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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1912)
PAOTC TWO aranFOun mail trtbunk arrcproRp, owwaoy. iprway. January in. 1012. BIG ATTENDANCE MINiraCHESS neports from .All Sections of the Country Show That Large Number of Delegates Will Be In Mcdford Next Month for Congress. PROGRESS EVERYWHERE IN RELIGIOUS WORLD STARTS NEW YEAR IHtttvDK lOHTHtKT'JWt'tf, S CfeRtnNM. WRlCf. CMVOTNAC OlBBONi. 1HCW OK NMW WrT "AAMmm. According li lnttfSt advices from nil sections of tlio uthlo, n record breaking nltondunec is expected .?t tlio meeting of tlie Southern Oregon Mining eoijgrc!, to be held in thi eitv rVbrnfcry S and 4. Sliniiiif exports of national reputa tion will be on the program mid actual mining operations arc general ly suspended during tlio winter montlm, n general gntlicriiig f prac tical mining men is expected. Ah- land, Grants Pass and Gold Hill arc making up big exhibits Mid a -diurp competition for first prize i cpeet cd. On tlio fiist day incoming train1 will he mot with a Iirn- band and mi itor conducted to the congress build ing for inspection of exhibit, com luitteo work, etc. In the afternoon there will he an address of welcome by Mayor Canon and responses b the mayors of Ahlnud and Yrcka mid Gninls Pass. F. J. Newman of Med ford will talk on "Our Congress," Judge Cohig on "Knrly Mining," Judge Ilurke of linker City on "'Min ing Legislation, Prof error Parks of Corvallis on "Tho School of Mines." In the evening T. M. Anderon of Kcrby will talk on "Prospecting," Otto Hoses of Swson. Cnl., on "What Siskiyou County Jls Doing." E. W. Liljegran will ghe a similar talk on Jackson county and C. S. Milligram of Grants Pass on Josephine county. A similar nddross will bo given on Douglas county. On the second day the morning will be given up to exhibit? and the awarding of prizes. In the uftonioon M. L, Warren of Cottage Grove will -- . UhTE ". MJi"'1v. - J" 1 -T?- L .r 0- . r s jT-.v- - "V. am c ?jRiEr3c3in xWK&ZwsmJ VVJliJP vGPuvJ . mqPJt ' "" n--! ".?;' - - - ; - , ' '" NEW ST. THOMAS'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH NOW DUNG URECTCO. CMMCDRM. OT '. tut nniNir .riinm JkMl) H3H0P CHNUXy CWJkUN6. tjE V! - iOMNCR. 6URCH WktW?. W-CtoSvCttpt; hMMk ' As we start on the New Year we And progress everywhere In the religious world. Millions were spent during the old jenr ami tbe current year promises to eclipse the old record. With three American created as Cardluiils the Catholic' Church enjoys a crowning cie&t. Aud all tho other denominations are hulldlng niagnllkent structure In pretty much every city. The Protestant womon of the country, with Mrs. Pea body ns chairman. rnlcd close to it million dollars as a thank offering In celebration of the golden Jubllco of the work of American women for their slater- !u heathen lands. Rev. Dr. Jowetr, formerly Tf England, Is dolug great work In the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, of Ter York, nnd Itlshop Kurcu, of the- Kplcopa! Diocese in New York, I right proud of the proicres of his Church. Tho n-gniflccnt Cntucdral of SL John the Dtrlne is nocrlng complettor In New York 'and another tl wli. -co will be the new.!. Thomas Cpiscrnal Chnrch, in Fifth avenue. New York. This condition prevails nil over the country nnd the religious world Is to bo congratulated. The Itcvs. Grosvenor aud MncArthur arc t -vevor tiring clergymen of tbe Cast. BEDFORD LAND CO. C. C. ChiNon aud Jiime S. Camn- eilizens talk on "Tho Jtohcmia DUtrict," n , ., f i . p,.. n . m m ii W, bell, both fonnerlv prominent ucnrpn Hnnsn nil "lliir I Invi. " Klmar ' Hicks of Mcdford on "Our Building of IdaIl0 ,,sv(! ,ecidwl tc bocow ,Mr -T nrr Stone." Another address will bo on "Our Coal Mine." Secretary L. D. Mnhonc of the state board of mines will speak on organization and Soe rcctary Calbrnth of the National Min ing congress of Denver will talk on the public land question. Among the speakers on the pro gram not mentioned above ure Mrs. L. B. Bnrtlctt of Portland, state pres ident of the mining association; Hon. Bobert G. Smith, mayor of Grant Pass, and Hon. D. K. Murray of Grants Pass, who will speak on "The Genesis of Ore Bodies." E HT 8 A grange with almoM 40 member ha;, been organized at Willow Spring, and all indication show that the field is a good one and that n Jamc mein bcrhhip may be expected. The following officer were elected for tho ensuiug term: Hnlph Dean, master; E. T. Nenl, overseer; Mrs. Frank MoKeo, lectur er; Julius Birkholz, htoward; Krl Tnjlor, uhsistnnt utownrd; Mrs. Syl mii Lake, lady Hi-HUtaut steward; Mrs. 0. S. Wolhher, clmplnin; A. V. Carlhon, troiuuror; Mih Martina Nenl, secretary; WliiHin Hughe., gate keepor; Mrs. Hnlph Dunn, Ceros; Mrs. K. T. Noal, Parniii; Mih Ivthol Dean, Plora, maueut residents of Mcdford and have formed the Medford Inud com jinny nnd lea.-ed offices in the Fiisi National bank bnildin The Pocatello Tribune of Jntumry 12 contains the follewing: "Pocatello peopbv will bo interested iu loaring that two ojd-tffne Gate City residents, who made flioir stakes' in this metrojtolis of south eastern, Idaho, Jiavu linked fortunes, in Mcdford, Ore., and ore coining Webfoot JanU into dollars. C. V. ChiU son, pioneer Short Line dispatcher, ex-member of the Pooajello city coun cil and for years n prosperous roal estate and ;uurucc broker in this city, and James S. Campbell, cx county clerk of Bannock comity, owner of valuable Pocatello prop erty nnd for ycara one of the biwt knowji young busituMg men in this end of the statje, have funned Iho Mfld fbrd Land ooiimany at Medford, Ore. Aecerdjjjg: to their letterhead they deul in orehnrd tmet, fruit and al falfa land, city property, exchanges, timber land, loan-, insurance nnd rontnls, in the famous Boguo Kior valley." Belling roal estuto in this city : neither u doubtful nor nn expensive task it's u want ad task. St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Sunday services" in St. Mark church will bo ;n folloU-s: Holy com munion, 8 a. in.; Sunduy school, 1(1 n. in,; service mid xermon, 11 a. in.; tfVoiiing prayer and sermon, 7:31). All are invited and welcome. Joseph Shcerin, rector. Never relaxed vigilance in "stook ing" with only depoudublc goodi, and under suoh buying conditions as war rant real price concessions tlnwe things mnko n storo worth while mitl its advertising intereting. CHILDREiSlDDY, FOR WM CONIES! SncriiitciuU'iit Wells hns sent out literature to the school, of Jackson comity announcing four contests in spelling aud arithmetic to be held on Friday afternoon,' February II, March 8, April 5 and May .') and a spe cial contest for the sohools making the highest averages, to bo held on May 17. The contests are so ar ranged that the smaller schools have mi equal chance with the larger. All s-ehools maintnitiiug more tliliu one room are in one class and nil one room schools are iu another. All grades from the fburfli to the eighth arc entitled to enter the contest each grade competing with its corre sponding grade from other schools. In both instances the standing of the schools will be computed on the per centage buds. A noimant with suit able inscription is the grade prize and n larger pennant the grand prize In tho finale. In addressing the teachers Superintendent Wells says: ' 'I hope that every xchonl in the county will enter this contest. Your school or some Class in your school moy prove to be the winner. At tidy rnto your pupil will derive much good from the drill received. Children low a contest which mnke- play out of work. Give the children of your school n chance to play this gnme and win n. pennant." FOUND. Gray gelding; old hIiohh on all foot. Hrandod on tho right shoulder Own er mny lmvo umno by proving prop erty and paying for this ad. C. F. HICKOK. On Griffin orook at Dnrr Ranch. 207 GEMTRAL POINT OFFICE SHOWS GREAT GAIN One of the hct indications of hui-iic-s conditions m a community is tint of the jMistoffice receipts and accord ing to Postmaster Tex'.-, most recent roiwrt Central IMint shows nn in crease in general business of 10 per cent over last year with u showing of 20 per cent increase .in the money order business, says the Central Point Herald. Postal rcccijiiii for tho year jn-d par-scd were $3.W7.23, an incrcno of 10 per cent oyer 1010, with n tptal money order Imsfncstf of .fJll),-l7 l.'JH, an increase of "JO per cent over 1JJ10. Willi the iHjsial savings department in operation only two months, ilcMt--itg of nhno-t $1000 show that this de partment is meeting with popular up provhl. The number of betters registeicd during the year wiy 721 and the num ber oT lock b&xca in use was 188. f NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 00T Booklet Contains Printed Matter- 130 Paycs of Is tlio , Lamest of Its NattiroEvcr Issued In South ern Orcijon. The Muil Tribune job printing tie partment hits hut ituiontly completed a new telephone directory for the l'u cillc Telephone and Telegraph com panv. The ditoctory .eoutuiiiH 110 pages of printed matter. It i the largest directory ever printed in southern Oregon for use in this sc. -tion. Iu it there are printed HUD telephone nmnberft for Medfoid alone There is tut fancy printing iu it, hut there is a whole lot of good, plain, business souse printing, executed in a manner which tells plniuly, aceur atelv and effectively thono things which it is intended to tell. It is that kind of printing which ecr, business man needs if ho expects, to encourage trade' nnd confidence through either the uxeiiues of his job printing or his advertising. The Mail Tribune job printing de partment is now better ciptipcd for nil kinds of commercial printing than ever before. Mr. Sehraek, the niun nger of that department, will gie your order personal attention nnd care, and having had it great number of years' experience in printing in large cities, be Knows when our job is right and busiuessliki. JURY IS SECURED TO TRY DR. HAZZARD Do You Need Drain Tile? WK aiANlll-'Airi'PUM IT r. ,, Tlio llcst That Can tlo Made Before Ordering Heo Us. Rogue River Pottery Co Plant ut Tolo. U0t (ianict t.Corcy llttlg., Medford sssssssssMllrr V TMfS tWo,' pi'irirnr, z Tsra V. .. Jl wmWimmsSL ff.v' 2 ' A Full Line of Peerless Lamps All iinraiuocu. Now ih js tho ilnift to gol. your houso wired. Good light nddn to tho comfort oC wintor inontliti. !; SO. 0.1EG0N ELECTRIC CO. North Grnpo Street. S 4Nrt(rtr'4rt,d mnMMH,mnwwi m-wr wwmm I'mwnrm:- 2 COtVKtOMT J!iJpTl'llV Have you harucstfed up n want ad lately mid hitohed it to your tusk7 Tell whnt the place is like briofly. The prospective tenant is uatchiug for your ad. AUTOMOBILE PLUNGES THROUGH ICE, CARRYING FIVE TO DEATH Kzoroxs XAXKXTS. 2UttI Vriocs. Vegetables, Potatoes Jl. GO per 9wt. Cabbage 2c Parsnips 2c. Lettuce Be brtad. Carrots 2c. Beets 2c. Onions 2c, Celery 50c Jl do. Cauliflower lOlGc head. Turnips 2c. Radishes So bunch. Onions Oreen, Go bunch. Fruit. Cocoanuts 10c cacti. Primes Dried, JOo lb. yomons 25c dozen. Hnnnnna 10c to 30c per dozen. Orangca 15c to 40c. Cranberrlos -lGc quart. roll, H Mm, 1P v , $r"sx& ; i 1 V&nT&rH; ,&&'' u bunevwmAnMm, ti' aces , 1fy "',, jK : iCRJVPP.iiiiU , for vxcrcrwd or feKoaicviTjijE, a.uo?omobitjE. jrnv5,rrvrfi nutter Kggs and I'oultry nutter Fresh ranch, por Quo', creamery, 8DC Kges Fresh ranch, 3fic; atorago, 2Gc. Poultry Hens, dressed, 16c; llvo, 12c; sprlncs, d reused, lGc. Turltoys 20c' to 2Gc, drensod. Meats, Wliolcsale Hoof Cows, 4 l-2c; ateors, Gp. Pork G '4 c and Cc. Veal Dressed, 7-10c, Mutton 3 $"3 l-2c, llvo; lambs, 5c to T'c. Hay nnd Fcod. Hay Timothy, ?H; alfalfa, $12; grass, 12; grain liny, ?14. Grain Wheat, DGo huahol; oats, 135 ton; barloy, $35 ton. PORT OIU'IIAIM). Wnli., dan. It). The jury iu the tlr-t djtrec mur der trial of Dr. Linda Iturllel llnx rurd, the fttnt euro npeciiilist, churged with the death of Misn Clnire Wil linuiMiii, wuk dually completed nt noon today. The ecniiiinatiou ol euircmen was begun .Monday morn ing, mid four special venire had In ho cirlled. Special I'roKeeiitor I'Yhuk II. Kcl ley of Tacoma will mnke the open ing statement for the slate this aft ernoon. The defense of the woman doctor will be that .Minn Willuiiiikou died from natural cuuc:, that she came to her for treatment after other physicimiH had gium her up. PASS MAY FOR 1700,000 Referendum petitions are being cir culated at (IrantH n, one unking that the city ipmic boiuU fur -f 1(1(1. 000 for municipal water mid light plant, mid the other to bond the city for .fJOO.OOO to tnumform (filbert mid Skuifk crcck intn coudiiitK into which nil Hewern will enter. N'amoH are be ing secured mid if n MiifiliMout mint' her are secured they will ho coindd- l, . crcii. Ncni'ly ii (iimrtor of it contury under tho bmiio innnni;onioiit t THE Jacksoii County Bank Medford, Orogon It has suooeoded booaiiso oC Soundnoss of priuciplo Economy of nmiuigaiiionl Safety of invest niont Courteous and liberal treainiOnt CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. T. Arnwtert President CI. 1?. Lindlev, Vice Pros. C. W. ArcDonald, Cashier' Hnsklna tor health. Gasped for Breath UaMrlllH Nearly l.'udcd Id re of Win. V. .Matthews. Itcail Ills Jx'ttcr "1 was bothoroil for years with stomach trouble mid gastritis. Food laid like lend iu my stomach and fprincutad, forming gns. This emitted it preasuru on my heart, so that I choked and gasped for breath, and thought my tlmo had come. !!() NA cured mo after I had doctornd without hiiccobs." Win. V. MnthowH, Hloomlngton, Iud. If you suffer from Indigestion, Iiondachori, dizziness, bllloiiHiiehs, (onstlpatlon, lunctlvn llvnr, nervous ncss, Hlcoplcusncss, bad dicmiiB, foul breath, heartburn, shortness of breath, Hour stomach, or desponden cy, bo sure and got MI-O-NA stomach tnblotH. They are guaranteed, Largo box GO cents nt Chjis. Strang's and druggists everywhere. ...First... National Bank -t-OF MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $08,000,00 United States and Postal Saving Depository We solieit your business, which will reeeivo one careful attention. I'. K. DKI'IMi, I'HIWIDHNT SI. I. .M'()HI. CASH I Hit OHIttS (,'HAWI'Oim, ASSISTANT CAHIIIIIIl $40 PER ACRE For 80 acres the east half of tho northwest quarter of section 5, town J(i, range I west one and (i half miles Avest of J'lagle Point. Twenty "to 25 aeres has been under cultivation. ' The owner is very anxious to sell and at thi prieo it ought to move. W. t. YORK & ce: Mail Tribuno Block Five persons, two men and three girls, wore drowned In the spot shown in thli photograph, near Trenton, N, .1., Yhcn an otitonioblle in which tiey wetg rutiinilug home at two o'clock In the morning, driven by Frederick M. Foster, f-KldftiHl on tho highway and plunged into a power cnijnl. Fobtor vas thrown over the steering wheel und Bwam nsliorc. Tho olhers, pinned in tho car, wcro dt owned. XOTICK. Notldo Is heroby given that tho underslKiiud will apply to tho city council of tho city of Medford, Oro gon, nt its next regular meeting on February 0th, 1P12, for n llconso to sell spliltuoiis, vinous nnd malt mi nora in quantities less than n gallon ut his placo of business on lot 10, block 20, In said qlty, for a porlod of lx mouths. W lt WiUh KARNHH. Doted Jnn 10) int. Roguelands Irrigated Tracts $4ti0 per acre, plowed, fenced, leveled acl planted to a standard variety of trees, with - a perpetual water right. The terms are easy : 10 per cent down, and the balance in monthly or yearly payments. ROGUELANDS INCORPORATED FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager mmmmwmmmummmmmmm .; Kl 1 r V