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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1913)
WT!DFOT?T) MATT. TnTTHTNflJ, MKDFOUD, OI.I'XIONT, TIIt'IlNDA Y, MAUClt 27, 1013. PAOE TTTRKIC. I J IIX. I 11LUU JJJ K- 4, 000.000 I ROUT RESTOCKING R0GU E TRIBUTARIES Four million trout fiy will lu pluo 1 In Uukiiii riser mnl Hh liilm turli'H tlil .pilnic HirmiKli Hid co oitrnltiui of tint Unlleil HIiiti'M litirciiu of lUlii'ilrH mill the Kind.' I'inh nnl (Ilium ooiiiiiiUhlon. Kkn inn now lit". liiK lakrn mi tin) ApiU'KUlit Mini II. ('. .Mileliell, vvlm In in I'lutri) of niuriitloiiH, rciirt'i I In) cki; InU Mill limik nil rucoi 1m. Alifiiily nliiiiiniliiiK in Kiiino rixli, I III' Witter f till HUOtillll will In- iiimlu tlie.l'nvurite reinlcwiiu, in tlm vent for ntij-lerti, I.nt jcar tin county nlrcniiiN were hlnckcil with two million miiiiII trout, tluit niimlicr being it record iii to Hint llnir. Tlo witter wheel ut the Klk creek Imteliery, vvlieie the trout t'M uru being hntcliel, U lining ichuilt mill If fmnN iiiilicil for by Ineiil Hpurl) men lire t'ottlieoiiilii from the hiiIo comuiiHioii, ciiu'iit iiimiiN Mill be cniirttrtiutcil In which llm fry emi be bibl until they become fingerllng. The ciimrily for fingerlliig i only thrco'iiiiirli'iH of u million. With the iiiurcnttcil capacity nt the bntchery the fUli will be kept Ihero until they luivo iittnliieil sufficient growth to iiiHiire their ImnliiicSH mil iiicreiiHe their chiiuceri of Mirvlvliig, nt lenxt until the hiii'ccMxful nngler cnteheN tlieiu off their gunnl. In the m inoxt of the fry hnvc been plneeil in the htreiium h'tum utter leaving the KK. N 0 PROBING WAGES NACHA.Mr.NTO, (n., Mnrch J7. -The inxcitlcntiou into women'it -.vngc. in Cnlifornin nml their coiiuectioii with the white hIiimt truffle begun with the creation of mi invcMignling couimillee by the mloplion in the m-imIo of n resolution by Keuntor lielmii of Sun priincUeu, eniiiu to mi abrupt stop loday when ihe commit tee rrNiiteil buck to the seiiatn that it fotiuil ItNrlf unable to proceed Villi the work ilciumiilcil of it for lack of time nml fuiiils, ami vwih ilinelmrgnl. The report reeoinineiiileil that cither it coihmittee eolihiMing of member of both Iioiiskn nml given sufficient poucrN timr ami I'uniN, be ntiiitril. or that n stnte coiiiini-iMou bo crcntril by law to take up the work. T BY PEEL POST A pair of Oregon-nimbi overalls lire on Ihu way, Ma itim-el Mst, to Ciiiiiinilniguii, N. V.f ami Kiiiu Kieh nnlsoii, proprietor of the Mtnlel Clothing company thinkx that ul last the tables hnve been turned on Ihu eiiklern iniiil ortler bonne. Percy J. Merrill, of the eitv with thu long name, is u former Meilfonlite, who since his ilepiiitnii) for tho cast Sev ern I yenr ii kh Iium not forgotten the gmec, i iforl anil durability of tho oxcrnllrt he 'Used to wear in Oregon. Mr, l.enill sent postal onby which included money for paiccl pol, hlampn mid inciilciilly nilded nnother iirgiiiurnt for the "Mado in Oregon" oniii)iiilgn, thu overall in ipiestiou by, lug miiuufaclured in this state. SEATTLE CONCERN BUYS OUT MERRIVOLD STOCK Tim MoievHcolliird-dilllam com pany of Health) linn purchcsril the slock mid fixture of tho Mcrivold Shop nml on Snturdny will open n big snle. II is yet undecided whether thu new firm will continue the store biire, but If this proven the case the salu will senu iih an introduction to teh public. C. Ii. Morey, onu of the owner, Ik in elinrgo mid Ik pulling Iho stock in shapu for thu opening. CARSON IS NAMED FOR HORTICULTURAL BOARD KAU'.M, Ore., March '27. Clover nor West has reappointed A. II, Car son of Josephine county a member of the state hoard of hmtieultural for thu third horticultural district. FEDERAL LIFE SAVING CREW AT LOQANSFORT WAUKEUAN, IHm Mim-h -7' Kilty mun with nix lifebeats: from tho I'udiual life wiving filution hum nr-i-ivcd in Lognnnport IIiIh moniing to relief, thu bltuullon, NEW1 JERSEY USE, BIRTHPLACE OE GROVER GLEVELAND. IS WATIOWAL SHRINE (Pfk . PFT 7m t,nitT mhis niTlinig.aiiVPLAHD7CS - ( MB.RUCHARD CLfiVtlLATtD, MRS. THOMAS ST L . TjCTM ' ifl -J PfeSTOr4 AND MIOS MARIAN CLEVELVd fWlj ' JFfg m vf jIf 1. jijPwl VL f B v j .VIHhkZ HV I HBM Bft HHHMaw w KT MmWKf' lLs. rfs!BfliK w .alM W 1 a. Hi. a alS r m HI HHIiH BlAl.HBBViKaAaii j I.- A S m tvv' ?-n mv t-jBiHPtbr rft-Ma rr i-mtnm iwrani vrfcrnt v r m SP' k-3 aj ' tmuimmmmZhMimMmammmm mm m SwUHiAi. .tz.. rMatfru "TI1MI n -SrL "-S 11 I i'lli I i'l I M KWZWHXD..Ka " 1)R n)0t ii riKii r-V PKIGI'NTINO ivvl, j i- r- Mir.G C5TMEW CltVLinu Thr Old Mnicc Ihe nm inil woslcn htillillnc In wliKli (JMcr CleicinmJ ma iMirn nt Cnldwell. N. J., sevcnlr li )enr co. Mnn-li IS. Imi innJ Into the linntl of tli ilrftrer CMrrr In ml lllrilii-'ne Mriitoiial AtcKln lion unit I i lt"f?i nUttit to tlir ni tlot liUturlc, Tho crre DCJ04IN II.I'IHIXY IJANDINC5 TttliKUYTO Mk fclCHAHC V- Ul V f lVT4 U RcurDAI VriKlf- AT CLEVELANDS' &IR.TH PLACE. i i 1H Will II I tS .ii '-l lur4j.iy( .Martli IS, drew five ttioiumul erxin to the Inwn of itic bouc. wtildi fur VI tenrn liiiit f.iciil the hicb road thnuKh C'atilwill. .Mn. TIioiiin. J. Prcooa, who wan formerly Mn Hoc nml. wllli her IiiikIi.iikI nnj llirec ch.Iilren. MM Klher Ctrrrland. Ul. Iiart ll.nelainl and Ml Marlon ( letebml. t noteil pfrwn ou a platform In fiuut uf llu- Maue ASHLAND GETS NEW PAMPHLET The "A-dilniid llooklet" ha arrived snys llii, Axlilaud lieeord. It comes in a lot of ten thntiNmid. It it ismpM in the name of the Ashland Commer cial club mid Ihu Southern Pacific line in Orepoii under the co-oprn live publicity plnu. The booklet i a beautiful thing in covers lithut-rnphed in miinv coloni. The front cover shows u t (ileal schiio near the heud waters of Ashland ortiek and the back cover an applu orclmrd in bloom. Ou the two outside pane of the cover me iiihim, oiiu of thw witatcru linlf of Ihe I'nited Stnles showini the Soiilhcru Pacific mid allied linen mid the other of the Orcein ivoust country showim the locution of Ashland mid various points conliKUoiiH thereto. The title puttc of (lie booklet i ar- Vtsliually decorated with a reproduc tion of the I'oiiiiuio Curler fountain which decorate thu l'lii.a in Ash land. The body of the book eoiiluiin. up piii.ximutely foity illuslralioiis in cluding a spluudid panorama view of Ashland mid it aiirroiiuding hills. There me scene from Ashlmnl can yon, beautiful nitiiilcuco;, Clmutau ipm park, our spluudid schools, bear ing orchardH, truch aniens, the dairying industry, poullrv nml socl misiug, the iil,'s piomiiifiit build lugs, etc. poriland"coijsio play ken finos Nick Williams Poilland Colts, of thu Northwest League, will cavort on tho Medford hall grounds on Sunday, April fl, when they will meet Ihe Chosen Pi tends ball team of this city. Thu Chosen Piiends Imvu gone, to .miiililm'nliln (ivllnllail In lirilll- lllC 1 I'IMIIIVI llllV ' -t t HI 1 'r (f . . . foils hern mid promiao thu fans n game of tho tirst water. On Ihu ceinlui: Suitduy the Chosen Friends will play the sltong Central Point team ut Medford mid a hard fought game is assured. The local leauiH so far this year has proven itself u strong out) mid lovers of thu game nrc holding out hopes for an interesting summer, TO OUHU A COM! IN ONU DAY. Take. LAXATIVK 1IUOMO Qulnlno Tiiuluts. nniBKlata refund ntonoy It It fnlltt to euro, K, W, QHOVK'S bIb imturo Is ou cmch box, 85 conts. CAFOIA WL L REPAIR A POItTI.A.NM). Ore, Mnrrh 27 W. J. Clciueni, iireslilvnt of tho Portland Autoinoblto ntserlntlon, received tho welcome neM I bin morning from tho California Htato Holler Koada nun elation that un May 1 tho -numclntlon will put on two nuto truck to keep In repair tho Pacific hlKhwnay be tween Hacrumouto, Col., and Port land. "Till In thu boat iiowh I huvo re ceived for a long time." mid Mr. UlotuciiK when bo rend tho letter from the California nKnoulutlou. "I wish no could do nomuthliiK like that here. In thla slnle, or even In Mult nomah county. Tho letter atatcs that two trurkit completely equipped for road IhiIMIiik', earrliiK each n crew of elulit men. will bu Htnrtcd May 1 from Hnornmcnto to gradually make their way to Porthmd. "Wherever poKilbte. tho county vvhoro road repnlis aru needed will be asked to niuilct to Its fiillont abil ity, but whero this cannot bu done, tho truck crew a wilt do their very hotit. "Thu roada now from Portland lo Kiu-niiiicnto are In fairly good sbapo, ocopt In piceaalonal upota, but they nra nut good by any inoaiin. still wo ure havliiK a lot of traffic over them, With thu road a placed In Kood ahape by tho patrol wo will nee n tremendous nuto traffic between Portland and Sun Frunclnoo next year and during tho cxpoaltlon year and thereafter." OFFICIAL'S NAP COST I B KITTY POPE BROUGHT SAX FRANCISCO, Col., Mnrch 27. -"-Though she has bcou indicted for complicity in the numerous burglnries of Owen I). Conn, tho "$100,000 burg lur," Mrs. Kate Pope, who was brought here from Detroit, will ho Used by thu police chiefly to locato thu great amount of jewelry disposed of by Conn. Thu officers believe Hint sho can lake them to numerous "fences" where tho burglnr disponed of his stolen property, Her casu bus been assigned to Su perior Judge Dunne's department lint lius not been set for trial ns vet. Tho woman denies any complicity in tho crimes of Conn, and is confident that she will be exonerated. COI.l'MIH'S, Ohio, March 'J7. Oovemor Cox today barred from bin office John Miller, state Miperii.ten dout of public works, because Miller was asleep in n hotel here Inst night while the pivrnior was fighting to nvc the Iiewi-ton reservoir. Miller was summoned from bed by Cox and savagely censured. This moniing Ilia governor put State Highway Commissioner Jmnen Mniker in charge of Miller's office. At noon Iarker communicated with both the Grand and l.ewWton reser voirs, mid it was retried that both ore intact ns u result of continuous labor on tluir isuco the flood slotted. REDDYS RAILROAD Kentucky Pants CUT IN PRICE Wo arc cutting ono-fourtli of f th ictllng price of trt ry pair of inen'a trotmcra In our store. A big now atock Just arrived in most all grades, colors and., sixes, ranging In price from 9l."0 to 9I.SO. . SOW CUT ONE-FOURTH OFF IN TRICE. THE WARDROBE West Main Street IS INCORPORATED YREKA DEPOT SAFE YRKKA, Oil.. March 'J7. Dynn miliiiK the safe nt the depot hero it baud of yeggmen scoured $300 mid fled towards the lull. Tho bandits look their tools and nil other evi dences of thu robbery with thum. Pouscb ure out in pursuit. ST. MARYS PLEADS FOR DOATS FOR SUFFERERS FORT WAYNP, lnd., March 27. For tho second time tho town of St Murys pleaded with Ibis city to bend boats lo rescue flood sufferers. GRANTS PASS, Ore., March 27.--I)r. J. F. Kcddy is in Salem to file the nrtielci of iiicorjMirotion of the Grants Pnss-Cre-cent City railroad. Tho incorporation nner8 fIiow that the company is capitalized at $0,000,000, tho incorporators beiui; J. F. Rcddy, H. L. Gilkcv and W. W Harmon, the object of tho new cor loration being stated ns the building nml operation of n railway from Grants Pass to the const at Crescent City, California. Dr. Rcddy will teturn from Salem to meet people who nro to figure on finniiciii) I he railroad. It N ex pected that the railroad people will mako n trip to Crescent City while here, poing through by automobile if the roads nro passable for machine. BEAR CREEK BRIDGE PAVING BIDS SUBMITTED lllds for tho pavinc of tho Hear creek lirldgo and the npproichca were filed yesterday In tho recorder's of flco by Clark Hencry company throuKb Hoburt Tclfor, who Is on the Kround. Tho bids will bo opened and passed upon nt tho regular mooting of tho city council next Tuesday night. It was titated by Mr. Tolfcr that In caso his company is awarded tho bid that ho will hnvo men on tho ground In ten duu. and that tho outfit will bo hero In two weeks, ready for the IioIiir of tho concrete. Tho prelim inary work would tako about ton days. ABSOLUTELY PURfi The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Makes delicious home-baked foods of maximum quality at minimum cost Makes home baking pleasant and profitable Hemingway's Lead Arsenate Tbo brand which is used to all of the great apple growing districts of the country Western Now Vork, Michigan, tho Dlue Kldgo Slopes, tbo Ozarks and tbo fame us valleys of tbo great Northwest HEMINGWAY'S LEAD ARSENATE Is of the highest standard of rrxn ufocture. Wo claim tbo following points of superierity: PERFECT PHYSICAL CONDITION I. c., fineness tf grain and ease In thinning down In water CORRECT ANALYSIS 1. c, full percentage of Arsentc Ozldo (not lees than 15 per cent) end no more than a trace of Soluble Arseato WRITE FOR BOOKLET ASD TRICES Stocks Carried by KERR, GIFFORD & CO. Portland, Oregon , HEMINGWAY'S LONDON PURPLE CO., LTD. 61 Water Street, New York, K. Y. Jis-JctiHiHIIHUiTaH ""'X Via.. .wnaaj V.X 1 Cr ImftTy MuMi lr-Jy ' svrr"-iy y A i vy2 ci. . Y-ArevaMiJ l - C III 111 Tvl Ov ....i.m..i .lSh -. ilr t' Ii 111 V ....i.f thcl C II ill J V i. -cmm fcri r i n t -. FSTt irBBr jbbbbpv . ..... w 7r.d r- esn m..ii A-ini H tJ I I rk. ...i..iit ?-' 4 Jwl C15 fr Tl mJ. ty i -"X rrs.BBBBBBBBBBBBBHI CJ - f V V "-" 'B'lflbSBlSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa' krtafoaLSM ' sssssW i&JSiiiiiatis And they cut out a teacher prim Who was everything else but slim, She grew stout and happy; Also healthy and snappy On a diet of GOLDEN ROD OATS. KOTX-K!flM t-tot Uj villi rt-ir ! u ftinm 4 r Oroet' ai frtaBlMlUl4otlr rw At Tow Oroct's gy ? VH ? V II "Young man, when yoa buy a buggy, be sure it's a Studebaker" Sound advice from the man who has been driving one for twenty years. When you buy a Studebaker buggy you ate buying all the skill, experience and science in buggy building that half a century can produce. You are protect ing yourself against the mistakes of younger builders. You will always be proud of the Studebaker nameplate, fof thero isn't a buggy on the road that it its equal for style, luxury and good looks. Flexible bent-reach gear, graceful lines, solid cor ner, pluglesa body, double-ironed shafts, aro a few of tho special Studebaker features. The new close-fitting shifting rail is enough i itself to make you buy a Studebaker buggy. Farm Wfttoa UutuMU nmu itoi W. Trucks MUk Wi ou Stc out D"lcr or uilli uu Dump WaioM IIrM STUDEBAKER South Band, lad. NtWVOIK CHICAGO DAIXAS KANSAS CTTY MHVKK MJNNSATOUS SALTLAKXCITV SAW FKANCISCO tOKTUKB, OSX,