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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1913)
y i i. P tf f W '? V f I 4 IS F . Mj Mutt May r2??r vHiiT. ToDAV vje.uUt ft eLPYML TOTA OVr mujI f I VUTTiM6 0SOmK6(Vi5CllCC(V.I UlTrVi TURKIVtCITlLGriJ.YIC won't vtrw Mi 1A'( uUTV Tin litmnl of iliii'i'luiM of llin I(ikh Itmr ( ii iicih(ih I'mil mn mm'IiiIihii mil 'I'lii'tiliiy iifli'nuiiiii niut clci'li'il tin fiill'iwini: (if Hen's! , A. IVrry, itiiilinti D. W. Slnno, ico prtMuliuil ; H. A. Nr, npi-iotniy ami W'a It. Jlll'llllll, In'MMIMT. Tim lioiird f iluivtoi-H iMtuctl mi iiiHiOiiiirmMit Tni"il (n llio ffWl Unit limy Kill In' alilu to -ill Iiiiio in-Ill Kiilih(ir irn tin- ciii' t u cml not In ii'il H it Imrii'l. EAOLE POINT EAGLETS My A. C. Iluwlrtt v l.ut Tluirxiln)' i'VciiIiik m lion ttio until ran io Into din 1101 olflco, inul Out fruwd litiKiiu to collect, fur thnt Ii ilm tliiin v, hou llio Dally and WVtiUy Mnll Trllmiii' roiuwi In, nml timro 1110 (tight) ttnu ct)ilix Inkcn nt thin office, nml nvnrly ivory 0110 of lln Milurlljur ri on hand to rdI "nil tint lieu all lhi tlmo," wuK on tliU imrlli'iiliir oooohIoii thuro hai ihiiiiI to ho Mornl huiik laillci, In fttat llio MlllMilu of tho iotofflco wan iilmunt I'liolivil with uicii niut jitrl, I lu-nnl n yoinip, laily rrnmrk to utothitr thnt tho tohncvo uiok wan wu I hick thnt hu could nlnmut mil It out In chuukH nml I Jimt thoHKit Hint ho wiu nhout rlpht. for 0110 uol iiMd to tho Miioko could Imrdly utiuul It, hut urh In llfo In tho fur wot. Tho mumlimv of tho Youiik Mcu' HiikI" I'otut AthMli' club havo koiio to uork In dtHid (Hrnit to mnko It n Hliccrm. tliry nro flxliiK up the room with tln uucittiary 1mm, ring, iiiuta, otc mid In 11 hort tlmo will Imvii onrthtnK In working ordur. Thoy nro iilnnuluK to Imvo bimkot hall ouu of tio uttrnrllvo features, and I lirudia thut thoy will mnko a Rramt nuuuom of their mulurtaltliiK, nml our lmplim nilulHtiT, Itov. U, h, Hliuniouu In now onuinltliiK u front lnrty nml r.illiiK tho jounKiT ho)R lutorcuti'd In It, ami hy tho tlmo ho porfrrtH h idiuiH In nrpmUhiK tho jouiik iiioii'h inul ouiik Indlcrt' nthlutlc rlnhs anil (ho (i'oiiIh mid gilM Ihoiu nil In Kood workltiK ordor nml uttoudH to IiIh work iih iitmior of tho rhunh horu nml at IjrowiiHlioro hu will find that ho him IiIh harnlii full, Itctijti mlii IMiuiiuiIkoii of Hutto KallH, om of tho did idinn'oiH of thin roiiut), wan u mumt at tho ilttuuy illiln )'rldny nlKht. An wmi an noumod In 11 former letter ho had a limlhor from Aikamuu lomu out ami lMlled hint 11ml they two tnuolwl an far um AhIiIiiikI toKuther liopliiK to . incut tiX'Huiiator Holt of that plum, hut ttoro dlmioli)tcd an hu wait iirtity fioin homo nt tho tlimi- Ho u liorlH that tho miow lit llutto Kall whun ho left Thumduy wa two fout deep. Mr. ItnKHdnlo who Iiuh u farm on tliu tiouth foik or I.lttlo llutto uruuk litul a huiry np rail Kilday uvonluy oer tlio phono nml started linnied- laloly, icaehliiB tho Buuuy 8ldo after 11I110 o'clook p. in.. tukluB tho ear or Medfoul Hutnrdny iiiornlnn. Alfred Sparrow, it Iioiho Iniycr called on our correspondent Rntur , day to liny miiiiu horHoa, hut wo did not tiado. In my HiikIoU Thursday I stated that our rouitU tcnehor, MIhh .Hunt Knn, wait otpected that day hut sho did not nnlvo until Hatuulay iiIkIU 'and t am Informed that ulm will tako ' VhnrKO of her room n tho sehool this, Monday inorulntf. A Hiicelalimjjjtlp iqjV'M.pVi110' W, 0. W. It nil'iiil for KlWny Vvou ' liiij ut 7::t6" p. 111. nt t)dd Follows' hall for the traiisartlon of Important liutdneiw. NpIkIiIiim-b nro in pod to ho hllWIlt. "fi(1 n. P.MUI.K10Y, O'oiiHiil C'oinuiiuidor. - - . - OFFICERS ELECTED GRANGE APPROVES IW ASSOCIATION Be a Bad Soldier, caMTLitMCM.-rHc YOU HptUj To INI fVS ! ItlKMUl l CQMIHO AQcxMU) 1 fK 3BL. fill " tvvggWJ .. veav TOU VELLE'S STAND Tho county tourt hint received (hu follow lui; 11 h represeutluK tho mintl ineiilri of llio (IratiKo. In Jatknon cetinty: "ftcNolted that Willow HprliiRH (Irnni'.e, No. 477, hereby (tptes Its umiunllfled approval of tho recent nt tltudo of tho Jacknou county JiuIko and court rclutlvalo road nml school nftalrs, mid ho It further resolved a ropy of thoso resolutions bo forwarded hy tho secretary to Jmlito J. I, Ton Velio ond 11 copy spread on tho minuted of the Orange. MAUTK.VA .SKA!., Secretary. CcutriU I'olut, Ore, Jan. 26, 1913 BFlOWEFl PURCHASER OF ROGUE RIVER ARGUS It. lliiiwer, fonnerlv jmlilUhcr of the Outlook or (limit l'u, Um imrcliUNcil the ItoKiie (ier ArRti", ami uiunic tiuhlientiou l'ehnmry 1. I'llr-. Cured lit (I'To II llnjs. . Your UrtiRRUt will refund mniioy If 1'AZO OINT.MKNT falls to euro nny enso of Itching, llllnd, Illocdlui; or I'rutrudliiK 1'llea In C to 11 dnys. SO contt. TO KAUMIHtH AMI Oltt'II AltDI.STS. Cultlvnto your hind with n Motor Tractor. It will pay for I twit In the sating of ltorio toed and hired hoi p. Valley Motor & Tractor Co., Valloy flaraKc, Medford. 1 xotici:. I will receive sealed bids for a stork or tnorchandlso locatod nt -01 Kasl Main street In tliu city of Ash Iftnd, OroRon, ceiulstlm: mostly of a stock of nillllnory kooiU of tho In enlory vnluo or 21-'8.hC mid fix 1 11 res or tho Inventory vnluo or ST 1,00, -up to !) o'clock noon of Tliurtidnyi Polirunry Cth, 1013. Pimplis Source of Great Danger May be Means of Absorbing Disease Germs in Most Unexpected Manner. S 1 i pituJU 4S"2apr ..".'ir if jti u icjja i yHit' .jreiaitKi. bhbbhmi anr .jw nVBammtaM r atvsirsBn iaehhsssssh -m Did Farewell to AH DlooU and Skin Diseases. Tho rMoarrh laboratory of Tho 8tlft tntclrlo Co. linn collected a vnul amount or Intormntlon iKkirdliiK tho spiouit or Mood, itUfitsvs, la of Inituitcen tlio mi)l virulent tynK havo bon tho ro fcult uf coinhnt In contact wllh Mliunsn itcrint In pulillo plnrun. and tint upjwrciit y Inslgtiincnnt pliuplo Imit lccn tlio euiino. It apromU wllh njttnnt.hliii; ru. iilillty. ofun IntocilnK tho entlro s)tciu la a fuw day. It Is (nrtunuto, however, that 'thoro l n rtmittlj" to coim qtilcMy and tborovwhly with mui.Ii 11 eoiullilon, mul thnnlu to tlio auorry of Us iriUictrM tho fuiuotm fl. H H. may now bo hud at almost any drtiK stuio In tho clvllliod world. This preparation staiuU aluno nmooK siHijlM) rvnwilltfs as u Wod I'inllkr. It Is Hoaiowhat revoiutloanry In Us compo. oltlun, hIik'o It nccomplUInt all that wui ovor chtluiail fur mercury, IoiIMch, ursonla ami otliur linlnuHIo mlnond drmts, ami yot It Im iibnoluU'ly 11 puiol vcKvtitblo piiiduct. Tlivro .tro ntoro innea of artlo. ulur rhciunntlsm. Igcniunlnr uilixU, pa roxlf, numltls and slriiliar illHenin re-nlt-nut fnmi tlio uo of nilm)r.ilslh(in(rom tlUeiiHu RormsMllrtct. Tluuo fact uro brought out In a IdKhly IntoivitliiK boolt compiled by tho medical dopirtmant ot Tho Hwlft Hpeclllo Uo UT Hwlft llldif, Atlititla, On. It lit mulled free, together With a special letter of tidvleo tn all who nro sIiiikkIIiik wllh a blond tihwtso, Hot a fl 00 hottlo of B aH today ot your I'Mumjim, It will surprise U W'Hi Ha vonOttifjii (ic(ivu (a IJw W' frd)DFOTlD jMATL TRinU W MtibFORiVoniL'nOSr, WflPNfiSPAy, JANUARY ?9, 3013. but He's a Great Oarsman ' " csu.toi) QliK Yi wwuvymsiifc Terms cash and a rash deposit of tan per cent must accompany each offer, night Is reserved to reject nny and nil bids. Inventory may ho seen nt toy offlto In Medfonl, Oregon nml tho properly may bo Inspected on tho premise. Dated at Medford, Oregon, Jan uary SCtli, 1913. Wir.MAM UMUCH, -!G7 Trustee IXUl ItKNT HOUNDS fc" 1011 HUNT Bovcn room house, IK. Modern npnrtmenu, t'iu; corner Oakdale and 11 Hi. 1'houo Col. II. If KnrKeut. 2811 I'OIt IlKNTModcrn C room fur nished house. Call at CO North Orange. KOIt ni'NT S room njoftern bun galow, practically now. Medford Itcnlty & ItnproYcmcnt Co. KOIt HUNT Furnished houso, cloio In, M. A. Ilador. M. K. & II. Co. init 1U5.NT Ono six room home cloo In. Also housekeeping rooms, electric lights pas, bath, etc. No. 310 N. Ilortlott. TOU KKNT 5 room modern fur nished bungalow. Inquire 203 I-' & T. Dank llldg., phone las-K. 2CC Foit iti:.VT i-uiixiant:i aits. KOIt ItKNTSmlth AptH. 217 8." My. FOIl Iti:NT Furnished apnrtmont new, prlvato bnth, hot wator heat. Tho Uorhon Apartment, 10 Qulnco St., corner West Main. I'ou iti:.T -orficia KOlVYlKNTLarKoT 'comfortablo of flco rooms with olovator scrvlco, steam heat, hot und cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Kurnl turo & I Id v.. Co. FOIt linXT 3 offices connected over Kldd'a Bhoo Store. Low rent. Terms. A. C. Tuylor, It It. No. S. Medford, or Clark's llealty of fice. 283 lOIt J.I'.Vr MISCRfiUX.VKOUH FoTriTlf.NT (iood Iniproxod ranch,' 110 ncrcn clenrcd. Address "Op portunity" caro Mull Trlhiiuo of fice. 2S0 NEW TODAY Hero In n bargalu In 40 ncrcu ot tho best of soil, freo water right, new largo bungalow, largo ham, and over u thousand dollars ttorth ot stock, toolri nml crop. All laud Is t'urdon laud. $1)000.00 la taken soon. 1 own u ranch near Hitch, with n good flold In wheat last enr. An aero of Irrigated garden, and much moro nvnllablo. Knlr liouua und burn und good chicken house. Thltt will mnko somo ono n. good mountain home, nml I will rent it for tho tioasoii o( 1!)13. Will give good terms. List our bnrguluu, 1 havo tho hu)era. G. D. HOON IIoohi t'J. Jacksou County ltaak llldc. SOMETHINGr Worth While A bargain. Lot b0139, ouo-hnlt block from paved street. Prlco J 125, Ono ot tho finest residence lots on South Onkdnlo, east front, Blzo SOx 125. 1'rlco, ?ltr.0, tonus. ltuslucsa lot with it future, just rlpo for Improvements, no other lot In Mcd'onl can heat It. Invcstlunta this. For rent, motion, house, C rooms mid ploeplni; potch, gurngo, woll lo cated. $25. (I room modorn houso on Park aveuiio, JlC.r.0. , , 8 room modern hpus'o, ou-Pntk nvo nuo. ?27,R0. Ahovo housea wntor imld. $f000 or moiu to lonn 011 leal es tate. Bennett Investment Co, ' - i7,. jklv-.-vu,. a ;i o nck 1wiHrtAiiranBiBBpH irt'wvr-caSY st ---wr, m iiiiwyT i iA1 . awtoh1 . 'ajotf-j ran g ,-y.nui eRiRi!fjiBraiHacriKivA ajcjh w;i -nt:ivitiji r- i wi tr t-v if Y,K 4rc irwna.v ;r,.-BiHiLwm ifr.HwiB (. TO ICM'RW&i ' U Wfiyil r, . .lUlIHIH FOIl KI'NT Modern furnished rooms at tho Cottngc, 001 West 10th at., two blocks south Medford Hotel. Hut and cold water In rooms. Mrs. II. M. Cons. 274 FOIl UKNT iJirgo sleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping ajMrl monts, prices very reasonable. Home phono 2CCK. 222 South Holly. FOIl HKNT NIoj modern room with board for two people at "Mrs. Fay'a. 22 Geneva Ao. ron itK.vr'kkiu'ixg KOOMS FOIt liKNTLlght hbiisekecplng rooms, cheap. 325 South Ivy. 2CC I'OIt S.1I.I 1IOUHF.8 FOIt SALIJ Four room houso, with one-halt aero ot ground, llghu and wntcr, borrles and fruit trees. Ad dress It. 1'. D., No. 3, It. St. James. 2GS VOll 8ALI LOTS FOIt SALK B lots on lion Cniirl Will sell wholo or separately, bar gain. Apply ow ncr C. D. Woolvor ton, Cold Hill, Ore. 28C FOIt 8ALi;--Cho!ce bulldlnjr site In Knit Medford. Threo largo lots, nearly 0110 acre, In Hlghcroft Addi tion on Knst Jackson street. High and nightly, beautiful low of Med ford and valley. Small payment down, longttlme anU easy tonus on balance. Addresn P. o. Box 702. Medford, Oregon. 2 CD FOIt HALK MlSCKI,L.i:Ol'S FOirSALkCaMIng "cards, '"prfntedi engraved or embossed at tho Mall Tribune office. FOIt SALE Loose leaf ledger sys tems, any stylo or niado to ordor by tbo Mall Tribuno bindery. FOR 8ALK Legal blanks, tresipau notices, for sate or rent sings at tbo Mall Tribuno. FOIl SALi: Letter heads and fancy atatlonory, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at tbo Mall Tribuno. FOIt SALi: 1200 lb. mare, light wagon, hnrncsEos, also somo house hold furniture und canned fruit. 30C 8. King St., phono S321. 2CG FOIt SALi:- IMnco ordor now ror setting eggs from my pou of Whjto Orplngtous. J. Herman Harrison. 707 West 1 1th. Phono 301-11 287 FOIt SALK-Spleudld puio brod ll.trrcd Pl mouth Hock cockerels. Address M. U., caro Trlbuuo, or cull ut G01 Plum atreot. FOIt SAM. -Ilargalu, fumed oak dining room sot, Kucnlypttm bed room set, steel range, mission table, etc. 710 Tuft street. 2C0 FOIt 8ALK -A.-1 beardlpsa barley hay. two Cyphers broodors, and Whltu. Leghorn cockerels, Wjckoff strain. Alsu go-rurt. Phono 20-J-l. A. W. Stono. 2CU FOIt SALi:- Light llrumha chickens. Any umouut. For purtlculars ad drcKS W. P. Hutlto, Medford. Ore gnu. 2CS FOIl SALi: Thoroughbred Ilurrcd Hock pullets, $r.,r.O er duxeu Phouu 1C01, S31 W. Hamilton Btieot. 2Utl FOH SALK Fruit box labels la ono two or thrco colors, printed as you ordor at tho Mall Tribuno, FOR SALl-rOld Trusty Incubator. C. A. JlH'i'i, SOS Dakytn. 205 FOR S.M.r. Alfnlfn hay dellVcrod. Ph6uo 1231. lteIdonco 010 South Oakdale. 207 FOR SALK-r-foc hounds, White Holland Turkeys, Huff Orpington hens, team, wagon and harness, two houses, cheap. Chits. Oil chlrts, Sams Valloy, Ore. 208 FOR SALi: One team, geldings C nml 0 .vent a old, weight 2800, $350,00, also bnrness. Address A. C. Whltuoy, Wollen, Orogou. 208 FOR SALi:--I havo 17 choice Jersey Red pigs loft which I am soiling ut it reasonable pi lee. L. H. War ner. CC FOR SALi: Seed Hntloy. 40 sacka of-bald barley, good seed, L, n. Warner. 1 ' ." -'05 FOR SALI Crystal Whlto OrplnK tous, Kollerstrnus strain, also in ho wlunlng, Indian Runner ducks. Phono 80-SF-2, 270 FOR SALi: 1) Ivlng borne und work toum, elionn. Hoover nioa, Ntir eory, 207 FOIt SALi: 1 Cypher's Incubator nml 3 Stylo "A" brooders, almost now. Sell cheap or trade. Write for part!cula,nt. K. L. Johnston. H. P.. No. 2. Medford. Oro. 200 FOR BALB Four hbrses, Ircland'M Smoke House. 2G7 FOR SALi: Alfalfa hay. 300 West 11th. Geo. N. Flsk. 2C8 WAXTKI) SITCATIOX8 VvAnU Situation "for" "mau and wife. Hcfcrcnco furnished. P. O. 110x271. 268 WANTIJI) MISCF.LLAXKOUS WANTED Chickens, hens, roosters nnd pullets. In any quantity. J. II. Lyons, Phoenix, Oregon. WANTED Child to tako care or by tbo week. Phono 207-H. 209 WANTED On my last trip north 1 found several owners of residences in Portland, Tncoma and Seattle who will exchange for land near Medford. What havo yon to of fer? Hurry up or It may bo too late. C. A. McAnthnr, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3081. 205 FOR KXCIIA.NGn TO TRADE Automobile for goOd work team. Address Rex 80, care Mall Tribune. 270 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE We can sell or exchange your second hand automobiles. No charge for storago if you let us sell for you. Valley Garage, Vtlley Motor & Tractor Co. FOIl SALE OR EXCHANGE 1C0 acres. 05 In alfalfa, fully equipped with stock, tools and hay, exchango for good Income. Chas. Gilchrist. Bnms Valloy, Ore. 2C8 MOXF.Y TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN On city or ranch property. Clark Realty Co. MONEY TO LOAN On city and clo80 In ranch property. C. A. McArtbur. room 3, P. O. block, phono 30S1. IIU.SIXF.S8 DIRliClORY Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AB STRACT CO., No. 0, South Central. Attorneys O. L, REAMES. LAWYER OfHce Medford National Rank bldg., sec ond floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. M BALKY Attorncys-at-Lnw. Rooms 1 and 2, Postofflco bldg. , A. IJ. REAMES, LAWYER Garnott Corey bldg. MULK1JY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KBY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 nnd 12 Jackson County Dank bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorno and Coun cilor ut Law. l'i'i East Main street, Medford, Ore. Accountants D. R. WOOD Gcnoral Accountant Your books audited nud kept for a reasonable tlguro; our business solicited. Offlco, Medford Mall Trlbuuo bldg.: phone CCll; rosl denco phone C302. Auto Supplies LAHER AUTO SPRINQ CO. Our bite secrot in making springs Is the tempering. Wo are operating the largest, oldest nud best equipped plnut In tho Pacific northwest. Uao our springs when others fall. Sold undor guarantee 20 North Fit teonth St., Portland, Ore, Chiropractor! DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor. norvo specialist. Rooms 203.04 05 Qarnott-Coroy bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; advice In dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydtopthorapy. Lady at tendant. Phouo Home 14G-L, Main G712. DR. A, R. HEDGES, Dr. Loutso E, Hodges, - TboraplsW, Chiropractors. Spondylotheraplsts, These systoms, Including dietetics, curative gy.mnastlcs, ludro-ther-aphy, etc.. prodtiro lebttlts In both ncuto and chroirio diseases. Con sultation treo, 230 North linrtlott St., noM door to M, W. church, Hours 0 n. m. to fi p. m. Other hours by nppolntmotn. Hell phono ,?.,i-,'JBy'.1'?BudlJRte!f'i Hrlck MEDFORD RUICIC CO-Gce. W. Prlddy, O, 1). Nagle, Oeo. T. O'Hricn Contractors and manu facturers or brick; dealer In pressed brick: and lime. Office at their Ariclc yard, Wet Jackson st. Phono No. 3461. " Cirit RftKlnccf LOUIS W. WHITING Civil engineer and sunrcjor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city cnglnccilng-, drafting, sewer design, concrete work, pump and canal s stems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford. Oro. DcnUstt DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. O. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnctt-Corcy bldg., suite ,120. Medford, Ore. Both phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist. Offlco In Rlalto bldg., 123 East Main St. Gas administered for ex traction of teeth. Phone Mala 6S1. Night phono 4432. Garbage GARBAGE Get yonr premises cleaned up foe tbo winter. Call on tbo city garbage wagons for good scrvlco. Phono Main 6251. F. Y. Allen. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro budded, not grafted. Our stock is not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. Wo are not In tho trust. II. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel .Nash, In sldo entrance, next to barber shop. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic Btlng your work to me at the sign ot Tho Mall Tribuno. Printers and Publishers MKDFORD "jPRINTiN'TOhaVthi best equipped printing office la southern Oregon; book binding looso lcat ledgers, billing systems. etc. Portland prices. 27 Nortb Fir st PltytdclABH and Surgcamj DR. F. G. aVRLOW, DIL EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 410-417 Garnctt-Core; bid?., phono 278-IC Residence 4x0 South Laurel st. D1L, STEARNS Pbysktaa and cur goon. Oirtco Jackson County Bank bldg., rooms 17-1S-19, phone P501; residence 307 South Oakdale St., phono 7171. Home phono, reel denco 109, offlco 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practlco limited to diseases el women. Office 233 B. Mala. Phonos, oirico. 38; residence, 814. DR. J. J. EMMEN8 Ph)s!c!an and surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, car, noso and. throat. Eyes scien tifically testod nud glasses supplied Offlco 228 East Main St. Hours 8:30 n. m. to 8 p. m. Both phonos. E, B. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack, son County Rank bldg. Office phono Main 432; Res. phone. Main GS2. DR. MARION Physician and Bur geon, Stewart bldg . cornor Mala and Bartlett sts., offlco phone, 271; resldenco phono, 273. B. KIRCHOESSNER. M. D. Prac tice limited to chronlo diseases. Offlco Hotel Holland. Wednoiday. 10-3. Both phones. Residence phenes: Farmer IGxxS Eaglo Point ond Roguo River lino. DR. MAH.TIN O. BARBER Physi cian and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono Paclflf 1101. DR. R, W. CLANOY Physician nnd surgeon. Phones, olflce. 60J; roil deuce, 7241, Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician, 303 Gamett-Corey Building, Phone 91-R, Stenographers ELLA M. QAUNYAW-f-Palm block Stonographlo work dons qulcklj and woll. Transfer BADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO orflco 1G South Fir st. Phont Sell 3152; Home 350-K. Prim right, aerrlca guaranteed. . fY -rt PXQE THRUM ;y Ml RENT We have several up-to-date, modern 5 and 6 room Bungalows MEDFORD REALTY AND IMPROVEMENT CO. M.P.&n.6o.f3BIcfg.' '7 mHiiHiimimiiiiitit Luxury Without Extravaganqe Hotel Von Dorn - 4. N 242 Turk Street Finest popular priced Hotel in San Francisco X Modern Central X n-n-H 1 1 in m i nn E.D.WestoA Official Photographer of tke Medford Commercial Club 'Anutteiu FiufsUing Post Cards Portraits Interior and exterior vipwa Flash lights i" Negatives nmdo anv tifiw aiuVsny place by appoint ment. " 209 E. Main Phone 1471 PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating Alt Work Guaranteed ' 1'rlucs Jtuasunablo I COFFEEN & PRICE 25 Howld Block. 'Eatmne os ttt M, X0U VbOBt 84S. t Clark & Wright LAWYERS t i WASHIXGTOX, D, O, JQ Public Land Mutters: Final Proof. Desert Lands, Contest nud Mining Cases. Scrip. Draperies We carry a very cwuptots Use M OfHiivrtM. it curiam. iixtura uim no an emmea or upMotaterm ttoclul man to look antr (am Dir UHivHir uiiii mil k th orvlci ns Ik tx-sallilo tu ul In mo iiiriO'Xt ciuom. , Weeks & McGowan &, ITHR -.i -3 4