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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1913)
. tmmmmmmmmmm flK SHw StEDFORD NTTO TRIUNE. MEDF0U1). OKF.flOV. 'i jji."inamj. ninin anii.imij Ullltiiai J-JUJ 1 I FNIDAV. 101M M'll 1 IH' "V"" HlDFOKD MAIL TftllUNI IwcifrT huniJat hr tub MRDrt HUm) AT )RU I'KINTINU CO. TOi Mull. Tha Mreferd Trlbun. f h Houth rn OrftHiln, Tin .AfthUed Trlnunn. . urriw msii Tribune uuiminir, ssiwi North Fir street! phones Main 1021. OBOnOK PUTNAM. Editor and Manager Kntered ni RecfendGlaaa matter t MeilforO. Orrgon, r under the sot of March S, lBtJ. Official Paper of the Cltr of Medford. Official Paper of Jackson County. SOBSCBXPTXOK BATS. n .. I... ll On month, by mall. .15.00 .so Per month, delivered hy carrier In jweuioni. jBCKSonviue ana ten- trnl Points. . , .SO Pnturtlay only, by mall, per year 2.00 Weekly, per year - - V&o SWOKX CISCUIATIOH. Dally nvemice for eleren months end ing November 30. 1811, .6t. The. Mall Tribune Is on al at the Terry New Bland, San Krnnclaco. Cortland Hotel News Stand. Portland. Portlnnd News Co.. Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney, Seattle, Waah. Tall Xased Wire United Frees Slapatchea. MzoromB, euanr. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and tho fastcst Browlnf city In Oregon Population U. K. census 1910 SltO; estimated. 191S in.00O. Hive hundred thousand dollar Qravlty Water Byatem completed, pmnr finest mll nt afrctll naVhL lotofflcn receipts for year cndlnR riOvemDer iv, ivii, anow increase ox i nr cent. Manner fruit city In Oregon Rorue lllver Kpltxenbern apples won wep takea prlie and title of Apple xi or or the worw nt the National Apple Wiow. fpokane. 1)0), and a car of Nawtowna won THE 0. A. 0. PROGRAM. J. PLUV USING WATER SPARINGLY J. Pluv, has evidently doped out tho local situation In regard to Irri gation to the effect that tho people of the Rogue river valley arc capable to taklsg of themselves. Since Sep tember 1 tho sprinkler has been used sparingly, tho total precipitation dur ing that time being only 11.36 Inches, or S.73 Inches sby of normal, which Is 20.09. Orchardlsts and ranchers of tbo valley want raoro rain, for many of them are without Irrigation. JOLTS AND JINIUES lyAdlrtwn Tho Cornell student who earned his way through college on 39 cents a week hns failed in his course cf mathematics. In iho practical appli cation o that science however, his will remain nn uudyuig triumph. One way to settle the trouble iu Mexico is for each native to start nn individual revolution nnd to confine it to his own back yard. Whether 'tis better for part of us o drill or nil of us to fish, that is the question. Wo know a sailor from Epsom, England, who declares ho is the or iginal Kpsora suit. Hush, little loan shark, Time does fly; They'll clip your interest Ily and by. In spite of the fact that pro-season baseball dope is all bunk n lot of us are wishing wo had nomcone in Med ford to hand it out. A rubber, company proposes to build tires from potatoes. Will they call them inner tubers? Among funny things we rend is a dUpnlch from Santa Barbara stating that, in a fete to be given there, one 1), li. 1'enrinc;, a millionaire, is to bo riven the honor of being Bacchus. It Muht Come Down. This is the hint peaceful appeal, as tho militant suffragettes would say. If tho old rag wjrn over Cuthbert'rf one-time store, docs not come down through this means 'tis a case for armed insistence. Wo start tonight a public subscription. Those in favor of hiring a strong man, who in tum eon rent a Inddvr, will send iu one cent nnd wo will heo that it is properly applied in the sign removal fund or el no used to hire a linll in which to htngu our monster iudiguatiou meet ing. Feller citizens, now is the time to uet. ' When wo have (ho building 'Do you think tho fishers will All hie them to tho armory To watch tho noldicrs drill. As wo figure it, it makes no differ ence who uV flint sign' first, (three claim tho distinction) tho man who pulls it down is the ono to bo given tho never-fading laurel wreath. From ti Contributor, fiipoukjng of ancient, history, tbo frayed nnd tattered sign lumping in front of tho building nt Sixth and Central has nothing mi the official directory of tle city of Medfotd as it uppwirs iu the .Morning Surprise. THAT (mother referendum will lie invoked upon (lie University of Oregon appropriation bill is the asser tion of 11. J. Parkisou, who led the fight against tho appro priation two Aears ago, and who succeeded in materially crippling that institution by means of fraudulent petitions, (ions. Itttt The bills whieh it is proposed to send to the referendum from among the appropriations for the university, are those providing for $7o,000 for sundry improvements, $100,000 for an administration building and .-jTJ.BJUl for improvement purposes. Parkisou declared that the bill providing for consoli dation of the university with the Oregon Agricultural College will be placed on the ballot at the earliest moment nnd that the referendum on the buildings and improve ments appropriations, but not on the maintenance appro priations, has a direct bearing on a consolidation move. The total aggregate of the appropriations for the uni versity is $317,833 and for the Agricultural college $605,000. Parkisou says that no referendum will be placed to the Oregon Agricultural College appropriation bills, either for betterments or improvements, as it is part Of the scheme to allow the university to be maintained and tho agricultural college to develop. He is quoted as saying: "There is a strong sentiment to abolish the university and have the college at Corvallis add such studies as con ditions and the public demand and also to take the question cf support for tho school out of the hands of the legis lature by providing a proper direct millage tax." Here we have in clear outline the ultimate aim of the controlling powers of the O. A. C. as expressed by their political agent that docs the dirty work. The program is: First, systematic starving of the university by refer endiiig by fair means or foul, its appropriations and thus preventing its growth and development; though permit ting a dwarfed existence. Second, the forced and unnatural growth and develop ment, by inflation, swollen appropriations and padded enrollments of the Agricultural College; the duplication on a cheap scale, of university departments, and the grad ual absorption of the vital and popular branches of uni versity work. Tliird. the final oboition of the university and the furth er aggraudizment and enlargement of the Oregon Agricul tural College as the sole state institution, for the 6. A. C favors consolidation through swallowing its rival. "When this shall have been accomplished, the O. A. C. favors the millage plan of support to take it out of politics, wncn it nas no longer need to play politics, until then the O. A. C. will oppose the millage plan, and if it is forced will come in for special appropriations just as the state normal is doincr. What is the university going to do about it? It is allright to say public sympathy is with. the university and sit down and wait for indication, but it reminds one of the hunger strike of the suffragettes rather hard on the subject. Praise for Reames at Salem (Salem Capital Journal. ( Thcro haB been much quiet talk around tho legislative balls that It Governor West adheres to his re peatedly expressed determination to retire from politics at the end of bts term, his Influence and support will go toward making Clarence I. Ueames, the representative in tho house from the joint Jackson-Douglas district, his successor. Tho Medford lawyer has repeatedly shown himself to be ono of the ablest and strongest members of the house, despite the fact that he is ono of a hopeless little minority In that body. He Is a hard fighter, and yet fights straight and parliamentary, and with out Indulging In personal flings. And, above all, he possesses a keen sense of humor and fairness. Reames, de spite his politics, Is one of the popu lar members of the legislature. He has come to tho front strong tho past two weeks. Ho is a close personal and political friend of Governor West, nnd has ex erted, perhaps, the widest Influence In obtaining for tho governor what few crumbs of Joy and comfort tho latter has obtained from the legisla ture. Leaders of tho Democratic party of Oregon have been keeping a close eye on the legislature, and Its few Demo cratic members, both for campaign material and possible candidates for tovernor. Goislp has It that ltearacs looks to them like splendid guberna torial timber, and puts him ahead of J. K. Howard, tho Douglas county representative, who, It Is argued, would bo handicapped as n possible candidate for governor by tho fuct that be is a minister. Howard, like Ilcames, Is ono of tho able and iiopular members of tho homo. Tho Glendnlo preachor Is, In addition to being pastor of a Presby terian church, a bunker and a busi ness man. Ho has been very actlvn and fearless in legislative affairs, and so broad and fair Is ho that ho pos sesses tho confldcnco and respect of every faction and In tho house a somewhat remarkablo fact, con sidering the prejudlco In many cir cles against a minister In politics. Howard Is also a splendid orator, aud, liko Reames, would mako things hum In a campaign. MOTORCYCLE COPS TOWATCHSPEEDERS .Chief Hlttson of the Medford police forco today announced that hu had appointed a motorcycle cop to trail speeding autos In the city and bring them to time, Tho new officer will go on duty at once. The identity of the now cop Is not disclosed In order that ho may fol low autos flthout tho drivers know ing of it. His cycle la equipped with a standard speedometer, which will support testimony regarding speed. 'Speeding In tho city Is n6t as prev alent as it was," stated tho chief to day, "but onco in awhllo chronic speeders touch It up a bit. This has got to stop." KOTICK. Notice Is borcby given that tho undersigned will apply nt tho regular meeting of tho city council March 4, 1913, for a llcenso to sell mnlt,splrl tous' and vinous liquors at 31 South Front Btreet. tor a period of sit months. B. S. 1UDCMFF. Dated Feb, 18, J913. 13 A OKED IN CITY BASTILE Tho city jail was Jammed with 13 floaters Friday morning, tho night pollco taking them off throngh trains looking for a gang which broke into a box car on thu way south and stolo a large quantity of merchandise. Tho men locked up would admit nothing (ti regard to tho theft and after a sweating wore told to hit tho tics on tho south bound routo. Tho city has boon remarkably frno of Weary Willies during tho past month or two, tho pollco kooplng n closo tab on Btrangers drifting In on foot or on tho rods. Leave town or work Is tho mandate of tho police and they leave. John A. Perl 'l Undertaker 28 S. HAUTLETT Phones M. 471 an 473 Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner LAST OAY OF E A EOR D Tomorrow, March 1 I the Inst day of nnu'0 for the iUikh of the clt rnlosn they wear the clt's brass tag. showing that tho owners have paid tho annual tux the dogs will bo pinched and sentenced to capital pun (aliment nt the end of three days. During the uut mouth the dog catcher has been Ipmy peddling tints, aud now nearly all of thu dog aris tocracy has been duly licensed. Stnrttng tomorrow tho citjr will be gin rounding up dog. .Induing from tho looks of Main street on n busy dug day the city should derive sev eral million dollars revenue from dogi. Tile Ciirwl Iti 0 To 1 1 liajn. Your druggist will refund money If 1'AZO OINTMENT fails to euro any case of Itching, Hllnd, Dleedlng or Protruding Tiles in G to 14 days. 50 cants. A HAPPY CHILD IN A FEW HOURS. When CroHn. Sick, VVwrMi, Tongue CimtiM or IlltlotiH Clio "Syrup of Fla." Look at tho tongue, mother! If coated, it is a sum sign that your lit tle one's Insldes, the stomach, liver aud 30 feet of bowols are clogged up with putrlfylng waste matter and need n gontle, thorough rleanstng at once. When your child Is listless, droop- Inf. luile, doesn't sleep soundly or ent heart Ily or Is cros. Irritable, feverish. stomach sour, breath bad; has stom ach ache, diarrhoea, sore throat, or is full of cold, give n teaspnonful of Syrup or Figs, nnd In a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigest ed food nnd sour bile will gently move on and out or Its little bowols without nausea, griping or weakness, nnd you surely will have a well, hni py nnd smiling child ngaln shortly. With Syrup of Fig you are not drugging our children, being com posed entirely of libelous figs, senna and aromatlcs It cannot be harmful, besides they dearly love Ins dellvlous taste. Mtohcrs should always keep Syrup of Figs handy. Ills the only stout, ach, liver nnd bowel cleanser and reg ulator needed. A llttlo given today will savo a sick child tomorrow. Full directions for children of nil ages and for grown-ups plainly print ed on the package. Ask your druggist for tho full name, "Syrup ot rigs aim i.imr oi Senna," prepared by the California Fig Syyrup Co. his Is the delicious tasting, genulno old rellnble. Ilefuso anything else offered. HHIIIIIHIM I I r I' t Luxury Without xtravaganco Hotel Von Dorn 242 Turk Street Finest popular priced Ilotel in San Francisco Z Modern Contral i 4 I l t III-1 ft i Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, D. O. Fubllc Land Matters: Final Proof. Desert Lands, Contest and Mining Cases. Scrip. PLUMBING t Steam and Hot Wator Heating All Work Oiaartntfccd 1'rlcrs Jtcasoimblu COFFEEN & PRICE 09 Howard Block, Untranc on Otb It. Kom 1'liona 340, Draperies Wo carry a very complete line of drapurJuN, lace curtains, fixtures, etc., and do all uIumich of unlioUtarlnif. A special man to look uflur tills work exclusively and will clvu as eood service us Iu nosxlule to get In even the largest cities. Wooks & McGowan Co. WHERE TO GO TONIGHT STAR THEATRE Nothing Client Hut the Price of AilmUilou. TODAY AND 1X)M0UU0V Thiuthituocr l-Vnturo In Two Heels "MMUm.Y FI.0YI)" Front MIm llrnddon's popular novel One of ThaiihnUHer's best. (uu.mout vi:i:ki.v Latest Current Kvents Till: WltONd HO.V A laugh producer fully up to thn Star standard. IjAtkst rorrum song hits FOmmST and WOOIAVOItTII Interpreters of Photoplays Wo nro going to keep our promise, so don't get discouraged, we'll nn- uounco It soon. Coming Mundny mill Tuesday, .Murrli :iil ami llli "Tin; on:. dis.vstiiii" lit two reels Matinees Dally, 2 to C p. m. ADMISSION, fie. ANT1 Wr -AAA ttlttSSSUl - S. P,lfAitl AAA TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTYTTTrT I ISIS THEATRE vaidlvii.i.i: Wiltlnmvou niul Wntion Iu Notiscusclaud MIm Wutsou ilmi a novelty entitled Tim Mirror Dante In n continue weighing ' Ids Photo Plays, Friday and Sat urday ins win: ui:utivi-s AT IMMIt THAI tJt'I.t'll PIKATi: GOI.H It's a Illograph (Nut Cod) Matinee Saturday and Sundn) Mntlueo prices .'ir and 10c Coming Sunday, n Playlet en titled, ' Tho Iliid Man From Idaho " H 1"4 H-1 HI H t rrr Auction Sale of Acreage in Tin: picitci: sri'.ni vision Tim Mllci 1'n-t of Mc-lfnrtl THUUSD.W, APIIIIi 10TII ON Till: LAND Ono and one-quarter to flvo acre tracts will be sold to tho highest bid der. Seldom does thn buyer havo thn chance to name the prlco hu pus for real estate, especially cholco pro perty well located and on very easy terms. Do not tall to secure ono of thoso tracts. A special opportunity for the man of small means to secure n home. Liberal discounts will bo mado for all cash. u. i. HKimii-r, c. ii. piKitci: Auctioneer Owner E.D.Weston Official Photographor of tho Medford Commercial Club Amateur Finishing Post Cards Panoramic Work Portraits Interior and exterior views Flash lights Negatives made auv time and any placo by appoint ment. 208 E. Main Phone 1471 SB M !!H ..irildJ'.-flw-'' nMiM:i.M3nmgi5B I JVt'l 4 - sHU m 3 Beit located and moat popular hotel in the Citv. RunnirtK dislillcd ice water in each room. European Plnn, a la Carte Cafe. i Tariff on Rooms 12 rooms - $1.00 each (JO rooms - - - . LEO each SO rooms . . . 2.00 each 00 rooms villi wlitl tilh 2.00 each SO looms vrith prinlt bath 2.G0 each 30 suitet, bedroom, par lor and bath - - 3.00 each For mora than ono gueit add $1.00 extra to tha above rates for each additional uueit. Reduction by week or month. t Mimattmmt Chitltr IV. Ktlhy mss. fS3sgmssssssA jtSni H2T? ssHssMkPBVVVssViTn4rT'-n-vpibsrarHVWH W " . aiJAstfijtTjAssH ssJsJsY?ssMssis' V MJ TlsVBsi'issff'sssWsMiiswsBf ,. 7 tV4 T AMSON SIX TO EIGHT HORSE PULL TRACTOR Mauufiuiuivit mi the Pacific Ctnt 1-OIM Si; IK Olll'll Villi, INK Mill M IOII SMALL FAIt.MS. i:gi ippiui with eni: 01 Tim famois m.vmkov tiiui:i:- CYl.lMllllt lU'-VVY IllTY, .MA KINK TYPI! I1ISTI 1,1, ATI? UN (1INKH OF IS llllAKi: IIOItSK POWKIl Draw liar Pull K.putl C to S ICHglnn Pulley Delivers IS Horses (with n surplus) for lltirso Power Tor Pumping, Cut- Plowing, Cultivating or Koiul ting Fed or Ofher Power Work. Work. Your team must ml rreqtimitly when plowing, but u HA.MK0N will work iery mluut of tho day and when iieeiiMary, during u rush seuson, cttn be worked day and iiltslit. Your (ituii must teed every day. whether working or not. A KnniMiu rcqulrs fuel only when In use. You etin save tlnm und money Mini lucionso your profits by using a Hnnisou (J ur S Horse Pull Trite,! or. The prlco Is rctisnmthtc. Our represenlntlvo, Mr. L. I. llnuse. will lm at Medford Hotel, Medford, Oregon, In a few days. Write him for ciilnlog uud par ticulars, SAMSON IKON WOKKS, Sum Mom, t'ltllfurnlii. WW r T T t t V GO TO IT t t jViV.i WM t ' LV f 1 i liWAlflCtMUl , Ml -r OHIfTfD ViiVt The Mill Behind the Flour When yoiii gron-r dtlivtis to vour dotu a .u U ot Drifted Snow Flour you know that lit is ready to lake it hai-k again at the full purchase price if it proves unsatisfactory in any way. W stand behind tho grocer. You take "no risk in buying "Drifted Snow" it's a flour of certainties, (lood baking results are ab solutely guaranteed. Drifted Snow Hour is the product of one of the oldest and largest flour mills on the Const a mill with a good reputation and the flour inusl bo of a high quality to bo up to the standard of this big mill. Order a sack from your grocer and mako good baking sure. SPERRY FLOUR CO., Tacoma hi:lp fkjiittiiu GREAT RED PLAGUE Citizens or tho stato aro urgod to Inform thomsolvos regarding this plaguo which Is causing great suffering among boyn and young mou, nnd especially among tho Innocent girls and womon of tho ntato, Parents nro urgod to protect their children, and provldo clean, whole some Information In placo of tho unclean misinformation tlioy cannot now help gelling. , Send for any of tho follewing: KIWI! CIKOULAlt.S For Young Men Circular No. 2 Tho Four 8ot Lies. Clrculnr No. 0 Box Truths for Men. For Older Hoys (13 to 18 yra. ot ago) Circular No, 8 Virility and Physical Dovolopmont. l-'or Young Hoys (10 to 13 yrs. ot ngo) Clrculnr No, 7 Tho Becrot or Strength. For (Ill-Is Circular No. 4. A rialn Tulk with Olrls about their Hoalth, For Young Women Circular No. 10 Physical Development, Marrlago and Mothorhuod, For Parents Circular No. 1 Tho Ncod ror Uducatlon In Sexual Hyglono. Circular No, 3 Whon and How to Toll tho Ohlldron. Circular No, 0 A List of Hooks for Uho Iu thu Family on Box. Bend 2'cont stamp with your addroua to thu oiwcon statu iioakd ok jwaltii 7011 Helling Ilulldlng, Poitlaud, Oregou Department D I V Y t ? T ? V ( if . Vt tW v 4i'- -!,