, Factory Comer South Fir and 11th Sts. Both PIioucb MEDFORD SASH AND DOOR CO. T BRIDGE IS DEDICATED t'OKTUND, Oio, Apnl .' The eil.v'8 new oil hiidgc nero-i IH Wil Lunette river wan dediented tint nf torn oo i with thuusiud of people hi ing (ho npproneliM, A hew . I' tn girls, daughter of tdlisen who who inslmmeiitni in iimMnic the lndg possible, nisld in the rlmMi'mnir The opeitlui; of tho tnir-tuto w marked with oltilwrnt eeremonii, itirUitlinjc nit nntomolitto parade two inllos in length. The bridge win tiulll nl eiwt of $1.(100,000 nnd opnnn llu river m Xortli Portland uouiu't'tiiiK the I!ul and West Sides. CURRY SLATED FOR PHILIPPINE COMMISSION WAK.UUNOTON', April 2J. It was rcpnrltul hero today that George Curry, former governor of New Mext 'ro nnd nt one time governor of I Ihtvo Philippine province1, m -laird j for nomination nn n member of (lie 'new Philippine poiiihu-mhh. LvVaaKnBH a !.i With Medford Trade Is Medford Made Wemore's Shoo Polishes riNKBT QUAUTY UHQMT VAWIITY IHvLllrnTiVsii nn t r iruiH unmiui "CUT m" lh only ImWtlnxnto'alrn tl'l i..iuWiiiiiOlt. Dink ii it hit i i" mlralk!rrn-vt.Mi.i . khltiti itlh.ul IU) b!iM.we. "miUIIUosV,!' , .... lM"inWUoi lr tlrtiilHK MtiljinUlilnr ilUimWi'friiftiruiilioMV !Miri',iui. "0 till KttltUVilnliiU h" wlltifitmkHau lk. IrtloMtnixl MMlMiH'lrriiMli. !. "Jlinir (Umn4wMlllVlf'intii. A" niitliU hll rkr iwfknlln rnr.ilii tuir. vl'h lHie, lv. In liudMiii',lr Aluminum Un, Willi iwnw,tW. , lllir" niiahinMton f rrnl'finfn Mho lk lTMlnltinahir lwiHk A I Utliitelir n.ltitt)to?.IUlrV thiH Iv.i.ti vl'lmlituih rl.Ui,ciU. 'r UllK-iUMUMm. Id ar ll.,1oc.lU)P'HlO!l'"", """ ik ii. ix iii- f iill e' k, ' I"' WHITTCMONK BHOS. A COH SO'CO Albany fllra!, Gmtiriit9' Mi ; OM't l lH- I "l'i lot fir' Am- '. 'l l ' I' " Yotit n.iiiV iiiti:.n,, I'lK OR MMCTIT Hovv do )nii inuLii It? Aro ou particular that It ts proper!) leavened and U Unlit and digestible If you want It perfectly rntird, by n leavoner thut will never fall and Is abtoltitel) pure, fHI! CrescentBnRingPowdcr It is tho pro duct of moilum in o I h ii d s and p a I u t a k I tm chemists, sold nt n moderate prhe. IWe for n full IMMiuil enn All (Inn ers t'lirsri'NT mio. n si:rn,i; ricsli, llulit and brown! No lielter brciiil limn ours, wo ilnlin, over rutin to (own. Tin: iiistT or ri.ot u Wo employ tltn Intent metliodi, ton; wr Mitlvo ilint you'll enjoy tlio lireiiil wo bit to fur )ou. MEDFORD BAKERY & DELICATESSEN 12 H. CVntrul PLUMBING Steam and Hot Wator HoSting Alt Work Onarniitnid l'rlcun Ittuiaoiiabln COFFEEN & PRICE 99 Howard Block. Xntranrn on Stti It Ho Din Pbona 34S. Cement Drain Tile Irrigation Pipe ETC. "It's Strongest and Evorlasting" MEDFORD CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO. Factory N. Riverside Ave. Phono M-052 H. A. Hicks P. M. Korshaw Qouiiral Muuugor (Jon, Salos Mgr OREGON GRANITE CO. Quarry Owners and Manufacturora Orocon fJranlto stands tho test ol tlmo, Medford, Oregon I H ' 1 iilu-W i i i n i i iw ijj ii ii -vftiSagyaftyL.j'ffgj Cllmtc Fulled; r Medicine Effective It M t'ffll niinrjr tin,tn llil rt, frrali sir unit conil fuml ilii lirln lumir I'ffiiiin nlTfflnif rcnni TnlirrilliU lint It mint txi mlmlllnt Itml tltn illnmw Ii Milium morn limn "srnilril,1' Hoiuilhlnir inotf U nrrilnt I.Vkinn' Allrrntlte la A mrOlrln limito fur tho lrnllnMt (if Tiltirniiliid. II hut loliilirml till. iIIhtub HKfllll mill HKllv liriril Ihrt l.fiirni. Iiavr drui rlTnlril nlifro Ilia nittiMUiilliiK rrn nut 10ml rt rrfnttrk rraitltnl. Nm rKU lllt Crklimir Allrtnllre diniilil ,r li.nt In Mrrr ra of 'I'liLftriilmlt, In mlitllluit to hikiiI. iiimtlililriK fooil unit f tnli nlr, nlilcli itb nil iirril, A rrmnrk nlitn ram fulliiwi VVrlilon. III. "(lenllrinrnt Ttironuli I'rliiimii'i Allvrit tlri I Imtn tfcn Trl from n pti-iunliir kmi On Ivrrmlifr It. IIHH, i nu mrn with Tjri'tiulil PiiimiiiihiiU Mr lunm Imi. mm trrjr iiiikIi nlTislnll my ihiIiimi i rtnintnnl mul 'I'tilriiilmU lUcllll Hfrtt rmiiul. On IVIirnnry Ul, iwm, I mi mlvlncil In Kit I" fort Win! ti, Trina. VVIill thrro nn nliwrat tit ttir rlulil Inline liriikr mul itlitlinrKril. I Hti'iv ni. nml Im-ntn trrry inucli riimi'latnl. XI jf ilijrl rln n liifntnifil inn Hint I ntiial itn M I'nlnrnito n nulcVIr nn tmiatlilf. I loft Ti'inn, J linn .1 nml nrrltnl In Cnnnii (Mir, June 1 Tfrjr (trMr Aflir Ih'Iiik llirro I ii vrrtka, mjr ihjaleln lndirinnl no Ibat in v n lnirtrn. Tlirrit Nki lalrr I n-lurnnl liuiiif. wrliihliin 101 iHiuiiila, I lii ilnrlur limlnic kItpii tun tio naaurniii' of rrnrlitnH ltM nllir, "On Julr II, ttv. I iM-tfnn UklnK Kckninn'i wmii(rfiil rriitfilr for t.'im. niimiilliin Tlr I nrlutt IM intimta, in imil nml Mrll mul rnn iln mtjr klml ii f work nlHitil uif trrntn rlrrnlor. I lint nut nn nch mir oln lu inr lunga. i-a writ, lf'i rll, nml lnt frll .rtrr" IHwi-tn nniilavIM AIITIII'il VVIJIHI, i:rktnnn' Atlcrallin la ITrvtli In limn rtiltli, Aattmin, llujf IVtrr. Ilinmt nnJ l.unir 'I rmililra, mul In iiplinttttttisr Ilia jitrm Itiira uot roiitnln iMil.nna, uilntri ii r lialilt fiirmlnif itrtiK Aak for lumklrl IrlltitK i'f rniKfllfa, nml writ tu Itikhimi jt.iiilrr. l'Mlailrlihln I'n fur inure rtl dtnc. 1'ur ald tijr nil ltillnK ilruuslala The Satisfied Smile M 't.r1 it'AXK IIIilW .wi'iur Wwmt Is Kvuernlly to Tio round on thn llp of tho man who hn perfect teotli, and tho smllo becomes him undor Hiieh rondlttons. Lot us havo clmr of our tuoth ami euro for them, ami wo will Kunrnntro thnt they will niivnr imin Mm runt never shnme. you ' In public. Wo aro familiar with nl 1 brnnrlies of tli proflon and our clinrRen aro reasonable. l..idy Atteudiiut. DR. BARBER Till! IHiNTIST Over Dnulols for Duiln. Corner Mlu and Central. Phoni 2C8-K. Draperies W carry n vrry eomptetn Una of dmtwrlrn, (nrn cltrlalnn, fllturnn. rlr.. nnil tin nil claanra of tijiholnlrrlnnT A npnelnl man In look after thin work rielualvnlr mi'l "III Kiv an bim1 nnnrlrn urn In lmaalbU tu get In M lh Urfifal cllle. Wooks & Mcpowan Co. Two Gone Two On Nu nlnco for ono with heart trouble. You have a clinnco to "clean up" if you nrc plnyinu willi tho Cork Center. It rocs truo nnd sweet off the lint with thnt clean "zinu" thnt the old style rubher , cored ball cannot cct. , It helps tho batter, yet is not too lively, b!g Icnucia sny, Th illoUlnaflflWUI National lanu O rk lnlr Ull, r( tl.28, la l nJol) Ull of thn National Lraniia nmlinuitlxuMllnnllnnn1.. Illiaa alw Un U Inl ii iiAWlal Ull of Ih woU aaiUa lor !( (wri. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 150 Geary Slrnel, 5n Frarvjico Thr la n lxi RpnUInc dt alar In your tawu. Baft located and most f o nu 1 nr tote! in the City. Running dUtillcd ice water in each room. European Plan, a la Carte Cafe. Tariff on Room 12 rooms $1.00 each CO rooms l.BO each 60 rooms . 2.00 ech 00 rooms willi piliita kiln 2.00 each 60 rooms with prints balk 2.50 each 30 nullei, bedroom, pr- lor and bath - 3.00 each For moro than on guent add 1.00 extra to tho abovo rates for each additional gunat. Reduction by week or month. (I Manaumtnt Clitittr W, KrlUy F.G.ANDREWS .. Lobuoo o( Grill oud Dlnlns lluom, ' 4 if BmHPmH