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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1913)
. si.'W"V Vs? ,? - ' I'. it, r . P PA'QR OWO. I0CAL AND L PERSONAL Mr. and Mr. )l. 13. Shearer were anionic their Anfalnntl frlcndx Sun day. Mr. O'llrleri arrived from Callfor- jiln Similar evening lo visit Mr. and Mm. Illdon. wjio nro relatives. Mrs. J. F. lla1cti who hn boon In Bontliorn California (of weeks, In nt homo again. Closing out tale ot pipes. Ire land's 8ciokn, House. (J. A. Gardner, county clerk, nnil hla wife spent Sunday with Mr, (lardnnr'n purcuU, Mr. unit Mr. Jesse Hlchnrdson. John A. Smith was among those who Wt Medford for Ashland Snn dny morning nnd returned In the evening. Ileal homo mado bread nt Dc Voo's. F. II. Farrar of Tolo spent Sunday with Medford, friends. 8. A. PavlJ and hla on l'aul. are lato nrrlvnla In Medford from Michi gan. Henry Ilcteldeni. a former resi dent of Medford, passed through the valloy Sunday, on his way to Portland, where he Is managing the Singer Sewing Machine company's agency. Fred Alton, Height (National Con servatory Now York) teacher of piano and harmony, specialist In cor rect principles of touch and toch nlouo. Ilesldonco Btudlo, 11C Laurel street, phono 72G2. ' V. K. Hnrn.dl ot Eaglo 1'olnt tran sacted buBlnesN In Medford Satur day. Mr. nnd Mrs. B. D. Smith were among the many who shopped In Medford Saturday. Bring that old book with torn binding down and haTe It rebound at the Mall Tribune office. Costs but little. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. V. Fisher have gono to Union county nnd may not return for Bomo time. Dry fir wood nt $1.75 per tier on tho ground. Apply to 717 North lllrersldo avenue, Medford. 27 Mr. nnd Mrs. Stanton Qrlffls were Medford visitors Sunday, having re cently returned from Corvnllis. Mrs, Hans Flo and Miss YV. Weg ener of Albany havo been making Medford a visit. B. Kluxa has moved his sign busi ness to the Boydon alloy between S. Central as&.S. Bartlctt. Mr.a nd Mrs. A. V. Shaplclgh, of St. Louis aro guests ot relatives liv ing In Medford. Mr. Shalolgh Is a prominent hardware merchant of the Missouri metropolis. Carl Von der Hellen was over from tho homo ranch on Antelope Sunday. Insuro and bo sure. Right If we wrlto It B. A. Holmes, Tho Insur ance Man. Knot brothers, stockmen, of Jose phine county, spent Saturday In Medford. James J. Green ot Dawson, north west territory, Is making Medford nnd other points In Itoguo river val ley a visit. Vapor baths and scientific mas sage for men and women. Dr. It. J. Lockwood, chrlopractor, 20J Gar-nett-Corey Bldg. Pbone 145. Mr. and Mrs. It. L. "Wood aro at Portland on a visit. Win, Gerlg. vice-president of the Pnclfio nnd Eastern railroad, has re turned from Portland. Carkln & Taylor (John II. Car kin and Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building Medford. A. L. Gallwas in from tho Chan tey orchards Saturday, trading with our merchants. I. W. Thomas who has beon con fined to his homo for n couplo of weeks by sickness, is convnlcbcent. T. J. O'Hara of Central Point tarrlod a few hours In Medford Sat urday. Now York Llfo Insuranco Co., C. Y. Tengwald, Medford National Bank Bldg., phone 3371. , John 0. McColllster was down from Lake i reek district Saturday. ?jlr. and Mr, p. C6yio aro In Northern California for a short visit. C. Gallatin und A1. Loomls were nmotig those over from Applegate Saturday. Now and dry piano boxes for salo. Palmers' Piano Placo. Phouo 4C91. 270 Mrs. G. Heckathorn of Euglo Point has been visiting her grunddaugh ler, Mrs. C. Floroy of Jacksonville. Mrs. F. Jackson was in Central Point recently, visiting hor sister. Kodak finishing, tho best at Wes ton's, opposite book store. M. Marshall nnd C. W. Sharpo wcro down from Central Point dis trict Saturduy, WceRs & McGowan Co. TTND13RTAKERS X.&SV ASSISTANT ' Ony Pbone 871 ' JJlght SbOMSI 3P. W. "Weoks 071 A, b. orr, aeaa il Martin I. Krlckunn. minwljor of Jtlin Crater National forest, left Mon day fur Mlll.rrrck ranger station. Milch In llio snow beyond Project I A largo number of ransom nro ramped there for tho winter, en RijKOti in cruising tno timuer in mm section. Mr. Krlckson will be ab sent nbout two weeks. Chns. Paddock and 1 B. ltnblnunn of Josephine county wcro recent vis itors In Medford. Fnshlotinblo dressmaking. Evening nnd afternoon gowns. Latest stylo llngerlo n specialty. Mrs. E. t. Painter, lato of New York City. Hours 2 to G p. m. CIS King street. Phono 6084, W. W. Cameron and James Thomp son ot Applegnto in ad o a business trip lo Medford a few days slnre. Ed Clemens, foreman of the Bing ham ranch, was among the many who came to Medford Saturday. Dr. S. A. Lockwood nnd Dr. Myr tlo S. Lockwood (regular physicians, not chiropractors) have removed their offices from tho Hasklns' build ing to 232 E. Main afreet. 271 i Fred Straubo of Willow Springs Wm. Valentine of Gold Hill tarried In Medfnrd for n short tlmo Satur day, ' F. H. Madden and E. B. Hnnley have been at Portland and Seattle recently on business connected with thetr canning enterprise In Al.iska. E. D. Weston, commercial photog raphcrn, negatives mado any tlmo or placo by appointment. Phono At. 1471. Dr. Go.orgn Saladc and Col. Geo. Minn ot Seven Oaks were among Medford friends during the week. J. T. Buck of Talent district nud T. W. Williams of Grants Pass were In 'Medford tho forepart of the week. S, P. DeUoboam of Jacksonville was In Medford Sunday afternoon, accompanied by his daughter. They wcro on their return from Ashland. Van Gilbert and his' family mado relatives, living nenr Phoenix a visit Sunday. Collect tnoso scattered sheets ot music tou taI no and have them bound In book form at the , Mall Tribune. tf Mlssca Ethel Garrett nnd Edith Smith of Grants Pass have been vis iting In Medford. Frank Miller of Central Point dis trict was In Medford Sunday, tho guest of his brother, W. O. Miller. Misses Nelllo Mclntyro and Flora Thompson and Mrs. Gcrtrudo Norton of Jacksonville were Sunday visitors In Medford. Miss St. Bailey, who has been vis iting In Jacksonville district, has returned home. i Mrs. Olllo Woltors was at Talent Sunday, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Alford. Mrs. E. G. Perham left for Port land Sunday evening, accompanied by her son. I. T. Gallfgcr, superintendent ot Deuel &. Weeks' big orchard at Rock Point, transacted business In Med ford Saturday, Leo Hcrrlngton of Applegate was a recent business visitor in Medford. H. W. McDougall of Appleton, Minn., has been in Medford, visiting A. K. Ware and his family. Mrs. Emma Bcbb and Claude White wero among tno ucnirai roimun who spent Sunday In Medford. George O. Henry and Mr. and Mrs. N. Mitchell ot North Jacksonville made a trip to Medford Saturday, Miss Gladys Baker, who has been In Medford visiting Mrs. Grlswold, her aunt, has returned to her home at Taconia. Miles Richardson made a trip to Jacksonville Sunday evening. Mrs. R. Llttleflold Is being visited by her sister, Mrs. George Patton ot Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gaynon of Portland are In Medford on a visit. Will Hooker, who went to I.oa Angeles to pack oranges, has re turned. Ho arrived In Southern California the day beforo tho cold snap that caused so much damage In the cltruH bolt. Colonel E. Burke ot Roxy Ann orchards is In Medford ou a short business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wilson of Ashlnnd spent Monday In Medford. A. E. Reamea returned Monday morning from a vUlt at Portland and Salem ou business. Lloyd Houston ot tho orchards spent Sunday In Buckoyo Medford with friends. Dr. 8. A. Lockwood was operated upon for pendlcltls at tho Sacred Heart hospital, Monday. Dr. R, C. Clancy performed tho operation. OF BOSTON ON STRIKE BOSTON, Feb. 3.Moro than 0000 gorment workers employed in 360 uslublibhments struck hero today ns u protest ujrniiibl lloslon mnnufao tureiH doinir work for Now York fuo- 'toriea wlidso cmploycH aro out on strike. Pickets surrounded tho plants. No disorders have been reported, nUDFOn MATT, TR1TUTNR INDL SAjl FRANCISCO. Feb. 3. - Tho San Francisco Chinese World Is nu thorlty for tho statement that iniiro than a million dollars wna secured from the Chinese, of tho country nnd Canada ly agents nf Oriental swliid lorn who traded upon tho patriotism of tholr eouiitrvmen. They claimed that the KiiMlnn empire was prcpar lug to swoop down upon China Midi wrest control rrom the Infant ropuh- He, the swindlers securing sums rang ing from $10 to $Stfi(, from thousands of Chinese. The Chinese Six Companies learned of tho plot recently, accord ing to the editor of tho World, and has taken stops to notify tho Chinese presldcut that there la absolutely tin truth In the fears spread by the bun co operators. E BANDITS mm BY YOUTH YUBA CITY, Cal., Feb. n.Cp! tureil through tho daring of lt-ycar- otd Walter Cress, son ot n farmer near Live Oak, two men who blew the sato In tho Live Oak postofflce securing $700 In coin and stamps Inst Saturday' morning, nro now In tho county, Jail hero awaiting the arrival of deputy United Stntes mar snails from San Francisco. They glvo the names of Frank Martin and Fred Smith. The bandits wcro found with their loot In a corner of tho Cress farm, with Walter standing guard over them with a Bhotgun. The mcu were handcuffed and brnnght here. CALIFORNIA SENATE OPPOSES SINGLE TERM SACRAMENTO, Cal., Feb. 3 The senate went on record today against tho single six year term for president, the voto being 23 to 10. Tho resolution, which wns Intro duced by Senator Sanford, made no reference to tho author of tho meas ure. Senator Works, but put tho mat ter squarely beforo tho scnato on Its merits; In bis speech In support of the resolution Senator Sanford again bit terly and sarcastically referred to Senator Works aa tho "Big Bull Moose" who la too brilliant "for con templation by tho naked eye, but must bo looked nt with smoked glasses." T CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. . Terrible Miffcriis prevailn nmong the J10.OOO Turkish relugeoH who fled from their homes in European Turkey when tho Turks were defeated. Thou sands of the fugitive nro clad in thin rags nnd tho mortality among them is great owlnx t tlio zero weather. The condition of those f.ont to other cities in Ain Mlno'r i even mono thiiii tliofe remninintr in Con stantinople. The American mission hospital nt Konin is awnmped with apliautrf for mcdienl ntk'ntion. PORTLAND NURSE FOUND VANDERIHG IN WOODS ItOSP:iirilO, Ore., Feb. 3. Mi Agnes Ifannion, the Portland trained nnrso, who difipiefired from the homo of Binder Hermann Sunday morninj,', whs found late lodny wan derinK niink'saly in the dense woods n few tuilos from town. Physicians say her health will not bo huriotiKly nffected hv her experience. MRS. LEISHMAN, ILL, CANCELS RECEPTION JT WdjJITJjldrtMAW. Mrs. LeUliiunii, wifo of (lie United Httitcs AmbaKsndur, bus cancelled her usual reception and other social ciiKiige. mcntH in Berlin on account of continued Indisposition and has gono lo Oherhof with Miss Lclsliiiiau lu u party which Included Mr, uud ilra. Jack Lolsuumu. 1. 1 i y i r'i." W gw kL 1h MI-JIMmD. OKKflOX, MONDAY. KIWltrAHY .'. 101.1. Musicians at ssssH9f HhH 1 issssssssb!s3V. BUBSfHf-' 1 "filL kuauj6jsss1 sssssHRBKiysTr I rtifl Jt ..jR't i JKhiMuh lsssMpWBWglfrgH Tr Mffll lZi$&-V tjJHKItsfl sHKHnSsuHHu T1WBHBHB llBBM'JjSBasBfliasssl sLssbsBJsVHIHbH HBMsV.kssBsslssslssssH Heir (irl Crimen, lolluNt 1 jg&i, -IB Wf M rsssBBBn ZxJt!5 Jw-M . Hill BBtg5B "iflil I I ll'll 1 Mine. I'.vcl jne, Soprnno mHrJKsy2iyJjhl0Eims - - "" -" ijra Golden W$0&$ifi!fi& QUEEN GUARDED NELSON WINS ROUND Woats P FROM SUFFRAGETTES! FROM JUDGE GUTHRIE LON'DO. Feb. 2. Ostonslbb to protect Queen Mary against suffrage activities but In guilty to guard hor from suspected attempts nt iimIiisi tlon by Indian malcontents, a heavy dctachmont of siiller . and , police surrounded tho Royal carriage today when tho uccn n?otored from Wind sor Castle to hold tho pre-I.ontun court at Buckingham Palace. Bosldes tho iisunl escort n pilot automobile full of Scotland Yard men preceded the Royul autamobll nnd nnothr followeil It. Tho jour ney was mado without iHcldsuu Tho mens' lovoe will bo hold to morrow nnd tho . court 'on Friday night. N Kver since the nttompt recently mado to kill Uml llardliiKe. the vice roy ot India, Lath King OeorRe nud Qucou Mary bnvo been ouealy guarded on all their publle nptieer nnces. There nro known to bo a number ot Indiana agitators lu tan don and It Is fen rod that any Mine they may try to nvenno the aliened wrongs by the dependency by a blow nf tho nation's beads. SEATTLE, Feb. 1 Speaking to 2C00 people at' Dreamland Rink. William I). Huywuod, tho noted di rect actlonUt, arraigned the Ameri can Federation of Labor as the great est foe to the laboring rUesoe, nud openly advocnted sabotage. Ho declared that-the United Mlno Workers of America as an example, has been turned .ovor to the bosses Tho labor federation, ho mibl, by dividing Into trade iiiiIoiik fulled to mustor the power of Its supposed numerical strength. lio advocated ono great union, nnd admitting to membership nil cIushoh of workers and nut only thoso of 'shlllud labor-' E TO VJt.NNA. Feb. !!.-Tliuiimud of AutriaiiH, lliuignriuiiw, Pole uud HerviiuiM are preparing lo emigrate to Cmiada n soon oh (ho now Hteiiin hliip lino which will, fcoon iio imuiKur ntcd between Trioalo mid Moiilrenl by the Ciiunilliiii Pueifio niilwuy is opOia'd for InwiiuwH. It is believed that tho new line witli its low ralou, will turn a lurgo part of tho emi grants from thin purl of Kuropo from llio United Htulos loCanadu. TOO LATEJO CLASSIFY LOST String of gold bonds. Phono Home 'Hi- , Suitable reward, 271 Hotel Medford KANSAS CITY. Feb. X Col. Win, II. XeUou, owni'r ot the KaimiiM City Star, moored a ptiint oer Judge Outline, by whuin he wan senteueed lo nno tiny in jail for contempt of court, when the court or iipponlit re fused .lud-o Uuthrie'e motion to iUHh the writ of ImliniH enrpitrt oh tabled hv tho editor. Tliid niCMiiH that tin Miiouri hii. prewe eoiirt will himm on the eiue WediKMHlsvy a ml that Col. Xilon will not have to begin the i-nlcneo until lhi i-oiirt n-uder- its decision. i i - i SEATTLE BUSINESS MAN SURRENDERS TO POLICE SF.ATTLK. Feb. X- After holdiin the (Hilire at be'y fur more then 1J hotiit, .liMeph Whitr, a fonntr Seal tlu huitinea miui who liurriiailftl him Melf iu the (leonrinii hotel lorn mu rendered to the oftirr- nt 10:1." o'eloek today. lite officem hud talked him into npeuiug the door nud httiinf I Item in. lie will bo tayeu before tho wntiilv (iimmUninii. iio Mm of Blood Eruptions No Rccson Why Anyone Should Suf fer With Such a .Disheartening Experience. 1 tit crftitbclotii blood Dotson Is vnr cured until llio -last rirlliiio.ot tin virus tas boon icmovBtl from tho circula tion. Ttio limit taint loft' In' tho MooJ will, Ki(ir t later, csuo a trtth out break of llio trouble, with nil lis hl0equ nnd doHtrucllvo symptoms of ulcerated mouth nnd tlironl, coiicr colored KploUliox, fallliiK hair, sorcM unit ulcers, etc. NO otht medicine so fcurclr ouren ciutnirl"!! blood ioUou an H. H. H. It i;iitn down Into tho blood nnd oliadll nnd surely urtvon out overy jnrlUilo of tli Infootlon. It abiiotutely nnil pcrloclly Miiilieri Uiu bluod, and leaves this vital Hold us ficli, rich und lunlthy as It was .before tho dwtructlvo vlrun of contagious blood iKilton entered the clrcutatlon. H. H. H, Iu)c1dy takes efftet ou tho blood, and Krailually tho syinplotas duiamiear. Hie hcullh In Improved, tho sliln cliurcd tot nil mi)1, sores und othfr blemUhcs, the hair titopu cnmliiK out, tho mouth nnd throat heal uud when H. H. H. has clwinted tho njntem of tho polvon no Iraco or tho dlnciro Is left. H. H. fi. cures contagious bliol iiolson becauno It U tho crcatoet of all blood purifiers, tested and proven In hundreds and hun dreds of casen all over tho country. Ynu will Und H. P 8. for nalo In all ilrutf toro at 11.00 per bottle. Wr" tn The HwJft Hpj-clflc Co., IS7 Hwlft Illdu., Atlanta. Oa., for prlvato inodlaal advlco and a vary Instructive book on all blood duenna, lecnt free, Htultd lu plain wrat'fcri Ka TRUSTS ARE FIGHTING WILSON'S PET BILLS TUKNTON, X. .1., KMi. n.-Hlnwit iii!dtlnii o I'ri'Klilt'iit-t'k'et Wilson' live tnnl IiIIIh ponding hcfoii' Ilia lenlslnluiT, wiih voIoimI lie fort the M'linln Juilloliirv onimlHeo hero lo ilnv hv a hi'oio of iMirpurnlliHi law mtm, Alloiiioy Itlcliiiiil l.liiillniry, reproMOiitiiitf the steel t'iiiMiiiitiiii, nskcil that the iniiOH(i hill (iivollilit tin liability Mf mi nfrloer or dlrn-loi of n onrprirutioii 'limilil In iiiiiiiiiIim lln loinl "will'ullv mill hiiouinulv." I lie ohnruoli'iixeil tin tiii'tiMim nu "mtioiiH'lv iliingeroiw nnd iiiuieo Miry hit n' loKlliitluii." WORKS WINS VICTORY IN FIGHT AGAINST HEALTH DILL WASIIIN'UTON'. Feb. .'I. l.onillnij lln opoilii)ii lo the iinini'ilinto eon. Milemtiou of lln Owen hill eronliun n puliliit hen I Hi service, Henntnr Wirlc of Cnlitiniin ii'jjlitereil u ylclnry in lln Hounli Inilnv when tin ImMv hv a tie vtoi) ivtiiM'il lo inkii up it imnnn nt thix time. IRRESISTABLE! To ALL Ages! KOTK-KmIkmS ! tluati villi r hum in J .t.!rM b4 urUivr'tuuu tmr iialuu 111 W wmialr fit. Atjtur Cnttr lll'.I.l' KKJIITTIIi: GREAT RED PLAGUE LltltcnH of the mate nro urged to Inform thomm'lvc regarding (hla planuf which, In entiling great differing among hoy nnd young men, nnd epcclnlly among tho Innocent clrU nnd vomuii of tho htate. Parents nro urged to protect tholr children, nnd provide clean, whole Komo Information In place of the unclean mUlnformatloii they cannot now help getting. Rend for any of tho follewing: ini:i: ciiictnaitH l-'or Young Slen Circular No. 2Tho Four Hot Lloa. Ulrnilar No. 3 Sox Triitlis for Men. For Older Ho)n (13 to 18 yrfl. ofnito) Circular No, 8 Virility and 1'h) (ileal Development. Tor Young o)n (10 to 13 )Tm. of ngo) Circular No. 7 Tho Secret of HtroiiRtli. For (llrN Circular No. I. A Plnlu Talk with (llrU about their Heolth. For Young Women Circular No. 10 Physical Development, Marrlago and Mnthorhood. 1'or I'lirvnlM Circular No. 1 Tho Need for Education In Hoxunl llyglono. Circular No, 3 Whon and How to Toll tho Children, x Circular No. C A LUt of Iloolts for Uxo In the Family on Rot. Hond -co nt itnmp with your addrcva to Tin: oiti:io.v htati; iioakii op iu:,irir 7011 Selling llutldliig, Portland, Oregon Department T) CLUB For the Daily Mail Tribune and the Weekly Del Norte Triplicate $5.60 a Year . Tlio Triplicalo is piihlishod Wcolcly at GroHcoiit City, tho hustling tioast city about which many peoplo now wish iiU'oriiiation. This ofi'or is open to all who now sub scribe) or all who havo paid up Hick sub scription to Dec. 1)1, 15)12. TWO PAPERS WR A LLTTL15 OVER TJIID PJlICliJ OV ONJ3 Weekly Mail Tribune -Triplicate, $270 -' ! ."1 I E BLUNDER IS CAUSE OF TRAGEDY lirilAI'KST, I'VI". ;i. I'nlleii iii. vi4tlKiitluti Imliiv Irmii'il lo Hid IiIiiii ilcr of n uiil leh'iilioiiii opi'iulnr, n lriile lrnt'ilv whleh nlmcki'il llio IliiiiUiiriiui niiiiliil. .Mine, lli'ln (IrnoM, n innrrtoil wiun nu. iiniiiiKOil over llu telephoiu n rt'titloxvotm wllli nu ililulirer, MhIVIiI ink, n piiuiiliii'iil hunk ol'linlnl or lliiihiiet. Aeelileutiiliv lln lrli'iliniii opeifi. tor hixili'lieil in a tliltil eoniiviillnn w Inlo' I'uhliiiU mill llu woumn weiu tiitltliitfi mill Noiiliinxi u miiii' liihorv , lu'iilil their eonvi'iiiiilloii. Itonliitliiit llmt ho inlnlit mli In oil liU iiifomutlioii, N'oiilnirK told (lrow ivliero lie oouhl find hU wll'i mul hoi' ioiuiiiiiinii, mul ulii'ii (IroHM oiinio upon litem Mint, (lnM mul I'VHIttl killt'il lIlt'lliHrll'iw. N'eiihitiV, Ion, then klllnl liimaulf, I(nvtitur u nolo willed witttt Hull ho rei'oiveil .IU.VI I'roin flnTBH fr llio int'oriniilioii llmt cot I wo live. JUL RATES x v i t,t ! i HlfeMIIIMIIlM