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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1913)
s'. & PXGBlTOUlf. mtmmmmssss WEDFORD -MTCU: TRTBUNK, MEDFOUD, OREGON. RATrUDAY. MAKC17 fi. I H I I 1IHILI II ..J. MIL J1U 111 .lUIJilll 11 J 1J.-IUU!II! U.UlH'J'i'.HFUJ'Jf'-IHUI'JI -HI'S H.'mi'HUI, MEDFORD MAIL TW1UN IfJWRT'jSkwf i'Ai'An ' KVUHT AITKIINOON xqiir) MHDI' HtlNIMV lir TI1M ORO PltlNTINU CO. The Dmocrslle Tim, Thi MMfoM Mall, Tlio MsiUoM Tribune Ths Houth. m Ort'irwilan.TIi Ashlsml Trllittn. Office Mall Trlbiina llull.llnir. I.VI7-JI North 11 r Hrwt; phono. Main Soil. OROItOH PUTNAM. Bdltor and Manager Kntt-rod s second-class matter at Medfont, OrpRon. under tha aot of March J, m. Offlelnl Pnrr of ths City of Mxlford. Official Paper of Jackson County. stmsoxirrxox xatss. Ona year, by mall- .., IS.BO Ono month, by mall. ,.,, , ,50 Per month, delivered by carrier In xrilfrtf .Tarlfannvllla jkintl CVn. trnl Point ,..50 Faturday only, by mall, per year J.O0 Weekly, per year. . 1.80 MAIL ORDER BARGAINS IN SOULS. CRAWFORD LO . ROAD TAX VALID An opinion by Attorney General Crawford in rcjjnrd lo the. new ronl tnx law passed by the. recent legis lature, and which will effect the stand taken by tho Weyerhanscr timber interests, has been mado pub lie, in which the attorney general de clares tho law, to bo valid. ltccently tho timber men stated that they would refuse to pay the ppccinl road levy voted hy the tax payors in several road districts of the county, feinting thai the levy wa illegal. The new bill had n checkered ca reer in the house. Its purpo0 wa to amend n section of the code pvius road districts tho power to levy sne ninl taxes for tho buildim; of roads, and which had been declared uncon stitutional for n number of reason", among other, that it did not defin itely outline the procedure, to be fol lowed in posting the election notices. Members of the house opposed it on tho ground that it would bo uncon stutional in that it nought to vali date assessments made under tho section of the code which the su preme court had held to be nncon stutioual. The attorney general takes n contrary view, and says: ''Section 3 is an emergency clause putting the net into i turned into fore 4 and effect. Therefore, tho net Li in effect at tho present time, nud the effect to the curative part of the act is to validate all road taxes now lovied nnd collectible providing the act itself is constitutional The rule in such cases is that tho legis lature has the iower to validate any net or nmtsfcion which it might have dispensed with in the finit place, and the want of notice nnd like provi sions could linvtf been dispensed with bv the legislature in the first place and it deemed it wio so to do; in other words, the legislature could clothe tho county court with power to levy special road taxes up to n, cer tain amount without notice. Then, fore, I am of the opinion that the curative act is constutional, nnd that nil road taxes are collectible." DOG CATCHER HAS COLLECTION Tho dog catcher haB been very busy during tho past (even daya and more do Ks nro wearing license tags now than for many years previous. To dato HO tags have been sold and moro added to tho list dally, Tho collection of dogs on South Riverside la very Interesting. There arc. big dogs and small dog, (at does aud lean. Every description almost can bo found except pedigreed dogs. About 25 dogs aro on hand now. I'oundmaater Wylojt has Just com pleted a number of nets with which to run down strays. EMIL HOT NEW J Einll Tlrltt was elected mayor of Jacksonville Thursday evening by tho council and at once assumed the place of Mayor V. T,, Show, reigned. Tho election, camo squiQwhat of a aurnrlsQ to, the citizens of Jackson-, Vlllo, whq cxnoctvi tho new council to fill thy vacancy. Instead of this tho old council elected, tho mayor be fore tho now members wero Boated. Baiuo of tho now mombers aro re ported to bo opposed to Urltt, '! 1 I f I Mcrlfol lllivuiuntlsin Powder. Stand us tho result of the highest medical achievement of modern sci ence, and ure guaranteed to give per manent rcllQf In all cases of lUieu liintHm. If you. Btiffpr from Kuou mntlsuv glye tlls wondorful remedy a trial, Uaqkln' drug store, exclu sive. Ipfal ageqts. EVERY timo you send away for a mail order depart inont store bargain, you aro encouraging white slav cry and helping send some soul to hell. The economies you reap tho benefit of, the few cents you may save by your thrift, come out of the wages of some fragile girl trying to earn a living, and help send her downwards. One of the millionaire mail, order chiefs asserted at the, Illinois investigation now under way that $7.25 a week was sufficient to keep any woman, lie divided tho ex penditures as follews: Clothes $.1, laundry 25 cents, ear fare (JO cents, lunches 70 cents, church 10 cents, sickness 00 cents, board and room ft total $7.2u, This schedule is for bare necessities of life pretty bare at that. A girl would have to have the thrift of a rtusscl Sage to exist on this wage. She cannot afford oven the luxury of a nicktcodoon, a sack of peanuts or a package of chawing gum. "What happens to her if she is sick for a week or two? That millionaire female slave driver ought to bo made to live on $7.2f a week himself there would be danger to his belly but not his soul he hasn't any. Evidence gathered by Lieutenant Governor O'llara shows that there are o0,000 women and girls working in Chicago for less than sfo a week and yet these mail order and department store Jews say there is no connection between poverty and resultant immortality! They would maintain conditions that make them millions. Tho same conditions exist in a less degree, in Portland in every oity where -bargain counter economies tire secured through mulcting employes. Thousands upon thousands of women underpaid, underfed, surrounded by temptation. is it any wonder immortality, with its tinsel splendor, prospers? AVhy spend millions trying to remedy the result when tho cause is left severely alone? AVhy all the efforts to redeem the fallen and at the same tinic keep factories of immortality in operation? Why persecute the scarlet woman and honor with riches and position the overlord creating her? The white slave law should be extended to include the slave creator as well as the slave dealer for the wholesale soul destroyer, even though working indirectly, is as responsible and profits as much from the traffic as the retailer who handles his finished product. Your local merchant perhaps cannot give you as many bargains as the jnaii order slave-driver and soul smasher, for he has to pay living wages to his employes. He has moreover, to pay taxes and improvements, to help build up the town and indirectly add to your own prosperity which must rest on the prosperity of the community. Remember, next time you send away to a mail order house for something you can buy at home, you are not only sending out of the country money that will never come, back, but contributing your mite to the prosperity 'of tho white slave traffic aud the misery of humanitv. THE ASHLAND SPIRIT. WHEN A LAXATIVE IS urrnrn Mmnnmrrr 1 1) in. n !ii " II No Headache, UlllouMicit, HluggMi Idler, t'onMlwi(ol ItovtcU or Sour Stomach by Morality, WHERE TO GO TONIGHT No odds how bad your liver, stom ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable nnd uiieotu tortable you are from constipation, Indigestion, biliousness and sluggish intestines you always get the de sired results with Cnscurcta nnd quickly, too. Don't tot your stomach, liver nnd bowels make ou miserable. Take Oasearets tonight; put an end to the headache, biliousness, dtxalncss, ner vousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach, backache and all other distress; cleanse your Inside organs of all tho bile, pases and constipated matter which Is producing tho misery, A 10-cent box mi'nns health, happi ness and a clear head for mouths. No more daya of gloom and distress if you will take a Cascaret now and then. All druggists sell Cascnrets. Don't forget the children -their llttlo Insldes need a good, gentle cleansing, too. The Best Thing Out SIILAND wants a new road over the Siskiyous to eliminate tho present toll road and provide a better grade. It also wants the Green Spring Mountain road aiid the Dead Indian road improved. These improvements will cost many thousands of dollars. Yet Ashland does not want to contribute a nickle to the cost of these improvements. It would hog the benefits without sharing in the expenditures. The city of Ashland has served notice upon the county court that it will resist in tho courts, payment of the three mill general road tax levied upon all the property in the county half of which is expeuded in the district contri buting and half in the county generally. Ashland's claim is based upon a technicality. It is alleged that tho Ashland charter provides that the city can dodge, the general road tax. Perhaps, that is for the courts to decide but it is the spirit of the attempted evasion that is remarkable. This is the first time that a county court has mapped out a comprehensive program of road improvement that benefitted Ashland direetry and it is made the occasion for Ashland's first refusal, to pay county road tax. Under the initiative, every incorporated city can amend its charter to dodge the road tax, if Ashland s con tention is upheld. Yet it would be unjust in the extreme, for the improvement of roads benefits the cities as much as tho country and it would seriously cripple road construction. If Ashland is not willing to stand its share in tho coun- K'cial reason why the loultl be expended lor ty road improvement, there is no s money from the rest of the county s Ashland roads. Besides there will be little money to spend and districts contributing are entitled to first consideration. AIKEN HEARING TO JUVENILE COURT The ent.0 nguin&l Pclusij Akin of Roguo Hivcr, n 10 year old boy, charged with u Mntuory crime, nnd n criminal attack woi, transfered by Justice of the Peace Taylor to tho juvenile court Saturday morning. A henriuir will bo held before' County Judge Toil Velio soon. Young Akin wns released on $1,000 bond. Akin was charted with litivintr attacked criminally Kiln and Mary Savage, Bisters, aged U and 18 vcitrs. Thu voutiL'or uirl is said to have been mistreated while the elder ono escaped after u it veto battle. Tho attacks took placu at different times, the younger girl saying noth ing of the affair until after hor elder sister spoke of thu attack on her. 11 BURGLARIES AE REPORTED Two burglarleB wore reported to the pollco Saturday morning. Tho residence of Wlllard V. n. Camp bell, 1QU Geneva avenue, was entered as was u motorcycle repair shop on South Fir street. Little of value was secured In either place. Tho city has been fairly free, of burglaries of lato and It Is bollovod by tho pollco that tho rboberies of Friday night wero by now men in town, No cluo as to their identity has been found. John A. Perl Undertaker US B. UAHTIjETT PhoBCs M. 471 wi 478 Unbalance, Service Deputy Coroner FirV Jh Wn IAvmr" nvmhrnr ylGtV - JO "r J&0V& In an aching tooth, and w aro the peoiile to du thu pa I alow extracting, ns soon as you want "an unruly member" drawn. Wo are oxpcrlH In all branches of DentUtry and have made a reputation for good work and fair dealing. You will (Ind us dependnblo In every respect. Aak your friend who hao patronized us In tho pant you llt find wo ntand high In tholr estimation. lMty Attendant. DR. BARBER Tin: iikxtist. Auction Sale of Acreage i.v tiii: piintci: sunnivisio.v Two Mile Hut of .Mdford TIIUIISIUY, AI'HIh 10TII ON TIIK LAND Ono and one-quarter to flvo acre tracta will bo told to the klgncst bid der. Seldom does the buyer havo the chance to name tho price ho paya for real estate, cfpcclally choice pro perty well located and on very eaiy terms. I)o not fall to secure ono of these tracts. A special opportunity for tho man of small means to sccuro a homo. Liberal discounts will be made for all cash. k. r. HKitiuFP, o. ir. riiutci: Auctioneer Owner m-M"M"M"H J ISIS THEATRE J VAi'nuvii.u: Stluncr ami Sllimer, Muck, and Tan CniuedlniiH, In That LaitKhnhto Comedy Skit, MI'ST I'OU 1T.NV IMioto Plays, Friday and Satur day, thu mto.MF.iiAxn Tin: .ieki: on iiowunu woi.f An Indian Story THU II Will COST of TION" KISSINti KATi: Coming Sunday, IMIanti Spe cial Feature, "It Ih Nnvor Too I.ato to Mend," In two reels. Matinees Saturday aud Sunday OHHMHHWWWH Dinner's Real Estate & Employment Bureau FOU mai.i:. IPC acres, :IS iicrci In grain nnd fruit, nomo free and some sticky soil, 5U acres bottom land, water rlwht. 'room bonne, harn and outbulldluKs, all stock and Implements go with the pluro; prlro $10,000. 160 acres, D miles from town, larKO house and barn, good soil, some fruit, water right, It, F. I), and tele phone; S2&00. T uc r oh. clone, In, black deep soil, n-rooni bouse, bam ami outbulldluKs, Kood spring, Irrigation, fenced; price Wioo. r.x'.xu:. r.-room modern, furnished bunga low, for vacant lots, t-room bungalow, nil furnished, 2 IoIh mix I OS each, will exchange for l.os AugclcM residence. fou itn.vr. House and rooms,, furnished and unfurnished. I.lst our houses nnd ranches with us for rent. For sale, soda fountain, complete, $tl'5. llMl'I.OV.Mi:.NT. Waitress, )30 room aud board. (Jlrls and women for general house work. ltani'h hands. MRS. EMMA BITTNEE rbone Home 14 Oppottfo Xnsti Hotel ItOOMH l unit 7. I'AUM UI.OCK. E.D.Weston Official Photonranhor of tho Medford Commercial Club Amateur Finishing Post Cards I'anoratnie. Work Portraits Interior and oxtcrior views Flash lights NoRalives made anv time and any placo by appoint inont. 208 E. Main Phono 1471 Protect Yourself Aik for ORIGINAL GENUINE The Food Drink For All Ages Highly Nutritious and Convenient Rich milk, with malted grain extract, in powder form -dissolves in water moro healthful titan tea or coil'eo. Used in training athletes. Tho best diet for Infants, Growing Children, Invalids, and the Agod. It agrees with the weakcat digestion. Ask for" HOMMK'S-at Hotels, RoBtauranta, Fountain lion' l travel without It. AUo kvup it ut home. A lunch in a minute. In Lunch Tablet form, also, ready to cat. Convenient nutritious. F kwf ts stsi Jft J? .TTi FOR THE PUBLIC HEALTH ssfjal riiflll iSsW W Tf?ADE MARK Tiift hhj.v of Tilt: 'roiinrr axi .MFJHCl.VAJ, I'ltllPAItATIONK OF Till! American Drug & Press Association A mutual organization of the druggets and newspaper men of the country, formed for tho purpose of providing for tho getioral public an Absolutely Guaranteed. Dependable line of Remedies and Toilet Articles A preparation for each specific purpose, tho composition of which Is known to every druggist who sells It and money back without question to thu customer who buya It If ho Is not satlsMed. We havo Joined thla association because wo bellovo In tho "Mer. laol" Itcmcdlcs; because wo know thro Is nothing bettor. Wo have tho oxcluslvo agency for Medford. call and see thla splendid Hue, Wo Invito you to HASKINS DRUG STORE f- Our Women's Shoes Our Women's Shoes for the HirW Season nrnclegunt creations ' There Is an ulr of real elegance and uxulnslvuinjim about them. A pair of theso choice Shoes would en hance tho beauty of any ruwii. Our expert Shoe Service In fitting Is another nlirno live feature of BEHLING'S "(buMl Fit1' Shoo Store." I.OWKST IMtlCHS CONHIIlHUINO QUA MTV f The rougher whiskey tasics-ihc stronger it is. The stronger it is the more harm it will do. But then you don't him? toil rink it rough, strong or high-proof. There's Cyrus Noble, pure, old and palatable bottled at drinking strength. Cost no more than any other whUkry. W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., Ooncral Agonta, Portland. WHY? Just This I Liko tho Roguo Rivor Valloy no vor waxt to si:i.i,v Itlght now several Inorrs are here to Invest, also I have friends coming here to locate this spring. I ould like to know of your proposition at once. If It Is a good Investment we can do business. J. O. BARNES, 214 1st National Bank Bltlg. SAMSON SIX TO HIGIIT HORSE PULL TRACTOR Mtuiufmturvd on the I'tnlflc C'uait. FOU UHK IV OIlC'H.Mtl). VIXIIVAItO Xl FOlt SMAI.I. FAIt.MH, i:oni'i'i:i wmii xi: of thi: famoih sa.mfsox tiiiiiii:. t'YI.IMlFII IIILWY lll'TV, .MAItlNi: TVIM! IIIMTII,I,ATK K.. (IIXKS OF IN IIIIAUi: IIOIlMlil'OWI.'lt. Draw liar Full Kauai fi to H Kugluu Pulley Delivers IS Horses (with n surplus) fur llorso Power for Dumping, Cut- Plowing, Cultivating or Itond ting Feed or Other Power Work. Work. Your team must rest frequently when plowing, but a SAMSON will work every minute of the day and when necessary, during a rush season, can bu worked day and night. Your team must, feed every day, whether workliu; or not. A Samson reoulrca fuel only when In use. You ran save tlmo nud money and tncreasu your profits by using u Samson 0 or 8 llorso Pull Tractor. Tho price Is reasonable. Our representative, Mr. L. I. liaiiso, will bo at Medford Hotel, Medford, Oregon, In a few days. Write him for catalog and par ticulars, SAMSOX lltOX WOKKK, Stotklon, Oillfornlu. rr PAGE FENCE MAKES GOOD NEIGHBORS. WHY LOSE YOUR TIME And toinpcr chasing your ucighhors' hogs and stock from your grainfiolds and orchards when you can keep thorn out hy placing PAGE WIRE PENCE around your farm. h rfcSg't 3fa'rip i PAGE FENCE SAVES YOU DOLLARS, PAGE FENCE will save you dollars aud tinio and inoruaSo tho value of your placo many limes its cost to you rbesidos giving you llt'olong service. YOU NEED IT WE HAVE IT so lot's got together and it will mean dollars lo you, and security for your crops. Gaddis (& Dixon "THE PAGE FENCE MEN" 134 N. Riverside Ave. Medford, Orogon PAGE FENCE PROTECTS YOUR GROP3 " Mi-M--- tfUMOIIMMMMtfii 2 S4 i i . m L L