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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1913)
rf, ! fee fe?I - TT mAWoim mrr, Tnrniryra. MDnronn. onkciqn, wkpskhimv. marth e, , itnn,r "JiJHlJWia 1.1 .Ji nmmmiM THKWW NEW GAME CODE MAKES CHANGES IN HUNTING SEASON Tim 'now Mill" Ritiiin rodo In moot lux milch fuvur nt tho bunds of hunt' trn mill nnKlitrn. Tlin hunting Mild fishing stiitiittn uro pliuod on n new IiiisIm, In that Hit) atiito gives permission 11 to who shnll hunt niul under which condition" KOliio shall hn hunted. Under (ho old rode, Hut opposite stand wnn taken. It ktnti'il (hut ono toiild limit, otcept t forbidden. Tho now law given tho Mtutu (nil ownership of nil game. Absolutely I'orblds Hntc, Tin' codo folildn nhsoluloly tho sale or nuy kind of gitine or (InIi. Thin doon awny with tlin period of one inanlli In the full w)un ducks limy Im nold nnd (our months during tho winter when Kt'UM inn)' bo sold In ml illtlon In tho mouths for the nnlo of llrttnn fish. Tho killing of Kunin by nuy nllon In practically forbidden by reiiMou of it IiIkIi llciinie. Non-reldetit iiiiKlorit' licenses nro nbollshcd niul snouo run fUli during tlm seasons by pii)lng tlm $1. Tho ilnn-resldent hunting llceimo lit f 10 lluik Keiwoii Cut t'. A uniform door hunting law for tho wholo statu I established by tho iiH'imurr, lasting from August I to October 31 Tho litw tut fit Unit three deer, with horns, run ho killed by one huntsimin ilurlUK (ho season. Tho deer must ha tagged when killed, unit tho licenses henceforth will bo sold with three, tags attached The word trout 1 defined nn mean Ink nny six-ckled, brook, cut throat, Holly Viirden, brown, rainbow, or nut mon trout or (tool hrnd or salmon under If. Indie In length. Halo la nlmolulply forbidden. Jurksun county mid nil Hint poH Hon of Oregon ost of tho Cascades In made district No. 1, nnd that por tlon east of tho Cascades district No. 2. (Iniun birds tlmt nro protected lit nil t linen ami on which Ihero Is no open M-nmn nre: IVmnln Chinese pheasant, silver pheasant, golden pheasant, Hinen pheasant, Kugllsh pnrtrtdgc, lluugnrlau partridge. Krunklln grouse, prairie chicken, bob white quail, swan, wild turkc) mid small shore bird roiniuouly known nst sand peep mid mind pipers. Non-game blrdn. such as soug bird, iiimdow larks, roblm, orioles, tlirimtira, etc., nro protected nt all ttiuen. The only uon-gamo blrdn that can bo slaughtered aro haks, owls, cormorants, mrrgnnscd ducks, crow mid rnvrus, magpie and hluo Jays. Destruction or blrdn nets mid taking of bird eggs U forbidden. )hii (Jiiiiio Hertnoii, Tho open nomionn aro an follown ror dlntrlct No. 1: Deer with hnrnni AiiKUit 1 to October 31; limit throo. Mllvor cruy nqulrreU: October 1 to October 31; limit five. Duck, Ki'fim, rutin, contn and nlioro blrdn, November l to IVbruury IS; limit 30. Mulo ChlucKo pliejiKAiitn, blue Kroiine. Muffled Kroum', iwitltn jdie.iit. until: October I to October 31; limit five. No open neiikon on Chlnemi pheioMntn In JoBephlue, Jncknou, Cojm or (Jurry rouutlen. Mountain and vnlley ijuiill: Octo ber I to October 31; limit 10. Doven and wild plKeonn; Soptvmber 1 to October 31; limit 10. NIkIiI hiiutluK and flnhluK between ono hair hour lifter minuet nnd ono half hour before, nunrhio In forbidden. Civil llubllltlcN mo ImpiiHod itn well iih other pouiltlcu ror vlolutlon. No khotKiiu run bo iiied InrRur tlmii 10 KUiiko. HutiK or (,'iiff books nnd not linen uro fnrblddon miKlurn. Trnp pint; or nimrliiK or riuiio, milmnln, blrdn or flnh In alno forbidden. Hhuot log nt kiiiiio from or upon railroad rlKht or way, public rum! or hljshwiiy In unlawful. Homer May lie. Killed. llenvor or other milmnln or blrdn iIoIiik dnmuRo to property can ho killed by obtaining written pormln rlon from tho Htuto kiiiiio warden, under rcntrlrtlonn ImpoHod, tho nnl tuitlH thiiN Hlaln becomltiK tho prop, urty of tho Htuto punn hoard, No pernon under II U pnrmlttod to hunt with n kiiii on landn other than liln pnruntn' pronilH. All Riinn, dnKH, bontH, trnpn, riuh Inn upparatun uted In violation of tho law mi well nn gamo or flHh tnken un lawfully nhnll bo forfeited mid seized by tho wardens. I'lucluh or poUonod whent whoro riiiiio hlrdu or non-Kiuno blrdn can food In forbidden, ob Is tho uso or live pIroouh ah tarnutn. Tho open trout ncauon ror district No, 1 Ih rrom April 1 to Octohor 31; biiK limit 7R riHh, or DO pounds In ono duy. Trout over 10 Inchon In leiiKtli, opon Hounou April 1 to .Jan uary 31; bat; limit 50 Huh or CO pounds, u In unlawful to cutolt trout undor six Inches in length. Violation or Kiuno luwu ontalU for folturo of llcouuo utnl dcilul or prlvt louo of huntluc or nnyllny; ror tliu WASHINGTON li GfiLli ARRAY FOR TRE INAUGURATION OF PRESENT WILSON. MORNING AFTER APPEARANCE NATION'S CAPITAL WA8IUNOTON, March C Tho ntrrotn or tho cnpltnl prfHonted n gen uine "morning trier" nppfaranco to dny, Thouiandn ot lunch bo ten, por tions or tho decorations and pnpor lit tered tho principal thorotiRhfaren. "It'n Kreat." nald the superintend ent or the stroet cleaning department today, "to Inaugurate a man llko Wood row Wilson president, but It will tako Just a week of solid work to clean up." Tho railroad and trolley stations wero Jammed with visitors today re turning homo. However, soma mro slshtselnic and wilt remain In the city until tho end or tho week. Tho weathVr today waa porfocl In contrast to that or yesterday, When n cold wind blow all day. Most of tho governor or state and tbelr staffs remained In Washington to day to pay tbclr respects to Presi dent Wilson- asss , r-CfTSONAl. ESCORT Or frcri3IDCMT IN THE INAOGURAU PARADE i t it- i sues wv w ' T. w r tJ. MU. TU fc-prt n-wty hf. H A hpis Uuty e ysMMtry sk-'yi Umi to Ide Silver Gbllars L Wrdi Ltnoeofd wAtetMt biKtealwk. GEO. P. IDE CO. Alio Matert ot 1J4 SNrU THOV. N. Y. j KwrsSkliif Wmt Empftow RemArkable Action A Rem- edy That Drive Every Spck of Poison From Body. E A.E. NDORSES AMES SU EME BE C Tlm local bur noeintioii lum tin nninioiihlv rndoneil A. P.. Itemuei of tliis eltv for upMiiuliiiout to the hu prenm court of tho htnle, the mem jen of which weie iuerenneil from fi to coven by n Inw reeriillv puhniil by tlio leiiinliituro. Mr. Itenmvh' iipMintmi'iit will Im nkul tif (loemor Wiwt liy .Soutlieru Oni on Konernlly. Mr. Hcnmi'M U einlnenllv well iiiulifieil for the poMtiou mid Iiiih tin eniluirmriit r jenilini; ciIUoiih re Rimllenn of Hilitii. An tlnx section of the htuto U not inprosonteil on the Miprcmu bench it i" lielieved tlmt (Joveniur Went will heed a mpuM from tliis hcotion. biilatifo of tho esr, iih well lis other penalties. rincn of from $200 to $inno aro provided for huutliiB luminliilii whoop, Rout, iiuti'lopc. elk. moose or caribou, mid from $2! to $r,00 mid rontu for other violations. iTTY Tltl:.sml:lt,s notick. Notion In horeby Risen Hint tho City ot Motirord. Ortmon vslll luko up nnd citncel tho following bends: Improvement bunds: No. 0021, dated April 1, 100U. ' Non. 0035 to 003U, Inc., tinted Oo tobvr 1, 1000. Non, 0301 to 0301, Inc., dated Oc tober 1, 10 10. No. 03K7 tu 035D, Inc.. dated Oc tober 1, 1910, Non. 1230 to 1213, Inc., dated Oc tober 1, 1011. Water main bends: Nor. 00 1 r. to 0018, Inc., t.orlen "A," dated April 1, 1010. Non. G nnd 0, korlos "D," dnled April 1( 1011, Tho Interest on tho nbovo bonds will coaxo nt tho not semt-nnuuiil In torost piiyliiR period, April 1, 1913. (1UH II, BAMUKI.S, Treanuror. Dated March 1st, 1913. 201 ROMANIA ASKS SPEEDY ACTION COI.OOM:. Mnr-h 6 A dispatch rrom HulKiirlu i tho CoIuriio (latetto sns that Premier Mujurscu or Hon maulii him Informed tho Trench urn liussador that Itouuimila demands ac tion from the powers on tho Hon-manlnn-llulRnrlsn boundary dispute Tho Iloumnnlan premier. It Is stilted, threatens to net unless tho powers Hike quick notion. L I WAHIUNCTON. March C The Democratic national committee today elected Homer CummliiRs ot Con ner t lent vlro chairman mid Holla WoIIh or Missouri treasurer. Cum uiIuks succeed William 0 McAdoo, wIiomi uppolutmeut tin secretary ot tho treasury was sent to tho senate by President Wilson today. A Dem ocratic "loo feast" followed the elections. Johnny O'Neill, who nt seventy-six Is ono ot tho most enthuslnstlo ot funs, ban booked to tako tho proposed trip around tho world with thu (limits nd White. Box. ANAEMIC PEOPLE Need More Inm In tlm Wood. If you aro nnnomlc, you need more Iron In jour blood, nnd tho tell-tnlo SMUPtoms uro a pnlo fate,- colorless lips, iinhen fliiRur nails, poor circula tion, mid short breath, mid moro seri ous diseases nro easily contracted In this condition. What Vlnol did for Mrs. O 8 Manuel of Han Antonio, Texas, It will do for evory miaemlc run-down per son. Bho hays: "I wan weak mid nervous and had Rcncrul debility ror about three years. My health wan badly run down nnd my complexion becamo salnw nnd badly ntfcctd with pimples. Whllo In thin weakened condition, I contracted pleurisy, which made. It very hard for me, I urn happy to say that Vlnol has re stored mo to health nguln, nnd I havo no couch or oortmesa ot tho lungs at uli:" Wo usk every annoiulo or run down, weak person in tills vicinity to try u bottle ot Vlnol with tho tin dorstaudluR that their money will bo returned If It does not do all wo claim. Mod ford Pharmacy, Mcdfonl, Oro. Thmrm is Onty One 3 x "Bromo Quinine" That Im Laxative Bromo Quinine U90 THE WORLD 9VCH TO 0(Mf A COLD IM 9M BAY, Always remember tho full naiua, Look lor this siguatura on every box, 25o, SjOrtrrK LIPTON CHALLENGES LONDON, March 5 Admission that ho had Isuucd another challcnRO to the New York Yacht club ror a race In 19M ror the America's cup wan made hern today by Hlr Thomas Is confident that the director of the New York Yacht clnb will accept his challeiiRe. adding that his builder has assured him ho could build a craft that could cross tho ocean without daugcr. fhe baronet also talked en thusiastically of tho scries or Inter national yacht races to bo hold dur ing tho lire or tho Panama Pacific expotltlon In San Francisco In 1915 The Philadelphia National league club has signed Pitcher Joe Klnnerau Upton bcfoio ho sailed for Now York who worked for tho Norfolk team, ot on the liner Oceanic Hlr Tliomas tho Virginia leaguer last season. LOOK HERE FOR IT ll- . I mi Many n Mall Tribune Header Will Be Interested. When people read about tho cures made by u medicine endorsed rrom far away. Is It surprising that they wonder If tho statements aro true? Hut when they read or cases right hero at home, osltlve proof Is with in their reach, for close Investigation Is an easy matter. Read Mcdford en dorsement or Doan's Kidney Pills. K. W. Gray, C07 Palm St., Mcdford Ore., says: "A few years ago my kidneys began to bother me and the trouble was aggravated by ray oc cupation which required mo to be on my feet a greater part or tho day. When I begun work In tho morning I felt all right, but after I had been on my feet ror a couple of hours, my back began to pain bo and at night I would scarcely bo able to straight en. In somo way I beard of Doan's Kidney Pills and began using them. They cured rne in a short tlmo and In return I am pleased to recommend them." Kor sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. Postcr-Mllburn Co.. Duffalo. Now York, sole agents for tho United States. ncmember tho namo Doan's and take no other. Thsrs Is a strmnff. mrstsrlotts power la rnmulcEbt Mood msdleln that 9nJ tu war through th clrcutetta by what U known DtTlno nettcttoa. Tho rem edy Is Swift's Sure Bpeclfle, or 8. 8. H. Science csrmot explain just why cer ts la lneU In the Wood feed lh bone. others nourish the hair rocts, and so on. And It Is this seme mysterious set ln of B. S. a that stuck all diseased spot, drives away H rerme, seals all seret and aup$lint the activity of dle t-enss with the powerful healing- notion of leucocytes. Remsrksbla testimonials have been written that prove beyond question there Is no blood dlsesso but what can bo cured by S. S. B. And In aO thoto cases that were treated with mercury. Iodides, arsenic, copper and other minerals with no permanent effect, the mot antenlehtnr recoveries! hsvo been made by 8. 8. 8. There Is not a Mood tslat of any na ture tht can remain In a system forti fied by this most wonderful remedy, for It Is absolutely pur and contains only those elements that the blood naturally aselmllates, and which the tissue grate fully accept. It agrees with the most delicate stomach, even la those ease where the use of strong- drugs has so weakened tho digestive system that med icine csnnot be given. Get a 11.00 bottle of 8. 8. 8. at any drug store and thus be ensured of a complete cure of any erup tive blood disease. If your case la pe culiar and you deetre speelsl advice write to The Swift SpedSe Co., Medical Sept. i:T Swift 8MV Atlaata, Oa, : X T ? V r t Y t r r r r r ? Y r t Y t Y ? Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y & f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y i :::eMHx K Lawyers Attention Our possession of the proper facili ties to handle orders for 4,- st V ,. Stock Certificates Bonds Corporation Records Seals Attorney's Supplies - is bringing us the business of South ern Oregon. Only those who do not know that these goods can be made in Medford are sending north MEDFORD PRINTING CO. M frH i .' b m m: 'MA. - .lHt 1' nllt4AH-K Kv