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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1913)
!.. t V I - 1 nV FXG1 XIQWC MTWrORT) MATTi TRTKUNE. rEDPOIlD. OKKC10N, KATimiMV, MAKOII JI, 1!)1M. EATON HOUSEAtHnORWELL, MASS., WHERE ADMIRAL 11 ' CAMPf AND BURNS TO FIGHT TODAY LOS ANOELES, Cnl., March 20. Either Eddie Campt of Frnnkio Hums will have laid away any Immediate hopes of grafting gloves with Johnny Coition for ilia bantamweight title before the sun sets today. As thr resnlt of their scheduled twenty round meeting nt Vernon, one will Imve to slip back to an cany seat near the foot of the pugilistic ladder, while the other travels along after Coulon via the, lud Williams route. Both hoys were easily withta reach of the stipulated 11 pounds at noon when thoy rose today. Each loafed about Ids quarters until time to go to the. Pacific Athletic club head quarters to weigh in. Tho men wcro scheduled to an awcr the first gong nt about 3 o'clock. The referee had not been aoleeted early. Owing to tho death of hli mother, CharUy Eyton was compelled to forego his usual Vernon officiating stunt, George Blake or Hurry Gilmorc was expected to be named. limit by FALLFi WAS POISONED I I I w ihkL I ul! I- "jvilllRBIHHk O'GARA BACK FROM ROM Rft Mrs. Sarah Klorcnson of Savage Creek was badly injured Friday af ternoon when a horse, slic was riding fell with her throwing her over its bead. Only her thick hair heaped on the top of her head saved her from death and an it is she was danger ously injured. Mrs. Klorcnson is an accomplished horsewoman and (spends much of her time in thn saddle. Sho was riding rapidly dowu a hillside when the ac cident occurred. Sho and her hus band recently camo to this section from Nebraska. New Library leeks. The followiuz books of fiction have lately been added to tho library: Amateur Gentleman, (Faruol.) Captain Martha Mary, (Abbott.) Happy Warrior, (Hutchinson.) Heart of tho Hills, (Foj) Judgment House, (Parker.) The Net, (Beach.) Boiling Stone, (0. Henry.) Sign at Six, (White.) The library nan added some new magazlaes lately and tho following list Is received regularly: American City. American Maculae. American ncvlew of Reviews. Architectural Record. Atlantic Monthly. Bellman. Detter Fruit. Boole Review Digest. Bookman. Century. Collier'. Congressional Record. Cosmopolitan. Country Life la America. Craftsman. Current Opinion, Delineator. Education. Engineering and Mining Journal. Engineering Masatlne. Evorybody'fl. Garden Magazine. Good Housuekceplng. Good Roads. Harper's Monthly. Harper's Bazaar. Harper's Weekly. Health Culture. Home Progress. ; , Independent. International. International Studio, Irrigation Ago. radios' Home, Journal. Llfo. Literary Digest. McClure's. Mining and Scientific Press. Monthly Weather Review. Muusey. Musical America. Musician.. Nation. Natloual Geographic Magazine. North Amorlcan Rovlovv, Oregon Teachers' Monthly. Outing. Outlook. Popular Mecbanlca. Public Libraries. Readers' Guide to Periodical Lit erature. Rollablo Poultry Journal, St, Nicholas. Saturday Evening Post. Scientific American. Berliner's. Stuffed Club. Sunset. Suryoy. Theatre. World's Work, Youth's Companion. Th a library la not able to buy du plicate copies of these for circula tion, but back nuumbers may be takou out. '"' FRISCO'S BELT LI DEDICATED TODAY GRINDING OUT SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Larch 20. In the presence of tho goomor, the mayor, members of the board of harbor commissioners and other not able!?, and mnked by n military par ade, San Francisco's state-owned bcl railroad connecting tho docks with the heart of tho city, was dedi cated today. It is expected to carry the bulk of the 1015 fair traffic. Tho celebration began nt S o'clock with n tug of the harbor in the tug S locum. Following this the nc wdocks between Hnrison and Brennnn streets were inspected. These docks nrc said to be the finest in tho world. At 1:15 with the guests of honor in three coaches tho first train on the belt line crossed Market Street. At the end of the run tho party win taken to Fort Mason and then over the exposition grounds. At the pre sidio n military review was held. ELEVEN LOST LIFE AT CRIMINAL A E MIDDLETOWX. Ohio, March 21). Eleven persons are known to have met denth in the flood waters here. Tho property loss is fixed nt $:t,ol)0, 000. Mlamisburg reports that three per sons arc known to be dead there, with the property damage estimated at $350,000. The work of grinding out criminal cases in the circuit court is pro gressing rapidly nd indications nre that most of the criminal work will be cleaned up by next Wednesday. John Walker was put on trinl for forgery today while the case ngainst Walter Wood for (minting a gun nt another went to n jury shortly be fore noon, the jury being still out. The embezzlement case against H. T. Hnswcll will probably bo called Monday. It will be a harder fought case. SEATTLE, Wash., March 20. Stanford University debaters lost to the University of Washington tenm on the immigration debate held here Fridnv nieht h a decision of two to .one. The coast championship, how- ex cr, goo to the University of Ore gon, which defeated Washington nt Eugene and Stanford nt I'oltn Alto. Washington, represented by Ilobin Welts mid Clifford Newton, upheld the affirmative. The judges were Mayor Cottcrill. Judge W. W. Black of Everett and W. C. Hodge of bnohoiuish. The Stan ford debaters were Albert F. Coyle nml P. I). Newell. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absotuiety Pure Thm mmly Bmklng Pmwttmr mmttm frmm Rmyat Qrmpm Crmmm mfTmrtmr MO ALUM, MO UME PHOSPHATE TOUR OF NORTHWEST Professor tVilnin has tvluriird from a tour of tho fruit districts of tho northwest looking over conditions and advising fruit men in regard to the co nt ml of blight which has gained considerable headway in sev eral districts. "r find that n policy of elimina tion rather than eradication is fol lowed in several districts," stales profesor O'Oara," and hundreds of trees are being pulled out. Especial ly is this so of the Bitter Hoot coun try. 1 spent some time there going over thu matter with them. "The Hoguo Kiver alley seems in better condition than any I visited and this is not said because I live bore. It is a fact." CITY DADS HOLD A E The city council held a social ses sion Friday evening which was not marked with even a ripple of discord or excitement. The meeting was cal led for the purpose of canvassing the voto nt the recent special election. Tho couucilmcn met, canvassed the, vote, adjourned and went screuly on their way. MORGAN HAS RELAPSE FROM RECENT ILLNESS HOME, March 20. As the result of n slight relapse of a recent illness, J. Picrpont Morgan, the Aiucrieon financier, is confined to his bed in his hotel hero lodny. The relapse occurred Sundny. Herbert Sallerlce, .Morgans son-in-law is with hun. i - A Strong Indorsement. W. It. Holmes of the Decorah, la.. Journal says, "I had been a sufferer from plica and ""hemorrhoids for years. I got no relief until my drug gist recommended Mcrltol Pile Rem edy. Beforo I had taken halt tho packago tho distress was gono and I havo had no troublo alnco. I would not tnko a thousand dollars and bo back In my former condition." Has- kins' drug storo. axcJuslvo agents. These 2 men should use ICIDE it saves the hair "7" 1 kmmWpJ Iok nt these three portraits ngniu. They tllust rule better than words run possibly do the principle of hair preservation, tho principle iiMiu which NEWBUO'H HEIil'ICIDE is bused mid acts. This is the principle, "You can do your hair uioru good while the hair is their, Ihun you can ever do after the hair is gone." Ninety-nine jht cent of the hair losses, with both men and women, nru duo lo the. working of Ilia dan druff germ. If you are troubled with dandruff dcN'iid upon it the genu is there, always working, digging, destroying thu life of the hair follicle nod pushing out llie'liair. And unless drastio and rigorous measures arc adopted to eradicate it, the genu is going to stay and will keep up the hair destroying activity until ev ery lutir is gone. The great mistake that many people make Is that thoy necr take any particular interest in their hair until it is gone and their heads are bare. Instead of using NEWIIUU'S IIEItlMClOE wlillu they lane an ahuiidauco of hair capable of snriug, they wait until thu damage U done, until it Is loo late. Then realising their condition they begin to appprcciate the blessings of a nice head of hair. A bottle of so-called hair restorer is procured and much time and energy expended in an eudcnor to accomplish the impossible nils sjcnt money, misdirected energy. By starting in time, (he intelligent and systematic uo of NKWIIItO'S HEIil'ICIDE would hno pre vented all of this trouble, nil this anxiety. HEItl'lt'lUE positively eradicates dandruff and prevents the hair from falling out. It gives to the hair life, luster and luxuriance. It prevents baldness. It stops itch ing. Sold Everywhoro and Guarantood or Monoy Rof undod by Your Doalor. Applications Obtained at tho Bottor Class of Barbor Shops. A BOOKLET AND SAMPLE FOR TEN CENTS SEE COUPON. MEDFORD PHARMACY Noar Post Offico Special Agonts S P' a'. . , . x&um&'s'sss m$m$mJ$m$m$$ ELECTRIC COOKING I IS TRUE ECONOMY Evcryl)ody knows that i PAGE STOCK FENCE Is the Fence of Highest Quality, Greatest Strength and Durability as also arc PAGE HOG FENCE PAGE RABBIT FENCE PAGE LAWN AND YARD FENCE ji: PAGE FARM GATES We want you to know PACUD WOVEN WIRE FENCE That's why wo arc asking you to call and sec for yourself why PAGE FENCE will outlast them all, and why you should use no other. Every Rod of Page Fence Is Guaranteed Sec us before buying We can save you money. Gaddis Dixon "THE PAGE FENCE MEN" Fence Contractors All Kinds of Fence Material 134 N. Riverside Ave. Medford, Oregon J t t ? V t t T T t t t r T T t t r t t t t t T NO FLAME, NO SMOKE, NO GAS, NO ODOR, LITTLE HEAT, NO WOOD TO BRING IN, OR ASHES TO CARRY OUT, NO MATCHES NEEDED, READY AT A TURN OF THE SWITCH. ELECTRIC RANGE, price $00.00, ij'lW.OO on installments. This range has new lypo bro'Ier in top of oven, the best broiling device up to date for any siylo stove. Will bake, roast, broil or fry; is better, cleaner, safer Hum any other cooking appliance. Ask vour neighbor who uses one. Flat rale lor family use, sjtf.00 per mouth. Ask about our special installment tonus on this rango. EL BACO OVEN, price $12.00, will roast. a chickon or bake two loaves of bread. Can be connected on any lamp socket. No special wiring required. Costs f cents per hour or less to operate, depend ing on quantity of current used. .? SAMPLES ON DISPLAY AT OUR OFFICE California-Oregon Power Company 216 WEST MAIN STREET. PHONE 1681. m $db&&$$& ? ? ? T ? X y f f r t f ? T f ? T f t J X T v t t t T T f T T t V & f JrlMH,Miv-4(rtt-j40' - rtt'4"