Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 28, 1911, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Charles C. Felts of Eagle Point Is
visiting the city.
George von der Ilellon came to the
city from Eagle Point yesterday.
Dr. J.' E. Shearer, physician nnd
surgeon. Offico over Strang'B drug
store. tf.
Albort Anderson, of Englo Point
is sponding Tuesday in Mod ford.
Miss Mabel Huff, of Corvnllls, is
in the city visiting friends.
' The monthly meeting the Gradu
ate Nurses' association of Jackson
county will meet on Tueaday evening,
lohrunry 2S, with .Mrs. .). II. Liggett
at 22. South IUvorside avenue. All
graduatos are cordially Invited to at
tend. C. Lake, of Eagle Point arriv
ed in .Med ford this morning.
.tank Merrill or Gold Hill spent
Tuesday in Medford.
.:is your ouso wlred7 Ono cigar
lesi a day would pay for a hundred
per cent lncroaso In comfort. Start
living the electric life. tf.
The "Ruckeye" society, compris
ing former Ohloans, will go to Ash
land on the 10:. 'in o'clock morning
train Wednesday to meet with the
Asliland branch. All former Ohio
ljQnnta tire reiiucHted to Join the ex
qurslon. "Who is your tailor? ".loo" Is my
See R. A. Ilolinoa, Tho luHiirunn'n
Man, Over Jackson County bank, 28f
Superintendent Karrar of the
Rogue Hivr Eloctiic company plant
at, Gold Hay spent Monday In Mod
ford. At the Pish Market, fresh Colum
bia smelt, three pounds for 25c; this
Wituk. Fresh eggs, lific per dozon.
Motslor & Konwortb. 2!3
J. IS. Enyart left Tuesday tiftor
noon for his itoguo river ranch above
Trail, whero he will remain a week.
C. 1C. Hade the contractor accom
panied by' Mrs. Ilado has arrived
from Portland propared to go on
with his many contracts.
II, U. Patterson, 110 H, Main, has
bqiuo nice English I lollies nnd all
kinds of shndo trees. Roses (nil the
bast). Now Js a good time to plant.
Drop in and fico me. tf
A. T. Lundgren, the Illuo Ledge
miner, is mounding a few days visit
lug In .Medford.
. Watch for. tho "Plorco," the
smooth running motorcycle tf
E. J). Williams of Grants Pass was
a Medford visitor Tuosday.
John II. Carkln, attorney at law,
over Jackson County bank.
ISeorge W. Cherry took the after
noon train for Jacksonville today.
John A. Perl spent tho dny In
Juoksonvllle Tuesday.
. Grants Pnun acreago for salo A
snap 12 1-2 acres, the most beauti
ful Mubdhialuu acreage In tho city,
lays high and sightly; good modern
house and other Improvements; on
iiiwln street; all nlearud; close In;
price $10,000; terms. Addiowt P. O.
Ilitx rS0, Grants Pass, Oregon. Rhone
aan it. :too
At the Fish Market, fresh Colum
bin Smelt, three pounds for 'ilie; this
weak ficwh ranch eggs, 2fic per dozen.
MlMlwr A KenworLhy. m
Call phono SilG, 10,12 for baggagu
wagon. -Jfil
Try the new haruar shop; ovory
tiling clean and snulUry; opopalte
P. O.
WefttoukH Council No. 20 will be
Ht heme ou and after Frldity. .March
3, 1011, to all member and visiting
mUiWrs in the Odd Fellows old hall,
uow known us the ISngle hull, corner
MAin nnd Central avenue, third floor.
Iflla J. Shoults, keeper of records.
i hereby give notice that I am
no louder eiuplo.veit on deliver) and
messenger ucrvlcc Fred iluiiucum.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
DAY PILOXlfi 2271
Night 'Plipnes:
F. W. Weoks, 2071
A. E. Orr, 3092.
John A. Perl
Undertaker and Enibalincr
Successor to tho undertaking do
purtmout of Medford Furniture Co.
Office With
Medford Furniture Company
About Unroll 1. Irlvte Am
bulaneo 8orvle. Sick and Injured
conveyed to any part of olty or
TelttfueneB: Day 351.
NihtJ John A. Perl -(111. C.
V. Cllln, 3C01. J. II. Uutlar,
and Local
A notable feature of the produ-- w of the agreement of tho cost
lion of "Silver Threads," the units of the two lines. It Is argued
New Kuglniul pluv winch comes mi ihat "using the Northern Pacific basis
the Jlcdiord theatre tmii-ilit i tin- for illustration It would cost to move
fuel that the entire cast i the idea- one ton of loss, than carload shipments
tieal one which created the parts -n from Portland to Medford tho sum
its firm preentntion. When the coin- of $11.00 and one ton of carload
puny' organized in New York shliMnent the siuu of $1.55, or a dlf
tlieiv was mi exceptional I urge field ference of nine dollars and fifty four
of talent to choose from which was cents which would be 17. -1 cents per
well looked over and each individ- hundred pounds." The subject Is
unl selected by the author to fill further illuminated by citing the dif
liis views nnd requirements. Ah is' ferentials fixed by the interstate com
tlie custom with now production .i merre commission in its proposed
fine company i engaged to create commodity rates from eas'ern lerrl
roliw and cfduliliMi a play witli the tory to the Intermountaln sections
public nnd after achieving this in- which aie the same as now published
fcrior talent arc engaged to replace by the railroads In their transcontln
llic higher pi iced people, thereby jjiv- ental larirr, the range of this differ
ing to Iho theatregoer nu inl'ori-.r cntlnl being from fit) cents the liun
euterlainiiient. died to over $1.00.
Willi "Silver Thread" this ititinl ' Spread is- Defied.
eiihlom has nol been I'nllowed and hi connection with tho commodity
I lie iiiiiiiiiueiiient bus been most i'o--
tunate in retaining afl of the l,rigi--f )ier sjiread that should obtain betweonj mid Is not confirmed to the ron
i,i " Ichs carload shlnmentH Hie brief reads i trol of the article." It Is further
' ' ' .i . .
On account of (he fuel Mint a num-
bcr of the members wish to attend
a performance at n local theatre thi
evening, the Medio rd Choral soeiety!
hits postponed its regular Hireling.
noglnnlng April 1st, 1911, the
union scnlo for painters will be $4
per day. On that dato the Initiation
reo into local union, No. Cl.t, Ilro
therhood of Painters &. Decorators of
America, will bo rained.
Tho union meets every Thursday
night at & p. in. In Angle hall.
J 05 North itartlctt St. 310 '
Phono, Ml J- Ashland, Oregon.
Mc-ncnctnTi? rpcnnr'Tn
(Cnntlauvil from Vnin 1.)
ailiulnistration thereof "iiiurI cognize
the principle of equal rights and the
decree must abate and remove privi
leges wherever such privileges are re
served for the enjoyment nnd happi
ness of any part or the state's citizen
ship (o the exclusion or any citizen
or community entitled to the same
measure of enjoyment and happi
ness." Inequality lu Taiil'I's.
The Inequality between the Port
laud tariff and the .Medford distance
tariff Is dlscimseil nnd Illustrated. The
Portland tariff having been revised
by the commission It Is said of this
i (-vision that the "order establishing
a lawful method of class percentages
likewise condemns any and all other
tnrifls of like rates published by tlu ,
wui nern ramie (.ciuipany lor use on ,
Itf lluoii within the state of Oregon.!
and to the extent that such tarlfl'sl
differ trom the uniform percentages , wh(,u , SlMltnm, ,,n,.m,. eompany
adopted uud iiiiiliorlRuil lu the Port- ,., ,. ln,i,)nt,(i tno i.ilof as
laud tariff the.v come under the same H ,nrr,,rllc between "assets and lla
cc.iiileniuatlon and aie subject to the i,,, ,u no, fmm operation." and
same adjustment tu the Portland tar- ,,,ou ,.,, alu.atlon to an ltmu of
Iff, otherwise a dual syuteiu of per- $a,.tS(U;iS, eharged as a liability
cent anes ot lasses comes Into use
witli unequal rights among the eitl
miih accordingly hs they may reside
hi the city of Portland or In the city
if Medford. and this Inequality will
oe one mi an act. oi a inuuuai cunhkii i
el' ami suatutned by a couatltutlon
vio-' corner stone la equal ilglits to
(He entire cltUeiishlp under ita poll-
".al control uml protctiuu."
Till it fs I'm- Distance.
The comuilsslon made rates out of
I'm tliiml ;ire used ah a basis for the
i-.Hi out f .Medio ill, but In view of
Ik- Ir.t'iiii iii make up of the South-
.-u Piiiiii Coitipuu.v' .srKfi. a prln-
.-lid.- i.m a 1 1. per itru Ivulou of rate,
i mileuge Ih aoiiKlit hIoiik the line of
h g.-neiHl law KOvernluR railway aei-
vl.v Kxpreastd In simple !
uuge this law is that ralea do not
Increase In rvuU with the aMUi de-
" r li'W with the mileage.
I'he rtoutheru Pacific tarifl not ho
(onsinnietf tberelore a cbailge ta dp-
iied to coiiioriii to ihe regiiUtioii
i-iimi uu- iiisiance rates.
s a .rope basla for fUiim rates
Hie Southern l'uelflc ih tnUuii on lh
Vh. wiu'i-M Hi own nvHIene and urgM-
ni.iii is used Iii a iae liefor. the fed- dr. ult court of lh dlatrlcl of
N. vuda wli.-H. detailed cost of op- Ion was shown as a basis upon
wbl.h tales should be fUed ao as not
to conflscite the property of the rail-
r ad In r.-Rard to this matter the
brlef reads The Seger affidavit al-
so reveals the inner or public-hidden
UiniiKlit pioceases by which tha rail-
io.uI business u conduited In that
a. roaming la made to determlno the
averuge ton mile coat of freight traf-
fie no u minimum for the fUtnn of
rates in refutation of the oft repeated
statements to the contrary of wit-
ueaaee in rato hearings and for the
education ot lh public " Tko UMt-
ter ! dtaruaaed e.vhauatlrWy and awaa
of ihe com unltM tia uaed by the rail-
road nro shown to correspond exactly,
with the cost units as found by the
railroad commission of Washington'
ns applying on the Northern Pacific
railway. ' ""d dlspcsed of as nothingness. Llke-
Flgun's are Quoted. wise the competitive theory as a basis
Taking up the subject at this point (for legal rate making Is rapped into
It is determined that the difference j limensjblllty. Of this theory it is
In the cost of moving less carload asserted "A common carrier cannot
shipments to carload shipments Is 7jbe made by law to serve one class of
to 1 on the Northern Pacific and it Is , people or one section of the state
n-uhMied that the same conditions more favorably than another class or
mint exist on the Southern Pacific in section although mutual advantages
carload rates prayed for and the pro-
"To illustrate this point n few Items
will be taken from the petition, nsuu-
'')y. corf to? roasted, rate prayed for
.'JTi cents, plus differential or 17 cents
would nuiko less than carload rute
k2 cents as attalnsl the prosont rate
0f 71 cents, or 11 ceuts in favor of, able for the transportation of such
the less than carload shipment; nnils, (articles from Portland to Medford?"
rate prayed for 1(0 cents, plus-differ-
entlal or 17 cents, less carload rato
should be 77 cents, present rate 71 j
cents." It Is thus seen at u glance!
that tho contention of tho Portland
Intervener Is absolutely without merit
to maintain tho present parity be
tween carload and less cnrload rales.
It Ib shown from an affidavit of tho
I Southern Pacific company, used In an
j Interstate Medford case that there has
been no deficit In tho operation of
' U. c. It. u.. or me uregon mileage
lm' lss7-,,nt lll!lt lll(' 10HH revenue
Increased t."00 jier cent and the net
..,.,, ic tnn n,. ,.ni,t i tiii m.ri.iii
. . . . ..
Discrepancies in Flguivs,
Discrepancies In the sworn figures
as furnished the railroad commission
under oath and those used in an affi
davit In the federal court, both pur
porting to show the results from op
eration for tho same period, are point
ed out. Tho attorney says, "These
figures will have to witness for them
selves and In view of the fact that
they disagree In reciting results in the
operation of the same mileage of Hue
the couclusjon Is that both cannot be
i The landlord and tenant scheme of
I capitalization Is exposed of bow
money is shifted back and forth in a
book keeping process of which the
brier says. "It Is shown that large
sums are exchanged through the les
sor and the lessee plan whereby
money Is loaned uud Interest paid by
Bllll,,y Ulklll lt 0llt of ,, pocket
..., ......i..., ... ,.., o.w.thor in the
same pair of trousers worn by the
same Individual.'" The deficits about
aiuilust the O. .t C. R. R. Co.. with
the comment that "to owe the South
ern Pacific is merely to owe Itself,
but through sm-h a method the com
pany Is enabled to collect tolls with
x ttloh to pav Interest
i)f n, ,Ilrncter."
ou liabilities
Iteiiulll (o ("airier ANo.
It Is stated ihgi by a change lu the
method of- transportation from less
carload to carloads of the truffle now
moving from Portland to .Medford
that the Southern Pacific company
will enjoy it larger profit under the
rates j i rayed, for than Ht the present
less carload rates. On this point It
,H Ul.u.ft,,j tillU , enrorce inl econo-
mU.4l, ini.hlHj of traMporlHtluii Is. In-
iet.Ui R benefaction both to the car-
iler uud the coinnuinlty as the redue-
,u, , ,ht, ratr HolW .u.trlbuted
, ,u U,luiftte purchaser and the
Mn.r relieved ot ihe'nnwout cmumi-
,,1v,. ,ilstrlbuttou from porllHiul."' i
rhm Him i.uiii.timi in mt. .iH
Ul tho conaumer extracta from uu e.-
nn,i, introilucwtl lu the 1 I' C case!
heaid at Medford. February 10th la
eonnecilon with Wltneaa Welch's tc-
umouy Kvnir th reductions made In
his prices which eorreapoud to the re-
ducilon in freight rates from Port-
nnd ,,hllshoi on Kebrnary Kth are
incorporated lu the brief, with the
comment that "the teatimony ot Wit-
m-ss Welch la raaiarkabl la thut
priHir U established thai rate redue-
i ions are iiumedlately reflecteil in the
retail price to the cansiimer the pnr-
chusliiK power of whose dollar In-
cream's proportionately to ihe rate
rMpmnlled System lu Roguc.
u jg recited that the Oregon avatem
uf dlatrlbutlon la unparalleled In Ihe
following wer4a: 'The long diatanre
gutributtuu Ittm ISM-ttantl to the
aouthrn a aaatra boaadaihta of
the auta, approxUuateU- 100 wiioa. I
without parallel In the 1'nlte.l State
and the condition Is extremely nb-!
Tim population theory advanced by
the defendant Is threshed Into chaff !
might accrue to both the carrier and
the section favored, but the law does
Intervene to restrain discrimination,
remove It and equalize all practices
to all the jieople."
Origin .Vol an Issue.
The defendant have denied the
jurisdiction of the commission to es
tablish commodity rates on the artic
les named In the complaint on the
ground that they are not all manufac
tured within the state of Oregon.
While this is a matter for tho coniinls
slon to determine yet tho subject is
discussed In which it is pointed out
that In the matter of fixing Interest
rate by law that the law does not
define between foreign money- and
local stale itiuuuy. and whether for
eign or local It Is subject to the same
law and that tho same thing Is true
with regard to goods and it Is as
serted that "'the Jurisdiction of the
cimmlsHlon extends to the carrier
reasoned that In the matter of the
commodity rates from Portland to
Medford It Is not a question with this
commission of the origin of the ar
ticles upon which rates are asked, but
the question Is are the rates reason
Privileged Kates Excuse,
In the matter of privileged rales
some excuse is found for tho traffic
official who is tempted by business to
extend favors and lt Is said of him
that ho "Is aided and coerced Into the
commission of a preference by self-
seeking commercial establishments
who barter for the control of distri
bution territory with their patron
age. Thus Inprotected communities
In tho past have been sold Into com
mercial bondage and become tribute
payers to these commercial pirates.
With the progress of the nation jus
tice and equity begnn to plead the
'ause of the transportation oppressed
for the abolition of the preferential
rate. No longer ablo to control In
seciot and triumph In wrong, but in
tho fight to perpetuate Its privileges,
commercial avarice appears In opposi
tion to Justice nnd equity In tho name
r,f Intervention with Its many formed
Intervention 1 defined as having
been distorted from Its original pur
pose and that lt is a matter of cus
tom rather than of law. Portland's
Intervention against Medford is flay
ed and is likened to "shifting sands,
for no sooner was n reason set up and
adverse winds began to blow upon It,
It disappeared to reappear In another
ulaco and finally In a written form
hs being for and against cause of
nlaintlff and thereby a petition di
vided against Itself which cannot ,
stand." lt Is charged that "the wholi
mil only purpose of the petition In
Intervention Is to prevent any read-)
lustnient of the presen) rate struc-1
Hires of the Southern Pacific com
pany." The matter of intervention Is
summarized as there belni; no statu
tory provision made for Intei ventlon.
thut It Is amendatory of the complaint
r pluliititf: that It does nut complain
l' rales or defendant; that It Is a
-oiuplalul against the plaintiff: that
It seeks to defeat tho law providing
for court review lu tho mntter of sub
stitution of rates; and tbnt "any one
if these points Is sufficient to debar 1
It from consideration lv this tilbunnl.
nnd all unite as a solid guaul to deny
idmissinn to the halls of Justice ot
It la stvtd that there are certain
springs in Kjiope that give relief nd
euro to lictenm uud othrr sklu dis
eases. If you knew that by washing
in those waters you could be relieved
fiom that awful itch, wouldn't you
make every effort to take a trip to
Europe at once? Would yon not be
willing to spend your last tout to And'
the cure-'
Rut you need not lriive home for
these distant springs Relief U rliht
here in your own home town!
A simple wash of Oil of "Wlttter-
itpkii Tlivmnl and other lutredtenta
ni coinpouudecl only In D D. D. Pr- X
acription win uring inacnui reuci u
that terrible burning Itch, uU leave
tho sklu as smooth and utalthy m
that of a child
If you have not already tried It, Get
at leait R '-'-' cent bottle today. We a
line you of ItiMnut relief.
Near IMsJ Office
r X
We catr a very complete
Rue of draperies, lace curtains,
fixture, etc , uud do all clauses
of upholstering. A special man
to look after this work exclu
sively and will give as good
service as is possible to get lu
oven the 1uiget cities.
Weeks & McGowan Co
this olmoxlouB obstructor of equal
rights. The proper place for the peti
tion in Intel ventlon i3 the waste has
ket to which resceptacle it should be
speedily consigned.
Itasls for Toll fiiitliering.
Of capitalization Is staled, while "It
Is not ossentlal as a basis for rate
making, it Is employed by carriers as
it basis for toll gathering for divi
dends computed on it." The capitali
zation of Southern Pacific is "based
on leases on property owned by Its In
corporators. hcncf, Is fictitious as to
earning rights." ' The $22,970,000
of dividends disbursed to Southern
Pacific stockholders In 1010 was in
excess of "enormous rentals paid up
on the leases, such rentals being in
reality dividends upon the capital
stock of the leased properties; there
fore; double dividends are being paid
by the scheme of landlord and tenant
companies for which a transportation
tax Is assessed."
The Oregon & California Railroad
coinpnm, Oregon milengo of tho
Southern Pacific company, for 1909
earned a net operating revenue on the
commibHion h estimated cost of re
...,tr.ii,.,, ,.r in'! ...... ,.,.,.f i c.,.1
ii wiiuviiuii wi io.ii pi,i v,i in nun iwi
1910 i:2.1 per cent. After calling at
tention to those fucts the brief says:
"The patrons of the road are being
milked by the leashold device."
Along l-'e-islble Lines.
In conclusion ic is recited that "the
plaintiff has presented its cause along
the only lines feasible, and on siu-h
lines as are approved and adopted by
the interstate commerce' commission
and usually followed by rate tri
bunals." "The defendant was -given every ad
vantage and opportunity to controvert
the testimony of plaintiff "but the ab
lest effort of defendant was a resul
tory argument principally of a
statistician." It Is rehearsed that af
'or plaintiff put in its testimony "the
defendant wns granted an adjourn
ment without the submission of any
testimony to give defendant oppor-
tunlty to analyze the exhibits present
ed by plaintiff. This wns certainly
liberal trcatmont accorded defendant
and a distinct advantage. Considering
Mint after this opportunity of analyz
ing the exhibits of plaintiff tho defen
dant made no rebuttal of the facts
ind data of which the exhibits were
composed tho force of the argument
Is on the side of plaintiff that every
point It raised is sustained and proven
by the testimony and evidence sub
mitted. The foregoing Is but a very brief
epitomo of tho points covered but It
serves to show the breadth of thought
necessary to compass the subject of rt
proper presentation of rate cases and
It indicates how the whole transpor
tation ground hns been well covered
In the -Aledford cases fought, as they
have been, by the railroad and th.
Poll land chamber commerce.
M,!'dB. P.
Are Groins to
tVe medford theatre
MarcSs 7th and 8th
A. C. Rurgoss
Kil. Andrevva
Prank Hinges
Jack O'Hrlen
Mih Qiilcentiurv
iicl the best eiiM'uible iver on a Medloiil Stage.
Special Scenery - -Magnificent Costumes.
POPULAR PRICES- 50c, $1.00, S1.50.
Seats on Sale Saturday, March 4th.
Campbell &
Money on hand at all times to
and fruit
w 4Tr -
Choicest dairy and alfalfa preposition in the state. located on the
main line of the Souiheiu Pacific railroad, between Sacramento and
San Kraaciaco.
Write Ug (or lttformattoa
t -f f
--- '
HIOlICIfOFT residences arc soiling
daily; make your selection before
choicc lots are sold.
FOR SALE llorfcet. '2 span 11200
Ib. ."i-yeiir-old horses; 1 span 1U00-,
Hi. o-ycar-old-hors-es. Y. A. Dun
Inn. Talent. Or. 2!)(i !
WANTED Woman for general (
housework, family of two in coun
try. Apply Nuh hotel, room ill, 8
to I) p. in.Tuc.diiy, or S:30 to D.3U
a. m., Wednesday. tf '
WANTED Foreman to 'lake cliunre
of .'10-acrc bearing pear orchard
Must' thoroughly understand hand-,
ling pear trees. Apply Nash ho-i
lei, S to !) p. m. Tuesday, or S::J0J
to D Wednesday morning. tf
V'OR-SAIiK A high class residence;
lot for sale on Kltli street, just nit
Oakdale. Lot ,70x170 feet with wa
ter and hewer, paid in full. H. S.
'fumy. 201 Oarnetl-Core.v build-
( -
FOR SALF. Columbus Avenue addi
tion, located at Second street and
Columbus avenue, good residence
loth on Second street, winch will; J
be paved this summer, at .f :J7,.00.
Inside lots -it .f:i2.").0O with wiite:$
undsewer in on every lot; $1001
iImii'ii .iti.l -&10 .1 111, mill f'fit,wi Z
..v.... ...... .,-i .1 1. ......... v .,..., . ....... .
i:. s.
'fumy, 201
Gurnet t -Corey
rOK .oALK A neat well arrangedij
0-room modern liome just off W.
Jfain, J'ueing a. imved street. Fire-1
place, bed rooms upstair.-, bath, etc., -5
a bargain at &I000. Kay teims '
desired. 1). S. Tinny, 201 Ciiirnelt-'!
Corey bids'.
WANTED To buy at once, roll topj
desk, jood one. An-vver at once. -5
Uox 70, Mail Tribune. 202 ' 5
FOR SALF. White Orpington eg--for I'emliro orchard.
Phone 0102. l)2
Iii the Interest of cloanliness a
"bottomless" milk bottle has been
Invented a glass tube with paraffined
paper caps at each end.
Ilaskins for Health.
L;iro and Small Tracts
212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg
G-ive a Real Show.
K. Udvvards
F. QuUenbtiry
Mrs. lageliigg
loan on improved ranches
7o sorm
Private or class logons In oil, wa
ter color or tapestry. Orders taken.
Where io Go
ligli-t lass
Vaudeville and
"Moving IMctui-'s
Doors open at
7: (10 P. M.
A very clever little playlet in
wliloh Miss Mullery renders four
character changeT songs, opening
in white and closing in black.
moving pirrruKs
Latest and best subjects.
' &'
"t. -
Z ..... . .... . fc
1 7 (f.C.,'n L'.n lie i-o 'i.i urn I h. v
atcr. Licensed Photo-1
plays. ;
One nime No More One Dime.
ve -r
Complete change of progriinj
Only tho best and latest films X
Iiow-n. I
Admission !0c. I
The Dancer and the Voider.
Singing Talking Dancing
Thioughout the eastern cities Mr!?
Ford has the reputation of being S
one of tlie greatest dancers on the 2
American stage.
.Singing and Talking I
Direct from Pantages Circuit.
(Nuff Scd) ,
-s--rs---ss ,.
r- v-m w 0- s-y r--s
j X
Roller Skating, ilovviing, Peel, J
1 IlllliardK, Rigle Shooting and Tub
X ami SbovveC Ruths foe ladles anil
2 gentlemen. 4
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IN AT Tilt:
"Nat" Confectionery
ici: riiicAjj, soft drniics,
A light, pleasant room, op'-n
from . a. m to niiduight.
I.. M. ORAMILS, Proprietor X
Old ciist (liners send nic
your address.
Now Premiums, New Ser
vice, Xew Ajijeut.
lu the same old stand
ard goods.
no tripp si ri:i:t
Offutt Ronies
Auto Co.
Workmanship Guaranteed.
PnONK MAIN 9231.
Coruar CantmJ Avt. aa 8tb St
IMloti, Or.
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