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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1913)
a i , i u MTOTFOUf) M'Atr) TltnUJNR. MI'fDPORP. OHKOOK, HA'VVUthKY. MAUOI'f 22, UM. page titoer, Vt f-J- K'. 0 SOCIETY AND WOMAN'S PAGE v i tloolnl Mini niiiHlrul nolo, Miss Jiiiiiiowu llutlur; phono :i:i:ui. Clul) uows under direction of (lienler Medford Club; 4 phono 57D. "None llvnth unto himself 'V nlouit." GENERAL CLUR DIRECTORY I 4 i i ..I. ., n Orcutor Medford Club Las Mon. ilny of each mouth; clul room, II lirnry ImiIIiIIiik; -.00 p. in., business mooting, 3.00 p, iii.t program. Second .Monday of unih mouth, no clul moutlug. Piesldcnt, Mr. V. (I. Davidson, 1110 West Tenth street; phono 575. Muslo Department First Momltiy of uncli meuth: club rooms, library liullillni;; 3:01) l. in.. Chairman, Mr. It. M. Andrews, 3& North Roose velt nviMiiitt; phone 837l. Good Cltltuiishlp Department First unit thlnl Tuesday of nrh inutith; cluli rooms, 2:30 i. in. Chulr luitii, Mm. C. L. Hchlcffolln, 113 (It'll uvn nvfiiiio; phono 120. ftdtirutlnnul Department First rUturduy of each tiitnttli; club rooms. S;iii) i. in. Chairman, Mm. George Itiboe. Central Point It. I. I).; I'houu. jihKmhiviiiu si-f-:i. Home KconomlcH Department Second inn! fourth Wednesdays; club rooms, 3:30 p. m. Chairman, Mr. J. (!. Wcliinldt, 30 Itoiij ntunuu; phone 2fiit. Morlul Hygiene Department Thlnl Momlny; cluli rooum, 3.30 i. m. Chairman, Mrn. It. W. Htonrus, 10 ltou iivumi; ihiuin 1 30. "Promptuotw mitl H) stout" our mot to. Wo 1I0 not wish to wustn uur t lino, therefore promptness In begin nliiK Ihww ini'ttiluHH nii'il uyslum In conducting thorn Is our nlin. VeilMi'ilny Study I'lult, I'lrnt mnl third Wmlm-idii); IN I miry btilblliiK. -:30 p. in. Prrnldint, Mm. . II. I'lcKiil, .113 Wont Main ntieot; phono SM-lt. IViU'iit-'t'riu lieiV ,kso latlou, Hciond I'rlday, 3; 00 p. in., Vtuh liiKtou nohool bulldlnic. I'ronldi'nt, Mrn. P. W. Monm, C2I Dakota avo 11110; phono ZSO-x. liirtiitT(if.lifi AMiila(loii. Third I'rlday. "3:00 p. in., Itooio volt ncliool hulldluK. I'ronliUnit, Mm. (loorRo KIiir, 813 Knit Mnln street; pliuno 811-lt. I'no-llellenlr .oi'nlloii, Second and fourth Baturduya; ec end Knttirilny at Kent lloom; fourth Knturtlny at hoinon ot inoiiitmm. Pres ident. Mm. J. (1. Wllion, G17 Nuw town Rtreut; diouu CCO-W. ('ollruo Woiiian' (.lulit. Heronil Hiiturduy, luncheon 1:00 p. lit., plnco to ho announced, l'renl- ilnut, Mrn. Winifred Horcomh, ranch, (liifflu Creek; phono sr-7-J. V. V. T. U. Thiimdiiy of ourh wouk, llnptlat tihuriih, 3:00 p. in. l'r;ldeul, Mm. Ilolmer, 733 Koiith Central nveiiuo; phono tO'J-J. Altenllon! Women ot tlio Valley! Do )ou know that thoro uro rout looiim on thu fourth floor of tho .Medfnrd l'umlturo & lliirdwnro biillillm;. No. U'l mid I'li, for tho free uo ot thu woiuon of Medford mnl vicinity? Tuko thu elevator, eoinu up mid rebt, leave your parcelH, meet your (rluiulH, net u cup o( ten for (Ivo cuiiIh, or check your bullion (or ten eenln iter hour, Tho roouix nro iilwn)H open with mi nttuiiiluut lu eliarKo from 11:00 11. 111, to (WOO p. 10, CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK Home ICcunumlcH Department, WoiliioNilny, Mureh 30. U::)0 p. m. CliibiooniH, l,lhrur biilldlnu. I !, f . 4 ! 4 I GENERAL'CLUB NEWS I Clubwomui) from all over tho Unit oil HtutuH will Kiither at Wnuhluutoii, I).' (,., 011 April 31, to attend tho council of tho (leneiiU Federation ot Woiuou'h eliiba. Tho imnuhorHhlp liieluihm tho boiird or directory tlio preuldoiit ot all utato tudoratloiiH, ludlvldtiiil cliibH mid other urKUiil .atloiiH directly fedorntud, and all general federation heeietnrles and iloparlmont chalruien, All club woineu can nltend tlumo ineoliiK mid arc tilled to do ho, Tho iIoIiiIIh ot tho untlro liroRram aro not yet, completed, but tho tsou oral outlliio la moHt lutoroHthiK. t luoludet) niUlrouvou by prouiluoiit club woiuon, by tho federation prealdent, Mm. l'orcy V Ponnyhackor, mid nllier pidinliioiil public HpoiilterH! 11 reception Ht Hi'' White House; nil nildrus' on ' Art" hy llnpldiuon Hmltii nt Ihn Co no rni 1 gallery; u vllt (o tlio tOiiKiiivNlouul library 1111. lor tlio dliei'tlun of Ihn lltonir) clubs; onturliilniuout by llm Mary land clubwomen; 11 tilp down (ho Putomso to Mount Vernon, mid 011 tlio Inst evening plans for thu bl Olllllul meeting In CllloflgO will hi presented. Tlio I loom Kcoiiomlim dopnrtmuitl incftM next Wednesday. Mnrch 30, it 3:30 p. in., In tlio library clubroum. The topic (or the ilny In "Ilouiioliold Hygiene" and tlio program itndur tho direction or Mr. II. I.. Nuhllt promises to ho 0110 of unusual merit. Or. It. W. Steam will address tho meeting 011 some plmmj, of thin ul JiKt A pnpor on tlio "IlnctttrloloKv of tint lloiiut" will ho nad by Mm. Milton .Iuikiii. Mm. Nuhllt In it pupcr will r.lvit Konio valiiublti lilntH on L'lriiuliiK, dlnliifoctliiK. otc. You will iiiIm ouifithln of rout Importnucu If ou nro not nblo to iitlmid thin meetlni;. Tho Invitation I cxU'iidod to uvcry votiiini In tho vii I toy. How iiiticli wo tiilii bco.HiBo wr "hnvou't tlmu." U our tluio taken up with tho hmt of thlugM llfo offor unT Aro no kuuphiK nhroiiNl or tho tluio, mnl proKrotmlui; with othor around iimT Thou from mi iiunoINnIi itiinliiiliil nro wo kIvIiik to othorx nil of our tlmu and cnurcy thut u uwo tlioniT Lot im llvo with othnr IM'opIo, mnl h'1 from tlmin and kUo to l hi' in thu bwit wo have. CLUB NOTES Tho iioxt ri'Ktilnr ineotlni; or tho (Srnitur Meilfonl club occur m 011 Mon day, Mnrch 31, oun week from iiuxt Monduy. Animunceiiient Ih beliiK nindo thiiH early thai a larno attend ance may bo nxKiireil. Tho club en rollment now number 106 member In Reed ntnndliii:. Let tit noo all or I Into In tho rlubroom at thin nxt me'tluK! Thu reorKanUatloii of the club Into ilepnrtmeiitH tlemnuiU koiiiu chmiKoti In thu rotmtltutlou, Ita amondmeiit IkivIiik been proponed at tho hint roKiilar mention. Iteiiiember. till U our club, ami It ilepemU upon you, n Individual, to uinkn It nurcoMriil mid to make Its power roll In tho community. Aluo reineOi bur wn get out of aiothliiK jtf t what wn put Into It. What nro oi nottliiK from .jour club? Whnt - .' youmoir. your lutvriwt. your etitht: ulamn aro you puttlui; Into It? Liut .full thu (Irrutor Medford club federated with tho Oregon woiuvu't club. At Its lint meotliiK It took KtepH toward federating with the (loneral I'ederatlou or Wouien'j cliibH. uumhvrliiK nomathlUK llko KOO.ono or the mont pioi,ir4ivv women ot tho I'lilted U'.'ile-i. The (iiotlon, "Why roderato?" uaturnlly folluwg. llelow nro 11 row or tin. remien: I. Women from eveiy Hate In thu Union nro broiiKbt toKoiher ti. roiihldnr common Intcnmt, thu uni fying tho country. 3. Womuu aro trained to differ amicably lit dUeuiialoii, to think bouudly, aud broadly, to work htr- moiilouHly. 3. llltolllHVIIt tUdy Ot IlldlluUll'l and Nodal condltloiiM Ih pumited. (nr uUhlilK trained lenders fur tlitn study. I. t'utlrluu work tor civic bwuit.-, for parkii ami hcliool ptityKfuumlii, treo plmitliiK ami nodal cuiitem. 1 carried oip Ti. 15((ortK aro nmdo to oleMite publlo tanto lu mualo. KthlcnJ value or hlKhoHl art ami inunlc In tdiown. 0. SettliiK IiIkIi educational and homo mnkliiK IiIoiiIh, ami trutuliiu. inothciH ot America how to ap,uoi piato thcHO IiIciiIh, Theso nro but u tow of tho Milutti that tho wniium ovorywhoro are artunlly nccotupllHliliiK. Don't ou Mint to holp In realUIni; theno IiIkIi Idealu? Don't )imi think they nro worth while? If you uro not n mem ber ot tho Creator Mudford club, bo romo 0110, It you mo Intorontcd In KrowliiR blK'h'er mid broader, lens critical, and lu helplUK otheru to do do. It you aro already a member, (or your own dovclopniont, you cnn not afford to lot thin opportunity for active co-operation with tho broad minded women ot tho tduto mill nation pabu ynu by, (let busy. .Mm. John (lu.v WilMni oulotlaineil the member of I ho 1'nii-llelleiito Ah Hoeiutioii tit lier homo "i Xewlown stieut lhl iil'teruoon. Following,' Ik (ho roKrnin for Ihe pe.vt nieeliut,' of Iho WcilueHiluy Slmly ('luh which occurs ihn til'leruniiii of April -ml: (loot'ito llernnril Show --Mujor Unr barn, nioyniphy of aullioi', outline of pltiyi Slfrt. Hrnekinvecil, "Wlmt i UnilomhiUrH AtlUmlo To waril Money mnl Tovorv anil Ih II UielU''". Mm. Alfnnl. "Why Umlmvti' ChrisU- iniily Truly JuHlillulilo'", .Mi. Tut tlo, "U'nt .Major Itailiiirn Hiht in AbiiiKloiiliiK tho Kiilviillou Army Work iim Kiilllitf", Mm. .NVrr. DIkoukhIoii Club. FUTURE EVENTS Tbo nntiunl rouvmitlou or thu Klumalh district WonmnV I'orelKn MIkhIoiiiii) society will bo held lu thu Methodist Kplscopnl church Tuesdny. March 3R. Thu session at 10: IS will hit devoted to business. At 130 speakers from Asliland, Omuls I'ass, Itoneburc. Khimuth mid .MeiUord will ho pruHont, discussing topics or Inter out. At 7-30 tho Columbia ltlvor brunch correa pond Inn Hecmtnry. Mm. A N, Fliiher. nnd Hcv. i:. O. Uldrldo will Kho nddrfflses. An I'nstor bnzanr nud expcrlenco soclid will bo held ut tho Christian church next Wednesday afternoon and civouliiK tinder thu auspices of Iho women ot llm church. A cafe lorla illnner will bu served at 0 O'clock under thu supervision of Mm. tl. T. Mulkoy. lu tho uvouIiik n pro Krmn will ho kIyoii. 1'oIIowIuk aro tho othem In elmrKe: Mm. V. O. HiirKesH, Mm. W. T. Ilovorldi;o. pro- Krum; Mm. Hon (Jurnolt, candy booth; Mm. II. II. Dakar, Ksstet Kilt. A lonllnl Invitation la oxIhiiiI oil to all. Tint JiiviiiiIIu club will enjoy 1 niasiiioradu characler part) ami box sih-IiiI tioxt Momlny owning. Mm. Otilioiiborry mid Mm. Wold oomposo tho committee for thu evenlnK. Thu Itovolerti will kIvo their last party of thu tuKison next Tuesday tnenliiK. Tho affair will be a dinner dnucu held ut tint Hotel Mod Turd. A L WEEK IN SOCIETY 1.4 Thu Loyalty Circle or I'lmt M. IJ. churcli eiitertnlued thu llusy lieu and a few frlemlH at thu beautiful uuw home 6r Mm. C. II. Corey. Jackson boulevard, Wednesday afternoon. On eutnrljiK u blaxltiK. cheerful flro In thu UvIiik room khvo a tomb of wnfiiitli nud cosIuosh lu contrast to tint biiow ami chill on the outside, and tho sweet sprliiR riowera ami fernit added another touch or loveli ness to thu nlrondy bonutlful scene. Tho proKrnm consisted or piano hoIimi, vocal solos, a vocal duet uy to little girls, mnl it splendid rend Iiik. "Iturly Dnya of Jncknonvllle," by Mm. Nelson of Jacksonville, which wni must heartily appreciated. Thu tunkluR or her own ICaitor bonnet, of tissue paper, by each lady afforded much merriment and wimo Korijeous creations wore tho result, nud thu Judges. Mm. Mlnear. Mm. Nelson nud Mm (llnsscock. found It very difficult to decide, but thu prlxo was finally nwnrded to Mm. Man UlliK. n pair of "gulden slippers" daintily wrapped In tissue pnprr, which turned out to bo two strips or banana peel, and Mm. Manning wits tho center or nttrnctlon wnen he Insisted on "trying them on" tho different ladles. Dollclous refresh- meut.i of sandwiches, ctien cako nud coffeo wont nerved by Mesdamea Ijlllott, Couklln. Itonrdmuu. (lbs cock, nud Mcker, nftor partaking of which guit departed with remein braiicen ot a most didlghtful after noon. Tlio ltebeccas hold olio of thulr most uiijotablo nodal meetlugu or tho ytmr Tuesday evunlng at tho Odd Follows' hall on Sixth street, with an utlundunro of (.V PccorutlotiH, mi p. per apiKilutiiieuta nud program were appropriate to St. l'atrlokit day. Among tho amusements were 11 shamrock hunt ami blindfolded con test, for which prlxcd woro given. At one bamiueL table, tho ouvrablo saint wan depleted driving cnmly Himkiw out of tho country, wlilo tho lakoH or Kllluniey mirrored grcon mosii and nhumruck upon a eecoml. Following was tho pregram: Fluto bolo, Mm. Feriuinn. liiHtrumoiital trio, Mleu SlioultB, l'erl and (touliler. Vocal trio, Fern King, Mary llrowti ami Mellsso McKay, Itoudlug, Mm, Mary Voter. Vocnl nolo, "Whoro tho ltlvor Shniitiou Flows," Foru WIiirj violin mid piano accompaniment. Hecltatlon, lllchnrd l'ayne. Violin solo, Mr. Isaac Wtiir, ac- companloil on plnuo by Mr, Usuhor. . DlKcourBo 011 noted IlihornlmiH or tho punt mid present, Mm. John 1'orl. t Tho following auunuiicomont has been recolved lu Buchil rlrclcs: Mr. and Mm. John Fonley AVhlto mi nouiico tho mitrrlago or their daugh ter Zola to Mr. Ivor Stephen laloy 011 Saturday, tho Kith of March, 0110 (hoiiRuml 11I110 hundred and thirteen, Horkoloy, Cftlironilu." Tho woddlng wan u qnlct homo af fair, KMostH liioludlng only relatives nnd liiliinnlo frlomlH or iho Noinm couple. MIsn Ilertha llrainlciibiirg wan among thoso In atleiidnnco from this city, Tho ceremony took plnco at It a. 111., Mlsn Joufiphlno Mlllor or llerkoloy playing Iho wcddliiK march. Miss Whlto nnterod on tho arm of hor inthcr, heliiB met by the groom who wait nttcndod hy his bout man, Mr. A. ('. Cooper, tho wedding party standing beneath an arch of ncncln blossoms nud liratichcs or thu Cull rornla pepper treo. Tlio bride worn n sheer whlto lingerie gown with cor sage bouiUi't ot llltfes or the vnlloy and ferns. A wedding breakfast wiu served Immediately nftor tho ceremony, Mr. ami Mm. 1'aley leaving on tho after noon train tor southern California. They will reside nt Oakland. Tho box social and dance given nt Ht. Mark's hall Monday evening under tho auspices or tho knights ami ladlis or tint I'miiI orders of Knights of I'ythlns and Fythlnn Hlstcm was at tended by a Inrge number and thor oughly enjoyed. The auctioneering of tho boxes by our honorable mayor, Mr. W. W. Kltert, wim iho principal feat uro or Iho evening. An exhibi tion or Hustcr millinery for gentto men, shown by Mr. Henry llaswell. wan greatly appreciated. The par taking of n bounteous supper whm followed by dancing, a number of sipinnt dances being Introduced as it diversion. On Wednesday owning tbo roular social of Iho sniiiq order wbh given with a largo number of Invited guests among tho oungcr not. Mm. Hnrl Melllng, uiwlsled by Mm. Moiling, Br., wan hotless to a tew friends Tuesday ufternoou for a thlmblii tuirty. A dainty luncheon wan served ut 4:30. Table decora lloim woro lu green aud white, tho centerplero being u birthday cako holding 0110 cundlo lu honor ut young Master Mulling. Thosq present were Mlbtt Ulackforil, Meidamoa Clay, Smith, J. T. Sttmmcrtllle, Wllmer Cartwrlghl, Mnry Orr, It. L. Mellrldo. O. C. King mid Mm. Scott of Kausatf. Tho Ladles Aid toclcty of thu Christian church was entertained Wednesday afternoon by Mm. II. II. ICerby nt her homo on Oakdale ave nue. Mm. A. II. Cuunnlnghnm and Mm. A. V. Jordan - assisted Mm. Kerby. About thirty women wero present, to tnko part lu the election of officers nnd comploto plans for tho Lnster baznar. Thu officers elected were: Mm. J. K. Darnell, president; Mm. Weisscr, vice presi dent; Mrs. John llclllnger, sccretay and Mrs. Jordnu treasurer. Mr. anil Mm. J. W. ilneClatlite nre entertaining thin eouiu; at their home on the WW Fool hills drive for Mr. ami Mm. h. V. Hutton of Winwi R'jj, wlio leaxe tomorrow for their homo after a week's viitt in the vul ley. Mr. mnl Mm. lliitlou, with oth er friemls, will enjoy the hospitality of Mr. nnd Mm. Albert Iloppin to morrow.. jrm. William Offutt. Illll Howard ftrcct, eiitertniueil tho Mome liiou hoeiely of (lie JI. K. ehiireh, South, Weilnesilay afternoon. Mm. Offutt served ivfre-limentn as?istcd by Mix Hvelyn Ofi'utl. Mrs. Ira J. Dodge entertained tho Thursday llrldgo club ut her homo at Porrydnlo this week. Mrs. Allison V. Jordan wits hostess to 11 thimble party at her homo Thursday afternoon. PERSONAL MENTION Mm. Ueorgo Corey returned Wed nesday from a visit with frlouds mid relatives ut St, Paul. Mrs. Ilolon dale returned Monduy fiiim Threo Pines. Ore. Mm. T. II. Kinsman has roturucd from it visit ut Ashland. Mr. nud Mm. Phil H11111III nro ut San FraiicUco tor a short visit. Mrs. J. F. Ueddy is spending Kap ler week with ft lends nt Sacramento. Mm, tins Nowborry onturtalued In formally with brldgo Thursday at ternoon, Mr. mid Mm. Jesso Houck, Mr. mid .Mm. W. tl. Stewart nud Miss Helen Dahl uttuuded tho dnucu given by tho Klka at Ashland Friday ovo nlng, Tho affair waa lu commemo ration ot tho anniversary of tho Ash land order, Mrs, K. 11. Plckol bus boon chosen tQ tuko tho )wji of Mr, K. M. And rows upon tuo llhrary board, Mr. Andrews' enforced absence from tho city necessitating the. chaugo. Mr mnl Mm Hdwnrd Knnwlea of Bait Lake City urn visiting relatives In Medford. Mr. Knowles la tho son ot Mr. V. W. Knowles nnd brother of Mm, A. C. lfublmrd. Mm. W. W. Woods nnd Mrs, L. I). I'arkor. Mrs. A. C, Hlnghnm ot Santa liar bara Is visiting her son, Mr. It. C. Hlnghnm, of the Mlrn Vista orchards. A party of Medford wople at tended the outertnlnment at Phoenix Thursday evening. Including Mr- Vance. Miss Lenore Vnnce, -Mr. and Mm. J. A. Perl. Mm. K. C. Hoot and Misses Kstes. Orlgsby and Hilton. Mr. and Mm. John Perl spent Thursday morning at Phoenix. Miss Ituth Mulchings, formerly of Medford, nt present attondlng the high school nt Ashland spent Tues day with friends in this city. .Married, at Ims Angeles, Cat., on March 13th, 1913, Miss Rcnericvo Mnrlu Veness ot Wlnlock, Wash,, and Mr. Frederick Jerome Newman of Now York city. Mr. and Jim. New man w reside at tho Oakland hotel, Oakland, Cal. 1 Mr. ami Mm. W. L. Kills and Mrs. Helen Onto left Thunn..r afternoon for Bnn Frnnclseo to spend L'astor week mid attend the grntul opera. Mm. K. V. Coffin, wlw uni reitort- eil lo lie quite ill ut tlie home of .Mr. ami Mm. C. J. Kttntmuu ut Itoecbur,'. rottiriitl lo Mnlfonl Friday after noon miieli iiujiroveil in liottlllt. Mm. Homer Itotlicrmnl f-H.nt Tliumilny nflcniooii villi frieuuU nt Jnekbouville. Mr. mnl Jim. John Daily, who have been veiling relatives in this eitv left for llicir home in Idaho Thurs day. REST ROOM Tint lunch served to thu business women last Saturday at tho rest room was well attended. Tho menu consisted ot coffee, macaroni a la Italian, sandwiches and apple pic. About forty people wero served. A largo number of the members ot tho Merchants' association took advantngo ot tho Invitation given by tho Pan Hellenic club to visit tbo rust room whero they wero served coffeo and sandwiches. They left satisfied that the rooms aro needed by the town and hoped that the project bo perpetuated. Next Thurs day nt tho rest room thero will be hot coffeo and sandwiches. MUSIC A sscrcd concert to bo given Sun day afternoon, March 30, ut popular prices Is au attraction ottered by tho musical department ot the Greater Medford club, tho proceeds to ho used for tho benefit of this depart ment. Thu concert will bo In tho nature of a union song service, choirs and soloists from tho different churches donating their services. Tho following choir leaders are arrang ing tho pregram: Mm. F. O. Uurgosfc of the Christian church, Mr. Forrest IMmeades ot tho Methodist Kpls copal, Mm. 11. C. KeutnSr of HL Mark's Kptscopal. Mr. George An drews ot tho Presbyterian, mid Mm. It. K. Mamh of tho Uaptlst church. Tbo placo, program ami full particu lars will bo given later. Tneotlity nftoruon a nuixieal pro- gmm of twelve numbers was given by the piano pupil of Mt. C A. Meker ut liur home, ;il.1 X. Hnrtlctt xtrvet. After the program Mm. Meeker ciitcrluincd ttith Ramon nud Inter tofrotdmietilij woro served. A good timo wn enjoyed by nil. ThDsu prohunt iiii'ludiiig' friuiuU of thu pit iiilt were Helen l'liilbrook; Hthel mid Slelht Audemon, Vent Kouudlree, Liieretia Uateuutu, Floreueo'nud KImo ('lev eland, Jo-epliiue Koppus, Julia uud lluxt'l Wiley, Mnry Tinker, (Irueo nud Irene Hraiuanl, Violet Hooker, (.'ntliciiiio I'oiisor, Arleeu Xormile, Vuru llutuliiub nud ilubel Colcmun. Tho momhem of tho program com mltteo of tho uiuslcal department of tho Greater Medford club mot Tues day afternoon nt tho library to dis cuss ways aud means ot arranging a course ot study for next year's work. Tho committee will obtain nil tho Information posslblu upon tho sub ject and present tho matter to tln pmalcal department within two weeks. Tho wutnen concerned aro Mrs. George Andrews, Mrs, K. 13. Gore, Mrs, V. Isaacs, Mrs. C. M. KugllsU aud Mrs. George Daggett. A two-act coinody was given lu tho lecture room of tho public, school nt Phoenix; Thursday evening by tho Christian Kudoavor society ot that plnco, An orchestra front Medford furnished music, thoso taking part bolriK Mr. A. J. Vance, director; Sir James Vnnco and Miss Flynn, flrnt violins; Mlsi Allecn Perl nnd Mr. Donney, second violins; Mr. Oouldor, cornel; Mr. lirntney, trombono; Mr. Maddox, 'cello; Mr. Hoot and Mr. Howlcy, clarinets; Miss (Irny. piano, and Jay (lorn, French norn. Tho music In the Catholic church will ho more elaborate on Knster than on ordinary Sundays. The choir under tin direction of Profes sor O. Talllandler will sing. Kyrle, Gloria. Credo, from mass In n flat (Farmer): Hall die (F,tt); Sanctus, llcnedlctus, Agnus del, Dona nobis, front mass In II tint (Far mer); O Salutarls (Hummel); Tnn tuni ergo (Ktt); Landaif (Orogor Ian). Tho spring term of the Medford Conservatory of Music and Lan guages begins next week. A pupils' recital will bo given tho evening of April 5. The Medford Choral so ciety is rehonrslng for two entertain ments to be given upon succcsslvo evenings with entirely dlfforcnt pro grams, date nnd particulars to be announced later. Mifw (Jrnro Joepliiue ISroun, daughter of Mr. mid Mm. .1. ('. Jlrowu of thi.H eity, be repreMmtcil in reeilnl n( I'orllainl during tho first lrt of April by her teacher, Mm. Itosn Ulocli Ilauer. Othem taking I wirt in iho affair mill bo Mi-su. Hel en Krommc', Kvclyu Snow, (Jcucvicvc 1'eek, Lola 1'nce nnd 31m. Dolpluue Marx whom JTadumo Seliiuumin- Hviuk pmiscd so liighly. Tlio uicmbcre of the Medford Or chestral Club will meet for rchenmal next Friday evening ut 711) p. m. nt the high bdiool. A full uttciidauec U desired. Tho Chicago Grand Opera com pany will bu la Portland for thrco performances beginning March 31. CHILDREN'S STORY HOUR Tlio children's story hour Institut ed at tho library last Saturday by tho educational committee of the Greater Medford club was an unqual ified success, both from tho stand point ot numbers and enthusiasm. Klgbty-foui- ichltdron assembled to listen to Norso myths, told in a charming and dramatic way by Mm Alan Drachlmeed. What to do with so many was tho problem of tho lit tle lady oa sbo looked Into a sea ot llttlo eager faces, but as the story progressed and tho hush ot attention fell upon the children tbo situation resolved Itself Into ono of mutual helpfulness and delight. Mm. Drachlmeed conducted tho hour to day and will bo followed next week, by Mm. Charles Shletfelln with Un cle llentus stories. BOOK REVIEWS Helen C. Gale. 'Tbo Life Ktcruvtllus" by Mario Cor elll, publUhod by Haddor Stough- ton. "Tnero Is no death, what seems eo is transition." Is tho text ot this book. It you aro not Interested iu tho psychic, "Tho Llfo Kvcrlastlng" must uppeal to you, It for no other reason from tho Interesting, beautiful ro mance of tho story. Corelll's stories have always bcou rich in Imagination. This latest book of hem soars far abovu any other sho has written. Tho prologuo. alone, Is worth all other things from her pen. Kven tho most cynical, material, ot orthodox person must sco tho value and beauty ot the now religion sho sets forth. To thoso who have stud led "New Thought" her Ulcus will not bo entirely foreign. Tho story tells ot a yuung woman who duds hur toul muto In this life, but who must con quer self and thou learn to llvo ac cording to tho laws ot nature and God before sho cuu claim the com plete luvo that Is ttwaltlug hor. Shu Is thrown with people an American mitllouulro, his Invalid daughter and utt unscrupulous doctor ot tho most material nud cynical turn ot mind. These peoplu only omphnsUo in tho story, thu uselos$uot& of till things ye human holugs deem worth while. Soma ot tho situations aro almost meloilraiuutlu others wlord and uu cuuuy, hut uono tho less Interesting. Corolll's old stylo, with Its forco mid power, has not weakened, causing 0110 who has followed her books from tho first to this lust 0110, to think that sho herself has learned "tbo secret ot llfo," nnd draws power and strength source, from nu lucxhaustnblo lie Sentence, of Silence." by Iteglnnl Wrleht Kuuffranu, published by Jwo.ffut Yard company, This Is it book thnt all paronts should rond. Wo have awakened to the fact that If tho human rnco Is to bocomo stronger, both mentally nnd physical ly, that n lot of old Ideas Hint may hnvo served their purposo In tbo past must bo discarded. A mlstnken Idea of modesty, as far as the highest nnd most Important laws of naturo nnd. life aro roncorned tins been to blamo tor much of the misery lu this world. After reading "Tho Sentonco of flllenoc' all must agreq with IU author, that It Is a parent's duty to bring up iu child in absolnto truth fulness In regard to tho mysteries of lire. Unlike most books which nro writ ten solely to carry out a pet Idea nt tho author. "The Sentence of Silence" Is wholly Interesting. Tho charac ters aro all well portrayed and tho situations strongly, even dramatically given. llaremllk Ik-mctrn Vuka(Mm. Ken neth Ilrown.) 'this book was written by a woman who was born In Constantinople, but who had lived after her girlhood In Kuropcnn cities nnd In America. Af ter her tnarrlago to an American she visited her school-girl frlandfi who had remained In Constantinople and had becoino Inmates of harems. "Huremllk" Is an intensely inter esting book. In It UbIonded thu cloying sweetnesx of Oriental charm with tho occidental Ideas. Tho luxury ot tho unusual llfo In tbn harems, thu ideas of tho Turkish women as told in this book dispel much of tho pity and censure that wo women of freer countries might bavo entertained for our Ortcntat sisters. In speaking of polygamous mar riages, ouo woman, who la a third wlfo says: "You novcr share your husband. W'htil a man gives to one woman, ho novcr gives to another. What ho is to bis first wlfo, ho never is to his sccoud or third." Polygamy may be most revolting to tho advanced mlud, but so sweet, simple aud convincing aro tho argu ments of theso Turkish women, who accept tbclr fato without a murmur, that wo havo to stop and wonder It they nro not moro broad-Bilnded and unselfish than wo women ot other countries arc. Michigan will tako another popu lar voto on tho equal suffrage ques tion next month. mm "CASCflRETS." 'tl No Headache, lllllousneM, VMCt Stomach, Laxy Liver or Con- Htiiuttrtl Hon els by Morning. Are you keeping your bowels, liver and stomach clean, yure and fresh with Cascarets, or merely forcing a passageway through theso alimen tary or dralnago organs every few days with Salts, Cathartic Pills, Cas tor Oil or Purgative "Waters? Stop having a bowel washday, Lot Cascarets thoroughly cleanse and regultu the stomach, remove the un digested, stnir and fortncntlng food aud foul gases, take tho excess bile from the liver aud carry out of thu s stem all tho decomposed wusto matter and poisons lu tho Intestines aud bowels. A Cascaret tonight will uiako yott feel great by morning. Thoy work whllo you sleep never gripe, sicken or cause- auy Inconvenience, und cost only 10 cents a box trout your drug gist. Millions ot men and women take a Cascaret now and then nnd never havo Headache, Hlllousnosi), coated tongue, Indigestion, Sour Stomach or Constipated llowols. Cas carots belong In every household. Children Just lovo to tuko them. GLASSES That fit your eyes uro worth all thoy cost, DON'T UH TOO CUFDUUIUH A llttlo Inquiry will convince' you that my patrons aro satisfied patrons;. WHY? Ilecauso thulr glasses uro r'Kkt, mid my prices aro as reasonable as' Im consistent with skilful service unit tlio best material". Dr. Rickert Kyelglit Specialist. Kentner'H, Medford. Over TQ? itl T'j LI Ml , J 0. .;