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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1913)
-i M EDITOR) MAIL TRTHUNR MraDVOllD. ORISOOiV, SATURDAY, .'JANUARY .1.1, 10.1.1. vxm MVIG. Oh, Well, Anyway, Jeff Was Headliner JBy "Bud" Fisher 1 1 . It " I f.t 7, IT !', ' ' - f WOuiD low eSg ." J I - f - -r WW--.. ? AV UKKV VCM a Pao! ACT. YOU fl -J-J5f Alow. HCR --' W7k X OuiT Gtfr mow ws rMtetuu . .. JfefK? ... .i ' -"-TrW ? Svir,L.,A. ' Ara.KWwy,M'yj ir."""1 "": KS f v ..:"-".'. W0U6M.1U.TU-7 -r IMEAOlirmR . .-" . 0 wm rra ou just cciwt-w1 n,$:?& s fir mm wftN too ,arj4J3lA lft c',ry. VM.''ri W -9 j -x . ' -jg- in 1 1 I5WSTT' ' 1.0 JHRiDBilB ' v- ex . .aiis'-ara.fc . is-ar... . , BRIDGES VERDICT EXPECTED TODAY TACO.MA, Wool)., Jiui. MJiitluo I Iimi ii winvmitxl Iho IVtloral Court Imlf mi litnir inrly lodny to try to fliiUli tint Irlnl of t'X'l't'iltrnl Court ('li'rk Kuiiiiitil llrlilK'M lnfori nlKlit. All ti'Htlinotiy wixh In liofurn noon niitl t ho nrKiiiiii'iitii for tho noto will do kihIimI In tlirt'f lioum. It In ontttri'il Hint tlio jury will r.t't llirro itbout 4 o'clork. llrltlKfii htniNolr on tlm mmiil )-in lenlny nfU'rnooii, inmln minut uttirt Hint rnvi'lntlond. Hit unltl t tint tlm lrritiioimliilo ncllonn of A. Itrav A) fm. who irticu!rl him n clurk, knit I ho rToriln unit caih ronllmml- ly mtnltllml. Il until thliiK cot no bail tit oho tluin OirouKli Atm tnkltiK ittitntny from tlm court trcnmiry that IlrlilKi'd, who wn tht'ii tlrputy r.lnrk, hail to ko nut ami borrow 16000 to iimko itooil tlm nhortaRi?. I'iiIiIIi' HcImhiU lo Kroprii. Tlio Mrdford litgh nchool will oipii on Monday niornlnr. Juu. 13. Tlm ward hcIiooIm will not oicn until otm wrok Inter. Jan. SO. AII'tdKht Krado iUIU who nro cIlKlblo to tnko tlm HkIiI Krado lluul xamlnatloii aro nukril to iK!iid tlm week tivRlnnlinc Jan. 13. In rovlnwlni; their work, n tlufo I'xniiilnullou aro clvcii all over tlm Mtatii at tho itamo dato and cannot ho jiontiioni'd. Thoy will ho nlvrn at tlu III Kit nclitiol hulldliiK on TliumJny nint rrlduy, Jan. 10 and 17, l' H. COM.INK, Hupt. Not Ire to I'm It (Irowcm. A incotliiK of tho fruit nrowora of thu vultoy will ho hold In tlm lmo incut of tlm llhtary tinllillnc. Mod ford, tmturday, January 11. at 2 p. m., for tlm iiurpoitn of imrfoctlni; tlm orRonUitttnu of tho now fruit aocla tliiu. Iilrt'ctom orn to ho clt-ctrd and other bimlui'Mi will como tiotnro tho incotlnjr. All Inloreatcd aro cordial ly linltntl to iitti'inl. J. A. I'KUUY, Chairman, B. A. NYU, Hocrotary. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Hill COUNCILMAN J, V. ItlUtltlAN Hiiliinlts hl nnino to tho vol orn of tho Klrnt Ward ns a candidates for councilman. II-' KI.KCTI3I) I WILL 8TU1VU TO DO 11U1IIT. (1'ald Advt.) J. K. (Jack) Htcwart I horoby niihouitco tnyiolf as cmidldato for councilman from nocond ward, J. K. rJtcwart, Woit 10th. (Paid Adrt.) tho 708 OorRo W. rortcr I liormvlth aniioiiuco myHolf ai candldato (or councilman In tho fir-t ward. (1'ald Advt.) I), J, Htull I horoby nunotiiico mynolf as can- TIMTCND VOTER: J buliove in tho working man of all classes, bo lto laborer, mechanic or professional, receiving wages abreast with tlis cost of living. I novor havo slated nor do I boliovo that $2,00 a day is onongli for any man. Tho state provides for an oiglit hour day schedule, and this should bq1 enforc ed, Roduco tho cost of living, not wages. '.T.W.MIT01H3LL. krtBW A S '' .rfl - & -"Wis r t . i - .,Br-. Ami 'v.Br i i'':i!H.nMin,n. rwi F mttam ""Umiiiiiii." ww i H!r. arsS - n H, J WE sctinuw HI JiKSfec: A siw .ma;,m a. n s imn ",-.r-" cswrw iiMiim"Mim m iLsbctJaki .' Mi.i.'i.,:- vr ,- t -.. I dlilato for councilman In tho itconU waril. (i'nld Adrt.) J. Ii. Dnminrr I hornwlth tnnounco mynolf ai candidate for councilman In tho third ward. J, h. Dfinnior, COD W. Jack" nan. (Paid Adrt.) A. H. Illllon Announceii hU cniulltlncy for coun cllman from tint Third Ward. K I no tion January H, 1013. (1'ald Adrt.) Cl. II. II. KnrKcnt Announce! till candidacy tor ecus' cllman, Hccond Ward. Mvdtord. (1'ald Adrt.) I'Oll MAYOIU To Tlm Voter. A llioro leomi to ho n nuoitlon In tlm mlnda of noma people as to whom I itand with rofuronco to certain mat tern tierlatnlni; to tlm welfaro of the city, 1 wlih to mako tho folloirlni; ntatcment: I waa tho flrat member of tho conn cil to adrocatn a public market, anil. aftor wrltlnK many letter to cUlin In tlm eait and middle won. to Kit data, a public market wat finally es tablished. I am a Krone mipporlor of tho market, and will continue to be 10 whether I urn elected mayor or not. Aa to tho natooni, I bnllorc (hat so lone aa tho cltltonn of McdforJ vota for llci'iuo and tho aatoon num obey tho reRiilatlotia (which 1 think thould tut ttrlct) they aro entltbid to fjlr treatment. 1 bellevo that tlm regular nollco furcc can, and ahould, and protect thoio who would ko tit ray, no far ni It I poislblo to do no, and that until tho city become lartrr, a pollco matron in iiuueceiiary. I betlevo tho city ihould havo n ttiaroiiKh btiilnem admlnlitrutlon with Kcononiy" the "Watchword": tlm name method ahould oo nppilcd and thu name nttentlon kIvoii to the buklncM affairs of tho city that Miy Kood hiuliii-Mi man glvca to hit prl alo builtieiin. I bellevo In tho strict enforcement of low, and any pollen officer, who fall or uoRlecta to do his duty should he removed. Very respectfully nuhmlttfid, J. K WATT. W. W. Klfcrt Kor thrt Information of tho votora of Medford, 1 talto this method of annnuncliiK my position on tho prin cipal questions of Interest lo tho peoplo of our city. K elected, my tlma and servlcos will alwuya bo available to tho pub lic and aiiKRostlnna and crltlclnma will at all times rocclvo most care ful consideration. When ovor It Is apparent that tho mnjarlty of our clttsons aro united In opinion oppo slto to my Indlvldunl views, I will yield to tho nmjortty, reRiirdlesa of my personal opinions. Our publlo market should bo en couraged and developed aloiiR such line aa will rcHitlt In tho greatest ad vantaRo to tho community. Our lawa roKardlnj? sanitary con ditions ahould bo nctlvoly enforced, nnd aupplomontod by othors It tho oxlatltti ordinances nro Inadoquato. J My experience has convinced mo that (ho niiKBcslloim offered from tlrno to Unio by tho women of tho community, oven befor- tno rJRht of nuffrflRO wait extended to them, havo alwaya been of value, and should re- colvo tho utmost consideration. Our tircsunt law roKiilntlnc tho saloons and tlm sain of liquor, and such other restrictions as tho council or peoplo may hereafter enact, should bo rlcldly enforced, and if found Inadequate, or Insufficient, should Ixt amended, Our wnter rates should be revised so that tlm cost of malntonanco, and tho necessary contributions to the sinking fund may bo equitably dis tributed anien: tho consumers, but no surplus should bo accumulated at tho expense of tho rate payer. Thu work of tho flnanco commit tco and of tho other principal com mitters of tho council should bo open to siiRKCstlon and subject to criticism, and tbo criticism, aueges tlons, and co-operation of representa tives of our various clvlo bodies ahould bo Invited and encouraged In such work. If elected I plcdco myself to uso my utmost endeavor to carry out tho Ideas outlined above, and to clvo Medford an Impartial, procresslvo, business admlnlstrailon. (I'ald Advt.) J. W. Mitchell In announcing my candidacy for tho mayoralty. I wish to say that, aa wo havo overy assuranco of a most prorperous year, lot us guard against errors in public affairs. Now, aa to tho public market, I want to say that 1 am, and always have been, n strong advocate of tho P'lbH- market. 1 was among tho first of tho council to favor and pro moto it. I feci that tho success of our market Is duo aa much to my olofrta as any other moraber of tho council. 1 shall, It elected, uso every honorablo effort to mako It a continued success, as I reallio tbo great benefit it la to both producer and coniumor. Now, a to tho saloons. Bo long as tho statcand tho city license -horn to do business, they aro entitled to do so; but 1 am a strong advocate of law enforcement, as tho lawa exist, and when tho laws aro wrong, we havo a remedy, It'a up to tho public. I firmly bellevo In oevoiopmont and progress, but not to tho extent ot roclslcsa extravagance Wo must guard against this recklessness, but not to tlm extent of retraction. 1 am strictly opposed to any special privileges as to locutions, portions or corporations, but adhere rigidly to tho best Interests ot tho public, I bollovo that tho snmo considera tion Is duo to tho ladles as to tho men, In all our public' affairs. (1'ald Advt.) j. i:. wutt "At tho polieitntlon of many citi cciih I linvo ilcflidcd to become iv piiu illdnto for tho offico oC mayor it tho comlni election in Jniuuiry. In thU ooiiiiciitinn I wish to nlnto Hint it elected. I will uso my best efforts to gjvo tho city n clottn business ml ministrution, (l'uid Advt.) C. K. Galea During tho last ton days a number of clttzona havo called upon mo, re questing mo to bocomo a candldato for mayor of tho city of Medford. Aftor duo consideration and consul tation with citizens in all linos ot business, I havo docldod to announco myself as a candldato for said otflco. I thorotoro prcsont to tho votora of Medford, for tholr consideration, my platform, which la as fallew: An honest, open and abovo-board, clean cut business administration, A fair andsquaro deal at all tluios. Equal rights to all. Special priv ileges to nono. A gonulno pooploa publlo markot. RogardliiK tho liquor question, Porsonnlly I do not drink, novor havo, but as long as tho government, atato nnd city llconso saloons, and uudor strict regulation thoy oboy tho law, thoy nro ontltlod to protection. Should thoy porslst In disobeying tho law, tholr ltcoimo should bo rovokod. A careful accounting of all finan ces. All disbursement subject to pub lic Inspection and open for pupbllca tlon by tho city press. Duo consideration of all petitions for and against public improvements. A rigid practice of economy, except when such economy has a tendency to retard progress. I will further all progrcwlvo mat ters of genera Improvement for tho city, but such must come within the scopo of good business. I shall endeavor to uso my best offdrts for tho keeping of tho city In a sanitary condition at all times. Whereas, after yoar ot struggle, tho women havo been given tho privilege of exercising their rights of cltlsenshlp, duo consideration will bo given them on all matters ot pub lic Importance Should I bo elected, I assuro tho people that I will bo mayor In fact as well aa name. I will not bo tho tool ot any clique, nnd will bo Influenced only by what I bollovo to bo right and equitable. If tho abovo platform meets with your approval and you bollovo I am capablo of filling tho office, I will appreciate your support. C. E. GATES. (Paid Advt.) roit m:.T icitMHiiKi) hooms KOH IlKNT Largo front room down stair for two men, soparato beds. ISO West Slxtn street. 250 VOtt. KENT -Modern furnlshod rooms at tho Cottage, C04 West 10th at., two blocks south Medford Uotol. Hot and cold water In rooms. Mr. H. M. Cos. 274 FOR ItENT Largo sleeping room, II. DO and $2 per week. Modern housekeeping apartments, 1C and 110, Home phono 2CC-K. 232 South Holly. FOR RENT Suite of three rooms for light housekeeping completely furnished. 103 East 11th. 2S0 I'OIt Itlv.NT rURMSllKD AITS. FOR RENT Smith Apt. 217 S. . FOR RENT Furnlshod apartmont now, prlvato bath, hot water heat. Tbo llorbou Apartment, 10 Qutnco St., cornor West Main. VOK HUNT HOUSES FOR RENT 4 room house, closo In, Boo owner, I. W. Thomas, 718 West Mnlii. 250 FOR RENT -Modern tv room fur nished houso. Call at CO North Orango. FOR RENT 5 room moftern bun galow, practically uew. Medford Realty & lmprovoment Co. IF YOU hnvn a houso to ront list It with Mr. Paul Humphrey. 815 E. Main Btreot. 2S3 FOR RENT 4 roonThouso TgToO por mouth. Gold Ray Realty Co. FOR RENT Furnished houso, closo in, .m. a. itauer, ai. r. & it. Co. VOR RENT Sovon room houso, $15. Phono Col 11. 11. Surgont, 2G0 FOR RENT 10 room houso roar of Farmers & Fruitgrowers bank, sultnblo for luminous, real estate, boarding or rooming houso. Gold Rny Realty Co.. Cth uud Fir Sts. FOR R ENT By ownor. 7 room houso on pavo street. Bath, teol rango and gas connection. In qulro 100G South Oakdnlo.- 250 FOR RENT One six room houso closo In. Also housokooplng ropms. electric lights gas, bath, etc. No. 310 N. ItorilotL NEW TODAY A party has SO acres of Irrigated alfalfa, clob'o to two good towns, nnd u sugar beet factory In Southern Idaho, that ho will trado for Im proved or untmproved pear land here, ills Idaho land Is worth $8000.00 and ho would llko that valuo or auoro horo. Must bo priced right. A party wants a houso ruthor closo In and worth $2000,00 or more, nnd will gtvo as oxchango n tlno 1C0 acr'os ot tlmbor twenty miles east of Ashland, Ovor four million foot ot tlmbor, and joins n larger tract. It would bp a good investment, CD, BOON Room lit, Jackson County Uauk Hldtf. .- - ".- 3 -,-" - - r -. - v T MmMm I'Oll ItH.Vr IIOUKKKKKPINCJ ItOOMH FoTritENT Twc7irrnislwd "lioiiso kceplng room, two block from high kcIiooI. Inquire Mr. Helen Mnsklns, 22' North Itartlett. 2r,r, I-'OK KENT OWICIIH KOU ItENT Large, comfortablo of fice rooms with clwator service, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Kurnl turo & Hdw. Co. I'OIt ItENT Tho largo room over Huxklns' drug store formerly occu pied by II. Khun. Inquire Hum kiim Drug Co. 2G5 I-'OK ItENT -MISCKLIiANEOUB FOK LEASE Fully equipped placor mlno. Gold Hay Realty Co. FOR RENT Ranches, largo and small, alfalfa and garden lands. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir. FOR RENT 30 room furnished hotel on percentage. Gold Ray Realty Co. FOR SALE -1IOUSIK FOR SALE 4 room furnlshod mod ern houso In Medford on largo lot, woll flnlsncd In side. 70 acres timber on splendid land, partly creek bottom 33 miles from Med ford. All for 13200 cash. Inqulro P. O. Ilox CCS. 2C4 FOR SALE 4 room houso and lot $700. 1100 cash and $15.00 per month. Gold Ray Realty Co. " FOR BALE LOTS FOR SALE Lot cheap, on paved street, water and sewer paid, one payment on pavoment paid. Home 73-L. or 221 Knight street, F. E. Hammond. 251 FOR SALIVACREACE FOR SALE Ranches, acre tracts, town property, from $5 per aero, upwards on G and 10 years time. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. FOR SAL! .MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--Dry wood 1C Inch chunk wood, dry balsm, cut green, thor oughly dried, never had a drop ot rain, nicest wood on tho market. $2.00 a tier at the shed or $2.50 delivered in not lean than two tlor loads. Phono 403-R-3. D. K. Van Dyke. 251 FOR SALE Old Trusty Incubator and brooder the most rellablo made. Order now and bo ready for early hatching. For cataloguo and prices call on or addre&a C. A. Myers, SOS Dakota. 252 FOR SALE Petnluma Incubator, 1912 model, cheap. F. S. Carpen ter. Medford, Ore., R. F. D. No. 2, Phono 201-R-4. 251 FOR SALE Fruit box labols In ono two or thrco colors, printed as you ordor at tho Mall Trlbuuo. FOR SALE Calling cards, prlntod. engraved or ombossed at the Mall Tribune office. FOR SALE Looso leaf lcdgor sys toms, any stylo or mado to order by tho Mall Trlbuuo bindery, FOR SALE 1912 C passongor au tomobllo almost now, Bargain for cash. Box SO, Trlbuno. FOR SALE Legal blanks, tresspass notices, tor sale or rent sings at tho Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALE Lotter heads nnd rancy atatlonory, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at the Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALE Corn by Dr. Clancy. FOR SALE A stump puller and oablo at a bargain. Cnn bo Boon nt 717 North Riverside. 250 FOR SALE 135 tlors ot dry fir wood qt wholesale A bargain. Apply nt 717 Ncith Rlvoralde. Medford. 253 FOR SALE Good oak roll top dosk nnd two flue walnut book cases. Call botwoou ton and twolvo ut room 4r St, Mark's block. 251 FOR SALE Good team of work horses, coming 5 and C, wolght about 2200 lbs, Call G19 South Rlvorsldo or phono 3392. 250 FOR SALE A Faultless No. 3 stump puller with full equlpmout. In quire Bagloy Ranch, Talent, Ore gon. 251 FOR SALE Very cheap, ono black inure four years, old, wolght 1100 pounds, bhicky build. t Phono 4091 or Phlmor's Plnho'Plnco' or P. A. Bonnoy, near Sovon Oaks. ras- i II L I 4 - lr"5Sr ' .' I I A it'll 4itS"Nl I LI .1 III Ajir'm,, 'vii7''fl 1'OK HALi: MIKCELLAXnOlT' FO?fs IA LB I lousohoid ?urnU all or by tho piece. K Court. Phono 7851. WANTED MIHCKIi" WANTEM- To purcli' clan hearing apple wlihln a radlou within A radius Mrdford. Will tlal'cush paymc donco located California tor romplcto do est prlco nnr or no nttcnt' Address by Mali Trlbun WANTED C vegetable price nnd Hotel Med Fruitgrower WANTED Mrs. Emily perlenced nurco is prcparcu .. cept more engagements. Prictf reasonable. 14C S. I loll r. 253' WANTED To buy, smudge pot, oil dopo wagon. Uoz D. B., caro Mall Tribune. 250 WANTED Gentle, good bntter cow, for her feed winter mbnth. Mr. D. N. McNauar. Central Point, or Phone. 253 WANTED 100 shoats -and .some pig and chickens. A. J. Spring, Nash Hotel. 251 WANTED SITCATIONB WANTED Japaneso couple want position a general housework. Phono Main 33C1. Harry Wato nabe. 251 FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE We can sell or exchange your second hand automobiles. No charge for Htorago if you let u sell for you. Valley Garage, Vil'ty Motor & Tractor Co. .MONEY TO 1JOXS MONEY TO LOAN On city or ranch property. Clark Realty Co. MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. C. A. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block. phono 3GS1. IIUSINKSS DIREtTiORY Abstract.'. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AB STRACT CO., No. C. South Central. Attorney C. L. REAMES. LAWYER Offico Medford Nutlonal Bank bldg., Bee oud floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Lnw. Rooms 1 and 2, Postotflco bldg. A. E. REAMES. LAWYER Garnett Coroy bldg. ' MULKEY & CHERRY (It. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun Eollor at law, Room 2, Rlalto building, Medford. Oro. Accountants I). R. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and Kept for a reasonnblo tlguro; your business solicited. Offico, Medford Mall Trlbuuo bldg.: phouo 0011; rest donco phono G302. Auto Supplies LA11ER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret lu making springs Is tho tempering. Wo aro operating tho largest, oldest nnd best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Uso our springs when, others full. Sold uudor guarantee 2G North Fif teenth St., Portland, Oro. Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Louise E. Hodges, Mechano - Therapists, Chiropractors', Spondylotheraplsts. Thcso systems, Including dietetics, curative gymuastlcs, hydro-thor-nphy, otc, produco results in both acuta and chronic diseases. Con sultation free. 230 North Bartlett st., uoxt doer to M. E. church. Hours 9 a. iu to 5. m. Other hours by appointment. Bell phono Main 4171. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, uorvo specialist. Rooms 203-04-05 Garnott-Coroy bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; advlco in dietetics, medical gym nustlcs, hydropthorapy. Lady nt- tendaut. Phouo Home 14CL,Maln 5712. J III MlfM I I I - It Mali. tractlo Nlght'ph Gk GARIIAGB Get cleaned up for",tho w on the city KarbagoTwaguu . good service. Piono.Maln 6251;,V Y. Allen. B Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our tree' aro budded, not grafted. Our stock, I not irrigated. We KuarafUas, everything put out. Wo are not Ih the trust. H, B. Patterson. Office removed to offico Hotel Nash, la side entrance, next to barber ho'p. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Bring your work to me at the sign of Tho Mail Tribune. l'rintora and Publbuera MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. has the best equipped printing office la. southern Oregen: book blndlne. loose leaf ledgers, billing systems etc. Portland price. 27 Norta. Fir st. Physicians ami Surgcass DR." F. " a. CARLO W, DR. EVA' MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. 41G-417 Garnott-Corey bldg.. phone 27S-K. Residence 420 South Laurel st. DR. STEARNS a1 hyslclan and sur geon. Offico Jackson County Bank bldg., room 17-18-19, phono CGOl; resldenco 307 South Oakdsle St., phono 7171. Home phouo, real donco 109, offico 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practlco limited to diseases ot women. Offices 232 B. Mnln; Phones, offico, 2S, resldenco, 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Offico 228 East Main St. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. in. Both phonos. E. B. PICKEL, M. D, Office Jack son County Bank bldg. Office phono Main 432; Res. phone, Main GS2. DR. MARION Physician and Bur geon. Stowart bldg., corner Main and Bartlett sts., office phono, 271r residence phono, 273. E. KIRCliaESSNBR. M. D. Prac tlco limited to chronic dlsoaie. Office Hotel Holland, Wednesdays 10-3. Both phones. Rosldonce phenes: Farmer 1Cxx5 Eagle Point and Rogue Rtvor lino. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physl- cian and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposlto Nash Hotel, Hour' 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono Paclfle 1101. DR. R. W. CLANOY Physician and surgeon, rnones, offico. 601; resl denco, 7241. Office hour 10 to 12. 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia- i-uysiciun, a 03 uarnott-Uorey, Building. Phone 91-R. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block," utenograpnio work done quickly and woll. -' Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STOnAHR TO. uruco iu Koutir Kir st,pjo, Belli 31B2; Home 3B0-IC Pr.eei right. Sorvlco guaranteed. II llflll.IfTH -f tM llllll. TPmKi. "w toW Wtt -.i.MW llu iarrLii T ' it If v ;l: rifl-5 i