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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1913)
flTJJJW W Medtord Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Ilnln or Hnovv, warmer Mux. nt Mln. itf. S Porty-sernml Yrsr. Dully llnvrnlli Vtr. MJ5DF0KD, OHFJCION, VIUDAY, MNl'AltY 3, 1013. NO. 213. M SOUTH SWEPT I L Financier and Sport Passes Away nllMflRrfl FAI I JEFF DAVIS OF E TRUST'S LETTERS HbARS SUBMITS n Y H AN FREED ON BONDS OE AMPLE ARKANSAS M (tciiurts That Norfolk, Va,, Destroy. cil hy Tidal Wave Prove Erroneous Three Great Storms Ranlii'j Shliilii On Atlantic Emlanncrftl. WASHINGTON, Jim. a. Reports Unit Norfolk, Vu,, liml boon destroyed It) a tldiil wave, which tin nw the war department Into n u Iitrt of ex cltt'inoul hero today, wore incur talncd to tin groundless when tele phono rnmniunlcutlnn with the sup posedly destroyed city was iiiiidhimI. Tim known fad that it hurricane nu)it tlm entire smith tuility ulmost liurutyUliiK ciiiiinmiilrittluii from horn with Virginia at first lout color to thn roportn ot Norfolk' destruction, t'ommiinlentluu with Newport News wan obtained tliU nlluriioou, how vtur, and n brief dispatch from Hint liolut lit thrcu o'olook sold ttmt Nor folk was wife ii ml In no danger. Thn original Norfolk wireless that thn town wan tuuudntcd completely doaclvcd (hi) n (ivy officials. Tin' iiit'isugu ramu from omu cmoI ut lion. Tlnro .Stornii Raging NIV .YOltK. Jan. 3 -Telegraph mid telephone companies hero today reported three turrlflc storms ruglng tlirouKliuut lhn country. Olio In lii tlm northwest, another In tlm mlridtnwost nml tho third along tho Atlantic seaboard. Wires lit-twuun New York and Chi rugn nro crippled. Tho Atlantic fleet U gathering ut lliiiniton Itoiulii which U a tmd hur tinr for heavy blow, ft In feared tluil destroyer nml torpedo boat nro elidnngorod. Tho lowest barometer In years are reported. (litln Along Atlantic IIALTIOMHI', Mil., Jnn. 3. With ii lld gale blowliiK and a low baro- iiintnr giving promUo of tho worst storm of tho winter tonight shipping toil a y Is running for rufugo Into lliiltluioro hurbor. In thin elty tho roof ot the county jnll wa blown off. At Norfolk n iiunibiir of small harbor craft are known to have sunk imd nil that part of the coast U awept by the gulo winch nl mine places had reached n height of soventy iiiIIck hii hour. I'nrt of Newport Now la Inundated So far us l yet Known, there havn boon no lutallties. E L NKW YCIIIK. Jim. :i. The Hiili-h cruiser Nutul, healing tho lioily of the lute Whllelaw Held, Aiuerieiin it in lniMiitlor to (It out llriltilu, arrived heie today In u dense fog, high wind mid lieuvy ruin. Tho Nutul led u pmccnsioii of Auierieim wurship, noting (it escoils, pant the Ambrose Chunuel lightship to the iiuviil nil idimugn in tliu Km Hi river, below (IniiiI'h toinli, The IliitUli wurnliiii ennied Amor- ieuii unit lll'ilUli Hugs lowered to half must, I'olluwliiir the Natal were the Amoileun brtllloshlps Florida and Km tli Dakota unit tliu loipodu bout iloslmyors I too, Drayton, MoCnll ituil l'uuhliiig. On tieeouut of llin lieuvy fK the movements of the Nutul nml (he other warships we io slow, Ts'o salutes weie lireil, Admiral risk announced thai thin iiimk of respect would he paid lulei'. It Is planned to lake I lie body of I In lute ilipltnuul from the Kulul ut '1:1.1 o'clock IIi'ih ufleruooii, ourry iuir It ashore In u launch. The honorary- pull hcurors, it was intimated IIiIh ufloriionn, will iueludu llritish Ambassador JniaoH llryee, Senator Itoui, Semitor I.oiIkc, Bccio lury of Slate ICnox, ,1, l'lcipnnt Mor Kan unit Chuiiueey Af. Depew. EMBEZZLING SENATOR OUSTED BY RECALL KAN KHANCISl'O, .Inn. !!. Ah n result of u recall election held hure recently Statu Senator Muwliutl lllaek, accused of embezzlement from the I'ulo Alto htiildiuj; unit loan iihmi (liation of more than '.'OIMIUO in to day ousted iih a state official, Avail able retiuiiH Indicate Hint Herbert ( Jones, vprmblli'iiu, will unvcoed IJlnvU, ROD'S REMAINS Publisher flcails Missives from Arch hold to Forakcr and Scott, Glvlnrj Polllo Stiiiijcsllons nciinrdlnn Pcndlnii Lcfjlslatlou, WAHIIINO'IUK, Jan. 3. At u pe elnlly lulled nieetliiK of the Clapp commlttco thU nftemnuii, V. It. lliiiiMt Hiibuiltlcd new Utnnilurd Oil lottom. One of tliu epistle, dated I'ehrunry 11)02, n ud purporting to Im fiom John If Aruhbold to nx-Honutor I'or nke'r. refers to n drnstlc truit bill which then wus poudluir. It nays: 'H really souiiih ns thouxh this bill Is uutiecesNiirlly sevent, even vicious. Is It not better to test the Kheriunti law before resorting to a measure ot this kind? I should be pleased to Imvo word from you on the subject." Sibley to Arrlibolil Another letter purported lo be from Congressimiii Sibley of I'enn ylv.inlu, to Archbold under dutu of March 7, 1U0,",, It said: "I had h rouuirsutlou yesti'rduy with an Im portant official who (old me there muh only one thing to do- that was lo start n bnckflro. I. Ike myself he Is ulnrmed but as an official member of the reigning family his hands and tongue nre tied, lie thinks tho work should be done In the education of public sentiment between now mid when the mooting comes In October. "It has been decided, I think, to convene congress In extra session at Hint time, though the speaker will try to Imve It go otcr until Novem ber If he cannot do better. I shall know In a tiny or two how hu suc ceeds. t'onlfiil of AfMtdittetl I 'rest "All efficient lltornry bureau Is needed, not for a day or a crisis, but a permanent nml healthy con trol of tho Associated I'ress and kin dred ntcituo. It will cost money but It will be the cheapest In the end mid It can bo made self supporting. BY UNITED STATES SAN I'ltANl'ISCO, Cal , Jim. 3. -Declaring that h withheld S3:!2.K3 while acting as sperlal agetn and dis bursing officer, the United States government Is today suing I.ouls It (llavlM. former sperlnl agent of tho fulled Stntcit laud office and recent ly resigned as secretary of the C'nll forula coiiK'rvatlon ruuuultslou, to gether with his bonds men. The government alleges that (Davis withheld the money Involved between December IK, 1907 and January 31, lUI'J. (Iluvls gained prominence through the Plnchot-llnlllngei' controversy by alleging fraud on the part of llnlllu ger. Hu resigned us secretary ot the conservation commission, Dee. 3t, follow lug charges made agnlust him by Sunoyor-Ocuornl Kingsbury that he was betraying tlm state for pri vate Interests, PLATE GLASS WINDOWS When it passing uutoniobilirtt cut out the muffler on his inuehiue, .1. T. Ilroiiille'H eliihsie white nteed prick-' ed iln ent, oM'eutod a netvoui hide step and, boiled pell moll over the eiiib nml thropgh a luro plate gluss window In the Medford I'urnitiiiu & llurdwiiro store, Hy tliu lime a half hundred innocent bystander hud di'iiKcd the Htruliu imd blcedtuf,' animal back to the Hlrcct an iuveit lory of the daniiiKO uliowed (hut three plates of k'liUM hud been bhatlered. The horse si nick the coiner window near the doorway, broke (wo panes, then wan Hhuuteil toward the door where it broke the third uluss. The employes of the M. l' cc II. Co, lire hi'uuiniui; accustomed to utio.x p(cted onlraucc!) of horsen nml auto mobiloH and declare that hereafter nothing short of a rampant Htreet ear will onutc ihem to look up from their work, Tliu horso, uuide from it few bcrulohoH and the Hlmelc lo its uervmiH teinpcranient, is ns fit us oyer. 1 Thirty-two Iron Workers Officials Convicted at Indianapolis Ordered Released hy Circuit Court of Ap peals on Writ of Supersedeas. CIIICAdO, .Jan. :i.-Release on bonds of the thirty -two labor IcmiIci convicted Inst week III Indianapolis mi conspiracy to illegally lninioit dynamite fnuu the iederal prison at l.cuu'iiuorth, Kims., was onleied here Ituliiy bv .liistiees Maker, Sea man and KoIiImiiiI, niltiuu as the t'liiled Stales uil'uuit couit of ap peals. The coin t (.'runted u writ of super sedeas upplioil for by AllnnieyM for the convicted men after a louc battle in which the atlciiipl' lo free Ihem was bitterly opHiscd by United .Slates Attornev t'hnrles Miller, who declar ed thai, if freed from Leavenworth, the union men would Hie the eouutrv nml could net or be extradited back. The euiirt ordered, despite MillurV ohjeelious, that a writ of supersed eas Umic ami that the convicted men be released iaimedialelv on the pres entation of the bonds reipiiied. The government ii"ked hoiuN for I'niilent Ryan of the Ironworker of "U.000 or lU.Odtl for eaeh ear of his sentence. The bonds asked for eneh mini M'lilenoed to six v-onr would he .li().(lliO with the same ra tio extendi i' throiiuhoul (lie entile list of convicted men down to the one Veer men ut 10,00(1 eaeh. At SKATTl.i:. Jan. I. KuteniiK Hie editnrial rooms of the Post lntelli t'oneer at . o'clock Inst evening, C l. Kruiik, a firemaii, pulled a revolver fnuu his iMioket ami levelling the gun al Joe (lilbert, eily editor, demanded f 1,000 iii five minute'., (lilbert kept up a conveixitiou with the man while one of the stuff slipped away and telephoned the police. When the of ficers urrhfil they hud no difficulty in iirrosting the man. At the (silice Hlatinii he gave his age an 27. Frank made his way into the editorial room unobserved and it was not until he walked up to the city desk ami pulled the gun, that any members of the staff were aware of his proM'iioo. During the conversa tion he kept (lilbert covered, l'rank is believed to be insane. WEST'S DAUGHTER IS Bf A FALL KAI..'..M, Ore., Jan. il.-Little Hel en West, daughter of Hie governor is today recovering from a fall of 1A feet through a trap door in Hie quar tern of the janitor in tliu capilol building. The gill wus reaching out lo grasp the skirts of her aunt, Mrs. Hen Oleott, who with Mr. West, was walking about the capil'ol building, when she stepped on the trap anil was precipitated to the concrete floor below. Shu suffered a piuiuetl an kle nml minor bruises. STOCKS LOWER, BUT RALLY DURING DAY NKW YORK", .liiu. a,-With (ho exception of Rending loading blocks were lower than yesterday when tliu slock market opened hero today. Rubber and Heel Suggnr dropped I l-'J, Canadian ,1'acifio 1 11-8 and heavy selling wus noticeable in Wes tern Maryland which caused a of !l l-'J points. Hotter resistance was bliown hy railroad stocks than in tho indus trials. Prices in the London market were not up to the close here yester day. International stocks, however, showed loss weakness Hum other is sues, The important issues pulled up la tor by the covering of operations, Uhe market closed firm, JJomls were Htviuly. ONLY UNATIC WOLD H l " -- - HM1M ' fwf JAMES R - R. KEENE NK WYOUK, Jan.(a -Many promi nent financiers nndf noted horsemen are expected to bo 'in attendance at the funeral of James Itf Keeno, noted horse breeder nnd fjtianrlyr whq died here folfowlug unatTdoinlnal opera tion. Kecne hud been practically an In valid for two years. Shortly nftur midnight today hu began to sink ami pasted uway ut 2:13. Ills weakened condition, physicians said, prevented hlui from rallying. OIL KING STILL E WASHINGTON Jan. 3. Telegra phic Instruction to House Sorgeaut-ul-Arms ltlddoll, to continue his search for William Rockefeller, Standard Oil mngmito, wanted hero us n witness beforo tho house com mittee Investigating tho "money trust," were sent from here todny by Representative Pujo, chairman of tho committee. Leaders In the house nre admit tedly baffled over the Rockefeller case, all efforts to reach tho mil lionaire with a subpoena having fnlled, despite the vlglluuco of ltld doll and a small army'of deputies. Later In the day It was an nounced that the money trust com mittee would not muut until tomor row. At that time. It was said, plans would bo outlined to get Rockefeller before tho committee. Tho members of tho committee are considering asking for an attachment against tho millionaire for contempt of the house. Many of tho houso parliamentary experts believe It will require Joint action by tho senate and tho hoaso before a warrant for Rockefeller's arrest can bo Issued. INCREASE IN TINPLATE RATES ARE SUSPENDED WASHINGTON, Jim. . Tho in lei'stute commerce commission today suspended until .May V, the (imposed increased freight rate mi liuplnte ami sheet metal from eastern points to Oregon nml Washington. BLAME GAS COMPANY FOR SMALL PAPER Pour service hy the Gas company, luck of gas, U vcspuiisililo for the small U Mio today, it being iiuposiblu to sot any type until Hie eiuorgonoy gasoline plant was installed just before noon. f -r -r t i t t -r -r i AMES NOTED FINANCIER HORSEMAN DEAD A - KliENE- t ' t CONGRESSMAN LEAPS TO DEATH WASHINGTON. Jan. 3 Repre sentative William Wedemeyer of the second Michigan district Jumped overboard from tho liner Panama last i.l6ffittl3fa!frSrS?.iy Tngyc'.' He was drowned. Tho news was received hero today by the war department via wireless from the liner. Simultaneously with the uiMtedge telling of his sulcldo, colloagues received a messagu that Wedemeyer was on route here from Panama In charge of an attendant, and that he was obsessed with a Milcldul mania. Wedemeyer sailed yesterday from Colon. No details of tho sulcldo have been received hero. Wedemeyor's defeat for re-election comber as a member of tho congres sional Inspection party. Hu devel oped a hallucination and attempted sulcldo but was restrained. After being taken to the hospital at Ancon he Improved and started for home. Weilumyor's defout for re-election at tho last election Is believed to have brought on brooding which weakened his mind. TAFT WITHDRAWS E WASHINGTON, Jan. :t. Defeated in his plan to iioiiiiuuto Colonel Goethnls, civil governor of the l'an ama ennui by the certain opKitiou of the ilomoerntA, President Tuft eoufessed today that ho had been worMed when he told his friends that he would not nominate tho canal huildvr, but would leave thu matter to ProMileut-elei't Wil-on. President Tuft will not isuo tho executive order establishing civil government at Panama. That he will also leave to Wilson. T L1:AYI:N WORTH. Kims.. Jan. '.r No pormnnonl job, uro yet assigned to the tlurty-threo labor leaders re cently convicted in Indianapolis of violation of the federal statute against transporting explosives, who nro now contiuod in the fodurnl peni tentiary here. It is exnoeted that tasks will be assigned (hem this uf- teriioon. Kaeh prisoner was permitted to write two letters today. The first visitor to see the dvninni- torn was K. V. Parker of Kansas City who conferred briefly with W. J, Mo Cain nml W. JK'it Drown, EM STEAMER GETHL'S NAM Reports Current on Bourse at Paris Turks Surrender Isle of Chios to Greeks Sailing Vessel Hits a Mine Ultimatum from Balkans. J'ARIM, Jan. n. Uneornrboralcd icxirt that Adrintioplc has fallen and others that the city is in immin ent danger of falling are in circula tion on the ltourse here today. So far no official confirmation has been obtained. .SMYRNA, Jan. .'I. Sinking a floating mine at the entrance of this hurbor today the Turkish suiting ves sel Tlieodoree, (iOO tons vvn blown U'i and part of the crew were killed. ATHKNS, Jan. a. Official nn iiouneement was mudc here that the Turki-h garrixm on the Mnud of rliiiift, 'J.000 strong, has surrendered unconditionally to the Greek force of o.cupafion. CYOu .iitrlaiioptc or l-'lglit LONDON. Jan. n. "Cede Adrian ople within twenty-four litnin- or fit-lit." This ultimatum, it was M-mi-tifnc-mlly lated here today, ha been agreed tioii by the llalkau envoy-. to be presented to the TurkMi pleni Kteutiarie at toduy's session of the IHNife conferenec. The Hnlkau representatives, at tl-e expiration of the twenty-four hour will leave the conference if no an swer i rortluoming nml will at once advise their governments to resume hostilities. The Tiirk, pleading that they were unable to decipher their additional code or instructions from Constan tinople, delayed the oH.'iiiug of tho conference today , for inoni Hmn an liourr '''' '-- "-.,. - Occupation of Albania VIKNNA. Jnn. 3. Joint oeeupa lioii of Albania by Austria nml Italy immediately ufter the conclusion of tho louden puiivv etiufercnees i prvdieted here today by uu article in a local newpacr. The article declares that the step ii to be taken by the two powers to pacity the country and to "etablih there u new condition of affairs." It has been impossible to obtain any official confimiution of the re ooit hen. TO MEND BROKEN LEG NKW YORK, Jan. 3. Repair of a broken leg within four day and the healing of a cutaneous wound in less than one day is the Hrt great scien tific discovery of 1013, as announced today iu the current Nmio of the Jour nal of Kxperimentiil Medicine by Dr. Alexis Carrel, who received tho Nobel prize for medicine in 101'.'. Although Dr. Carrel does not go into details, he says tho discovery i the result of n series of e.xpenmouts begun in 1007, uud wonderful results already have been accomplished. 'Thyroid extract and liiueerutoil portions of other organ of the body applied to leg iructure.-. and cutan eous wounds accomplishes tliu above results," Miys, Dr. Carrel. SALEM'S COUNTY CLERK DID NOT COMMIT SUICIDE SAI.K.M. Ore., Jan. II There seems to be no ground for the rumor that County Clerk Allen whoso body was found in a swimming tank here yes terday, committed Mticido. Ilia books bariing n few slight errors aro cor rect, and ho hail plenty of money in the bunk at Silvertou to make good any discrepancies. He was intend in. to go to Silvertou ycMurduy mor ning with his boys and was in the best of spirits. Kxpert Drager has about completed the cxumimitiou of his books, BRUCE ISMAY RESIGNS FROM STEAMER LINE LONDON', Jim. 3. The resigna tion of J. llrueo Isiuay as president of the liiteriiatioual Mercantile Mar ino company, is accepted today by the board of directors of that con cern, It will take effect Junu 30, 1013. AS Picturesque Senator With Red Hot Vocabulary Passes Away Sudden ly at His Home of Apoplexy Senaje Adjourns Out of Respect. LITTLK ROCK, Ark., Jr.n. II.Tho funeral of United States Senator Jef ferson Davis of Arkansas, who died suddenly here enrly todny of apo plexy, probably will bo held Sunday afternoon. Tho funeral arrangements have not been completed. WASHINGTON, Jan.. .1- Out of respect to the memory of United States Senator Jefferson f)ai of Arkansas, who died suddenly nl his home in Little Roek, shortfy after midnight, the cnntc adjourned todny immediately after convening. This notion prevented the rssiiinpj(loH of the inieaclimeut trial of Judge Rob ert W. Arehbald of thu commerce court, charged with misconduct ,in office. .Picturesque figure Senator Davis undoubtedly was the must pictiiresqtto figure in thu seunte. He wus elected n member in 1007 and made himself known from the first day. Smashing till prece dents, throughout his membership he roasted the "criminal rich" and ig uoretl all efforts of his colleagues to snub hiiq. Duvis most recent exploit was the introduction of n rcniliition removing the tariff duties from ''New Hng Innd's sacred codfish." In mipporftdf his re.-olution, he poked fun nt Sena tor Lodge of MusHnrhusells. Itlggrst Voice In Senate Davis boasted that ho hail never used nn automobile and would never pay to ride in one. He had the big gest voice and the rnost lurid voeal'ii Iary o'f'nny inwnber ofWnr Venntc. Davis et hobliies were the south, the negro question, trusts nml thu crim inal rich. In 1DUS, when Senntors Gore, Lu Follette n ud Stouu conducted n fili buster nguiiwt the Aldrieh currency bill, D.wis wired from Arkansas .ns follows : ing." "Hold the fort. I am coui- He nrrived too lute, however, to bo of nsittnnee. GIRL BEAUTY IS I.OS ANGKLKS. Cal., Jan. 3 Warrants nre out here today charg ing .Mrs. Violet Ake, of Seattle, and C. C. lioxloy of l.os Angelc's, -with abductfon. following the disappear ance of Reatha Watson, tho beauti ful 10-year-old half-sister ot Mrs. Ake. Tho girl left tho homo of her father. W. W. Watson, two days ago. ' Watson swore to the warrants last evening after receiving a letter, pur porting to have come from his daugh ter, saying that she was "going east" and would write when sho reached her destination. Mrs. Ake nud Uoxlcy, who Is mar ried, dropped from sight bore about the same time, Ooxluy previously provisioning his automobile for u trip to San Francisco, Watson believes tho man and 'wo man havo taken thu girl to Seattle, where Mrs. Ako's small daughter la In school. Reatha Watson Is said to bo ouu of tho most beautiful girls of Los Angeled. Sho has frequently posed tor photographlo art work. . WILD CAHERS FATE . IN HANDS OF JURY PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 3. Tho government caso is today reatod and a motion for tho dismissal of the. In dictment denied In tho trial of A, J. Dohl, accused ot abetting a fraudu lent stock Issuo orchard lauds In thu statu of Washington. It Is expected tho caso will go to tho Jury tomor row. Iu an Instructed verdict of acquit tal, dutouso uttorney Hume declared the ovlduiice contributed did not sus tain tho points In the Indictment. Federal Judge Oonn took u contrary view, KIDNAPED L ) 1 y S