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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1912)
is"" "i" r-4 r - RCGE TWO StEDFORB MATt, TRITONE, MBDTOTiD, Olil'itlOX, TIU'liSDAY, MAY 2. I!)2. S3 i M N i?. i IOCAL AND IMPERSONAL 11 ' C. Ii. Mcl'horson of Grants 1'nsa Ih in Medford In tho InlorcfilH of the A. O. IT, V. nml vlslllng oll-tlmo friontln mid rolntlvo. k ' Ocorgo t,, Dnvla Is In Roseburg On a short business, trip. ( J AIlss Uossln Km t nor loft on No. Si f .-.' . ;. ' . I Mm. jaifen tinnier. flrt.l wnrkA- iMjrauny morning tor n. coupto. or, for tl.o Stnlo Christian Woman's t,,rco "nthii' visit to friends In llonrd of Jkllmloim, will no tlio guest Chicago. She, will stop on route In' nf hntirtf nt n fttrontlnn ltIvpi. I.v tho! "crueiey, wi., lor a lew un.v vish THEE YOUNGSTERS WHO ARE LIKELY TO STICK WITH THE GIANTS women of the Chrlstlnn church VrU day night. Whllo In Mod font Mrs, Hunter will Stnndofor'd. he tlie guest' of Alias Hev. J. K. Howard. ptistor of the Prosbytorlnn church nt (Herniate, was In Mod ford Tuesday and Wednesday visiting life mother. Mrs. S. T. Howard, and ofhcV relatives. Oor.d.wood, hardwood and, fir $4.r0 per single cord. Special low prices in carload1 lotn. Cold Hay Kcalty Co., fith hiid Kir. " H. 1). Hdmeadfl left Wednesday evening for a few days business trip to Portland. ""S. A. Patterson, publisher of the Central Point Herald, loH for Port land Wednesday. D. H. Hcame, the Wonder soap and man. Is tho best sowing machine repairer on the const. 24(1 North Onkdale. t ' Dr. and Mr. H.'flnrt lofNMedford Wednesday afternoon for a few weeks' visit to their son and family In Los Angeles. Thos. Moffat was in Ashland Wednesday afternoon and evening on business and in attendance at ft meeting of the grand officers of the Masonic order. Cordwobd, hardwood and fir $4.50 per single cord. Special low prices In carload lots. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir. Mrs. Johnson, who has been in Mcdford for several months on a visit to her son-in-law, John Arnell, and family, left Wednesday evening for Iier home In Seattle. II, G. Wortman took train No. 13 Wednesday afternoon for a few days business stay at Willows, Cal. Carkln & Taylor (John H. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank building, Medford. Mrs. H. G. Hodges and daughter. Miss Llla, of San Francisco, arrived in Medford Wednesday evening and will visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. McKeany, Mrs. McKeany being a daughter of Mrs. Hodges. Mrs. F. K. Deuel and daughter, Miss Katherlne, left Thursday morn- Ing for Redlands, Cal., for a month's visit with Mrs. W. F. Holt, a sister of Mrs. Deuel. Cordwood. hardwood and fir $4.50 yer single cord. Special low prices In carload lots. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir. D. E. Adams and family returned Wednesday afternoon from a win ter's stay In Tacoma. Mr. Adams owns a' ranch, near Derby, where he and bis family will res'de. Jas. Cu'Iverton, of Lake Creek, was In Medford Wednesday on business. Mrs. E. A. Earnst, who has been In Medford for two weeks visiting H. J. TIckner and family, returned Wednesday to her home In Chicago. Kodak finishing, the best, at Wes ton's, opposite book store. Miss Myrtle- Scogglns returned Wednesday to her home In Bend, Ore., after' a visit In Medford io her sister, Mrs. Louis Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B'aer, of Three Pines, Josephine co'unty, were In jMedford Wednesday on business. 8. A. Newell, ladies' tailor, 4tb floor M. F. & H. Co. bldg. Dr. L. Pearl BogGS, who has been In Medford several days vlbltiug her brother, Attorney O, C. Boggs, and family left Wednesday evening for Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. Boggs has but recently returned from China, where she has lived for several years.. Tho Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist church will meet Friday afternoon, May 3, at 3 o'clock with Mrs. Pattison, 1222 West Main street. Dr, M. C. Barber, physician and Burgeon, has moved from the M. F. & II. building to room 9 Palm block. Opposlto tho Nash hotel. 3C Mt. and Mrs. L. E. Smith of Ash land aro In Medford for a few days' visit before going to Portland, where they expect to reside. Mrs. Smith is n daughter or Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Bunch of this city. Money to loan, hi amounts of from $500 to $1000 on Improved real es tate, country property preferred. Carkiu & Taylor, Jackson County Bank bldg. Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Bradloy, of Spokane-, aro in Medford visiting Mr. and Mrs, A. L. CubIc1$. T. J, Camay returned" Wednesday ovening from Yrekn, Cal., where he has been employed several days lu putting up monumental orkfor the Oregon Granite conipany, of this city. ' i with friends. , Mr. and .Mrs. Edgar Hnfer re turned Wednesday evening from a business trip to San Francisco. ' 13, D. Weaton, commercial photog rapher, negatives inado any time or place by appointment. Phono M 1471 1 ' Mrs. Fred Single visited Central Point friend Thursday. It. I). Biggs, representing the Don ney & Co., a Chicago fruit cnminis slon house, is in Medford getting a' line up on tho fruit prospects of this' section of tho Pacific northwest. Mr. and Mrs. 13. J. Qulgley, or Harberton, Ohio, arrived lu Medford , Wednesday evening. Seo R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Terry, of Lnr ntnto, Wo., were among the ninny strangers who arrived- In the clt j from the south on No. 16 Wednesday evening. Mrs. Lou D. Jones and daughter,. Miss Maude, visited Central Point! friends Thursday. Robt. Graham, of Dallas. Texas, Is! . .. .. . . . . .. , ,i in .ticuioru loosing over wie cuy nnu surrounding country. He expects to locate here. Tho name chosen for R. N. Foster's confectionery store, former ly McDowell's, will ho printed In Fri day's paper. 35 Miss Alice Lambe. of Minneapolis, Minn., is In the valley visiting Mr. land Mrs. J. W. MacClatchle at their Max Vu orchard ranch, north and west from Medford. Dr. and Mrs. 13. R. Seely left Med ford Thursday morning on No. 15 for San Francisco where they will remain for several weeks. Dr. Seely will attend clinics in the Morton hos pital in that city during his absence. Miss Rose Flaherty Is at Phoenix visiting her friend Mrs. H. Corliss at her ranch home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl V. Oglesby, of Eugene, stopped off in Medford Wednesday for a few hours' stay in the city. Mr. Oglesby is a timber cstimater In Lane county. G. H. Eads has purchased tho coal and fuel business formerly conducted by J. Burbldge and will at all times have in stock a full and com plete line of fuel of all kinds, In cluding mill block wood for summer use. Mrs. A. E. Hall returned Thursday from a visit to friends in Ashland. Mr. Hall owns an orchard tract on Griffin creek and is engaged this spring in Improving the property to the extent of putting up several farm buildings, among which is a dwell- ". r . -sg--- M-V mrm k ;j Dnlilwln (or President IIIUMINI'OUT, I 'unit , M Tho doiuorrntlc stiilo iiiiiUMilInn lnnf liiHlnictod Null' dnfiiKKtoH t '"'M6 and 10 dlnlrlcl dolt'HiitoH for (lover nor llnldwlti or (.NiinlecUeul fur ) dent1 Tho (Murk hien urged that Clark ho named ns nnroiid choice, bill Un convention lenwd John r, WUto III OHKAI.OOHA. Inwn, May 2 .lulin T. Whllo, pii'itliluilt r Him Hulled Mine W'orkoiH of Aniorlrn, In undoi the dii'M or plnMlcliiiiN (iiilny nt tiln IdniiM Iimim Mm wiim midilouly wlih in''inl IioiiioiiIiiikmh, Vuitksflil liy ruptuud hliiiid m'khi'Ih, mid IiIh crin .Inldii i HM to ln Morlmyt. YMWV Treafment '- Stops Cafarrli (7 MJt")ys Drttmht TUU-hislcins III t-r i.i i; r ' I Hlnrhl Hi i . 4 1 mill i r I . i . n i 1 1 I mil ih, tliulViikho biliif !. 'I'"' l'"l'inl U' olUil ! )hsmil mil Hint Hi" IA ft- ilhit JHWtWJ li"m if ! m witj .'. iH'h iFnUnfiu-A Mmi i.-' i'it' i i.i. nwiBiiim' wf :l Hill' I HIW SlWfl'r lM- lll-"'-l mr i mi'.wp Vttxy ti'i ' i 'ui-m 'iffMiirn, .i pw rrttrtt liMliflfo1,'" rii'lfcfl'nlBl riin.i tvi pwri ur inn lnrM4iMI tfwiuo lu Hi., ti.n.l, iiii.ut mi. I lullUH. '! I h mi im' nh tvm Minn nihUr ki'.nl rllllUlll tV rolnlltl. loi t I I'UII Hill' I NIIV I I uyHlP Us Mnlligyliti Tlir''AnjM t I M ' i'rii II . i ii Mi I r -ill v in .... mi ut Uiin nlmitlv, MMI lllli .llill,.U. vrilltliii) illim 1W ii.nnn. iii I nm lur of H imrtia ir tin em irHHipeHi ihim lit t 4 1 1 i I .1, I ll I 1 1 m..i k i, ii yii mil i-licM ii Iry f,, h uitii HmiiiifMi fur uMty Mc, V rH nli iimiiitiiihHi 1111 .Mi'lt tliAh'Muw mtl iraatnifril (filel. I'nr flllll M,..ll.H mill llMtln III lUfMHMftl lln.. HKll lirllMI )UU tHCl lM( ii Ii. i siiy nri t.) iUeil.h, lUtflUm t ni.M,inMly irnu imiMf ltiK- I .i .1 ti i ir money I noli (junranloo. it . II .i imi I i HIM Uli. ii unit itui hm rniii nf ilimntn elrrh ny li'h' PlTCMCR- Thcrc are three young players whom Mnnngcr McGraw, of the New York Giants, Is likely to hold on in for further seasoning, namely. Maxwell, tho Southern pitcher; Nolmwcll. nn luilcldi'r. and Kvuiis. n southpaw illuger who shows great promise. This Is a bad year for recruits, hardly uny flrst cl.ias material nhonlng luolf tu (ho bis club managers. I HOil E Jng house which he now has nearly completed. Weeks &McGowan Co. UNDBRTAJKERS 9sy Vlioa M7X lffkt Vboatsl Jr. W. Wkl S071 A. S. On, MM X.Ar ABUMTAKT, HOQUIAM, Was'u., May 2. Trouble In the millmen's striko broke out again last night with the kid naping of Organizers Thorn and Bis cay of the Industrial Workers of the World. The men were located In Monte- sano this morning, with their clothes torn and bearing marks of a severe beating. Ho(iilam citizen police aro plan ning a vigilance committee In cato the I. W. W. men attempt to re turn. In the meantime Mayor Ferguson, who is in sympathy with tho strik ers, is pursuing a rigid investigation, and two warrants are out already, one Involving, It Is said, an ex policeman. Thorn and Biscay were taken from their rooms at the Queens hptel about 10:30 by four men and rushed oft by automobile.' Biscay wasstruck over the head with a gun butt In the melee, and a banister rail was torn off. TIDAL WAVE WIPES 001 ENTIRE TOWN APPELLATE COURT FAILS TO FORCE DUNNE TO ACT Ed Andrews is promising some thing good in amateur dramatic en tertainment in "Valley Farm," x at tta Marfrnr.l Iho'itor tav ?! Constable August Singler was In Talent Thursday on official business. T. C. White, of the Klamath In dian agency, is in Medford visiting relatives. Mr. White Is In tho em ploy of the national forest service at thd agency. D. H. Miller, of Gold Hill, was In Medford Thursday on business. E. M. McKeany left Thursday morning for a business trip of sev eral days to Sacramento. Mr. Mc Keany Is manager for the Producers' Fruit company of this city. M. J. Olson, of Falrdale, N. D ar4of mandate rived In Medford Wednesday eve ning. Rex Lampman, publisher of the Gold Hill News, telephoned his Med ford friends Thursday morning that a flno boy baby arrived at his homo Wednesday night. "Mother and son aro both getting along splendidly. Lee Watklns and family have moved from Central Point to Med ford and will make their home here. Mr. Watklns recently sold his ranch on Rogue rlvdr, near the Bybee bridge, and took In part payment for the purchase a considerable property In Medford. If tho dramatic schooling Ed An drews has given the Junior members of St. Mark's Guild counts for any thing (and all Medford people know it does) the production of "Valley Farm," a four act drama, on May 3, at tho Medford theater, will be an evening's entertainment eminently worth while.' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howell, of Pralrlo City, Ore., arrived In Med ford Thursduy.' F. H, Hauptman of Central Point was in Medford Thursday on busi ness. Help the Episcopal church people buy u pipe organ attend "Valley Farm" Medford theater Friday, May 3, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Grievo, of Pros pect, wero In Medford Wednesday add Thursday, Mr. Grievo has leased tho Prospect hotel,- feed stables and storo from tho Ray Reulty company and next week he and his family will tnke possession and commence u general overhauling of tho buildings, In anticipation of th'o usual Crater Lake summer travel. Tliero aro 20 SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., May 2. Following a lengthy technical argu ment before the state apiwllato court here today, Immediate Issuance of n writ of mandate, compelling Superior Judge Dunno to dismiss eight indict ments pending against Abo Ruef in his court, was today denied. Ruef's attorneys based their peti tion on the ground that Ruef had been refused trial within the CO days the law allows. Assistant District Attorney McNutt denied that a de mand for trlul had been mnde by Ruef's lawyors, and the lntter final ly agreed to a postponement of the wholo matter until they could filo an amended petition for the desired writ VICTORIA, II. C , May 2 News was brought hero today by tho steam ship Mamma, from Australia, of a tidal wave IS feet high which wiped out the Fijian town of Funa Point. All the Inhabitants vtorc killed or Injured, tho few survivors having nothing left to ent. A 1100,000 cop. ra plantation was destroyed and SO buildings washed away. DYING AS RESULT OF BEING HIT BY BASEBALL SAN HltAXn.SCO, May 'J-StrucK on the head by a Ims-diall, Peter Daw-on,-ii young post v'railuato HtiiuYnt of Snored Heart college mid pitcher on the college team, today lien in n critical eoudiriou ut St. Mnr'j, hospi tal 'iH're.-GnwftuH ufferVd nfrne- tureil skull uud grave fenrs for hi recovery nre entertained, Tho ncci dent occurred during u guine between (lie Snored lien it toiun ntnl the lilue jeeketj, fmin the training ship l'on-u-cola. KILLS HIMSELF TO KEEP FROM SCHOOL L. B. HASKINS TTT PROGRESSIVE ACcGRESSIVE ;uiiiihh?r II. V .May 'J. to Nolmol, I'nio-t VANVOrVKH, Knthor Hum go t'lurko, ii liuv of fourteen, living with Iik parent nt MS Kighlh tivonuo, West, uit himself futility, expiring jut nt the hour when ho should lutve been taking his plnoe in his elites iis morning. According to flu statement of the boy's father lie had been told that ho must go to M'liool. lie thou tool; n loaded xhotgun uud inflicted mi li m; rio us injuries on ItiniHolf (hut Dr. .Murray, who whs Munitioned mime dintcly, found it impotwililo (o muo hi- life. The bhonliug took place -it .S::il) this morning uud half mi hour later life wus extinct. PROMINENT METHODISTS HONORED BY CONFERENCE rooms in the hotel and besides these Mr. Grievo will provldo a goodly number of tents for the convenience of those guests who may prefer them for sleeping apartments. Mr. Grieve will also bo In n position this sum mer to supply tho needs of guests who may want pack and saddle horses. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., May 2. Three appointment of MethodlstB prominent on the Pacific coast to Htaudlng committees of the quadren nial conference cf tho Methodist Episcopal church hero, worn an nounced nt today's session of tho conference. They aru:- It. A. liooth, EugeiiQ, Ore., chairman of tile revi sion committee. C. E. Irons, San Francisco, secre tary of tho deaconesses' committee. Albert J. Wnllacu. Los Angeles, chairman of the stnto church committee. Ships to Travel Together LONDON, Mnv --'.-Sidney Jluxton, provident ot the hoard of trude, lo- duy Iiiih iromiM-d to eoiiHiiler tho ftiiggohtion.thiit Kn'-'lii'ul and Aiilericii Minimi iigree mill oeeilll iiuerx iiuiiii travel within easy reach of enoli oili er vlii'ii iceberg are known to be moving. Plorjccrs atlier PORTLAND; May 2 ShxitiiI bun. dred pioneer and other gathered ut UhtfmpooK, noaV iTere, today to cele brate the organization of American civil government on tho Pacific const, at the convention of OregoiiiuiiK at ChamiMiog, Mnv ii, 181.1. The colo bration a held under the uuiiccs of the Natno Sons of Oregon. K. X Mntthciti, the only person hung who was at the convention in 181.1 was a guciit of honor Democratic Vote for President and United States Senator COUNTY 1 t '.'.'.'. H!rv' I I M 1 i Halter . . . Renton . . Clackamuu Clatsop . . Columbia Coos .... Crook . . . Curry . . . Douglas . Gilliam '. ...7 ..;. Grunt . . i , . . . Harney . . .'.' '. , . .' . ,J,t Hood Illvbr, ,...'.. : . ..: Jackson Josephine Klamath , , Lake; Laiio Lincoln '...'... Linn , ;'.'. . Malheur . . .'. Marlon '. ,'. Morrow . . s , . . . Multnomah ' , , .','. . , . Polk ..." '. .. ;....'. Sherman . , , , Tillamook Umatilla , . , ., Unl6n ; t Wallowa , , , , ,..,..,..,;.', Wusco i . ,., ,.,. , Washington Wheeler , '. Vnmhill '. 4 i t i PRESIDENT , SENATOR z u i:i8 2ftl lie 207 2:si OR ' r:u ii.ii 141 1!U fi 2 .'!(8 U8 27 ' D4 i;i8 r2 :t 1 1 2 or; '322 ' 07 1220 228 (JO 220 ,'ino 1 0f 11 Ii Hit . 01 240 c s 3 a o o ei n O V iQfiYsrw'fffi 270 :i05 112 173 104 01 268 CO 144 no S2 170 102 77 00 270 !KI 01C 80 173 3 211 131 2023 12 370 i 4 i 211 '! 15 10 0 21 10, Ul I 27 II 17 lf I 38 i I 33 17' CJ 111 10J 30 j 315 0 lfiS fiiii no 20 ion 0l Dl 10i 2K0 a Totals ..!78S361o54i7J3Q 37 91 30 27 14 83 42 580 7 33 r9 19 310 80 04, 29 240 19 177 '88 140 IB 223 05 12 27 30 40 44 32 02 37 92 200 191 99 72 209 251 32 268 .73 9H 124 93 200 100 20,3 105 395 07 320 140 459 37 2878 352 01 70 170 129 90 197 193 41 244 02 a Ki "70T5 85 150 123 13 72 95 33 00 30 129 129 18 203 83 01 21 174 20 120 00 137 43 002 100 10 13 384 538 190 28 88 27 145 121 Parisian Sage .Voiding Like It for Hemming Dan druff and .Stopping Hcalp Ilili Kvory man, every woman, boy nud girl should fight tho dandruff gorius that are sure to cnuso falling hair and lmldiicHR. PAUISLYN 8AGK Is so delightful to use; It Is Instantly refreshing and Invigorating and host of nil It kills tho dandruff geruts. Cbns. .Strang guarantees It for Itching scalp, falling hair, dandruff and for faded, (full looking hair. He guarantees it an' good ns a bond. "Mrs. Anun Drown, Unckvlllo, Conn., writes: "After I used the first bottlo of PAIUSIAN BAGB my hnlr stopped falling. 1 do not think thoro in anything better' for falling hair and .Itching scnlp." Largo bottle 50 cents. We Don't ii .i.i .i. ....A,l.. ave To Do More We could (iitt the inlirttt.lnip lhdu and f d thul wn had siniiu. pllfthod all Hint wo had mured to gam b thin iutlnn and hem mi iin'thlni; funny -r now and then and it an I Unit nil Ion hoard of a person who Mtild they would Hm to mnio in u but then un, intviirilsnil mill itu fo.irtiii that 1( iliev calm) wiiiiii of tliulr KieilUH IIIIKIIL IUUKI1 III llll'lll. , WHAT A JOKK Who In thoro that wautsHUch husliiwm h that or pitch friends either? Purely a rtwn of lack of liitrtlnui uarriiw mlndmlnoHs ot tills shiuh porwui would not luwltnti to buy a package of "cold euro" Oh. fiulm. , Just rouioinbor that wo aro horn uud ntid tho ml , and thou If you do not come to nn It will help our competitors and (hut Ih doing Home good. Wn'rc good fellow. CONSULTATION WLWAYH KHKK I )r. Hnuudors & Green i:yh, i:.u. nohk and tiiuoat rpkcialihth Second I'loor (Jarnutt-C'oroy IIiiHiIIiik ..MKDI'Oltl). OUIUION REXiTABLE ETHICAL You brought nothing lu'o the world and will curry nothing out of It, hut you will inl a whole, lot while hero It your eyes aru not properly fooumid. Hotter litivo them examined by my nelnntlflo cnrioborntlvo method and bo mint that you are not minding anything. No Drugs (Drops) Unod DR. RICKERT (Over Kontnor's) K1-M-r4jH4'-MH-HHt I IMPORTANT CHANGE IN TIME OF S. P. TRAIN No. 20 ? DON'T MISS IT I Commencing May 1, Southern Pacific pasaongor : train No. 20 will go north at 7:35 a. m. instead ol ;; I 8:04 as at present. Don't miss this train. a i j w J,,, J,.,.,J.,,tf..l.,t.J.J. AAAAlJiAl free ' Theatre 1 Tickets ALL DAY Tomorrow and : Saturday With ever jr cash" of $1.00 vo vijl fiiyo a free ticket which wi -" c c;cod at any performance at the Star Thea,tor. F. W. Shapleigh Hardware . i 28 South Central "Our Lormtioii Moans a Having to You" The Famous Toledo Range Have you seen them in the wjridow at the big store? Look at the prices The big store-West Main ' and Grape Streets Garnett-Corey Hardware Company i 4 A ir , t