Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 03, 1911, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    tfel 1
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Twice DtirliiH Past Furtiiltjlit i.'lils
tlos Riivi) Uocii -Mown lo Winn
People Hint Until hail nrokoil
nisrniiaidml when Dam Briila-.
AUSTIN. I'll., Oct. SI.- IWIiiuil
jlilil'IX, it WIIH llUIIIH'll )io Ilillll.V,
Hwnllcil llio luim'xL nl' di'iilli in Hid
I'liMul iliHiiHlur of liixt Siiluriluy.
Twice iliiriiitf llio unl IWIiildit, tl
in Immiml, Job-i-H lihuv llio lunu fito
iiliinn MnIIii to ! ififlil ti out of (licit
Io'iIh llio ic(iii who for iiioiiIIin IiiuI
ilrrnitlml tlio IminliiiiK of lint iIiiiii
which finally ocrwlii'liiicii lln'ii
Tuici' (U'llllKdll ,y UlC IICCtllcnK lllllllll,
tlm lowiiMimiilit IiiiikIiciI iiioI piilil no
liccil only iiwiiki'iiing to tliolr tliui
Kr wlam llio wiill of miter wiih upon
llicin mill itcath iumI ruin vein nil
tilioiit. Hvoii'.Miii llcckitr, llio tele
lilioiic r who iImImM the iicuh, Hi-hI
thoiixhl (hut the jokor went tit work
iitfiiln, lnil on ookiiiK IIiioiikIi her
whitlow kihv (ho wnll of wntur in
1 niulit.
llnrinlH of Ho IhhIIck of thoMo who
Mii'iMimlinl in the floml mnl tiro were
hiKiin At dawn lining. Only n few
lioiliov lire timuKli'il. nioxt of the vie
Jinn Imvluir met ilenlh Itv ilrowtiiiiir.
Our woiiiiin'x lnoly, wilh licml xev
mi nl the chin, mnl nil hifimtV I
will (he hack of the licml lorn off,
yiere hrotiuht to the inoniiie.
Knitifiii price prcvnll, ilerfpilc thrl
fuel thnl food in liuing rtcrvco" free
lo the hoinelofw.
lihorcrw nie 'nrriviiiir conntiinlh'
lo it wil I in elriuiiiR nwny the ile
litl. fttrtunW upon (he roof of the four
"lory ICiumiHiiiu Ltunher ooiiiimiy
hnihtlnx, n live cow wan rexeueil lo
"IrtV. " The Kiiiiiuil had Iiuoii curried n
mile hy lhi flooil to the point whsrn
It wnn foionl.
Mmly lodtly mmreheni lieumi their
work nt N point leu miles down the
vnhVy. It in how IIioiikIiI Unit the
ruiiiM f not he euliiely nenrchcd in
xhle n week nt eitt.
SAN' I'ltANVIKiO. mi. -I'nele
Snui nt lettNl, Iiiik nil (ho cld he
iiwU. one hillioy tlallnrn of it licim;
eolneil.Tho iiiIiiIh will now poin nil
r oulv for the mem went y your.
Governor Alilrlcli of Nebraska, Comon
Out Fl.ilfootcdly fur Wisconsin
Man Says Tail Should 'to Saved
from His Frlwltls.
MNCOI.N, Nell., Onl. ,'l. "I mil loi
lu IVdlclle mnl I don't euro who
kuowH il." in (he hiirdiin of n Iclci ,
ncnl hy Cloveiuoi' (,'lirMm- Ahliich of
Nehi'iinkii to Internal llcvcnmi f'olhe ,
toe lliiiniuonil, nml iiilllliuil toiltn lid
I Ini I'lccnioiil Trlhiiuc, of which pa -1
per Hammond in editor. '
The IcUcr uuiliotlitw tlm xplnt oi
opposition to tlio leiioutiiiatioii (u ,
I'roaiduiit Tnfi whicli in pitivalciit o I
NehriiMku mid mIiowh Hint oven wind '
the chief cMioutivo wiih louring ih-
Mlnle and exehauitiiiK couileioM w.'.l'
il I in in ,1. Hryaii, (hit. oppimllion wa
Ki'iiwiug. The letter wik pulilUhcl
ill reply to it eriticimu of Ahlriuh in
tlm Trillium.
"It In my pei'DOiiul riyl'l lo tup
port l.ilKtillelte, mid he Iiiih a iiht
lo he n candidate for the presidency,"
vvrilCH Aldrlcli. 1 do uol iliiuk i're.
ideut Tnfl( Mhoiild he lo.uoiiiiiiatijd.
Thi" it the t-iilIoii exiNliug rluht
now, e Mill Iiiih mi opporluuily
redeem IiIh parly plcdcM, mnl If he
dosH ha there tuny he no oucnxii.ti
for miolher ciiioliiliito. If lie doe
uo do heller in the future he will not
only not he nominated, Iml if he N
noiiiluuled he will he defeated.
"A iiimi HoiucliineM nufferi fmm
fool frieiulrt mnl it occur to tue lint
il it Iduh lime thai l'roidcut Tnttl
A Hint From Paris
ivm ntu io, h
Hmart rlUbun lint uow,
(HoKohurK Review)
The JWO.OO) loud ikhiio for
pood roioU wiih piiHMcd nt the .Inck
mih county election Snturdiiy by n
limjoiily of 200. in thn.pnHn,i of
lliin hood hniH) .Indcsou otniuty nets
ii precedent ill tlm state n(;iirdiu
tiod romlM eoimtuetioii.
(Hui;eiio Oiianl)
.Jackson corflity voton .,. "(111,000
for uond roiidw, ThatV fairer thuii
depending on u spueinl stWAiou of the
legislature. ,
not determine ienl itoiieM, and Im?v
certainly will not in thin cu."
Mrs. Roosevelt Injured.
OYSTKIl HAY. K. Y., Onl. 2.
Infonnalimi Hint. Mr. Thmulore
Kooevelt Muffeied n (.evare full here
on S.ttur.luv heemiio piihlie today. Il
i iml Ihoiiitlil the i'ohuIu will lir
Hciioii. While Mn. Koowevelt w
riding with Colonel Itooxcvolt and
ii...:.. t ..i.... i iii
""'". """. '"' ""; ' , " ' "'",,' ' rojul- honds retired credit upon thoK
emiMiig her to roll to the pavement., .. .. ,,, ,,, , ,.,,, ,
the election and nlo prove- tlio su-
perior intelliKenoe of the imtjm'i'y
who endorsed thu idea nt the hnllot
(drant-i I'nss Cauriur)
..- U..W..I r. .., e i.j- r.4-...i, I .laekwon nouiily Iikh IimI (lie way I
SIuj-m nml per-onnl iniiiuatioi , , lnvWmi, fiiinlw for Hit- ooimlruo-
tioti ol puulie ingliwayM. I'mler oar
form of government the people are
thu Miuroo of all power and from
their linen. ion nt the liallot Imx tlieie
, is no appeal. II i to he oxpeet"d
that effortH will he made to nullify
; (ho remdt of the election, hut thitte
, oniJt niirelv fail n the xovrciga
1 power of the elector in all nuffieient
to tin ant nice the lioml votetl hy the
majority. Tlio nppropriatiou hy
JitukwHi count v of il,r00,000 good
Is a Brliilit Rural Comedy that Pic
tures Life In 0zar,k 'country in
Every DetailHas a Stfonn Moral
Which Leaves Good Impression.
The Miaxoiiri (Jlrl, which comes to
the .Mcdl'onl r'riihiyvi a hriglil, ru
ral comedy .thiit piclureM life in the
Ozark country in every detail. Il
Inn it Htroiig uforal whicli a I way
IcaviH a good inipiciodon, mid hearx
the proud diminution of having the
cndoihcnu'iit id' nil the leadini: cnt
icH of IhingH theatrical, uk well h of
the pulpit throughout the entire coun
iry. The tmuiedy i clenii, refined
mnl extremely funny, heing the kind
of fun that you are not utdinuicd la
have your inotlier, wife, ninter or
Hweethciirt see.
The cluiraeler of Zeke Dohson in
"The .Minnoiiri (5ir," in one of uuiiitie
conception. Auioltg (he many hit
pcrxoiiittioiiH of lift' ruiiil type of
fered lo the xhow g,oing jmhlie there
are hut a vw limited rnv where
the 111111101 luifi evn'lteinpted to
jKirlray this interentinjf ehnrneter as
ho Ik really een in rent life. The
htage caricature of tha farmer i- m
thoroughly ImpreUHfil m our mindu
that it in almost impossible for uk
to imagine a rural ploy without the
UHiinl imHRHihk' chnracterM, that arc,
in many chuck, a Periuun drawback
to an otherwise good piny.
Zeke i'k a true jortraynl of an linn-
ett. Iirighi, intelligent country hov;
he says and does oply what is uut
itrnl; his dialect and nrlioiiR are hoth
peculiar anil droll. When in the city
ho iiiakcN ludicrous mUtake and 'ii
idea of "city folks" ami the re
marks hit makes about them aro ex
tremely comical, hut at the same
tiine.'tr'ue to life. The Mioiiri C-'Irl
will he seen at the iltdfor-l
Friday, Oetoher 0.
HBATTLK, Wil Oct. .1. A "Jack
tlio Hlnnhor" In (errorlzlng certain
nehlirtrhooil In thl city. Inilniod
a(ijmreiitly with tlio nolo ilelro to
cut and hIiihIi with a. razor, a man an
licared at the homo o.fKd (J, Allen
'at "Iglit. and whon Ahgu answered
the door hell, attemptod to itlaMh him
neroaM thu faco with ur azor. Tito po-
acroHH the face with a razor. The (to
imvt? ooun recoiveo conceniinf; too
'man with llio razor" during tho pfutt
three daK.
Look for the ad that off cnt it to
you, Hccond-hnnd. nt n r;nl onrgaini
Ifanklni for Henltto. "
Stunned hy the hoek, it wait not tin
lil after heiiit; taken home that her
emiHeiouMicirt wim re.tttred.
MnHnn for Heirh
The comity court had tho wis-
dont inonthrt ago to employ a good
roads engineer nifil, n a consiMptcncc.
they are now ready lo undertake
road construction without the neees-f-ity
of breaking in a new mini. The
court HCPius to appreciate the im
portance of doing' work right. Good
niniU people everywhere will rejoice
over the result of the good roads
bond election in Jnek.xon county.
SO uerfu Hear Crcok tiottom, 2t4 ncre;
30 ncr.ji, litur croik bottom mostly, C
r.-jorn nutv hoa, 1250 acrq.
17 ncrn, IS In two-yar-ilil rtj)I anil
Ix-diH, iztiu ncrn: clouts to itioilon.
0 acre. 7 In bearing npplcif. balance
In alfalfa, tCOOO.
It acrf. alfalfa and ptnr, J2T5 acr.
zw acrw, $L an ncre. fln utibillvlslon.
2 aetf.H IVrry iiubOlvlslon, cany tertnn.
IS ar: oIoda In; beautiful .flew; fine
soil; 3350 acre; vry easy terms.
I 1-2 ncrea: bearlns orchard: vrattr
rlclit; Mtore: alio It nun on good pt
turo and hay land: al or trade.
1 1-2 acre, womn )iotu. IC50.
I0 ncrea, 1 1-3 mllea from town In WIN
lnmette valley, rich bottom and up
land, 100 aorea cultivated,, good Irn
provampnts, I12S acre.
Ittcoma property, rentals, 1126 monthly;
tK6 K004 acreage. ,
Nlcu Portland residence tor carden land.
C00 acre nub-dlddvldmlldodtr. finely lo
cated In amall town, take town prop
ISO ucro under dltcli. 35 In alfalfa. 576
Tillable, cn-at anati.
CIO ii erf. 200 In wtirat, 130 per acre;
take nt fa If n or fruit ranch.
Wut'.-rfront nlore btilldlnfr. Incomes irrost
II GOO month, take alfalfa or fruit tract.
CruBcent City property for acreage.
20 acrea, 18 In prara, cioao In tine bclld
Ins atte and view.
ttO-acro atock and alfalfa ranch: ISO
acrea tillable: under ditch; I7J per
ncre: take Income property.
120 acrea raw land; all fine trait land:
take any Rood property. i
SO acres, tillable: S2000; take town prop
erty. 20 acrea, cleared; take residence In
wirla for general houaework.
City and ranch property t Hat.
mom it
vmxfpn nmsm
1 V, I
Rogue River
, Valley
Pair fJroiiiichi, Located nt the Kml of North Central Avenue,
Wednesday, Oct. 4tli
Old Settlers' T3ay
Balloon Ascension
overj afternoon.
Mlaa Tlnn IlroadrIck, the fatnoiis girl neronnut, will open the pro
gram Wcilnendar. t
2:20 Class Trot; 2:20 Class Pace; 3-8 Running Race.
One and one-third fare has been
granted by the railroads
Admission, adults, COc; children 25c; box seats 50c and 75c; In
the grand stand all other seats 25c; bleachers free.
Y. II. CANON, Prtw. GEO. DAVIS, Treas. A. K. WARESec'y.
Officers or tho Southern Oregon District Fair Association aa follows:
J. A. PERRY, Pre. E. T. STAPLES, V.-Pres. J. S. ORTH, Trca.
A. K. WARE, Sec'jr.
w - -"-ttf , rftvt Mau .
l-f 1W -
'''-r1 'Hntt't5
Cash! Cash!
! Cash!
. tsl
Gigantic Genuine
, .
Never in the history of Southern Oregon has Furniture, Rugs, Stoves, Ranges and
House Furnishing Goods been sold at such prices. Think of having, to select from -1
$40,000 Worth of Stock
'? .
See For Yourself
This is the house that made and
, p .
still makes it possible to buy
Furniture in 'Southern Oregon
at reason aple pnees-.more reas
on able now tian ever.
It's Your Opportunity
,artiflSffliBBaBiiaB IIBni11 ' "
Next to Post Office
Cent. Ave. & 6th St.
I- rr,-fr