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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1913)
VI u w IM V ': r pxqb Eiom? lUMLAmiiui ,v, sag atEDFom) ftnmj tribute, medfoud, orkiion". I'Mciday, march m. mm. NEW RULES FOR PUBLIC MET DES MINES IOWA 0. O, Garrett, of Adclplil, town, a suburb of Dps Molnoe, and nn, or- chardlst who markets hit entire out put through the Des Moines public market, was an Interested visitor to tho Medford puntta market today. Hn states that a new market build in K, occupying n quarter of a block, la being completed at Dcs Moines, moat of tho (tails, however, taken by peddlers and huckaters. Tho far mers and producers haro stands out aldo tho building, for which they pay a nominal rent "Tho same predictions of failure, and tho ha mo opposition on tho part of thn merchants of Des Moines as has been forthcoming In Medford was experienced,1' says Mr. Garrett. "but tho market has proved a great UCCtM," Among tho rules adopted for tho new Dcs Moines market arc, hn says: Market days shall bo Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. There will not be n daily market. Persons aro limited to rent one stall. Stalls aro not transfcrrablo and cannot bo sublet or assigned. It shall bo unlawful for anyone to contract for any articlo on Its way to tho market, or intended for the market, for tho purpose of demand ing a higher price. It shall bo unlawful for any person to attempt to pcrsuado other per sons to advance prices. Tho shed space shall bo used ex clusively for tho ele of vegetables, produce, butter and eggs brought from and raised in tho country. Partners and producers shall be assigned spaco and shall sell nothing but their own products, in spaco un der tho sheds. Farmers who buy from neighbors will bo required to rent stalls within tho market house. All persona doing business on tho market will bo required to refund to consumers the amount of their pur chase in caao articles aro not as guaranteed. All tho stato laws governing weights and measures will bo strictly enforced. All articles likely to be contam inated by dust and germs shall bo protected with paper or otherwise. At butcher stalls, only fresh meats shall bo sold. The proposed rentals of spaces arc: Farmers, under sheds. $15 per year or 15 cents per day; hucksters, un der sheds, 30 per year or5 cents per day; butcher stalls, $150 per year: butter stalls, $100 per year; bacon and dried meat stalls, $85 per year; other spaces, $75 per year. NEW JERSEY'S BODYGUARD FOR PRESIDENT WILSON mSmma fBBmU i ., - .lixwprxWTKi JflMH ESSEX TUOUr ON WAY TO CAVITOL, 1 no Kunex Troop, the pride of New Jersey, and eotxlMltig of many of the let trained horsemen In the lulled Stale, bad the honor of arllng as bodyguard for President VHoii at the inauguration ut Wnhlngtuu. I'rvl dent Wilson has always been proud of thec New Jcre,. horsemen, and their selection was not n surprWe to any one. SAYS FAIR CLAIMANTS WAITED TOO LONG SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.f March 1. Attorney George A. Knioht of Jhe firm here which handled the Fair es tate said this afternoon that he docs not know tho plaintiffs but believes they are descendants of one branch of the Smith family. Mrs. Fair's mother having been a Mrs. Smith. IIu declared Hint even if they hoel rights, which he denied, they had waited too long nnd expressed tho belief that his investigation, vliicli resulted in (lie acceptance of tho theory that Mrs. Fair died first would stand. AN INDIAN GIRL WHO IS WORKING FOR UNCLE SAM SUE TO REOPEN FAIR WILL FIGHT Ni:V YOKK, Mnrch 14. Hosing their nclion partly on alleged im proper probation of the will in Situ Francisco, a suit to reopen the fight over the estate of tho late Charles O. Fair was filed todnv in the state su premo court here by Kdwanl Lcflcr, Oeorgo and Theodore Elmer nud Ma bel Lcflcr Tower. The tuit is brought against Mrs. llcnnnn Oelrichs and Mrs. Virginia Fair Vunderbilt in nn effort to get jHwsession of realty hero and to acquire n general interest in the Fair estate now held by tho two defendants as executors of the Fair and Oelrichs estates. The plaintiffs allege that in the au tomobile neident ut Franco in 1012, in which both Fair nnti his wifo were killed, Fair died first NEW LOW RECORDS TAT NEW YOKK, March 14. An nouncement of a rcoprted disagree ment of the Ilarrimnn dissolution plan caused n Mump in railroad stocks in the market today. South ern Pacific dropped to OS'i, a low record. Heading nud Canadian l'a cifio lost a point and Union Pacific, while active nt first, finally fell with the others. Tight money helped the hears. The market closed active. Bonds were steady. MIDDLE WEST HIT BY STORM (Continued from pt 1.) Early today it was the coldest in tho country nt Durnngo and Corona, Colo., whero it was 4 below zero. In northern Colorado the snow is from eight to 10 inches deep. A high wind prevails throughout the state nnd stock on the ranches is suffering greatly. Iloth Dakota Suffer. ABERDEEN, S. D., March 14. Tho worst blizzard this btato has seen in years is raging here today. Wires are down and railroad trains aro able to move only.nt slow speed. SHEBOYGAN, Wis., March 14. EInndreds of lives were endangered and much property damage done as tho result of a cyclone which uwept Sheboygan today. A 70-mile wind blew for several hours. MARKET REPORT MIA3 UElLA i6MW A full blooded Oneida Indlau girl, Leila Homer, Is lu the employ of the Indian service of the United State povernnieut in Denver, Col. She at tends to tho stenographic and clerical work of the department. Hut Leila Poiuers doe not wish to forget for a moment tliut her father, Wah-ta-nla In fne tongue of his tribe, waaan Indian. Although ut the age of seven she left her father's cabin In VYUcenrtn to attend the llaakell Insti tute, in Lawrence, Kan., she remein Iter every syllable or the Oneida lAUPIlA ..--, i ( -, . - Prices l'aid by Dealers EGGS 12,e. BUTTER 30c. POTATOES 0075c. CABBAGE llc APPLES 4005c. ONIONS 75c1.00. CARROTS 7fic$L00. PARSNIPS 7flcn. TURNIPS 75cl. Livestock HOGS Dressed, So; alive Ofts. SHEEP l4c. STEERS Alive, Cc. COWS Alive, 552c. VEAL Dressed, lie. POULTRY Mixed ihickens, lOo; springs, 12: dressed, 1214c. Hay nnd Grain (Selling Price.) WHEAT $1.50, OATS $1.00. HAY Vetch, $11 ton; grain, $13. BARLEY $27 ton. CORN $25 ton. Public Market Prices EGGS 15c. " BUTTER 32oc. BUTTER FAT .'13c. POTATOES 75c$l per 100 lbs ONIONS-05$L CABBAGE lOiVc. CAULIFLOWER 75c$1.25. APPLES 3000o box. HONEY 1015o lb. SAUERKRAUT 30o gal. VINEGAR 25c gal. CIDER 25o gal. CHICKENS Hens, lflc. PORK 1015o. BEEF 1020o. LARD 15c. BACON 1018 SHOULDERS 14c. HAMH-Ib'e. SACRAMKNTO, Cal.. March H. Arrested In Iteno, Nov., where they were masquerading as married coup les, Maury I. Ulggs. architect and married man; Drew Camlncttl, son of Stato Senator A. Camrnettl. and also married, and Martha Warring ton and Lola Norrls, two 19-year-old Sacrameuto society girls, who eloped with them last Sunday night, will bo brought hero for trial on charges Involving delinquency on tho part ot tho girls and child desertion on tho part of tho men. Tho local pollco received word ot the arrest of tho quartet shortly be fore noon today, Ulggs has a 5-year-old child and Camlncttl has two children, tho joungest being only five weeks old. Tho dlsappearanco of tho quartet caused a sensation In this city, whero all four wcro prominent In social circles. Tho doublo elopement will bo rondo the subject of sermons In several of tho churches here next Sunday, and forms the principal top ic of gossip at teas and card parties. Greatest number of runs scored in a season Hamilton, Philadelphia Nationals, 1S94. 190. TFI OR ELSE SURRENDER NACO. Ariz., March H. Surren der or fight Is tho alternative that coufrouts General OJeda, Mexican federal commander, tonight. Bottled up nt Naco with his own 450 men brought from tho abandoned post nt Agua Prleta, and tho handful of troops comprising tho Naco garrison OJeda Is practically surrounded by nn overwhelming force of rebels. To accept tho gago ot battle offered him, It Is believed, means almost certain annihilation of his force. Generals Callas and llracemante, with SQ0 well armed rebels, com manded positions to tho south and east of Naco. General Obregon, vic tor ot tho battle of Nogales, is send ing 400 muro nion to cloio tho west approach to tho town. Behind OJcdi lies tho American boundary, pa trolled by American cavalry. It Is expected that n formal de mand for tho surrender of tho town will bo mado tonight. OJeda re fused to stato what' bis reply would be. a HIGH MS FOR STATE IN 1914 SALEM, Rre., March t l.-Oover-nor West today checkcil up the tolnl appropriations for tho present hi entiiol period oiu! gno out some In teresting figures on tnxullon. The lax rate for next year will be mmily three nud u half times us high iih it is for this venr. The total appropriations, including standing appropriations nre $1,200, (100 nnd tho appropriations iiinde by (lie recent leishitiiro amount In $5,450,000. Tho nmoutit of funds to hn rniscil this yenr neoording to tho estimates of tho tax commission is $2,210,000, of which thoro U about $520,000 in the treasury nud nbotit $000,000 wll ho raised this year throuh licenses and other indirect source lenviug $1,120,000 to he raised this year hy direct luxation. 118 I. '! I ..2 i i 'Jit.iM'iru..1 i.i-'-. j l i.i..i i.j ..m.iJi'Wl $2.75 $3.00 $3.25 Three popular prices nt our store. Choice of Illaek Velvet Pumps. 5- Mutton While lluuk Oxfords. ft-Bullon Black lluuk Oxfords. 5- Bullon Tun KuhmIii Oxfords. "QUALITY" in every pair and on lop of tliut you gel tho newest 1013 style, No "hold outs" from Inst ooiikoii. "Good Shoes" Opposito Post Offico jy If Af m i j Tho greatest number ot victories In a season was made by thn Chicago Nationals when they captured lltf games. t FOLLOW THE CROWD TO t i McGuire's 5c & 10c Store FOR BARGAINS Saturday, March 15 rVVVVV t X f t t ? T v MMMMM All OOi ruslin Uiuloi'woai' 30 C0e Uovh Hlouso Wni.sts 25 r.0c Girls' Drossi-8 - 39? LTie Largo Dish Pans 10? Uoo Jardinioi'H - - 10) iiOv Ax Uandlt's 10 SI Uinbrollas 40 25c llosierv 10c) These are just a few of the many bargains we offer. Co mo early. JJ!!ZmFI? sV tsjBsCSBBBHBBBBBBBBl iBMSjBjgE VsjBjsjssjBjBfjsjsjBl s9slRMSjB9sjsjsjsjSjBsaHSjsjals jSIJw .stmgSlJ of Beautiful Spring Style-Craft Garments A Rare Showing of WomerVs Smartly Tailored Suits and Coats I Tailored Suits Specially Priced $15 to $25. Finest values in the city "Women's Suits at those special prices will be a great surprise to those who investigate values, as wo have added a strictly popular priced line along with our Stylo Craft goods. iVe have not hollered our heads off adver tising big cut prices, but investigate these values wo are showing, as many ladies aro doing every day, and your suit will be bought at AJiren's. Then if there is any alter ation to be done you know it will bo best taken euro of here. Other Style Craft tailored suits at from $35 to $42.50 Style Craft Coats An exceptionally interesting collection of the new Style Craft Coats, the garment Do Luxe, not garments gotten up for special sale purposes, but a garment that has grace and style and will give a woman wear and satisfac tion for every dollar expended. Strong values from $12.50 to $35.00 Armor Plate Ladies' Hose AVo carry a very extensive line of Armor Plato Hose in ladies' and if you havo had hosiery troubles which most every woman has we want you to try Armor Plato and assure you your troubles will be over with. Cotton, lisle, nnd mercerized lisle in every conceivable weight and color a hose which is usually retailed for B5c. AVc are featuring this IIoso at 25 , Others in cotton, lisle, silk, at 29c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.50 MSg A. jv., T9MJ .'ffiWU fja&k Easter Millinery The assortment is now at its best. Trimmed J Tats f Hat Shapes and V- " - s Hat Trimmings AVo have never on any former occasion shown such a charming varioty of stylish and exclusive hats as this season. Tho styles shown embraco u particularly brilliant lino of original ideas, as well as many copies of original ' Parisian models. Or we can turn out your order to your entire satisfaction, Hero to please. Extra Special Saturday Taffeta and Mcssalino Silk Potticoats in black, white ud a good lino of colors. Extra spegial $1.08 l ' ii ,1 A -. RXd I j N M .t , fahyipm HimJVal! "( ? .? ). " t ' (