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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1911)
' vm six MNDFOttD TSIATFi TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR MOON, Wl'WNKSDAY. NOVIWHWU t, 1011. ITALY TO INCREASE UP TRAIN: SOCIALISTS ARE READY FOR RACE ii i November 8 Is Named as Date for Caucus to Name Candidates for Election In JanuaryFull Ticket Will Be Put In Field. "CHICK" MAY GO ON STAGE LITTLE DAMAGE ON HALLOWE'EN SPRAY FACTORY TO BE ERECTEO Sampson to Build Plant Near Vnor hecs to Supply Vnlloy Has Hcro toforo Operated a Plant at Grants Pass. ' V H,i OVERLOOK LOOT Over $200,000 in Specie in Express Car hut It Is Not Found by Ban dits Government Makintj Bin Shipment. CLAIM UP AGAIN Congressional Committee Again In vestigating Claim of Heirs of Not ed Leader for $386,000 Out of Chi nese Indcmity Fund. A Unless Turkey Submits Now She Will Eventually Bo Forced to Grant Ital ians Far More Territory Than Is Asked for N6w. Reported That Manager of "In Old Kcnjucky" Has Offered Local Col ored Champion a Job With His Colored Band. Boys Bohavcd Themselves Very Well Indeed and Although They Had Plenty of Fun They Caused hut LIU tie Damano In City. 0 GENERAL WARD DEMANDS It .-. JtOMT, Nov. 1. Official nn nouucontenl wnp inntio by the cnbinct loilny that unlos-j Tinkoy comes to lurniH Italy will inovciiso her terri tory (luninmta nRainet tbu Saltan. U is boliovol tl.c cabinet lies lo Oiiled uikiu a plnn to seize llio Turk ish island. 'I'lio foreign office ohnvuotemos s absurd tlio Constantinople, report thtll General Caiieva has boon cap tured. It declares Italy lias not had u uothnok since the war opened. OKLAHOMA CITY, Okln.. Nov. 1. fe-Deolnrlng his marriage with Edna Goodrich vWaa n "frame-up" and "a Motherly Interest proposition," Nat (toodwln, Jioro to presont a now play, Bet tlio tongues of society posslpors wagging today. Tlio thrice divorced Goodwin declares that all his mar rhigo ventures wcro purely business transactions. Ji KM PUiy. Twin., Nov. 1.-Holding up the wittdbottud lloek island mail and express train at Arkansas Junction, nerose the MtMssippi from here earl y today, two masked rob bers blew the afo in the express ear and eenitcd bat without nnv loot.. The bandits nre believed to lme had inside iiifortnatiou rugunliiiK the largo amount of eaMi on board the train. The United Stales expre eompnny was making a shipment of .$'2110,000 in four packages of $30, 000 each and several other eoueoniK were also shipping specie on the same train, but the robbers overlook ed this. , GRASS VALI.KV. Cat. John Hays Hammond, ambasador, diplomat and famous mitring engineer is "fired'' from Qunrtx l'arlor of the Native Sons because a friend forgot to pay bis dues. WASHINGTON, 1). C. Nov. 1. -The houses committee on expendi tures in the tle department has re sumed today its bearings on the pay ment of the General Ward claim for $:1SO,000. which former Secretary of State John W. KoMor obtained after leaving the cabinet, front the Chin ou boxer indemnity fund. Secretary Foster is alleged r have received half of he sum as his fee. He was the flrt witness called. He admitted that bis personal influ ence had something to do with Gen eral Frederick Ward's heirs getting the money from the boxer indemnity fund, based on General Ward's, work in China. Ward, who was n soldier of fortune, was killed during the Taiping revolution in 1S02. Home prosperity depends npon home Industry, and stato-wido pros perity will be greater if factories The local sooinliMs arc already preparing for the nJuunry uity elec tion uud plan to have a full ticket it' the race. On next Wednesday even ing they will bold their caucus attd decide upon tltoir candidates. The souilaists stale that they will lutll the heaviest vole in their his tory in Mcdford in January. lal year they succeeded in electing a so cialist to the city council. Street Car Tickets Cheaper. SKATTLK, Wn.. Nov. I. The Se utile electric light company after a long drawn out fight, must sell '23 tickets for $1 on its cars us well as at isolated places about lite city. The city council passed an ordinance to this effect muiiu time ago and Mayor Dillon vetoed it .lnst night the council passed it oxer his bead. Hasklns for Health. Kveit if duck Johnson docs not de feat t'hauipccu Chick, thr west hide mav lose their pride just the same as it has been rumored urottttd thai Chick might become a leader of the cullud pickiuinny hank which is now in town playing in "Old leittuck", Chick says, "If nh licks dis etc Johnson boy, tilt gttoos ah hcllnh vroes on the stage, whcte dere nut lots ob money wattitt fob me." This morning was the first time Jack Johnson had anything lo say, and he cut it very shert: "Jes you tell Mistah Chick it am his farewell, tlass all." Scats now on sale at the Nash hotel. SAN JOSK, Oil.--A six-page so cialist daily newspaper is soon to he started here in mi effort to help San Jose to follow the lead of Berkley) by electing a socialist mayor. Mill Very little dagainu was done by thu hoyrt of Mcdford Tuesday night. Hallowe'en passed of quietly and only harmless pranks were in ditlged in. It was the quietest even ing in years, A large number of paities weie gien and enjoyed. Destroys Liquor Craving IlruiikeiincHH Is a progressive ills case; tho moderate drinker In not satisfied with two or three drinks a day; tho craving for more nnd uioro becomes irrcHlHtlhlo as (ho disease ad vances; thu result Is Chronic Alco holism. Tho treatment iihciI successfully by thousands right In their own homes Is On loo. It Is sold with tho under standing that if it does not benefit after a trial, wo refund your money. II, ('. Sumpson of Grnnln Pass ban leased u in u I of laud near tint Vnor bees crossing south of this city uud intends to erect thereon a spray factory In supply tho orchards of the valley. Mr. Sampson ban been hi biuiliioHd at Grants I'iihh for sonic your past, 11AI.TIMOUK, Mil., Nov. I. Hour Admiral l'ott. U. H. N., retired, Is deserted by his third and last daugh ter, Miss I'YnnroM Potts. Despite his protests Miss 1'otts today followed her two sisters Into a convent to ho come n C.artitollto nun. Orilue No. 1 Is tho secret remedy; Orrliio No. a Is for those willing to tnlco tho treatment. Hither form costs $1.00, if you aro Interested ennui in and we'll Kindly toll you ahoitt tho good OltltlNM In doing. Ask 'for free booklet. I.cou W. Ilnslcliis. a 1 1 K. Main. "- JL ECOND WEEK OF ANNIVERSARY SALE Having had numerous requests by customers to continue pur ANNIVERSARY SALE until after the first of the month, we have decided to run it another week and have added new special values for this week. This has been a most satisfactory sale to us also surely to our patrons as we have given some real bargains and will continue to do so as our stock is large and varied; also much new merchandise is coming in which is being most temptingly priced. r I; IMS I felSfl Evening Dresses Of which will he displayed in our show window over Sunday many beautiful models, all of which are spe cially priced for the Anniversarv "Sale. Regularly priced at $35,00, $-12.50, $50.00 to $60.00, ANNIVER SARY SALE $27.50, $35.00, $42.50 to $49.50 Wool Dresses One of very special mention is an all wool serge and diagonal cloth, kiniona sleeve, high waist line piped with velvet and velvet button trimmed; colors navy blue, brown and black. ANNIVERSARY SALE $13.95 OTHER DRESSES AT FROM $10.00 to $35.00 Tailored Suits AT ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICES Three very special prices at $15.00, $19.50 and $29.50. The line of Tailored Suits at $15.00 are models that regularly sell at from $18.50 to $22.50; strictly tailored styles, reliable cloths and makes. Jackets are 28 to 32 inches long. ANNIVERSARY SALE $15.00 Tim line of Tailored Suits at $19.50 includes some of the best models of the season in mixtures, serges nnd a few braided broadcloths that were regularly priced at $22.50 and $25.00 and a few $30.00 Suits. ANNIVERSARY SALE $19.50 The line at $29.50 includes many of our best models at $35.00 and numerous values that run as high as $l".00, but the latter models have plaited skirts. AN NIVERSARY SALE $29.50 Long Coats An endless showing of these popular Long Coats in golfing materials, heavy mixtures, caraculs, plushes and black broadcloths; most of these are exclusive mod els, the famous "Style Craft" make, which stands for best in any community, for which we have the exclusive agency for Southern Oregon. Many are marked at, special ANNIVERSARY PRICES....'..$10.00 to $45.00 Children's Coats AT ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICES " A vast showing of Children's Coats from the little tot of 3 years to the young miss of II. ANNIVERSARY SALE 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT. Silk Petticoats Taffeta and Mes.salino Silk Petticoats; still many good values left on this rack, only the color line is liol finite so complete. Very special ANNIVERSARY PRICE $3.00 Another line added for this week is a Hue of Plain Messa lines and Dresden Taffetas in black and most, all colore. ANNIVERSARY SALE $4.50 wtf , House Dresses Sneciallv nriced for the Anniversary Sale. New fall patterns and styles, long sleeve and high neck effects, in percales and ginghams. The $1.50 grade ANNIVERSARY SALE $1.25 The $2.25 grade ANNIVERSARY SALE $1.95 Fir jkfr-i Millinery Department Has many beautiful new psittern Hats to show you, that have been turned out from our own workroom the last week. Compare them with other shops' as to'style, workmanship, and last, but not test, as to price. For an Anniversary Special we will choose about twenty good model trimmed Hats from our vast showing and make a very special price. Hats that vou cannot duplicate short of $0.50 to'$7.50, at this ANNIVERSARY SALE $5.00 French Plumes Qur entire line of French Plumes in black and white, a wide rango of sizes, all the best African male stock, ANNIVERSARY SALE ONE QUARTER OFF Umbrellas New Neckwear beautiful Side Frills, new Fichus, Jabots, etc 25e Lo $4.00 &m:- ' u 7 sn 'iff- a The new fall stock of Umbrellas is here. This weather does not remind you much of Umbrellas, but the weather is not far distant t bat will. Prepare for the same from these special anniversary inducements. Our line of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Umbrellas, silk fop, para gon or India frame, new handles, ANNIVERSARY SALE $3.50 One lino of Ladies' 20-inch Umbrellas, good mercerized top, a regular $1.25 number, ANNIVERSARY SALE $1,00 New Waists Many new styles in our vast showing of fall waists. Itomau stripes tire decidedly popular, chiffons over messaliuo, pretty braided chiffon models, all modestly priced. MTU